SANDY , (Continued from Page 6.) brought good things from the country too. It is impossible to remember everyone who so kindly contributed for the occasion, but all, the helpere :n whatever way they landed aid were appreciated. Miss Marguerite Klein and Mis. Pearl and Jean Proctor sold home made candy at the Scales store Satur day to help swell the proceeds of the entertainment. Mrs. Purcell desires to express her gratitude to all who assisted In thj entertainment and for the hearty co operation manifested by all. Areoplane Expert "Visits Home Town Big Time Saturday At Sandy Hi School SANDY, May 26. Don't forget the great event next Saturday nigbt! Tho big play given "by the Sandy union high senior class will be the best ever! Everybody come and bring your sis ter, aunt or cousin, best gM or some body! There's no more important peo ple in the world than the promising graduates, who are in the regular order of things, to have a place in the com ing activities of life, and young folks deserve the best we have to give! They will pass it along, to the world! "The Rose O' Plymouth'' is a histor ical, play and the popular performers will give a . fine show! Everybody come! George Beers is going to play the violin and Ruby Dog d will give a musi cal reading. Both teacherp and pupils are working very hard to give a good production and it will be a treat! The next school event will be the baccalaureate sermon by Rev. Earl Cotton on Sunday night at the Metho dist church ani should be well attend ed. It ig a sacred time in the lives of graduates who are stepping out of school into the realities of life to carve out a place each for himself, or her self, and this is always a service to make much of. The community owes it to these graduates to come with them, and pause with them a short hour before they pass out of our livea. for who knows where thty wil go to begin the great drama of an active life in the world? Let us fill the church! Special music is being arranged for the occasion. Miss Mary Junker will sing, George Beers wil pfay, the Sandy quartette will sing and there will b one or two other good numbers. SANDY, May 24. Arthur E. Kriever, a former Sandyite, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Purcell, the Juuker8 and others last week expects to return again before going east to take up his new position as mechanical superin tendent of air craft at the Langley naval factory near Chicago. Sandy is unusually honored in having so many people who really do things coming, and going and staying as years go by. Kriever laughed as he told how he spent all his spare time studying aero plane construction and Inventing appli ances for his aerial wireless and Post master Purcell though he was "wast ing his time." However, he studied on and during the war the government took under consideration, and later made use of his wireless appliances Kriever enlisted in the O. N. G., 1st Cavalry when the Mexican trouble started; after seven months was re called and sent to Kelly Field Texas later was transfered to Brooksfield where he had charge of aero repair shops and was made instructor of flying. His first successful night fly ing was at Gerstner Field. Lousiana where, a few weeks later he fell S00 ft. when his plane wing broke and steel rod ran through the bridge of bis nose, penetrating the roof of his mouth, in which he now wears grafted skin and a silver plate, but there Is only a slight scar on his nose, so won derful is the surgery used by the gov ernment doctors. After his discharge Kriever worked for the S. P. R. R. at Los Angeles till in April when he received his appoint ment at Langley field through civil service, his grades not being less than 96 per cent. While in Portland for a Program Ready for Commencement SANDY, May 25. Everyone is cor- dialy invited to attend the annaal commencement exercises of the Sandy high school at the Odd Fellow's hall on Friday, June 3, at 8:13 P. M. San dy is indeed fortunate in securing such a big man as Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, D. D-. pastor Grace Memorial Episco pal church of Portland to deliver the commencement address as Sandy sel dom hears a speaker of such note. The following program will bo given: "Violin solo, George Beers; Invoca tion, Rev. Earl Cotton; Vocal solo, Miss RuthCrum; Address, the Rev. Dr. Oswald Taylor; Vocal duet, Jose phine and Pearl Dixon; Presentation of diplomas, Brenton Vedder; Vocal solo. Miss Mary Junker. The high school graudates this year are Mary Scharnke, Josephine Dixon, Hazel Beers, Eugenia Proctor and Fred Junker. The pupils jwho have completed their eighth grade work will also receive their diplomas on the evening of June 3. A capacity audience is expected at this event. Fine Time Enjoyed At Sandy Saturday SANDY, May 24. And "Jupe" did behave! 'Twas a glorious day Satur day and Mrs. Alice Scaleg and her helpers were" up with the lark and tho way they did stir things about! Cakes 'n spice 'n everything nice began to appear in the hall kitchen, the lodge room was turned into a dining room, tables were decorated tnd homey looking, and savory odors floated up town and made everybody hungry, but that was a part of the day's program. And Mrs. Scales had many compli , ments over the "business way" she, as head of the refreshment cdmmittee managed affairs, and, she deserved them. Her success in getting- so many donations of food from Portland busi ness houses was "just like Alice." Everything went off in her depai inent in fine shape. Her efficient help ers on the committee were Mrs. Duke, and Mrs. Collier, Mrs. Eddy also lend ed of her valuable self and worked in every possible way she could to ac complish things. Thp proceeds of the meals, door receipts and everything amounted to almost one hundred and fifty-five dol lars, which some say is the biggest fund ever raised here in a like under taking. Wasn't it splendid for Platts to turn over all their customers to the hall for both meals? And likewise the Sandy hotel showed the best kind of spirit. The strangers within our gates helped out a great deal, and Say: such good things to eat as vereybody had! The best of cooks and the best of food struck up a wonderful combination, the memory of which will linger round the palate. - short time Kriever is establishing a branch factory for the Super-Gloss Manuafcturing company. Kriever is at, example of what energy and intelli gence can do and he thinks there is a place to "grow into" for every youn ANNUAL PICNIC SUNDAY SANDY. May 25. The regular an nual picnic of the Sandy Lutheran church. There will be preaching serv- 1 in the beautiful woods adjoining the church. There wil be preaching serv ice in English, at the grove, at the us ual mornimg hour. There will be a big basket dinner, and in the afternoon a big program of songs, dialogues and recitation will be given. Refreshments will be served at a stand during the day and there will be games and amusements when the program are not in session. Everyone invited. SAND LOCALS REBEKAH IS HONORED SANDY, May 24- The degree, of chivalry was confered upon Mrs. A. C. Baumback at the Rebekah assembly of the state of Oregon which met in conjunction with the grand lodge of the I. O. O. F- at Albany, last week. Friends of. Mrs. Baumback were anxiou3 that her picture appear In the Portland, papers but Mrs. Baumback is so modest that she has not consent ed. Such recognition has never been bestowed on a member cf the Sandy Rebekah lodge before. SANDY .WALLOPS BARTON SANDY. May 25. The Sandy base ball boys feel mighty fine today after their big victory over the Barton boys Sunday. They won the score IS to 1. Quite a large crowd was present at the game. number of auto loads co la from Sandy. Lost, May 20, in or near Sandy, man's dres coat, Kuppenheimer make, size 36. Roy Lilly, Sandy. Reward. Adv. Rev. F. Dobberful preached at. Ore gon City last Sunday morning and al so held preaching service at -Twilight, in the afternoon. Children's day exercises will b held at tho Methodist church Sunday night June 12. Do not forget the date. There will be a splendid program by the children, and bless ero," everyone loves to hear them! Mrs. George Fer ret and Mrs. Duke are training the little ones. Things are humming in Sandy this week! Fine weather put everybody in action. The sound of hammer and saw i making music for the ear and th eye is charmed by the wielding of the paint brush. Carpenters Miller and Krebs began work on the Lutheran church property- repairs Tuesday morning. Hoffman is painting his dwelling house and others are soon to follow on with the good work. An era of prosperity and build ing up of our town is bound to come And we ourselves can hurry It along if we will! The latest report is that another doctor is going to locate here soon He was here yesterday looking over the prospect. Twenty-tour DeShazer relatives had u fine family picnic trip on the high way last Saturday, stopping at Mult nomah falls to eat their big dinner. All of the young folks climbed to the top of the falls while the older ones visited. Those in the party were Mf and Mrs. Joe 'DeShazer, Vinnie. Violet Ralph and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs James DeShazer and' Grant, Gertrude Mildred, Ruth, Alta and Florence, of Firwood. Mr. and Mrs. Henry De Shazer, Arthur and Marie and Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeShazer of Dilley, Or , and Mr. and Mrs. Will Updegrave, Loretta and baby from Sandy. Some other relatives expected to join the party but could not manage it at the last moment. Mrs. John B. Sawyer, wife of the American vice-consul to China, waj an all day visitor at the J. M. C. Miller home recently. The Sawyers have been either at Hong Kong or Shanghai the past eight years, Mrs. Sawyer com ing to Portland and California lor the winter to see her home folks. The starving area is in northern China, so Shanghai does not see the intense misery "which is too terrible to dwell upon." Mrs. Sawyer is a leader in the "American; Women's Club" work which meets in Shanghai every two weeks, and this club is a member of the general federation, and has a mem bership of three nundred and fifty women, practically every woman in the American colony there belonging to it. Of course "we" had to tell her of ou.- local . activities and she was especial ly interested In our song service, sav ing every Sunday afternoon they had musical programs that fillc-d the house and everybody was enthusiastic about them. The American colony at Hong Kong is much smaller than at Shanghai but very exclusive as it is an English center and only the 'elect," socially, may peep in at society s doors. Many a worthy and intelligent woman there is barred simply because h'er 'bus- band s Is not "high," but at Shanghai stenographers and all self respecting women are received on an equality. John B. Sawyer is at present at Washington D. C, passing. bis "exam" for a consulate. He' and Kriever are two Instances in this week's paper of what the civil service will do for young men who try. , ' sent a letter of thanks for the dona tion taken up at the community song service some weeks ago. Mr. Junker added another dollar to the collec tion which made five dollars. The new home will open early in June. James Odell wag over in Sandy last week for the fiJst time in a whole year, and he lives no farther thau Marmot. Mrs. F. M. McKerrow of Hoff came out to stay with Mrs. Carl Alt and will also be with her other daughter, Mrs James Dixon part of the time Capt. W. A. Platts, wife and daugh ter of Vancouver visited the C H Platts family last week. Wilfred Elliot was up at the Dixon mill by seven o'clock with his truck one morning recently and it ws rain ing too! Early bird. Lawrence Stobbins of Portland was out on his place at Firwood last Sunday Everetts have been out from the city to clean up berry patches and the likp at their FViwood ranch Auditor Wilson of Oregon City was out Saturday to audit the books of the Sandv Justice of the Peace Wilson enjoyed the "big feed" at the hall, it was his first trip to Sandy he could not help liking the town. Mrs. E. L. Power and Dorothy Mat- tingly appeared in town on horseback Monday night and they looked fine on their steeds. Mrs. Alice Scales went to Portland Monday, remaining over till Tuesday A. J. Morrison, Mrs. Mill or and per- haps Mrs. Joe Jarl and Mrs. Susan Kellier will attend the state grange at Eugene next week. Rev. Earl Cotton gave his lecture on how we got our Bible Sunday night showing seventy pictures. John Bur meister played the organ Sunday night and has promised to "help out" occa sionally when needed. Rev. Cotton asked for a vote of thanks be extend ed to all in any way connected with the success of the big entertainment and all hands went up! Rev. A. S. Heisey of Greshanj preached and administered com munion on Monday night, Rev. Cot ton assisting. The Harvlson family of Kelso drove up to the Monday night meeting. Mrs. Strucken nelped at the hall and was happy in doing so. Saturday. H. S. Eddy and J- C Duke were good hands at helping the ladies at the big cafeteria meals. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Updegrave are receiving congratulations over the arival of a fine eight -pound black hair ed little boy that came to their house to stay on Tuesday night. May 17. Mrs. Updegrave is feeling jnst fine and Charley is already getting used to thp new' title of "daddy." Mrs. Will Updegrave is staying with her sister. Anion Malar, Sr., returned ten days ago from a five weeks visit in Port and with his daughters, making his headquarters with his daughter Mrs. Farnham owner of the Clyde hotel, Mr. Malar is feeling quite well and en- ;oyed the city life very much. James G. DeShazer says he will not be able to attend the state grange session at Eugene next week. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jarl, son and daughter attended the fine dinner at the ball Saturday evening and remain ed for the entertainment. Over in the Molalla country Clack amas county bonds are quite popular, the people being anxious for good roads are buying home bonds in both small and larger amounts. Charley Harris was in town Monday from Cherryville and said he has sold of his stock and is now tryfng lo sol; his cleared land and quit farming. Elijah Coleman is building a new porch and doing other carpenter work at the Meinsinger home near Marmot. The Deep Creek rock crusher Is crushing now and with some more of this fine weather the roads will begin to get in fine shape soon. A. Gilbert, county road superinten dent was in town Saturday and was the guest of W. A. Proctor at the big dinner. Somebody ought to get a gun after that big bobj. wild cat that the Els son a have seen several times near their place! It is supposed to be a young one, but walks about with mucb assur ance along their fence and down In the woods. . - - - Tis spring-time, sure, for the Bew ing machine agent is flitting around the country places! The C. D .Purcell house " has its second new painting done and is very attractive looking now. Mr. and Mrs. C- H. Platts and Ray mond took a drive over to Hubbard Saturday, returning the same night. Contractors have been flying around this way regardless of the rain last week looking over the Loop lines se as to get estimates. McCann, concrete bridge builder, waa out recently to look over the road up to the mountains. The Junker building is dressed up in a new coat of paint (the old feed store) and looks so much better that seme folks hardly knew it! Li E. Hoffman had his farm house and slaughter house painted, and it is said he will paint his town buildings also. The Odd Fellow's have bought a fine new curtain for the stage which is a great convenience for dramtics. Henry Ten Eyck has just finished clearing three acreg of . land on his ranch-and expects to building on it ihis spring. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dixon and Jose phine Dixon were Portland visitors one day during the' week. Mrs. Ernest Bonett writes they are still busy getting settled in their new location, Brightwood ,and that it is quite up there but she is feeling quite well. The Duke family had friends out from Portland for a day's visit recently Mrs. S. E. Dixon of Portland was out for a week at the home of the Jim Dixon family. William W. Smith the new butteri maker is getting initiated into the workings of the Sandy creamery. Smith was formerly in Walla Walla and verifies the story about the rain weather there. A letter from California recently tells the same story of much rain. Mrs .Leo Lehnfield was down from Snag Camp a few days ago on busi ness. Mrs. Lehnfield is busy caring for a lot of young chicks. Anton Mikkelson was in town one day during the week. Thinga are still quiet at Brightwood. George Maronay viisted his sister Mrs. Eva Davis and R. G. Hamilton) while at Albany attending the grand lodge session last week. Mrs. J. B. Snedden and daughter Martha of Orient went up to Wild Cat Monday to spend a couple of days with the Lehnfields. Mrs. Dave Douglas has the spirit that does things. Think of it, she walk ed down from Cherryville (seven miles) ' to help the refreshemnt com mittee with the dinner serving on Saturday. Mrs. Jack Burnett spent a few days I in the big burg of Portland during the week. Mrs. Wilfred Elliott has returned from a several week's stay up the Willamette valley. , A. E. collier and his helper Mr. Moore drove over from Hood River Saturday evening, and both attended the big "doinigs" Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pizola staged down to" Portland Thursday evening and remained until Monday visiting friends anj relatives. (George King, a notary public of Sheridan, Or., passed through town a few days ago on his way to Bright wood to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Caron were down from Wild Cat Sunday; The Carons have not moved away, but spend most of their time at their "Rainbow Rest" vabin. The Sandy-Boring mail stage leaves Sandy at 6:30 A. M- and 2:00 P. M. j daily J. C. Loundree. Adv. Mrs. E. J. Hoffman is visiting at the R. A.. Ten Eyck home at Marmot. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas, Mack Thomas, James Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Littlepage, attended the Eagle Creek May-day picnic last Saturday Will Bell was also there with his Briscoe. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Shoemaker of Irvlngton came out to spend the week end with the Purcells aria also to attend the big entertainment which was so Buccessfuly staged by Mrs, Purcell. George Bornstedt was here recently. His old smile remains and it was like old time, to see him round again. The Bornstedts are located at Nampa, Idaho where George is working with the Oliver Chill Plow Co. He reports a new baby boy in the family, which is the fourth child. Everyone will remember 'little Georgiito," well, he graduated from the grade school the other day! A Portland-Sandy stage service was installed April 1, making two trips daily as follows: Leave drug store at First and Morrison at 7:30 A. M. and 4 P. M.; Leave Sandy at 9 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Fare $1.25. Adv. Mrs. E. Dodd spent most of last week at Newberg visiting and had a delightful time. R. E. Esson and Ronnie took a trip up to Trumm' Sunday afternoon with Dr. Williams for the outing. Dr. Wil liams had a case up there. They call ed cn the Bonett's while at Bright-wood. Little Robert Scott, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brows is out for a visit at the Brown home. Shaw, the Sandy blacksmith return ed Monday from a trip to Eastern Ore gon, j PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY SANDY SCHOOL NOTES The Sandy Parent Teacher will meet at tbe Odd Fellow's hall tonight (Fri day, May 28) at 8 o'clock and a large attendance if very much desired. Num bers mean enthusiasm, and Sandy needs more wide-awake interest this line. Officers for next year's work will be elected. Miss Cora Ten Eyck came home from the Oregon "U" last week be cause of an Injured arm. Miss Jackson of Brightwood will spend the summer with her parents at Portland. Miss Eunice Jonsrud went to Eu gene to spend the week end with gjrl friends at the U. of O. Dorothy Jons rud was home for the week end and played a number for the big Sandy "show." catnerme and iSelma Allen were guests of Mrs. Miller over Saturday night. The Orient school united in a big picnic at Dodge Park last Friday with the Fairview school. Miss Ivy Ten Eyck went to Portland at the close of the Orient school where she will remain most of the sum mer. The Scales boys have blossomed out in Boy Scout uniforms and look quite nifty. Dewalta Strack has begun taking dancing lessons from Mrs. Evelyn Al len and is doing splendidly. Miss Dolan, one of the Orient teach ers, was a recent guest of the R. c snipieys and attended the program Saturday night, also had supper with the Shipleys in the hall. Bernice Duncan made herself meat useful at the hall Saturday. Our perfectly fine lot of high school students are busy as bees with pre parations for the "Rose O' Plymouth' which will be a big event tomorrow night. Miss Bess Barton waa a Portland visitor last Saturday. Miss Crum spent the week end in Portland.- She worked hard to put on her pretty operetta with her littlo folks The Brightwood school closed Fri- da ynight. May 20, after one of the most successful school years, there being no interruptions nor difficulties to an D. C. Latoukjjttb, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M noy. There were twenty-three pupils enrolled. Those who passed v the eighth grade exams were Esthci Fickman, Emma Odell, Katherine Sladky and Lawrence Hilsencopf, and all were exempted in arithmetic with high honors. Lawrence Hilsencopf was neither absent nor tardy during the year and made excellent credits in al! of his work. Lawrence surely holds a high scholarship in the county eighth grade work. This is the largest class to graduate at Brightwood school. Miss Jackson of Portland was the ef . ficent teacher, and she has been re elected for next year. Miss Opal Selby who closed her school at Firwood last Friday went to her home at Oregon City the same evening. Burglars Find $670 Savings m Basement PORTLAND, May 19. Some time during the last three months burglars discovered the secret hiding place ol W. A. Snedeker's savings in the base ment of his home, 633 East Sixty- seventh street, north. Snedeker re ported to the police today that the prowlers had dug up a tin box and $670 in gold coins which he had been collecting for some time. C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneya-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg Oregon City, 'Oregon. O. D. EBY Attoraey-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND & HAMMOND Attorneya-at-Law Abstracts. Real Estate, .Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-S71 X iBP 1 You'll enjoy the sport of rolling em with P. A.! MONEY TO LOAN Farm Loans Vreferzed PAUL C. FISCHER Beaver Bldg., Oregon City LOST: One-year-old brown and white spotted heifer. Finder please "notify owner, Felix Carlson, Boring, Ore gon. Route 2, Box 112. DEAD HOUSES TAKEN Cash paid for dead cows and down and out horses. Will call anywhere. Phone Milwauki 69-J. Phone 405 WM. STONE ' ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Ore. FOR SALE t-A well developed, typy bull calf, 5 months old. His sire Oxford's Liberty Loan was placed first in a class of 8 at 1920 Interna tional Stock Show. His dam is a Register of Merit cow, with a record, as a 2 yr. old, of 373 lbs B. F. in 10 months. And as a Jr. 3 yr. old, has made an average of 58 lbs B. F.'for first 4 months. Price reasonable. A. Malar, Jr., owner, Borin&, Oregon. WANTED AT ONCE $1400 mortgage on $3000 modern new home, down town district, fruit, berries and fine garden. Phone for particulars 253. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Elizabeth A. Shi vely, deceased, by the above en titled court and has qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same verified as required by law, to the undersigned at 901 7th street, Oregon City, Oregon, within 6 months from the date hereof. Dated and first published May 2t, 1921. W. B. SH1VELY, Administrator of the Estate of EHz- abetb A. Shively. deceased. cepting the statutory right of redemp tion .and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and proper. This Summons ia served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Ore gon City Enterprise by order of J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order is dated the 10th day of May, 1921, and which order pre scribes that the said Summons shall be published for said time. DAVID E. LOFGREN, Attorney for Plaintiff, whose postoffice address is 1030 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. First publication May 13, 1921. Last publication June 24, 1921. Certified a true copy of the original by David E. Lofgren, attorney for plaintiff. - -mti Albert it mold in toppy red bog, tidy red tin, hand mom pound and half pound tin hzimidorm and in the pound crystal glass humi dor with mpongm moist en er top. FIRST thing you do next go get some makin's papers and some Prince Albert tobacco and puff away And, besides Prince Albert's delightful flavor, there's its freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by on a home made cigarette our exclusive patented croc that will hit on all your ess! Certainly you smoke smoke cylinders! P. A. from sun up till you No use sitting-by and say- sli? between the sheets with- ing maybe you'll cash this hunch tomorrow. Do it while the going's good, for man-o-man, you can't figure out whatyou're passing by! Such flavor, such coolness, such more-ish-ne'ss well, the only way to get the words em phatic enough is to go to it and know yourself! out a comeback. Prince Albert is the tobac co that revolutionized pipe smoking. If you. never could smoke a pipe forget it! You can AND YOU WILL if you use Prince Albert for packing! It's a smoke revelation in a jimmy pipe or a cigarette! . Coprricbt 1921 DT R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Wiiuton-Salaa. N.C the national joy smoke SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Hedvlg Borg, Plaintiff, vs. Fred Peterson and Selma M. Peter son, husband and wife, and Nils J. Hart and Thilda Hart, husband and wife, Defendants. To Fred Peterson and Selma M. Peter son, husband and wife, and Nils J Hart and Thilda Hart, husband and wife, and to all others unnamed and unknown: con are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit by the 27th day of June, 1921, said date being prescribed by an order of the Honor able J- U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, and the said date being more than six weeks after the 13th day of May, 1921, which is the date prescribed by the said order for the first publication of this Summons and if you fail to so appear and ans wer by the said 27th day of June, 1921, or want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to said Court for the relief de manded in the Complaint, to-wit: To have and recover from the defendants. Fred Peterson and Selma M. Peterson, husband and wife, and Nils J. Hart and Thilda Hart, husband and wife, the sum of Six Hundred ($600.00) Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per annum from the 25th day of July, 1920, and the further sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars as attorney's fees, and for the plaintiff's costs and disbursements of this suit, and that the said mortgage enumer ated in the said Complaint executed by the said defendants, Fred Peterson and Selma M. Peterson, dated the 25th day of January, 1915, and recorded in Book 101 at Page 459 n Record of Mortgages of Clackamas County, Ore gon, in which mortgage there is con veyed for the purpose of said mort gage the following property situated in Clackamas County, Oregon, more particularly described as all of lot (6) in Block (1) Willow Park, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances in said County and State; that the said mortgage be declared a valid lien on said property for the sum above named and that said mortgage be fore closed and the property sold by the bneriff or Clackamas County. Oregon. and the proceeds applied according to law; that all persons claiming said property by, through or under you be wholly barred, foreclosed and en joined from asserting any right, title. lien or interest in. to or noon said real property, or any part thereof, ex- SUMMONS No, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, For Clackamas County. Peter Swanson and Karen Swanson, husband and wife. Plaintiffs, vs. Valdemair Lidell, administrator, of the estate of Iver Kaslund, deceased, Olef Naslund, Nils Naslund, Johan Naslund, Sam Naslund, Jonas Ed holm and Johanna Edholm, Defend ants. To the above named Olef Naslund, Nils Naslund, Johan Naslund. Sam Naslund, Jonas Edholm and Johanna Edholm, defendants; In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 3rd day of June, 1921, said date being more than six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fail to appear and answer for want thereof, plaintiffs" will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: For judgment and decree ad judging and decreeing that the agree ment entered into between the plain tiffs, Peter Swanson and Karen Swan son, husband and wife, and Iver Nas lund, deceased, before his death con stitutes a valid contract to make a will and that said plaintiffs having fully , complied with all their portion of said contract are entitled to be declared the owners In fee simple of lot four (4) in block eighty-six (86), First Sub division of a portion of Oak Grove as shown upon the duly recorded plat thereof, located in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon,, free and clear of any claims of the heirs of said Iver Naslund, or of said adminis trator of the estate of Iver Naslund, and that said heirs and each of them and said administrator be barred from any claim, right or title in or to said property and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet and just in equity. This summons is served upon you Dy puDiication in accordance with the order of publication made by the Hon orable J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled court on the 15th day of April, 1921, directing publication of summons once a week for six con secutive weeks in the Oregon City En terprise a newspaper of general circu lation in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, printed and published -in said county. . , Date of first publication. April 22nd 1921. Date of last publication, June 3rd 1921. OLSON, DEW ART & BAIN, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, 530 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is herepy given that the un dersigned Albert D. Erb has rendered and filed in the County Court of the ' btate ox Oregon fo Clackamas boun ty, Oregon, his final account of his administration of the estate of Daniel ' Erb, deceased, and that Monday the 6th day of June, 1921, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said dav at thn Ceunty Court room in the Court honso at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, has been fixed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of any and all objections to said final account, at which time and place any person interested In said estate may appear and file his objections In writ ing to sai final account and eontest the same and show cause, if any, why the same should not be approved, al lowed and settled. The first publica tion is April 29th, 1921, and the last -publication May 27th, 1921. ALBERT D. ERB, Executor if the last WDi, Testament and estate of tDaniel Krb, deceased.