Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 06, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Sunset Grammar
Loses To Oswego
OSWEGO, May 4. On 'account of
the rain Sunday the Oswego and West
Linn, hall teams did not take place.
The Sunset grammar school played the
Oswego boys, Tuesday afternoon. The
score was 39 to 11 in favor of the j
home boys. I
Tho "Community Singing" Club
gave an unusually attractive program
Vridav niffht at Oswego. Beside tho
-Comunity Sing" led by Mrs. D. C.
Christiansen and chorus. Prof. Hanl
enbeck's splendid orchestra of Port
land gave several numbers and Miss
Jane Lindsey of West Linn captivated
her audience in the charming way she
gave her clever dialect readings.
' Lunch and a social time followed.
Mrs. Ike Austin who has been in
Camus, Wash., enjoying a visit with
her daughters, Mrs. H.Austinson and
Mrs. (James Gregory, has returned
Mrs. John Cox who has been suffer
ing for some time as the result of a
fal, has heen taken to the Oregon City
hospital to undergo treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Burlingame who pur
chased the restaurant that was own
ed by C. N. Haines have now moved
into it and are ready to keep boarders,
Charles Hill who has ben working
at Baker, Oregon, is home on a visit
. for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swartz have left
the Lake cottage and are now occupy
ing their new home on Sixth and A
The funeral services for Mrs. Bessie
F. Eastman, wife of Joseph H. East
man, who died April 21, were hel3
Saturday. Mrs. Eastman's husband
a daughter and two sons survive her.
EL W. Cochran who works at
Astoria was home with his family
over the week end.
A special meeting was held at th
home of Mrs. Thomas Fox on Thurs
day afternoon by the Ladies' Aid So
ciety of the M. E. church to make ar
rangements for the bazaar, which will
be held May 19.
Edward Dreyer, who has made his
home this winter with Mr. andMrs.
J. W. Bicknens, left Friday for San
Francisco. A farewell party was
given him Wednesday, by a number
of friends.
Mr. Henderson of Portland was an
Oswego visitor Sunday.
A- S. Duffield and family, who have
been living on Fourth street will move
about May 1 to their naw home at
Bryants Station, which they recently
Mrs. Grace Coon of Portland was a
visitor in Oswego recently.
George Cline of South Oswego left
for Alaska Tuesday.
Oak Grove Ladies
Food Sale Success
OAK GROVE, May 5. Miss Bea
trice Cederson is convalescing after
a severe attack of tonsilitis.
Mrs. J. R. Hann is quite ill at her
home on Third Avenue.
The food sale conducted by Ladies'
Aid Saturday brought thfcm a neat
The "Deestrick Skule" by home
talent was a success. Many were
turned away for lack of standing
rooni It was under auspices of Parent-Teachers.
Miss E. K. Matthews spent week
end with friends at Hood River.
The Social Service Club will give a
dinner and program at Grange hall
Milwaukie May 11.
W. W. Thompson "plumbing and
electric wiring" is now located in new
quarters in Smith building.
Popular Lodge Girl
Weds Seattle Man
pretty wedding tooto place at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Berry at this
place on Sunday afternoon at 5:30 P.
M. when Rev. A. B. Snider read the
ceremony which united their daughter
Myrtle Berry to William Hauschel In
marriage the beautiful and impressive
ring service beimg used.
The bride was charming in a gown
of white satin with veil with orange
blossoms and she carried carnations
and pink rose buds.
The home was attractive ior a May
day. wedding -a bower of dogwood
made a pretty background for tha
bridal party and bowls of narcissus
added charm to the occasion.
served were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hole,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Madden, Mr. and
Mrs. Theron Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Losey, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Swart, Mr. and Mrs. H.
H. Emmons', Mesdames R. F. Deter,
Edith Truscott, Albert Robbins, MolUe
Childers, Miss Dorothy Finch, Miss
Glayds Deter, Miss Sarah Kamiinski,
Howard Truscott.
Mrs. Garrett of Wapelo, Iowa, was
the house guest of Mrs. Edward Pear
son during last week.
Mrs. Albert Pierce and son Ted re
turned from Spokane where they had
spent the past 5 months. They seem
ed very glad to return to Oregon as
butter cups were the only wild flowers
that were in blossom there at this
Mr. Butler of New York, who has
visited with Mrs. Sylvia Wilcox left
for Seattle this week.
The pupils of the Jennings Lodge
school still continues to ha.ve splendid
credits. In the 8th. grade Barbara
Portz and Dorothy Finch rank high;
7th grade Delbert Kessi and Wlnni
fred Humphreys have the largest per
cents; 6th grade, George Card and
Elaine Bechtel, each receiving over
95 per cent; 5th grade an average cf
96 per cent; 4th grade, Grace Wilson's
average being 95 per cent; 3rd Grade,
Dickie Booth and Betty Hole. The
greatest gain over last month's
record was made by Sarah Holloway
of the 6th grade, Rex Betchel of the
7th grade, Mary O'Brein of the 8th
Mrs. Edward Pearson entertained
with a one o'clock luncheon at her
pretty home on Tuesday. Covers
MRS. J. ,M. C. MILLER Correspondent
New Road Will Aid
Sandy Development
SANDY, May 4. Yesterday a big
event nappenea in Sandy-ridge sec
tion when the new Dwyer Logging rail
road was opened for the first time
for freight traffic to Portland. The
first freight hauled over this lone-
SANDY. Mav 4. The district "opea ior Dranfh of the P. R. L. a t
bekah convention just held here at the j Co- was two car lots of potatoes billed
I. O O. F. hall comprises Gresham lo turnett and son commission mer-
lodge N. 61, Boring, No. 213 and Sandy i nis railroad along Deeo
No. 193. The convention was pre- Cree has been the dream of farmers
sided over by Amy Morand of Borins: -n lnal section for many years and
in place of Minnie. Myers ,and Ella w,th the "narketing of the timber out
Baumback was secretary. The ad- xo lno 1 nree ,x country .nd with an
dress of welcome was given by Mrs. easy outlet for products an era of de-
Blanche Shelley of Sandy, which was Te10Pment will dawn.. The muddy
especially fitting to the occasion. Mi3s roads d'd not bother Sandy-ridge folks
Ethel Fletcher of Salem, nresident of mct to haul their potatoes to Deep
the Rebekah assembly of Oregon was Creek, both hills and distance being
present and (gave several instructive eliminated by this new R. R. conveni-
talks during the interesting session. ence
Reports from each lodge In the dis-1 ln6 lawyer Co. closed down logging
trict showed each has been doing operations Saturday for tne present
much work and was gaining in mem- and are moving the bunk houses, cook
bership. Gresham and Poring both nu&ese. etc. up to the Wilcox place
extended Invitations for the next wnere they will make another camp
meetine but It was voted to Gresham I setting.
The following officers were elected
Sandy lodge; secretary, Elizah John
son of Boring; L. S. N. G. Amy Mor
and, Boring; Marshall, Olive Eck
strom. Gresham: Conductor. Man-
were laid for 14, her rnicsts being Maulding, Boring; Chaplain, Blanche
Chairman, Callie Kenney of Gresham; Rickerall IVIan And
vice-chairman, Ethel Townsend of
sandy Girl Married
SANDY. May 2. A pretty home
wedding occurred Saturday at 4 P.M.
at tne home of Mr. and Mrs W. P.
rortiana menus spring blossoms s. ghelley, Sandy; I. N. G.. Rose Wag- Roberts of Dover when their daughter
were used and If nt charm tr thn cirriL-1 t i T , I. . " men uo.ugiu.er
The bride is well known here and
Those present were Mr. one of the first pupils to take up her
and Mrs. Robert Fulton, Mrs. E. A.
Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swartz,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Richards, Mrs.
Grace Burke, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Bickner, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Rosentre-
ter, E. G. Zellar, John Zerguson and
Dr. Morey.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baxter were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Monk
Sunday evening.
Mrs. George Bayles, who has been
spending a few weeks with her sister,
Mrs. Carle Williams, has left for her
home in Seattle, Wash.
The Japanese tea given by Miss
Shannon Pettinger and her pupils to
the mothers and friends of the young
folks last Thursday was a success.
Miss Blanch Cohen sang. Helen Ewlng
and Virginia Nelson gave readings.
Mrs. Thomas Maurice of Sacramen
to, Calif., is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas For and other relatives.
Mrs. C. H. Van Dyne of Portland
was the house guest of Mrs. G. W.
Weightman over the week end.
The Oswego Woman's Club will
meet at the home of Mrs. Charles
Bickner on Wtednesday. Mrs. Bullock
and Mrs. Bickner will be the hostesses
for the day.
Little Miss Marjorie Weightman
was hostess Wednesday evening for
school friendsi, Margaret Wells, of
Goodin, Audrey Cline and Evelyn Fox.
P. H. Jarisch who has been ill for
some weeks is not very much improv;
Theodore Worthington of Oak
Grove was in Oswego Sunday.
Walter Emmott of the I .add Farm
was In Oswego visiting his brother
Pete Emmott Sunday.
. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Warmok of Tilla
mook, were visting friends, the later
part of the week.
A. Worthington of Tualatin was in
Oswego, concerning road matters last
Miss Esther Erickson surprised her
parents Saturday coming from Corval
jis and spending Sunday at home. She
has been away to school for some
school work and completing the 8
years of studies at our school. The
groom was formerly in the dairy busi
ness and he too enjoys a wide circle
of friends. He has a position in Seat
Following the wedding supper the
rounle left for their new hone in
The newly weds were the recipient:
of many beautiful presents from the
the guests who were present, Mr. and
Mrs. Roscher and family, Mr. and Mrs.
L. Brackett, Mr. and Mrs. Burchard
Mrs. Ruby Downing, John Hauschel
Sr., Walter Hauschel, John H. Haus
chel, Edgar Downing, Max Downing,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Card and family
Mr. ana Mrs. Ben Losey, Mr. and Mrs
George Berry
Their many Jennings Lodge friends
extend good wishes to the bride and
Mrs. George Maple, who has been
visiting her son Fans, of Canyon City,
will return home this week
Mrs. R. F. Deter enjoyed a vldit
from her oldest sister, Mrs. Cline, who
at the present is making her home
with her daughter oh Sandy boulevard
Mrs. Clien is an Oregon pioneer but
has spent the past few years in
Spokane but is glad to return to Ore
gon with its rain and roses.
Stone Babies was the scene of a
pretty gathering on Thursday eve
nine of last week when Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Emmons asked in a few friends
in honor' of Mr. and Mrs. Theron
Finch, who departed on May 1 for
their new home at Woodburn. Purple
and white were used in the' rooms for
the decorations. White and purple li
lacs were used in living rooms and the
purple iris with bridal wreath made
a prttty combination for the decora
tions of the dining room, Mrs. Hole
and Mr. Madden won the head prizes
Mrs. Hugh Roberts second ladies and
Mr. Truscott and Mrs. Deter the con
solation gifts. Miss Kaminski ana
Miss Childers assisted about the
rooms. Heated at tne rive taDies
where delicious refreshments were
..c., vj. i,. vt., rem Antri uury, iuiu Roberts was married to Virgil
Gresham: R. S. V. G.. Annabel Kir"-1 pt tjii n mt . , .
Mr on TUTrn Hnrv T Wrlror , ' . - ' mlMWU' Ji egon. iue Dnae
j . -v wo, liresnam ij. a. v. u a n . i . .. .
. . ... i - . - - u in clli in ni i ( 1 1 id i ii wniiw
entertained OUt Of town Visitors dur- Ranmhark CjnHv cnmmif too nnrvtlnt. I j . . .
ir.. fh wv Mr, John fr..? ..af?nr "??ndjr gown hel sIster. Miss
o -- -- - u f menta Diacea vvruiam morana or nor- i rmi? ia TAkAH4-n - . .
,ia,htr at, Tmr ,f . pi,i.i, . . . . .7 .. ..r iw.ia was unuss maia ana
.-, v. " "-"'"."i i mg cnairman or tne reception com-1 John Metcalf of
..acu.itui. uu mm. ruwen, 01 m ttee. Vera Smith chairman nubli-
san trancisco, have been tneir guests. city, and Ethel Townsend chairman
ine parent- leac&ers will meet on Memorial oommittee
r rmay May Din, a week earner than The attendance was. Gresham. five
tne regular time. inis win assist Borinir. 15. and Sandv fortv. After the
the teachers some, who are so busy at business session was concluded a
the close of theerm. A program has chicken banquet was served.
ueea uiauged and election ox oxticers
will take place.
folks to begin planning a celebration fine new Chevrolet just purchased at
on the Fourth. Why not? Some one I the "Bob" Smith garage. "Auntie" Mc
please say "here. I am ready, take me Gugan begins to see her deliverance
&s your leader In the worthy project'" j from bad roads now that they can
Social affairs have been very quiet i Boon be getting around with "gas loeo
in Sandy the past two weeks, very , motion! However, the Shipleys will
few dinners or other home gatherings j leave the car in town till their new-
Mr and Mrs. Ben Losej entertained PrOffTam Is Planned
Tr Knfit friiirph er at Rlckreal and the happy couple
AO UeneilL UnUrCn wUl soon go to his home to reside.
Phones: Sellwood 697, Automatic 2136S
John P. Miller, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Man uf acta rera an dDealers In
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Foox of Spokane Avenua PORTLAND, OREGON
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Main 9
Montgomery and Fifth
First State Bank of Hi waulrie
Conducts a, General Banking Business
4 per cent interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Soudan and, Mr
and Mrs. Paul Elbeck of Portland at
dinner on May 1st.
H. O. Rosenbaugh of Parkplace was
calling on Lodge friends on Tuesday.
Mr. Rosenbaugh is offering his Park-
place property for sale and expects to
return to this community to reside.
J. M. Roysdon of Trinity Place was
demonstrating the Golden Rod vacu
um sweeper in this district on Tues
Arthur Roberts has decided to buy
at the Lodge and 3 lots on the County
Road have been purchased from
Meade Kennedy.
uiyae ivewen narrowly escaped a
Portland was best
man. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Bernhardt of Portland. Joel
Jarl and Jack Scales were witnesses
to the marriage. Immediately after
the ceremony a wedding dinner was
served to about forty-five guests.
Mrs. post is a former Sandv hieh
scnooi girl and has been employed in
Portland recently In a responsible po
pition. Mr. Post is a prominent farm-
SANDY, May 4. Announcement is
made of a big splendid entertainment
to be given in the Odd Fellow's hall
on May 21. The day will begin with a
dinner served from 11:30 A. M. till 2
P. M. and then a supper from 5:30 to
8 P. M. Then will come the big climax
of the day in an unusually fine enter
tainment in the hall at night which
will Include pantomines, living pic
tures, rhythmic dancing by little chil
dren, "coon" and other impersona
tions, vocal and instrumental music
and other nttrarftinna Thd fnnria r-
serious accident on Sunday when his celved w,u be UBed to palnt the Metho.
mawiimc was suutu iy a. iram on me dirt rhnroh anrt tr hrf-hton n )ho In.
both escaping in-
ing his car,
his brother Glenn
Many flowers and messages of sym
pathy are being sent to Mrs. Olin
Ford at the Oregon City hospital. Mrs.
Ford expects to be able to return
The following guests were present:
Mrs. R. A. Post of Blachly, Mrs. W. T.
Allen and sons Wayne and Floyd of
Richreal, Miss Rildie Roberts, "Web
ster Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Rob
erts, Mr. and Mrs. Birch Rooerts and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe! Jarl and
family, Mr. Berghouse, Miss Helen
Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bodley,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scales and sons.
Tommy, Kenneth and nephew Frank
Oostello, lorothy Barker, Mrs. Morri
son and daughters, Gertrude, Lucile,
Margaret. Dorothy Robert Morrison.
Frar-k Marshall, Allan and Frank
Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Bass.
John Betcalf and Rev. Bernhardt.
Mrs. R. A. Post, mother of the
groom and his 3ister Mrs. W. D Allen
came to attend the Roberts-Post wed
ding Sunday. ,
u. An 1 I
wf gram oommittee is Mrs. Bertha A.
Purcell and she is already working
hard and is securing talent that will
be pleasing to everybody.
The head of the refreshment com
mittee is Mrs. Alice' Scales and she,
too. is all enthusiasm in her big plans,
home on Sunday which will be gratify- and she will see to it that the big din
ing news to her many friends. I per and supper Is a rousing success!
Comunity Club will meet for abusl
ness session on Wednesday of this 'pointed as chairman in their neighbor-I the song service Sunday night.
Song Service Is
Held Sunday Eve
SANDY, May 3. An attractive pro-
The following ladies have been ap- gram pleased the audience again at
week. Subjects of interest to the com-1 borhoods to help with the dinner audi program was as follows: Voluntary,
munity will come up and a full at
tendance is much desired.
Mrs. C. R- Holloway entertained j
Mrs. Richardson of Portland this
Edward Pearson is returning from a
business trip spent in the Mid41e
West, most of the time being spent
at the twin cities of St. Paul and Min
O. A. C. Experiment Station S
The field vetch aphis is beginning
to show up in serious numbers in
some fields in the Willamette valley.
No satisfactory method has been de-
Everybody 'round here needs the En-
gram that will be put on at night,
May 21. There will be both fun and
Punch will be served at the hall dur
ing the day and there will also be a
home made candy booth.
'n say! there is to be a "grab bag,"
veloped for the control of the pest, everybody look around the house for
but specialists are at work on te prqb-1 trinkets that can be spared and leave
lem at the present time. Growers I them at Scales' store, for some one to
bothered with this aphis should notify grab at that big night!
the experiment station so that we I Everybody 'round here neds the En-
may keen them informed of any pos- terprise worse than ever! Hand in
sible methods developed for control, your subscriptions, if you haven't.
supper: Dover, Mrs. Joe De Shazer, Medication," Mrs. George Perret:
Firwood, Mrs. Carl Alt, Cherryville, Hymn by the audience; Song by six
Mrs. James Dixon and Mrs. Dave girls; twenty-third psalm,, by the con
Douglas, Marmot ,Mrs. Alice Shipley, gregatlon; soprano solo, "Springtide,"
Bull Run, Mrs. Jack Greenwood and Mrs. Miller; Hymn; quartette selec-
Mrs. Mack Thomas, Cottrell, Mrs. H. I tion, "At the Door." Organ solo,
H. Watkins, Waespie Hill, Mrs. E. L. "March Boniface," by Mrs. George
Powers, Bluff road,Mrs. A. C. Baum- Perret; sol, "Anchored," by Dr. Juli-
back .Sandy ridge, Mrs. A. Anderson, us Sture, accompanied by Mrs. Bertha
Kelso Mrs. Robert Jonsrud. A. Purcell; Hymn: Solo. Chester
Won't it be fun for everybody to J Clinefelter; quartette, "Rocked in the
take dinner and supper to the hall Cradle of the Deep." Hymn.
and have only a breakfast to cook at j Mrs. George Perret is the regular
home for a whole day? I organist at these pleasant gatherings
and her work is much appreciated.
Wjork has begun for the next song
program which will be given on Sun
day night May 15, and please keep the
date in mind.
Newly seeded lawns should be roll- T n f Ti nron ATinictov
clipping. n
Diversification in farming is an im
portant factor m the net returns of a
farm. Analysis of loO dairy farms in
the dairy section around Portland
shows that they did not make their
expenses in the last year. The same
is true of the alfalfa section in the ir
rijfated district in iMalheur county
only to a greater extent. This Indi-
To Stay at Sandy
SANDY. May 4. A call has been ex
tended recently to Rev. F. Dqbberful
pastor of the Sandy Lutheran church
by the Lutheran Trinity church of
Oregon City, but at a sess'on of Rev.
Dobberfuls congregation which was
held here yesterday to consider th6
acceptance of the call it was decided
cates that greater the diversity the I that his position here irt Sandy was
greater will the net returns be prob-1 of more importance than the one in
ablv for in the case of the dairy farm I Oregon City, so the decision was
the farmers raised feed and fed it to I made that Mr. Dobberful should re
the stock, while in the case of the al- main here. He first took charge of
falfa farms they only raised the hay the work here sixteen years ago has
and as a consequence ,they lost most I continued In the service ever since.
heavily. The church committee decided yes
terday to build an addition to the par-
The foliage mite can be controlled sonage this summer and also paint
by lime-sulfur sprays as applied in I and reshingle the building1,
early season for other troubles. - Also There was a special meeting in the
by sulfur dust. It is reasonable to as-1 afternoon at which the voting mem-
sume that sulfur In any form that is I hers discussed these various problems,
safe f er the tree will check this mit, several of the country folk remaining
which often causes the leaf to be un- in town to dinner.
der-sized and cotracted. On pears the
leaves turn brown and leathery. The
foliage later tends to turn black and
SANDY, May 4. Ed. V Bruns of
the Bruns Lumber Co. was in town to
day and said while his m'll Is closed
down temporarily for repairs he will
start up again in a few days with a
"Cousin Henry," gasped the country half crew as he has secured new lum
visitor from Woodpecker Flats, "you j ber contracts which will keep him
ust missed that man!" I running for some time. Brans had to
Can't help it," bellowed his city rel- let a few of his local helper! go since
ative, throwing her open another I the tie contracts are not forthcoming,
notch. "Haven't got time to go baek I as less help is required for the lum-
Sandy Doctor's Son
Christened Sunday
SANDY, May 4. Dr. and Mrs. Sture
gave an all day christening party Sun
day in- honor of their little son who
was christened Stanley Wallace, the
ceremonial being conducted by the
little fellow's grandfather. Rev. N J,
Sture oU Vancouver, Wash. Mrs.
Sture's baby niece, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. August Olson of Powell Val
ley, was also christened "Mariam."
This occasion was a delightful family
evient and the following were present
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Seffanson, Mr. and
Mrs. August Olson, daughter Alice
and baby Miriam, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Palmblad, Rev. N. J. Sture, Miss Sef
fanson, and Dr. and Mrs. Sture and lit
tle one.
being ' reported, hut everyone is busy
with community plans .or other
More wild geese flew northward
this week. Surely - these are the be
lated flocks and must presage warmer
weather something!
It was altogether too cold and rainy
here on May day for anyone to even
think of climbing the May pole.
Speciafl. election time is near at
hand and it is time to study up and
see what it is all about anyway.
Sandy needs to get the auto park
fever so badly that some action will
be taken. "
It stopped raining long enough Mon
day for the grader to feel the pulse of
the road a little.
Isn't Sandy fortunate in having two
such able accompanists as are Mrs.
Bertha A. Purcell and Mrs. George
Perrett? They are both artists.
A. Aschoff of Marmot has taken, up
his charcoal drawing again. Mr. Asch
off does ,beautiful work, his friends
say regardless of his three-score and
ten years.
The guest driving out to the Rob
erts-Post wedding Sunday thought the
roads were "worse than awful!" from
Sandy to Dover.
Children's day exercises for the
Sunday School are being planned by
Mrs. George Perret and Mrs. J. C.
Duke for the second Sunday in Jun
and the children will begin regular
rehearsals soon.
Don't miss Douglas Fairbanks at
Sandy Saturday night. Adv.
The air is filled with the hum of
preparation for so many "doings" that
the weather really isn't being discuss
ed much!
Bring out your new "bib , and
tucker" and have them ready for the
date of May 21, however the old gray
bonnet will be just as welcome! Don't
forget the date. Big hot dinner and
supper from 11:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. and
5:30 to 8. No cooking necessary at
home! In the evening hearty laughs,
and a big musical and artistic 'eed'
"Imported" and home talent, mixed
program of the kind everyone will
like! Come! What for? To have a
good time and incidentally help raise
a fund to paint the M. E. church
which will help to brighten up the
old town.
Friends of Father Hogan are pleas
ed to hear that he is coming back to
Sandy this week to take charge of the
parish here.
Mrs. M. C. Peterson entertained the
Kelso Women's club at her home on
the Bluff road at the club's meeting
last week. A pleasant time was en
joyed and refreshments were served.
Religious Education" is the subject
Dr. Bert Smith superintendent of the
adult department of the board of
Methodist Sunday Schools will discuss
at the Centenary Wilbur church in
the city May 9. Free tickets will be
given out by Rev. Cotton.
It is repfcrted that Art Jonsrud has
taken unto himself a wife but particu
lars are lacking, so the "mate" may
be too!
There was a very enjoyable party at
the Bull Run community hall on Sat
urday night, Sandy folks being very
conspicuous by their absence, as no
one attended but Mrs. Alma Maronay
from here. There was a nice crowd,
a fine time, refreshments and dancing.
Mrs. Thomas Hagan attended the
Bull Run neighborhood party Satur
day night.
There was a special service at the
Lutheran church here yesterday to ob
serve Ascension day.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jarl arid family of
Kelso attended the wedding of Mrs.
Jarl's sister, Miss Lulu Roberts at the
Roberts home in Dover.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bonett have
been packing up the past week and
are moving up to the Mikkelson and
Nelson mill where they expect to re
main ror the summer. Mrs. Bonett
expects to enjoy the out of door life
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shipley were
driving around town Sunday trying to
dodge telephone poles and the "likes"
while learning to manage a perfectly
garage is completed.
John Roberts, civil engineer, who
has been spending the winter with
his home folks, the W. P. Roberts
family, was called to Ma. itainer last
week to do some engineering work.
Harry Thomas and two young sons
were over from Marmot Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. August Bedenstein of
Cherryville were in town Monday and
report things very quiet in that sec
tion, however the Webber single mill
is still running;
Wesley Bacon has returned from
Madras where he has spent several
months looking after his ranch wori
there. He will remain with his family
Wesley Bacon has returned from
Madras where he has spent several
months looking after his ranch work
there He will remain with his family
in the Bull Run neighborhood, having
a man on the Eastern Oregon ranch
for the present.
Mrs. Thomas Hagan and daughter
Thelma drove over in the Hagan Se
dan Sunday night to attend the musi
cal program and Mrs. Hagan says she
will not miss one if she can help it.
Mrs. Frank Hubbard and two chil
dren of Marmot wefe' guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Burnett and family
from Saturday till Monday.
Mrs. James Ogden was in town from
Marmot one day during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sleret of Gres
ham were in town a day recently, and
took dinner with their friends Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Duke. It is to be re
gretted that Mr. Sleret has decided
not to build this summer, however he
will probably Bpend some time in get
ting his acreage ready for building
Dr. Julius Sture is doing fine work
in the vocal line and his rapid pro
gress reflects much credit to him and
also his instructor, Mrs. Bertha A.
The Boring Rebekah lodge held an
apron sale Saturday night in the Ber
ing Odd Fellows hall which was a
splendid success. A fine program was
first put on which lasted an hour after
which the apron sale lasted an hour,
and later in the evening the hall was
cleared and dancers glided merrily
until 12:30, when everyone decided
it was time to go home There was a x
fine stock of aprons 'on hand and
they sold at good prices.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Child of Boring
attended the Rebekah convention
here last week and had a "wonderful"
time, but 'Mrs. Child Sfed not have a
very good time the next two days as
-she was ill with a sick headache.
H. Lupke was out to Sandy-ridge
from the city Monday. He is not
working since the Keisicker-Wencell
mill closed. He thinks of building a
house on his land near Haselwander's
place in the fall.
Elijah had been helping Ernest
Bonett build a new chicken house and
garage the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dodson are
moving back to Snag Camp for the
summer to make further improve
ments of their claim. Sandy is sorry
to lose these popular folks and sin
cerely hope they will return in the
fall to spend the winter here again.
George Perret and Ernest Harris
flitted down to Portland to spend a
day looking after business affairs re
cently. R. S. Smith, garage man, is remodel
ing the old saloon building on the
corner by his garage which he pur-
(OwHaacd en
Production of the 5 registered
Jersey .on official test for March.
Jr. 4 Favenes Fairy's Firwood
een 77. lbs. B. F.
Favene's Fairy 72.5 lbs. B. F.
La Creole's Saviour 61.5 lbs. B. F.
Jr. 3 Nancy's Peach Blossom
52.5 lbs. B. F.
Sr. Yr. Le Coneyetta 38. lbs. B. F.
. Average 60 lbs. B. F.
A. MALAR, JR., Owner,
Boring, Oregon,
Party Is Enjoyed.
At 3andy Sunday
SANDY, May 4. Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Dahrens gave an all day party
Sunday which was a happy event for
those present. A fine chicken dinner
was served, the guests remaining for
Sunday evening supper also. Miss
Johanna Dahrens and Mr; Hoskins,
also Mrs. Dora Dahrens of Portland
were present, as were Mr. and Gus
Dahrens and children, and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Wendland of Sandy. Mr.
Dahrens drove his sister and her
frlen Mr. Hoskins to Boring to catch
the evening train to the city.
Lumber Co.
The Portland-Sandy stage service
makes two trips daily as follows:
Leaves drug store at First and Mor
rison at 7:30 A. M. and 4 P. M.; Leave
Sandy at Platts at 9 A, M. and 5:30
P. M. Fare $1.25. Adv.
James Bell of Sandy-ridge Vas in
Phone: Sandy 13x2 R. F. D. 2, Boring, Ore.
Rough Demension and Timbers $16.00
Sized Demension, 2x4 to 2x12 $10 to $18.00
Ship lap $10 to $18.00
Flooring $25 to $50.00
Ceiling . $22 to $40.00
Rustjc ....$20 to $35.00
Finish : $20 to $40.00
Stepping $30 to $40.00
Door and window jambs . $50.00
2x4 plain Gutters - - 4c lin. ft.
Moldings " 3-4c lin. ft. to 2-in.
and try it again." her production.
town a few days ago urging Sandy