Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 10, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Paee 6
MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent.
Class Entertained
Bv Miss Ruth Cook
Ruth Cook entertained the members
of the graduating class of St. Mary's
Academy at its annual outing last
week The members attending were
Dorothy Bassett, Rose Kinlin, Irene
Sweeney, Isabelle Cook, Mildred Ken
nedy. Mable Gunther, Winifred Ellis.
Winifred Flynn, La Verna Hilbora,
Rosamond Douglass, Phjllis Roossx,
Eleanor Ford. Irene Watters, Dorthea
McDonald, Anna McCormiek, Mary I I
len Driscoll, Elleanora Campbell,
Lenoa Davidson, claire McCarthy,
Lorea Cayoh and Ruth Atmes Cook,
who all enjoyed their luncheon under
the tall firs at the camp grove and
boating and canoeing rounded out the
pleasure of the day.
Work Started on
Community Church
on the new community church begins
this week . A modern $0000 church,
will be erected using the old struc
ture for part of the auditorium. The
Sunday School rooms. the Guild
kitchen, toilets and furnace room will
be in the basement. E. B. Griffith
will superintend the construction
work. The building commitee is W. I.
Blinestone, Rev, A. B. Snider and Dan
iel Jones.
The church and Sunday sehcol serv
ice will be held at the school houae
and on June 12 the Children's day will
be observed. There will be special
music, a story sermon by the pastor
and the baptism of several little folks.
Important Questions
Discussed by Club
last regular meeting of the Jenning
1x&eP Community club was held on
Juno 1. The water question wa
brought before the people. Messrs.
Howard Truscott, Myers, J. A. John
ton are favoring a well on the Ea
County road at ai approximate cost
of $30,000. Mr. Tillman much in favor
of Bull Run water spoke for it While
Mr. Woodbeck is favoring getting th
water from Oregon City. It was vote
to have the last two named gentleme
to get data and information in regard
to same and act on the water commv
lee. At their regular meeting on Jun
15 the water question will be gor,
over and it is of vital interest for all
in favor of water at this place to come
The telephone question is also
considered. Let us look for a goodly
attendance. Messrs Truscot and Mad
ison have been tireless in their ef
forts in getting water before the peo
ple, jvir. Madison has resigned cn the
committee as he is unable to give any
mjre time to :t
T'i people should bo int'Tf stej and
come out when things of so vital iro
portance as water is to he discussed
and means so much to a community..
Guild Entertained
At Jennings Lodge
E. Griffith charmingly entertained th
Guild at her pretty new home on
Wednesday. Baskets of pretty roses
lent charm to the occasion. The de
votional was led by the president,
taking 'Love,' for her subject.
At the business meeting Mrs. Arthur
Smith was made recording secretary
for the calendar budget.
Mrs. E. Boyd was a new member. At
trie social hour paper aprons contain
ir.z tiny pockets were given and each
lady asked o contribute 1 cent for
every inch sht? measured around the
-.vaist and the proceeds amounted to
$6.91. Each one contributed some
thing of their native state and inter
esting facts were gleaned from this
part of the program. Mrs .J .B. Wood
sang a group of songs which delighted
all. Delightful refreshments were serv
ed. Those puresent were Mrs. G. E.
Smith of Cleveland; Mesdames Nel
son, J. W- .lenes, Henry namer. Liar.-
lei Jones. Shelton Bechtel, Edith TruS
cott, A. B. Snider, J. B. Word of Port
land; E. Boyd, Arthur Smith, Frank
Covert. C. Waterhouse, E. Pearson,
Lucy AHen, Mary Kitchen, J. Hooker,
E. G. Griffith, Sr., H. Wyttenber;
Howland. Laura Newell, Esma Ford,
Vlugh Robert ,W. W. Woodbeck. Miss
Stantfer and Miss Patton of Fore
Mrs. George Gardner is to be next
hostess on the 4th Wednesday in June.
Graduating Picnic
Held at Gladstone
of our mothers accompanied the chil
dren to Gladstone park on Friday to
attend tne affair planned for the 8th
grade graduates of Clackamas county.
The weather being so unfai'orable in
the early morning others who had
planned on attending remained at
The picnic dinner at nuon' was an
enjoyable features. The Chautauqua
auditorium was well filled to listen to
the morning exercises of music, speak
ing and presentation of the diplomas
Our eleven 8th graders making a cred
itable showing with the penrants of
old rose and gray.
Christian Endeavor
June Social Held
June soc'al of the Christia-i Endeavor
was held '"n Wednesday evii.ng. I.
wss in the form of a icia.-MiiDi allow
roast .m-.d fn Id fashioned si "L around
the bon 'i.e. Mr .and Mr-" tta:rge
Ftoler and Rev. Snider heli-jJ the
young folks have a spler.did time in
the camp grove. About SO attended
and the Christian Endeavor will not
meet again till fall either for social
or devotional.
Reunion Is Held by
House of Harrington
House of Farringfc n, met f cr its annu
al reunion on Sunday, June 5th, at the
home of Mrs. Warren Swartz. who with
a sister, Mrs. Hitchock, and C. H. Far
rington of Portland and J M. Farring
ton of East Mill Plain, Wash., are th
descendants of John T. and Lucy 2
Farrington, arid the company was
made up of these and their children
and children's children.
The House of Farrington numbers
10 families and 29 were present. El
jier G. Kinkead of San Francisco be
ing an honored guest.
The features of the day were a noon
clay picnic dinner, games and a bus
ness meeting .at which Mrs. Swartz
was elected president.
The annual reunion takes place
next year on the first Saturday in
June 1922, and each year brings the
families together in a social way and
in a very enjoyable event.
Those assembling for the reunion
were all of the members of the
'House of Farrington."; Mr and Mrs
J. M Farrington, East Mill Plain,
Wash..; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hitchcock
Mrs. Mildred L. Farrington, Mr. and
Mrs. C H. Farrington, the Misses Mar
garet and Janet Warrington. Master
John S. Farrington, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
bur P. Reid and sons, William and
Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. H.' A. Swart and
daughter, Betty Lou, Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Albright and children, Robert A.
and Aline, all of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. F. S. Gannett and son, George of
The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Swart. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Newcomb
and daughter. Gail, of Jennings Lodge.
new store will be known as the Serv
ice grocery and is now open to the
t-ublic with a fresh stock of groceries
confectionery goods, hay and grain, in
the post office building. Mr. O'Brein
the proprietor, announces daily spec
ials which will mean much t-t the
Mr. O Brien intends to enlarge the
store witn Jiving apaivments.
Naomi WSleox enjoyed a short visit
recently with her brother, Harold
Wilcox of the Redland district.
Miss Helen Porter field of Oakland,
Cal., is visiting Mrs. A. U. Snider.
Miss Dorothy Finch returns to her
home at Woodburn this week. Dorothy
was one of the 8th grade graduates.
coming'here from Iowa last fall. After
her folks decided to locate in "Wood-
burn she decided to complete the 8th
grade at the Jennings Lodge school.
Mrs. Vyvyan Dent entertained a
number of her friends and relatives
at her home on Sunday. A picnic sup
per was much enjoyed by those pres
Dr. W. P. Patterson spent Decor
ation day at Salem with his son.
Mr. Calvert, a photographer of Ore
gon City, came to the Lodge ru Thurs
day to pose the little tots who took
part in the wedding for their pictures.
Miss Doris Painton and Mary Jane
Painton of Rockaway will attend the
Rose Festival and will be the house
guests of Mrs. Claire Maple.
Miss Doris is a teacher in the pri
mary grades at Rockaway and Mary
Jane has attended the Tillamook Acad-
Phones: SeUwood E97, Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an d Dealers In
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue . PORTLAND, OREGON
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
Montgomery and Fifth
" emv rievotine- much of her time.
otudyin gthe violin.
Tom Robbing underwent a minor,
operation at tfce Oregon City hospital
on Wednesday.
Mrs. Jessup and daughter of Milton
were guests of Mrs. Joe Hackett last
Mrs. Carl Starker entertained Miss
Delphia Hammond of Portland recent
ly. Mrs. B. A. Hoag i3 entertaining her
daughter, Mrs. Coartz and family cf
Newport they will remain a month.
Mrs. J. Turnbull of Meldrum is en
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. C. A Turn
bull and children of Canada.
Mrs. Lucy Allen will enjoy a few
days visit at The Dalles next week.
This is Mrs Allen's old homo and her
many friends there are always delight
ed when she returns eveu for a short
A number from here attended the
Oregon City high school graduation
exercises on Friday evening, which
were of special interest, inasmuch as
two of the graduates were promoted
from the Jennings Lodge school four
year sago. Elva and Shirley Parks,
who have the best wishes of our peorle
for their success in completing the
high school course.
Abcufc twenty young ladies, co-work
crs with Miss Wilma Brucchert at
Marshall, Wells & Co., spent Sunday at
tne Brucchert home, later going to
Cedar Island for a swim and partak
ing of a picnic dinner onthe beach
The pleasant affair was given for Gen
evieve La Mere and Eleanor Bews
who are leaving for Wisconsin. Those
attending were Greta Teague. Hilda
Helzer, Eiith Helper, Katherine Hel
per, Leona Schaffer, Dorothy Johnscn.
Ruth Talcott, Neva Hutchinson,
Grayce Baumgarner and Elizabetn
Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Costley and fam
ily of Willamette were dinner guests
on Monday night of Mr. and Mrs
Arthur Roberts. The Costley family
are leaving on Wednesday for Ashland
where they Intend to locate. On Fri
day of last week a few ot Mrs. Cost-
leys friends from here enjoved .lunch
with her at her home .and presented
her with a silver thimble which was
especially made for her quilting which
the is much devoted to.
Mr. Costley has been employed at
the Oregon City Woolen mills for
some" time and enioys a wide circle
of friends, who wish them health and
happiness in their new home.
Mrs. Alden Kelly departed on Sat
urday for her new home at Salem. Mr.
Kelly being circulaton manager for
the Salem Stateman
On Friday the Swart anj Newcomb
families entertained Elmer Kinkead of
San Francisco at dinner on Thursday
Mrs. Kitchen who is to leave on June
17th for Maine and nr daughter Mrs
C. L. Smith were luncheon guests at
this hospitable home.
Mrs. J. A Jordan, wife of Dr. Jordan
of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, is to visit dur
ing the summer with her sister, Mrs.
Frank Covert. Mrs. Jordan visiited here
two years ago and her friends are
glad to have her return to Oregon.
Mrs. John Jennings has Improved
so much during the last week that her
condition is very satisfactory to her
many friends
Thomas Grady is on the sick list
and unable to attend his duties as
yardmaster at the O- W. R. & N.
Mrs. Walt Easier of Portland and
Mrs. Mattie Fleming of Vancouver,
Wash., are visiting at the home of
their mother, Mrs. D. J. Abbey and are
soon to leave for Tillamook where
their husbands are in the garage busi
Mr., and Mrs. Harry Huid of Port
land spent the week end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grady of the
Meldrum district.
Mrs. Langdon Spooner enjoyed a vis
it from Mrs. Wilson Miller and three
children on Tuesday. In the evening
they all gathered at the home of their
uncle, John F. Jennings.
Mrs. R. F. Deter will entertain her
iece Miss Grace Mitchell and Miss
Johnson of Kalispel, Montana, who
will remain over the Rose Festival
week, they are on their way to Med
ford the home f Miss Mitchell
Mrs. Edith Truscott and daughter,
Miss Ruth, attended the graduation
exercises at Gresham last week on
Friday evening.
Mrs. Caroline Waternousjp en,-
taine'l on Tuesday in honor o? her sis
ter. Miss Weinman, whose birthday
anniversary occurred on June 7. A
number of pretty gifts as well as a
postal shower were gjven the honored
one. During the afternoon refrejh
ments were served and a pleasant
time was enjoyed by Mrs. Ella McHar-
gue. Mrs Mary Kitchen, Mrs. J. A.
Jordan, of Arkansas. Mrs. C. L. Smith
Mrs. Frank Covert, Miss Weinman an-1
the hostess.
F. A. AJlstine arrived cn Tuesday
and will spend a week with Ira Hart.
The family have spent the winter in
Washington and are to leave next week
for Iowa, going by auto, will take the
Southern route and leisurely journey
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swart and Mr.
and Mrs. R. Newcomb were dinner
guests on Monday night of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Farrington of Portland, the
occasion beink the 16th wedding an
niversary- of the Farrington s.
Captain Lloyd Spooner stationed at
Camp Lewis has gone to Camp Savan
nah, Georgia, for training for the Sep
tember meet. He will be absent four
weeks. Mrs. Spooner will remain at
Camp Lewis during his absence.
R. D. Dinning, wife and child and
Hugh Dinning of Vancouver, B. . C,
journey through here to Los Angeles
and spent the night at Shady Nook
camp grounds.
Mrs. E. Boyd is enjoying a visit
from her daughter, Mrs. G. E. Smith
of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. -Smith was
accompanied by her small daughter
and will remain west until August.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Roake of Cas
tle Rock, Wash., are visiting their
daughter, Mrs. George Gardner.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jossie of Hillsboro,
hav purchased the Copp home at
Meldrum and are' pleasantly located
at their new "home. j
It is of much interest to know the
World War Veteran's State Aid Faad
Constitutional Amendment carried In
this precinct three to one.
Mr. Kicnmond of Texas arm Mr. and
Mrs. Cora Bulock
Interesting News
of Oswego Section
OSWEGO, Jnne 9. Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Bickner motored to Canby
Sunday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Eccles who hav(
been spending the weekend with Mr
and Mrs. George Bullock returned to
Canby Sunday.
The construction gang working on
the highway between Foreland and
Oswego have got the pavement all
laid up to the railroad track in Os
Mr and Mrs. Oliver Worthingtou
were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Worthingtop. the week end.
Miss Gladys Yates and Geortge En
rich motored to Mt. Hood over Sun
Mrs. Gus Smith was a Portland shop
per Saturday.
G. C. Worthington of McMinnville
visited his parents, Mr .a,nd Mrs. J. K.
Worthington of Oswego.
Mrs. George Thomas and Mrs. E. B.
Worthington went as representatives
of Vesper Circle No 363 to the Grand
Circle at Hood River, which will meet
Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. Simelton who has been super
intendent of the Oswego Iron and Steel
pipe shop has been transferred to the
Portlan office.
Mrs. Frank Davidson spent Monday
in Portland.
Will Cook of Oswego vv-as a Hazelia
visitor Sunday.
Oswego base ball team played the
Crown wilamette Sunday. The score
was 6 to 4 in favor of the Oregon City
A number of the men who were
working at the ship yards in Portland
from Oswego are out of work now as
they are tearing down the 3hip build
ings. Richard Zineny of Hazelia is having
a beautllul Home ouilt ror ms fatner
ani mother on 5th street.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilson, foreman
of the rock quarry at Canby, were vis
itors, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John cox over Sunday.
On Saturday evening Mrs. Sarah
Evans of Portland visited her daugh
ter, Mrs. George Pettinger and on Sun
day was Mrs. Evans birthday when
she was greatly surprised by a number
of school teachers of Portland whe
came out to Mrs. Pettinger's beauti
ful home over looking the river at
Oswego where a large birthday cake
was served and then a beautiful jet
necklass1 was presented to Mrs.
Evans. The day was spent with a lot
of enjoyment. In the afternoon Mrs
L. C. Newlands had tea at the cement
tennis court and surprised her with
another large birthday cake.
have moved to Oswego, and are iving
in th Mcintosh house.
Mr .and Mrs .G. S. Bullock motored
to Canby Thursday.
Mr And Mrs. Lewis Weidman ara
receiving congratulations over the ar
rival of a daughter born last Tuesda;
Mrs. A. Waldorf and Mrs. J. Em
mott were Portland shoppers Friday.
John Erickson and Dalmer Erickson
left this week for Altoona, Wash.,
where they will spend the summor
Miss Lucine Kizer was hostess to
the Ladies Aid Society Thursday eve
ning The occasion being theii regu
lar business meeting ,after which
dainty refreshments were served.
Mrs. Mary Moseley of Portland is a
week end guest of Mrs. Henry Yates.
Miss Elizabeth Hyskell, a student
Monmouth Normal School, is with her
parents at Rock Lawn -luring vaca
tion. Mrs. Mike Reif has returned from
Oregon City hospital but is yet con
fined to her home.
Mils Ada Gibbs of Canada is a
guest- of Mrs. Jessie Dyer.
Mrs Ed. Bair and daugnter, Betty,
of Newport, visited friends in Oswe
go Saturday.
iVIs. Lucina Kiser visited relative3
in Oregon City Friday.
The pupils of the 7th and 8th grades
of tho Oswego, schools had a delightful
picnic on Oswego Lake Friday eve
ning. They were chaperoned by the
teachers of the school.
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. John ax.J
William Bickner and Miss Mary Bick
ner were hostesses for the Woman's
Club which met at the home of Mrs.
L. C. Newland regular business ard
plans for the annual picnic were dis
cussed after which delicious refresh
ments were served.
Mi?s Mary Irving and Lyman W.
Patton were married in Oregon City
Oak Grove School
Board Rouses Ire
to our school laws and employing six
teachers when not necessary to do so
with 130 pupils enrolled and other
statements was varified by a commit
tee who had been asked by the citi
zens to investigate and report findings
at said mass meeting with this seem
ingly inefficiency and the dissatisfac
tion having existed here for past three
or four years regarding the doings
of the school board the committee
recommended the school board be ask
ed to resign but by vote of those pres
ent it was decided not to ask it at
this time and a committee was ap
pointed to audit the clerKs books in
accordance with Oregon laws 1921.
What action will then be taken de
pends somewhat upon that report hut
there is still a strong sentiment for
preferring charges by some of the rn
idents here. At the annual election
which takes place June 20 the chair
man of the board goes out and it is
rumored that he is not a candidate for
relection whether further action to
oust the board will be brought before
that time is not known at present.
J. C. Morgan living at St. Thersa.
Station having moved here with his.
wife and three children about si?
weeks ago was suddenly seized with
a severe pain about the heart while at
his -work in Portland Monday and pass
ed away before reaching the hospital
where he was being rushei for assistance.
River Road Closed
During Paving Work
Pavement Complete
OSWEGO, June 1. Ernest Paulsen
a Washington high school student.
while, attending a class picnic at Os
wego Lako was drowned this after
noon. His body was recovered by Mr,
Schaubel after being in the water
about twenty minutes. Pulmotors wer-i
rushed to the scene of accident but
the physicians found it impossible
to resusciate him.
The Oswego-Portland hard surface
road is now finished, the cement gang
laying the last unit connecting tho
road the road with the north end of
Oswego's Trout street late Friday
afternoon. The citizens are making
arrangements "to have the real open
ing of the road on July 4th . The new
n ard surface road and the excellent
ral service make Oswego one of the
best possible places for the 1925 Fair.
Mr .ad Mrs H. H. Eccles of Canby
were week end gusts of Mr. and Mr.
George Bullock.
Mrs. J. K. Worthngton was a Port
land shopper Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Halliman rt
Redland, were visiting with old friends
here this week.
Mr and Mrs. ' Oliver Worthington i family left
OAK GROVE, June 7. Mr. and Mrs.
J- Moyer who have been visiting a
daughter Mrs. R. R. Davenport the
past fortnight left for Salem Sunday
to visit a daughter there before re
turning to their home at Falls City.
Mrs. J. F. Robinett who has "been
very ill the past ten days is slightly
The eighth graders enjoyed a trip
up the highway Saturday.
H. H. Princehouse and family enjoy
ed the week end at Wilhoit Springs.
Mesdames R. R. Davenporc, -Fred
Miller and Miss E. K. Matthews re
turned from Pendleton Fiiday eve
ning. They report a fine time and a
splendid mseting of the federation.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smith were Port-
Ian visitors Saturday.
R. Law and. family motored to Cor-
vallia Saturday returning Sunday.
Orville. son of J. D. Butler is re
covering rapidly from an operation on
his throat.
L. P. Endicott have purchased the
house formerly owned by ' Mrs. Edna
Harris and is now occupying same
with his family.
W. A. Fowler is having hiq house
Ed. Broetje returned from Mohler,
Oregon last Friday.
The pupils of Oak Grove school who
took state tests are rejoicing over the
fact that all passed. They-have fin
ished their work for this year and.
most of them are beginning their va
cation while the teachers are still on
the job having been employed for
ten months with practically little tc
do since final tests were given. The
pupils all passed in a very creditatie
The Social Service Club postponed
the meeting for June 10 to June 17 on
account of Rose Carnival in Portland.
During the absence of Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Skoog Saturday some one en
tered their home and took 2 rings and
a lavilier belonging to Mrs. Skoog and
a igold watch belonging to Mr. Skoog.
Silver ware, camera and other articles
were not taken but dresser drawers
had been searched. No clue as to who
he burglar was has been reached but
evidently a pass key was used as
house was locked as it wai when the
MILWAUKIE, June 6. The river
road wil be closed for 30 days while
Sanitarium hill is being aved. Traf
fic is being diverted across Lake and
Oatfield roads, then across Courtney
road back to the Pacific highway.
When this work is completed, tb
highway will be paved without a break
from Portand to Oregon City
It is said that the Rock Tsland danc
ing pavilion will open for the sum
mer season in about 10 days.
A crew of men" have been at. work
repairing the pavement between Mil
waukie anj the Estacada car line. This
work bas been needed for some time
and will be much appreciated by the
travelling1 public.
- Dan Baker a former resident was
seen about town last week Dan fcr
the present is located at Oswego.
E. V. Jones of Ashland is contem
platin moving his family to our town
fcnd making it his home..
Sam Borland, who has been on thp
sick list 4s again able to be about.
The Multnomah Athletic Club held!
picnic at Crystal Lake park Satur
day, June 4th.
The Woodmen picnic held Sunday
at Crystal Lake park .was very largely
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weingart of Lents
weer visiting friends in Milsvaukie. Spi
uray. Harry Ameele Sr., of Eugene i3
spending a few days with his children.
Local fight fans will be pelased -o
hear that Britton an Shade will meet
here for a return bout on June 17. The
California boy believes he can put up
a harder fight than he did on the 3rd
Oregon Steps In
Line For Settlement-
PORTLAND, June ' .(Special.)
The state of Oregon is on the right
track at last in regard to land set
tlement, and the plan undertaken this
summer for bringing settlers from the
middle west if followed ts a consis
tent policy for a number of years,
will bring Oregon up to her rightful
place in rural population and develop
ment, according to C. C. Gignoux, of
Omaha, assistant- supervisor of agri
culture of the Union Pacific system,
in an address before the Oregon State
Chamber of Commerce land settle
ment conference.
The conference of representatives
and business men and the Commer
cial club secretaries was called to
perfect arrangements for the recep
tion and entertainment cf the first
trainload of settlers who will- arrive
in Oregon from the middle west on
July 21st, and to formulate plans for
a continued land settlement policy
for the future.
"Oregon has been a step or two he
hind the parade in the past in regard
to land settlement," declared Genoux
in pledging the unqualified support of
the Union Pacific system to the pres
ent plans, "Heretofore, there has been
no, organized plan for bringing set
tlers to the state, or take care of
them after their arrival. You are
on the right track at last and your
success is certain."
William Hanley, director of the
state chamber, who has just returned
from the middle west, declared that
the middle, westerners are ready to
move and are- interested in Oregon.
An increasingly large number o
these substantial farmers can te
brought to Oregon each succeeding
year, he said.
Secretary Quayle's report of the
progress made in the land settlement
plan thus far was received with en
thusiasm, by the assembled delegates.
It. was pointed out that a great in
terest in the homeseekers' excursion
to Oregon in July was being mani
iested throughout the middle west.
More than 1000 inquiries had been
answered thus far, according to the
report. .
The fullest cooperation in the land
settlement plans of . the state chamb
er was pledged by the delegates from .
various parts of the state who were
present at the conference. These del
egates included : Charles Hall' Klam
ath Falls; Leslie Butler, Hood Riv
er; George W. Hyatt, Enterprise; W.
P O'Brien, Astoria; Thomas B. Kay,
T. E. McCroskey and A- C. Bohrns
tedt, of Salem; E. E. Brodie, Oregsa
City: R. H. Jonas, Beaverton; John
Henderson, Opal City; " Harry W.
Gard. Madras; J. H. Fuller, Ashland,
W;. A. Reid, Marshfield; H. A. Joslin,
Dallas; M. D. Morgan, Harrisburg;
Gordon J. Taylor, Molalla; Paul Ro
binson, Aurora; Alfred A. Aya,. Roy
T. Bishop, Wm. McMurray, N. J. Car
penter, John Ferguson, Ralph Ackley.
George L. Hurd, W. I. Griffith, F. M.
Rumimell,' Mrs. Winnie Braden, Wm.
H. Crawford and A. R. Johnson
Next Sunday is to be a big day in
the Redland district when the Viola
and Union Sunday schools unite in
the observance of Children's day in
Bethel church at 2 o'clock. A pro
gram of special merit has been pre
pared in which representatives f
each school will take part. The
church building has beeu renovated
for the occasion and will be tasteful
ly decorated. An illustrated sermon
will be delivered by Rev. H. G. Ed
gar, pastor of Oregon City Presbyter
ian church.
returned this week from a visit with
relatives in Seattle.
Mr and Mrs. William Lorenz and
Miss Bertha Worthington were guests
of T. R. Worthington of Oak Grove
Satuday evening.
Mrs Grant White of Canby was a
guest of her mother Mrs. Mary Hains-,
Mrs. Joseph Mclntire of Amboy.
Wash, ,1s a guest of her sister, Mrs.
William Primm. '
Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Daisel have mov-
e into their recently purchased hom-J
on Second street.
Mr.' and Mrs. J. Samuels and Wil
liam Jordan visited with friends in
Salem Sunday.
On Tuesday the Oswegp Camp Firs
Girls were enertained at the home
of Mr .and Mrs. L C. Newlands in hon
or of the "Poppyland" chorus who
took part n the recent entertainment
given by the Camp Fire Girls.
The members of Dean Rebekah
Lodge and Oswego Lodge No. 93. I.
O. O. F. visited th I. O. O. V. lodge
at Tigard Saturday evening After
the exercises a banquet was served.
Among those furnishing cars for the
trip were Messrs. John Davi.-, John
Cox, William Bickner, William Boy-1
and Fred Lehman.
Miss Gladys McDonald won the pri.'.e
I recently offered by Mr. S. B. Vincent
for the best essay on "Why Osweg'J
Should Have the 1925 Fair."
C. E. Elson and family have return
ed from Amboy, Wash., where they
have been since last autumn
Mr. and Mrs. David, Jones of Beaver
Creek are guests of Mrs. Jone's
mother Mrs. Jessie Dyer.
W. H. Lee and family of Dosch, Or.,
At a mass meeting of the commun
ity last Wednesday night statements
regarding cause for our high school
tax, hiring of and paying substitute
teachers by the school board contrary
The following people obtained mar
riage licenses in the clerk's office
yesterday. William B." Ryan, (32,
Knott street and Florence Rice (30),
Chest erberry hotel, Portland.'
Oscar R. Engstrom (32), Twin
Rocks, Oregon, and Daisy Page (39),
of Oregon City.
W. F. Marx (19) of Parkplace, and
Mary Georgia Wilson (16) of Jennings
Vegetable Freight
Rates Are Reduced
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. June 7.
Reduction by approximately 10 per
cent on freight rates oh fresh and
green vegetables!, melons, cantaloupes
and apples from Oregon, California,
Nevada, Arizona, Washington and Ida
ho to eastern points was announced
Wednesday by the leading railroads.
Word of the rate reduction came
in a telegram from G. W. Luce, freight
traffic manager of the Southern Pa
cific, who is -in Chicago. The "re
duction. Luce said, has been adopted
by the transcontinental and eastern
trunk railway lines-'
The rate on all of the aifected com
modities excepting apples will' become
'effective as soon as possible," the
telegram said. The rate on apples will
be. in force September 1.
For months western fruit and veg
etable growers have been fighting for
lower rates. The announcement on
Wednesday was considered as the
first sight of success for their campaign.
The new rates will apply to Atlan
tic seaboard points, Buffalo, Pittsburg
Cincinnati, Detroit and points in the
southeast south of the Ohio and Mis
sissippi rivers.
A Home Product
Mrs. Fred Butts of Walla Walla, Wash,
are visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clare Maple. Mr. Richmond has
known the Maple family for many
years and their meeting now is an un-
I usually pleasant one.
Virgil Matney of The, Dalles was a
dinner guest at the Bruechert home
on Wednesday.
Oregon Cement
A Brand of Quality
Oregon Portland Cement Co.
Main Office
Portland, Oregon
Oswego, Oregon.