Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 20, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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JMilwaukie People
Boost for 1925 Fai'
MILWAUKIE;- May 19. The Mil
waukie Commercial club met this
week and discussed the possibility of
obtaining the 1925 fair for Milwaukie.
Committees appointed to investigate
reported some progress. The site to
be selected is the large tract between
the Waverly golf links and Riversid6
The senior boys and girls of thrf
Higa school made the trip to Govern
ment camp at the foot of Mt. Hood
last week end. All had a most enjoy
able time.
A reception was held "Wednesday
evening for the senior class at the
high school. A delightful time was
enjoyed by the students-.
A new automobile service station
has been opened at the corner of
Milwaukie and Monroe streets. A. J.
Burch is the manager.
At the city council meeting held this
week the question of paving Sanitar
ium hill was taken up. No definite
action has been reported yet.
The Portland firemen held a picnic
at Crystal lake last Sunday. A large
attendance was on hand.
Many new housese are being built if
The houseboat foorage next to the
Oaks park is to be moved to Milwau
kie in the near future. There are
about thirty houseboats in the moor
age. This action wil bring a number
of new people to Milwaukie.
Oak Grove Beach '
Resort Is to Open
OAK GROVE, May 19. The Oak
Grove beach resort will formally open
Sunday May 29 the day before Decor
ation day. A fine new dance hall is
nearing completion with a floor space
sixty by sixty feet. There are seven
ty seven acres of picnic grounds which
have been greatly improved this year.
Bathing- facilities and boats are being
arranged for. There is also some pos
sibility of a ferry service to and from
Oswego beach. A new store has been
erected to supply the wants of camp
ers, picnickers and others. H. Tragaski
and Mrs. M. L. Hubbard have charge
of the beach this year.
The Portland Railway Light and
Power Company are just completing
a fine new waiting room in the corner
of the Green building.
tions during the evening that were
much enjoyed by .the audience.
Mrs. J. Moyer of Portland spent Fri
day with her daughter, Mrs. R. R.
G. Olander has moved his barber
shop to the Green, building where he
hopes to meet his old patrons and
many new ones.
Miss May Thompson has been very
much indisposed for the past few
Mrs. J. B- Evans was a Portland vis
itor Friday and attended the recep-
tion of Edwin "Markham; the Oregon
Mrs. V. G. Benvie attended the Re
becca assembly at Albany this week
representing the Milwaukie Rebecca
Lodge as first delegate. Mrs. E. Mar-
j tin of Island was also a delegate. Sev
eral otner memuers oi ivi.iiwciun.ie
lodge were also in attendance.
J. D. Butler and family spent the
week end with his parents at Mon
mouth. The Social Service Club at its last
meeting elected the following officers
for the ensuing term: Presidjent,
Leitha Marx; vice-president, Mary
Butler; secretary, Emily Peck; treaus
urer. Alberta Smith ; director, Vietta
Miller. Delegate to state federation,
Mary Campbell and alternate Eliza
beth K. Matthews.
On Saturday May 28, the Home
Economics department of Social Serv
ice club wil have a May party on the
lawn of E. K. Matthews. Several
booths wil be in evidence while the
ieading feature will be the exhibits of
antir.que articles from the U. S. and
foreign countries.
Mrs. E. Fenwick attended the Con
gress of Mothers Convention ' at
Pendleton last week representing the
Parent-Teachers of Oak Grove. Mrs.
X Waldron, treasurer of the Congress
also attended.
Mrs. 1m. Armstrong was a guest of
Mrs. H. Scheufter of Portlan dWed-
home from Mrs. Leona Thomas on
Second and B streets.
Mrs. Williams and children went
home with, her sister Mrs. p. A. Gilles
to Amboy, Wash.
1m. C. Halliman of Redland. deputy
assessor of Clackamas county, has
spent the last three weeks in this dis
trict. !Last Saturday several friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Davidson spent
a pleasant evening at their home. The
occasion was Mrs. Davidson birthday.
Games and cards and tempting re
freshments were enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nixon aro
leaving soon for Eastern Washington.
Bert Hayes and family of Waldport
having boen visiting Mrs. Hayes sis
ter, Mrs. John Bickner.
Mrs. D. A. Gillies of AmboyWash..
is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. N.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bickner has
erected a nifty little garage on their
property on Second and C streets.
Mrs. Elling Aronson and Mrs. W.
Rogers of Seattle who have l-een visit
ing their mother, Mrs. Anderson will
leave May 20 for their homes. Orville
Anderson, will accompanv his sister
home to Seattle and leave to join his
brother Frank Anderson and Mr. Aron
son who are already in Alaska
A very pleasant birthday party was
given- at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Emmot in honor of their litt'.e
daughter Marion who tried very hard
to blow the six lighted candles which
were on "a -beautiful birthday cake.
The little folks played gamos and en
joyed a very nice lunch consisting of
cake, sandwiches, fruit salad and ice
cream. Those present were Vern and
Wayne Larson, Jack Curtis, Melville
Lorenz Robert Samuels, Kathryn
Baker, Helen Ewing, Hazel Porter,
Mavine and Florine Worthington,
Audrey Cline, Marjorie Weightniafi,
Betty and Jane Merrick, Ruby Saniu
als. Mr. Morrison of Dallas is visiting
his daughter Mrs. A. C. Good.
Beginning June 1, the net fisSing
the basement. An invitation has been
extended to all.
Work- wiJJ probably be commenced
on the new church the coming week
and rapidly pushed. Arrangements- are
to be made if possible to hold services
in the school house while the work is
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Kiggins and Mr
and Mrs. .V. L. Henderson and fam
ilies motored to Estacada on Sunday.
Mrs. Carl Smith meets with the
girls of Clackmas county on Tuesday
to finish the plans for th Girls Con
ference to be held in Oregon City
this week. Among thos appearing
between Oregon City and mouth of i on the program are Naomi Wilcox and
the river must stop. Tliis ruling is Gertrude Kennedy of this place,
received with mixed feelings in Oswe- I -Tourists from Medford enroute to
go where they are both commercial Caiiada camped at the auto camp
fishermen and those who fish for grounds at Shady Nook on Monday
f-port only. And to these who fish
for their substantial income it is a seri
ous blow;
Mrs. John Seisken of Newberg was
the guest of Miss Delia Davis Satur
day last.
Mrs. P. H. Jarisch and daughter
Miss Leona and V. M. Barkley speu.
Sunday, Mother's day, with Mrs.
Jarlach's mother, Mrs. H. Bagby.
The telephone recall petitions circu
lated in this vicinity have received a
large number of signers. Nearly al1
telephones have been removed around
Steady progress is reported by com
mittees working on the Exposition for
Oswego plans.
The cement plant is running full
capacity, making cement for Staffc
highways and other smaller jobs.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Humpherys and
family spent Sunday in Portland.
Friday May 13th occurred the ISth
birthday anniversary of Frank Kig
gins. .Nevertheless itproved a very
happy time for him as the members of
the 6th and 7th grade wre invited
to his home to help him celebrate the
occasion. A round of games with de
licious refreshments was much enjoy
ed by Misses Alice Beshear of Port
land: Helen Portz, Lola Ross, Mar
garet Rothe, Winnifred Humphreys',
Dorothy Mclntrye, Florence Wilson,
Amanad Boetger, Mary Bellinger and
Master Jack Humphreys, -Malcolr
Mitchell, Rex Bechtel, Stewart Rush,
Kenneth Wilcox George cal"d. Tom
Robbins, John Bellinger and Frank
Mrs. Arthur Smith entertained in
honor of her son Arthur's ninth birth
day on Saturday May 14th, when she
asked jn lhe members of his Sunday
School class and the little lassies of
Mrs. Smith's class together with the
F. R. Sanders family of Portland.
Many little gifts were received by the
little host. A feature of tiie afternoon
were two birthday cakes, with candles
one for Mrs. Sam Stewart, whose
birthday also occurred at the same
time. Ice cream was served and the
tollowing guests enjoyed the day. Mr.
F. R. Sanders, Mrs. Sam Stewart and
Miss Glass who assisted in entertain
ing, Audry Tillman, Alma Poetger,
Harriet Sanders.Uvonna Ford, Marion
Sanders, Louise Smith, Newell and
Lorraine Ford, Dicky and Billy Booth,
Donald Kessi, Hugh Allen Wilcox,
Fred R. Sanders, William Turman
LewIIyn Jones and Arthur Smith.
Little Carol Blinestone is on the
sick list, but at this writing is .some
what improved.
Miss Grace Traut is assisting at the
Shady Nook grocery store.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holloway, who
have returned from their honeymoon
spent Tuesday with, Mr. Holloway's
father and brother's family.
MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent
MRS. HUGH ROBERTS, Correspondent.
Unique Party Held
At Jennings Lodge
Artisans Win
From OsWeffO the regular social meeting or the Guild
" and thirtv two women attended. Th
"shirtwaist party" sponsored by Mrs.
Clare Maple at her home on May 11
proved a very enjoyable affair. It was
Dinner Given by
Club Is Enjoyed
OAK GROVE, May 17. The dinner
given by social service club at Grange
hall Wednesday evening May 11th was
enjoyed by a large number of mem
bers and friends, after which a talk by
A. Freeman on "Associated Industries"
was interesting and another by Dr.
Parsons of the University of Oregon
cn "Social Problems" was also very
interesting. The Social Service Club
chorus rendered several vocal selec-
OSWEGO, May 18. The locals suf
fered a defeat at the hands of the
United Artisan team of Portland in
Sunday's game. Score 6 to 4.
Ring twirling for the visitors was
invincible until the last inning, strik
ing out 19 opponents. Hornby of the
Artisans featured at the bat with a
triple, double and single in four times
at bat. Fielder Bromley for Oswego
starred with some sensational catches
Mr and Mrs. Ralph Giflord are re
ceiving the sympathy of their friends
over the loss of a baby daughter.
Mrs. W. G Weishtman motored to
Redlands and spent a few days with
he rsister-in-1aw. Mrs. Leonard Halliman.
Joseph Bickner ana Fred Gilmoro
are building a residence for Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Smith.
A large party of Oswego folks went
into the Turn Verein for the Minne
sota society dance Wednesday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Delzell purchased a
Oak Grove Beach
Sunday, May 29, 1921
Dancing afternoon and evening
in the new dance hall.
Phones: Sellwood 597, Automatic 21362 John P. Miller, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an d Dealers In
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Foot, of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON
s Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
Montgomery and Fifth
First State BankorMiwaukie
Conducts a General Banking Business
4 per cent, interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
and thirty two women attended. The
devotional was memory gems and clip,
ping s setting for the aims of the so
ciety. At roll call ,a response came
from every one present with a quota
tion on "Mother." Mrs. Cook" gave a
reading "My Mother's Hands," ana
Mrs. Woodbeck favored with, "My
Mother's Rocking Chair."
In the shirt waist romance Mrs.
Woodbeck was awarded a little gift.
While Mrs. Blinestone was a lucky
contestant in guessing contest.
Mrs. W. J. Smith and Mrs. Pearl
Briggs. were given honors in
Mothers contest.
Refreshments were served to Mes-
dames C. Waterhouse, Will Cook, W.
I. Blinestone, Pearl Bri-ggs. Lucy Al
len, H. Babler, Edith Truscott, Dan
iel Jones A. B. Smith, Geo. Williams,
Geo. Pooler, W. J. Smith, W. W. Wood.
beck. Hooker, R. P. Deter, H. R. Hen
dry, Mary Tripp, Kitchen, Ed. Pearson,
Ella Kennedy, Ben iosey. Frank
Covert, A. B- Snider, George Gardner,
Hugh Roberts, W. Moritz, Arthur Rob
erts, W. Boeteger, Ella McHargue, M.
Scandling, Miss Finch and the hostess.
An ice cream social followed by a
community sing will be held at the
church on Tuesday May 21. The pro
ceeds are for the Calendar plan of the
Guild and the committees are the
months of April and May and their
On Tuesday Mesdames Covert,
joint hostesses at the latters home
with a luncheon for Mrs. Mary
Kitchen, who is leaving in June fcr
her home in Brlsque Isle, Maine. The
tables were very pretty with safronna
roses and buttercups covers were laid
for Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Snider, Mes
dames Carl Smith, Caroline Water-
house, Frank Covert, Hugh Roberts.
Miss Weinman, Billy Smith and the
hostess. Discussing of the measures
to be voted upon at the coming elec
tion together with the building of the
new church made the afternoon go by
very rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Emoinns enter
tained at iheir pretty home, Stone
Gables on Sunday. Their dinner guests
were Mrs. M. A. Garlock, Mrs. W. E.
Miller, Mrs. George Misher, Fred Mar
tin, Mr. Mower-, Mr. Warfield.
Mrs. Ida M. Clohessy was a week
end visitor with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. G. Williams.
Miss Dorothy Finch will spend this
weeic with her parents at Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. THman enter
tainer Mr .and Mrs. Hall of Carver on
Sunday. The Halls have purchased
property at Carver and Mrs. Hall is
teaching the school at that place.
A. E. Stratton of Portland enjoyed
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. New
comb. Mesdames William Gardner, George
Gardner and Ella Eades attended the
party at the home of Mrs. John F.
Clark at West Linn on Monday of last
Mr. and "Mrs. A. F. Russel and Mr.
and Mrs. A. Peterson and families vis
ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Irhig
of Portland. Mrs. Irhig will be re
membered here as Grace Morris.
Geo. Morse returns this week to
take up his residence here. Mr. Morse
has visited his youngest daughter Mrs.
Hayles of Airlie.
Mrs. H. J. Hooker enjoyed a visit
from her brother J. M. Knight, ot
Portland, he was accompanied out to
Jennings Lodge by his daughter, Miss
Elizabeth Knight, a teacher in th9
Sellwood school. Mrs. Herman Smith
of Ingram also visited the Hooker fam
ily during the week.
Among those from this place who
attended the Build-a-Home demonstra
tion at the armory were Mr. and Mrs.
Zilka(j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haekett, Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. William
Booth, Mr.f and Mrs. A.- Barker," Mr.
and Mrs. Wv Swart, Mr .and Mrs. Ro
bert Newcomb.
Alden W. Kelly has accepted a posi
tion as circulating manager of the
Capital Journal at Salem and will take
Up his new duties on Wednesday. Mr.
Kelly has had a great deal of exper
ience in the newspaper work and we
wish him success. I
:ng the Eugene University will spend
Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Z.
Kessi ; she coming down with the Glee
Club of the University.
On Wednesday May 18, a delegation
of the P. T. Association will spend the
afternoon at the Pacific Coast Bis
cuit co. plant iij Portland. Ten ladies
have decided to attend. Later this
engagement was cancelled on Tues
day to meet at a later date.
SANDY, May 18. One of the big
gest programs that has ever been put
on in Sandy is being prepared under
the direction of Mra Bc-tha Purce'l
H. H. Emmons has purchased a new for Saturday aim will include two harp
Franklin sedan of the latest model.
Mr. and Mrs. Pease and daughter
(Dorothy who are occupying Hoaey
moon cottage on the river, motored to
Los Angeles in five days, they report
the roads fine with good -weather and
no motor troubles.
Mrs. Lewriens of Buena Vista cot
tage entertains her sister, Mrs. Tipton
solos by Miss Elaine Hamilton, of
San Francisco, who is a member of
the Da Capo's orchestra of that city.
Miss Hamilton's selections are to be
'The Dance of the Fairies" and "The
I Merry Month of May."
Miss Montague of Gresham will be
the reader of the evening and will
give a children s story. Dr. Harry ott
of Anocortes. wash., she will be here cf Gresham will play the trombone;
about a month then goes south for a
the motor trip
Misses Nell & Florence Holoway
enjoyed the week end at Seaside, the
guests of their cousins.
A minuet dance will be given; Little
Doris Allen will dance a solo. There
will be a living picture, and a musi
cal comedy. An old time ballet
will be given as a musical comedy; A
A number of Mrs. Bess Bruccherts grour of little girls will dance Men-
friends came in to spend the evening delsshon's "Spring Song' from Mid
of May 11th with her in honor of her
birthday anniversary . Music ,and a
reading by Mrs. Helen Kelly and de
licious refreshments were served.
Those coming in to extend congratula
tions were Mr. and Mrs. A. L Roberts,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kelly, Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Maple, vMr. and Mrs,. Hut'h
Roberts, Mesdames Meade Kennedy,
A F. Russell, A. Peterson, Mrs. Mary bulletin board
Tripp, Miss Dorothy Finch, Miss Ger-
trudfi Kennedy and Wilma and Eliza
beth Bruechert.
Harry Wilson, carrier of the Oregon
Journal met with a painful accident
on Friday night, while delivering pa
pers on the County Road was hit by
a passing auto. He was removed to
his home and the physician pronounc
ed no bones were broken but was bad
ly bruised about the head.
Some attention should be given to
the safety first signs that are within
a few yards of the Jennings Lodgs
school house. They thave become so
weather beaten that a passing car
could not distinguish that they were
the signals to slow down on approach
ing a school house.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Redmond prom
inent photographers of Portland visit
ed J. F. Jenninga on Sunday
Edward Pearson has returned from
a business trip to Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Reade ard daughter
Betty are departing this week for Min
neapolis for a month's visit with Mr.
Reade's parents. -
Mrs.. W. Swart returned from a
week's visit with her sister Mrs. E
F. Hitchcock of Portland.
Mrs. A. H. Hueycke of Oregon City
and the Misses Ruby Archam'beau and
Leah Buckingham of Portland were
Sunday callers at the R. L. Newcomb.
Mrs. Lucy Allen leaves this week
for Albany to isit her son and to at
tend the Rebekahs grand lodge.
J. D. Atchley lias posted the no
tices for the special election to be
held on June 7th. Serving on the elec
tion board are Messrs C- Meldrum, C.
C. Hole, J. Jennings, Arthur Roberts.
C. D. Atchley and Mr. Tabor and Mes
dames Sylvia Wilcox, Jerry Madden.
W. W. Woodbeck and Edith Truscott
and R. F. Deter.
Mrs. A. B. Smith entertains her sis
ters on. Thursday of each week Mrs
oam otewari of Sellwood and Miss
Ulass of Milwaukie always look for
ward to these gatherings with,
much pleasure.
Mesdames Tillman and Booth are
making the canvas of the community
tor funds towards the new church. Mr.
Hendry also assisted in the Rothe vi
cinity and all are meeting with good
Mrs. Vyvyan Dent who was injured
about the head and face in an auto
accident last week is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Henderson and
son leave this week for Seattle. Mr.
Henderson has made his 3rd enlist
ment in the U. S. navy and will be sta
tioned near the Sound.
Mr- and Mrs. E. O. Kiggins have re
turned here to live after spending the
winter in Portland.
Mrs. Carl Smith will entertain the
Grace Guild on Wednesday May 25th
in honor of her mother, Mrs. Mary
Kitchen, who is soon to teave for her
home state Maine.
The social meeting o the Jennings
Lodge Community Club will be held
on Wednesday evening of this week.
A program has been arranged, and the
Miss Elizabeth Kessi who is attend- old fashioned dances will be held in
Summer's! Night s Dream; Theri will
be a number of other attractive num
bers, and such an array of splendid
talent is seldom secured for one eve
ning so everyone for miles around
should be. there!
Mrs. Bertha A. Purcell is also effi
cient as a "Poster Lady" who an
nounces thel following on the P- O.
Do not forget the big day! Dinner,
supper, grap bag! An artist from San
Francisco will be there! So will th-3
trombone, living pictures, musical
farce, the stately minuette, violin, bar
itone and soprano soloists! Also, Old
Black Joe "with his cotton and his
corn"! And what fun there will be
playing games afterwards!
Mrs. Ruth Reed has charge of the
games for Saturday night and is en
thusiastically arranging beforehand so
all confusion will be eliminated and
big, little and everybody old or young
are supposed to join in the merrymak
ing and warm up both blood and spir
its, for a hearty laugh does wonders!
T'lere will be old games and new ones
that are quick and lively."
Mrs. Esson who is managing the
"grab bag" for the entertainment Sat
urday night desires that everybody in
town bring some little trinket to
Scales store or the drug store (or send
it) so there will be things to' ".grab."
It will be lots of fun for everybody!
Mrs. W. A. Proctor and Mrs. Eddy are
also on this committee. Look all 'round
the house right away and let every
body help to make the bag "bust.'
Mrs. Alice Scales is the mana
ger of the wonderful dinner and sup
per will be served, cafeteria style, at
the Odd Fellow's hall Saturday from
11:30 to 2 P. M. and from 5:30 to 8
The announcemeit is given as follows
mere wil re rood for everybody! so
no one need cook at home on Satur
day! There will be a big. baked
salmon! Big baked ham. Big boiled
frankfurters! Big boiled, stewed, baked
chicken! Pies, cakes, salads 'n every
thing! Mrs. J. C. Duke and Mrs. A. E
Collier are assisting Mrs. Scales
Everybody EAT.
Mrs. Fred Proctor is chairman of
the decoration committee and a fairy
like wooded bower will greet the eye
when the stage is beheld, and .during
the Drogram Rev. Earl Cotton will
sing "Monarch of the Woods" in the
miniature forest. The eye will be
pleased as well as the ear when this
artistic program is given under the
direct management of Mrs. Bertha
A. Purcell. Mrs. Proctor is assisted
by Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Maronay and
Mrs. Loundree.
Mrs. Allen has been working hard
to assist Miss Barton, who, for two
weeks has been training the group of
little feirls to dance Mendelssohn's
Spring Song.
Training for the "stately minuet" is
also going to produce a pretty and
artistic number. The dancers will
wear colonial costumes.
Neighborhood Party
Is Enjoyed by 87
SANDY, May 18. A monster neigh
borhood party was given at the home
of A. J. Morrison in Dover last Satur
day night, seventy-eight guests being
present. The music was furnished
with Mrs. Don Bodley at the piano
Mr. Sulzer and Don Bodley played the
violin. Bob Paschell "trummed de ol
banjo," and Monroe Weist and Jake
Morrison gave k clog dance. This
dancing party was favored by hav
ing A. C. Thomas as floor manager. A
midnight lunch was much enjoyed
after which the dancing! proceeded
with much jv till the musicians got
tired and began to play "Home Sweet
Home," which was regretfuly heard
by all. As nearly as could be remem
bered the following guests were pres
ent: Mr. and .Mrs. Jim DeShazer and
family, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Chown,
Caroline Chown and Miss Selby, Mr
and Mrs. Anton Malar; Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Krebs and family, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Bosholm and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Billy Dalziel, Mrs. McCabe and
two grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Bodley and daughter Dorothy, Mr. and
Mrs. Bodley and son Robert, Mr. and
Mrs. Lancaster and Mr. and Mrs.
Bailey of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Mor
ton and daughter of "Old Maid's Flat,"
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas and Ells
worth Bell, of Bull Run; Mrs. Susa:
Kelliher, Mrs. Tracy Hilsenkops, Miss
Marie Waters, Miss Marie Koenick
Miss Mabel Keller, Messrs. Andy Nick
Joe Hilsenkops, Walter, Bill, Duke
and Jack Alt, Albert, Otto and Johnnie
Motjel, Glenn Corey, Fred Koenicko,
Bob Paschal, Ed. Wolf, oT Sandy; Mar
tin Sladke. of Brightwood; M. C. Sult
zer, Monroe Weist,. Irwin, Clyde and
Norman Updegrave, Ted Strong, Ray
mond Howe, Joe Wilcox, Jake Morri
son, the three Lamper beys, Leo Mc
Cabe, and last "but not least" the host.
A. J. Morrison.
L. Powers and Carl Powers Mrs. J.
M. C. Miller, Cyril Gray, Jack Scales,
George Beers, John Burmeister, Mr.
Ramsel and two other 'guests from
Bull Run whose names were not learn
ed. "
Address by Coleman
Is Well Received
SANDY, May 18. The address giv
en at the community gathering Sun
day night by Elijah Coleman was well
received, his subject being "Commun
ity Spirit," a resume of which will
appear next week. Beside the address
there was a duet by Mrs. R. E. Esson
and R. S. Smith, a solo by Lester
Clinefelter, and a duet by Mrs. Es
George Beers had an injury in his eye
son and daughter, Dorothy Esson.
and C011I4 not play his violin numbers,
and several others could not keep
their engagements to take part but
the evening was splendid anway!
Next Sunday night is the regular
evening for Rev. -Earl Cotton to
preach, and there will probably be
some secial music.
The next song service night will be
taken up by the Baccalaureate service,
which will include several excellent
musical numbers.
SANDY, May 18. The Sandy base
ball boys were not in their usual fine
fettle Sunday when they lost the score
to Gresham by 29 to 7. There was a
fine crowd and much "fanning by the
fans" on both sides. The rain was
mannerly to stay off till the game
was finished, then it began in earnest.
Sandy boys wil do better next time!
Ye Olde Tyme Playe
At Ye Sandy LO.'O.F.
SANDY, May 18. The senior class
of the Sandy Union high school will
present a playe of ye olden tyme, "A
Rose 'O Plymouth Town" at ye I. O.
O. F. hall on Saturday even ye twenty-
eighth of May MDCCCXXI. Ye doors
will be opened at earlie candle light
and ye playe will strike ur at XV min
utes after VIII o'clock by ye watch
that's on tyme. Ye first who come will
get ye best places. Ye tax to thys
great show has been fixed at ye
summe of thirty five cents for ye
girown up men and wimmin, and fif
teen cents for little children who go
to school Choice seats will be pre
served at ye half of one dollar; Ye
cast of characters of ye playe to take
at ye meeting house in Sandy is as fol
lows: Miles Standish, Captain of Ply
mouth, Grant De Shazer; Garret Fos
ter, of Weston's men, Fred Junker;
John Margenson, John Motjel; Phillipe
de la Noye, Lyle Lilly: Miriam Chi!
lingsly, Mary Scharnke; Barbara
Standish, wife of the Captain, Jose
phine Dixon; Resolute Story, aunt of
the captain, Jean Proctor; Rose de la-
Noye, Hazel Beers.
Contracts for Work
Livens Up Sandy
SANDY, May IS With the an
nouncement of Loop contracts to be
let in another ten days, the recording
of the deeds of right-of-way. Sandv is
beginning to pick up it's ears and
listen to the hum of wonderful thin?
that are to be. Then, too the contracts
let for the big developments at Bull
Run head works is another cause for
rejoicing. Though the mills are net
sawing ties, several are keeping the
inmDer industry moving, the wood bus
iness is thriving in various sections,
and when the actual work begins on
the highway this will be one of the
livlieat of places. The camping sea
son will soon be in full swing if the
weather remains sunny, so there is no
room for discouragement out here.
Guests Entertained
By Sandv Rebekahs
SANDY, May 14. The Sandy Re-
bekah lodge entertained a number o'
guests at the close of their regular
session last night. There was danc
ing, with George Beers and Mrs. Mar-
cnay and Miss Barton as accompania
ists, and a delightful lunch was served
about twelve o'clock; after which one
more dance was enjoyed. The invited
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krebs,
Mrs. Tom Hagan, Harry Haganand
Thelma, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bell,
Herman Krebs, Mrs. A. E. Collier, Mrs.
George Perret, Miss Mary Junker, Joo
Wilcoxson, Lester Clinefelter, Mrs. E.
Production of the 5 registered
Jersey on official test for March.
Jr. 4 Favenes Fairy's Firwood
een 77. lbs. B. F.
Favene's Fairy 72.5 lbs. B. F.
La Creole's Saviour 61.5 lbs. B. F.
Jr. 3 Nancy's Peach Blossom
52.5 lbs. B. F
Sr. Yr. Le Coneyetta 38. lbs. B. F.
Average 60 lbs. B. F.
A. MALAR, JR., Owner,
Boring, Oregon.
SANDY, May 18. The Baccalaure
ate sermon will be preachd by the
Rev. Earl Cotton, Sunday evening,
May 29, 1921, at the Methodist church.
There will be several numbers of spec
ial music for the occasion. Everyone
is welcome.
Sandy is fortunate in securing Mr.
Taylor of Portland as the commence
ment speaker, June 3.
The Epton family of Portland mov
ed up the mountains for the summer
last Saturday and will "be located in
Wig Warn cabin.
Cecil Duke had a big smile under
his Turkish fez a few days ago be
cause "Bill" Fritz surprised him by
dropping up from Gresham for lunch
at the Duke home.
It is just splendid to hare so many
"sets" of folks working as are now
busy for the welfare of the town! We
do not want a "one man" nor a one
'woman" town, but a whole-hearted-
true hearted spirit that brings out the
energy and ability of every mortal
within Ills limits, and also 'round
about! Everyone has ta!efit that is
needed in some way, some where.
Dr. (and Mrs. Julius Sture, baby
Stanley and Miss Hilda Steffanson
drove over near Ridgefield. Wash.
ast Sunday to spend the day with
Dr. Sture's home folks.
Mrs. Gilbert Eri cut her foot quite
badly .over two week's aro and can
walk but little with it yet.
Mrs. Dave Douglas had not recited
selection for twenty years till Satur
day at the grangie but no one would
have known she had not used her tal
ent for so long.
Mr. and Mrs. Sitz and Miss Louisa
Wentz were callers at the homes ot
the the Woenches and Pizzolas last
Mr and Mrs. James L. Shoemaker
of Portland were out from Portland
again with Mr. and Mrs. Purcell to
spend the week end, such are the ai
tractions' here!
The same old stork-bird went a-fly-ing
around again and left a baby girt
weighing s-ix-and-one half pounds at
the home of Mr and Mrs. A. Kertsch
on the Bluff road Sunday night. Mrs.
Wright of the Severin place Is the
The Strack Oakland which had
hibernated for eighteen months was
brought out Saturday, Mr. Strack
driving a portion of the family up to
the grange.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Collier of Eu
gene, parents of A.' E. Collier, also his
brother, Andrew Collierwife and child
from Klamath Falls drove out to visit
the Collier family yesterday.
Mra. J. R, Duncan of Scenic wtis
able to sit up a few days ago, and her
friends wil be glad, to hear f her im
provement. J. M. C. Miller called on
the Duncan's recently.
- Mrs. M. E. Reed, left Sunday for
hr home in Salem after a week's
visit with her son and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Reed. The Reeds and Mr.
and Mrs. August Hoernicke were all
guests on Mother's day at the home
of Mrs. C- Chapman, in Portland. Mrs.
Reed, Sr., making it a point to be with
;'Harry" that day.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Purcell had thi
pleasure of entertaining Arthur E.
Kriever last Thursday for the day and
night. He also visited Mayor Junker
and family. Mr. Kriever worked in
the Sandy P. O. for the Purcells in '17.
but now Is a prominent aeroplane
man. An interesting story of him and
hiit work will be given in the enter
prise soon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ihike gave an
impromptu luncheon last Friday to
Mayor and Mrs. Junker, Harry Reed
and his mother. Mrs. M. E. Reed, of
Salem, and everyone had a most en
joyable time socially as well as a fine
The Duncan amily were goins along
serenely toward home the ether night
f n Center street when the'.T "Henry"
had trouble with one of it's fore "feet"
end Duncan had to disrobe th whel
I in presence of his smiling neighbors
(Continued on page 7) '