"Page '1 wo" NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Garfield People in Highway Accident Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Damascus Students Receive Diplomas (Too late for last week) DAMASCUS. May 24. The first dance of the season under the man agement of the Eberhart Bros, given at Elliott hall Saturday night was well attended. Phat's Jazz Band furnished the music. The new maple floor was splendid and everyone reported good time. . Announcement was made for another dance in two weeks. Sat urday, June 4th. Supper will be serv ed. Come and bring your friends. Gustav Stieu, who has been confin ed to his home for several weeks with inflammatory rheumatism is able to be about again. Mr. and Mrs. C- "Vincent of Portland have recently purchased the Elliott store, and adjoining property. They have moved into their new home and are to take possession of the store in the near future. ; Lee Anderson, our new blacksmith is kept quite busy lately. Representative F. D. Shank, accom panied by his wife and little daughter, Helen, motored to Goldendale, Wash., and are now visiting friends and rela tives there. The students of Damascus school who received diplomas, in the county airthmetic and spelling contests are: arithmetic, Lillie Keller, Neva Elliott, Ray Myers, Floyd Myers, Francisc Adams, William Wiese, Livie Rogers, Herbert Mullenhoff, Lurline Swetnam and LaVelle Swetnam. Spelling, Esther Pier, Grace Roger, Floyd Myers,, Caryl Sylvester, Charlottee Mullenhoff, Neil Hannie, Victor Pier, Lillie Keller, Neva Elliott, Lurline Swetnam and LaVelle Swetnam. Mrs. Nieta Dallas visited Mrs. W. R. DaIIas last Friday. The Damascus boys were victorious in a five inning ball game, played with Boring at Carver last Sunday, the score being 4 to 2. Plans are under way for an organized team and we hope soon to hare a ball ground at home! Miss Mabel Elliott, who has a book keeping position in Portland spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C- Elliott. Henry Burr, Jr., of Portland visited friends and relatives here Sunday. A fine baby girl made its arrival at the Martin Anderson home last week. Mrs. C. Wolfhagen, Jr., and baby are visiting relatives in Portland this . week. little one scored 9S9 per cent. Roaj, work on Atnnttthy road is neahly finished. wilh very good results. Elks Prairie News ESTACADA, June 1- "Ernest Rin nfng and mother left last Saturday fir Arlington, Oregon, in his car, where they will visit Ernest's sisiter and The deed for the Elir PraiH t,i tamny ior a few days. acre was discused. Mr. Leitzel had in serted a clause to the effect that a school building schould be erected be fore the end of two years or the land should revert to the original property. Mrs. C. P. Wellman, of Palo Alto. California, is here a guest at . th home of her niece, Mrs. E. W. Bartlett Supt, F. E. Burns ,of the Estacada schools, has leased the Sinners resi- claim up on the Oolley Creek, above attend school. However the condition Mr. Leitzel had inserted the clause fljy dence. the purpose of hplnintr hn naiTOA I Mr. an Mrs. F. M. Gill and two lit- . . , v " O buv i.uu.ju StAVHii I (Too late ior last weeit.j as he lived here for manv. vears w,pn tie daughters, were in Estacada Sun ELK PRAIRIE. My 25. Mr. Laird !no school could be obtain?,! .an final, day guests at the home of Mrs. Gill's and family have returned to their ily had to leave, that his family might parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dale. They were enruuiw to nuEcue uic state Grange meeting-and the little girls remained with their grandpar ents while their parents made the trip to Eugen and returned for them. Mrs. J. E. Gates and daughters went to Portland Moriday to spend Memor ial day with Mrs. Gates' mother. . After a visit of several days here at the J. C. Duus home, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duus returned to their home at Mau Steve Fischer's home. The Laird's made the trip overland from Bakers field and were well equipped for com fort in their house on wheels. They brouaht four horses tnd three ! had been fulfilled the building had oeen erected and , used for several months before the deed arrived. The reason the deed was so late, was bo cause another corner of the Leitzel vehicles. These people report that they i property had first been chosen and went from this section direct to the deeded, and was later changed when oil fields of Bakersfield, where they he learned that the people preferred the stayed until these were closed, then present site. they went to the cotton neins runner ( Messrs. carruthers and Mieklev south, later returning to Bakersfield, ' have begun work on their contract of I Dln- Oregon, Tuesday, on their way here. ,' slashing thirty acres for Albert Bat- Mrs- - Syron and son Paul are James Neely and Chas. Tidd visitea ties, it is reported, the Badger homestead Sunday and were very, much interested in the f T Ortrnni-ZPrI sweet clover. Mr. Neely has been . V-aiUJ organized working in Seattle the past winter. D. W. Badger is enlarging his straw berry natch bv over a thousand plants, taken from his last year's strawberry bad. Mr. Badger is also making a visiting in Portland this week. Three or four loads of Garfield peo ple went up the Columbia Highway Tuesday and coming home one ma in got lost from the otfiers and so "Rtt- ri chii -ury J-JUiii x IJ J.C; the party came home Later in the (Too late for last week.) evening a telephone message announc ed that the machine in which was large garden for family use, besides making many other improvements. Chas. Tidd went to meet jopun Barlow Graduates Extra Large Class BARLOW, May 31. Charles Dregine spent a few days at home last week preparing for high school commence ment exercises. Autoists driving through Barlow will note quite a diference in the road as it has all been leveled off and roll ed. E P. Elliott of Oregon City, has built a new home on his place at Barlow. Mr. Ross is building a large struc ture which he intends to use for a wood yard. The graduating exercises of the Bar low grammar school were held in the Barlow school house May 2'J. This wa3 an all day affair and proved very en joyable for all present. The morning was spent by a program by the school and after lunch two baseball games were played one when, the men play ed the boys and lost 18 to 22 next the boys, played Aurora and also won the game. This was the largest class that has graduated from Barlow for many years. A very enjoyable party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Par. menter in honor of the former's birth day anniversary. The evening was spent principally in cards and dancing after which delicious refreshments were served. The crowd dispersed at a late hour all wished him a happy birthday. who went to town, a few days ago. This ' daughter Helen, took dinner at the Fred precaution wa needed because or tne Horner home on Tuesday. oad conaiuon or me nraut. i v,iarenee judd lert Tuesday on a Mrs. F. Jplin has just received a trip to Klamath Fals. fine Jersey cow. The f.nimal was j Mr. and Mrs. Rex Gordon and little brought by truck to tne uoourne daughter from Col ton are visiting with place, which is termed Tne end or tne Mr. Gordon's mother, Mrs. S. W. Ben- road" by the Elk Prairie people. !jamin. Basil Leitzel, who was raised in this A number of the residents of Dodge vicinity is visiting at the D. B. Gray met at the' schoolhouse Saturday eve ana Glen Gault homes. He is spend- ning and organized a Community ing much enjoyable with with his club. Fred Horner was elected chair chum, Frank Gray. Basil has lived in man and Chas. Colson secretary. They Portland for some time. decided to meet the first Saturday Frank Hossman has been steadily evening in each month in the summer improving his homestead Mr. and time and the first and third Saturciy Mrs. Rossman have built a iargie log evenings in the winter time. After house, which will be completed as soon the meeting, a basket supper was serv as the roads permit the hauling of ed. finishing lumber . . , Mrs. Folsom, and Mrs. Harold Horn- C. K. Thomas made a trip to Silver- er and riaiieihter. Kathleen visited at ton to consult an occulist. Mr. Thomas the Fred Horner home Thursday after- was injured by a "widow maker" or noon. falling limb in the logging woods two David Keller from Nebraska made year3 ago. The car was thrown from his cousin G. W, Keller a visit last the track, owing to the excitement-of week. They had not seen each other his rescuers. Mr. Thomas has been a for twenty-five years, frequent sufferer from -severe head- Mr. and Mrs. Emery Keller from aches ever since. Viola visited at the John Keller homo Ted Gray, a young man who has on Sunday, been raised in this neighborhood and ' DODGE, May 23. Mrs. Parrott of BulSer - Krigbaum, the driver, his Vancouver is visiting with her sis ter Mrs. E. Jochinsen Mr and Mrs. Sherman Kilsore and Party Is Enjoyed at j Advance Saturday reached his majority this spring, is building a log house. Ted's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B Gray are helping with the raising as are also his brother Frank, brother-in-law, Glen Gault, and friend, Basil LeitzeL I (Too late for last week.) James .Neely expects to go away to ! ADVANCE, May 25. Our road work in a few days. The Neelys have supervisor is taking advantage of the built a large log house upon their good weather and has his road crew claim, of which one room is finished at work in the double S canyon getting and occupied. ' the road graded widened ut con- Joseph Kolshinski has been improv- siderable. ing his homestead the past winter and Henry Toedtemeier is shipping a will go out to work for wages soon. : truck load of wheat, oats and potatoes Chas. Tidd harvested thirteen sacks to Portland this week. Of Jerusalem artichokes from two j Mrs. Henry Koellermeier has a new short rows and will plant this year piano and last Saturday evening 89 again. of her relatives and friends called io Albert Battles returned to Spokane, initiate the new music and at the where he has work as a train conduc- same time celebrate the birthday of tor. Mr. Battles contracted to have litte Myrtle Koellermeier. thirty acres of land slashed during his There was a real orchestra consist brother, Gid Krigbaum and wife, a sis ter, Mrs. Hass Tracy and Harold Wooster's little boy, had met with an accident. In some way Krigbaum lost control of his machine and it went front first over an embankment about twelve feet, into a slough containing several feet of water. A man working near by saw the accident and went to their assistance. The little boy, Har old Wooster. came near drowning, and a doctor was summoned from Gresham to resustiicate him. Some of the others were bruised but not seriously injur ed . They were taken to a house near by and remained until morning when they all came home. The accident happened about six o'clock in the evening. Mrs. C. F. Howe and Miss Lelia Howe visited for the day in Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. D.' Allen came over, from' Marmot Saturday to visit Estacada relatives and friends. F. E. Burns went to Portland last Friday and Mrs. Burns joined him Saturday, both returning in the eve ning. In response to the call for aid to the Armenians, the M. E. church and the Christian church responded by asking the community to contribute ,and as a result four large boxes of clothing were packed and shipped last week. E. E. Hannah had a week's vacation and spent it with his family here. IT, is employed at Bull Run. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rowe arrived last Friday evening to spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Kerkes Evelyn Bacon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bacon of this place, ar rived from Eastern Oregon Saturday, whlern she had "been- finishing the school year her parents moved here about a month ago. Mrs. Fred Bartholomew visited htr mother and other relatives at Lents Saturday and Sunday. j James Murphey and two daughters I of Bull Run, were here Saturday and I Sunday to visit at the C. L. Allen I home. Mr. Allen is quitp seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Goodrich carce absence. It is reported Mrs. Battles ing of a piano, violins, and drums. The over frm PortIand Saturday to speud Live Wire Ladies Meet at Redland (Too late for last' week.) REDLAND, May 27. Molton Sprague is quite ill at hi3 home with rheumatism. Marion Kirchem of Logan and Mis Pearl Hinkle accompanied by Miss Hinkle's parents visited at Goldendale, Wash. Mrs. Edith Blom has gone to Brem erton Wash., where her husband is stationed in the navy. Alvine Sprague is suffering from a badly cut finger. Mrs. Albert Gerber is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sprague. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sherman were quite pleasantly surprised when their daughter arrived from Oolorado for a visit. The Redland Ladies' Live Wires met at Mrs. Etta Aliens, May 26. The - president Mrs. B H. Stewart being sick, Mrs. Bonnie the secrotary acted as president. Mrs. Allen had a com fort tied after which the ladfes visited. Places were laid for Mrs. Hendrixson, Mrs. Hinkle, Mrs. Spees, Mrs. Critser. Mrs. Sterns, Mrs. Bonnie, Miss Bonnie, Miss Stewart and Mrs. Clara and Etta Allen, with Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Neville Little Gene and Marion Sterns and Anna Margaret Stewart as visitors. The ladies will meet with Mrs. Hen drixson for their next regular meet ing and will also meet next Thursday with Mrs. Arnold Allen for the Dress Form Demonstration. Mr and Mrs. Joe Hinkle have mov ed to Marshfield. Mrs. Hultse and daughter Stella, of Portland visited at H. G. Nevill's last Sunday. H. G. Nevill and wife received the result of the test, taken of their seven months old 'daughter, Clara Pearl, at Portland courthouse, in wnicn and baby will remain here. evening was spent with muiscal selee- A party was given at tae home of tions, songs and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Gray in honor of Those present were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Andy Mazingo's fifty-first birthday. H. M. Moehnke and -family, Mr. and The surprise, however was on the Mrs. J. M. Moehnke and family, Mr. Gray family and they had spent the and Mrs. Jesse Mayfield, Mr. and Mrs. day building a new house on Ted Crawford, Mrs. J. Heft and daughter. Gray's homestead. Mr. Mazingo had Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bluhni and family. assisted the people of thi3 neighbor- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moehnke and fam. hood with music for their parties. ily, Henry Grossmiler, Chas. Klinger, Another birthday party was given in Mrs. H. Staben and children, E. I. the Rolland house, which is not oc- Toedtemeier, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koel cupied at the present time This was temeier and family, Geo. Toedte- in honor of Master Schierman and Mi'-- meier. Mr. and Mrs. J. Iderhoff and ton Joplin. daughter, Mr .and Mrs. J. Wilkin and Arthur Davis was a visitor at the daughters, Mrs. John de Neui and cb.il- homesteads of Chas.' Tidd, James dren, Mr. and Mrs. H. Koellermeier Neely and D. W. Badger a few days and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson ago. and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Koeller- Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Tautfest took meter and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. four veal calves to the Portland mar- Boechman and family, Mr .and Mrs. ket, last week. Mr. Tautfest has just Sam Moser, Eddie and Walter Moser. finished cutting wood for the Coal Mr -and Mrs. W. A. Dragoo and son- Creek school. Miss Eemelia Toedtemeier, H. Toed- The Directors of District No. 313 temeier, Clarence Koellermeier, Mar- heli a meeting at Mr. Hilton s home, garet Toedtemeier,. Alton Dragoo and This is the firt meeting since the Elk Alfred de Neui. Prairie scnooi nas been represenwm , by a director. Chas Tidd being the dir lYTpfldfYwhrnolc TtPTTm ector from this part of the district. lAcdUUYVIJrUUK. J.LC1I1& Mr ..and Mrs. Frank Hilton are the directors from Coal Creek. Ruchara Memorial day with their daughter. Mrs. J. F. Dunlop and family. The Eagle Creek Grange sent as del egates to the Oregon State Grange meeting at Eugne this week, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Duus. They went by auto. The Priscilla club held its May meeting recently' at the heme of Mrs Frankie Yount. It was. in the noture af a farwell to Mrs. Yount and her neice Miss Edith Trowbridge, who are expecting to leave soon for Colorado to make their home. Estacada honored the memory o America's heroic dead Monday with exercises in charge of the American Legion. The program began at 10:30 at the grand stand in the park. The speakers of the day were Mayor Stephens Of this place and O. B. Eb; of Oiegon City. A parade was formed at tbe school grounds containing ola soldiers, of which there were four present, the American Legion and school children. iAnumber of girls coached by Miss Lelia Howe, gave a flag drill. Mrs. Morton-Moore read -jj'ianaers Fields" and there was music by &a orchestra composed of Mrs. R. G. McCali and Messrs. Ahl berg, Berchett, Erickson and Adlon. In the afternoon the American Legion ily. Stewart Hislop and Mrs. Green leaf, of Portland, Mrs. Syron and Mrs. Syms are all borthers and sisters and children of Mr .and Mrs. George Hislop, foreman in the East Clacka mas News office. A little excitement was caused Sat urday morning on Broadway when two Fords colided as they were iurn; ing around. No one was hurt but both." machines had to go to the -arage for repairs. Since then signs have been posted at the end of the paved block requesting that there should be no? turning on the paved section of Broad way. The call of the wild brought many visitors here over the week end. A large party of Mazamas also boarded a truck for a trip into the mountains. Ther were picnic parties and fishery men galore, all bent on enjoying the deal weather and th6. signs of "good old summer time. . The community club last Friday i night, had a rather unique program. An invitation was given to all th"? lodges, clubs and societies around, to furnith one number for a- program Those that responded were .Priscilla club of Currinsville with a song by several little boys and girls- Ameri can Legion by a speech b Command- f-r Ludlow, expla'.;.ng the said.ers' bill which is to be voted upon ai, the June r.'Hiion: the eorgtel Commercial Club by a readin- by M" Cari John- n: Eastern S ( with reading by Mrs. Cordelia alter; Odf Fallows with a quartet of "heavy" male voices; The Masons by a speech, given by O. E. Smith; the Eagle Creek grange wa,: renresentel by a reading by Fred "Bates ; a duet by Mesdames Moore and Lawrence was also contributed by the American Legion and F. W. Johnson of Faraday sang a solo. The weather turnej out so cool that the program was given in the pavilion. There was about fifty who participated in the picnic supper at six o'clock. All had a good time. Quite a number from town went out to George Saturday night to attend a program given by the George Com mercial club. O. E. Smith came home from Port land Friday night, to visit his family for a few days. He is now working for the P. R. L. & P. Co. in Portland. The speaker for the Artisans ,H. F. Hudson, who was to represent that order at the Community club program, Friday night, failed to appear. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herman of Port land and Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman, of Huber, Oregon, spent the Memorial day vacation at the home of the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barr. Monday was a reunion day with the family, theer being1 present aside from those from out of town, Mrs. Charles Kitching and family and Sam Barr and family. The street and sidewalks of Esta cada were under repairs last week, among the improvements being a new gravel walk from the town ball to the paved street on Broadway. John Dunseath spent a few days with his family )at this Jplace the first of the week. He is now located in Albany. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Straughan ar rived from Lewiston, Idaho, the latter part of last week to visit at the home of the latere parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hannah. Mr. Straughan was tha manual training teacher in the Estra da schools two years go, and had the same position in the Lewiston schools during the past year. Ken Bartlett was here from Seattle to spend the week end, with his par ents Mr .and Mrs. E. W. Bartlett. A large number of people took ad vantage of the holiday Monday and came to Estacada to spend the time feel "at home" at the CARVER STATE BANK. Meet" your friends and transact your business in our office. 4 Interest paid on time deposits. CARVER STATE BANK THOS. F. RYAN, President. THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice-Pres. R. E. LOOMIS, Cashier. nt Safety deposit boxes for rent. We are open Saturdays until 4 p. m. in hiking and picnicing in this . section. Mrs. Geo. Walsh, Sr. Of Macksburg Passes MACKSBURG, May 31. Memorial Day was observed not only for its own sacred significance but as being- the burial day of one of our most highly- esteemed and great beloved residents, Mrs. George Walch, Sr. . Mrs. Walch had been in feeble health for several months past but lately, had seemed so mv.ch better, it was thought that she was getting well, when on Friday morning last,r she was , seized with heart failure and with scarcely a minute's warning f life became -ex tinct. Her own immediate family, six sons and three daughters with their bereav ed father and a large congregation of othe r friends filled; the Lutheran church to its utmost capacity on Mon day morning when the funeral service was conducted by the local pastor Rev. Fr. Rosenbusch, with an address in German followed by one in English from their former pastor, Rev. Fr. Lucas. A great profusion of beautiful floral offerings expressed" the tender regard for Mrs. Walch and her family. The funeral was said to be the largest ever held in this place. Fred Heinz who has been suffering from an acute attack of inflammatory rheumatism is though to be some what better now. The last suffers from that unwel come guest, small-pox, has been releas ed from quarantine the homes of the patients and also the Mennonite chapel at which they were attendants thoroughly fumigated and cleansed and, ence more, we are breathing free from the threatened ill. The Macksburg school swings are fastened with heavy chains to pre vent their present use. So deep was the impression upon the public mind made by the accident to little Mabel Keil an investigation of the matter was required. The account, given by witnesses is that the swing while heavily loaded and goinfr- very fait, struck the little girl with a force that cused a very serious and confplicated fracture of the ankle bones. That the child, while prostrate from the shock did not receive another and , probably fatal blow was due to the presence of mind and quick action of two of the girls, Florence Burgess and Marie Koch who rushing to the rescue drew her out of the way of the re turning swing. Mr. Keil has built a very handsome' and commodious barn on his ranch. Loganites Attend State Grange Meet LOGAN, June 2. iuite a number of Loganites have gone to Eugene to atend the session of the Oregon State grange which convenes there this week. Among those attending: Mr. and Mrs. C- B. Sprasue, who are the representatives from Harding Grange, also Wm. Kirchem and wife, S. G. Kirchem and wife and Mr .and Mrs. James Grifith. Mrs. N. L. Kirchem entertained her brother C. A. Duus and family of Cri terian, Oregon, over Sunday. They have been spending a week with the home folks at Estacada. Rev. o W. Taylor of Portland spent the week eud at the Taylor farm here also visiting his brother, Reginald Taylor. . MrJ and Mrs: J. L. Etheridge are. living at their home hes now. Miss Ethel Hutchins, - also Miss Alma and Bertha Boss accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Franklin to Seaside and spent he week end. Among the graduates at Oregon City high school this week is one of our native Logan girls, Miss Margaret. Hutchins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutchins. Dodge News Items DODGE, Majr 31. David Horner, Sr. and Mr- an Mrs. Fred Horner and family spent Sunday at the E. Jochin sen home. Mabel Keller spent Sunday and Monday visiting friendo at Welches. Cora Ten Eyck is visiting her sis ter, Rosa B. Ten Eyck, for a few days- this week. Mrs. Gordon,, who has been visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. Benjamin, left for her home on Thursday. Mr .and Mrs. W. E. Myers and fam ily spent Sunday in Portland. Rosa B. Ten Eyck spent Sunday and". Monday at her home at Marmot. MEADOWBROOK. June 1. O. Ber- -"e Joplin, of Elk Prairie is the clerk of tilson and family of Oregon ' City marcnea to the cemetery and pieacea . Sigma Johnson of colton spent Sunday the board D. B- Gray was a recent visitor at at the Chindgren home. i the Badger homestead. Mr. GTay was Rufus Holman and family of Port- looking for- some of hia cattle which land spent several days at their sum- have been missing for the past monit. mer home, Oak Knoll. C K. Thomas is also looking for Roy Sullivan and family spent Sun some stock which has been missing day evening with the Milton Chind for about the same length of time. . gren family, Mr -Yakubee, who is a sausage Mr. Ranta, formerly a resident of maker in Portland, has hired Frank this place is visiting friends here, he Rossman and C. K. Thomaa to do recently returned from a visit to Finn- some clearing upon his homestead. . land, Sweden and Norway. Mr an Mrs. Wilburt bnider, have Mrs. Minerva Larkins returned to tokens of remembrance on the graves of their soldier dead. All business housese were "closed and decorated and Old Glory floated from the city's flagstaff on Broadway. W. W. Dillon and wife were here from Portland to spend the week-end with relatives. Mr. Dillon is inter state secretary for the Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Earl Shibley and children went to Portland Tuesday to visit her relatives for a few days. A rare treat was accorded to the moved to a place near Scotts Mills, ber home at Clarkes Tuesday after lovers of good music Monday night while takine their alloted time "off" spending the last two months at A. L. from their homestead as allowed by Larkins. tip novernment. ! Mrs. John Bofto spent a few days Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. F. iP Portland this week. Joolin extended their hospitality to the Mis Thompson of near Heppner is Elk Prairie Community Club. After visiting with Mrs. Albert Schiewe. the business meeting: was over, the time was passed quickly with danc- week end at Corvallis, ing. Road problems came in for their full share of the evening'a discussion. the FARMERS WEEK and Homemakers Conference A week of College Life at O. A. C. COOPERATIVE CONVENTIONS Excursions Let's Go. Corvallla, Or. June 13-18 at the high school auditorium, when Dr. Emll Enna. of Portland, Miss Clara Coakley and Mrs. Herbert Gaar Reed auspices of the, library association.. ESvery number of the music and each of the readings were received with Herman Chindgren spent the Junior hearty applause. Dr. Enna is sure a real a. ruts L ana tnose wni) x-purd Dim Monday night are hoping that he will come again. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wood, of Portland, were Sunday guests at the Dr. L. A. Wells home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Esciilemen and His home is little son motored to Salem Saturday to visit Mr. Eschleman's mother and other relatives, returning Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Stewart Hislop. Mrs. Ina Greenleaf and two children, George Hislop and wife,- O. A. Syron and little son and W. J. Syms and wife and baby composed a picnic party in the Estacada park last Sunday. and it was a joyful occasion for the entire fam- j them' alF ' welUC a Camel JVe tried but No more switching. It's Camels for. me ' Mrs. A. Nelson, who has been in Portland, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. H. L. Linn, and also her son. Dee Wright, has returned tJ Oregon City. The latter was in that city for a few days, in Eugene. Men's Soles $1.75. Women's Soles 1.25 Children's according to age. Carver Shoe Repair Shop' I'm through experimenting. No more trying this and that. every time. .They're so refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild! Why? -The answer is Camels exclusive expert blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos There's nothing like it. No other cigarette you can buy gives you the real sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette. Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your information first hand. You'll tie to Camels, too. TURKISH &rouEsnc$ BLEND Sy. R. J. REYNOLDS Tobacco Co. -Winston-Salem. N. C H