Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 03, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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iiinniininiiui mmm8
MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent.
graduating- exercises of the Jennings
Lodge school was held at the school
auditorium on Tuesday night. As it
Is an annual affair which our people
look forward to with much pleasure it
was largely attended and many "were
obliged to stand during the program.
Green boughs and baskets of roses
were"the simple yet pretty decorations
with ivy and myrtle garlands about
the walls and windows. The children
were so well trained that each part
Vas performed beautifully from the
efficient training of our teachers
Mesdames Altman. MacDonald and
The elevien graduates all received
over 90 per cent for their average
, Barbara Portz receiving t'6 per cent
and Dorothy Finch 94 being the two
highest of the class.
The program was as follows:
Change of the Seasons; Big-Chief Nt
Afraid of His Lessons; The Wedding;
Motion Song; An affair of State;
Dance of the Dunces; Sunflower Drill;
Scarecrows a Roaming; Ciass Saluta
tory, Dorothy Finch; American Creed,
8th grade; Address, Supt. Vedder;
Valedictory. Barbara Portz.
The change of the seasons was a
very pretty drill representing spring
were Jean Bobbins, Betty Hole and'
Margaret Mac Donald. Summer, Sarah
Holloway, Winnifred Humphreys and
Elsie Kuhnhausen. Autumn, Edith
Caldwell, Mary Stevens, Mary O'Brien.
Winter, Dorothy Finch, Dorothy Mc
Intyre and Barbara Portz.
G6o. Ross as Big Chief and Willie
Bruechert, Lester Russell and Merle j
Caldwell sang and gave thejr war
cries to music and was well rendered.
Perhaps one of the most impressive
features of the program was the little
wedding which was taken part by so
many of the smaller tot3, who so
Eweet and unassuming: acted, their
The bride, Verna Ouf-lette was
charmingly gowned in white messa
line and veil and carried a shower
b-.uquet, while Billy Both -the groom,
v--re a full dress suit of black. The
little flower girls, Winnifred Gardner
and Ruth Alice Lawrence scattered
rose petals from their baskets and
with their dainty frocks of delicate
shades preceeded the brid-3 who was
given in marriage by her father, Her
bert Conyers, and the marriage serv
ice was impressively read by Lorrain
Ford, as elder. Preceding the service
Little Miss Evelyn Moritz gowned m
pale blue tulle sang charmingly, -i
Jjove You Truly" and at the close oa
the ceremony Betty Bretcher. lovely
in yellow sang "Believe me of all
those endearine young charms." Beth
Humphreys was maid of honor . in a
pink frock and carried pink roses.
While Keri Jones as best man carried
out his part remarkably well.
The ushers wore full dress suits and
were Omar Bechtel, John Holloway,
Billy Tillman, Volney Brtt-gs, Stanley
Chapman, Bobby Thompson, Ion Mac
Donald, Eric Kuhnharesen Maynard
The brides maids who were dress
ed 5n the pastel shades with bewitch
ing caps to match and were Louise
Smith, Gretchen Thompson, Virginia
Card. Lucile Randall, Vinata Prior,
Victoria Procter, Lorraine Pooler, Alice
Nelson and altogether made a pretty
wedding scene. After the congratula
tions by parents; Pauline Nelson as
bride's mother and Herbert Conyers
as the father, and th wedding com
Danv: the bride threw ay bouquet
which was caught by Virginia Card.
The motion song by ten lads and
lasies was quite the hi: of the eve
ning. Janet Booth, Jeaneile Roberts,
Mary Grace Rush, Margarte Roethc,
Audrey Tillman, Jean Robbins, Becly
Hole, Margaret MacDonald, Louise
AVilson, Evelyn Shepperd and Halmor
Roberts, Chas Holloway, Clayton
Card, Keith Wilcox, Theodore Betchtel,
Raymond Boetger, Wilmer Gardner,
Jack Humphreys, Arthur Boetger.
Dickey Booth taking part in it.
An affair of State represented by 43
pupils each bearing a state and Myrlo
Deter as Oregon, of course foremost
of the states was well received.
In the dances of the dunces Norman
Chapman, Richard Pearson, Geo. Card
and Tom Robbins dressed in white
and green and Mary G'-ace Rush.
Aiidri- Tillman. Janet Booth and
Elaine Bechtel dressed in white and
yellow made a pretty drill of the eve
ning. Twelve little folks made a pretty
sunflower drill with sunflower caps
and wands, taking part in this pretty
exercise were Lorrain Ford. Ion Mac
Donald,, Ralphael Oullette. Don Rob
bins, Halmor Roberts, Clayton Card,
Newell Ford, Teddy Pierce, Don Kessi.
When you can buy at
5 home just as cheap? m
I M. J. B. Coffee 45c S
Free Auto Tourist Park JJ
Grocery and Confectionery
Corner Jennings Ave. and JJ
JJ Highway Street
Jennings Lodge, Oregon JJ
J Phone 34-J
Herbert Conyers, Lewelleyn Jones,
Robert Chapman.
A very laughable part of the evenings
entertainment was the scarecrows as
they came a roaming onto the stage
each dressed to represent lust as the
name suggests and afording a good
laugh from the audience. This drill
was made up of 8 boys. Rex Bechtel,
Alvin DIetz, Frank iKggins, Edwin
Pearson, John Bellinger, Delbert Kes
si, Stewart Rush an Douglas As-
The American Creed given by the
Sth grade was well worthy of men
tion and after committing it to mem
ory it will no doubt be more apt to
impress our yonth with lrue Ameri
canism, and they will always remain
loyal to our flag.
Both the Salutatory and Valedictoi
addros was given by Dorothy Finch
and Barbara Portz In a very charm
lng way. Superintendent Veddor
spoke and congratulated our class, our
teachers and our people for the stand
ard school, our new auditorium and
was especialy glad to know we had
retained the splendid corp of teachers
for another year.
Garden Party Is
Enjoyed at Lodge
very enjoyable affair was the garden
party at the Orion .Randal home on
Saturday 4eveninr (given jointly by
John Roberts, Geo. Gardner and Mi"
The platform where they tripped
the light fantastic toe, was gaily dec
orated with aJpanese lanterns.
coiree, cake and sandwiches were
served and the following report a good
time: Mr .and Mrs. Fred Wilson and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Card and
family, Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts
and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Heath,
Mr .and Mrs. Stanford, Mr. and Mrs
Earnest Naef. Mr. and Mrs. Wyten
burgh, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rob
bins, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hole, Mrs.
Florence Moore, Messrs. Clark and
Earnest Place.
Fine Dinner Given
By Junior Endeavor
Oak Grove Beach
Sunday, May 29, 1921
Dancing afternoon and evening
in the new dance hall.
Junior Endeavor dinner given at the
church Saturday at 5 o'clock was at
tended and enjoyed by many of our
little folks.
Rev. and Mrs. Snider and Mrs.
Arthur Smith preparing the tables
which seated 38.
The lupin and flag were gathered
by the children and made pretty table
decorations. After the appetizing din
ner, games were enjoyed s.nd Tommy
Robbins was an honor contestant. A
feature of the dinner was a huge cake
baked at the home of Mrs. Snider's
mother for the occasion.
Shady Nook Camp
Pleases Autoists
has been a popular week at Shady
Nook camp ground . Two families
from California, who are returning
home from Hood River enjoyed a
night's repose at the grounds on Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson and fam
ily from Seattle spoke highly of tho
hospitality aforded them at the auto
com p." Mr. and Mrs. Davidson are
journeying to San Pedro, California.
A grocery man of Indiania spent the
night at Shady Nook tourist camp
grounds Wednesday on his way home
from Long Beach.
A few of the Standard Oil com
panies, wild cat men spent the night
also and had a jolly time coming from
California. Walla Walla being their
Ruth- Truscott and Howard Trucott,
were among the. visitors.
- Mr. and Mrs. . w. J. Stephens and
family of - Roethe entertained friends
from Portland at a bridge party on
Thursday evening of last week.
OHie Klggins is enjoying a visit
from his cousin Arman Kiggins of
Ooburn, Colo.
Mrs. De Forrest will return to her
home on Monday from Washington, I.
C. where she spent the winter with
her son. Mrs. De Forrest attended
the inaugration of President Harding.
And having been a resident of Wash
ington for some years has the distinc
tion of attending a number of previous
inaugration. Mrs. De Forrest journey
home over the Southern route stop
ping at St. Louis for a short time.
Mrs. Reeves of Aldercest spei-.t
Sunday at the home of Mrs. V. Henderson-.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gardner and Mr.
and Mrs. Harlowe of Island motored
to the Capitol city on May 22 - and
spent the day.
Mr. Myers, a recruiting officer of
the U. S. navy visited J- P- O'Brien on
Tuesday. Mr. O'Brien is our new
store keeper who with his family
have recently arrived - from Bremer.
ton, Wash.
Mrs. Otey of Spokane: arrived on
Tuesday to, visit her sister Mrs.
Mrs. Lucy Allen enjoyed a Sunday
visit from her daughters Mi's. Geo
Hurtle, of Nampa, Idaho and Mr. and
Mrs. T. Cooper and son, Alen, of Scll
Mrs. B. A. Hoag, of the Meldrum dis
trict will have as her visitors Mrs. J.
A. Maxwell, who is a daughter, and
three sons, arriving from Newport this
Moffit Downing of Vader Washing
ton, visited his aunt Mrs. Geo. Berry
on Sunday and was calling on bis
former school mates being a mem
ber of the 1920 8th grade class.
Mr .arid Mrs. E. Pearson returned
from Seattle on Monday night going
up for over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Hampton find
son Jack motored to Seaside for over
Decoration day. making; the trip in
less than 5 hours. This popular resort
was thronged with visitors.
Mrs. Cora Bulock
Hard Surface Is
Again Being Laid
Oak Grove Beach
Is Popular Resort
Phones: Sellwood 697, Automatic 2136S John P. Miller, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an d Dealer In
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
Montgomery and Fifth
Colorado People
To Live at Lodge
Holloway and Miss Nell Hoiloway will
leave for Colorado Springs in ten days
having sold their home there and will
return to Oregon to make this state
their home. Ttte JHollowjays made
the trip west in their machine arriv
ing here about September 1 ,and are
so delighted with Oregon are planning
on locating in Portland. At present
they are located at the Wilson Miller
cottage, which they have possession of
until june 24th. W are in hopes yet.
they may decide to locate at Jennings
Elizabeth Kessi, who is attending the
Eugene University and "Will Kessi who
is majoring in animal husbandry at
O. A C. spent a few hours last week
with their mother, Mrs. Olive Kessi.
Mi3S Elizabeth Is planning on takin
tne university extension work in Port
land during the summer and will be
with her mother here during that
time, returning to their Mountain
home for her vacation.
. W51 Kessi will tour Canada during
the summer with a car of fine stock
which will be exhibited at the stock
shows and fairs.
First State Bank of Mil waulrie
Conducts a General Banking Business
4 per cent interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
L. Finley, state biologist and wife and
two children, and Mrs. Barnhart are
motoring from California and expect
to arrive at their baliwick on the Wil
lamette about June 6. The Finleys
are planning on building a fine resi
dence here and a studio.
picnickers that yearly visits Stone
Gables, the H. H. Emmons home, on
Decoration Day came early and stay
ed late. Mr. and Mrs.' Dick Emmons,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Morgan. Mr.
and Mrs. Al Goodman, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Rice, -Mrs. Trucott and Miss
Amons the visitors from out of
town who attended the graduation
exercises was Mrs. Eaton of Crawford,
Nebraska, who is the house guest of
her niece Mrs.v Minnie B. Altman at
her Portland home.
Mrs. - Fred Madison is1 recovering
rapidly and was able to make a trip in
the country. The Madisons have
given up their trip to the Middle West
and will spend some time at the coast
this summer.
Misses Elizabeth and Wilma Brue
chert accompanied ' by Mr. and Mrs.
Hutchinson and Miss Neva Hutchin
son, Mr. and Mrs. Sims of Portlauu
and the Francisco brothers to Indian
Mountain for a two days camping trip.
R. E. Holloway and two daughters
and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Holoway and
family motored to Bui Run on Decora
tion day.
On Wednesday R. Holloway and
Miss Nell motored over tho highway
to Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackett are leav
ing this week for California they will
make the triP by bicycle taking camp
ing outfit with them, and leisurely will
go south to Sacramento. Mrs. Hackett
has just comspeted a term of domestic
science at the Oregon City high school.
Wiliam Bruechert accompanied hi"
uncls C- P. Morse and Dr. James
Scripture of Portland on a dolightful
fishing trip to the Nestucca River.
Camping at Dolph, Ore where' for
three years Mr. Morse was in charge
of the toll gate.
The local strawberries are coming
on fast and many boxes of the luscious
fruit are being enjoyed from the Rush
ana Kennedy gardens.
Lester Russell met with a painful in
jury while swimming stepping on a
broken bottle. It is necessary for him
to use crutches to go about.
Carl Hole is enjoying a visit from
his mother, Mrs. Hole of Texas, who
wil remain a year. Mrs. Hole has
spent' some time in Kansas previous
io her coming to the Coast.
Mrs. Snider is1 enjoying a visit from
her niece, Miss Patton of Forest
Ruth Truscott and, her Sunday
school class enjoyed a hike to the
Clackamas river the first of the week.
The members of the class are Sarah E.
Holloway, Marie Moore, Janet Booth,
Mary Grace Rush, Harold Briggs, Jun
ior Hole, Halmor Roberts. Jack
Humphreys, Keith Wilcox. Many
happy tnies and tffairs are planned
by Miss Truscott.
Mis Gertrude Kennedy and her class
of boys enjoyed a hike to the Buzzard
cave near Parkplace on Saturday.
Clayton card, Raymond Boeteger,
Richard Pearson, Chas. Holloway and
Wilmer Gardner are members of this
Sunday school class.
Mr. and Mrs. A'lstine will arrive
frm Wahington this week and after
a week's stay with Ira Hart, will be
joined by their daughter Miss Lillian
Allstine and they will return by auto
la their Iowa home after spending a
yar in the west. Miss Lillian Allstine.
has closed a successful term of school
at the Witicha grade school. Their
home is near Aurora, Iowa, where they
have a 600 acre farm.
State of Ohio, city of Toledo,
Lucas County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is "senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in-the
City of Toledo, county and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOI-r
LARS for each and every case of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the use
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of Decem
ber, A. D. 18S6. "A. W. GLEASON,
(Seal) Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken ir-
ternally and acts through the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
Sen for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
OSWEGO, May 31. The laying of
the concrete started a fortnight ago,
having been delayed for a period of
praeticaly seven months, due to in
clement weather, at the Multnomah
county line and is progressing south
at the rate of about 300 to 400 feet a
day, the net result being that about
3000 feet of the first unit of 3700 feet
between the county line and the town
of Oswego had ' been laid up to Sat
urday night. Oswego people are get
ting very anxious for the new high
way to be finished. The laying of the
cement was finished uP to the Tryah
creek bridge Tuesday noon. The city
of Oswego will have about S feet more
of hard surface on front street.
Thursday evening of last week the
Oregon City high school boys and glrl3
came to Oswego to enjoy boat riding
on the lake where they all spent a
vrey pleasant time.
Mrs. Agne3 Leland of St. Johns is
(visiting friends in Oswego this week.
Mrs. livpd in tTiis r-i t v caigAral
years ago and is the sister of Raymond
Lee of this place. t
Wayne Larson was surprised on Fri
day afternoon, when a number of lit
tle folks came in to help celebrate his
6th year birthday. The little folks
played games after which they each
got partners for lunc which consisted
of cake, jello, sandwiches and lemon
ade. Those present were Kathern
Baker, Audrey Cline, Marion Emmott.
Ethel Emmott, Helen Emmott. Eunice
Weidman, Ruby Samuels, Mildred
Samuels, Norman Baker, Robert Sam
uels, Melville Lorenz, Vera Larson,
Wayne Larson, Mrs. Nina Emmott,
Mrs. Mary Lorenz, Mrs. - John Erick-
son; Mrs. L. Waldorf.
Mrs. Grant White of Canby was in
Oswego Monday visiting her mother
Mrs. J. C. Haines.
Mrs. Ella Brooks was visiting" rela
tives in this city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs .Louis Weidman are re
joicing over a "baby girl which the
stork left at their home Tuesday
Mrs. G. W. Prosser was taken very
sick Monday after coming back from
the cemetery where she had been to
decorate the graves.
Henry Yates went to St. Johns Mon
day. '
Mrs. Obrine has been ill for a few
days with a bad cold.
George Enrich and Gladys Yates mo
tored to Cannon Beach where they
spent Sunday and Monday.
Mrs. H. H. Eccles spent Monday
with relative, at Oswego.
Mr and Mrs. H. Baxter and Mr. and
Mrs. George Bulock also Mrs. Louis
Brooks went to St. Johns Decoration
evening to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Bussarj of Port
land visited relatives and friends in
Oswego Monday.
Archie Worthington met with a
slight accident while at work on the
road near Lake Grove breaking one of
his ribs. j
Mrs. Mike Reefs who has been in
Oregon City hospital" for some time
was brought home Monday. Mrs. Reefs
is getting along as well as can be ex
pected folowing the operation.
Judge J. U. Campbell and wife of
Oregon City, visited Mrs. Charlie Paul
ing, Mrs .Campbell's mother, the first
of the week. '
Mrs. Ruth Peesly of Portland spent
Sunday with her parents.
Walter Waldorf and family of Mulino
were in this, city Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ace Coon of Portland
were Oswego visitors Monday.
Work on the Elk Rock tunnel pro
ject is to commence today according
to information received from reliable
sources. The Southern Pacific rail
road company announced several
weeks ago that the work was to be
done, but gave no definite time of
starting operations. The tunnel Is to
be bored from both ends which should
speed up the work considerably. Tho
railroad company plans to have trains
operating through there by early fall.
News of this work is being received
with great rejoicing in Oswego. The
Elk Rock trestle has long been a worry
to people here.
OAK GROVE, June 1. The Oak
Grove beach was the scena of a large
and merry crowd Sunday and Me
morial day. ' several thousand being
present each dayv enjoying the! water
Or the shade jor- dance at which Nyes
Orchestra rendered the music. The
beach is undr new management this
year a new danca pavilion has been
erected and al bids fair for a success
fu lsummer. j V ;
Miss E. K. Matthews, Mesdames R.
R. Davenport and Fred Miller attend
ed the State Federation meeting o4
Woman's Clubs at Pendleton this
week. "f : '-. f
Most of our business places have
had their name placed on th windows
the past week which makes them very
attractive as well as beins a help to
the public in locating the stores.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smith-accompanied
a number of Portlanders who
were formerly from Nebraska to the
beach Memorial day and spent a de
lightful day.
Mrs. V. G- Benvie assisted the Sons
and Daughters of Veterans in Memor
ial service in Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Link spent the
week end at McKenzie River. t
Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Bentley, have
gone to Portland for the summer.
Miss May Thompson is out again
after a week's illness.
E. Fenwick is having his house
painted and otherwise repaired.-
Miss Verna La Cure helping at
the confectionery counter in the wait
ing room.
Mrs. Lillian Hubbard spent Tuesday
in Portland. v
. The Child Welfare Department of
the Social Service Club held a garden
party Saturday afternoon. May 28 on
the lawn at home of Miss E- K. Mat
thews which all enjoyed. There were
booths of ice cream and sweets and
the pupils of the open tair develop
ment school presented "A Midsummer
Night's Dream" m a very able man
ner, after which patriotic songs .and
dances on the lawn were endulged'in
and a general good time enjoyed while
in the house an exhibit of antique
articles and curios wer6 on display
and were very interesting. Among the
exhibit was found the following: Good
Templair's sword, very old hickory
cane, 75 years old, 2 coverlets tl00
years old, lace handkerchief made in
1839, legal document found in 1S57 in
Fairfax, Virginia, a copy of .New York
Herald issued the day following: the
assassination of Lincoln, telling of his
assassination, a very old daguerreo
type, teeth of baby whale, knapsack
of Civil War, kid slippers, 75 years
old, 2 boxes made of whale bone over
10o years old, Bible over 100 years
old, handsome made garment with
beading, 70 years, hand made corset
style 1S35, basket 110 years, coral
from coral reefs of Australia brought
to U. S. in 1869, mirror of Revolution
ary period, brass candlestick 75 years,
picture 100 years, mahogany commode
irom Nantucket, Revolutionary period,
2 plates Revolutionary period Sancho
Panzo pattern, china plate, cup and
saucer 100 years old, china tea pot
150 years chocolate pitcher. 100 years,
commentary on the Bible printed 1801,'
silk shawl from India 10o years, set
teaspoons very old, pair books, Civil
War, lustre pitcher from Nova Scotia
brought to U. S. in 1834, Scotish tea
mug been across ocean four times a id
served at seventeen Scottish teas,
paper weight made from glass from
courthouse after the Chicago fire 1871
hai destroyed same.
The Social Service club chorus ren
dered several vocal selections at che
graduating exercises at Concord school
last Friday at which time twelve
graduated. Brenton Vedder, county
school superintendent gave the ad
dress to the class.
Milwaukie Club to
Support Bonus Bill
MILWAUKIE, May 31. The Com
mercial club met last week and dis
cusses the fair site. The club also
voted to support the soldier bonus bill
and plan to giv the boys some mater
ial aid in the. campaign before the
It has been reported that Rock Is
land wil open within the next week or
two. : The island Is under lease to the
Oregon Yacht club.
The deal has been closed between
I. A. iG rat ton and the Oregon Yacht
club- for moorage space along the -river
for houseboats.
Milwaukie people will be glad to
hear that Menefee's shingle mill is to
reopen this week providing the river
does not rise any more. The mill will
give work to about twenty five men.
The Thompson .Bullis shingle mill
is shut down temporary -while repairs
are being made. A bin is being con
structed to take care of the surplus
sawdust, the output of which has been
sold to the East Side mill in Sellwood.
The Hawley mill is operating with
about fifty men on two shifts.
M. A. Meals has gone to Eastern
Oregon on business. He will remain
there until fall.
Ml m ''it r "
Mrs. Herbert Votaw, sister"' of President Harding, who is nationally
known for her welfare work, expressed herself as amazed at the industry's
remarkable expenditures o time, money and brains. She was delighted to
hear that such an organization as the "Studio Club" is in existence to do
welfare work in the studios. She is having a chat with Thomas Meighan.
A Home Product
Oregon Cement
A Brand of Quality
, IT'"
Oregon Portland Cement Co.
4 I
Main Office
1106 Wilcox Bldg-,
Portland, Oregon
Oswego, Oregon.