Pasre 6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1 92 1 . JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent. e up again. The manufacturing of bricks is an interesting process and well worth ones time to pay a Vtsi. to the yard to see them engaged in the making of the brick. Portland Woman Is Honored at Lodge JENNINGS LODGE. June 23. Mrs. Geo. Mlsner of Portland was the house guest of Mrs. H. K. Emmons re cently. Mrs. Mlsner Is planning on going to British Columbia and New York for a year, and the members of the Needle work Guild together with their fam ilies motored to Stone Gables on "Wed- nesday night tendering a farewell party for Mrs. Misner. The honored guest is a charter mem ber of this Guild which was organized 20 years ago, who not only meet for a social time but in a philanthropy way having been a unit of the Red Cross during the war and later making out fits for the Belgian babies. A picnic dinner was served to thirty and 500 and dancing followed . The high honors falling to Mrs. Lash and Mr. Martin. Those attending the de lightful affair were Mr and Mrs. Ol son, Miss Olson and Miss Rita Olson and Carlton Olson, Mr .and Mrs. Law rence and sons, Mrs. Burt Miller, Mr. and Mrs Larsh, Mrs. John Woods, Sr.. John Woods, Jr.,. Mrs. Mowry, Mrs. Garlock, Miss Matthews, Fred Martin all of Portland; Miss Kaminski, Geo. Morse and Mr. and Mrs. Emmons of Jennings Lodge. Lodge Guild Meets At Gardner Home JENNINGS LODGE, June 23. The Grace Guild held another very pleas ant meeting on the afternoon of Juno 22 Mrs. Geo. Gardner entertaining them at her home. About twenty were present. Sacred songs and their writers were the subjects of the de votional meeting. Work for the coming bazaar was the diversion. Mrs. Nelson will be the next hostess, the date being July 6th, so as not to conflict with Chautauqua . Tea was served to Mesdames George Williams. Frank Covert, Hobkins, Ella Mac Har gue, Caroline Waterhouse, Edward Pearson, O. Ross, W. I. Blinestone, A. B. Smith, Meade Kennedy, A B. Sr.i derB A. Hoag, Maxwell, of Newport; H. .1. Hooker, Frank Covert, Henry Babler, W. W. Woodbeck, Hugh Ro berts, George Gardner. ballot be cast for him. Mr. Rogers be ing the only candidate for clerk was unamoniously chosen. Both are busienss men of the Mel- drum district and will fill their re spective nlaces wel. The board is composed of Geo. Card, chairman; A. F. Russell, Mr. Pearson and Mr. Rogers as clerk. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Caldwell and Mr. Thompson for their efforts during the past year. The fourth room may be fitted up and additional teacher engaged. Lodge Girl Plans To Teach School Ired Terry Passes at Coronda, Calif. JENNINGS' LODGE, June 23. Word nas been received from Coron- ada, Calif., of the passing away cf Fred Terry who was a former resident of Jennings Lodge. His death occur red June 9. He had been in failing health for some time." The deceased is survived by his widow, Mrs. Minnie Hurley Terry and an adopted daugh ter, Ellen. While a resident of this place was a mill wright at the "Crown-Willamette Paper Company in West Linn Mr, Terry was of a genial disiposition and will be remembered by many of ou young men and women here for his kindness and generosity. As it was his custom to treat ten school children JENNINGS LODGE. June 23.- Miss Ruth Truscott was one of the graduates of the Lincoln high school at the Christmas time the first few In Portland, the exercises being held years our school was organized. The on Friday night The class numbered Terry s went south to California 144 an dthe boys dressed in black and eleven years ago. Mrs. Terry has the the girls wore dainty and simple heart felt sympathy of many friends frocks of the pastel shades and car- In Clackamas county she being very ried arm bouquets apd formed a rain bow, which, made a very pretty ap pearance for the large number at tending Miss Truscott wore a pink frock of organdy. Dr. Pence gave an interesting talk after which they went to the gymnasium whore the gradu- popular in Oregon City spent her girlhood days. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS JENNINGS LODGE, June 23. Miss Alice Allen who came down from ate3 met their friends and received I Spokane to attend Rose Festival in congratulations. Miss Truscott will take the exten sion course m Portland during the summer and nlans on teaching in Clackamas county this fall. Portland spent one day with her aunt Mrs. Eleanor Jones. Mrs. Scandling has returne dfroni Portland where she went for medical treatment. Mrs. Scandling is caring for Mrs. V. Erickson who has been an invalid for several years. Mrs Warren Swart was an over Bridal Couples Are VisitOrS At Lodge SueBtofC. H. Harrington in O I Portland and heard the Whitney Boys I Chorus on Monday night. Mr. H inkle of Portalnd was out try- Mr and. Mrs. Arthur L. Roberts naa ine iQ iist property, so jrreat has been the pleasure o fentertaining two bridal tne caJ1 for jennings Lodge property Important tQuestions Taken Up By Club JENNINGS LODGE, June 23. The Jennings Lodge Community Clubs special meeting called forth quite a number of people on Wednesday eve ning. The telephone was quite thorough ly discussed and three more added tc. committee for further information. A collection was taken to hire a lawyer for the legal part of looking into it. The water question came up. while some are much in favor of a well and a system of our own, there are others who are very desirous of having water from the Clacka mas from , Oregon City. Mr. Egy of Oregon City was present ar.d spoke also a delegation from Qak Grove Among them Mr. Place aua Harris. Ap invitation to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Emmons at their home for the next social affair was accepted. couples during the week. Mr and Mrs, H. C- Mackley who were recently mar ried in Oakland and who are journey ing cn to their horn, e at Brewster, Wash, were their dinner guests. Mr and Mrs. Franklin Costley who were married in Oakland on June 11th, arrived on the Senator on Thursday and are enjoying their , honeymoon here. Mrs. Costley was formerly Miss ,Nora Delaney, of Oakland. Mr. Costley is the oldest son of T. J. Cost- ley cf Willamettee, is an ex-service man .having spent 22 months in France with the medical corps. Mr. and Mrs. Costley. are to locate in Oiegdn City and his many friends extend congratulations. S. S. Picnic To Be Held This Friday Weller Motor Man Speaks of China JENNINGS LODGE, June 23. -Vyvyan Dent, salesmauager of the Weller Motor company, and a resi dence of this place gave a very .enter taining talk at the Wednesday noon day luncheon of the Gul Reazer grotto, (Persian for City of Roses), his sub ject being Trade Conditions and Our Great Possibilities in the Orient. Mr. Dent, returned about two months ago after spending six months in China, where he made a study of its opportunities at first hand as well as to further establish trade relatione with that country. JENNINGS LODGE, June 23. Rev. Shukneeht has opened the River View camp grounds for tne Sunday School to hold their annual picnic which was postponed last week, but will be held this week on Friday. Tables and benches will be provided and the committee, Mesdnmes Bline stone, Gardner and Kennedy, have ar ranged igames .contests and races ami are planning on making it a happy time for those who have attended the Sunday School About 100 pupils are enrolled with Mr. Jones superin tendent. While the church is being remodeled the S. S. is enjoying much larger suarters for their Bible study in the school auditorium. .enjoyhiRO r bM.itsiHie, rihmmm at the real estate firm he is connected with that he was trying to supply the demand for suburban acreage. Freytag & Meads of Gladstone were business callers at ejnnings Lodge during the week. W. W. Woodbeck was a visitor at Salem on Tuesday. Misses Doris and Mary Jane Paint- on are returning home to Rockaway after enjoying a three weeks vacation which they spent at aVncouver The Dalles and this place. Mesdames Wm. Gardner, W. W. Woodbeck and Ellen Eades picniced with the Congregational ladies on the bank sof the Clackamas at Gladstone on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holloway of Portland are visiting with Mise Flor ence Holloway, -while their father and Miss Holloway are iin Colorado Springs. tie daughter, Charmion, were guests of Mrs. Henry J Hooker. Thoy have Just returned from the Orient. . Mr. Phipps having been stationed in Hai pong, China. Mrs. Ella Philips has returned from the Sanatorium and is rapidly improv. ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs Harry Burco. Mrs". Florence Moore is taking a summer course in Portland. ' G O. Allen of The Dalles was a-week end visitor with his mother and si3 ter On Sunday Mr. and Mr3 Bline stone and daughters Maidn and Carol and Mrs Lucy Allen and Mr Allen motored to Sandy to visit Mrs. Blanche Shelley. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Lucil and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. caple8- Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hawkins of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burco and daugh ters Betty and Nancy and Mrs: Philips of Jennings Lodge motore Uto Esta- cada on Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Hawkins sister. Miss Winnlfred Humphreys was pre sented in recital by Miss Dorothy Staf ford at the new Oregon City M. B church on Friday evening. Miss Win nifred is the oldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Niak Humphreys of this place and is making rapid progress with her studies in music. Ormon Kiggins of Colorado spent where she I Saturday f-ith his cousin E. O. Kiggins. J. P. OTJrien who conducts tue Service Grocery is building a two room addition to the store. Mrs. S. E. Stratton wa.1 a dinner guest at the W. Swart home on Sun day and Little Bobby an Aline Al bright were week end visitc-rs with their grandparents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. W Swart. Motoring out to the Newcoinb ar.d Swart home to call on Sunday were a number of their friends .among them were Mr .and Mrs. Hitchcock, Mrs Mildred Harrington, Mrs. N. L. Trout and daughters. Miss Nell and Mildred Trout, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Albright, Misses Janet and Margaret Farrington, of Portland and Mr .and Mra J. M. Farrington of East Mill Plains. Wash. "Mr. and Mrs. Lovejoy of Fortland who have recently returned from Nev York visited their aunt Mrs. Julia Ulbrand last week. Mrs.- Armstrong of Youngston, Ohio, who has .been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams, departed on Fri day for Seattle and may sail for Alas ka. Mrs .Caldwell also from Ohio is i returning home but will make a num ber to stops enroute home, the first being at Twin Falls, Idaho She also was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Wil liams. I I OSWEGO NEWS ( Ab Mrs. Cora Bulock t ' Jl School at Oswego jsvahj, June 21. or lack of orders a number of the employes of th Portland-Osweeo r-pmr-nt nlant o. I ,lrmfQ trvr Spnentl laid off until further notice luioa i Dtdajf ui rornand visited Mrs. A. C. Good over the week end. OSWEGO, June (20. Tho Osweg-o I Mrs Frank Anderson and iniant left grammar school closed for the sum- Sunday night for Alaska to join her mer Thursday evening with graduat- husband, who has been there for sev- inia exercises and a school entertain-1 era! months. ment which took the form of a I Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hayden, left Tues pageant. Much credit ia due Miss day morning for Elsea, for a two Blanch Cohen," music instructor, asnd I weeks visit with Mr. Haydens parents the teachers of the various grades for I Mr and Mrs. Arch Lewis have- as the fine performance The play was in their guest Mr. Lewis' mother from the nature of an entertainment to I Dallas for a few days, Miss Columbia, Alice Battersby, and Uncle Sam, Kenneth Duncan, the old woman who lives In a shoe, Lois Headrick, and "The Boy", John Mer- Mrs. Sadie Simelton, who has been ill for some time is now able to be about again. - Mrs. Adie Lane has left for Los rick, assisted by several boys In Scout I Anfeeles for a few weeks' vacation uniorms were .the principal characters. I Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hayes and Willis The pupils of the lower grades each I Nida is visiting Mr .and Mrs. John had songs and dances and there were I Bickner. Mr. Nida is Mrs. Bickner's several costume affairs. A Gypsy I father. dance was given by several girls of I Mr. and Mra. Bill Lorenz and chil- the upper grades, also a beautiful I dren and Mrs. Wm. Worthington mo- costume Minuet. A solo dance by I tored to Canby Sunday. Katherine Wessling was very well I Miss Leona Jarisch and Vern Bark- done, and little Jackie Curtis sang a I ley took a trip to Bonne7ville one day song all by himself, which was receiv-1 this week. ed with much applause. The exercises I A. Worthington and Oliver Worth- closed with songs by the seventh and I ington were ill Oregon City on bus! eighth grades and an inspection of the I ness this week. manual training department, where I Mrs. Kelso .mother of Mrs. Nettie the work of the boys was on exhibit. I Courier ,an old time resident of Oe- The program was preceded by thelwego is very, ill at her home 'on 38th MARKETS STAPLE, DUE TOJffiASED CREDIT "The street in Portland. Mrs. Sarah Childs was a Portland visitor last week. TUNNEL WORK STARTS commencement exercises by one of the largest classes ever graduated from the school. There were class songs .reading, of the class prophecy by John Merrick, presentation of di plomas by Chairman Clinefelter, and a few words of advice by the school j OSWEGO, June 21. Work on the principal, Miss Mary Bickner, who re-1 Elk Rock tunnel is now in progress ceived a beautiful basket of flowers and is being carried forward with re from the graduating class in apnrecia- markable speed. A crew of about tion of the interest she has taken in I forty men are at work at both ends it. The 16 boys and girl3 who have with steam shovels: and other machin- just finished the first step toward I ery used in digging. Drilling through knowledge are Alice Battersby, Lois I the rock will begin soon. The South Headrick, Ardia Cox, Aletha Porter, em Pacific railroad expects to have race Cooper, Ora Primm, Dorothy I trains running through the tunnel by Bumbaugh, Marjorie Hawke, William I early fall. AMeplslinig, Garton Eastman, Donald Myers, William Bumbaugh. Frank Qfl-inn1 TTlfrtinn J TTF1T1 J I , , I V.M.M.-r -T -M. -.J-VV,--. J. Chuck and John Merrick. Miss Opal Ross of "Willamette was in Oswego Saturday to see her igrand parents, Mr. and Mra J. K. Worthing ton. Miss Ross expects to leave for California next week to join her par- Dickey Ulbrand writes from South- ents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ross, who have era California that they are njoying been there most of the winter. the climate and his ; wife's health is Wednesday the Oswego Woman's much improved. He recently sent an club had their usual picnic for the emergency of 1920 baa def initely passed," said W. P. g. Harding governor of the federal reserve sys tem, speaking beore the recent an nual meeting of the National A..t bile Chamber of Commerce. ti, is nothing as far a3 the financial .. dition of the country is concerned as affected by the federal reserve bank3 that causes any other feetim? than Of optimism." Availability 0 credit, the fact that automobile shipments for th iwEt two months equaled 67 per cent of the same months of last year t fil ing that prices have reached a new table level and Governor Harding's statement that "the public his a irreat deal of buying power left" were ma jor points of the meeting. Governor Harding pointer! out that the financial .situation of the federal ressrve system is stronger than it has ever been before and that the banks are anxious to lend to legitimate busi ness. "We want to get the public- out of the idea that things the constantly going lower and lower and lower," said Governor Harding, "and we should get some stability into the situation." The automobile market is leader in return of buying reports at the meeting brought out. The Mav ship ments exceeded April by 13 per cent and April and May shipment!? were 67 per cent of the same niunths of last year, comparing favorably with the steel market, with ig iron, which is on a 50 per cent basis, and with rail transportation, which is on a 60 per cent basis. "The federal reserve banks," sail Povernor Harding, "which are th ultimate resource of all member banks, and through them, of the pub lic are in a position now better than ever before to extend to all legitimate business all assistance needed and ar(. not only in position to do that, ut are anxious for business to avail itself of it" DON'T HOG THE ROAD Held at Ual (jrOVe "-' -A-merican roads are too narrow for Camp Ground Chosen For Girls Reserve School Board Meets At Jennings Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, June 23. The annual school meeting was held at the school house Monday evening June 20 ,at eight P. M. G. M. Cald well presided. Minutes of last annual meeting were lost. Mrs. Altman sent her annual report and was read by the clerk Mr. Thomp son. The only business transacted being the election of director and clerk. E Pearson being the only nominee for director, it was voted an unamonious JENNINGS LODGE, June 23. Mrs Ella Eades of this place and Mrs W. A. White of Oregon City, leaders of the Kalaho Corps of the Girls Re serve, chaperoned the, members on a hiking party to Gladstone Park. Tues day, June 7, where they selected camping place for the Chautauqua for the coming season. Games were enjoyed and luncheon served. On Tuesday of this week Mrs. Eades entertained the members of the Re serve at her home which, she has named "Realization." Mrs. W. A White was joint hostess of the pretty affair. Brick Yard Started At Jennings Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, June 23.-- Alex Gill has added a new industry to this community and has a force cf men manufacturing bricks Mr. Gill is well known brick maker, who con ducted a brick yard for several years, iurnifvhing the brick for a number of business places in Oregon City ad ad jacent territory .Mr. Gill discoontinued the work for several seasons and we are pleased to know he has taken it Phones: Sellwood 697, Automatic 21S68 John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dDealers In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foo of 8pokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland Mr .and Mrs. S. L. Shepperd and family returned from an auto trip to Seaside and Gearhart, recently and report excellent claming at this popu lar resort. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith enter tained the Allenstein family from La Mont, Iowa, last week. George Morse was a dinner guest on Thursday of his only son C. P. Morse and family, residents of the Irvington district. Miss Rush, who has taught in the Pendleton schools for several years is visitinjg: her brother at this place. Mis9 Ruth was accompanied by Mrs Harold Benjamin to Forest Grove for week's visit and upon their return will visit with Mrs. Benjamin's mother Mrs. Z. Kessi. Leo Cook was one of the graduates of the McLoughlin Institute on Wed nesday having completed the 10th grade with an average of 97 per cent. Mr .and Mrs. Cook and" Mrs. Altman attending the cjammjincement exer cise. Improvements are being made on Addie street Mr. Reidle has completed a frame bam. . Lumber has arrived for Mr. McElroy's new home. Ben Losey is building an addition to his home making more sleeping rooms and has also put a cement floor in, his basement. Donald and Delbert Kessi are enjoy ing their vacation with "their father up on the ranch at Harlan. Miss Eliz abeth Kessi has returned from Eu gene where she attended the Univer sity and will take up the extension course in Portland this summer. Mrs. Blake and wee small daughter, who came to gladden their home; have returned from the Portland hospital. Mrs. Prior who has been ill for some time is now convalescing at her home on Addie street. Miss Ruth Cook is still confined to he rhome with illness. While 3he wa& able to take her examinations to grad uate from St. Mary's Academy, was unable to be present at the closing exercises which were neid on June 13jth. Many flowers were sent to Miss Cook for the graduating occasion. Mr. and Mrs. S. Roake, of Castle Rock a revisiting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Gardner. Mrs .Roake is recuper ating after an operation. W.. Rush, a teacher in the TTmatiila school is enjoying hi vacation with home folks. Mr. Rush will spend six weeks attending summer school In Portland. Mr. Morse has purchased the Ratz laff property on Morse Ave. and will lake possession this week. Mr. Morse at one time owned this place but after spending some time on the coast has decided to permanently locate here. Mrs. Lucy Allen returned from The Dalles by auto coming over the Co lumbia highway and was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley, of Walla Walla, Wash Mrs. Minnie B. Altman was a busi ness caller at Salem. Mr?. Altman has taught seven succesful terms of school here and has been re-elected as principal for the fall term. Miss Leonora Hooker ia visiting friends in her home town, Spokane. Wash. Miss Hooker will have a two months vacation. . Miss Elizabeth Bruechert will spend her vacation at the beach. Rockaway was the place chosen for her outing. Mr. end Mrs. Claude Pnlpp and lit-; ostrich egg to his mother, Mrs. Julia Ulbrand, which measures 16 by 17 inches and contains a picture of the U. S. Grant hotel which is a very pretty souvenir. Mr. and Mrs. E. Grieve who came from Southern Oregon for Mrs. Grieves health .finds' the climate in this part of Oregon very beneficial to her, as she is improving very much Mr. Grieve is a writer of some note and has traveled In China' and Japan. Mr and Mrs. V. Henderson are. lo cated in Bremerton. Mr. Henderson is stationel on the U. S. S. Philadelphia, being a mining electrician. Sunday being the 3rd birthday anni versary of Little Luoile O'Brien' the day was spent with Portland friends. R. F. Deter's home is receiving eorae improvements in the way of book cases, china closets - and built in members and their children in the grove at the foot of the ake. All en joyed a good time. Last Sunday a party of Oswego peo ple motored to Wilhoit Springs for the grand opening. The trip was a pleasant one, with a basket lunch at the springs. .There were over 5000 people who attended. Tiiose from Oswego were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gil- more, Mrs. Robert Emmons, Misses Vivian and Vera Emmons and William Batif of Albany, who was guest of the Gilmores; Mr. and' Mrs. P. H. Jarisch and daughter, Leona, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bickner and Verne Barkley OAK GROVE, June 21 The open air development isichool closed last week or the summer The pupils and teacher enjoyed a picnic at Laurel- hurst park Tuesday. Miss A Eaton an instructor at St Helens Hall, Portland, -was a week enn guest of Miss E. K. Matthews at Court ney. Mrs V. G. Benvie was re-elected on the advisory council, National Alli ance Daughters of Veterans at a con vention in Pendleton last week. She was also elected Patriotic Instructor or the State of Oregon by the Ladies of Grand Army of the Republic. Mrs. W. c- Pierce has been very ill the past week but is improving. ' Mrs. J. F. Robinet is s-rill quite ill at her home. The public school closed Friday with entertainments in the different grades and graduation of 8th grade pupils in the evening. A class of G boys and 6 Wednesday morninig of last week a girls graduated. A good program was baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. carried out and Rev. Lacy igave the Paul Staal. Mother and son are get- address to the class. carefrep driving. Yet there are some who speed by approaching motorists as if there were 100 feet of space between them. Result the innocent, careful driver must swerve into the mud cr ditch if he values his life and his car. The new touring season will see more automobiles on the highways than ever. More care will have to be taken to avoid accidents. Less hogging more regard for the other fellow will savfe many a life and make the season more pleasurable to all. When another driver approaches, slow down, keep close to the right and your days pleasure will net be interrupted. ting along nicely. The Ladies Aid met at the home kitchen conveniences with a large of Mrs. Charlie Bickner, Thursday. porch on the back : Mr. Frank Covert j Saturday Fred Norman, manager of is just completing the work. I the Portland office-of Pathe, who Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Smith entertain- made his home at McLean's Camp on ed Mr. and Mrs. Petter of Portland I the Lake, left for .New York City and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nittoldt of I on a business trip. aiuunoman station at ainner on sun- The nuoilg of Mrs. Rwintr . an Mi 1UI e wm auu with a basket picnic in the tennis Dr. Hcmner, who are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moritz. a trip over the highway with a picnic dinner at Mult nomah Falls was planned. The party was made up of 12 who enjoyed the day very much. Mrs. Francis Hughes of Montague, Calif, is visiting her son R. F. Deter. Mrs Hughes stay is indefinite, but will probably be with her son during the summer. a court and park on Saturday by Mrs. L. C. Newlands and daughters. Miss Lois Pettinger has returned home from O. A. C. for the summer vacation and with her sister, Miss Shannon Pettinger, will leave shortly for Seaside. At the school meeting Monday night A. w. Brookings of Silver Springs was elected director and E H. John re elected clerk. No other business was permitted to be brought before thu voters as the board claims no other business can come before the voters unless so stated inthe call white school law provides at yearly June meeting any business may be transacted that is properly brought before tho board has not permitted a voted to bring u: any business only election of director and clerk. Hence the report of audit ing committee which- was anpointed at mass meeting short time prior and which was to have been giver at the yearly meeting was heard at a mass meeting called immediately on ad Mr. and Mrs A. Waldorf and daugh- Journment of the school meeting. The Theron Finch of Woodburn was Portland shopper on Friday and called on his friends between trains. Owing to the River road being clos ed while the road is being improve ear oak Grove, not many tourists are stopping at the Shady Nook cam grove It will be two weeks before the road is open for traffic. Mrs Mable Pierce is having a build ing remodeled and Will Henderson is busy converting it into a cozy little cotage which will be for rent. Many in quiries for places to rent are made eveiy day by people who are .itraetpcl to ihis place Mr. and Mrs. Oulette are planning- on manufacturing their criapette pop corn at their home, for the wholesale trade exclusively. We wish them sue cess as all business concerns are cer tainly an aset to our rapidly growing community. ter, Mrs. Otto Larson, and two sons. Verne and Wayne Larson, motored to I Mulino to visit Mr. Waldtirf's son and Milwaukie Firemen Stop Small Blaze MILWAUKIE, June 20. Last Thurs day just at noon, smoke was discov ered, coming through the upper win dows of Lee's Home restaurant and rooming house on Main street The fire department rushed to the scene and poon had the blaze under control. The damage was small. No one seems to know how the fire started. The pulp mill has again resumed operations after a brief shut down due to the unusualy high water. The Thompsen Bullis Shingle Mill also re sumed operations this week The friends of Dr. Smith will be surprised to hear of his wedding Sun-. day, June 19th at Pullman. Wash. The bride is a charming young lady of Pull man, "Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, ex pect to make Milwaukie their home. E. V. Jones of Ashland is here for the summer. He is associated with his brother in the garage business. The Seventh Day Adventists held a baptismal here last Sunday at 2 P. M. I just below the the Milwauiie hotel. family. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carioll of-Spo kane, who are going to Lor Angeles for an extended visit, were the guests of Mrs. W. S. Wessling this week. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe have recently moved into the Pollard houe on Sec ond and D street. Mrs. Harry Trueblood of San "Fran cisco is in Oswego on a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Owens of Glenmorrie. Miss Leola Campbell of Kerry, Ore gon, has been visiting tier runt anil uncle Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bullock, over the week eni. She has gone to visit hor aunt, Mrs. Harry Baxter a few days when she expects to return home with her friend. Miss Violet Buckley who has been visiting her aunt in Portland. Miss Shannon Pettinger wvs hostess at luncheon Friday, hononrtg Miss Mary Bickner, Mrs. Ewing Miss Irma Vose and Miss Lissetta Shehan. Jack Monk has returned from., thi coast where he has been visiting his son for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Monk and daughter, Mrs. Roley and infant daughter expect to return (his week. On Sunday crowds of Portland peo ple were picnicking on the Lake as it was a very nice day. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rangier enter tained Tuesday evening in honor of Allen Sinclair, who recently returned from England, after four years of serv ice in the army . The guests ejoyed an evening of music and cards Mrs. B. Euibanks was the winner of first prize at ''500" while Mrs. Pete Swartz captured the consolation prize. Light refreshments were served. Those- at the tables were Mr. and Mrs. Allen j Sinclair, Mrs. A. B. Enbank, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bickner, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swats, Mr. and Mrs. C M. Terry, the host and Hostess, and their chil dren. Mrs. Kate Halliman is having some. remodeling work done on her cottage in South Oswego. - Miss Iva Brandt la visiting her friend, Miss Willa Jones, at Gladstone this week. , report vanned statements made a the mass meeting that appointed the committee but the county school sup erintendent will audit the books or have them audited about July first. Mr. and Mrs. H. Marx and family of Evergreen have gone to California. Edith Fen wick had a farewell lawn party for seventh and eighth grade pupils Tuesday at her home. The Needlecraft Club of Oak Grove met with Mrs F. A. Smith Tuesday afternoon. . DRIVING TIPS OF VALUE Oil the speedometer drive frequent ly, to keep it working quietly and for a long time. Keep the spark advanced just short of the point where -it makes a knock. It will save gas. I Avoid ruts and save the side walls of your tires. Semi-hard graphite grease is best for slow moving bearings. Plunging forward on low gear puts a severe strain on the rear axle and driving gear. Keep in the tool box a chart of Keep in the tool box a chart of the wiring system, for reference in case of i accident Cause of Leaks Outlets in the radiator to allow the escape of steam or the overflow of heated water should be kept open at all times. If they become clogged, the pressure of the hot water will take the course of least resistance and force a leak at the radiator's weakest point. Overheated Spark Plugs Pre-ignition is sometimes caused by overheated spark plugs. The spark plugs become overehated when they project too far into the combustion chamber. Proper length plugs should be used for each type of engine. NOTICE That I will not pay any bills, con tracted by- my wife, Mr3. Etta Pitts, after this date. THOMAS PITTS. JIIfIIffIfIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfJIIIIIIfIIIIJIIIJIIllIIJIIlIIIIlIIIIIIIHI2 5 Hordes of autos now remind us We should build our roads to stay EE No black top or asphalt surface S Types that soon will pass away. E When our children pay the mortgage j Father's made to haul their loads, : They should not have to ask the question, ''Here's the bonds, but where's the roads?" Oregon Portland Cement Co. PLANT AT OSWEGO, CLACKAMAS COUNTY J Main Of fie Portland, Ore., 1106 Wilcox Bldg. Il!!III!:iI!l!II!HIIIIl!iHI!lI!H -A