Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 06, 1921, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Captain Charles Barclay, who has
been in Oregon City for the past
three months, where he has been vis
ltmg his sisters, Mrs. W. E. Pratt
and Miss Katie Barclay, and the for
mer's family and other re'atives, will
leave Saturday morning for Portland
where he will leave for San Francisco
going on the steamer Alaska. Oa
May 5th Captain Barclay will sail on
the Sherman from San Francisco for
Manila, P. I., where he will again be
master of his ship, the Liscup, an in
ter-island transport, of which he has
been master for the past seventeen
years Captain Barclay, who is one
of the most popular steamship cap
tains, has enjoyed his visit among
his relatives and many old time
friends, where he spent his boyhood
days. When coming to Oregon City
Captain Barclay brought one of the
moet valuable colections of curios,
having spent many years in makin
this collection, and which has been
arranged in the old historical home
of the Barclay family, and viewed by
many friends. Relics from all over
the world are in the collection, which
he will leave with his sisters. Ac
companying Captain Barclay to this
city, was C. Belano, familiary known
by the captain as "Dodo," a Philippino,
who is on the steamer of Captain
Barclay and who has been with him
for many years.
Among the schools visited by Bren
ton Vedder, county school superinten
dent this week were Henrici, Beaver
Creek, Clairmont, Elberts and Upper
Highland. Mr. Vedder was accom
panied by Rev. A. J. Ware, both of
whom addressed the pupils of the
schools. At the Upper Highland en
tertainment held Thursday evening,
Mr. Vedder spoke in "Complete Edu
cation of the Child," and Rev. Ware's
spoke on the same lines. He also
assisted in arranging the program,
which was' given at the Upper High
land church. A social time followed.
Rev. Ware and Mr. Vedder were the
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Skidmore, returning to Oregon
City Thursday morning. Other
schools are to be visiteed by the coun
ty school superintendent next week.
Mrs. S. E. Wuamett, of Owatonna,
Minn., who spent the winter in Los
Angeles, Calif.,and for the past two
months was fs Oregon City as the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. E .M
Scouton and family, left for her home
Wednesday morning. Mrs. Wuamett
will' visit several places on her return
trip, among these will be with her
brotter at Oakville, Wash., Tacoma
and Seattle, Wash., and Missoula, and
Moore, Montana. At the latter place
she will be the guest of her daughter,
and after visiting there will be with
her son in Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs.
Scouton accompanied her mother as
far as Portland.
pounds,- has been named Carl Wink.
Mrs. Wink was formerly Miss Delia
Taucher, of Portland. This" is the
first grandson of Mr. Wink's mother
Mrs. Hall, of Mountain View addition,
who is as happy 'over the new arrival
as the proud parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tobin, of
Parkplace, but former residents of
Oregon City, are receiving congratu
lations over the arrival of a daughter.
The little one, whose name is Marga
ret Mary, arrived at the Oregon City
hospital Sunday morning, and has
the honor of being the largest baby
to arrive in that Institution. -Her
weight is 12 pounds. This is the
only daughter in the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Moore, recent
ly coming to Oregon City from Van
couver, Wash., have taken apartments
in the home of Thomas Miller on
Sixth and Center streets. Mr. Moore
is to' be connected with the new Lib
erty theater in Oregon City, having
had much experience in that line
and formerly was connected with the
moving picture houses in Oregon City,
What's the matter with a little
ad. in the Enterprise? Ewald
Quede, of Bolton, last week had 3
H. K. rooms for rent in Green
point. He sent in an ad. for same
to run in last Saturday's and Sun
day's issues of the paper. Before
9. o'clock Saturday morning he had
six applicants and selected a good
Mrs. Florence Kerr, formerly of
this city, now of Portland, was in Ore
gon City Tuessay. Mrs. Kerr, who
is a member of the Women's Relief
corps, came here to attend a meet
ing of the organization.
Charles Prouty, of Cmby, promin
em 1- isiness man of that city, was In
Oregon City Tuesday evening on hu
way to Portland, where he has pro
perty Interests.
C. E. Spence, of Beaver Creek re
turned to his home Monday, after
spending Sunday and Monday in Ore
gon City, where he came on busin
Harrie Moorehouse, of Beaver
Creek, was in Oregon City Tuesday.
While in this city he visited among
some of his. old time friends.
C. R. Wilcox, of Everett, Wash., ar
rived in Oregon City Tuesday and is
mong those to register at the Elec
Albert L. May, of -Dayton, Oregon,
accompanied by Carn Bernet also of
that place, were in this city Tuesday.
H. N. Dimick, of Dallas, Oregon,
was among those to register at the
Electric Monday and Tuesday.
Among the Oregon City Monday
nd Tuesday visitors was F. A. Mar-
hall, whose home is at Bull Run.
Mrs. Margaret Renn and daughters,
Helen, of Tachoult, Wash., arrived in
Oregon City Wednesday evening,
where they are to remain for about
a week. They are guests of Mrs.
Renn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Parker, of Ninth and Rai'road avenue
Mr. and Mrs. George Green, of
Gladstone, are receiving congratula
tions over the arrival of a son, born
Thursday morning at their home. His
name is. George Gilbert Green, and his
weight 10 pounds.
Mrs. Forbes Barclay. Pratt and
daughter, Betty, Mrs. Minnie Mc
Cracken, Mrs. E. H. Truchot, Mrs.
Lou Carter, of Portland, were in Ore
gon City Friday, having come here
to bid farewell to Captain Charles
Barclay, captain of the inter-island
transport, Liscum, who has been
spending three months in this city
visiting her sisters. Miss Katie Bar
clay and Mrs. W. E. Pratt, and the
latter's sister's family. During the
day many old time friends of .the sea
captain also called to bid him fare
well before taking his long journey.
He leaves Portland this morning at 10
o'clock by steamer.
John W. Lower, of Exeter, Calif.,
arrived in Oregon City Monday where
he remained until Tuesday.
William Gibson and J. C. Oldeni,
of Raymond, Wash., are in this city
for a few days.
Horace Cook, prominent resident of
Canby, was among the Oregon City
visiters Wednesday.
Among the Oregon City Visitors on
Sunday and Monday was John Klein,
whose home is at Lebanon.
H. J. Walker, of Salem, has return
ed to his home after spending several
daya in Oregon City.
F. W. Bittner. of Bull Run, was an
Oregon City visitor Tuesday.
MuUnotnah Lodge No. 1 A. F. & A
M was the scene of a large and en
thusiastic gathering of Master Masor(:j
last uight - The. occasion being the
raising of James Shannon, mayor of"
Oregon City to the degree of Master
Willamette Lodge No. 2. of Port
land, was represented by a delegation
of about 175 accompanied by their of
ficers, who put on the work in a most
excellent manner, much to the pleas
ure of the three hundred Master Ma
sons present. Brief talks were made
by Worshipful Master Vern Roake,
of Multnomah Chapter, Mayor Shan
non and others.
After the meeting a delicious sup
per was served to those present in the
lode banquet rooms by the ladies ol
the Eastern Star.
Delegations were present from al!
parts of Multncmah and Clackamas
The Royal Neighbors Lodge of Ore-
Mrs .E. Lk Shaw, Mrs. F. Wi Green- ?The afternoon was devotfcd to con-
man. Mrs. E. L. Shaw. Mrs. J. H. I tests, one of which was the onilt natch
Cauf ield, Mrs John E. Clark, Mrs L. j contest, when prizes were awarded to
Adams, Mrs. .Thomas Keith, Mrs. C. I Mrs. Bertha Vedder-and Mrs. Adelaide
H Meissner, Mrs. H. E. Hendry, Mrs I Taylor,
Charles D. Latourette of this city; I Attending were Mrsu Maude RItten-
Mrs. Nellie Shaw, of Idaho. I house, Mrs. Mize, Mrs. Caroline
Vierhus, Mrs. Mary Kirchem, Mrs.
Monday afternoon the Williametto Bertha Vedder, Mrs. Maggie Lund
gon City accepted an invitation from Rebekah Lodge No. 2, was entertain-1 Mrs. August Kettle, rs. Alma Rath,
Rose Lodge of Portland Friday eve- ed at the home of Mrs. Eiia acouion Mrs. lta Singleterry, Mrs. Ruth
ning to pay a fraternal visit to the I CI 1 Center street with a silver tea. j Ramsby, Mrs. Lizzie James, Mrs.
latter's meeting Thursday evening, I Mrs.. Scouton was assisted in enter-1 Laurie Ribacker, Miss Gladys Me
when fifteen members left Oregon taining by Mrs. J. W. Draper, Mrs. J-1 Dowell
fMtv on 7 o'clock car. I G. Noe. Mrs. Christina Barbur. The
There wero ten candidates initiated rooms were Dretilv decorated with u or tne most enjoyaDie . house iv
-w 1 - . . . , . .. I " i 111 IIUIV-UU, iUI HUU O-Ti O. A A ClUA
into the order, and other business pink'and white flowers and ferns. parties given m mis city during the Oswald, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Nash, Mr
and Mrs. K. E. Bauersfeld, Mr. and
W. E. Nilea, John McGetchie, A. F.
Parker, M. Witcombe, J. H. Prater, H.
H. Hulburt, R. Freytag, Frank Oswald.
Mr .and Mrs. William Hammond en
tertained the Auction Bridge Club at
their home In Gladstone Friday eve
ning in a most enjoyable manner.
The Hammond home was prettily
decorated with dogwood and wild cur
The hostess was assisted in serv
ing delicious refreshments by her sis
ter-in-law, Miss Marguerite Hammond.
Those, present were Dr. and Mrs.
j W. E. Hempstead, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Edwin Markham, America's great
est living poet will be in Oregon City
May IS. The Boston Transcript has
this to say of him: "Markham has the
orator's presence and clear, ringing,
far-carrying voice, one that is easily
heard. Moreover, he is so large-
hearted, so genuine, so brotherly that
he makes a lasting impression in his
lecture readings. His musical per
sonality magnetizes all his listeners.
His unusual personality magnetizes
all his listeners. The people every
where love him, and after his read
ing a crowd hangs about him for a
personal word. Again and again
they exclaim, "This is the best thing
we have had in our lecture course.' "
transactfirl hefore tho hanmiet was Present, were Mrs. Sarah Wuamett, Past weeK was ai me nome or Mrs. J.
served. Two hundred members of the of Alma Rebekah Lodge of Owatonna, C. Cochran on Sixth and Van Buron
lodee sat down to a hie banauet. Minn., who is the mother of Mrs. street, which was in the form of a sur-
which was thoroughly enjoyed by the Scouton; Mrs. Mina Myers, Mrs. Etta prise forMrs. H. G. Edgar, wife of
Oregon City delegation. The remain- Walker, Mrs. Lillian Limlocker, Mrs. Rev. Edgar, pastor of the Presbyterian
der of the evening was devoted to a Ellen Barker, Mrs. J. B Calavan, Mrs. church, whose birthday anniversary
social time. G. V Ely, Mrs. Bertha Ran. Mrs -Cecil occurred Thursday, the day the affair
Going from Oregon City were Miss Kelso, Mrs. Julia Haskell, Miss Abbie was given.
Charlotte Vierhus. Mrs. r.ertha Ved- Scouton. Miss Leathia I.imbocker, Upon the arrival or Mrs. Mgar at
der, Mrs. Maggie Lund,- Mrs. Ruth Mrs. Clara C. Duncan, Mrs. J. K. Mor the Cochran home, she was surprised
Ramsby. Mrs. Lizzie James. Mrs. ris Mrs. W. M. Yonce. Mrs. J. L. Wal- to find that 70 members of the church
Laura Robacker, Mrs. Ruth Ross, Mrs. dron, Mrs. Ada Pearl, Mrs. F. E. Al- had assembled to assist in celebrating
Maude Rittenhouse, Mrs. Ida Ritten- bright, Mrs. J. G. Noe, Mrs. J. W. her birthday, and .a handsome dinner
house, Mrs. Effie Jamess Mrs. Rau, Draoer, Mrs. C Barbur, Mrs. Sadie set composed of 108 pieces, presented
Mrs. Nora Grindeland, Mrs. Alta Surfus. Mrs. H. W. Howell, Mrs. to the guest of honor, in behalf of the
Singleterry, Mrs. A. Thompson and Ella Scouton. omen of the church. Th presenta
Mrs. L. E. Limbocker. tion address was made by Mrs. Haio-
v. nan entertained mond. of Jennings Lodge. The sur-
I i uuiuuu . I - -.-l -j - ,
On Monday evening an enjoyable at her home in Gladstone Wednesday M' '"lJicl' ""c" reuewi-
event took place at the home of Mi. with a shower In honor of Miss Lena mem! were servea, a nanusomeiy aec
and Mrs. R. I. Barbur in honor of the Adell carpenter, whose marriage to trate.d bdJ cake' made b MrSi
birthday anniversary of Mrs. Barbur. Ivan H Menke was solemnized Satur- Bessle Alldredge was brought forth
The affair was planned and carried av vnin, ADril 30. The affair was ana 8erveu- 'm-uy coiorea canaies
out fcy friends cf the family, making in the form of a surprise. marked the number of birthdays Mrs.
a most complete surprise. Th r1jlt home was prettily' decor- has enjoyed.
Cards and games were among the ntpd .ith SDrin blossoms. One of .the features of the afternoon.
features of the evening, and followed Refreshments were served The wfhich came as a great surprise to the
by refreshments. A prettily decorat- afterBoon was spent in needlework f1' was a pantomime, "Wild
ed birthday cake was presented to the for lhe Drlde-elect. who received many Nel1- the et of the Plains. A stage
hostess by Mrs. Clifford Koellamaier. beautiful and useful gifts - settinS had previously been arranged
Attending were Mr. and Mrs. K. Those invited were Mrs Alice lo represented a desert country, and
Koellamaier, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Clif- Arnold Mrs victor Gault and Mrs. the acting of takine Part aired
111 Ullfj L U 111 t. 111 (1 .J ii 111USU ICfUlSllL.
The following was the cast: "Lady
Vere De Vere," (An English Heiress),
Mrs. P. D. Forbes ; "Handsome Harry,"
(King of the cowboys), Mrs. Elizabeth
Glover; "Sitting Bull," (Indian Chief),
Mrs. John Collie; "Bull Darmam," (his
companion). Mrs. Bessie Alldredge;
Hula Hula," (medicine woman), Mrs.
Eberly; "Wild Nell," (pet of the
plains), Mrs. A. McDonald
This caused much merriment, and
Mrs. P. F. Nelson, Mrs. Harry O. Pad
dock. Miss Marguerite Hammond, Mr.
and Mrs. William Hamomnd.
ford Koellamaier and son, Mr. and yie Gault of Portiand; Mrs. Grant
Mrs. Grant Day and son, Mr. and Mrs. old M A p Parker, Mrs. H. H.
u,uu,u .uci!rtui"er ttuu sou, ivir. " I Hughes, Mrs. J. H. Prater and Mrs.
Mrs. urant iay ana son, Mr. ana Mrs. rrhrirr,!a r,l1t
Lacy Day, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nut
tall and son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Reinke and son, Miss Eva Barbur,
Elmer Johnson, of Portland; Donalta
Vallier, Ella Reinke, Margaret Bar
bur, Mr. and Mrs. E. Eckerson and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery
and children.
One of the nrettiest home weddings
was solemnized 5t the residence ot
the bride's mother, Mrs. Clara Carpen
ter in Gladstone Saturday evening at.
S o'clock when Miss Lena Adell Car
penter became the bride of Ivan H.
thnoA f oL-i'n(r narf Htrl ovoonrinTi a ITtt
Mrs Miranda played Lohengrin's 1 and received an ovation at tha
lose of the play. .
The remainder of the afternoon waf
evoted to a social time.
The decorations of the Cochran
Onn of the social events of the I
week was a miscellaneous shower. Wedding March as te bridal Party l,os' of the pay
eiven bv Mrs. D. Schellhr in honor entered the living room, where Rev. ,omaini1
of Miss Katherine Robinson who is R- F Clay read the impressive ring ,levoted to a soclai time
soon to wed I ceremony. Mrs. tjuiicra iraic was
I 1- C T .1 TT V I
The house was prettily decorated p UL home were beautiful, when masses
with white lilacs. ma.' of dogwood blossoms and otiier spring
Lunch was served to 20 guests at """" blossom3 were used most effectively.
10:30. in cream colored satin and silver cloth Tnege were bmked ,n tne receptIon
The bride-elect -received many use with overdress of georgette crepe. hall living and dining r00ms.
ful and beautiful gifts. Her long tulle veil was held in place Mrs Cocnran waa agsisted in enter-
by a spray of orange blosoms. She ,,,, hv w c,Ktor .TUa oal(1iT1
One of the enjoyable events for carred a shower bouquet of Bride's ! Portiand and ln serVing by the
the past week was the regular month- roses. Misses Fisher, of Carus, and Miss
ly Dinnoay ainner given tor me mem i i uarjjeiiier uume 1 Spalding.
Ders ot tne w omen s tteiier corps iy aecoraieu wmi appie mnssuuia a""
and Meade Post G. A. R.' in honor of fernt. A wedding bell- was formed
those whose birthdays occur during from dogwood and apple blossoms.
'Willard Bosholm, of Sndy, was in
tr.is city Tuesday.
H. E. King, of Olympia. Wash., wa
in Oregon City on business Tuesday.
Mrs. E. M. Brock and son, Clyde,
who have been visiting at Pacific
Grove, Calif., as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Pattison, the latter being
Mrs. Brock's daughter, returned to
their home in this city this morning.
While Mrs. Brock was in California
a new grandson arrived at the home
of her daughter, who was born April
5th, and given the name of John
Wesley Pattison. Airs. Pattison for
merly was Miss Ada Brock, of Clacka
mas county, and has resided for the
past year in California.
Fred Baker, arrested by fish war
dens a few days ago for alleged
"snagging" of salmon near the falls
had a trial before a justice court jury
yesterday afternoon and was found
not guilty. The jury was out about
five minutes. Dean Butler acted as
attorney for Baker. The courtroom
was crowded with spectators and
witnesses at the trial, and the crowd
overflowed to the hals and doorways
of the offices in the Masonic build
ing. Quite a number hung around
until the verdict was given out.
Mrs. Chester Roake went to Port
land Tuesday, where she spent the
day with Mrs. E. E. Shepard, of
Oakland, Calif., who in company with
her husband are spending a month in
Portland. Mis. SUopard visited here
for seveml days a few davs ago, and
wll return here before leaving for
her home in the south. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Shepard are favorably im
pressed with Oregon, and is the first
time the latter has visited here. She
and her husband were former resi
dents of Chico, Calif., where also the
Roake family made their home for
some time.
Albert Riggs, aged 72, and Grace
Lowry, 49, both of Canby, secured a
marriage license from the county
clerk Saturday and will be married on
Sunday. Two other couples secured
a license on the same day and wero
Virgii Post, 24, of Rickreal, and Lulu
Roberts, 22 of Dover; Ivan Mehnke,
20, of Oregon City, and- Lena Carpen
ter, 23, of Gladstone.
Mr. and Mrs. John Busch, of this
city, are the happy parents of a ba
by daughter, born in the Oregon City
hospital Tuesday morning. Her
weight is nine pounds, and she has
Eccles Elected to
Head Sunset School
Howard H. Eccles, of Canby, has
been elected principal of the Sunset
school at Weet Linn for the next
school year. Mr. Eccles has been
principal of the grade schools of Can
by for several years and is well
known throughout Clackamas county
in educational circles.
Former State Senator Geo.-
been honored with the name of Mary Brownell, who has been ill at his
Anne. The baby, was born on the
birthday anniversary of her grand
father, Frank Busch, Sr., of this city.
This is the first grandchild of Mr.
and Mrs. Busch and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry F. Tschirgi. Mrs. Busch was
formerly Miss Mildred Tschirgi.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wink, of New
Era, are receiving congratulations o
er the arrival of a son, born at the
Wink home Friday, night, .upril 29.
The little fellow, who weighs ten
home in Concord for several days, was
brought to the Oregon City hospitul
Friday for treatment. His condition
is not believed to be serious, but he is
suffering considerable pain from
stomach trouble.
Max Nuttenberger, ' 15-year-old lad
of the Beaver Creek section, has dis
appeared according to a report re
ceived by Sheriff Wilson here, and
up to date last night the boy could
not be located. It is said that ho
came, to Oregon City Sunday morning
for the purpose of fishing for salmon
on the Willamette and since that time
he has not returned to his home
He was dressed in blue overalls, and
i wore a mackinaw and cap
The Clackamas County Teachers'
association will hold an all-day con
vention in the Oregon City high
school auditorium next Saturday, the
meeting to be called to order at 10
a. m. Several prominent educators
of the state are scheduled to appeal
on the program, including President
Ackerman, of the state normal school
and W. F. Woodard, member of the
Multnomah county school board. The
program for the day will be publish
ed in a later edition of the Enterprise.
. The meeting of the Derthick Club
1ho month nt Anril holil XnRarla-ir at I Mrs riarnnntpr was assisted in serr- " lul -"cufeco. j. u
1 J I I ,tn., ofomAAn i,-ih UnJnita n r .1
the Willamette hall. ing refreshments to over fifty rela- "sco
Celebrating their birthdays were tlvtes and intimate friends by her ivlls,s B'"" aa
Frank Moore, E. B. Grant ,of Meade daughter, Miss Helen Carrenter. "T "l "r0" lucCL.'"ba
Post; Mrs. Etta Walker, Mrs. Clemma Mr and Mrs. Menke wil be at home eld '"e lub- Th.e Psram given
Martin, Mrs. Florence M. Hickman, to their many friends after June 1st
Mrs. Eva C. Lawrence, Mrs. A. R. in the Turner cottage ou Clackamas
Montgomery, Mrs. S. E. Wuamett, ot Boulevard.
during the afternoon included harp se
lections by Mrs. Robert Fithian, of
Portland, and Miss Smith, her instruc-
nU-t,tnrna Minn- Win Tula Tingle Tho hrirto la nno nf Glndstonp's ai
and Mrs. H. S. Clyde. .- most charming young women having ciated by the members and others hav-
The tables were prettily decorated resided there for the past three years.
with white and purple lilacs, and cor-1 She has been connected with Marvin
responded with decorations of the I & Company in Portland.
hall that were arranged by the com Mr. Menke is the son of Mr. and
mittee in charge of the event. The Mrs. B. A. Menke of Oregon City an.l
handsome birthday cakes adding to is identified with the Electrical Plant
the appearance of the table were for the Crown Willamete Co.
made by Mrs. Bessie Alldredge and
Mr and Mrs. J. H. Prater enter
Pirates Defeat
Rifle Club Team
on Canemah Field
One of the most exciting baseball
games played this season was that on
the Canemah park diamond Saturday
afternoon, when the Oregon City Pi
rates played the Rifle club team. The
score ended 13 to 8 in favor of the Pirates.
Batteries for the Pirates were It.
Locke and F. Locke, and for the Rifle
club, Cannon, Smith and Bradley;
Powell and Hannaford.
The game was close from start V
finish and the teams are planning a
similar contest next Saturday after
Mrs. Edna Carpenter.
There were places laid for 60 peo
ple, and among the guests on this
occasion were Rev. H. O. 'Edgar, Dr.
Robert McLean, of California, Mrs.
Anna M. Linville, Mrs. Lillie A.
Young, Mrsi Simler, Mrs. Cora Mc
Bride, department president, Mrs.
Louise Moore and Mrs. Alma Good,
of the Dalles.
The committee in charge of the af
fair was composed of Mrs. Clemma
Martin, chairman; Mrs. Etta Walker,
Mi's. Bessie Alldredge, Mrs. R, A.
Junken, Mrs. Ida Adamson, Mrs !nna
Butler, Mrs. Edna Carpenter, and
Miss Hattie Roman.
Mrs. John F. Clark and Miss Muriel
Stevens will be hostesses to the Sat
urday Clu,b of the Congregational
church Monday evening at the Clark
home at West Linn.
The McLoughlin Institute baseball
team defeated that of the Bolton
school in a game Saturday, which end
ed with a score of 20 to 9.
New Choir Director
for M. E. Church
The music committee of the Meth
odist Episcopal church has installed H.
E. Veness, of Portland, as choir di
rector to lake the place of Mrs. Arah
Hoyt Rae, who has resigned In view
of her approaching marriage.
Mr. Veness is an able director and
has had special training in chorus
work and community singing. . He
will take charge of the Methodist
chorus Sunday and will render a solo
Sunday evening.
Mrs. William Folger entertained at
cards Thursday afternoon, when
prizes were awarded to Mrs. M. D.
Latourette, Mrs. H. L. Clark and Mrs.
The hostess was asisted in serving
refreshments by Mrs. L. G. Ice and
Mrs. Delias Armstring and Miss Mar
lan Pickens.
The rooms were prettily decorated
with lilacs, helipolrope and sweet
peas, the color scheme being purple
and white These were artistically ar
ranged in baskets.
Attending were Mrs. Delias Arm
strong, Mrs. L. J. Ice, Mrs. Clyde
Mount, Mrs. Sophia Moody, Mrs.
Frank Young, Mrs M. D. Latourette,
Mrs. A. A. Price, Mrs. L. E. Jones, Mrs.
E. P. Rands. Mrs. C. D. Iatourette,
Mrs. Diersch, Mrs. Neal Sullivan, Mrs.
H. L. Clark, of this city; Mrs. L. L.
Pickens, Mrs. L. L. Porter, Mrs. J. W.
Moffatt, Mrs. J. P. Lovett, Miss Helen
Lovett, Miss Marian Pickens, of Wes
Linn; Mrs. Harrie Morehouse, of
Beaver Creek; Mrs. H. L- Martin, or
ing the pleasure of being in attend
ance. Tne numbers were JLast Rose
of Summer,' "The Rosary," "Monas-
try" and "Patrol."
Miss Smith gave an instructive talk
on 'The Harp." She is one of the ac
complished harpist of America, having
completed her course in Europe, and
also on a concert tour for some time
before taking up her vocation as an
tained at dinner Suntlav in honpr
of their daughter. Mrs. Carrie U'Ren instructor in Portland
Painh v,r. loft fnr iv.Tr.fi pct.i Arrangements were made for an
California, where thev wil! make their Pen meeting to be held on the "last
rnursaay anernoon m May, wnen inis
Covers were laid for ,Mr. and Mrs win he in the form of a musical tea
John Hollowell, Mrs. Carrie U'Ren.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Prater, of St.
Johns, Mr and Mrs. J W. Prater.
Gocrge Meyers of Spokane, Wash.,
and William Willson of Modesto.
An excellent program will be arranged
for the event.
It was also planned to hold the last
regular meeting of the club for the
summer season in two weeks. This
will be at the home of Mrs. H. E.
Straight, who will be assisted by Mrs.
R. C. Ganong.
Mrs. Hedges and Miss Stevens serv-
William I. Hansell, of Milwaukie,
route No. 1, and Myrtle Berry, 18,
of Jennings Lodge, secured a marriage
license from the county clerk yester
Local Man Marries
Girl from England
John William Mead, 33, of Oregon
City, route No. 6, and Vera Addison,
21, of Woolport, England secured a
mariage license from the county clerk
Mrs. E. T. Avlson was n charming
hostess of the past week, when she
entertained a number of her friends
at cards at her home at Maple Lane
last Wednesday afternoon. Those at
tending from here made the trip by
automobile ,and had a most delightful
Various kinds of spring flowers
were used in decorating the rooms
of the Avison home, the richly tinted
iris forming a large part of the decor
Mrs. Charles D.. Latuorette and Mrs.
E. P. Rands held high score in cards.
and were awarded the prizes.
Delicious refreshments were served.
Attending were Mrs. J. W. Cole, of
Portland; Mrs. Frank Nelson, of Glad
stone; Mrs. William Money, of Ocean
Falls, B. C; Mrs. E, P. Rands, Mrs.
J. H. Walker, Mrs. Sophia Moody,
" Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lavier cele
brated their 20th wedding anniversary
at their home at 216 Promenade ed dainrty refreshments.
Avenue Thursday evening in a most Ked tulips were used most effective
delirrhtful manner ,v in decorating the rooms of the
The Burns orchestra surprised the Hedges home,
host and hostess when members. Pan! Attending were Mrs. J. F. Clark,
Burns, Jack Loder and Rot ald Peters, Mrs. M. J. Williams, Mrs. Wallace
brought their musical instruments, Caufield, Miss Dorothy Hedges, Mrs
and furnished excellent music during Raymond Caufield, Mrs. L. Adams,
the evening. Dancing and cards were Mrs. ,C. H. Caufield, Mrs. William
enjoved. Krassig, Mrs. Theodore Osmond, Mrs.
Refreshments were served by Mra.-J H- c- Stevens, Mrs. Gilbert L. Hedges,
Lavier.-who was "assisted in serving Mrs. H. E. Straight, Mrs. A. C. How
by her daughter, Miss Beruice. Miss 'and Mrs. S. O. Dillman, Mrs. Livy
Ethel Frost and Miss Ella Overton. Stipp, Mrs. R. C. Ganong, Airs. L. L.
M:;ny pretty and useful gifts were Pickens, Miss Marian Pickens, Mrs. B
presented to Mr. and Mrs. Lavier ir T- McBain, Mrs. L. D. Barber, 'Mrs.
honor of this occasion. Robert Fithian and Miss . Smith o
Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Portland.
Burns, Mr and Mrs. Frank Decker, Mrs- Bertha Card, formerly of this
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Baxter, Mr. and city. now of Newberg, was taken by
Mrs. Frank Baxter, Mr. nnd Mrs. A1 surprise last Sunday, when a party
Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Riley, Mr. composed of relatives and a few in-
and Mrs. E. W. Lavier, Mrs. Bert timate friends left here by automobile,
Barnes, Mrs. Nellie McDonald, Miss spending the day at the Card home.
Ethel Frost, Miss Ella Overton, Mi'- WeU filled lunch baskets containing
Berniee Lavier. Jack Loder. Ronald dainty eatames were taken to the
Peters, Ralph Baker, Ernest Lavi;r
Irvin Lavier and Jack Burns.
One of the most enjoyable events
of the past week was the meeting of
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A.
M. at the Masonic hall Tuesday eve
ning, "when over 300 members of the
order attended.
Washington Lodge No. 46 of Port
land, represented by 175 members, put
on the impressive ceremony, when
Mayor Shannon received the degree of
master Mason.
There were places laid for 300, the
banquet served by the Eastern Star
The home of Mrs. Bertha James, at
Mount Pleasant, wjuj the scene of an
enjoyable occasion Friday, when birth
day anniversaries of Mrs. Maude Rit
tenhouse, Mrs. Augusta Kettle, Mrs.
R. Laurie Robacker and Mrs. James,
members of the Royal Neighbors of
America, were celebrated in a most
delightful manner:
A delicious repast was served at ?2
o'clock, and' the table was attractively
centered with a 'royal" birthday cake
made and presented by Mrs. Mize.
Flowers were also used in decorating
the table.
Miss Helen Surber, of this city, was
the guest of honor of a pretty dancing
party at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Gus Rosenblatt, of Concord Station.
Thursday evening, the occasion being
in honor of her birthday anniversary.
Mrs. Rosenblatt was assisted in enter
taining by her mother, Mrs. Joseph
Surber, of thi city.
The rooms were artistically decorat
ed with dogwood.
As each guest arrived they were pre
sented with a dainty boutenniere form
ed from daintily colored spring blos
soms. Dancing was enjoyed until a late
hour, after which refreshments were
A number of pretty gifts were re
ceived by Miss Surber, in honor of
this occasion.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Booth,
of Portland, Thomas Duffy, of San
Francisco; Victor Smith, James Black
more, Samuel Bloombard, Miss La
Verne Brooks, Ray Brooks, B. M.
Blomberg, Jack Wells, Harlan Lance,
of Ptfrtland; Miss Emma Ellis, Miss
Hattie Gross, Miss Lillian Cross, Miss
lone Dunn, Miss Agnes Engebrect,
Miss Dorris Reddick, Miss Frankie
Bowland, Miss Zula Schnltz, Miss
Helen Surber, Mrs. Joseph Surber,
Leonard Cross, George Pusey, Jr.,
Manuel Schultz, Joseph Nizic, A. B.
Feitelson, Bud Baxter, of Oregon City :
Miss Ruth Truscott, of Jennings
Lodge; Miss Alda Carlson, of Risley;
Miss Elva Eads, of Meldrum; Jack
Manbermir, of Los Angeles. Calif-
Luther Perry, of Hartford, Conn.;
Henry Geymer, of Jennings Lodge;
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rosenblatt.
One of the leading social events of
the season that fs looked forward to
with much pleasure is the big May
ball to be given under the auspices of
the Order of Eastern Star at the.
Busch hall, Friday evening, May 6.
This is the first May ball that has
been given in Oregon City for many
years, and also the first large affair
given in the Busch hall for some time.
The hall is to be elaborately decorat
ed with varicgis kinds of May blos
soms, and with pretty gownsto be
worn by the women will add to the
beauty of the ball room.
The best of music has been secured,
when the Miller Premier six-piece
orchestra, composed of local talent is
to play many of the latst and popular
dance music. The musical orsraniza
tion is composed of Earl Hutchinson,
Harless Ely, Miss Valeria Meyer, Roy
Mattoon, Edward Miller of this city,
and Albert Hyde, of Oak Grove.
A special feature is to be introduc
ed during the evening, when a little
dancer of this city will make her first
appearance, which will be in the form
of a May flower dance.
The patrons and patroness of the
evening will be the past patrons and
past matrons and associate matron of
the Eastern Star.
There will 500 invitations issued,
and the committee extending the in
vitations are John F. Clark, chairman;
R. E. Hutchinson, William Hammond,
Glen Hankins.
The -other committees are as fol
lows :
Floor Percy Caufield, WJilliam
Hammond, A. A. Price, L. E. Jones, A.
C. Howland, Samuel Stevens and
Chester Roake.
Decorations Mrs. H. E. Hendry,
Mrs. P. J. Winkel, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Roake, Mrs, Chester Roake, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Caufield, Miss Agnes
Harris, Mr. Fendrick, Dr. and Mrs.
J. G. Nash.
Refreshments Mrs. E. P. Rands,
Mrs. William Folger, Mrs. P. D
Forbes, Miss Leila Reed, Mrs. Wil
liam Gardner, Mrs. J. F. Clark, Mrs.
W. E. Hempstead, Mrs. Ellen Eades.
Card home by the guests, and in the
form of a picnic lunch were enjoyed
during the day.
MiLsic and games were pleasing fea
tures of the day.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Smith and cnildren, Clifford and Ray
mond, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith ar.d
daughter, Clarice, Mr. and Mrs,
Horace Minor and children, Lloyd, Lis-
setta and Maxine, Mr. and Mrs. C. O
Dryden and daughters, Miss Mildred
and Dicksy, Mrs. J. S. Smith, Otto
Smith, Clifton Tally, all of this' city;
Mrs. Nellie Morris, of Astoria; Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Davis and children,
Miss Lela. Lawrence and Bernice, of
Portland: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Thomas and daughter, Fay, of Yam
hill; Mrs. E. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Card" and children, Vera and
Claude, Mrs. Bertha Card and son,
Gerald, of Newberg.
Mrs. P. F. Nelson entertained at her
home in Gladstone Friday afternoon
in honor of her sister, Mrs. William
Money, of Ocean Falls, B. C.
The Nelson home was beautifully
decorated with narcissus.
During .the afternoon delicious re
freshments were served to the follow-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keith enter
tained a few of their friends at a din
ner party at their home Tuesday eve
ning in honor of their tenth wedding
The guests brought various kinds of
tin ware, and presented to Mr. and
Mrs. Keith in honor of their tin wed
ding. The rooms were prettily decorated
with blossoms and ferns, .and the table
decorations were unique.
Places were laid for Dl and Mrs.
C. H. Meissner. Mr. and Mrs. M. D.
Latourette, Mr. and Mrs. L. A, Hender
son, Mrs. H. E. Hendry, Miss Helen
Cards were enjoyed during the eve
Mrs. Wallace B. Caufield will be
hostess to the King's Daughters of the
St. Paul's Episcopal church at her
home on Ninth and Washington street
Wednesday afternoon. Business of im
portance is to be taken up for discus- r
H. W. Trumbath was committed to
the insana asylum yesterday after be
ing adjudged insane by Dr. W. E.
Hempstead and court. Mr. Trum
bath was released from the asylum
November 24, 191S, and at that time
his condition seemed to have improv
ed. Lately he became pfflicted and
was removed to Salem.
tng guests: Mesdames William Money 22, 1904.
Marjorie A. Pike has entered suit
for divorce from Albert L. Pike ,ac-
Lcusing him of desertion, according
to the complaint filed in the circuit
court yesterday. The couple was
married at Goldendale, Wash., August