OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1921. NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence from All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscription Will Receive Prompt Attention. Beaver Creek Will Build Play House BEAVER CREEK, June 27. At the annual school meeting held June 20 it was decided to build a play shed for the children with the proceeds from the recent drama and backet social. Mr. Salstrand and August Bluhm were elected director and clerk, respective ly. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosier and little nephew, Ivan Thomas, returned las week from an enjoyable trip to South ern Oregon and Shasta Springs, Gal, Miss Kathleen Scott of Portland vis ited at the home of Root. Vorphal few days last week. Miss Scott has taught the Henrici school the past two terms. A crowd of young people surprised the Misses Gladys and Irene Makinster at their home Thursday evening of last week. They spent the evening in danc ing and playing games . Thirty-nine were present. The members of the Farmers Union local and their families' met in the Central hall for a social time last Sat' urday evening. Ice cream and cake were served. As Chris Richter and family were out driving Sunday afternoon the bi: came out of one horse's mouth, caus ing the team to get frightened and run away. Mr. Richter managed to hold them in the road until they were final ly stopped at Steve Londergan'st No one was hurt. Jack "Watts and Guy Woodard put up a desperate but los ing race with the running horses. A surprise was) given Tom Davis at the home of C. E. Spence Saturday evening when a crowd of neighbors came in to play cards. Pedro, five hundred, and flinch were the games of the evening,' and ice cream and cake were enjoyed. Mrs. L. E. Jones is visiting Mrs. Steve Londerigan and other relatives here. Mrs. Jones is on her way from Idaho to meet her husband in Califor- There was a card party at the home Auto Accident Case Won by Defendant (Too late for last week.) ESTACADA. June 9.4 IVTnsEre Mqr The next tin E and Ray Holgate have bought Pesnecker garage and Harding, Stewart, Allen, Hendrixson, Sterns, Spees, Bernetz, Misses Jessio Bonney, Dortha Stewart, Little Edna Bonney, Anna Margaret Stewart, Bes sie Hendrixson of Oregon City; Eva Clossner, Josephine, Marion and Mar guerite Spees, Marion Sterns and Miss Anna. H in die, of Canada. meeting will be July t at miss xuu.v;out tae s p Bernetz. repair shop. Jack Hindle, who has been visiting j Mr and Mrs E gpark3 drove t0 in England for several months stopped , Portland Monday. They were accoai at Toronto Canada on his way home panied by Mra p g Wagner otia Wagner and Clyde Ecker. All return- and brousht his sister. Miss Anna Hindle home with him. ed the same day. Mrs. Harding of California is visiting I Mr and Mrs Wm Dale have gQne her sister, Mrs. Ella Allen. I to Eastern Oregon on a week's vaca- Little Gene Sterns is visdting her tiori trip, to visit their son Maculy. sister at Gladstone this weak. j They went with their neice and her Mrs. Tony Bernetz is home from the , husband, Mr. and Mrs. A V. Miller three operations performed. Mr. and J in their Essex car O. E. Smith is look Mrs Bernertz will leave for Virginia j ing after Dale's store. in about three weeks. Mrs. Bernetz Mr. and Mrs Robert L. Smith and was a Virginia erirl and they will prob- ' babies left TiiPKnv fnr Pnrllaml ably make their home in that state. j where they took the train that night A school meeting was held June 20. , for their home at Colton, California. has four. The paper will be a six column folio. At the annual school meeting held at the high school last night, Ir. U. Morse was reelected director for the term of four years and George Weath- erby was elected director in the place of W. R- Woodworth, resigned. Mrs. Myrtle Belfils was elected clerk. There was a large attendance at this meeting. Warren Barr, who has a position in the Portland postoffice, was in Estaca- da Monday night. Among those who attended Grand Chapter, O. E. S., in Portland last week were Mrs. S J. Sturgeon, Miss Maude Sturgeon. Mrs. J. W. Reed and the Worthy Matron from this Chapter, Mrs. Chast Norris. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Greenwood of Bull Run and Mrs. A. Drill of Portland were here Tuesday night to attend a meeting of the O. E. S. Officers Elected By Community Club ESTACADA. June 30. Miss Lelia Howe left Sunday morning for Mon- aiouth where she will attend the sum mer normal. Her mother, Mrs. C. F. Howe, accompanied her to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bronson, who have been visiting his parents here for some time, left Saturday for Portland where Bronsxra will again engage in the con iectionery and delicatessen business, taking back tne place which he former ly managed. . Miss Enola Oakley, of Seattle, ar rived Saturday for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. J W. Reed. "Bob" Morton,- of basket ball fame, was here from Portland Saturday and Sunday visiting his mother, Mrs. W. J. Moore. He was accompanied by Miss The meeting of the Eastern StarjWycoff. Tuesday night, was . an enjoyable af- fall. There were two candidates for intitiation, Mr and Mrs. G. A. Lawrence of Springwater. After the meeting proper was concluded, games were played and light refreshments were served. Dr. R. G McCall took Mrs. Sam Barr Mrs. W. J. Syms and little son, went to Portland Saturday morning to spend the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shibley and chil dren drove to Portland Saturday eve ning and visited relatives until Sun day evening. Albert Hannah is now employed in Mrs Clara Allen was re-elected for clerk and Mrs. B H. Stewart was elected to take H. A. Allen's place. Miss Melvina Sprague who has bet n quite sick in Oregon City is at her pareDts home Mr .and Mrs. Frank Sprague. Newsy Briefs From Hazelia Section (Too late for last week.) HAZELIA, June 21. Some of our Stafford neighbors are flying high these days we saw them disappear about the clouds Sunday and do many daring stunts while trying out a new plane owned by the Robbick Bros. J Eastman is seen driving a new Ford this week. Duncan Christiansen Jr. was the only graduate from Hazelia school He expects to enter West Linn freshman class. Garton Eastman, a graduate from Oswego school had one of the best of Ab Thomas Saturday evening. Five J exhibits in his manual training class. handed pedro was played and enjoyed themselves. Mr. and Mrs. John Schram and daughter, Miss Eva Schram, motored to Gresham last Sunday, reaching there just in time to take part in a big picnic dinner with relatives and old friends The crowd promised to make Beaver Creek the scene of one of their picnics in the near future. ' George Havill & Co. are planning to have fireworks and ice cream on Sat urday night, July 2. Guy Woodard has invested in a Dodge. L. Welsh- has sold his team and bought an auto truck He is hauling wood at present. The Beaver Creek baseball team played the Hungry Nine of Oregon City on the home diamond last Sun day. It was a closely contested game, but our boys finally lost. The score stool 10 to 7. Dr. Enna Gives Fine Concert at Kelso KELSO, June 29 The concert given by Dr. Emil Enna, pianist of Portland, Saturday evening was unan imously pronounced the best entertain, meat, ever given at Kelso. He played, mainly American compositions, includ ing some of his own. He was assisted by Miss Coakley, soprano soloist and Mr. Reed, who by her inimitable im personations won the hearts of all. Ail were true artists in their particular line. A full house was in attendance. The entertainment was given under His class put on a very successful play and musical at Oswego Thursday eve ning. Arthur Fiala has been seriously ill at his home having had a relapse ot mumps. The D. Christiansen family enter tained guests for the week end from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Morgan and daughter and J. L. Morgan and family, of Park Rose. Lena Lehman is home from a suc cessful year's work in the freshman class of Washington high school. Miss Mary Wilson left for the Mon mouth State Normal Saturday noon to participate in the graduating exercises She being a member of the class she will appear also as soloist. Miss Wil son was president of the Choral Club this year at the .Normal. The school meeting held Monday evening resulted in Dave Long being retained as clerk and Richard Zivney being elected as our new director. Lower Logan School Elects Directors (Too late for last week.) LOGAN, June 21 A. Rasmussen is to go to Gresham to work for the Ford people at that place, so we are m formed. Mr. and Mrs. James Griffith attend ed the Pioneer re-union in Portland last week and visited their grand- ! daughter at Vancouver, Wash. At the recent school election in dis- the auspices of the Kelso Ladies' Club. Nq LogaQ H KoM wag missaroime u - elected directo Jessie M. elected principle of the scnool for tje N L KiT(liei . . .-. ........ .1 lA S 1 1 1. I I.I I ! I 1 1 TT1 I'l 'I ' I primary teacher. The Misses Elizabeth, Margaret and Angela Canning are spending their va cation at their home here. The Ladies Club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs Joel Jarl. A pleas ant afternoon and a strawberry feast were much enjoyed. Mr and Mrs. Irons of Portland spent a few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dahl. Mr. and Mrs. Oby from Newberg have taken possession of the place they recently purchased from George Harrison. Dr. Sture and family, the Henry Perret family and Mrs. George Perret attended the Enna concert at Kelso Saturday night, also Mrs. M. Lennartz and daughter, Anna, of Pleasant Heme. Redland News REDLAND, June 27. The Ladies Live Wires met at the home of Mrs. Joe Spees June 23 The affair was in the form of a stork shower. A num ber of pretty and useful presents were received. The ladies served for the hostess in the afternoon after which new officers! for the next six months were elected. The Live Wires were organized six months ago and feel that they have lived up to their motto, "Service." The next six months they hope to make still more profitable Three new members were admitted. Those present were Mesdames Neville, Armstrong, Bonney, Bray, Clossner, Fred Kirchem was elected president, of the Parent-Teach er organization and Mrs Frederick as secretary and treasurer. Miss Margaret Hutchins, one of the recent graduates of Oregon City high school, has been engaged to teach the primary grades of the Rock Creek school. Mr. and Mrs. J. Boss motored to Vancouver recenty. Mrs. T. E. Anderson is entertaining her cousin and family, who recently ar rived from the East. A few cases of whooping cough are reported here. Sunday last N. L. Kirchem and fam ily, W. P. Kirchem, wife and daughter, accompanied by Grandpa and Grand ma Robbins went to Hood River and were joined there by Mr. and Mrst. M. C. Ward and family of The Dalles, where a picnic dinner in the auto park was much enjoyed by all Portland-Carver-Logan-Damascus Daily Stage EXTRA TRIPS Lv. Portland Venable Hotel, Third and Main Streets: 8:00 a. m. 12:00 m. 5:00 p. m. Lv. Logan 9:15 a. m. 1:15, 6:15 p. m. Lv. Carver 9:30 a. m. 1:30, 6:30 p. m. Damascus service on request by phone Phones Auto 56-186 and Carver Store (Redland Phone) DAMASCUS, June 27. An auto bU3 service has been established between Portland, Damacus, Carver and Logan. The bus has a regular schedule to Car ver and makes trips to and from when called by phone at Carver or Portland at the waiting station, Venable hotel, Third and Main streets. Mrs G- Wolfhaigen left for Portlapd Wednesday, where she will visit with friends for a few days. Miss Marguerite Twohy is home from Hoquiam, Wash., where she has been teaching high school. RECITAL AT BEACON HEIGHTS BEACON HEIGHTS, June 28. The recital of piano students of Gladys Herman took place at the Beacon Heights Hall Saturday, June 18, and a large audience greeted the perform ers, all of whom made a spelndid showing. Those who appeared on the program were Rena Moehnke, ( Vera Holmes, Isabelle Vohs, Vesta Moehnke. Carl Steiner, Irmallee Moehnke, De Etta Shaw, Mary Snodgrass, Vada Bluhm, Mrs. A. Stab en, Otto Moehnka, and Edward VohSL Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Mrs. Smith's parents, drove them over to Portland. The contract for the paving of Broadway street to the railroad track, was awarded to Junes & Kitching and wort was started last Friday. The officers and book committee of the Library Association, had a meet ing at the library last Friday after noon, to get the past years business straightened up before the meeting July 1, when new officers are to be elected. Among other items of busi ness ,the book committee made a se lection of quite an invoice of new books for the library, which will be held soon. In the case of Ray Holgate vs. Lo gan, in which Holgate had Logan ar rested fo rthe cause of the accident when Holgate's. machine turned over off a grade of a few days ago, and Holgate had some ribs broken and otherwise injured, the defendant was cleared from all responsibility for the accident The case was tried before Justice Wooster with a jury trial. The prosecution was conducted by E. W. Bartlett and the defense by B. A. Ewers of Portland. Mrs. Tom Morton arrived from Cal ifornia last Thursday and will visit here with Mrs. Morton'a mother, Mrs. W. J. Moore, until fall. The funeral of A. J. Tucker, who died at his home at Bend, Oregon, after a short illness, was held at The Odd Fellows from this place at tended the funeral in a body. The interment was made in the Spring water cemetery. . H. J. Carter sold his pool hall and confectionery to C. N. Willard, who has taken charge. Mr. and Mrs. Car ter have moved onto a farm near Van couver; Washington. Charles Dubois returned from Port land Sunday where he had been visit ing his sister for several days. Chester Womer and Carl Kimmel are home from O. A. C. Womer grad uated from the department of Com merce. ' B. H Finch and family left Estacada Saturday for Portland where they wili visit relatives for a short time, then will proceed to California where they will make their home, The Finches have resided here for a number of years, where Mr. Finch vast in the hardware business. He sold out a short time ago. George Kelly and Andy Richmond o fthe P. R. & P. Co., came over from Portland Friday night and Saturday morning in company with W- V. Cary of this place, hied away to the moun tains They expected - to go as far as Gary's Hot Springs beforr returning and will fish and camp during the time. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Smedley, ot Portland, accompanied by their daugh ter, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shibley last Sunday. Mrs. Shibley is their daughter. J. C. Hillman, who was a resident of this place for a number of years, having been proprietor of the City Meat Market, going from here to a farm at Springwater, has traded his farm for a fruit ranch near Varcouver, Wash. W. F. Cary got the contract to fur- nish tiie Estacada schol district with a hundred cords of wood. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Harper and chil dren arrived the latter part of last week from Benton County, Wash., to visit his mother at this place. The family came in an automobile and will visit in Portland before returning hODIA Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eschleman vis ited Portland last Saturday. The annual meeting of the Library Association will take place July 1st. at the library in the afternoon at 2 o'clock. There will be election of of ficers among other business affairs to attend to concerning the library. No clew has developed as to who the robbers were who broke into the R. G. March-bank confectionery and restaurant and the City Meat Market !ast Thursday nighfand stole a large amount of cigars and some money at Marchbank's and about $15 in change at the Meat Market. Other places of business were also broken into and Ely's eitore was tried, but no entrance made A family lives in part of the building and it is supposed that the robbers were afraid to make any noise Mrs. B. O. Sarver returned Sunday from Portland where she had been tak ing care of her daughter's baby, while she was convalescing from an opera tion at Sellwood hospital. Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Scott and two daughters and Dr. and Mrs. Sharp and two children were Estacada visitors from Portland last Sunday, beimg the guests of Mr .and Mrs. H. C. Stephens. Homer Shock, of New York, spent two days with hisi aunt, Mrs. Margaret Shock, ast week. Next week The Eastern Clackams News at this place, will install a new Vaugh Acma cylinder press, which will give Mr. Gibbs more space and only two runs on the paper where he now to the Seilwood hospital in Portland- the post office, Ben Rawlins having Vnnrlav where she was one rated UDOll I resigned for acute appendicitis Her condition is satisfactory. Mrs. Andrew Richmand, of Portland, visited her daughter, Mrs. Burt Moore last Sunday. Fifty large families wanted to buy groceries at "George Cash Store" at Carver. Adv. Meldrum Notes MELDRUM, June 27. Mrs. Sam Roake of Castle Rock, Wash, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Gard ner. Mrs. James Roake and Mrs. Bert Roake of Oregon City were Tuesday guests of Mrs. Geo. Gardner. Mrs. J. L. McCulloch, who was se verely bitten on the hand by a pet cat is recovering. Alex Gill is busily engaged making brick at his new brick yard just east of Meldrum Station. Mrs. E. Piersons and sons visited Portland friends Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turnbull visat. ed Portland friends Monday. Miss Shirley. Park of Oregon City, visited her mother, Mrs M. E. Park Tuesday. Mrs. Ray Hibbard and son, Rex ivere week end guests of friends at Hubert. Mrs. A. A. Hopson, who recently re turned from a two years' stay in Los Angeles wasi a Thursday dinner guest of Mrs. Wm. Gardner. Mrs E. E. Hammond was a recent hostess to the Presyterian Aid Society of Oregon City, at her heme on Mel drum Ave. , Mr. and Mrs. John Kapp. former res idents of this pl.ace but now of Port land, were visitfng' old time Meldrum friends Wednesday. Henry Schulnus is erecting a new garage. Mrs. Geo. Benjamin and young son of Umatilla County were a recent guest of Mrs. Wm. Rush. Mrs. Mary Ireland of Sault St. Mane, Canada, arrived Friday morning to visit with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Gardner. The Girl Reserves of Oregon City were entertained Tuesday at the home of Elva Eads. Games were played ! after the business meeting and a pic nic lunch was enjoyed. Those present were Helen Harris, Shirley Park, Car rie and Jessie Cunningham, Frances Blake. Dorothy Terrell, Lida, Ruth and Francis Willis, Mabel Barnett, Gladys Hannaford, Marie Walker. Ela Eads. Mrs. W. A. White and Mrs. Eads. Chester Womer was a passenger to Portland Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore of Glad stone, were weekend visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Page. Mrs Elizabeth Harper is having porches built on to her residence on Upper Broadway. Hep son, who is here from Washington, is doing the work. There was a goodly attendance at the Community Club meeting last Fri day night The order of business was practically the election of officers H. C. Stephens succeeded himself as pres ident, Fred Bartholomew was elcted vice-president, Earl Kilgore wa select ed secretary and J. K. Ely will here after handle the funds of the club The program consisted of the story of our national songs and their relation to the periods in which they originat ed Miss Lelia Howe gave a very creditable history of the songs, which were illustrated by characters in cos tume . Everybody joined in singing the songs, which were led by Miss Ruth Dillon. It was a very clever program and was well received . After the meeting adjourned, light refresh ments were served and all joined in a social time It was voted to adjourn the meetings until September. Two large droves of sheep, one con taining 1800 and the other 2100, ware driven through Estacada Sunday. They came from Sherman County and were being taken to the mountains in the vicinity of Molalla. Mrs. U. H. Gibbs left Tuesday morn ing fcr LaGrande to be present at the Conclave of the Episcopal church, which is being held in that city th week Mr. Gibbs accompanied her to Portland and will join her at La- Grande the last ot the week to be ab sent for two or three days. Mrs. John Dunseath and children returned from a visit in Portland Tues day. Walden Boyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Boyle, of Portland, is in Estaca da this week visiting his grandmother. Mrs. N. B. Ecker and his aunt, Mrs. W. F. Cary. Bert Page and wife were here from Bull Run for a weekend visit with relatives. Mrs. Ray Keith was taken to a Port land hospital the first of the week for an operation for appendicitis. She is getting along very- satisfactorily. The FARMER with a bank account is the most independent of all men. He is absolutely his own manager and his own master. There are none "higher up" to give orders, I and he comes and goes as he pleases. His broad fields I are his kingdom. But the farmer who has no bank account, and by his poor management gets into debt, 1 is no longer independent, but a slave to his creditors. 1 1 Come and open an account with us at once that vou I may enjoy the freedom and independence which your 1 calling gives you. - . Four per cent on time deposits. CARVER STATE BANK j "THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE" The Latest Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent 1 There are prospects of Estacada having a cannery again. A meeting was held at the City hall Monday night by the fruit growers of this- vicinity, to look into the matter an dmake pre liminary steps for the re-opening ot the Estacada cannery. J. A. Kitching, road supervisor In district No. 30, has sent in his resig nation to take effect July 1st.' A. G. Ames is home again for a fev days visit with his family, from his station on the Santiam. He reports the trapping of a large couger and several other wild animals since his last visit here. "A Box of Monkeys" will be present ed here Juyl 18, by home talent for the benefit of the playground. The play will be presented at the 3chool audi torium. The railroad company gives notice cf a reduction of the fare to Portland to take effect after July 1st. The week end tickets then will be $1.20 plus the war tax. The station agent at Eagle Creek will be dispensed with after" July 1 The truck business from Portland to Eagle Creek is supposed to be the cause of the discontinuation of the agent. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Carl Doug lass Post wil serve lunches in the park on the Fourth of July. George Weatherby and wire were Portland visitors Tuesday. Estacada extends a most cordial welcome to vasitors on July 4th. Pre parations are being made to make the celebration one of the most success ful entertainments ever held here. With the beautiful park in which to have picnic dinners ,a ball game, trap shooting-and athletic contests, besides the dance in the pavilion .there sure will be entei-taiament for alL Every body welcome. Miss Carrie Hannah went to Mon muoth to attend summer normal. Mrs. C. A. Sisson and two sons, cf Spokane, are here visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Hughes. Mr and Mrs. U S. Morgan motored to Newberg last Sunday in their new Baby Grand Chevrolet They enjoyed the trip very much, being accompanied by Airs. Morgan's sister and her hus band ,Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Gres ham. Emerson Serf ice of Florence, Ore gon, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Seymore. W. M. Wade and family hae gone , to Eastern Oregon to stay until after harvest Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Irvine cf Portland, were weekend guests of Mrs. Esther MacPonald .their niece. Mr. Irvine is the editor of the Oregon Journal. They spent the afternoon Sunday at Log LaBarre. There will be preaching service at the Christian church both morning and evening, next Sunday, by the Rev. J O Staats. The Lee Stock Co. from the Baker theatre in Portland filled an engage meat at the Family theatre Wednes day night The committee on the parade for the 4th of July are urging the pupils of both the grade and high school tu join in the parade on that day. They are requested to meet at the grade school Ihouse at 9 o'clock to get into line. Dr. and Mrs. Winkler of Portland, were guests at the Heylman home last Sunday. Miss Mable and Dorothy Winkler and Esther O'Connell of Win lock wash., have been visiting the Heylman's fo rthe past week. Franklin Korell of Portland, an overseas man, be;sg chaplain in the army in the late war ,is to be the speaker of the day here the 4th of July He is a noted lecturer and his address is looked forward to with, to with much interest and pleasure., A good picture has been secured by the new management of the Family Theatre, for the afternoon of the 4tli and also in the evening. BORING. Boring, June 29 Miss Eva Schwartz who has been visiting in Boring, has returned to her home in Portland. Miss Edith Naas accompanied her. Claude Morand of Dayton, Or., who has been a guest of his brother, Wil liam Morand, has gone to Clackamas to visit a sister, i T. A. Roots of Seaside spent Sun day at the Morand home. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Stiager motored to Goble Saturday afternoon to yisit with Mrs. Stiager's father, J. Ander regg. , Mrs. P. Switzer of Portland, visiteJ here Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Johnson. air. and Mrs. Andrew Gribble of Portland,, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Metzger Sunday. Willamette News At the school election last Monday evening Mr. Mitchell was chosen school director, replacing Mrs. Snidow whose term had expired. Mrs. Sni dow was not a candidate for re-election. Misses Audrey, Tuor and Delene Fromong arrived here Wednesday from Monmonth where they have been atending the Oregon normal. Gladys Baker spent Saturday shop ping in Portland. Last Thursday the young people of Willamette enjoyed a dance given at Schnoerr's park. Many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Will Snidow attended the funeral services of their little daughter, Helen, last at the' Holman & Pace Undertaking parlors. The flower tributes were numerous and beauti ful. Miss Hazel Gorley of Portland spent the week-end in Willamette visiting relatives. Her motner, Mrs. Gorley, is visiting, relatives in Washington. Mrs. Walter Leisman of LaGrande visited relatives here and at Canby last week. On Sunday Mr and Mrs. Khale hal as dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Amod. north of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pardy, Sr., and children, Sophia and Herman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pardy. Jr., the latter formerly Miss Olga Teske of Willamette, George Pardy of Hubbard and Miss Freda Pardy of Portland. Mabel' Larsen and Laura Brenner of Gladstone, accompanied by Esther Larsen and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lar sen motored to Monmouth Sundry where Miss Larsen and Miss Brenner will attend the summer session of the Oregon normal school. Mr. and Mrs. chas- ! Baker and son, Frank, speint Tuesday visiting the former's mother, Mrs. B. F. Baker. Mr. Baker returned Monday evening from Mexico where he had been em ployed by an oil company for the past year. He is planning to return to Mexico in the fall. On Sunday a picnic was given at Sohnoerr's park celebrating the birth day anniversaries of Mr. Schnoerr and Mr. J. Kober. About fifty were present to . enjoy the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Schnoerr and Mr. and Mrs. Kober. ere s w. avs the quality cigarette TURKISH & DOMESTIC ti BL.END iy CIGARETTE S SSA 1 BECAUSE we put the utmost quality into this one brand. Camels are as good as it's pos sible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos to make a cigarette. Nothing is too good for Camels. And bear this in mind! Everything is done to make Camels the best cigarette it's possible to buy. Nothing is done simply for show. Take the Camel package for instance. It's the most perfect packing science can devise to pro tect cigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper secure foil wrapping revenue stamp to seal the fold and make the package air-tight. But there's nothing flashy about it. You'll find no extra wrappers. No frills or furbelows. Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And remember you must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality. If you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest cigarette you can imagine and one entirely free from cigaretty aftertaste, It's Camels for you. IMWWII' II" I R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Wlnston-Salem, N. C,