Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 27, 1921, Page Page 3, Image 3

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CANBY, May 25. Commencement
exercises of the Canby high school
-will be held at the, gymnasium Satur
day evening, May -23, where a well
arranged program will "be given.
The following are to receive di
plomas: Oscar Beatty, Marie BirtcheN
Senior Glass Play
Coming on Saturday
CANBY. May 25. The senior cla-iS
play of the anby high school en
titled "The Blue ana the Gold." a four
act come.iy with epilogue, presented
at the school gymnasium evening was
largely attended, and proved one of
the best entertainments given by the
students. Standing room wa at i
premium, and the audience appreci
ated the entertainment.
The following is the cast: "Ralph
Reel." class president, Oscar Beatty;
"John Judson," class treasurer. Mark
Dodfre; "Sam Simpson." class dunce,
7andon Regele; "Ted Turner," class
clown, Ted Eid; 'Guy Gould, presi
dent Junior class. Charles Dregnie,
"Ruth Randolph," - lass vice-president,
Marie Birtchet; "Ina Ireland," clas;
prophet. Vesta Maiif; "Annabeile
Avery." class beauty, Lillian Wheeler;
"Edna Ellis." class historian, Aileen
Buhman; "Dora Deane," class poet,
Cora Douglas; 'Miss Wright," a high
school teac'ie.' Edith Samuelson:
"Professor Monroe," the principal,
Frank Stevens.
Seniors of Canby
Picnic on Highway
CANBY. May 25. The Senior Class
of the Canby high school, accompan
ied by Mrs- H. B. Cartlidge. superin
tendent; Miss Wastell. Mrs. Earl
Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moody
enjoyed a motoring trip over the Co
lumbia river highway Wednesday,
spending the day visiting the scenic
Dinner and supper were enjoyed,
and the affair proved a most enjoyable
Students making the trip were
Misses Marie Birtchet, Vesta Mark,
Cora Douglass, Aileen Buhman, Lil
lian Wheeler. Edith. Samuelson, Al
mattie Manchester, Messrs. Oscar
Beaty. Theodore Eid, Mark Dodge,
Leo Huston, Charles Dregnie, Frank
Stevens and Landon Regele.
Scotts Mills People
To Operate Hotel
CANBY. May 25. -The Cottage Ho
tel has been taken over by Mr. and
Mrs. W- J. Arthur, of Scotts Mils, who
wil operate it on the same plan as has
been by Dr. and Mrs. John Fuller. It
Is nrobable that Dr. and Mrs. Fuller
will again resume management next
As this is the only hotel in Canby,
and lias been operated by Mrs. Fuller
for a number of years, receiving its
share of patronage. -
Dr. and jjrs. Fuller are undecided
as to their future ..location. " -- "
CANBY, May 25. A Rhode Island
Red egg measuring 6 x 7 inches,
and weighing four ounces Is attracting
unusual attention by those passing
the Vinyard store, where it is display
ed. This was laid by a ben owned by
Charlie Combs, i
T ' -' .... v '
t ! " C Hi!'-
i 1 -K ! "' '
Theodore Kid. Vesta Mark. Mark Dodga,
Cora Douglass, Leo Huston. Charles
Dregnie, Aileen Buhman, Frank
Stevens, Landon Regele, ' Ed ith Sam
uelson. Almattie Manchester, Lillian
The class officers are Oscar Beatty,
School Magazine Is
Credit to Pupils
CANBY, Or.. May 25. The "Lam
poon," the high school magazine pub
lished by the high school students,
made its appearance this week, arid is
a credit to the instiution and to those
having- gotten . .out the . publication.
Tins contains illustrations of the
senior, junior .anil freshmen classes,
'i s.; es the staf; of the I-ampo-jn, as
well as the baseball team and "snap
shots" of the students, among these
being the May day exercises held at
the Clackamas .county fair ground.-;,
when Miss Edith Samuelson vtas
crowned queen of the May.. .
The officers of the junior class are
President, Louis Lorrenz; vice-president,
Cora Ausve; secretary,' Easther
Noble: treasurer, Walter Updenaal:
reporter, Cora Ausve; sergeant-at
arms, Eleanor Lent.
The clas
Drifting"; colors, pink and gray, flow
er, pink rose buds.
The officers of the sophomore classs
are President, Olga Holenbcck; vice
president, Wallace Dalen; secretary.
Katherine Hein; treasurer. Luther
Lorrenz; reporter, Opal Wheeler; ser-geant-at-arms,
Harold Grihble.
The class motto is "Deeds Not
Word"; class colors, purple and gold;
flower, red carnation.
The "Lampoon" staff is as follows.
Editor-in-Chief, Marie Birtchet; busi
ness manager, Harold Ayes; assistant
lusir.ess manager, Theodore Eid:
literary editor, Cora Ausve; social
editor, Edith Samuelson; athletic edi
tor, Theodore Eid; senior reporter,
Lilian Wheeler; junior reporter, Cora
Ausve; sophomore .reporter, Opal
Wheeler; freshman reporter. Frances
Christian Zimmer
Passes at Salem
CANBY, May 25. Christian Zimmer
a well known resident of Canby, died
at the state hospital in Salem Tues
day morning, and the remains were
brought ta Canby for burial in the
family lot. '
Mr. Zimmer was taken to Salem a
few days ago, for treatment at the
state institution. He was 72 years of
Deceased is survived by his son,
George Zimmer, of this city. His wife
died some time ago.
Price of Butter Is
Lowest for Years
CANBY, May 25. The lowest price
paid for butter for a number of years
in Canby was. 17 cents per pound or
rf& cents per roll, which was the pre-
vallng;price for this year, and there
was a good demand -for this product.
Cramerybutter i3: selling at 35 -cents
a pound.
Eggs are also bringing a low price.
On Tuesday they were bringing a re
tail price of 14 cents per dozen. Many
of the housewives are making their jgg
purchase at the present time, , and
putting them down" for winter's use-
fTTTj tit; r n rrr- r r-rnr? it t mm fifTT
president; Marie Birtcnet, vice-president;
Vesta Mark, secertary; Cora
Douglass, treasurer; Lillian Wheeler,
reported ; ' Leo Huston, sergeant -at-arms
The class motto lg "Striving to Win"
anQ the class flower is the pink swfcet
8th Grade Pupils
Draws Bin Crowd
CANBY, May 25.. Th entertain,
ment given by the eighth grade grad
uates of the Canby grammar school
held in gymnasium Monday evening
attracted a large . crowd,, many of
whom were unable to gain entrance.
Tim program was given under the
direction of Professor Hcward Eccles.
principal, and his assistant teachers
The program was as follows. May
game, first grade; song, sixth grade:
"A Masque of Dreams," second and
third grades; fJolyf I ickaninnies.
third and fourth grades; song and
pantomine, fifth grade; salutatory
I Berdene Knutson; song, sixth and
seventh grades; Introduction Class '21.
Marie Johnson; song, seventh grade.
History class '21. Charles LaBaw;
song, seventh and eighth grades;
song, seventh grade; Class prophecy,
Eva Knutson; song, eighth grad-j
girls; song, third and fourth grades;
piano solo. Emma Young; song,
seventh grade; valcclictory, Wesley
Mitts; Class Song, Class '21.
The following pupils received di
plomas in - the eigth grad: Wesley
Gilbert Mitts, Eva Victoria Knutson,
Marie Cecils Johnson, Cora Berdene
Knutson, Arthur Brudvig, Anna Louise
Mooney. Thelma Flora Mays, Bernee
Velma Marks, Electa Margaret Mark.
Ines Lucille King, Jennie Palma John
son, Robert Lee McClure, Ear! George
Lee, Ray Everman Lee. Ingvold John
Lien. Elmer Oscar TS?rg, Ernest Kraft.
Florence Gertrude Fletcher, Heller
Almeda Thompson, Violet Elizabeth
Pfister, Charles Louis; La Paw, James
Clifton Smith, Richard August Rothen
berg, Harold Joseph Lyda, Verner
George Arneson. Wilburt Clarence
Miller, Emma Ixuise Young, Joseph
Raymond Johnson, Berge Hviddmg,
Verne Orval Leach. George Hollen
bach, Lester Hess, Ora Needham.
The eighth grade class motto was
Sunrise Not Sunset." and the class
colors were blue and gold, with red
Strawberry Crop
Outlook Is Good
CANBY, May 25- Harvvy Douglass
has the reputation this year of being
the first grower to market his berries,
and these were of, delicious flavor,
much diferent than those recently ar
riving from the California markets.
M. C. Gass came in for second honors,
delivering his berries to the local mar
ket shortly after the Douglass berries
arrived. The berries - were in big de
mand and were sold at the J- R- Vin
yard store
Strawberry growers say, that the
prospects for a large crop this year
is encouraging nnlesg unusualy warm
weather comes at a later date.
Work Is to Start
On White's Garage
CANBY, May 25. Construction
work on the new garage to be erected
by Grant . W. White on hl8 property
purchased about a , year ago on the
it 1 x -y
i- 7 . y a 1
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f''-'IT rt TlMfn t tUt' riMlll fillip I rflflfAl JItil-liillfffltTllVliTi1i1i fi-,, j
h i ghway In the ea 8t part of the clt y,'
will commence the first- of next -week,
The garage Is to be of fire proof
structure, built of concrete and tile.
Rize of which will be 100x100 feet. On
the property north, which was also
purchased by. Mr. white will be erect
ed a warehouse.
The building now owned and occupi
ed by Mr. White in the southern part
of the city will probably be sold. This
ha been used as a garage for the
past eight years by th owner, who
has built up a large trade here.
Paving Work at
Canby Is Rushed
CANBY, May 25. The first paving
to be done on Front street in the
northern part of the city is fronting
the the' White garage and Krueger
Brothers' furniture store, which was
started the first of the week. A large
crew of men started on the work Mon
day, and indications the work ia to be
rapidly pushed along.
CANBY, May 25. Mr. and Mrs.
Sheldon wet to Portland on business
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Teters. of Cottage
jrove, spent Sunday and Monday in
Canby as guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. T.
Mack. They were accompanied by
their daughter, Nellie. They were on
their way to Battleground, Wash,
where they are to spend a few days
with their daughter, expectine to re
turn to their home about Sunday, and
whilg enroute on the return trip will
visit Corvallis. They are making the
trip by automobile.
A. H. Knight,' delegate to the I. O.
O. F. convention held in Albany last
week returned to Canby Friday.
Mrs. H. N. Brown, of Portland, Mrs.
H. N. Patch and Mrs. Moody of this
city, were guests at the home of Mrs.
Clark last Sunday.
Mr .and -Mrs. Grant White and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Graham of this city,
formed a party motoring to Carson's
Hot Springs last Saturday remaining
until Sunday evening. The party was
accompanied by Miss Pendleton, niece
of Mr. and Mrs. Graham.
Roy Caviness .employed at the Grant
White garage, left "Tuesday morning
for Gaston, where he is spending the
week with his family. He will return
to Canby Saturday evening.
Mrs. R. H. Chubb, Charles Chubb,
Stage Time Table
Lv. Canby
7:25 a. m.
9:55 a. m.
12:55 p. m.
4:15 p. m.
255 p. m.
6:15 p. m.
Lv. Canby
7:55 a. m.
9:55 a. m.
12:55 p. m.
4:15 p. m.
6:15" p. m.
7:55 p. m.
Lv. Ore. City
8:00 a. m.
11:00 a. m.
2:00 p. m.
5:00 p. m.
3:35 p. m.
7:00 p. m.
Lv. Ore. City
8:30 a. m.
11:30 a. m.
2:00 p. m.
: 5:00 p. m.
7:00 p. n.
10:45 p. m.
Fare 25c
Prices f. o. b. Oregon City
The improved Overland, is Rugged as ever,
Economical as ever, Comfortable as ever. Its
average of 25 miles per gallon of gasoline, its sav
ing in tires and upkeep makes it now the low
priced automobile to own and use.
We are taking orders now for June 1st delivery
Any news for the Canpy edi
tion of the Oregon City Enter-
prise may be left at the Cottage
Hotel, which will be called for by
Miss Nan Cochran Tuesday after 4
noon will be greatly appreciated. $
If you have any church notices,
property sales, parties, lodge
S news, locals and any other news !
of interest to the public, these
win De gladly mentioned in the
Oregon City Enterprise. We
have a large list in this section
of the county, and all are inter-
ested in news from Canby and
y vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Chubb and three
children, residing near White Kalmoi
Wash., were in Canby Sunday, Mon
day and Tuesday as guests at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Edward Eriek-son-
and also visited with ether rela
tives. They left for their home Tues
day morning, making the trip in an
Miss Violet Roberts, of Newbere,
accompanied by Dorris ard Virginia
Garrett, children of Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Garret, of Newberg, aie in Canby
spending a few days at the home of
Mrs. R. Soper.
Miss Neva Shull, of Portland, spent
Sunday in Canby, visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shull.
Miss Anna T. Mocker, of Aurora,
was among those to visit canby the
first of the week. While here she vis
ited her sister, Mrs. Albert Yoder.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hurias and
two children, Mr. and Mrs. Hariey
Swugart and two children, of Slyter s
Mill in the Molalla country, were Can.
by visitors the first of the week.
M. J. Lee went to Silverton Tues
day, . where he transacted business.
Among those attending the class
play in Oregon City at the Midway
theatre Thursday evening were Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Yoder, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Bany, Mr. aim Mrs. John Steuwe,
Hilton Mack- Norman Eid. Miss Inez
Swigat and Miss Rena Hutchinson.
They made the trip in the Canby bus,
when M. J. Lee made a special trip.
R. Chubb, who is well known in
Canby, recently underwent an opera
tion for removal of tumor of his face.
The operation was perfomed in Port
land, and was a success.
Delbert Hutchinson, of Molala, was
among the canby visitors Sunday.
Miss Hazel Swigart, of Molalla. was
:n this city the first of the week, vis
iting at the home of R. G. Chubb.
Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Wicker, Mr.
and Mrs. Vanack, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes
are among those from Canby attend
ing the Nazarene conference in ses
sion at Seattle this week
Al Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Heinz ,of Liberal, were among
the Canby visitors Monday.
Mrs. W. H. Nelson and eoiis Merrill
and Samuel, of this city went to Ore
gon City Tuesday afternoon where
the former transacted Dusiness.
Mr&. Workmen spent Sunday in
Portland -as -guest of her parents.
Mr .and Mrs. Louis Hoffman, of this
city, were Fotrland visitors Sunday.
Among those to visit in Portland the
first of the week was Mrs. George
Reduced From
ew a rice
Every- need ofan auto mobile:'8'
Rose, who spent several days visitins
relatives in that city.
Dr. and Mrs. John Fuller left for
Portland Tuesday evening, where they
were guests at the home of Mrs. Ful
ler's aunt, Mrs. M. P. Cantwell. Re
turning by way of Oregon City they
spent several hours .in that city, then
proceeded to Scotts Mills, where they
went on business Before returning
to Canby they motored tf- Jefferson,
where they looked after property in
Annual School
Track-Field Meet
At Gladstone
The annual track and field meet rf
Clackamas county schools will be held
at Gladstone on Saturday. May 28, be
ginning at 10 a .m. This meet ha3
proven to be one of the largest at
tractions of the high and grammar
school year's activities.
The events are:
1. Event for boys up to 9 years
who have not reached 13 years; 50
yard dash.
2. Event for boys up to 12 years
who have not reached 13 years; 50
yard dash.
3. Event for girls up to 9'yeais,
who have not reached 10 years; 50
yard dash.
4. Event for girls up to 12 years
who have not reached 13 years; 50
yard dash.
5. Main events open to all girls:
50 yard dash.
Basket ball distance throw.
Basket ball goal throw (best throws
out of 5 trials.)
Baseball distance throw.
Indian club race (10 girls).
6. Main events open to all boys:
50 yard dash.
100 yard dash.
220 yard dash.
440 yard run.
Half-mile relay.
Broad jump.
High -jump.
Pole vault.
I Our Len3-Grinder has ' arrived
and we can give your wants better
attention than ever. No matter
how difficult your case may be you
are assured good results at reason-1
able , charges. Crosseyes: straight-1
ened without operation or pain. f
Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist
E 505:1 Main St. ' - Oregon City i
Opposite Postoff ice. -1
To derive Its proportionate share of
visitors from the Oregon Homeseek
ers' excursion to be staged by the
State Chamber of Commerce in -July,
Clack amas county is organizing a
publicity campaign, to be supplement
ed in all probability by the presence
of . a personal representative on the
trip. Preliminary plans for getting
out suitable literature and financing
the expense of a man to represent the
county were laid at a joint meeting of
the board of governors of the Com
mercial club and the realty men of
the county Wednesday evening. On
o committee appointed to take charge
of the work are A. C- Howland, Ore
gon city; Gordon Taylor, Molalla, and
Stanley Zelasko, of Milwaukie, repre
senting the real estate dealers, and
O. D. Eby and E. E. Brodie for the
Commercial club.
The Homeseekers' Excursion, pro
moted by the Oregon State Chamber
of Commerce, will be a personally con
ducted tour of persons interested in
locating in Oregon. The party will
comprise some 300 or 400 people from
the middle west, the train making up
at Omaha and coming direct to Ore
gon. Men representing the iState
Chamber are now in Omaha arranging
the details of the trip and securing
settlers to sign up for the excursion.
The opportunity presented the sev
eral localities interested in adding to
their population is considered excep
tional, inasmuch as there is a pre
ferred list of prospects coming on. the
excursion. Many counties have already
organized to uombard the excursion
ists with their literature and to have
fluent representatives extol the vir
tues of their localities, but Clackamas
county with its diversity of agricul
ture, livestock, manufacturing and
other actitivies, and its nearness to
the metropolis of the state Is consid
ered ahead of the field, with possi
bilities of reaping a great return.
An automobile tour of the county,
with a banquet as a feature, will pro
bably be Part of the program of en
tertainment provided by the commit
tee handling the affair. Booklets,
showing pictorially the development
of the county and containing valuable
information for the homeseeker will
be issued and distributed not only to
members of the July excursion party,
but will be sent to other sections of
the east in answer to the many In
quiries received here. ,
Wm. Bowers was held up by two
masked men shortly after- 11 oclook
Wednesday night and relieved of 541.
Mr. Bowers passed the men at Seventh
and High street and was 'old to hold
on and when he turned he looked into
the muzzles of two revolvers.