OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1921 Page 7 SANDY DEPARTMENT 0 ' MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Eagle to Scream at Sandy July Fourth SANDY, June 2. The Eagle is flap ping Ms wings and getting ready to fly at Sandy on July 4. Judge Camp bell of Oregon City will deliver the'or ation of the day, and the Cottrell hfme orchestra of five pieces will play foi the morning program, there will be vocal music, etc. A basket "dinner, cof fee will be served free! Bring your own cups along if possible There will be a big baseball game in the after noon at tfie Sandy diamond and a pro gram of music and songs, readings) talks, etc., in the afternoon so those who do not want to go to the ball game can be entertained. It will be an od- faRhionpd home-like Fourth with amusement for all. Everybody Come! Song Program Ends Season Ativities SANDY, June 21. The following numbers closed the series of commun ity song TroBTams for the season: Voluntary, Mrs. George Perret; re sponsive reading; Anthem, ' by Mrs Miller, Mrs. Esson, Dr. Sture and R. ri. to paint her house. New papering has been done, new cupboard3 etc made. The Halls have been doing the carpen ter work. ' ' , The Sandy merchants are displaying real fire crackers which means real fun for the youngsters and some of the "oldsters" on July 4. And our neighbor Estacada is going to celebrate also! Their bills are around our town.' Mr. and Mrs. Schindler and children of Friend, Eastern Oregon, were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ferret. The Schindlers left Tuesday after a week's visit with rc-lu tives. Mrs Jack Scales brough her mother Mrs H. Blackhall and little nephew ber shingle mill at Cherry ville and has taken the mill over . The "Webber fam ily may move to' Eastern Oregon. There seems to be hope lor Bill Alt's "recovery" from a severe attack of "Sedantis," which in some mysterious manner caused him to suffer from a "black eye, a pealed nose and a big lump on the heady' No definite partic ulars are flying about, but it seema that in the greatness of his heart Bill was lending a hand to certain way farers in the dark; damp night as the "bunch" returned from Brightwood ed Miss Burse most of the time last week. Dorothy Mattingly is in Portland spending a week with her aunt, Miss Catherine Jean Mac Donald at th Carlton hotel. Miss Mac Donald is teacher at the Benson "Tech." There were thirty-four "'turned out at the annual school election, Monday but should not there have been twice as many. The Misses Dixon who were to sing on Sunday night's program were un able to keep the engagement. Reital Is Given Friday at Sandy SANDY, June 17. An event "of much enjoyment was the recital and social affair given by Mrs .Bertha A. Pur cell yesterday in which the following took part; piano solo, "Morning Prayer," Pearl Proctor; vocal solo, "I Love You Truly," Bernice Dixon; Waltz, "Home Sweet Home," Ells worth Bell; duet, "Beautiful Moon light," Josephine and Pearl Dixon; piano solo, "Flower Song," Desiree Strack; solo, "When Song is Sweet," Josephine Dixon; Whistling solo, Jonne Shelley; - recitation, Arletha Proctor; All of these numbers were well executed and reflected credit on the part of Jboth teacher and pupils Henrietta Doltz, niece of Mrs. Pnr- cell also toot part on the program, playing a number of piano selections, her "Pas de Amiphores" and "Ber ceuse" from the opera Joc-elyn" being especially enjoyed. , After the enjoyabe recital was con cluded Dr. Paul Doltz gave a talk on his work as missionary in Silliman Institute, P. I., which was instructive and entertaining. Those present be sides the -performers were Mesdames Esson, Collier, Shelley, Perret, Scales, Eddy, Strack, Harris, Loundree, W. A. and Fred Proctor, E. Beers, Miss Hazel Beers, Miss Lulu Eddy, Mrs. H. Blackhall (Portland), Loraine and Dewalta Strack, " Dr. and Mrs Doltz and the hostess, Mrs. Purcell. Ice cream (with strawberries) and cake were served. The social hour was de lightfully spent, everyone feeling bet ter for the touch that brings -hearts to gether in the home. Mrs. Doltz helped receivie and Mrs Fred Proctor helped serve. Qmi.Hi- ianitatinna TUVa TiVd Prnrtn? and " Mildred Barnett;' Solo, "The Bay out from Portland for a Shepherd's Lullaby." Mrs. Miller: Miss Edna Aeheson, sister of Mrs. Tte Collier family left Sunday for George Perret who arrived from New Hood Kiver. Mrs. collier will probably York this week, gave an interesting remain there a month with Mr Collier talk. Duet, Mrs. R. E. Esson and Dr. ln the hope the change will cure her Julius Sture Anthem, "Praise. Ye the Lord," by the quartette. Hymns. These song programs have filled a niche in the community and the ex periment, which was never tried in this section till this winter, was con structive. . Every community needs music, needs it's own music To de yelop a nation the community must develop first, and every person in Sandy is responsible for Sandy's part attack of hay fever. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. and Mr. and M. P. M. Collier of Portland and Eugene drove out to visit Mrs. Collier a few days ago and took Hazel and David home with them for a few weeks and 'Frieda" went to St. Helena on a month's vacation. Dr. Paul Doltz, brother of Mrs. Pur cell knew ex-President Wilson very well when Dr. Doltz was at Prince- in the scheme of life. "Let George do ton, in fact he took lectures from Mr. it," is the destructive force '-in any Wilson, town! I The Eddy family treated the Sykes family to a nice warm luncheon when sandy LOCALS I tney were packing up to move, wnicn reflected a neighborly spirit SANDY, June 21. Bob Akin was Mrs. Katie Koch was feeing miser- over from Marmot receady looking ably last week and was laid up part after business here. - of the time. R. Dittert took a trip to Portland a George Beers went to Portland Sat few davs aero urday P. M.. played at a aance at Ira Flinn has moved up to the Ware 1 Gresham. Saturday night and respond place at Cherryville which he rented ed to long distance by going to Camas, recently Wash., Sunday morning. But for all Miss Margaret Miller of Portland that George would have played at tins visited her cousins, Mr. .and Mrs. J. M. song service Sunday night ana someooays oeaan naa a spell .Henrietta Doltz. niece of Mrs. Pnr- or epilepsy and cut up strange capers I cell, who left Tuesday with her par- tnat are not nanaed in ror print. I ents for the P. I., was born at Ilo Ilo, Action has been taken by Mrs Clyde She finished her second year of high McCully ,heir to the Gunn claim ttt I school at Lincoln, 'Neb., this year and Firwood to. appeal the case recently will continue her work at Silliman Jn won by the government, stitute until ready for college then she Mrs. Marv I. Wilson entertained thn come to the "states" to continue Misses Mixter Monday evening for dinner and over night while they were preparing to move. Sandy has a new resident locating engineer in town: who will push the Ml. Hood Loop highway work. Mr. Eason and family arrived Friday from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas and Els- worth Bell of Bull Run and Mr. and Mrs. James" Smith and Miss Jennie C. Miller last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers have moved into the house recently vacated by the Dodson family. Bowers is con nected with the wood camp here. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Kamp havo moved to Portland where Mr. Kamp will haul for the Johnson Construc tion Co. Already men and material? are being rushed up the mountains for the Loop work. Mrs George Flinn and children at tended the big Advent camp meeting. A portion of the Schwartz family have gone to pick cherries at Hood River and The Dalles. Marie Krebs spent part of the week with her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Krebs. J. C. Duke had new potatoes on his ranch June 10 which is the first re port of euch eary "murphies" that her education. The same high school course is given In her father's school as here, so she had no trouble in go ing on with her work in the U. S schools during the vacation of a year. . Mildred Barnett gathered ferns ami flowers and helped decorate tbe church prettily for the pi-ogram Sun day r.ight. The Misses Mixter and Mr." Jordon had a delightful trip Sunday to Govern ment Camn The eirls ift on ThasHst vm o-.iu '6 . s10 ior .Newport and will move into one of ijreeK enjoyea a line Dig cnicken. ana their houses there ci.onuc.i, uiuuci ,L u.c uuuw ui iuC i Mrs. Alice Scales the new Parent lieu and Littiepage Tamuy last Sun- Teacher president hopes for a good at- aay. ine sunaay oeiore James ueu, tendance at the meetine Friday nie-ht. Mr. and Mrs. Littlepage and Ray spent Mrs Scales tdans on doin? thins- for me uay witn me 1 nomas iamuy ana tne schools the coming sea-son! nau a hub umuer meie. Fred Junker is hrmine- t. lnta Arthur Heacock and family spent himself in some good college for the the week over in the Burn on the Hea- coming school year. cock claim. Mrs. Purcell's pupils will continue their work through vacation for most part. It is interesting to watch the development of musical talent and musical love in this community. Think what it would be without anyinstru "cto in the town! Many liyes rceive inspir ation through the teaching and en- MONEY TO LOAN Farm Loam Uref erred PAUL C FISCHER Beaver Bldfl, Oregon City Mr. and Mrs. W H Pridemore were I has been turne3 in. in town Monday on their way to Port-1 Housewives are flitting about tht land and had a large bouquet of squaw I past week rustling strawberries t" grass with them which is blooming at I can, a nuniber picking their own. The it's best at Government Camp now. I reduced price has made it possible rur The Kriegers of Dover have been canning on a large scale this year. bringing in a fine lot of strawberries Telephone poles are strung along Sandyites Attend Wheeler Reunion SANDY, June 21; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duke and Cecil Duke attended the family reunion of the Wheeler clan Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wheeler between Sandy and Pleasant Home. A fine ice-cream and chicken dinner was served on the lawn. Others present were the host and hostess - and Mr. and Mrs. John Wheeler and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Crosier, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sloop. Oren Crosier, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Wheeler, Dorothy and Maurice Wheeler and Sarah Wheeler, all of Boring; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. John Strebi, Sammie, Kathryn, Donald and Jennie Strebin, Mrs. Anna Richardson, Linn and Ella Richardson, Ella Hensley, Arthur and Ray Hensley and Bob Strebin, of Troutdale; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cole man, Edith Coleman, La Verne and Pearl Coleman, Mr. and Mrs: Thomas Hensley and family of Portland. SANDY WINS GAME SANDY," June 21. The baseball game here Sunday was won by Sandy against Corbett 8 to 7. It was a fast game, and a large crowd attended. The Sandy boys are jubilant for Corbett played well and the game was excit ing. Frank Christiansen is managei of the Sandy team since PJatts moved away. to the Sandy market. Mrs. George Brownell, wife of the late attorney, of Oregon City is visit ing Mrs. Emma Thomas at Aschoffs. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Shelley and chil dren have been at Hood River for a the road from Pizzola's to Kaisers, which means that extension will soon be in operation. Mrs. Lehnfield has another hundred little chicks out of the shell. She also has 1000 hills of Oregon lima MYERS BROS. PLUMBERS Repair Work A Specialty Prices Right Res. Phone 574 Front St. Office Phone 293 Oswego.Ore. week, and Mrs. Shelley may remain a I beans to train, few davs loneer. Eliiah Coleman began work on a Rev. F. Dobberful and family were summer house the first of the week at Scheffin over Sunday and Rev. Dob- which he will build on his recently berful nreached for the mission festi- acauired acreage he purchased in val there. There was nice weather Sandy, and a large crowd present. Miss Ruby Haley of Medford was in Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kersch of the ! town visiting the first of the week. Bluff road have been enjoying a visit Miss Haley had not been in Sandy for from Mr .and Mrs. George Kiem and I nine years Her home was formerly daughters, relatives, of the Tillamook I at Haley station and she Is well known country. around here. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brico and Mr Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eri and children and Mrs. Jack Douglas of St. Johns were in town Monday evening and vis- were guests at the home of Mr. and ited at the home of the Loundree Mrs. E. Beers last Sunday C. D. Purcell drove to Portland Sun Mr. and Mrs. Dell Jadwin of Bull day morning to spenl the day with Run were over Sunday to see the ball I Mrs. Purcell, the Doltz family and game and also visited at the Loundree other relatives, Mrs. Purcell went home. "Auntie" McGuigin and Mr. and Mrs. ! tinguished brother, Dr. Doltz, R. C. Shipley drove over to hear the Doltz and daughter Henrietta. song service program Sunday night. I Miss Emma Netzel is at home and Jack Greenwood has rented a part will lemain with her parents for sev- of his place at Arrawanna for a con-e;a. months while pri'jaring for 'the struction camp for the Loop workers great event" which will take place G. Rates, who lives near the Gaee sometime this fall Her nance is a settlement had his work team stolen Washington man and a home in Port last week but has a trace of the party land has already been purchased for who was takine the horr.es across I the nrosoective bride. Miss Netzel country. went to work in Portland at the a; Jack Burnett hauled the Sykes' fur- of fourteen years and has worked niture to Portland last Sunday, and steadily for eight years, end has sav- Mf. and Mrs. Sykes drove down to I ed up "quite a stake," which is an their new home in the afternoon. other illustration that any young per Lex Schmitz has bought the Hedden son of good health can succeed it house in Sandy. This place was sold "they have a mind to." ATis-i Netzel ha to Clyde McCully last summer developed into a very fine cook, and Isn't it fine the way some folks are no doubt a happy, thrifty tireeide is in cutting the grass on the parkings? And I store for her and hera. CARD OF THANKS Wa wish to exrpress our sincere couraeement of local musicians. It Bratltude to the Eagle Creek grange not only develops the individual, hut ana our manv menus ior their kind the rommnnitv to have a resident ness sympathy and beautiful floral of- musicians who take an interest in the rerlnS8 111 our bereavement through "budding s-eniuses." lne JOSS or our ear lamer. tion for her splendid work as organ ist during the series of song programs just closed. Mrs. Esson, Mr. Smith and Dr. Sture also are appreciated for their faithfulness and splendid work, as well as all of those who so kindly gave their services for the various pro grams. MEISTER and FAMILIES, DAVE HOFFMEISTER, MRS. H EHMSEN and FAMILY. FOR SALE Two motorcycles. Bar gain. Call before noon. 823 Monroe St. SUMMONS Rev. Earl Cotton will preach next ln U Circuit Court of the State of Sunday night . He changed his dates to the second and fourth Sundays. Mrs. Elijah Coleman went to Gres ham the first of the week on a busi ness trip. Now we have an Eason famiy in town! We shall have to be careful not to confuse "Eason" with our well known "Esson" family.. The Easons are located in the Burnett house which was recently fixed over Inside. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dahrens are enjoying a wedding present they never brought home till last week viz. a fine Jersey that Adolph has been milking three times a day. Friends of Otto Aschoff will be glad to' hear he will soon go to work, hav ing recovered from his prolonged ill ness carl Ascnoii is almost ready to go to work again also, these brothers Oregon, for the County of Cacka mas Hedvig Borg, Plaintiff, vs. Fred Peterson and Selma M. Peter son, husband and wife, and Nils J. Hart and Thilda Hart, husband and wife, Defendants. To Fred Peterson and Selma M. Peter son husband and wife, and Nils J. Hart and Thilda Hart, husband and wife, and to all others unnamed and unknown : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit by the 27th day of June, 1921, said date being prescribed by an order of the Honor able J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, and the said date being more than six weeks' after the 13th day of May, 1921, wnich is the NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Cacka-mas In the matter of the estate of Johan Olsen, deceased. nnrl ff vmi tall tn an a nntx: -r anA una. 1 NOtirtQ is NheirePV Citfen that grieving over me'ioss 01 tneir aog Were hM the saW 27th dnur of j, 1921 the undesigned, Jens Olsen, surely had a siege of it, but they have dat hV th'nM rr m wrvn nut' I , . . I rna Tir.C IMinilAOriAn rT r ciivmvnnnc ivi r. ana ivins. unri w eiiuiuuu ai c PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D. C Latourette, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P; M you are hereby required to appear and answer Complaint filed againsj you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first pub icalion of this summons, and if you fail to so appear or answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his Complaint, to-wit: A decree forever dissolving the marriage contract exist ing between you and plaintiff. This Summons is served upon you by the publication thereof, once each week for six consecutive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and pub lished .t Oregon City in Clackamas County, Oregon, the data of the first publication thereof, being Friday, June 3, 1921, and the date of the last, pub lication thereof, being Friday, July 15, 1921, all done in accordance with the order of the Honorable James U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was made and en tered in this cause on the 2Sth day of May, 1921. WM. G. MARTIN, CAREY F. MARTIN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postoffice address: 413 - Masonic Temple Building, Salem, Oregon. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate out Specialties. Of fice In First National Bank Bldgv Oregon City, Oregon. O. D. EBY Attomey-at-La Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. - Over Bank of Oregon City. SUMMONS In the Circuit Ccurt of the Stale of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Genevera Brown, Plaintiff, vs. Harry R Brown, Defendant. To Harry R. Brown, the above named defendant: . In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer complaint filed against you in--the above entitled suit on or before the 5th day of August, 1921, said date being more than six weeks, from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dis solving the marriage contract, here tofore and now existing between plain tiff nddefendanti.and giving land ferantr ing plaintiff the care and custody of the minor children Norval L. Brown and Donald K Brown and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and proper. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof, by order of Hon. Harvey E Cross, Judge, made and entered on the 22nd day of June, 1921, directing that such publication be made in the Oergon City Enterprise once a week for six successive weeks; the first publication thereof being on the 24th day of June, 19&1 and the last publication thereof being on the 5tn day of August, 1921. CHARLES T. SIEVERS, Attorney for plaintiff, Oregon City, Ore. William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND & HAMMOND Attorney-t-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-271 Phone 405 WM. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens BIdg., Oregon City, Ore. which disappeared Sunday morning. for want thereof the plaintiff will ap- Mrs. a fine "doggy" in every way. erret,. Miss Berth Hoffman and Mrs. Miller i. Mrs. Furceu went . xhe dog go out in the pasture , in aaiA , ' iW nJ r to the city on Thursday with her aw-1 and bring in the cows alone and was !L' Tr- JT. 4 have and recover from the defendants, Fred Ppter(on and Splmn "W Pctprsnn were in town Monday. j, aW 'i,,,, ine noiuuaus are uls'"u5 " iha e,, f Cir tih ttann nut "J "" a " Dollars, with interest thereon at the cooler and in another year may man- Late or 7 annum from ib(j 25h "".r: y of Jnly, 1920, and the further sun. J W- O 1 smut? Duuuajr. iueuiuui ni'.t.i. black dog with white nose, and bushy, tail. Return to carl Wend land, Sandy. isn't it too bad that everyone is rot doing it? But they surely will before the Eagle screams on July 4. Mrs. Dave Douglas "denies the charge" that she was at the Bright- Chas. Krebs conducted the reading service at the Lutheran church Sun day in the absence of the pastor. Mr. and Mrs. George Perret enjoyed visit- from Mrs. Ac-heson ana Mis wood dance last week, fact is she had Edna Aeheson mother and sister of to stay home and "let the rest go," Mrs. Perret, the first of the week. and folks are still telling of the great The date of the Dr. Ennaconcert is time they had. ' Saturday night the (25th). Let us not Mrs. Jimmie Akins was out to visit I forget to go to Kelso and er.joy this at the Lehnfields last week Mrs. Wilson is one of the busiest persons in town getting her house fly- j ! ed up so neatly. Paul Dunn is going 5f8iy rann Home Needs a Battfi Room " ' " i i i f i irr -4 wmsm It greatly reduces the' housewife's work, particu larly in taking care of the children. And it adds much to the .comfort and convenience of every member of the familv from grandmother to the baby. A MILWAUKEE AIR POWER WATER SYSTEM makes a bath room possible in any farm home by supplying an abundance of hot and cold water both hard or soft if desired. This is a "Direct from the Well" system. There is no water storage tank. Every drop of the well or spring water is absolutely fresh and fit to drink. The pumps are simple ana all the machinery thoroughly reliable. The cost of an outfit for your place will be reasonable. Come in and see us, or phone about it. PERRET BROS, Sandy, Oregon PHONE 261 t4 MM great treat! No admission. The Parent Teacher Meeting will be held tonight (Friday the 24th) ari l the new officers will be installed. Everybody come! Misses Martha and Bertha Hoff man attended the wedding of Miss Minnie Senske and Lawrence Stephan of Portland which occurred at th$ home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. August Senske in Portland last week The guests were all relatives with the exception of the Misses Hoff man, Mrs. Alma Maronay of Sandy arrf the Maybee family of Lents . A wed ding supper was served to all the guests. J. B. Snedden of Orient was in Sandy a few days ago having his car repaired. Miss Alice Douglas of cnerryvine is in Portland for a week visiting her aunt Mrs. August Hoernicke. Mrs. Nellie Gehn of Portland was out visiting the Lennno;as or ios-i Paradise. Miss Martha Snedden of Orient isi spending a week withher grandmother Mrs. Lehnfield. Th iSandyridsre and Erdman roau districts are opening up a new gravel it on Deen Creek at the Wilcox place- Between one and two hundred dollars worth of work is being donated to get this work started Charley Krebs is also donating the use of his engine The county commissioners looked the situation over a few days ago and say the gravel at that point is fine even better than the pit recenty opened near Barton. The county will furnish a crusher and Krebs says the Sanity ridge country is going to have gravel led roads. . ' John Jonsrud has bought th Web- ' SANDY SCHOOL NEWS SANDY, June .. 21. The annual meeting of the Sandy school district was held here today. J. M C. Miller was elected director for three years in place of A U Mattingly who refus ed to run for another term. Mrs. J. M. C- Miller was elected school clerk in place of Carl Scharnke who felt five year's service was sufficient for him to give, and who refused to ac cept the nomination to succeed him self. P. B. Gray will be the chairman of the board this year.. Ballots were also cast for directors for the union high school. The result being in favor of the present directors. Junker, Baumback, Ganger, DeShazer and Morrison. The sentiment was almost unam mous thatthe board was wise in their plan to open the fall term with two teachers, but if the attendance de mands it another instructor will be hired The annual election at Firwood re sulted in the election of willard Bos- holm as director for a three year term and James DeShazer clerk. The vole for the high school candidates was even" in favor of the last year board. Gertrude and Alfred Meinig are home and happy after a pleasant year's school work at the big O. A. C Miss Esmer Mixter and sister Vera left on Monday for Newport. Miss Mixter was principle of the Sandy high school and did excellen work She will take Up rporting work for the Oregonian for the summer and Miss Vera Mixter who had a nice class of piano pupils here will teach at New port. Mifia Hazel Burse, teacher in the Sandy igrade in '20 was out visiting the Scales family and other friends for several days during the week. ' Miss Burse left thisi'week with her parents for California where they expect to reside They went via auto, expecting to spend a month on the way. Miss Edith Coeman, niece of Mrs. J. C. Duke has just returned from Vas sar .where she been attending schocl. Miss Coleman is preparing to be a minister in the Friend's church. Miss Mary Jane Collier leaves soon for Eastern Oregon to spend the sum mer with her people. The E. L. Powers family entertain- of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars as attorney's fees, and for the plaintiff's costs and disbursements of this suit, and that the said mortgage enumer ated in the said Complaint executed by the said 'defendants, Fred Peterson and Selma M- Peterson, dated the 25th day of January, 1915, and recorded in Book 101 at Page 459 in Record of Mortgages of Clackamas County, Ore gon, in which mortgage there is con veyed for the purpose of said mort gage the following proper situated in Clackamas County, Oregon, more particularly described as all of lot (6 in Block (1) Willow Park, according to the plat thereof recorded in the of fice of the Recorder of Conveyances in said County and State: that the said mortgage be declared a valid lieu on" said property for the Fum above named and that said mortgage be fore closed and the property sold by the Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, and the proceeds applied according to law; that all persons claiming said j property by, through or under you be wholly barred, foreclosed and en joined from asserting any right, title, lien or interest in, to or upon said real property ,or any part thereof, e cepting the statutory right of redemp tion, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and proper. This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof once. a week for six consecutive weeks in the Ore gon City Enterprise by order of J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order is dated the 10th day of May, 1921, and which order pre scribed that the said Summons shall be published for said time. DAVID E. LOFGREN, Attorney for Plaintiff, whose pos toff ice address is 1030 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. First publication May 13.1921. Last publication June 24, 1921. . Certified a true copy of the original by David El Lofgren, attorney for plaintiff. administrator of the estate of Johan Olsen, deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, and that Tuesday the .'nd day of August 1921. at the hour cf 10 A M-, of said day, at the Court House at Oregon City in said County and State, has been appointed as the time and place for the hearing o ob jections to said final accoi-nt and the settlement thereof. JENS OLSEN, Administrator. LOUIS V. LUNDBURtG, Attorney, Address: Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore. Date of first publication, June 24, 1921. Date of latt publication July 22, 1921. SUMMONS No. 1 In the Circuit Court of tie State of Oregon for Clackamas County. De partment No. 2. Phil L. Fahnlander, Plaintiff, vs. Helen S. Fahnlander, Defendant. To Helen S. Fahnlander, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Deschutes, Charles A. Harsh, Executor of the Estate of George A. Harsh, deceased instead of George A. Hash, Paintiff. vs. Minnie C. Low, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, SSv By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly iseuea out of and under the seal of the above entitled Court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 23rd day of May 1921, upon a judg ment rendered and entered in said court on the 7th day of April, 1921, in favor of Charles A. Harsh, Executor of the Estate of George A. Harh deceased instead of George A. Harsh, Plaintiff and against Minnie C. Low, Defendant for the sum of $800.00, with interest on $300 at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 24th day of March 1916, and on the further sum of $500 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 1st day of July 1916, and the further sum of $125.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $18.00 costs and dis bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me out of the personal property of said-defendant and if sufficient could not be found, then out of the real property belong ing to said defendant on and after the date of said judgment to satisfy said sums and also the costs upon this said writ. Less $618.75 f-ecovered May 23rd, 1921 on Execution. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said defendant's. I did on the 14th day of June 1921 duly levy upon the following: described real J property of said defendant, situate and being in the County of Clackamas, and State of Oregon, to-wit: A parcel of ground described as be- j ginning at a point which is south forty five (45) degrees west eight hundred i sixty four (864) feet from the north-! westerly corner of claim number fifty (50), being the Donation Land, Claim of Fendal c. Cason in section seven teen (17) Township two (2) South Range two (2) east of the Willamette Meridian; thence south forty five (45) degrees west along the boundary line of said claim fifty (50). four hundred twenty three and 75-100 (423.75) feet to a stone situate at the southwest corner of a tract of land purchased by the grantors from the Gladstone Real Estate Association; thence at right angles in a southerly direct&m five hundred fourteen (514) feet; thence at right angles in a northeasterly di rection four hundred twenty-three and 75-100 (423.75) feet; thence at right angles in a northerly direction five hundred fourteen (514) feet to the place of beginning, containing five (5) acres more or less; Also a tract described as follows tc wit; Beginning at a point on the quart er section line four hundred ninety five (495) feet west of the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of the south east quarter (NE of SE4) of Section thirty (30) Township two (2 south range seven (7) east of the Wil lamette Meridian; thence south par allel with the East line of said sec tion four hundred forty440) feet; thence at right angles west four hun dred ninety five (495) feet; thence at right angles north four hundred forty (440) feet to the quarter seotionline; ' thence- on said quarter section line east four hundred ninety five (495) feet to the place of beginning, con taining! five (5) acres. ? and I will, on Saturday, the 23rd day of July 1921, at the hour cf 10 o'clock: X A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for TJ. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants, or either of them, had on the date of said judgment or since had in or to the above described real pro perty or any part therof, to satisfy said judgment order, decree .interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C- Hackett, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Juno 24th, 1921. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Elizabeth A. Shively, deceased, by the above en titled court and has qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notifies to present same verified as required by law, to the undersigned at 901 7th street, Oregon City, Oregon, within 6 months from the date hereof. Dated and first published May 27, 1921. W. B. SHIVELY, Administrator of the Estate pf Eliz abeth A. Shively, deceased. SUMMONS No. In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, De partment No. Frank Glover, Plaintiff, vs. Ida Glover, Defendant. To Ida Glover, the above named e fendant: In th name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby requested to ip pear and answer the Complaint fi'.ed against you in the above ei titled suit within six weeks from the Oate of the first publication of this Summons, and f you fail to so appear or answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his Complaint, to-wit: A decree for ever dissolving the marriage contract existing between you and plaintiff. This Summons Is server upon you by the publication thereof ,once each week for six consecutive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published at Oregon City, in Clacka mas County, Oregon; the date of the first publication thereof, being Friday. June 17th, 1921, and the date of the last publication thereof being Friday, July 29th, all done in accordance. with the order of the - Honorable James TJ. Campbell, Judge of tho above entitled Court, which older was made anj entered in this cause on the 8th, day of June 1921. WM. G. MARTIN CAREY E. MARTIN Attorneys for Pliantiff. Postoffice Address: 413 Masonic Tempi Building, Salem, Oregon. "