Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 10, 1921, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During -The
Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
'Women's Club Will
Help Needy Family
MACKSBURG. June 7. The Rose
Festival in Portland will tEike away a
goodly portion of our people in tbe
present week. Were the rose display
the only attraction in that annual
phow, no one in Macksburg need at
tend it so gTeat is the profusion, so
varied the species and so wonderful
the beauty of roses in our own grounds
The recent rains coming just as th
ranches were beginning to show signs
of drouth have restored the bright
ness of the verdure enhanced growth
in garden and field and rendered tbe
soil moist anri easily worked as m
With all the stress of farm work,
building is not neglected. The large
and handsome barn lately built by Mr.
Krause on his place is a decided orna
ment to this neighborhood.
Mrs. George Sutherland is building
a barn on her lot.
A ball game took place on Sunday
between the Drylands and the Bear
Greek teams resulting in a victory for
Drylands with a score of 21 to 20.
Bennie Brush, whose illness has been
causing grave apprehension to his
people seems a little better just now.
Fred Heinz is gradually recovering
" from a severe attack of inflammatory
Rev. Father and Mrs. Lucas have re
turnee to their home at Cliehalis from
where they had come to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Lucas' grandmothor,
Mrs. George Walch, Sr.
Henry Walch with his wife and lit
tle son have gor.e to make their home
with Mr. Walch's father the Jfelder
George Walch.
Dan Hepler with his family spent
Sunday in Mr. Hepler's ancestral
Joe Roth with his wifo hfis been
visiting relatives in this place.
The Mother's Club had a very bussy
and pleasant afternoon on Thursday
last at the home of its President, Mrs
John Hepler and is to meet again Jure
16 with. Mrs. Abe Hepler. At the last
meeting it was decided to contribute a
donation of new bedding to a family
not far away who have lately lost all
of their household goods by the burn
ing of their home.
Sunday ,June 12, is the day ap
pointe for confirmation at the Luther
an church. The class Is an unusually
large one numbering 19.
The Mennonite chapel which has
been closed for some tiime for quaran
tine was opened on Sunday June 5th.
Simon Roth who has been in the
TJ. S.- service in China, is at home
working a ranch.
are R. H. Walls, C. H. Ives and Mr3.
George Smith.
Mrs. Will, Smith and Mrs. George
Smith spent Tuesday with Mrs. James
Parrott, Sr.
Eighth Graders At
Dodsre Pass Exams
Hazelia Literary
Closes for Season
HAZELIA, June 9. The Literary at
Hazelia has discontinued for the sum
mer months. It closed recently with
a pre gram and ice cream social. Th
i work will be taken up in the fall with
new vigor Community Singing will be
DUDUti June 7. The eigntn guae a strong feature
pupils of the Dodge school all passed The Hazelia school closed recently
in the May examinations and on Fri- with a picnic, the parents assisting
day attended me ungntn graae graau- j Miss Mary Wilson, the teacher, in
ating exercises at Gladstone. They ' providing a good time for the oumls
are Johnnie Myer3, Vernon Keller, ye are all reerettintr the loss of Miss
William Hohnstein and Philip Hohn-; Wilson for our teacher next year, slip.
stein. Quite a numDer oi tne residents being assigned to the Palentlne Hill
or uoage aiso anenueu u:e eseiusra. scnool teaching the second and third
Mr .and Mrs. W. T. Kaake and son, grade and musio We . congratulate
Lloyd, and Mr. and Mrs. Cr. a. Keller Palentine Hill school in securing her
made a trip to wnsonvuie bunaay xo , The pupils finishing a successful
get strawberries. ' j Freshman year of school from Hazeiia
Mr aria Mrs. Fred Horner and fam- who have been attening West Linn
ily ani Rosa B. Ten Eyck made a tr;p are Arthur and Lily Piala and Evangc
to Estacada Saturday afternoon. Mrs. line Christiansen.
Horner is naving some ueuuti wu-in. ueorge Wilsons sister, Mary, re
done. ' cently from Scotland, has been auite
Mr. and Mrs. Will Closner and lam- jli since her arrival but is gaining
ily visited at the Fred Horner Home rapidly at the present time. She has
Sunday afternoon. - , been under the care of a doctor and
The Community Club held its meet- trained nurse for the past three weeks
ing in the Dodge school nouse Satur-, Graton Eastman has been confined
day evening .Quite a nvmber were to his bed the past week by illness.
present, ana it was deciaea to give a miss Marian Eastman has taken a
dollar to the boy who killed the most position this past week with the U.
squirrels during the surrmer I Rubber company's office.
Irene and Alice Kaake took dinner : Miss Ethel Thompson was a guest
Sunday with the Fred Horner iamily. at the Hugh Baker home for a couple
The Sunday school , will observe of days during her vacation from her
Children's Day, Sunday, June 12, with duties at the Ladd bank
a program ana
sur- f d come.
basket dinner. Bo
Kelso Boys Escape
Mr-.and Mrs. D. Christiansen went
into the community leaders meeting
at Portlan.-Wednesday evening. Mrs,
Christiansen's work at Oswego as con
ductor of the community sinsrine is
Bad AutO Accident finshe fr the summer month, work
i last "sing" was held Memorial night
KELSO .June 7. As if by a miracle, at Oswego a good musical program
no, or, ahvh fiTiorr,T. e.rw..i was provided and Dr. E. Faxon of
Dramatic Club of
. Carver Gives Play
CARVER, June 7. Carver Dramatic
Club gave a very interesting play Sat
urday evening entitled, "The Old New
Hampshire Home." It was well play
ed and well attended. Very pleasing
vocal selections were rendered by Mr.
and Mrs. H. Harvey and piano selec
tions by Miss Brasch and Mr. Johnson.
The Pleasant Hour Ladies Club will
meet with Mrs. Byers, June 16, instead
of June 9th.
The Wearever Aluminum Employees
of Portland held their annual picnic
in Hattan. Part Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hattan and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hattan
and family were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. L. B- Mumpower at Gladsotne
Mrs. Aldrich of Oregon City is visi t
iOg her daughter Mrs. Patterson.
Mr -and Mrs. George Robinson
spent Sunday at Vancouver Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Andros and fam
ily left Saturday for Newberg where
they will spend the summer.
A very successful term of school
closed with, a very creditable program
Friday evening. Eighth grade diplo
mas were presented to the graduation
class. The graduates were Otto Eck
ert, Margaret Church, Charlie Church,
Evelyn Carr, Clark Mumpower, Ker
mit Morris, and Wilma Harvey
Fifty large families are waned to
buy groceries at "George Cash Store"
at Carver. Adv.
serious injury, when their Chevrolet
car dashed through the railing of a
sixteen foot bridge, on their place,
landing upside down with the boys
underneath and just room enough to
crawl out. There was a depression in
the creek just where the car fell, mak
intr Tarelv enoneli room for them If.
crawl out. Alfred, who :vas driving in memorial at this time.
had his arm thrown out of place, and
Brierwood responded with an interest
ing description of his trip to France
in the service of the U. S. navy. Mr
Thompson of Oswego recalled the
names of the Civil War veterans and
told some interesting things about
many who have gone. The Elston an-J
Harrington gold stars were also held
Everything looks prosperous at
both boys were bruised but no bones Hazelia district. The berry crop is good
broken. A defect in the steering igear and A No- 1 berries will b? seen. E.
seems to have caused the accident. The Wfcitton is one of the heaviest grow
machine was not injured beyend re- ers- D- Christiansen, J. Zirney and
pair. It will need a new radiator and other are going heavy in them,
top to make it good agate, i Gur McVer busy da-8 tak
It is reported that George Harvi-, inS care of chickens.
son's have sold their place, also that
Mrs. Minnie Maronay traded her place Surniigg PartV Is
here to E. J. Gradin for city property. 1 J
Miss Lillie Jonsrud, who is taking a j GiveU OH TuesdaV
nurses' training course at the Eman-1
uel hospital in Portland, spent a few j
weeks vacation at her parents home, : EAGLE CREEK June 9. Charles
the Gilbert Jonsrud. . Sweeney, of Stevenson, Wash., who
Mrs. Gilbert Jonsrud who has been was recently married, came to Eagle
ill for several weeks is now improv
ing. Miss Stella .Jonsrud. stenograpner
lor a Portland firm, spent the week
end with her folks.
Ned Nelson had an accident ,with
his Ford Sedan last Friday, when he
had a collision with another car near
Gresham. No one was injured, but
both cars somewhat damaged.
Mr. and Mrs. Baumback a'nd Miss
Vaeretti took Miss Vaerotti's pupils
Creek last Tuesday with hi bride and
spent a few days with his sister, Mrs
W. F. Douglass.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Udell were the
guests of Mr .and Mrs. Jack Parks Sun -1
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Orke, cf Port
land, motored out Saturday and spent
Sunday at their farm home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bow are spending their
vacation at their farm out this way.
Mr. ana Mrs. A. C. Cogswell motor
Newsy Briefs From
Estacada Section
for a picnic to the Sandy river on Mon- ed to Portland on Tuesday.
da 7. Miss Vaeretti'a room closes "Wed- Mr. Evans was a Portland visitor the
nesday, as she had a few days to make other day.
ud on account of illness last winter. Mrs. Roll Douglass, of Th" Dalles
arrived Sunday to visit for a shor
timp with Tier Eaelp Creek relatives.
WiyPS KiTltPrtain ' The surprise party given ir honor
or Miiarea jjougiass eignteenift Dirui
turd ay night
June i. proved a great success. The
of Mildred Douglass eightee
CorValllS People ay t the Viola Douglass'
A Upper Eagle Creek on SJitur
Lad Hill Planning
4th of July Doings
LADD HILL, June 7. Mr. and Mrs.
Charley Sutton are residents of Lad
Hill and are living in the John Taut
fest house . Mr. Sutton is very busy
trucking his wood to Newberg.
'There was a large crowd at the
dance June 4, the club cleared $24
on the dance and supper.
Andrew Johnson and family have
purchased the Jim Dahl place, moved
in last week. The Johnsons live in
Lad Hill several years ago but come
from Calif ornia' here.
Another car in Lad Hill, owners are
George and Ed Walls.
Lad Hill will celebrate the Fourth
of July, there will be a good program
speaking' and a- basket lunch at noon
Everyone is welcome.
. The Commercial Club met Monday
evening instead of Tuesday as that
was election day and the hall was in
Mrs. Jack Smith attended a quilting
in Femwood Monday for Mrs. Lee
Pupils passing the eighth grade ex
aminations, were: Martha Parrott,
Pearl Roberts. Doris St, Clair and
Chester Kiser, they attended the grad
uating exercises at Gladstone Friday
and received their diplomas.
A committee of three was appointed
by the club to have charge of en
tertainments for six months, as the
danoe was the first entertainment the
committeei was Very much pleased
with the results. The committeemen
RFDLAND, June 9. The Live Wires
entertained Miss Lassie Lane, tho
dress form demonstrator from Corval
lis, at the home of Mrs. Etta Allen.
The forms were made during the day
proved a
room was beautifully decorated in gold
and blue crepe paper and cedar. The
evening's program consisted of danc
ing and card playing. The vnusic was
furnshed by Mr. Bronson ar-d John
and all went home in
feeling they haj spent, a profitable
day. Places were laid for Mrs. Clara
.Mien, Mrs. Etta Allen. Mrs. W. T.
Sherman, Mrs. Hendrixeon. Mrs. Ne
ville. Mrs. Joe Spees, Mrs. Statts, Mw.
the evening lrvin, of Estacada. Delicious refresh
ments, consisting of sandwiches
pickles, cake, punch, coffee were serv
ed at midnight. The guest's number
ed ninety six and cn taking their de
parture, wished Mildred many happy
Solon Bray, Mrs. Sterns, Mrs. William returns of the day.
Bratts, Mrs. Lester Swart7. Mrs. D. E.
Critser, Mrs. William Bonnie. Mrs.
Gregory, Miss June Kirchem, Miss
Alice Kraeft, Miss Ada Gibson, Mrs
E. R. Leek, Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, Miss
Dorotha Stewart, Miss Jessie Bonnie,
Miss Lassie Lane, the demonstrator,
Mrs. B- H. Stewart, Mrs. Murray, Mrs.
Hamilton, Mrs. Brasch, ar.d Mrs. age
Comb, of Viola; Aunt Ruth Hickman,
of Oregon City.
The boys from Redland plajed Mt.
Pleasant last Sunday and the score
was 27 to 8 for Redland.
Roy Douglass and family motored to
Logan Sunday and spent the after
noon at the home of Geo. Preister.
CLARKES, June 7. Miss Violet
Wettlaufer of Portland, who visited
her parents W. H. Bottemiller and
family for a short time hag returned
to Portland again.
W. H. Bottemiller and family visited
his brother August Bottemiller and
family of Ridgefield, Wash., last Sun
Miss Alice Rogers visited her sister
Miss May Rogers of Oregon City a few
--. -y -p- J W mat. ween..
-IlllieV IS r-iaimeU William Moetmke and family were
J Oregon City viistors last Friday.
i Walter Lee viisted his mother cf
DAMASCUS. June 9. It is probaLle Vancouver over Sunday.
that Damascus will have jitney ser-- Carl Buche is hauling gravel foi
ice with Portland or Lents in the near . -yy; H. Bottemiller who is intendinij
future. F. A. Clenagjhen of Portland to build a new bam.
made a trip over Foster road through The "Timber Grove school closed
Damascus, Kelso and Sandy in view june
of operating a jitney between Sandy
and Portland over this route. After in-:
vestigating road conditions Mr. Clen ;
aghen stated that he would prefer to BARLOW.
June 9. Road work is
run between Damascus and Portland Etill pursued In this part of the coun-
for the present, providing -.hat good ty and it appears as if we will have
patronage is received. The plan calls some good roaas nere in me ne
for a regular schedule of three- trips future.
daily each wav. mornins. noon and . Nelson Klaster has traded his mo-
night, with a late trip from Portland, lorrycle, for a Studebaker bug
Saturday night, Sunday sche.lule Tias A new garage has been opened'in
not been announced yet. A comfort- Barlow and erpects to operate thru
able bus seating twelve or fifteen pas- the entire summer.
eengers, similar to those user on th Barlow seems to oe Decerning an
Portland-St. Helens run would he used ideal little place as twenty-five new
Mrs. L. Twohy has returned to her people have moved. In here in the last
home in Damascus after ten days v's- week.
it with, her daughter in Portland. , Two car loads of piling were ship-
Frank Papsch made a business trip red out of Barlow In the last couple
to Portland yesterday.
of days.
ESTACADA- June 9. Mr. and Mrs
Fred Herman returned to their home
ia Fortland Sunday after a week's
visit with Mrs. Herman's parents, Mr
and Mrs. J. V. Barr. '
Mrs. Theo. Ahlberg was hostess to
about twelve ladies Monday afternoon.
The time was spent in lisiting and
doing fancy work and a dainty lunch
was served.
Mrs. Bonifield and daughter Miss
Neva Clute, left for Portland Tuesday
where they expect to stay for three
weeks, after which they will go to
California to make their home.
Miss Mildred Douglass was eighteen
years old last Sunday and to celebrate
the event she had a house party Sat
urday night and Sunday, at which her
class of girl graduates wero invited
Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Douglass planned a surprise for her
m aStuday night at the country home
of Mrs. Viola Douglass. Nearly a hun-
dre, participated at this party in
which dancing was the main feature.
A most bountiful repast was served
following the dance and all made
merry until - the wee small hours.
A large number of Estacada people
are attending the Rose show in Port
land this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore. went to
Portland Wednesday to visit friends
and to attend the Rose Show.
C. L. Coonrad was taken to a Port
land sanitarium last Wednesday, suf
fering with sciatic rheumatism, where
it is thought that he will soon recover,
Mrs. Harkenrider arrived last week
and the family moved their bouseholu
roods into their residence. F. E. Burns
and family moved the first of the week
into the Summers House.
Chalie Kandle aii(j wife have moved
into Mr. Mikulecky s residence.
Mrs. R. L. Douglass, of The Dalles
arrived Monday to visit at the home
of Mrs. Viola Douglass, her husband s
mother, for a few days.
Macauly Dale, who has been the op
erator at the Family Theatre for some
time, left the latter part of last week
for Eastern Oregon. Ted Howe took
his place at the theatre.
R. M. Standish and . wif e and their
children, Margaret and John, with Mrs.
M. II. Evans, visited Estacada for a
short time last Sunday.
Mrs. Irving Smith spent the day with
friends in Portland last Friday.
Congratulations are being extended
to PS.- R. Kimmel and Mrs. Francilla
Walthrop who quietly went to Oregon
City last Wednesday and were joined
in the holy bonds of matrimony.
Miss Maude Sturgeon and mother,
Mrs. S. J. Sturgeon arrived home last
Friday from quite an extended visit at
Tillamook and other places on the
Mrs. John Lovelace and con Arnold
isited the Rose city last Friday.
Lewis Jones, who was a resident cf
this place at one time but now attend-
ng Heed College, was In Estacada a
few days last -week visiting his sisters,
Mrs. Rhodes and Mrs. Smithley Love
J. C. McKinny and family and Mrs
McKinney's mother, Mrs. McWillis
were Portland visitors last Saturday
md Sunday.
Mrs. F. G. Robley and son Grant
were among the passengers for Port
land last Saturday.
H. C. Stephens - and wife attended
the Banker's Convention at Seaside
the latter part of last week. They
were accompanied by Mrs. F. E.
Burns an,i daughter Bertha, who vis
ited friends in that section.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gmmr and chil
dren were Portland visitors last
There were twenty-seven Eighth
eraders from the Estacada school and
the most of them attended the gradu
ation exercises at Gladstone last Fri
day. A number of the parents and
friends accompanied them and enjoyed
a picnic dinner.
Mrs. Neal Bronson was in Portland
last Friday.
Misses Thelma and Dorothy Esdhle
man were here from Salem Saturday
night, to visit their uncle James Ab
bott and Estacada friends.
Mrs. Earl Shibley and children went
to visit her mother in Portland last
week .returning Saturday evening.
Rev. u. h Gibbs filled the pulpit at
the Episcopal church in Oregon City
last Sunday. Mrs. Gibbs accompanied
Mr. and Mrs- s- E- Wooster and
daughter Helen and Raymond Love
lace viisetd Oregon City last Friday
driving over in Wooster's car.
Mr.' and Mrs. H. B. Van Duzer and
James Van Duzer were here from Port
land Sunday, guests at the hime of
their sister. Mrs. R. Morse
Mrs. J. W. Shafford Is in Portland
this week visiting old friends
P. S. Pesznecker, who has been man
ufacturing chair legs and rungs, made
his first shipment to Portland this
week. . i -"
Miss Marian Dunlop arrived home
Sunday from Umatilla where she bas
been teaching during the past year.
Irvie Loveli came home from lone,
Oregon, last Friday with his cousin,
Paul, and returned the first of the
week taking his motorcycle.
Miss Goldie Elliott, of Portland, is a
guest at the R. W. Currin home this
The American Legion, who has
charge of the oFurth of July program.
has its committees at work. The
Goddess of Liberty Is to be nominated
by different organizations and then
the candidates will bo. voted upon.
The parade 18 expected to be one cf
the main features of the celebration.
Th News office, owned by George
Pointr, has been beautified by a fresh
coat of paint.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pim'm spent the
week-end at Wil,j Cat Camp, nearMt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Moore went to
Portland Wjedmesday tol attend the
Rose Festival and will stop at the
Rev. J. F. DunIoD and family drove
over to Portland Thursdi-y tc attend
the Rose Festival.
Ed. Alen and J. G. Greenwood, of
Bui Run, were in Estacada Tuesday
night to attend the Masonic meeting.
spent a few days at Fern Camp for
recreation and pleasure.
The Lee Stock Co. all former mem
bers of the Baker Stock company of
Portland, will hol,j the boards at the
Family Theatre for three nights next
week, beginning on Monday.
Mrs. A. E. Spraks delightful' enter
tainer a number of her lady friends
Wednesday afternoon.
Following the example of R. G.
Marchbank, who last week put a new
layer of cement on his walk in front
of his confectionery, A. E. Sparks of
the Family Theatre, which adjoins
had his walk treated likewise this
week. .
W. F. Gary attended a meeting of
Clackamas county real estate men at
Oregon City Wednesday night
Kelso Ladies Are
Planning Concert
KELSO, June 1. The Ladies Club
met at the home of Mrs. F. Rathke
on Thursday and spent a most enjoy
able afternoon. Mrs. Rathke gave the
ladies a pleasant surprise, in serving
an elaborate luncheon in place of the
usual light refreshments. A business
session was then held and new officers
elected namely Mrs. A. Heiz, fcr
president, and Mrs. Jess Hite, secre
tary and treasurer. The ciub is plan
ning for a concert to be given by prom
inent Portland musicians, in the latter
part of June. The following ladies
were present Mesdames Jarl, Kligel,
G. Eri, R. Jonsrud, H. Revenue, A.
Heiz. J. Hite, J. Revenue, A. Haworth.
Donaldson, J. Roberts, G. Harvison.
Peterson, T. Dunn, Phipps. Lins,
Baumback, Gradlin, Ratke ard Mis 3
John Revenue in a runaway with
his hay rake, was thrown off and
koncked unconscious but escaped ser
ious injury.
Gilbert Eri has been clearing land
for a new potato patch.
Ned Nelson has started work on toe
basement for his new house.
Albert Rodlun is busy planting his
acreage and making improvements
preparatory to moving on it In the
near future.
A son was born, last week to Mr
and Mrs. Anton Jerger, and daughter
to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller. Mrs
Miller was formerly Olga Gunderson,
Anton Jerger is employed at Bend
Oregon, hauling lumber for a mill com
P. K. Stone is building a house on-
his place near Boring.
R. Jonsrud and family took- a trip
up the Columbia highway, Sunday and
visited the new mill-site of Jarl-Nel-
son on Gordon Creek.
School will close this week after a
most successful term, and it is igen-
eralry hoped that Miss Vaeretti and
Mrs. Baumback, the efficient teachers,
will remain next year.
Enice Jonsrud spent-Junior week-end
at thg University of Oregon ?n Eugene.
the guest of Mrs. Laura R Mack en-
Marion Barnum.
Mrs. Joel Jarl Is entertaining her
sister-in-law, Mrs. John Roberts and
baby for a week.
The JonsrudpGunderson Lumber
company is now busy filling local or
ders. . ,
Rev. Hagoes ,who had charge of
the Lutheran parish at Kelso a nurj
ber of years ago, Is visiting together
with his family at the home of T. G.
Gus Ludvigson recently traded hi?
Hupmobile for a Ford.
The house occupied by Homer Rev
enue and family caught fire Monday
morning about 10 o'clock. A party of j
picnickers in autos happened by and
with a bank account is the most independent of all
men. He is absolutely his own manager and his own
master. There are none "higher up" to give orders,
and he comes and goes as he pleases. His broad fields
are his" kingdom. But the farmer who has no bank
account, and by his poor management gets into debt,
is no longer independent, but a slave to his creditors.
Come-and open an account with us at once that you
may enjoy the freedom and independence which your
calling gives you. - .
Four per cent on time deposits.
The Latest Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent.
lent willing hands in removing all
household goods. Henry Eri. Albert
Jonsrud and Jerome Brooks did the
real work in putting out the fire which
was caused by sparks from the stove
pipe. Only the roof was damaged.
Road Work Booming
Arourid Wilsonville
WILSONVILLE, June 4 Consider
able amount of road is to be done ia
and around Wilsonville by both Clack-
pmas and Washington counties in the
near future Morey & company have
built bunkers and are installing
machinery on the rvier bank directly
north of the ferry slip for haulinf
gravel out of tbe river. A temporary
road has been built to the bunkers, a
large amount of the igravel will be
used on the Boone's Ferry road which
is to be graveled 16 feet wide with a
9 inch base. Some work is to be done
on the Sherwood road and later on
the Oswego-Stafford road Washington
county has- gravieled the new river
road from Newberg to the Clackamas
county line and construction work will
start soon on the Clackamas end o
this road into Wilsonville.
William Flynn who was injured at
the Morey gravel pit last week hns
returned home. He will not be able to
resume work for some time. Fynn
suffered severp bruises to his left 1:
and chest and a broken arm, when
a cable which he was holding at the
gravel pit snapped throwing him onto
the rocks on the river bank. He was
taken to the Oregon City hospital for
Merchants of Wilsonville are plan
ning the construction of a two stor?
concrete building at the cross roads
Since the big fire here the merchants
see more need than ever of fireproof
buidings. The ground floor probab'y
will be occupied by Aden s store, the
Farmers anj Merchants bank and the
Post Office. While it is planned to
use the upper- story for a community
hal and offices.
A Light, A Policeman
And A Couple Friends
Joe Bought The Cigars
Mary Kilmer and Minnie Kinzel
filed suit in the circuit court Thurs
day for the possession of lot L sub
division block 12, of Oregon City. G
B. and S. Goldsmith are the defend
ants in the action.
Special Night Officer E. T. Mass
has proven on several occasions that
he is always on the job, when it comes
to looking out for the interests of.
the business men, by whom he is em
ployed. One f these occasions was
on Tuesday evening, when a light ap
peared in the tailoring chop of Joe
Orman, in the Andresen building on
Seventh and Main streets. Harry
Daniels and Ray Emmons, of Port
land, had made a special trip to this
city to order a suit of clothes from
their friend, Mr. Orman, and it was
several hours before these men were
successful in locating their tailor, as
he and his family were out motoring-
The light appeared in the rear
window of the tailor shop, the night
officer slipped carefully up thf stairs
expecting to find a bold, bad robber
selecting some of Joe's best material
or suits that had been made to order.
As he approached the door on tip toe,,
he listened again. Voices were heard
within. One of the voices exclaimed
"I will take this, and you can have
this." The Ernest was more inter
ested. Again he listened, and flE
ally walked into the room to find
that it was Joe Orman, the proprietor
and his customers selecting goods for
the suits, but the proprietor was sat
isfied that the night officer was on
the job and the "cigars were on"
the former.
George A. Bliss,, well known farm
er of Carus, cut the thumb from his-
right hand while chopping wood at
his home Tuesday evening. Dr. H
S. Mount was summoned to the Bliss
home, and although the member was
entirely cut from the hand. Dr. Mount
is endeavoring to save the thumb, aiid
gave immediate aid and from the in
dications the thumb may be as good
as ever after several months.
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You can't beat a Camel, because you can't beat tbe
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That's why Camels are the choice of men who
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They'll tell you that the expert Camel blend of
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Winston-Salem. N. C
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