Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 17, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Correspondence Frdnl All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Central Grange of .
Beaver Creek Meets!
BEAVER CREEK, June 14. The
Central Grange held Its regular meet
ing at Beaver Creek last Saturday eve
ning with 38 members present. A
class of six was given the first two de
grees. As a part of the literary pro
gram the patrons-responded to a roll
call on the question, "vvny i imnK
imcHi-i is the Best Country on
Earth." Some reasons given were sert
ous and some otherwise. For the next
meeting among other numbers there
will be talks on the following sun-
jects- "Modern Improvement on the
Farm." "How the use of a room tlo-
termines its furnishings, and Tht
Grange as a co-operative organisa
tion." A topic for general tlfeeusslon
will be "A Union high school at 15eav?r
Creek." There will be a sjwlal meet
ing next Saturday evening to confer
degrees so the new members may at
tend Pomona Grange which meets at
Maple Lane June 29
Word has been received by Mr. and
Mrs. Hal Lindsay that their son
Arthur, a student at O. A. C, has
been sent by the military department
to Camp Humphreys, Va.. for six
weeks. . He left Corvallis last Satur- j
day and will make stops at Oakland, ,
Calif., and Salt Lake City. He will also
visit Washington, D. C- before he re
Mr- anj Mrs. Steve Londergan gave
a party last Friday evening at the
house they are building for Oscar Orr
and family. Twenty-five or thirty
guests enjoyed themselves by dancing
and toasting weenies and irarshmal
lows. On the same evening another crowd
of young . folks were playing games
and eatiimg ice cream on the Shannon
The Farmers Union store is ship
ping a car load of grain from this vi-.
cinity today.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes dressed
j 05 spring chickens last Friday ana
shipped them to the Portland market
Miss Lena Studeman is much im
proved in health and was out to the
ball game. Sunday.
The Beaver Creek-hall team played
on the home diamond Sunday against
the Miller-Parker team. The score
was 17 to 11 in favor of the visitors
John Hughes was in Oregon City
last week and put in his order , for a
new Overland . He expects it to be
delivered about July 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mo&ier started
to Southern Oregon today to look at
som. land.
KELSO, June 15. A concert will
be given Saturday evening June 25
at the school house by Dr. Emf Enna,
prominent pianist of Portland, and
assistants. A splendid ano varied pro
gram has been arranged r-nd no one
should miss this opportunity. Adnii-3-sion
will be free. Refreshments wiU
be sold after the concert . This con
cert Is given under the auspices of
the Ladies' Club.
Geo. Harvison's have sold v their
place here and will move to Gladstone
where they have bought property.
CARVER, June 16 Work is pro
gressing on the Barton road A largn
crew of men are busy making a bet
ter grade.
Mrs. R. E. Loomis is on the sick
list this week.
Miss Hall, the school teacher, left
for Salem Wednesday for a few weeks
vacation, iter sue .uL..,.- .s
summer school and will return to Car-
ver in time for the fall term.
Grandpa Wilkins has be?n ouite ill
lor the past tew days.
Mr. and Mrs George Itobinscn nio
tored to Wilhoit Spnng3 and spent
the week end.
Mrs. Gardner was stricken with
pneumonia Tuesday and taken to the
Oregon City hospital.
The cannery Is now open with about
eight employed in canning strawber
ries. A crew Of men are at work cutting
wood and have a large potion of the
hillside cleared
Fifty large families wanted to buy
groceries at "George Cash Store" at
Carver. AdT. '
is. full of trials and tribu
lations, but they are less
acute if you have a bank
This bank offers you safe
ty in the care of your
funds, convenience in the
payment of bills, and a
haven of refuge from the
.storms of life.
If you open an account
today you will feel better
Clackamas County Bank
W. A. Proctor, Pres.
Men's Soles. .-.-$1.75
Women's Soles.:..,- 1.25
Children's according to a&e.
Carver Shoe Repair Shop
PJank Road Work at
Elk Prairie Starts
ELK PRAIRIE, June 14. Mr. Prattl
ers ,of Bush Station near Mount Angel,
was in the neighborhood recently
showing his two little sons where be
used to hunt and flh. twent yean
ago. He took the boys up as far as
the Butte Creek falls. Mr. Pratf.ers
u. n kvv inM tn thns day.
He savs that Elk Paririe is no further
l,aek know, than that section was then
lb b stated that there were move
fish in the Butte Creek at Scotts Mills
.... ...... ., a m the
mountain stream now. .
, it n T. Vincent have
niaved "on tn the Helvey place. Mr
IK.HCV move, them here about a week
xir. -m wa one of those to so
to lay plank on the road. The Helvey
lnc was taken up by Mrs. Helvey be-
,-,. w rnLri.iee and is still often call-
e(j trie jviary west race.
Mr. and Mrs. blmer Snider were m
this neighborhood, the past week. Mrs.
Snider has bought a store in. Port
land which occupies her time. Mr.
Snider will "bach" up on his home
Miss Nettie SnHer was hit
.IraFsrM hv an auto some months ago
.u.T. ,-. o,in,t
the company which owned the auto.
i. rrto. tw Atias Rpiripr and
he. cbum were both Quite badly in-
ired. Thev ha,, iust reached the
side walk after having alighted from a
ctrt oar It is ai that the aut;
skidded for forty-two feet. Miss
! i wnnnwft nirHps
having been the youngest member -f
any lodge to occupy a very high office.
The EHk Paririe Community Club
hel dits meeting at the home of Mr
und Mrs. F. Joplin. Among Dther bus
iness transacted ,a commitee was ap-
- M2r i;xt t irt
plank from the Swope sawmill toward
iir tmX several of th. npiehbers
have already started the woife of haul-
ingand laying of the plank. The work
isdonated by the people of this sec
tion to enable them to bring supplies
!. , , f
to carry on the development of the
new section, doubt less the rccds will
be enjoyed by streams of tourists the
new action, doubt less the rccds will
coming summer who will -have no
thought Of what sacrifices has been
l thpm
Ted Gray made a long tnP from f,e '
' .fc k
working for the past month .to be
rresent at the Elk Prairie Community
Club. Ted is one of the musicians
cf this vicinity.
Mrs. Vane Hennes and Mrs. Chas.
their homestead was not located on
the Elk Prairie side of the Molalla
Kiver and left before their, maay
neighbors had time to call. These
people had come al the way from
Bakersfield, California by wagon.
Mr .and Mrs. F. Joplin spent the
past week in Portland.
A. F. Hollingsworth went tc Port
land to meet his wife, who has been
visiting her parents in Nebraska. Mrs.
Hollingsworth was called to her old
home .several months ago bv the sud
den illness of her mother.
Mrs. Vane eHnnes and Mrs. Chas.
Tidd are each raisins,, samples of flax
to show what it will do in this vicinity.
N. Dakota People
Visit In Hazelia
HAZELIA, June 15 Hazelia folks
will soon h ten min'iitp. from naved
highway ,the road being nearly com-
pleted at Oswego. I
J. L. Morgan and family of Park ,
Rose were visitors for the week end
at "Bonnie Brae" farm. .
Misg Evanffellrle Christiansen Is
attendjng the AgT.jcuiturat college at
Corvallis for two weeks as- the re-
u , rize8 won on hcr lamb
suit of prizes won on her
James Zwiney has. purchased a new
Hudson Uiis past week.
Rev. J. G. Dickey an, family cf
Dickinson, North Dakota, stopped to
visit their old friends, T). E. Christian
sen and family, ore their way to Los
Angeles, California.
Our neighbors near West Linn are
to have their Community House fin
ished soon we hear, it makes the H:-i--elia
folks sit up and tako nr-tice and
wonder if we hadn't better (get busy
at our Community Kitchen "Community-Service"
should be the slogan f
every live district. It's as popular
these days as "What kind of a car
do you . drive". No community can
live unto its self and progresg Let's
not be just dirt farmer1?, lets look
above the soil while we work and
catch the vision of social service.
Dr. Laidlaw of Hose Ci.y Park ami
owner of a loganberry tract at Ha
zelia la preparing to move, out to h in
place soon having completed hi3 bun
galow and also one for his tennant.
The "Mossy Brae" property is being
parked and we expect to see it one
of the beauty spots of Hazelia, a cot
tage is now being erected.
Mrs. Richard Zivney has been ill
the past week in the hospital at Port
land. Hugh Baker and son, Harold, are.
busy on their beautiful tract recently
purchased on the West Linn road.
Berry growers at Hazelia are jtill
busy, many berries are spoiling he
cause of shortage of boxes.
A picnic, at which a large class of
candidates will be initiated, is to !? .
held July 4 bv Willamette Falls camp :
148 of the Woodmen of the World.'
The arrangements for the affair will
be completed at the meeting to "bo
held June 24.
A marriage license vyfr11
the clerk's offiov vwalaro
H. Freyrer,r2Sal Ilanua U
kJtb. eitrora -Molriila.
5 sued in '
to Carl
fCjSlo, 26.
Road Hog Crowds
Car Off Highway
ESTACADA, June 15. Mr. and Min.
A. V. Miller, of Pennsylvania, are vis
iting at the Wm. Dale home, having
arrived Saturday. They are tourinz
he country by automobile, having left
, 8P me
" unU in Apru drove
; "wougn the southern states They In
! tel 8e weeks here and
; 6 rth and thorugh Can
.a and on h0me.
orn Vlaa?" morning, June 10, tr.
mT- "na Mrs- Roy Wilcox, a girl
J. Geore ""'"P nt
Tort,a"-d Saturday to visit their daugh
ter- Mrs- Greenleaf, and did net
rem unm Monday.
' Eters are out announcing the
D,S celebration July Fourth at Esta
cada- under tb-e auspices of the Am
erin Legion, of this place. There
wil be athletic sports, trapshooting
Dase Dai and speaking. A dance will
be held at the park pavilion in the
afternoon and evening. Picnic dinner
in the park, and various other kinda
of entertainmet.
The play ground at EsiUcada opens
Tuesday, June 21, at the school play
f sca'
snea on tne school grounds, directed
by Miss Josephine Connors, of Port
; in?' . an? formerly primary teacher
1 LUI8 P'ace. ine exercises will coin
j me c at J P- M. and continue until
l.P" M - Tuesday to Friday inclusive.
.10n is 50 cents Pfcr molith per
aua: 1 nere will be claes in Folk
Sni-j11?; India" club work and hand
: worK- A addition to the recreational
fe.s?re V11 be vollRy ba-
Jf f nis; class m aesthetic
"f111 T bt c,?ducteJ a
'r lder giriS forE1
' . ,
g"ni8 ht . and Ed
an Kay Holgate, cousins of Warren
p"13' f WJe COmme frM
POT?8nd car off the grade
T I' xT " i
iu,? but Ray wa8.ca.us,ht
" tT a 'Z V lne caQ
of the accident was due to another
C L""m ulL l"e srau-.
v m. v uiit: itiier wir uruve on
E" e B-man that wm
hurt. A damage suit has been started.
"Sf a"f Ed
McCall visited m Portland Wednes-
day of this week.
, Rev. Staats will hold regular ser
vices at the Christian oburch next
! A party from Oregon City, compos
ed of Wm H. Howell, E. G. Caufield.
M. D. Latuorette and Fred McCaus
land, all of the Oregon City water
commission, was here Wednesday.
They were joined here by Mayor
Stephens' and Councilman Dr. L. A.
Wells ani went to the head Intake of
I the Oregon City water system, on the
South Fork of the Clackamas. Their
object was to see whether the suppiy
at the head could be increased and If
so arrangements could be made to
supply Estacada with water.
, Robert Smith, of Colton, Calif., ar
rived in Portland Tuesday night and
was met by E. W. Bartleft. his father-in-law.
Mrs. Smith and twin babies
have been here for several weeks and
.after a few days, Mr. Smith will ac-
I company his family horn-?.
I Mrs. Burt Moore and haby arived
, home from Portland Wednesday and
now Burt is no longer a Viachelor.
! Warren McWillis and family left
for a few days vacation at the home
of relatives at Bull Run, Monday,
Estacada has a watch repairer now.
storTe- ,
,TTI'e local W- C. T. TJ. will meet with
"e bas bis, bench at Mc's
irs a. i;. upton the Z3ra Lunch will
be served in the grove und an inter
esting program given.
U. S. Morgan drove to Portland on
Mrs. Maude Graham and daughter,
Erma. and Mrs. Rosa Tiscn and two
iaughters, Hazel and Mrs. B. Dolan,
all of Portland, were guests at the
home of Mrs. Margaret S chock last
Died At his home in Estacada, on
i f... -1 T I 1 irtn t -r .
-""e iaivin tewis
'aiicu, aged j years, ine aeceasen
has been ill for several weeks with a
; bad cold, which developed into pneu
; monia. He was born in Bradford Co.,
Penn., and came to Estacada In 1907.
Besides his wife he Is survived by
three children, Mrs. C. E. Surfus and
C. A. Alen of Estacada and E. D. Al
len of Marmot. There are 14 grand
children. Funeral services were held
from the Christian church, Tuesday,
and were conducted by Rev. Staats, of
Oregon City. Interment was in the
Lone Oak cemetery.
! Word wag received by Estacada rei
' atives Monday that A. J. Tucker, a
former resident-of this place and
. fpringwater, had died at his home in
Bend, Ore., from pneumonia, after a
short illness. His body arived here
Thursday and funeral services were
; Held at Sorin.g!water. He leaves a wife
and three children, besides his mother,
one brother and three sisters. He was
I 47 years of age.
! There is to be a Sunday school ral
ly in the M. E. church at tills place.
. Sunday, June 26. All the schools in
this vicinfity are to participate. A
picnic dinner will he served at noon
at th church.
Clyde T- Ecker, editor of the Polk
County Post at Independence, was in
.Estacada this week visiting hfr. moth-
Mrs. Nina B. Ecker. and Mrs.
W. F. Cary. his sister,
Mr- and Mrs. Lee Bronson and son
Beverly, arived Monday evening from
Portland to visit for a few days at
the home of Bronson's parents, Mr.
a"d Mrs. Chas. Bronsnn.
M. J. Kerkes is reshingling his
residence on Upper Main street, a3
well as making other improvements.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks motored
to Portland last Thursday to visit the
picture houses. The Sparks' will take
charge of the Family Theatre about
July 1st, as the present manager, W
E. Linn's lease expires at that time.
The Family theatre belongs to Mr.
Sparks, he, and Mrs. Sparks having
hai charge of it until about two years
a so. They are making arangements
to give some good shows.
Mr. and Mrs. G. . H.7 Lichthorn and
Mrs. A. Haidlan and 'children spent
Monday in Portland, j -
Lee Rusk, of Salem,: connected with
the State Bureau of Labor, was an
Estacada visitor Monday.
- F. E. Burns was among the Esta
cada visitors In Portland Saturday.
Mrs. A. G. Thompson, and daugh
ter Emily, left on Saturday for San
Jose, California, to join Mr. Thomp
son who has been there for some time.
Mrs. Violet Sarver Starr was taken
to Sellwood hospital in Portland Uut
Friday where she was operated upon
by Dr. McCall of this place, for ap
pendicitis. She is getting along very
The Rebekahs entertained the chil
dren last week after their regular
meeting at Odd Fellows hall. The lit
tie folks to the number of 40 were
all seated at one long table where ic
cream cake and lemonade' were serv
ed. Games were played and all had
a good time.
Mrs. K. Dowden, of Alma, B. C
wa3 a week end visitor at the Irving
Smith home.
Holgate Brothers have bought the
S. P. Pesznecker garage and machine
shop and have taken possession.
The two Gaffal boys with their mo
ther are back in Estacada hanling tel
ephone poles to finish out a contract
which the rainy weather last fall kept
them from filling. They are keeping
house in Mrs. Debois cottage.
Mrs. C- R- Ellis was tn Portland two
or three days last week the Bnest of
her son Lorin to attend the Rosie fes
Russel Reed returned from O. A. C.
Sunday evening and Albert Lich
thorn preceeded him by a few days.
Mis3 Anna Dillon is at Bull Run
visiting Mrs. J. G. Greenwood.
Last Thursday evening Guy Wil
cox was driving his Ford along Sec
ond St, when at the corner by the
drug store he ran into a pile of dirt
and a hole which had been dug to
the water pipe. With him was his
wife and little baby, but asi?e from
getting a thorough shaking up, they
werv not injured. The machine was
slightly damaged. The cause of the
accident it is said, was because the
marshal had neglected to place tho
ed lantern on the excavation.
Arline Klmmel had a birthday party
last Thursday. The birthday cake
was decorated with 13 candles, her
age. Those of her young friends who
assisled in celebrating the event,
were Ella McWillis, Florence June
Reed, Florence Hassel. and Johanna
C. S. Jackson, editor of the Oregon
Journal, with his wife were registehed
at Hotel Estacada last Sunday.
"Bob" Morton came over frcm Port
land Friday to visit his mother, Mrs.
W. J. Moore.
Rebekahs-L O. O. F.
. Planning Big Time
WILSONVILLE, June 13. Mr. and
Mrs. Hy Stone of Corvallis, made a
short visit to their old friends Mrs
Crow and Hy St. Johns, last Friday.
Walter Schlickeeser the road super
visor Is recovering from a cut he gave
himself with an adz while working on
the new gravel bunker.
The M. B. church is receiving a
new coat of paint.
An airplane came down in August
Delker's field in trouble last Saturday.
Another landed in Joe Robick's frog
pond recently-
The Big Six composed of the Sher
wood X O. O. F. and Rebeka, Tuala
tin's two lodges, Tigard's two lodges,
School's two lodges and Wilsonville's
two lodges are to have a big time at
the Wiedman's Grove at Wilsonville
Saturday evening, June 18th The Has
alo I. O. O. F. band Of 60 pieces will
be on the job ,a program and speaches
are to be features of the evening.
Raymond Seely was given the sec
ond and third degrees in tha I. O. O. F.
last Saturday night.
Mr. Stout, O. E. agent, has purchas
ed the residence of Sam director the
other day.
Inez Seely returned to Sherwood for
the last week of school.
Wilsonville ig making uo prepara
tion for the Fourth this year.
Thursday afternoon an enjoyable
event took place at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Farquarhson in honor of th3
birthday anniversary of Mrs. Farkuarh
son. The affair was planned and carried
out by friends of the famiiy, making
a most complete surprise.
Dinner was served at 5 o'clock and
the table was attractivelv centered
with -a birthday cake made and pre
sented by Mrs. Hines. .
Flowers were also used in decorat
ing the table. Many useful and beau
tiful gifts were received.
Those present were Mrs. Charlie
Hines, Mrs. F- Wascott and little
daughter. Bertha, Mrs. John- Wlahos
and son, Marion, Mrs. Stive, Miss Nora
Hines, Miss Agnes Bernert end Mrs
J. Brooks.
DAMASCUS, June 14. There has
been further discussion of new routes
for the highway by Damascus and
Sunnyslde residents. The Sunnyside
road is the most direct road out of
Damascus. It runs through Sunny
side practically straight into Eighty
Second street. The road is six miles
long and is paved for one mile east
fro Eighty Second street From this
point to Sunnyside a distance of one
mile there Is a good gravel ro(i with
a good grade. Beyond Sunns.'de the
road is graveled for nearly two miles
and from this point to Damascus it is
a good dirt road. The only real ob
stacle is the Rock Creek hill. How
ever there has been talk of a better
grade which would eliminate this hill.
This road if hard surfaced W'll bring
Damascus considerably cloter to Port- j
Golden Wedding Is
Fittingly Observed
LAD HILL, June 15. Mrs. Bertha
McCuIlef .i.-ited in Newborn with her
mother, Mrs Raider last week.
Miss Gladys St. clair and two broth
ers attended the Rose Festival in
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith celebrat
ed their f olden wsJdiK Thursday
June at their ho 1 f.py received
several nice present among them a
lovely brass bed from the children and
relatives. A sumptous Jinner wad
served at noon. Those present were
Mr .and Mrs. E. Strove, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pa Irish, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Parrish, Mr. and Mrs.
Al McOulley, and Mr. and Mrs. Chase
Kenyon and Jim Kenyon of Butteville.
Mrs. Leslie Parrish, Howard Smith,
Donald Ward, Alice Smith. Earl Par
rish, Lillie and Sammy Parrish
The surveyors are surveying the
Clackamas County road from the Yam
hill county line to Willaonville and
will endeavor to make a market roadj
there. They are boarding at Jack
Those taking dinner at George
Smith's Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Smith, Mrs. Nellie McCulley,
Donald Ward, Alexander Stewart and
Miss Avis Eddens of Dundee, Ellis
Baker of Newberg, Miss Ruth Baker
and Henry Adolph of Fernwood. Tn
the afternoon a car load of ten mora
came to join the c-.row whom were:
Misses Ruth Kuske, Delores Bryans
and Ruth Schulze, Wayne Hunt. Frank
Connors, George Hunt and Albert
Hunt all of Portland and Theo. Roy
and "Bob" Baker of Fernwood, as
there were serveal musicians in the
crowd a very enjoyable afternoon was
spent with plenty of music and sing
ing. As if by a miracle Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Ives, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Loucks,
Alexander Stewart and Clifford Ives
escaped 6erious injury when Mr. Ives
Chevrolet was run into while return
ing from the Rose Festival Thursday
evening. The car coming toward thei"
hit their car with such force as to turn
it around and Put tno steering gear
out of commission, and they ran into
a bluff, throwing Mrs. Loucks and
Alexander out bruising- them badlj.
The rest were bruised and shaken VP
considerably . Mr. Ives' car was dan
aged to the extent of several hundred
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith went
to Newberg Thursday evening to see
the Newberg float when it came back
from Portland.
Program Is Given
For Children Day
LOGAN, June 15. Miss Alma and
Bertha Boss and Ethel Hutch ins at
tended the wedding of Miss May Cas
teel and A. Simonson.
Mrs. Henry Kohl entertained some
of her friends with a barn dance last
Saturday night those attending say
they had a most enjoyable time.
Housewives are busy canning straw
berries this week. There seems to be
a plentiful supply of them
Ivor Tolstand, our congenial mer
chant is riding in a brand new Ford
now. we understand otner orders are
booked for this popular machine.
Last Saturday was children's day
for the Logan country and the Grange
and Sunday school united in giving
a picnic at the Grange Park which
was well attended. A fine dinner was
served in the Park on the long tables.
A very entertaining program was
1' I
lire tried them, ally '
I'm through experimenting. Ko more ST7itcL.ing.
No more trying this and that. It's Camels for. ine
evciy time.
They've sa refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild!
rhy? The answer is Camels exclusive expert
bbnd of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos..
There's nothing like it.
. I7o other, cigarette you can buy gives you the real
sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the
Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette.
Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your
information first hand. You'll tie to Camels, tco.
feel "at home" at the CARVER STATE BANK.
Meet your friends and transact your business in our
4 Interest paid on time deposits.
THOS. F. RYAN, President. THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice-Pres.
R. E. LOOMIS, Cashier. ;
Safety deposit
boxes for rent.
given by the children of the commun
ity. A ball game, with the Carus boys
as victors, races etc., concluded the
program. Ice . cream was served at
the etand.
Mrs. A. Patterson has returned
home from Portland where she went
to stay with her sister Mrs. C. C. Rob.
bins, who recently underwent a ser
ious operation.
Confirmation Given
By Rev. Rosenbuscb
MACKSBURG, June 14. The Roeo
Festival in Portland has not only
heightened appreciation of our own
roses but has inspired the interroga
tive '"What is to hinder reproduction
on our own scale of course of that
wonderful pageant in our tome town?"
The Lutheran church presented a
most pleasing appearance on the
morning of Sunday. June 12, when the
large class so carefully prepared by
the new pastor Rev. Fr. Rosenbusch
received the rite of confirmation. The
weather was such as must have in
spired our gifted -Lowell in his verses,
"Oh what is so rare as a day in June." j
The profusion of flowers and the mm-1
iature sea of snowy white made by the
confirmation dresses lent interest to
the impressive service and left mem
ory not soon to be effaced.
A litte son, weighing eleven pounds,
came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Ginrioh last week.
Word is daily expected from Ferdin
and Kraxberger and from Mr. Phil
Scheer, who, by this time, must have
reached their respective native towns
in Europe.
The Mother's clubs to held its reg-
alar fortnightly session in the present
week at the home of Mm Abe. Hep
ler. Meadowbrook Items
MEADOWBROOK, June 15. Beau
iah Mofstetter and J. Blare IVolet, who
took the eighth grade exams and also
those who took the sixth grade county
exams, passed. The eighth grade
went to Gladstone Friday with their
teacher Miss chindgren, where they
received their diplomas.
Eva Sullivan who has been attend
ing high school at Dayton returned to
her home Saturday.
i 4 Kf- fta.-.ViailnJ
We are open Saturdays
until 4 p. m.
Mrs. Amelia Chindgren and family
were entertained at the Pete Johnson,
home of Col ton Tuesday, evening for
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cerason and fam
ily of Oregon City spent Sunday at tke
A. L. Larkins home.
Several from here attended the
opening of Wilhoit Mineral Springs
Rufus Holman and family and Vir
giania Hastings of Portland spent the
week end at Oak Knoll.
Ruben Chindgren and Glenn Larkins
who have been going to O. A. C. re
turned to their homes Friday.
Mrs. Tronson entertained the Ladies
Aid of Monitor Wednesday at her
home. Eagle Creek News
EAGLE CREEK, June 15. JRay
Woodle is making preparation to build
a new house.
Edna Evans was away for a few
days recently visiting with Portland
Mrs. R. L. Douglass accompanied by
her nieces, Mildred Douglass, left for
home in The Dalles on Monday after
a week's visit with relatives down
this way.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Udell were the
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Parks on Sunday.
Mrs. Viola Douglass, Mis3 Bina
Douglass, of Estacada, Mr. and Mrs.
Jess Douglass and children, Edna and
Kelly, and Mr. and Mrs. Grazier, of
Boyd, Geo. Preister and family, of
Logan, were the dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Douglass, Sunday.
Will Douglass, while planting pota
toes the other day, had the misfor
tune to cut his finger on the potato
planter. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil May and daugh
ter, Evelyn, of Oregon City, were
guests at the home of Roy Douglass
a couple of days last week.
Suit for divorce was fOed in the cir
cuit court Wednesday by John J. Gil
bert, against his wife, Ressie M. Gil
bert. Gilbert asks the custody p?
two children, Ruby, aged 6. Robert
aged 5, and desires that his wife te
given the custody of the two younger
children, Donald, 4 and Myrtle, 1.
R. J. REYNOLDS Tobacco Co.
WiiMtou-Saleja. N. C