Paee 6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 1 7, 1 92 1 . JENNINGS LODGE MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent. " Children's Program Is Given at Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, June IT Chil drens day was observed at tho r.chool auditorium Sunday, June 12. Choice roses and ferns were use.j -n profiM ion about the platform and a child ren's chorus under the direction of Mesdames Hendry and Smith added to the service. Those attending were pleased with Doxology. Invocation response. Responsive Reading. Song We Thank The" Child ron's chorus. Hymn. Scripture Reading. Prayer Response, Father In Heav en. Song--Winnifred Humphreys, Sar ah E Holloway .Junior Hole and Jack Humphrey. Announcements. Song- Primary class. Offering Responsive chant. Recitations Geo. Nelson: Lavonno Ford; Katherine Maddox; Bobby Card and Ernanuel Bechtel Solo Marie Moore. Sermon Rev. A. B. Snidar. Solo Miss Florence Wilson. Song Children's chorus Baptism of Marie Moore and Baby Briggs. Hymn. ' Benediction. Dinner Is Given to Departing Friends JENNINGS LODGE, June 15 Tra Hart and daughter Miss Ellen enter tainer with a dinner Sunday honor ing Mr. and Mrs. F. A Allenstein. who leave by auto for their homes in Iowa Monday. The ten guest? had a " very pleasant time as they had all Jived neighbors in th" Hawkeye is rate and were the Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Aljsiine and three children the Misses Lillian and Eva Allstine and Leslie Mr. nn Mrs. Henry Smith ird Des.ix Smith. The family will journey over the Southern route, going leisurely through California and stopping at many interesting places along the way. After spending a year in the Pacific Northwest, the m ist o which was in Washington the family will upon their return, take UP farming in (he home where Mr. Allenstein owns F.pv?ral hundred of acres of choice land. Moore; playground, Mesdames Artb ur B.. Smith and Orlan Randall. Li brarian. Mrs Altman. The parents will plan to attend the Chautauqua on childrens' day, July 14 an,j have this affair take the plac? of meeting day. And some such use occasions will take place in August and th work in September will then be taken up with renewed activity. Mrs. Mary Kitchen Guest of Workers JENNINGS LODGE, June 15 Mrs. Mary Kitchen who soon leaves for northeastern Maine, was the guest of honor for a pretty affair given at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Can Smith recently when the members or the Willing Workers class of the Ore gon City Baptist church were the guests of Mrs. Smith who entertain ed so charming'y. Beautiful Testnul roseg were artistically aranged about ihe rooms and delicious refreshments were enjoyed. Attending were Mesdames D. I. Lat r.urette. A F. B. Babcock, Ella Shan dy, Minda Church, Henry Cooke, II. S. Clyde, M. J. Williams and the hon or guest and hostess. Motor Party Enjoys Trip to Washington ohio people visit JENNINGS LODGE, June 15 Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Williams arp. entertain ing their neices, Mrs. Armstrong an 1 Mrs Caldwell of Youngstnn." JOhio. who cave spent some tim in Califor nia and will remain a month in Ore gon for their pleasure . Mr. Paul Wil liams of Oregon City gave a lauuoh ride to the visitors one Sunday. JENNINGS LODGE LOCALS selected a pretty location over look ing the Willamette on tna Jchn Jen nings place. Rufus Holoway and daughter, Mis Nell, departed on Wednesday for Col orado Springs to settle up their bust ness affairs and will return again and permanently locate in the west per hap 8 In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Florence spent the week erd with Mrs. Waterhouse. On Sunday a motor trip was taken to Vancouver and Miss Weinman accom panied them. Mrs. Edw. Pearson entertaii.-s with Miss Sarah Elizabeth Hollc-.vay is spending part of her vacation witria luncheon on Friday of this weV Mrs. Richardson of Portland. honoring Mrs. Gouse of Auburn, Harry and Charles Wilson hava Wash. Covers will be laid for eight purchased a -house and their chief I Portland matrons who are friends of pastime during their vacation is horse I the honored guest. back riding. ,1 The Buol sisters of Portland eniov Misses Doris and Mary Jane Pain- ej an outin on Sunday Qu the river ten leix .MODuay tor me Matfine? and were entertained bv Reltv Hole JENNINGS LODGE. June 15 H TI Emmons combined pleasure and busi nes in a recent motoring trip to Gol dendale, wash. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Emmons, who re cently returned from Alaska. Mr. Warfielfl and his private secretary Miss Sarah Kaminski. The party visited many places in Eastern Oregon, stepping at The Dalles, and returning over the Col umbia Highway. Portland People Visit Mrs. Emmons School Board Meets At Jennings Lodge .TKNNINGS LODGE, June 15- -A regular meeting- of the school board was held Monday evening of last week. The teachers signer! "P fir the next year's work. At the ctose f or the business session, ice cream, cake and. strawberries were served by Mesdames Caldwell, Rusel, Card and Thompson and they and their families and Mesdames Altman, Mooie, MacDonald enjoyed this so cial part very much. According to an opinion c.f Attor ney General Van Winkle a question of legality of the coming school elec tion which especially applies to the budget and before the tax levies can be made, new forms are nFceepjtateJ by reason of amendments tr the buT get law enacted by the last legisla ture, which repealed many ot the pro visions of the old law and "ntroduce3 several other requirements whif;1; school boards must meet before levy ing any school tax. On Monday evening .June 13 ther 3 j was ;t meeting of the Board of School Directors to finish up the years a fairs of the district. Messrs. Hoi C way Tillman and Rogers- audited the clerk's booksi. The annual meeting will be held on June 20 at the school bjoiuse for1 the election cf director and clerk. JENNINGS LODGE, June 15 A number of Mr. and Mrs. H. Tl. Em mons friends from Portland motored out on Sunday. They were unaware that Mr. Emmons was away to Gold endale. But Mrs. Emmons rroved a very charming hostess. Gam?s and music with dielicfious refreshments made the afternoon and evening swiftly pass away. Those coming out were Mr. and Mrs. Olson. Misses An na and Rita Olson and Lewis Olson. Mrs. Carlock and son Piie and dan ghter Miss Fern, Mr. arid Mrs. Tevig Mr. Porter and Miss Porter and Mr. F. Martin. Lodge Girl Is Wed To Portland Man JENNINGS LODGE, June 15-rA wedding took place at the Oregon City Baptist parsonage on June 3, when Rev. W. E. Pettibone uaited In marriaige Mary Georgia Wilson of this place and William T. Maux ol Park place. The bride was unattended and was accompanies by her mother. She is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs Robert Wilson. A wedding dinner was held for the immediate family vt the brides home and the young couple went to keep ing house at Gladstone. Movie Show Given At Jennings Lodge Last Meet Held by Jennings Lodge P.-T. JENNINGS LODGE, June 15 Th" last regular meeting of the season of the Parent-Teachers Association was held Friday, June 10. Tho new offi cers were installed. Mr.. E, Pear son will head the association this coming year. Mrs. Wm. Booth w:!l act as vice president; Mrs A. J. Rob bins, secretary; and Mrs. Florence Moore will be the custodians of the fundst Their able assistants will be membership at large, Mesdames Bret scher and Tillman; program, music, entertainment and reception ?ire, Mes dames Chapman; Moritz. Madden; Thonu.'con and Hole. Membership Mesdames. Geo. Gardner and S. Mac Donald; kindergarten, Mrs Florence JENNINGS LODGE, June 15 The movie show given at the school house on Tuesday evening, June 1 1, was quite well attended. It was given for boys and parents of boys to talk, over the plans for a branch of the Whit ney Boys chorus from this place. 'Little Mischief", 'Gas" and A Gale Henry comedy for tho boys and Hans and Fritz were some if the reel. which were shown. A free will offer ing was taken. Thirty-six boys over 5 .-ears of age signified treir intention of joining tre chorus. ranch near The Dalies where they will spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Health and three daughters and Mr. 'in a Mrs. Rankins of Gladstone visited the Oaks on Sunday, Card and Roberts cement contract ors are building a cement basement for Mr. Warren. Mr3. O'Brien enjoyed a visit from her sister, Mrs. Meyers and daugh ter, Lavona, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs E O. K:gglns enter tained relatives over the week-end among them were his sister. Mrs. L. J. Cros'sr of Emmet, Idaho, and Mr and Mrs. J. A. Kiggins of Estacada. On Sunday Earl Jones cd wife of Portland spent the day with Ibe Kig gins family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and chil ciren motored to Multnomah Sunday. Miss Clara Costley will make hr homo with her sister, Mrs. A. L. Rob erts since her folks departed for Ashland. Miss Cotley is in the Or gon City Woolen Mills office Mrs. W. T. Wright is suffering fron a broken rib and severe biulses from an automobile accident, -.vnich occur red as the Wrights were returning Herbert Conyers. who resides with hi3 grand mother, Mrs. Schlud of Mel- drum, underwent a minor operation cn Wednesday at the Oregon City Dosprai. L,itie Henert, wui be re membered as the little boy who was the "father" In the litle weddiait which was one. of the attractive fea tures of the recent promotion' exercises. Carl Starker has made many im provements to his conservatories dur ing this year Among the latest la the installing of a new air pressure water sytem. At bis green house? many choice blossoms have been marketed among them the sweet oeas which he is specializing on, and as many a3 300 bunches have been pick ed in a single day, during the season which is closing. NOTICE That I will not pay any bills, con tracted by my wife, Mra. Etta Pitts, after this date. THOMAS PITTS. a we wriguts were returning i -m-.- -. . from Portland to their home In the IVlllWaUiile tO XXaVC Meldrum district last week. Both Mr and Mrs. Wright were injured llt ber Injuries have proved to be more severe than at first anticipated add she was removed to the Oregon City hospital Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hauscliel of Seattle Clean Up Day Soon MILWAUKIE, June 14. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Emary on 32nd street was rkartiflllir ilostrnvaj V,.. i li8!"18- arent8' Monday. Had : been for the prompt action of the local fire depart- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Berry. Robert Wilson is marketing sonm fine early cherries, and finds a ready tale for them The C- R- Holloway family are :n oying new potatoes, the first appear ing on the Holloway table on June 5. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mn of Bi- verton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Robbins. Mrs. A. F. Russell and son, Lester, departed Sunday for Walla Walla, and will be absent a fortnight. They will also visit a brother at Baker. Ore , before returning home. Dr. Hemmer and Mrs. Oiey of Spa OSWEGO NEWS Mrs. Cora Bulock ' Oswego Lake Float Boosting for Fair OSWBGO, June 14. Oswego Lake is over looking no opportunity to boost its advantages as a site for the 1925 fair .and was represented in the floral parade by an "Oswego 1925" float- The float typified the lake and the woodland surrounding it and was man-! ned by a sextet of lusty school boys Newsy Items From Oak Grove Section Nose Dives and Tail Spins By w. W. Woodbeck. OAK GROVE, June 14.-r-Tue gro cery etorea closed Thursday and near ly all went to Portland to see. the parade The school had a holiday Thursday For once this column agrees to allow pupils and teachers o see the . parade in Portland. With the administration. Miss Thelma Buley of Eugene is vis- King her brother ,A. D. Buley and fam- Tender our, congratulations. In fact we are willing to do - w m Most anything ! To endorse their plan Except by voting for them When they come up again w m m For election. Our rejoicing is based ment, the damage would have been much greater. The loss is estimated at f 100 covered by insurance. Milwaukie closed up shoo Thurs day afternoon to take in the Rose Festival parade. c The Thompson Bullis Shingle Mill is still unable to operate owing to the nign, water. That there is a strong demand for homes in this locality by people from ttther localities is evidenced by the number of inquiries received by our local reality dealers. Zelasco and kane are the hou3e guests of Mr. anJ Parvy. report the closing of two sales ENDEAVOR PICNICS JENNINGS LODGE, JunP 11 The Junior Endeavors held an out t.f door meeting n Saturday at the River View camo grove, Mrs. A. B. Snider supervising. The following are the officers for the next two . months. Mary Grace Rush as president; Jack Huirnhreysj. viee-Dresident: Junior Hole, secretary; Arthur Smith, treas urer. They will meet on Sunday eve nines at the chtinl house for de votional at 5:45 and onc a month for a social time. Phones: Settwood 697, Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an d Dealers In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foov of Spokane Avenu PORTLAND, OREGON J P: FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland Mrs. Moritz. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith are eu- joyink a visit from Mr. anu Mrs, Murray, of St. Paul, who are enjoy Ing their honeymoon in tne north west. Wm. L. Finley, former state biol ogist will erect a handsome 12 room uuuse anu a stuaio on tneir rivjr ront property. The Finleys have ri cently returnee from California where they spent the winter. Tommie Robbins who unaerwent minor operation at the Oregon City hospital Wednesday of last week, i.? much improved and wiil return hon'i; this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lucas spent Thursday at the Pollock home Ks. u. ioic has just completed a garsge at hi3 river front property. 1'a- per shingles were used and -i paper composition of drab witn pnel3 of whit for the outside o the building make a neat and artistic finish. Others who have r.fjcently added garages are Fred B- Madison and D. Abbey. Miss Esther Campbell of Portland was a dinner guest of Mrs. B. M. Hart on Sunday. since June 1 The Misses Haxtons are visitors at the home of Dr. Smith The Milwaukie Commercial Club held their regular meeting last Wed nesday evening. There was a motion made and carried to have a clean up day. The day was fixed for June 26th It is hope,j that everyone will get be hind this move and see what can be done to make this little city a cleaner aud more attractive place to live The club also took uP the telephone re hearing .case. An attorney has been i-etalnej by the members of the club anj when the rehearing comes off, he will show the public service commis sioners where Milwaukie is paying an exorbinant rate for the privilege of making Portland calls. Mrs. George Geil and Mrs Arthur Orton were guests at the Milwaukie hotel Saturday. Their home is at Bridal Veil. Rock Island Park opened their sum mer resort by giving a dance Saturday evening. They are going to give dances Sunday afternoon and evenings, Wed nesday evening and also every Satur day eveing. They are maining a ferry R. F. Deter is enjoying a viit from 1,etweon M.ilw.aukie and the island his mother, Mrs. Hughes ot Montakue California. Mrs. Albert Tucker spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Neilson, who is ir- h Portland Lcspltal. whore she underwent an operation of a seriou.s nature some two weeks ago. Mrs. Frank Tucker of Portland spends Thursday of each week :xt her sr.a's Albert F Tucker, of Roethe station. Mrs. A. A. Hopson who has spent a year in Lo3 Angeles bas returneJ to Portland and spent Saturday with the Blinstone family. Mrsu E E. Hammond of Meldrum will entertain the missionary Fociety of' the Oegon City Presbyterian church on June 17. at her pretty hoa-e on tl'-e River road. Mr. and Mrs. Jack De Forrest, Miss Grace Baugartner and Miss Wilma Bruechert motored to Wilhoit Springs on Sunday. Mrs. Lew Lam born of Wasco is visiting at the home of her nep'h'ew, Jerry walden. Geo. Morse, who has spent a month with his youngest daughter, Mrs. H M. Hayles of Ainie is visitiDg his daughters at Jennings Adgtj Mr. Morse who has built three nice houses at this place au.l then dis posed of them is now contemplating buying and locating permanently here. Mrs. Geo. itiggrmans family are rleasantly located wjlth 'the Henry Henrici family on Hull Ave. J. A. Johnson is enjoying a vlsl from his sister, Mrs. Anna Burger, who is accompanied by her two dau ghters from their Marshfield home Mr. and Mrs. Gus Warner of Port land, motored out Jon. Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Johnson. The Warners were for mer residents of Jennings Lode. Among other callers at the Johnson home were Mr. and Mrs E. E Dun can nnd Mrs E. L Mooro and daugh ter, Elizabeth of Oregon City. Miss Troutwin of Portland spem Sunday with Jier sister Mr?. John Roberts, previous to hoi departure for Southern California for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ransburg, Mr. and Mrs .Oliver Portlanders are to enjoy camp life here this season and have Milwaukie is to have another indus try, which will help to make us known as a manufacturing community. There j is a structure being erected on foe lake property on Monroe street oppo site the fine home, when completed to be used as a brass foundry. A very pretty home weddin? occur ref on Tuesday evening. June 14 -it the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry Thiesseu rear Mil waukie, when their daughter Minerva Deny Thiessen was married to Cap tain Edmond Herre, Reverend W. L McCullagh officiated. "Oh, Promise Me" was rendered by Mrs H. A. Thiessen. Miss Inez OatDeld played Mendelssohn's Wedi mg March. Mrs. Herre is a successful high school teacher in the state. She is a graduate of Monmouth Normal school ana of Reed college. She al so attended Cornell University and the University of Pennsylvania. Caj tain Herre is a Master Mariner. Hi- holds an unlimited ocean license for both steam and sailing vessels. He superintended the building of the motor-ship "Libby Maine " Thia vessel. which he commanded for three year.?, was built during the war and is own ed by the Libby, McNeal company. Geo. Michels left for Buffalo N. V. after several months here with tl-v family of F- N- Little. Campers are arriving daily at Oak I who with their Vyell" boosted for their I Grove beach and this promices to bo home town. I the ''big" camping season. C. A. Mabel and bride ol Cloverdale The funeral for the late J. C. Mor- will make their honie in Oswego. Th3y Ban who passed away suddenly last will occupy the Charles Meagler cot- wee was held Thursday at the par- tage on A avenue. I lora of the East Side undertakers. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Monk nnd Mrs. Mrs. .F. N. Little attended the dis- B. Roley have gone to Rockawav to triet convention of Womer. of the visit Willie Monk and wife for a week Woodcraft last week at Hcod River. or two. Mrs. W. M. Davenport is in verv Mrs. Jessie Dahlrimple and mother, poor health at her home on Center Over th welcome news Mrs. Carlson, left Sundav te.-r rnrval-1 street. A nuroc is in attendance. I 'sis, to attend the commencevena ex- Mr .and Mrs. David Lofgreu are vis- That we "Deserving Democrats" p.-rrlsfS- Miss .Tennta ftarUtnn urns I itinsr relatives in Chicago where thev one of the graduates to finish O. A. C will spend several weeks then vvuo nola tng, reaerai offices last Mondav. I eo to Iowa for a month before return- C. C. Hayden and family have mov- ing home. ATe to D le on the job f1 ,j iit from ttriarwnnH arA will ne- I C. F. Anderson has returned to hla cupy one of the Westergard houses on home in W'illamina after a visit with UntIl our terms of office expire. E street." J. R. Fagerstrom. Mr. and Mrs- A. G. Waling of Rock- Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Speck and daugh away beach motored to Osweg re- lers have gone to Wisconsin for a cently with William Monk where they month's visit with relatives. visted P. H. Jarisch. I Mrs. R. Mayfield accompanied b7 The Oswegoians turned out in fore. I her three children have gone to New J election day to do their 'bit" in put- Hampshire to visit her parents and ting the bonus bill "over the top" and friends of her girlhood days the measure . Osw ego was represent- paring an entertainment for the last 80 tnat when he Democrats J 1 1 tn I 11 1 .1 I nTnAl. nnl-tsu-il ml, 4.V. I I war and felt that the bonus was a (grades will present a pretty flower Ar returned to pomp and power sacrifices the Oswego lads made along I the story of Persephone. The domestic with millions of other heroes. I science class will have an exhibit of The William Busch family have re-1 their work before school closes as will turned from California and are living th sewing class. for thei present In Henry Koedler's I A class of six boys and six girls ill house on Eighth street. graduate this year from the eighth Little Ava Bickner is confined, to (grade having commencement exer- ting along nicely. Several girls chaperoned by Miss 13 because th Republican party Mr. and -Mrs. J- tiorn 01 lkjs Aiigeiea, i u.irueu enjoyed a picnic at seuwooa have moved into the cottage of Mrs. ( pane on Memorial day. Eugene Worthiniton in South Oswego. I The fifth and sixth grades in Miss On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. L. C. (Gardens room are preparing a cantata Newlands home was a scene ot a called the "Gypsy Festival" and will happy gathering when the Camp Fire I present same on Friday afternoon Girls entertained in honor of all the June 17. little folks who nelped make tneir rne manuei training exhibts are about ready and show nice work done I by the boys. The Parent-Teachers are planning for a basket dinner for the closing week of school and for picnics and lawn fetes during the vacation 1 Mrs. A. R. Hartman of Brighton Is play "The Princess of Poppyland," a success . Games .dancing and music were employed, after which refresh ments were served. Mrs. John Erickson was a Portland guest at Carlston's last week. The Neighborhood house of Port- We opin the real reason For this action Comes for the purpose Of setting a worthy exampe In November, 1924, ' We will be willing m 6 To reciprocate. Maybe the real reason Has been so long away From the public trough That it's necessary To give Clyde Huntley And a few others A little more traininig . To fit the chairs, land baa established a camp,' for girls visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. II for th summer at the Hallimar. house, I btromer. at the west end of the bride in South Mrs. Rilla Rethsten of Nebraska is Oswego over looking the lake, Miss I visiting at home of O. T. Skoog. Ri.liins who will he in charge of the camp, expects to have groups of girls J (J.jJf f ith F'llllCrfll Is come out lor a lew aays eacn wees and it is the hope of those interested venture such a success to make the that a permanent camp can be estab lished each summer for the benefit of the girls. W. S. Wesslingi, general Western manager of Pathe, and son, William, left this week for a six weeks trip to Ivos Angeles- Heretofore warmed by Democrats. And they pass out an excuse Instead ' a reason. It's all right with his column. Held in Portland For we shall be so busy With this column Funeral services of the late Wll-I liam W. Griffith, of this city, a prom- For the next four years inent mining man of the northwest, ( were held from the Skewes funeral That about all the et nnru ' chapel, Portland, Wednesday after- ( noon at 2 o'clock, with Dr. Seaman I We can fin. xp-iii . Miss Margaret Huey, who makes officiating, assisted by the Masonic her home with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis order, of which Mr. Griffith has been I O. K. Smith left Sunday morning for Happy a member for many years. I Camp, Cal.. where she will spend her The remains were interred in the I Plan3 for the now vacation witn nt?r prii. iciwi-iug i i a uli ly iul in itiver view ut;iiit;i,erv, about two weeks. I and laid to rest beside his wife, Mary Last Friday evenine was one that Malissa Griffith, who died in 1913. will be remembered hy the boys and The pallbearers were E. P. Rands, j H. S. Clyde, Julius Goldsmith, D. M. GEORGES TAKING REST eirls of Mrs. Mary Bickner's seventh anrt eighth grades. Miss Bickner and Mrs .Duncan gave an outdoor party for the young people at the Duncan MANHASSET, N. Y., June 15.--Georges Carpentier is bemmin. Drake, Alvin Miley and Wilford A. j glutton for rest. Manager Descamns White. Wednesday ordered for him nmy, William Griffith, who was a native 24 hours' leisure and the "secrot train home In the grove. All kinds of prize or ponte Preda, Wales, was born May ing" at the Manhasset farm was large games and races were played, and de- 20, 1S44, and came to the United States, ly carried on in the cool little front licious refreshments were served. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William parlor. Descamps professes to bo Everyone had a most aensunui iuuc i cirirnth when ne was rour years ci penucciy satisfied with his charge s nd went nom jimiouis esses. Miss Vivian Emmons of Albany civil war broke out, when William, some time. nent the week end with her aunt, the son .enlisted April 15, 1861 in Company D, 19th U. S. infantry volun- RATE DECISION FINAL teers. He wag mustered out of the army on April 1," 1S65, at Newport, WASHINGTON, June 14. The fed- Miss Fred Gilmore. Three Make Threats: Put Under Big Bond Thomas Van Zant, C- H Van Zant and E. L. Van Zant, of Holcomb, were today placed under $1000 bond each by Justice Noble, as the result jf an altercation near Holcomb which has been in progress for the past few days. The three brothera. It ap pears, have purchased a piece of land which R L. Johnson has under cultiva tion. Johnson has been renting the land, and refused to give up posses sion until he could harvest his crops. In the dispute following the pur chase, gun-play was resorted to, but without injury. The three men threat, ened the life of Johnson, with the re sult that they were taken to court OSWEGO, June 15. The road that was closed at the foot of the lake on account of the paving is now open to traffic. Oswego people are rejoicing over the new highway that is now fin ishes from Multnomah county line t the new bridge at Oswego to the Suck er lake bridge. Mrs. Mary Henderson and daughter, Tresia, visited Mrs. Henderson's moth er. Mrs. Schaubel over the week end Mr. and Mrs. John Samuels and chil dren spent Sunday on the Columbia river highway. Miss Marion Weidman has been ill for a week or more at the present time she is some better. Mr. and Mrs. John Cox and family also L. M- Davidson, motored to New bene- Friday. The Ladiesf Aid will postpone tneir silver tea that was to have Deen Thursday until a week .from this Thursday as the school exercises will be on Thursday evening. Mr. nn Mrs. Henry Yates and daughter, Gladys, also George Enrich of Portland motored, to Vancouver Sunday where they visited Mrs. Tate's brother. Howard Wbrthington spent Sunday at Camas, Wash. Miss Lucina Kiser is working at the restaurant for Mr. and Mrs. Burlin- game. Mra Otto Larson who has been up at tho Lewie Weidman home for tne past two weeks is now home again. Lennie Halliman of Redland was in Oswego on Saturday evening to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Davidson, visited Mrs. Davidson's parents, Mr. and Mrs L. Ford, at West Linn on Sunday. Mrs. Eugene Worthington and Mrs. Mary Yates were Portland visitors Monday. ' Mrs. Henry Woodbeck and young daughter, Barbara .accompanied by the former's sister, Mrs. Carl Hines, were in Jennings Lodge Wednesday, where they were guests of Mr. Wood- beck's parent. Mr. anil Mrs. W. W. and put under bonds not to disturb i Woodbeck. Their home is at Vac the peace. The ownership ot the land j couver, Wash., returning to that city has not been settled. I Wednesday evenine. Mass., but never returned to the fam- eral trade commission .through Hus ilyhome. While in the army he serv- ton Thompson, chairman, declined to ed with General Grant and with Sher- dav to withdraw and reconsider its man to the sea. He was in all en- recent reprt to congress on the norlh gagements in which Sherman took west lumber industry, part. Among these were Vicksburg. The refusal came at tho elo of a Pittsburg Landing and Battle of the conference with Robert B. Allen, man Wilderness. At the close of the war ae-r of tfae West Coast Lumbermen's Mr. Griffith settled in LaSalle coun- association. t Til in "iRfiFl wTiAru Ik cTtvsi,rtCLA in I nnal mininsr. and serves for 13 vears "u " uiinu UOOD On me Wlta a-l him l"ai... VORK- T..n -i- . . rn inril 15. 1 87ft i-. mflrriflj Marv . . , - a... uo.ue cum s .r ... . t. . two home runs Tuesday nlacfid him Malissa Bunker at Streeter, 111., and to this union there were born six chil dren, three girls and three boys, four of whom survive and are William E. Griffith, of Hailey, Idaho; Rowland and George Griffith of Oregon City: Mrs. Gertrude Inskeep, of Powell s Butte, Oregon. In 1886 Mr. Griffith moved to Mon 16 day3 ahead of his record of last year. They also established the rec ord of seven home runs in five days. He hit two on Monday. Ruth is speeding at the rate of 65 home rwis a season. But like all other Ameri can league players, he has net hppn able to make more thaan two circuit I aware a w .--l. ; i A.t - tana, and in the fall moved to Ros- " 6llue w"ue ln wauonal tvn. Wash. At this nlace he was su tf316."16 record is four, made by .. Ij. LOWS. Boston, in 1R94 onrt equaled by H DeQahanty. Philadel phia, in 1896. STRAWBERRY CRATES NEEDED perintendent of mines, and first in spector of mines ot Washington. In 1887 he accepted the position of superintendent of the mines near Kel so, Wash., serving in that capacity iui -""' " i mere is a nnwrai oiinrfo r ly to Cattage Grove in 1S90, where Btpawhftr " " he became interested to the Bohem- gOQ clt and seere, which is pari ten - mines and operated the mines ly due wat'er with his sons, and In 1901 moved to causIn a nrib6r of box factorles t Oregon City, where he purchased a In order 8Jt0 homo. He was Interested in mines Aaas0w. , w,,TuL l! at Hailey. Idaho from 1906 unUl the fM- e Zel shTp" time of his death He organized the from Waellfngton Fields Mutual Mining company, and Some h&Te3 was superintendent and at the time and ?1.75 per box and one of the mer- of his death was assistant superin tendent. chants dealing in berries said Tuesday afternoon that it there were plenty of Mr. Griffith Joined the Masonic or- N M .""rT,? -r " . ' : ' mand, as states of the middle west are or, of Roslyn Masonic order, of Roslyn, Wash.- charter member of St. Thotn- s lodge, of Kelso, Wash.; and affili ated with Multnomah lodge No. 1, Ore gon City, of which Ms three sons are members.' Mr. Griffith is the last member of his family, hla last brother having been buried at Carua, . Clackamas county, Oregon, a number of years ago. demanding berries from states. th. coast RYAN ADMINISTERS K. O. BAKER, Or., June 15. After hav ing it all his -way for :nost of the round, Billy Ryan, Portland light weight, knocked out eorge Hutsell, Boise, Idaho, just before the bell at the end of the first round here.- Tho bout wag scheduled for 10 rounds. Both weighed in at 115 pounds.