Page 6 MILWAUKIE AND NORTHERN CLACKAMAS Cement Plant at Oswego Operating OSWEGO, April 20. The Oswego cement plant at Oswego is busy run again with a full crew of three shifts a. day. , They also opened up wopk in the company quarries at Dal las and Roseburg, furnishing employ ment to a total of about 325 men. Ac cumulated orders ft is stated are of such volume that the plant, will con tinue full operations indefinitely. Mrs. "William Reimer who -has been seriously ill with la grippe is report ed on the way to recovery. The silver tea of the M. EL church was held at the home of Mrs. J. L. Davis with a large attendance- and a jolly good time. Pete Emmott of Oswego is thinking of going into the dairy business one day last week. Mr. Emmott purchased two more cows and expects to furnisn milk for the crew doing the hard sur facing on the highway. Mrs. Ed Campbell who has been vis iting relatives in Oswego, Oregon City and Canby has returned to her home at Kerry, Oregon. Mrs. Otto Larson by accident cut her hand Friday of last week and she was taken to Dr. Mount in Oregon City where it was attended to. The junior baseball team of Oswego Is much elated by its victory over the Tigard team last Sunday. The Oswego lads won by a score of 23 to 12. While coming from Oregon City Wednesday, the horse driven by Mrs. TJirall was frightened by another horse causing her to'be thrown from the buggy injuring her badly and tha horse ran away and smashed the buggy quite badly. Carl Bethkey of Oswego who has heen suffering from a tad attack of la grippe is recovering at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ben Bliss' at Amboy, Wash. B. Roley with his aunt, departed last Friday evening for Sacramento, Calif. Mrs. S. W. Wessling entertained a number of her friends at the pre-view-ing at the Heilig theatre of the big Pathe picture, 'Behold the Man," a picture which depicts the life of Jesus. ing their home in Glenmorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Nugent who have been living in the Owen place have temporarily taken one of the houses in Lake Grove. After the closing of the school in June ihey will go back 'to their home in Seattle. The Oswego Woman's club will meet at the home of Mrs. George Howard Pettinger this week with Mrs. Fulton as hostess. Mrs. M. Reefs who Is in the Oregon City hospital is getting along very nicely at present. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thombas have- moved into one of the George Thomas place in New Town. Oak Grove Team Beats Milwaukie ine iaaies Aia csociety oi tne iirsi -ry . Methodist church is making plans for dOmimity Jtlally 3t Lodge Is Success OAK GROVE, April 20. The ball game between the Juniors of Oak fGrove school and Milwaukie school last Friday resulted in a score of 20 to 21 favor Oak Grove. The Oak Grove grocery and meat market had a grand opening Thurs day in the new building. Sample goods, ice cream, cake, sandwiches coffee were served. Mrs. F. A. Smith entertained the Oak Grove Needlecraft Club and their husbands at cards Tuesday night. J. H. Riley is very ill as we go to press. His many friends hope for his recovery. G. Ostbye has disposed of his home to R. Van Horn, who with his family, will occupy it May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ostbye will move to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. James Daulton have re turned from Hot Lake where Mrs. Daulton was confined in the hospital several weeks. Mrs. Anna Ahalt is improving in health slowly. - Mrs. D. .Lofgren is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. C. Leaf, of Mabel, Oregon. The music department of Social Service Club met Thursday. After the j regular business the members were in formed of the American compos ers of music and song.- The chorus of this department will sing at the next meeting of the. Social Service Cluib. F. N. Little will soon open his con fectionery in the new building. Fire Laddies Have Big Feed at Sandy Sarah Kaminski and Ruth Truscott, Howard Truscott. Mr. and Mra. Cook were hosts for a "500" party Saturday evening. The apple blossoms lent a fragrance to the large living room where guests made up 4 tables for the game. Music and dancing followed. Ice cream,, cake and coffee were served. Seated at the tables were Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie SANDY, April 19. Just the night Roberts, Mr. and. Mrs. Ben Losey, Mr. before the Shelley fire the Sandy vol and Mrs. George Card, Mr. and Mrs. I unteer fire department had a high- Orlando Randall, Mr and Mrs. Fred jinks-of-a-time at the city hall- which Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Roberts, Mrs. probably will result in more of the Madden of Portland, Mr. Gilbert, ot same kind. The fire engine was run Portland and the hosts. The card hon- but of the hall to make room for the ors fell to Mrs. Jphnnie Roberts and two dozen merry men who placed six Hugh Roberts and Mrs. O. Randall. tables in the room then played cards, James Rolev of Courtney has pur- shook dice, drank loganberry punch chased 5 acres near Glen Echo known with "oysters" in it, according to Paul SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent as the Apple place. George Morse has recently purchas ed the Amesbury property at The Tal- les, but will return to Jennings Lodge to make his home. Mr. Morse has spent "the winter at Yaquina Bay. Mrs. Harry Williams ar.d two chil dren arrived on Wednesday from Dunn whose truth and veracity are well established in this community. There was a big! feed, sandwiches, cake, coffee, cookies, ham, "wemies galore," and cigars to "burn," beside! the foresaid punch with some say they had bananas Instead of "oysters" in it! Jack Barnett was the efficient head waiter, (no dishwasher was named!) Mrs. Bertha A. Purcell will be- tho organist. . Several from Sandy are ex pected to attend. The basket dinnei .will be no small feature of the ces sion! The session is expected to close at four P. M. and Rev. Cotton will drive to Sandy in time for the (regular evening service. Boise City. Idaho, and will visit whu I, nQ one mentloned aecorations for Mr. and Mrst George Williams. Jack Hampton. Sr., caught a 45 the tables. A nice collection was taken for the benefit of the fire de- pound fish, and Mr. Orlano Randall a I partment fund. It would do anyone 42 pound during the week. goad to hear the "boys" enthuse over Mr. and Mra. Finch entertained the' fine time they had friends at dinner on Monday night. Covers were laid for 8 and salmon which was caught by Miss Dorothy Finch was part of the appetizing menu. Mr. Hoiloway and daughters are iomiciled in the Miller cottage till July, when they plan to return to Col orado by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sanders and three children Portland spent Sun- House Is Damaged By Fire at Sandy 35 Initiated by Pomona Grangers SANDY, April 19. The Pomona grange session was largely attended at New Era and thirty-five candidates were initiated into the fifth degree, which was put on very effectively by the Maser, M- C. Glover. State Master Spence wag present at urged coopera tion of all granges in planning enter tainment for the national grange which will assemble in Portland in November. New England talks of sending out a special train, and it will be "big doings," so everyone must spruce" up abit, and get ready to show off what Oregon -can do. Mary S. Howard of Mulino who was state grange secretary for twenty-two years made a short talk in which she referred to her attendance at ever? Pomona session for thirteen years.' and those times it took three days to make the round trip!" George Randall is the efficient Master of the New Era grange. Judge Ryan, Representative Stone, Mrs Edith Tozier Weatherred, H. G. Stark weather were among the speakers of the day session. HOOP SEASON CLOSES will be held in their bazaar which May. Miss Bertha Worthingtc-n had her hand cut very- badly while opening a jr'of fruit last Saturday. Dr. Huycke of Oregon City was called and dressed the wound. Mr. and Mrs. William Monk, who have been living in Portland, expect to leave the first of the week for Rockaway where they expect to pur- chase a store if contented will remain there for a while. Mr. Monk used to reside at Oswego. Under i'ederal and state supervision rapid progres is being made with the teat cement pavement . to be laid through Oswego between 'Oregon City and the ,Multnomah county line. The sand forthe cement has been received, tested and approved and it was ex pected that the gravel would be de livered in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. William Newlands left Wednesday for their home in King ton, Canada. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Newlands, their son and dau?h-ter-inlaw gave them a farewell party which was attended by a large num ber of friends who have met Mr. and .Mrs. Newlands during their visit here. The party was a very jolly one. Mr. and Mrs. Will am Lorenz and two children who reside at Camas, Wash., were visiting Mrs.. Lorenz's mother, Mrs. William Worthington Sunday. W. S. Wessling, general western manager of Pathe wasi expected to re turn home this week, he has been on an extended business trip to Califor nia and the East. Jeanne Katherine Maruca, four, month old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maruea, who died Saturday at Sacramento, was buried in Mt Scott cemetery Wednesday. The funeral was held at Finley & Son's chapel. Mrs. Maruca is a' granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fox who live in Oswego. S. F. Owen and family who have been away from Oswego for several years have returned and are reoccupy- SANDY, April 16. The . Shelley home had a narrow escape from being destroyed yesterday. While Mrs. Shel lejr was In the kitchen at work a, blaze day wtth the Hugh Roberts family, started behind the living room stove mv sa i. haAn nfin.i tn hh UmoDg some baby clothing which was home and the hospital for the past dl?inS ,f,ir ad i three months with rheumatism but his a tfn f wiChu SANDY, April 19.-The closing has- many irienas here are piesea to near -,. flI,d n, ketball games for the season were ne was able to return to ms posuion - department while the Pyed at Orient Friday night with the with the Wadhams Co. on Monday. fit the fire department wttue the Portland Lincoln . . , . room was aen&e witn siuokb una . . ,7 - George Allen of Spokane is a house fla were up th(, alU The; Legion boys the score standing 42 to volunteer fire brigade with Chief " "f"181 lue eui uoyn. wnu Henry Perret in the lead did splendid . so vWfel the Orient boys and the guest of Daniel Jones. Mr. Allen' is enjoying salmon fishing in the Willam ette. work or the entire building would score was 24 to 13 in favor of Orient. SANDY WINS GAME. m ,1 H,,.. I ".-o messes ul 5'7"u' '"7 have been burned in no time. The! Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Shipman who I . , a nrn VB, w..h nn 1 nave been called upon to mourn tne , , t satlsfaction to the toM-n AMnv ., 17 - . loss of their only child, Walter, ago . 8 . , .i SANDY, April 17. The first ,game 17 years, who passed away at their I? n , f! VJF-ZZL of baseball for the season was played Dome on. Moncmy at itisiey. upstairs and tne-roof were . between tne Sandy &ni Boring Xm damaged the most Some baby cloth- pair the damage which was fortunate ly covered by insurance. JENNINGS LODGE, April 21. The Community Rally and pot luck dinner held at the school house was a very decided success . In the school audi torium tables were prepared to ac commodate 150 people. The tables were attractive with baskets of flowers arranged by Mr. Starker. Plans were formally announced for the new church building by Rev. Sni der. The Sunday school room will be 46 by 54 feet with a seating capacity of 250. The church auditorium will be on The main floor. The kitchen will be 12x26 with built in conveniences. The total cost being $9000. Rev. A. J. Sullens, superintendent of the Congre gational Oregon Conference spoke on building a Community church and 19 pledges $1650, the largest subscrip tion coming from the Grac5 Guild, the woman organization of the church. A musical program was rendered. Among the numbers being a violin solo by Mr. Theroux. A male quartette and the Jadies quartette and the young ladies quartette each rendering num bers which were much enjoyed, hearti ly applauded. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pearson, of the Meldrum district, entertained in formally on Saturday evening, April 16, in honor of their ,18th wedding anniversary. Spring blossoms were used very effectively in all the rooms. 500 was the evening's diversion and those present enjoyed a tilt at the game as well as the delicious refresh ments. Miss Kaminski and Jerry Madden received high scores and were' awarded pretty gifts. Mrs. A. J. Rob bins and Howard Truscott receiving consolation prizes. Making up the five tables were Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hoiloway, Mr. and Mrs. W. Swartz, Mr and Mrs. W. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Madden, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gardner, MT. and Mrs. Hoag, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Robbins, Mrs. H. H. Em mons, Mrs. Edith Truscott, Misses Phones: SeUwood 597, Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufactorers an d Dealer In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Moulding Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON Party Is Enjoyed By Sandy People J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland First State Bank of Mi waulue "YOUR HOME BAMK" - Conducts a General Banking Business 4 per cent interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED The Shipman family came from St. Paul a few months ago and visited the Edward Pearson family of this place upon their arrival from the Mid dle West. WSlliam Dverre. a retired wheat grower of the Palouse country, has recently purchased the F. B. Madison jiorae, it consists of 2 acres with a g room cottage. Possession is to be given May 15. We are in hopes the Madison family will decide to locate here again, for they have made many friends during their 12 years of residence at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Madison are now plan ning on an auto trip to the Middle West where they are interested in farm lands in the Dakotas and Iowa. H. D. Smith met with a painful acci dent during the week, cutting his hand with an axe. It was necessary for the family physician to take six stitches, and Mr. Smith will be laid up with it for some time. Wyvyan Dent, the new salesman ager of the Weller Motor Co., has re cently returned from tne Orient, where he made a study in the auto mobile industry. He declnres there is an excellent field for motor cars in China and Japan. The highway system in both countries are poor, but the people are becoming familiarized with the good road movement. The Dent family returned to Jennings Iodge to reside some two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jacobs, of Port land acompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of this place motored to Dallas on Saturday ,to spend the week end with Mr. Smith's parents. Louise and Arthur Smith ?pent Sun day with their aunt Mrs. Sam Stewart at Sellwood. ' Mrs. Lucy Allen has returned from a weeks visit with home folks at The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck at tended the dinner in Oregon City on Wednesday, given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brodie, who have recently returned from Florida. lraul"lra vv Planer, tsiaKe m frnrn Bnnfl Irlllf,1 lH an 11Ti1ift to anv Bowland and Miss Blanche Gardner chuty. The desire here is to keep le,wme? u,e oaturaay .ud oi mo the whole town in harmony music i congregational cnurcn on April n. something in which all should be able Thirty were present and enjoyed the f nl-t(, as of ona Bnirit to forsret the i Sunday afternoon", the score standing ing and Mrs. Shelley's best gown were j elght tQ flye for Sandy HemJe Junker . Tir .T , Z , Z 1. and C. H. Clinefelter were pitchers for Sandy and Frank Schmitz catcher. The next game is not announced as Sandy is not sure of her grounds. SANDY LOCALS. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Eddy had the I pleasure of a short visit from . their SANDY, April 17. "A nice crowd grandson Clarence Eddy Jr., jot San and lots of fun" was the expression of j Francisco who spent Sunday and part the favored guests who attended the j of Monday with them, Mr. Eddy is Chown. party Saturday night. These i on a twelve day vacation trip and left neighborhood gatherings make so f Portland Monday night for Spokane many .people happy, and, if everyone could always keep happy wouldn't this be a great old world? Those present were Mrs. Susan Kelliher and sons, Mrs. Boshlom and Mildred Bosholm, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krebs and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas and family, Mack Thomas, Mrs. Tom Ha- gan and Thelma, Mrs. Alma Maronay, Monroe Weis.t, Ray ,Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bell, Albert Motjel, the Lamper boys, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Dal- ziel. Miss Opal Selby, Miss Caroline Chown and Mr. and Mrs. R A. Chown. The music was mostly furnished by Mr. Weist and Mrs. Maronay, and th-? "tripping of the toe" brought the flush of ioy into every heart until the mid night hour when refreshments were next in the order of things, and, some how the eating is always a delightful part of any procedure. Song Service Is Largely Attended SANDY, April 19. Sunday night s song program was especially fine and the enthusiastic audience that filled the church was an inspiration to the committee in charge. The community is benefited in which these programs of it's people in the free, unhampered spirit in which these programs are given, without money and without price! Everywhere people are begin ning to see that the inspiration com. afternoon's program and refreshment Mrs. Laura Buerchard has recently sold an acre on Addie street to Mr. Ralph Thomas of Portland. Mr Thomas expects to build soon, a per manent home. Rev. A. B. Snider will speak on cares of life and come together as just one family. To cultivate a greater musical spirit in the vicinity with each program offered is the de3:'re The delightful program was as fol lows: Organ voluntary, Mrs. Georga Perret; Responsive reading led by Dr. Wednesday morning May 4th at the Anfhom. "r-om Thou PVnnl Oregon City church when the East by .the quartette; Euphonium solo. auu .vest wmamette Associations oi "One Fleeting Hour," by Jr. Harry tne congregational cnurcn win con- q. of Gresham ; Vocal solo. "No Night vene. nis suojeci oemg - wmat wew There," by Sam Jordon of Portland met-noas oi cnurcn worK snail we use Hymni congregation: Solo, Dorothy m our church. The meeting will be Ess0n, quartette chorus; Whistling nem on May ora ana iza ana earn jonne Shelley : Anthem. "Christ i church is entitled to two delegates Risen Dy the quarette; Hymn; Solo tor everj- u memoers. on the Euphonium, "Berceuse," by Dr Mrs. R, F. Deter Is hostess of the Harry Ott; Soprano solo, "My Task eve .-.a vvcuucd- Dy Mrs, Berth Purcell; violin ana day, April 20th. orgaD, "Traumerei," George Beers and The social gathering of the Jenning., Mrs Ge0rge Perret; Tenor solo. "The Lodge Community Club will be held on Holy City," by Sam Jordon; "Good Wednesday evening, April 20. The Night gong," Ruth Esson, Jonne Shel- Club has a membership of 60. ley and.. Marguerite Barnette. Mra. The character song social given by jurceii and Mrs. Perret were the ac the Christian Endeavor on Friday eve ning of this week promises to be an interesting affair. VALUE OF PRODUCTS NEBRASKA. The value of pro ducts in 1919 shows increase over that in 1914 of $373,116,000, or 168.4 pel cent. The average per establishment in 1919 was approximately $206,000 and in 1914 $89,000. The value of products represents their selling value or price at the plants as actually turned out by the factories during the census year and may have little relation to the amount of the sales for that year. The values under this head also include amounts received for work done on materials furnished by others. oompaniests of the evening. The announcement made of the all day S. S. convention at Cottrell church next Sunday should be remembered as the program will be interesting .to everyone Among the musical selec tions will be Sandy quartette numbers and Miss Opal Selby will sing solo. SIX EXTRA FINE young grade cows for sale. Have been tuberoulin tested by the government and are being tested by Wnr. Butler of the Cow Testing association f for the past 10 months. This is your chance to buy a few real good cows at th right price. Wm. t Jocelyn, R. 2, bx 33, Boring, located between Kelso and Sandy. where he will visit his father and mother. Mr. Eddy is a ticket clerk for the Southern Pacific. The Eddy family went to Portland to see their guest on his way. Mrs. Tom Hagan and Mrs. Wesley Bacon sipent the day with Mrs. John Maronay recently and had a perfectly fine visit. Mrs. E. L. Power was in Sandy a few days ago and made some calls as a part of the day's program. Mrs. Velvick and children were up shopping? and report things very quiet 'undar the hill." P T. Shelley drove over from Hood River after receiving the message ot the fire excitement Thursday P. M., arriving 'the same night. Compliments over the Sunday night musical program are Just tunib'ing in! It helps when appreciation is shown! Ed Littlepage was in Oregon City part of the week finishing up his work as juror. He attended the evening meeting of t!i- Pomona grange at Nf-w -Era -while off auty. Alf and "Maggie" Bell started to Pomona but the lure of Portland held them for the day and they did not get any of the big "feed" nor see some other folks wrestling with the goat! ' Mrs. Wegner and Miss Brown of Portland came out to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Kubitza re cently. The Scharnke family were a happy "bunch' when George Scharnke came home Friday night r He came with Mr. Shelley who hastened home after re ceiving the message about the fire. Mrs. August Hoernicke came out for a few days visit, returning the first of the week to her Portland home and j to the "man" who anxiouslv waited for his "Mrs." That little Frances-baby is a great attraction out here for Mrs. Hoernicke. Jack and Mrs. Scales had a big ride up- tc Rhododendren on the Scales truck the other dav. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perret went to Portland last Monday for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herman will move into their new property this week which they purchased from Suckow Brothers on Sandy-ridge There is a wise little deg belonging to George Jenkins over the Cross road way that deserves special men tion. This little dog is sent out each morning with several of cattle and faithfully guards them through the day, and at the eventide drives them home again! The catt'e run out side and wander over on the main road and elsewhere, hut their faith ful little master sees to it that they get home at about the same time each night. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ridderbush in vited a few friends in to their home on the evening of Henry's birthday. A number of Boring Odd Fellows at tended the big convention at Molalla Saturday. A male quartette was a special attraction during the day. Music always Is! Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dahrens and the little ones went to Portland for a joyride in Adolph's flivver last Sun day, and incidentally visited the par ental roof. Capt W. A. Platts of Vancouver bar racks and Mrs. Platts were in town for a short visit with their brother C. H. Platts and family a few days ago. Mrs. J. C. Duk spent the days from Friday to Monday with relatives - a Melrose, and also took, a trip to Port land during her absence. Mrs. W,esley Bacon. Mrs. Tom Ha gan, Mrs. Alma Maronay and Richard went to Portland Friday evening, call ed on several friends and had a gener ally, good time till aSturday evening when they returned home. Mr. and Mlrs. George Perret enter tained Dr. Harry Ott and son, John, Miss Marguerite Thacheron and Miss Violette Perret of Grasham on last Sunday, all of whom remained till after the musical program. Rev. Cotton continued his meetings with the children last week and Mon day and Friday of this Week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scales and little Frankie Costello went to Rhoddoden- dron a few days ago and enjoyed a birthday dinner with Mrs. Peterson. George Perret and Dr. H. H. Ott ot Gresham went fishing for salmon at Oregon City on Monday but had no luck at all in coaxing the fish out of the water. The road Is not in very good shape between Sandy and Gherryville ac cording to report. R. S. .Smith towed a car in from up that way Monday. Dr. Williams was a Portland vis itor last Monday. The subject of Rev. Cotton's ser mon next Sunday night is announced as "The Dignity of Man." Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Chown spent Sunday on their Greenwood ranch making a picnic of the occasion, and also made a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Dalziel during the day. Mrs. H. Coates of Estacada has been Staying at Platts the past two weeks, since Nettie Schmitz had to help care far her mother; j Among the delightful little dinner parties of the week was one given by Mayor and Mrs. Junker in honor of Mrs. O. M- Barton of Puyallup, mother of Miss Bess Barton. The happy guests were Miss Esmer Mixter, Mrs Lillian Ten Eyck, Miss Vera Mixter, Miss Ruth Cram, Mrs. Barton and Miss Barton and the Junker family, Mary and Heinie Junker being at home added to the pleasure of all. C. H. Clinefelter has returned from the Hood River country where he was working with Mr. Collier, to spend a two weeks' vacation here. Anton Malar, Sr., is still Sn Portland and hasbeen out on the Columbia highway and taking other trips. He is standing it fine, surely Mr. Malar is getting well and young again. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Douglas of Cher- ryville were in our town last Sunday. Folks around here are wishing Dr. Harry Ott and Mr. Sam Jordon could arrange it to "come again soon," for many people who would have enjoyed their musical numbers could not be present Sunday night 'but expect to attend when -possible. There was heavy travel up the mountains again last Sunday, the lure of nature is not to be resisted by the city folks when roads are passible. Lieutenant Tode and Miss Graham of Vancouver were dinner guests of Mr. , and Mrs. C. R. Platts Saturday night. These young people accompan ied Capt. and Mrs. W. A. Platts who j made two trips here during the week, j Mrs. A. E. Collier drove Miss Ber- ton and her mother to Hood River Sat urday and the party had a wonderfully enjoyable day, stopping where their fancy led, drinking in the beauties of the scenery anil enjoying the sunshine and blossom time. Mr. Collier return ed with them in the evenine. Mrs. S. J. Allen was the first one to entertain in honor of Mrs. O. M. Barton during the week "spent so de lightfully in Sandy." Mrs. Allen's din ner guests were Mrs. R. E. Esson, Mrs, Barton, Miss Bess Barton and Mrs. Miller. Mrs. A. E. Collier, Miss Esmcr Mixter and Miss Vera Mixter were in vited for cards in the evening. The honors, fell Mrs. Collier and Mrs. Mil ler. Little Doris Allen gave some pretty solo dances and Catherine and Doris danced the Highland fling. The dinner was a delicious on?? and it was lovely to be there! Mrs. Blanche Shelley expresses great gratitude to our volunteer fire men whose prompt action saved the Shelley home. But for the fact of their getting the chemical engine at work quickly nothing could have saved the house. A lot of other folks have been flinging compliments at the "boys," saying we have reason to be vary proud of them! A delightful enjoyable dinner party was given by Mr. and Mrst C. D. Pur cell Saturday evening in their 'homey' home, the following per sons being the favored ones on this oc casion: Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker and Sam Jordon of Portland, and Miss ' Esmer Mixter, Miss' Vera Mixter ai:d I Mrs. J. M. C. Miller. All the dull, drab cares of the everyday routine wera forgotten and Mirth reigned supreme throughout the evening, especially after the most appetizing "spread" had been consumed. Mr. Jordon sang sev eral songs in charming voice, accom panied by Miss Vera Mixter; Mrs. Pur cell displayed her usual art in some classical piano and voice selections, after which Mr. Jordon was a "scream as an impeVsonator the rest of the evening. Mr. Jordon has travelled on a circuit and is a splendid artist in that line as well as in other musical lines. The evening passed away all too soon! The mother of F. H. Tawney of the Tawney mountain resort passed away in Portland a few days ago. Henry and George Perret received the news of the death of their cousin in California this week. The funeral of Mrs. Florence Rogers, a cousin of Mrs. George Beers, was held at Gresham Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Nick Schmitz is reported as being about the same this week. She is still confined to her bed. Max Woenche is still on the up grade and his recovery seems remarkable. Very little sickness is reported in this section at the present. Rains again Sunday night made the roads a little "skiddy," according to those out for joy-rides. The following Odd Fellows attended the big Molalla convention from Sandy last week: Cecil Duke, R. S. Smith, John Mr hell, the Hall brothers, A. C Baurrb- .'iv and Elijah Coleman. Sev eral from the Boring lodge also at tended and -"oke.of the quartette as being very good. '. The Boring band is trying to organ ize again, the main trouble is to se cure a pianist. The Sandy hotel and Platts report business as "picking up" and it -will not be long till things really huiii around here at least every one ex pects it! Mrs. Miller 'invited Mrs,: Barton, Miss Barton and Mrs. A. E. Collierinto supper one evening recently and these delightful guests were polite enough to insist they enjoyed the hospitality extended them. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Purcell were de lightfully surprised by the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker and Mr Doltz, brother, sister and father of Mrs. Purcell, Saturday evening; Th party drove out from their Irvington home to remainder the week end and a delightful visit was enioved bv all of them. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dickensen of the Oswego grange were prominent in the Pomona activities, at New Era Wed nesday. K . County Agent Holt attended the Pomona and was one of 'us" to take the fifth degree. Rev. Dobberful held a service last Sunday in honor of the four hundredth anniversary of Luther's confession at the Diet of Worms, which occurred on April 18, 1521. The Parent Teacher at Victory had an entertainment Friday night that was 'just fine" according to renort.' The program consisted mostly of dramas, one was "Two Sides of Mar ried Life." Another was a nlaviot Making Jell for the Minister": Anl other, entiled "Mr. Stwbbins, Book Agent," was given mostly by Trout- dale members. Then there were sev eral recitations by the children and eral chicken pies wer served! The proceeds of the evening went toward standardizing the school. The county council of P. T. were entertained at the Pleasant Homo Baptist church in an all ttay session Saturday by the Lusted P; T. Among interesting numbers given were ad dresses by Mrs. Hill, president of the Portland P. T. who talked on social service. Mrs. Hayhurst, state presi- ' dent spoke of her recent trip up the valley in which she visited educational centers of - each district. Childrens recitation were given, Ivan Wood be ing one of the attractive young speak ers. The dramitazation of Cinderella was one of the excellent numbers given. Mrs. Lucille Mairlow of Seattle and Mrs. Mabel Nix of Portland were all day guests of Mrs. Harry Dodson last Monday. Mrs. Marlow is a sister of Mrs. Dodson. August Hoernicke came out to spend Sunday with the Reed family and with Mrs. Hoernicke, who was here visiting. So many mills are closed down that work looks out of the question just now for many of the mill hoys. Ms-, and Mrs. Henry Perret and fam ily took an auto trip over to Beaver- ton Sunday and wnile there called on Father Hogan who showed them around the buildings. Father Hogan is well and getting along fine. This year Charley Krebs is fann ing the old John Revenue place which is located between Sandy and Sandy ridge. Willie Andresen has bought a trac tor from the Hessel firm of Gresham and will use it on the road as well as for farming. He has a lot of discing engaged from his neighbors and will keep the tractor humming. It it the first one owned on Sandy-ridge. Those Anderson boys first name is "thrift." Great things have been done on the Cross-road the past week so the go- ing is fine over that way now. George Beers sold the Duncan place at Boring (recently to Mrs. Duhor of Beaverton. A number of people have been in town recently looking around for farm property. George Boprs says he has made more sales the past month than in any month since he has been in the real estate business. Mrs. J. G. DeShazer is the proud procesor of a new gasolfne washing machine which runs about the same gs the electric washers. Burnett, the commission merchant of Portland was out the past week buying up potatoes around here pay-.. ing one cent per pound. After all it seems there is a market for the sur plus stock which is a big help to the producer. Two loads are to be ship ped by the 27th. The weather has kept too cool for growing, snow falling at Firwood one day during the last week, and it has been almost "warm" eaousrh to snow at Sandy several times during the week ! I" Kamp's truck got up in good time the other day, took a load of Wolfe's furniture over to The Dalles ,returnea with a load of the new hotel man's goods, and all before four o'clock P. M: C. Minsinger took more men out to ' work at his place recently and it is supposed ihis bridge across the little Sandy will be rushed as fast as pos sible Fishing was not good in the Sandy river last -week, the water was too clear, and it was also a little too cold according to. Cart Scharnke and his brother George Scharnke who was vis iting here. - Who was it said an ordinance was passed a long time ago for side-walk repairs? A little valley town paid out two thousand or so the other day be cause of a suit brought by a man who broke his leg those walks could not have been worse than ours! SANDY SCHOOL NOTES SANDY; April 19. Among the en tertainments during the week was a dinner given by the Misses Mixter for Mrs. Barton and Miss Bess Barton. -The Mixtera and Barton families are old friends and the occasion was a renewal of memories and events of mutual interest. Hazel Beers is happy to be out and her friends aire glad she is able to take up her school work again. Hers was a severe seige of tonsuitis and let us hope it is the last of, the season. Things just naturally go a lot better when all the students are together. The high school seniors have order ed their invitations for the graduation f (ContiBuei on pagtt7)