Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 22, 1921, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Mr. and Mrs. Carl Koehler, of Holy
oke, .Mass., who have been guests ot
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tobin, have start
ed on their homeward trip. They
will make the trip back as far aa
Long Beach, Calif., by automobile,
and the remainder of the distance by
train. Mr. and Mrs. Koehler were
greatly impressed with the western
coast, this being their first trip and
they are already looking forward to
the time, when they will return during
the 1925 fair. Last Sunday they mo
tored to Wllholt to partake of the
mineral water, and visited various sec
tions of Clackamas and aMrion coun
ties while enroute.
Mrs. G. E. McClusre and daughter, I As more chairs are needed for the A. B. Landis, local manager' of the
Miss Rita Marie,, of Walla Walla, I rest room of the WV C. T. U. on Sev-1 Wool worth 5 and 15 cent store, says:
Wash., are in this city, where thty I enth street between Water and Main I "It pays to advertise in the Morning
are guests of Mrs. J. E. Calavan and s tree 6s, the women are starting a Enterprise,'' and the reason for this 13
daughter, Miss Erma. Miss Calavan drive for. this furniture, and anyone that Mr. Landis used the paper as a
recently returned from a visit in Scio, having extra chairs that are not need- medium to advertise for a twenty dol-
Oregon. ed at home, will be greatly apprecdat- lar bill he lost Saturday evening while
ed by the W. C. T. U. There has on his way from the Woolwcrth store
Miss Ruth Nixon, teacher in the Vi-1 been considerable expense in adding to the C, C. restaurant on Seventh anj
ola schools, will soon leave for Gu extra furniture recently and the in- Railroad avenue.
am, P. I., where she will accompany terior 'of the room has been improved I The bill was lost at 9 o'clock p. m.,
her paa-ents, and where they will re-1 and that has taken the spare money rand was found the following morn-
main for some time. I the organization has had in carrying ing in front of the American Express
out the nlans. . Manv visitors to the I comnanv's build iner by the aeent of
Wm. Smith, of A. C. Howland's real city have foun(j this a most conveni- the company. E. IX Vickers. who was
estate office, has sold the J. E. Cat- ent and comfortable place to rest, or suitably rewarded for his honesty by
avan home on Washington street to I wniie waiting for a car or train to I Mr. Landis, who says that a man that . Johannis Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas
Mrs. Johannis Johnson was pleasant
ly surprised at her home in Willamette
on Thursday afternoon, the occasion
being her birthday.
The hostess was presented with
many pretty and useful gifts.
(Delicious refreshments were served
to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs.
Alf Beattie, who wHl take possession ieave the city, aa it i3 conveniently lo- honest should be recompensed.
May 1st. I cated, and on many days there were A few weeks ago Mrs. Krummel. of
as hfp-h a a 100 u-faitrvrn at thn rnnm.lthia irtr Inat a niiniA nnrt tain fri tr
Mrs. 1.. A. IN O Dei, recently uuubi6i Msmhors nf lha W f. T TT art Rsi hos- and whir-h waa found hv a Mr. Kroll
ing a surgical operation in the Ore tess6S SLnd donate a day each during and turned over to her, showing his
gon uty nospnai, nas improvea u hnncafv
tnat sne nas returnea to ner uome uu
Hn-nlT anJt TT7A-f.A.. .t-vaaa I - - . . n , -
x ncniu a.uu awi o"-.""- Mr. and Mrs. waiter rsaney. wno i tr, th-j i,-
i nri.a. i . i . . i 1 1 1 i 1 1 . rui lihuu. anil
have been making their home in San . , r m a..
W' "r J"' Q,Tn " Vr yancisco. ,jain., arriveu iu wresuu and wUl b(J at the Brady Mercantil
land are spending Sunday in Ore- City Tuesday, .where ther are guests 8tore fQp the rdnmlnder of
S-n . 01 . ne lauers oer and sister, mx. week dem0nstraUng for the Kerr
jizaDein Tieancn ana miss m Gifford company, of Portland. Mrs.
Friedrioh. of ParkDlaee. Mrs. Bailey I tt.-- i ... , j
TT. nannenman of Portland, former " Z.j,., ,l "" ma K.mg ueiiuuus
r i was lormfinv rvi ihb aiaiih. r i itnii it,u. jm. i j .. r a - j
ed Z the home of M, Swafford's moth- nnected A -' ?. thenour'ntur by Vhe
er, Mrs. J. b spiger, ana nis Drotner. eauey was a recent eveuu iuo, ""- Portland comnanv. and Is also demon
(ieorge swariora, ana iamuy. i ney i - aeciaea to mase uieir miui e uua st rating the cereals. Mrs. Butman
came down to meet Miss Sadye Eve- .,,t. . Oregon, and may locate In ciacKamas mad frieids ihroueh the
courtesy of the Brady Mercantile Com
uany. and the local reDresentative of
... .... i i ii Vjdiiiui ilia viHiLiiic uicuuh ouu m. w-t Tkr -vr-wwvii TAifAUfi at i 'an im a n i -
where sne win visit ior aoout two - . nv I AYiia- 1At4AWC11 ACiru,4U v
wnks. Miss Ford will later Teturn " wno nas Deen speuuing me past mouu
to Oregon City to visit friends, and ,,... nZZT MaiH,. lIn Washington has returned to her
, v. i l jt,".j", i Nhrmifi Mm To fnrd anent tnree
wui resume ner cia8Be8 ou iu wl8COnaJllt arrIved in Oregon City , " w-i. of Miss Long, of Portland, who is em
in tne iau. I ,1,1,- aril Koloturu nt ti miaRtrm I ...''.. I nlrvd nf th a hntol RpwjiiiH w a ti
iv6wv.vu - i -Mf onrl iviT-a h'flrl I tnp TO fill r I - "
-nrv,. (- ti, hoteL U"hr.t,or wT,n i. u mBwhsnf nf that rePn City on Tuesday, where she
Dint. DCUO wo, v. wwu jls j,i I " I JJ. j x v.
. , n vt. t1 I ..j . An ,Miit nf nnm. 'I9 "c LKWcm-o, ileal wuciuwi
wno nas uen m - '" Among the Oregon City visitors on - ""V., " Li: She has fully recovered from the in-
JiMtT W.S WM Charle8 DeMaCn' 0t tv; Mrs Telford" visited Mr. and 1 3uries she received while making her
Mr still Mra. Harold A. Swafford.
of Lebannon. accompanied by their Miller, parents of Mrs. Miller.
young son, Thomas James, were in
Oregen City Flriday, where they visit
who accomBanied them to Lebannon. nav mieu Peoamguw .u w.
iu vcuuuiuw TiBiLiuB menu 3 a-u Mrs .Maxwell Telford, ol uaneman.
the Kerr-Gifford
(Bezz) Ganong.
company. Beldon
streets, lert jnaay evemug tur run.
land, where she will speaa a iew aays Mrg Q D Eby gjt her mother.
with her sister, Mrs. ioaa, oeiore Mrs. Moore, of Molalla, Saturday at-
turryng to ner nome. 1 ternoon.
Mrs. John Telford at Seattle, the for
mer a brother of her husband.
escape from a burning1 apartment
house "in Portland some time ago,
when five people lost their lives. Mis?
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harding, of Port Long leaped from a two-story window
land, were in Oregon City Wednesday I and ln so doing sprained both ankles.
and Thursday, where they were the besides receiving otner injuries. While
t n TT-ni Tfckmi on r n jr.. 01 run.-1 - , ,.t
1 VTTt; 1 ii.LU" u -t " . ' - vi -1 1 1 nunimnr. r i tviiiiiiii. wa I - i. ...... ...
land, son: of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Be- amo those to tra nsact business here ests of the former parents, Mr. and nere e also visiOMT. bimu.
queath, has arrived in Oregon City,
and is visiting at the home of his
grandpao'ents, Mr. and Mrs.. C. Schue-bel.
Edwin Lindstrom, whose home is
at Colton, returned to that place Fri-
on Saturday.
Mrs. George A. Harding. , They came
here to attend the reception given in I Mrs. Julius Goldsmith, who has been
Theodora Neiser of iSt. Cloud Minn I honor of Mr. Harding's brother-in-law, I spending the past week In Eugene,
was in Oregon City Friday and Sat-E- E- Brodie Wednesday evening. I wher she visited her daughter, and
aiso among ner irienas, returnea to
Among those to transact business I Oregon City Sunday evening. She ac-
N. H. Smith of Redland. Drominent In this city Wednesday was John companied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cham-
iav .after transacting business in ure- breeder of Jersevs. was in Oregon Cits Vinson, wno is weu Known nere. He bers and Miss Maude Kernes, of En-
gon City for several days. on business Saturday. ia making his home at Wichita, but gene, to this city, the Eugene Tesi-
formerly was employed by the Port- dents proceeding to Portland, where
Miss M. Oldenstadt, of Stafford, was Dietz, whose farm is located near land Railway Light & Power company they are to remain for a few days,
among those to visit Oregon City on Aurora( was in this city Saturday. as a conductor. Mr. Gibson is now I Mr. Chambers is a prominent banker
Friday. I I engaged in the real estate business. I of Eugene.
S. Blockby, of Starbuck, Wash., was
Among tne uregon Vsii-y vis.iu.o In lMg clty on rnaay and saturdaj. ansa oesie ifauiion, wno nas Deeu mi Mota Knt nf sta.
day was Mrs, William Daniels. Her , in the St. Vincents hospital for the tion, who has been visiting, her sis-
nome is at ceaver iicco. 1 inure was a surprise pariv given 1 pasu ween, wuero hub is wiiiug opw 1 er Mrs Harris of Pittsbure Pa an.1
on R. F. Davis last Tuesday night, ial medical treatment, will return this ihj
- 1 . 1 - - ' I . ' I O LU UJ lilt 1 IX IjaiUUlUld. W 11 liH KU1UULC
J - TTnlnh rt-r a Af I IXTI STOT1 . I . - . m . - J I I 1 1- tl
jvirs. x. j. nuiuucuo, ' i Aurii iz. in ere was, a laree crowu 1 evxning- wita ner nurse, iviiss isaoei
Idaho, was among those to transact present, something like sixty people Hattan. Since going to Portland, Miss evening, after a most enjoyable visit
Dusiness m vres"" "J j. i mciuaing tne cnuaren. xnis party i uaunon nas greany improvea
was for R. F.
Davis before he
R. F. iDavi3 left for
of eight mouths. While in Califor
nia she visited in Los Anseles and
W. W. Everhart, of Molalla, was in Ban Francisco. This was Miss Notz'
Mrs. Faye Hentges. and daughters, left for Wale8
Winnifred and Dorns, 01 i-oi lkiuu, i chiciM;o the fourteenth of April. Mrs. Oregon City on business Monday. Ee r.t trf nttf nni sh Tirofara the
t riit-v i?citriT-a hn ri aV. I . . . . T . . , t-. I .. ... ... I " 'f , - "-
were ui csu" v".j . WL a. uavis, jonn uavis, usiri uavis recenjtiy resigned ms position as casn-1 wpstprn Ktatpa
ATII Tn P-h Prt-V Wro nnwn fr Reft I toi- rf tha 'RanTr rtf TWnlallQ rtTirfnor t-n
o -c wnTnotf nf Owatonna. I . . . . .. I . . . '. -
lYiio. t.. . - . mm orr. Mr. iavis leit uregon uty m health, ana is now enjoying out-or- Mrs RnAn timminont nwHnt'
ir:. t. omrvnCP ttlA I IrftFOn 1 ,1LY I ..... ... . . I . . ' I ' ' "
iviiiiii., woo m o - i on tne nair past eleven car ior .fort- door life on his Iajrn,
visitors inursaay. land. Then from Portland ha took
the Union Pacific train for Chicago.
Johnson and children, Christine, Car
rie, Carl and Clair Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. Steffanson and daughter, Viola,
home on Sixth and Van Buren streets
Tues4ay afternoon irf a manner that
will long be remembered by those at
tending, and little" Dorothy proved a
most charming' young hostess.
The afternoon was devoted to
games, and followed by refreshments
A birthday cake with six tiny, lighted
candles, added to the decorative
scheme of the table. Dainty colored
blossoms were used among the decor
ations of the rooms of tr e Mattice
Mrs. Mattice was assisted in serving
entertaining the little guests by
Mrs. Lillian Cpok, Mrs. Thomas Cook
Jirid Mrs. Turner.
Many pretty gifts were presented to
the young hostess.
Attending were Dorene Cook, Ruth
Mr. and M13. Carlson, Mrs. Bunke, Marie Cook, Dorothy Ely, Billy Cocn
Mrs. u. Larson, Mrs. js. Undquist, ran, Robert Cochran, Grant McGahuey
Mrs. hieneison ana Mr. j. Bergland. Lola McGahuev. Irene Cox. Elvin Cox,
Daviil TTnca Plln Tiirnor Tnh anna
-inA nHninni. j, i , I '
U"D "l aim most im- (Mpan Vlnrer, HaTlsnn nnrl nnn.
pressive cuurea weuuuigs taKing place I thy Mattice.
in mis city was at tne sc. jonn s Cata
olio church Thursday morning at 8:30
o'clock, when Miss Minnie Kathryn
The home of Dr. and Mrs H. S
Justinof this city, and Mr. Frederick Monni wa.s the scene o( a pretty bri,dge
iia uancing party oaturaay eveniUo,
April 9th, when the affair was given
for the benefit of the St. Paul's church
Mayer, of Portland, Oregon, were
united In marriage, the result of a
nret.tv romance of a vear Em
Th. hrt arA Kt-wo-o "id given under the auspices of the
in.u, m.M 1 t. v. ... i.
Lorraine Forsberg, of Portland, follow- a . i;".
w th hriflnnm h ,.o charge of the affair was composed ot
man. Joseph Justin, brother of the MounV Mrs. L. A. Morris. Mrs.
mtj okiyi, .ui a. Aiiiuo njwaiu, lLl a
Frank Mount.
Decorations were most effective,
and were formed from spring flowers
and ferns
Mrs. R. C. Ganong and Livy Stipp
were awarded the prizes in bridge.
1 The porceeds of the evening amount
ed to $52
Attending were Rev. and Mrs. C. H.
L. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Caufield, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Cau-
bride, entered the church, to the
strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March
rendered by Miss Anna McMillan
Taking their places at the altar, Mon
signor Hillebrand, pastor of St. John's
church, read the impressive ring cere
mony. This was followed by a vocal
solo by Miss Marie Freidrich, who
sweetly sang "Ave Maria,' with Miss
McMillan as accompanist. Previous
to the bridal party leaving the church,
Miss McMillan and Miss Anna Michels t ' fr " , " ' ,
sang, most impressively "Ora Pro Me."
The bride was beautiful in her hand
some gown of white satin and lace,
with overdress of net, embellished
nrl-fh i,rvsfnlfl QTia wrtm a inner full
veU held in place by a dainty wreath I kyt,Mr. and I Mrs John B Lewth-
n. 4, haite, Mr. and Mrs, M. D. I.alourette,
and Mrs. R. C. Ganong, Mr. and Mr.
L. A. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hen
derson, Mr. and L. E. Jones, Mr .and
Mrs. James Church, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Keith. Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
of orange" blossoms. The jewelry
ry worn was a necklace of peards, gift
of the bridegroom. Her shower bou-
Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Mount, Dr. and
Mrs. L. A. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Kent
quet was of lillies. of the valley aridl J' " '
11 1 . auu Ails, nuoscii, mi. auu
Cecil Brunner roses.
The church was prettily decorated
with spring blossoms and Oregon
Miss Forsberg was daintily gowned
in peach colored organdie, with picture
hat to match, and she carried a
Following the service at the church """ 4 ' ,'T 7:,'
Neil Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tip
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Livy Stipp. Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Young, Mrs. Nora Clark, Mrs. S. L.
Stevens, Mrs. Thomas Warner, Mrs. R.
J. Good fellow, Mrs. Annie Howard,
Mrs. Nieta Barlow Lawrence, Mrs. Wil-
wedding breakfast was served at
high noon at the home of the bride's
oi TES: and Center TtrTeU," when JT.. D
Erna Petzold, Lorna Ganong, of Port
land, Evelyn Harding, Hester Danne
man, of Portland, Kate Porter, Fann;e
Canby, was in Oregon City on .busin
ess Tuesday. Mrs. Green is the own
r 4 f Cn TTVan-1 1 Kii luci tjr i2j. juiiicj kiiuoc uuuiD 1 er ot one 01 I lie iiiuiusoiuest nomes
T. E. Moore and wife, or ban i)Tan 1 , rti;n9rn rr- , fowl.- 1, j . ,. .. ...
-it,, Thiiradav 1 ""' -"-lis m ruruaau, was m ureguu viiy uu near mat city, recently completed,
Cisco, were m wic6" - 1 days. Then from Chicago he will business Thursday. Mrs. Donley is which is occupied bv Mrs. Green and
-TO -tnvr I - . 1 1 " 1
auu r iwa;. f leave for rennsvivania. Mr. uaris Uwtiap onairioiia. nmnprtv ;r I tt j tut, tt n -dk; Tk
expects to stop at Pennsylvania for Clackamas county, coming here to latter is a daughter of Mrs. Green.
Among tne guii - about a week to visit relaUves. Then Iook after her property interests. ,
day w Wayne Horton, hose home fce fQr Wale3 3Qth oi v I J. u Etheridge and wife, of Port-
pril on the S. S. Caronia, the Cun- q Jamison, of Forest Grove, who I land, the former who was connected
places were laid for thirty-four guests.
Among the guests were Mrs. Martha
Forsberg, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mayer, Miss
Mairie Mayer, Miss Beruice Mayer,
Mrs. Edward Mayer, Mrs. M. Johnson
and daughters, Frances aud Eleanor,
Mrs. Witt, Mrs. Al Molin, Mrs. Henry
Giles, Miss Lorraine Forsberg, all of
Rose Justin, Helen Daulton, Dr. Guy
Mount, .James Manning, Gilbert
Thomas, Lee Shannon and Beldon
. An orchestra furnished the music
for the dancing.
Lawrence, director, will sing. Other
local talent will take part.
The committee in charge is com
posed of Mrsv Mary Caufield, Mrs.
Grace M. Eby, Mrs. Sophia Moody,
Miss Mary Mitchell, Miss Evelyn Hard
ing, F. E. Lucas and R. M. Cooper.
Mrs. H. H. Henningson, president
of the Woman's Relief Corps, and Mrs.
Mattie Hadley will be the ushers.
Edward W. Eby. will be door-keeper.
Mrs. Beecraft and daughter, Mrs.
Chapel, eutertainedjeat dinner at the
home of the former in Gladstone
Thursday. A four-course dinner was
served at noon followed by music and
social time.
Present were Mrs. Ada Pearl, Mrs.
Mary Caufield, Mrs. Marion Snover,
and Mrs. Snover, of Oregon City; Mrs.
Dorset, Mrs. Beecraft and Mrs Chapel.
of Gladstone.
The Ladies' Missionary Society of
the Gladstone Christian church held
an ail-day institute at the church Wed
nesday, April 13. Mrs. Swope, state
president, and Mrs Starr, state secre
tary of Portland, were in attendance
and gave interesting talks. .
Mrs. F. P. Nelson conducted the de
votional services in the morning tak
ing for her subject,-"Power of Prayer.
A number of the ladies told in an im
pressive manner what pray" meant to
them. Mrs. Frank Oswald sang
Sometime, Somewhere."
The morning services were closed
with a prayer by Mrs. T. E. xault!
An appetizing lunch was served to
twenty-six ladies and Rev. B. F. Clay
and Dr. A O. Alexander.
Mrs. Clifford Taft, president of the
Christian Endeavor Society, led the
devotional services- in the afternoon.
Dr. A. O. Alexander spoke on the worjj i
among the boys end girls, and "How-,
to interest them in Mission." Mrs. B.
Clay gave an interesting talk on.
Conscration." Mrs. G. Olds, local
secretary, talked on "Co-operation
with National State Work'; "Gifts to
the Society," presented b7 Mrs. F. A.
Burdon; "How to Interest People lii
Missions,"" Mrs. J. W. Hollowell; "Gain
New Recruits," Mrs. Fred Hayward.
Why We Became Members of the
Christian Woman's Board of Missions"
was the subject taken up by the mem
bers, closing the day's program.
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Bauersfeld enter
tained the auction bridge club In a
charming manner Friday evening at
their home on East Arlington street.
The rooms were decorated with
spring blossoms. Refreshments were
Enjoying the evening were Dr. and
Mrs. J. G Nash, Dr. and Mrs. W.E.
Hempstead, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Os
wald, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Nelson, Mr.
and Mrs William Hammond, Mr. and
Mrs. K. E. Bauersfeld.
Mrs. L. A. Henderson was a charm
Portland; Mrs. J. R. Hanny, Mr. and ing hostess at an auction bridge party
at tier liuiue tiiuisuaj aiiciuuwui nuou
members of the Auction bridge club
and other friends were in attendance,
is in Portland.
Mrs. -Matthew Justin, Mrs,. Matthew
Michels, Mrs. Kate Shannon, Mr. ana
Mrs' Nemec Miss Betty Neme of f?ylnS the afternoon in cards. Mrs.
?m3itl-Be;-J:f;.?: & H. Meissner was awarded the first
prize and Mrs. Clyde Huntley the sec
Refreshments were served during
the afternoon with Mjrs. C. H. Caufielu,
mother of Mrs. Henderson, and Mrs.
Stafford; Miss Anna Michels, Miss
Marie Friedrich, Miss Irene Hanny,
Miss Rose Justin, Lee Shannon,
Joseph Justin, Cyril Justin.
During the afternoon a reception
Wayne McCann, of Dallas, Oregon,
was in this city Thursday and Friday,
and registered at the. Electric
ard line steamer. R. F. Davis ex- formerly held the position of tester with the Morris Brothers Fiscal . " ? m I ,.. Raymond Caufield, assisting in serv-
npMa tf rnmft homp in SPntPin hPr. I -w -i.,.- n . I A crofts? tvara ir Vi i a oifv TVT-itiott TLT Ta I -v-.x. "" v I
t - iiit? f jautuiuiao uujJ.i.jr xranug a.ai-l ov'1"J muuuuj . w
elation, has been in Oregon City on Etheridge has property interests in f?JLl Jtl n .win Tne deaorations were artistically
Mrs. Josephine Shewman and business,
He Tetnrnfvi tn -ForeKt- Clackamas county, and they came
John Stubbs. of Molalla, was in this daughter, Mrs. Tyra Warren, former- Grove Wednesday. here to look after the property.
citv Friday. If f
- If 'nVDfM.-l ..'-IT-i-v , I HnAn -1 TT 1 rkTl. I . . . . . . . . I . r . i . . . .
ycic ii "-j a. ii. K.nignt. ex-county commission- Mr. ana Mrs. liiiDert woe return
Frank Anderson, of Oswego, was In day. Mrs. fanewman nas soia nerier cf canby, was among those to led from Molalla Sunday evening, af-
thia mtv nn business Friday. I imngaiow at concora, ana witn ne. transact business Thursday. He also rer visitine with the lafter's pai-
aaugnter ana son-m-iaw, ijra war, visited among his many friends at the ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Loneyl of that
Peter Kulips, of Portland, was In will take up their resider.ee in Port- court house.
Oreeon City Thursday and Friday. land next week. They nave purcn
ased an attractive little nome in tnat Clifford R. T-Tuddleston. of Hathala- at that dace.
Mrs. f. Ktevens, oi Jteuianu, was city. Mr. warren, recently unaergo- t . Wash - wn Q haa b een t n thj a city
minis city iTiuay. mS a inLiucu 6uiBit opr-muiuu "Mfor several davs. reeistered at the
.... . . . . . a' ranged, when apple and cherry blos-
was assisted in serving by her daugh- 6 '
ter. Miss Rose Justin, Miss Irene Han- .
jr, Tat Attending were Mrs. E. T. Avison
'T' ' . ir t." .1 Mrs. Charles Parker, Mrs. H. S. Mount,
the color scheeme being pink and
aUUHCJi 1V11S. JLJ. A. illUlUOi J-xio.
Mrs. Margaret Howell, who
been visiting her brother, GwQlim
Gwillim, of Mount Pleasant, and al-
Mrs. Andrew Robertson, accom
the Oregon City hospital, is Improv- raiWrl hnt1 'h tnrnl tn Ti fa nanied bv her daughter and son. Miss
nas 1 in sr, I i 1 t :hi.m tt,i nrA. :n tf-inn.An
I iiiiiiih. iiiiiiiii. auu i .ii vv ai ii . nui n 1 11 uic&iu
T , X . lUJ . " 1 J. TT T
iNtsai jauies. oi mis city, auu rx. u. l i i. i r- ,
. ' . T-, ,tt i J: iv ... Mrs. Frank hodd. formorlv of Ore- kucib "IO ui
so ner cousin, miss wu n.euUCi. oiicn, wuo uaa oeeu uus uue wm- , " ' v F. W. Oreenman. the latter a sister
leave Wednesday for Los Angeles ana ter in Oregon City, have established ,ct""1"5 -7 i-V I nf m. Rnhrtaan
Pasadena, Calif., where she will via- a new line of business in Oregon City. on"18 wregwu vity visitors mur
r.i,tro Mrs Howell was for- known as the Oregon Citv Automobile aa'- eiore returning to uanoy, sue
mec-ly connected with the tax depart- Laundry. This business started Into Waited relatives
mrtTif until hoi- illnfxia TirAvented her I onpration fondav mnrnin? in the
-hv irnrlr nurinB- the taT I Rnarh Arwb hiiiLiin p- whinh haa hflpn I Mrs. E. T. AvlSOn, Of Maple Lane,
rush season. She will proceed to rented for this purpose. The busin- visited her daughters, Mrs. H. E. Hen
her home in Colorado Springs, after ess is to clean and polish cars, also aM rs. u. ti. Meissner. inurs.
visiting in California. I to monogram the cars when such is
nth Tt- n Dvcaa nnrnotirtna on1 onHn
place. Mr. Noe also attended the ,v"7' "Tth .mnTnrt Charles D. Latourette, Mrs. Eber A.
meeUng ot the I. O. O. F. lodge hel l ""'J?1 1??!- 1" Chapman. Mrs. A. L. Beattie, Mrs. C.
dogwood blossoms arranged in the liv Meissner, Mrs.Lena Charman Mrs.
ing and dining rooms, also In the r, T ?- Jne8' Mrs" S,VPP'rMrS
ception hall, added to the beauty or Poer M"- an
the interior of the home. " Mrs. Clyde Mount.Mrs A. A. Price,
vi f Mrs. E. P. Rands, Mfrs. M. D. atourette,
City Sunday While here they were I oni.re W.
ated room. I Mrs. a coyic, mia. ivo,jrujw
As the bridal party left on their uiieia, wuuu.
honeymoon, the bride threw her bou
.. n.mt rhM waa Mnrht W lfl Iroits A Sliver la WUl 1W giveu HI Ul
Mr and Mrs. ok. Freytaa Mrs. ai- " home of Mrs. C. D. Latourette on Wed
ice MCKjnnon, Mr. and Mrs. C. ' resdav afternoon. ADril 20th. under
I tonowea tne young coupie to cieveuio i - .
Meeds and children, formed a motor-
an.l Main atrta. whern thev left nn me auspices oi me iuim """y
jng party tnat went to baiem sun- - - ; - of tbe Congregational church. JUrs.
1 hey naa a most enjoy aDle trip. - ' Latoirrette's assistants for the after-
desired by the owners. It is the In-
thot itTr rn thAt hnnAVmnnn TTt.ti
"" l'"" I !. T..l.- TT,1.11 f
F SPoft of Seaside. Oregon, was their return they will take up their
Among the Oregon jCity visitors on
Wednesday was George C. Perdue.
His home is at Killin, and he came
here on grand jury business.
u.. ocott, oi seaBiue, ures.ou, waa ' . i , n -p iry-v.-p. nTlci Mrs
among the Oregon City visitors Mod evidence in an apartment in that cit. " ' aDd ?
ana win oe at nome to tueir inenis I
after April 25th
A. W. Moffaitt, of Oswego, was The bride is the youngest daughter hr'ven for he benefit of the Aid So-
V1CV1J, OllU llCfc.O .IMVU ll.VlOfc ll.'VJJ M iijc
Judge and Mrs. Wallace Mount, of j tention of these young men to call
Olympia, arrived in Oregon City on I for and deliver the cars. They have
Saturday afternoon, where they art I had experience in this line of busin-
the guests of their relatives. Dr. FramtJ ess, and are looking forward to a
Mount and family. They are aio I busy future.
"I1',"-6 : . of Redland, were Oregon City
ing uis u'uureu, ii. tJ. uu, mis. ivii, uiii., visitora Thiirsdav making tho trin I ' " ' " "
Clyde Mount. Judge Mount is jus; spending the winter in Los Angeles J .V-T t S p I Hubbard, were Oregon City visitors has been book-keeper and office
This is one of a series of silver teas
Mr. and Mrs. G. Schneider and two
recovering from an illness and will I Calif., arrived here Saturday even-
recuperate in this city for several I ing, where she is to spend several
weeks. ' I weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. F. Park
er, of Gladstone.
in their automobile.
Joseph Miller, who has been con-
notod with th RnnV nf O -vtt-i tti aynri
mrs. vxuiouiu fQr time hag resigned hls j.
tion to accept a position in Portland.
amone- those to transact business here of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Justin, a
Monday. ' I popular girl of Oregon City, and an I .
active member of the St. John's Cath-
D. C. Yoder and son, Chauncey, of olic church. For the past year she
Monday. I agar of the Sawyer Photograph Com
pany of Portland.
Mrs. McPherson, of Oak Grove, was I Mr. Mayer, who is the son of Mr.
Oregon City Wednesday and Thurs
day, returning to his home Thursday
Cards have been received in this spent some time with her sister while
city announcing the birth of a son to enroute to Calif ornia last November,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Crawford, cf a.nd 13 now on her wayto her home
Heppner, Oregon. Mrs. Crawford was at Minneapolis, Minn.
formerly Miss Lera Githeus, niece or
Mrs. Josephine Daue, of this city, who 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stehman, 01
is a granddaughter of the late Walter I Tenth and Taylor streets, are receiv-
L. Holcombs, wea Known pioueer m ing congratulations over tae arrival G. A. Martin, of Molalla, was in Oro-
Clackamas county. mr. .wu, w m, u.u uue uoiue ul mr. c.ty -wyjtinesday a Thursday.
tne proua tatuer, Wii r - "... ' & r While here he registered at fn Elec-
I wnwAntc Thia 1 n r l . nuniwrt twin I
paper oi xieppner. i i"""10- mo mi 6" i trie.
in me wenaerson ana tnman iam-
George Lef fler, prominent farmer of I jiies The little one is named Elmer
among the Oregon City visitors on land Mrs. A Mayer, of Portland, is a
Monday. 1 well known young business man of
Miss Louise Walker, an accomplisn
el and prominent musician of this city,
who left Oregon City last September
to take a special course in music at
Cclh.mbia Col'ege. New York, has re
turned to her home in this city.
Miss Walker, whpt'a engagement to
that city. He is an owner and treas- Mr- Thomas Oliver Knick, of Los
t u... , , Mrs. Berbice Stewart, of Hoff. trans- urer of the Sawyer Photograph com- Angeles, Calif., was announced last
Mberffrr' f Mlana' In acted business in Oregon City Mou- pany. 7 notograpn com & June
I day.
ber of interesting affai.s are being
Mrs. J. E. Jack. Miss Christina Panned in her honor for th-j near fu-
Mrs. ursneu ts.ay, or haiem, spent Bluhm, Mrs. Mildred Stafford and I ture.
Sunday at the home of C. L. Lum- daughter. Miss Dorothy Stafford were Mr. Knick and his bride will make
backer and family of this city. I among those to en to Portland Mnnflnv I Los Angeles their home.
evening tn attend tha nrt ot tho Miss Walker is the elder daughter
James Fisher, of Ocean Falls, B. C, auditorium. . of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker, of Ore
Hubbard, who has been in Eastern I Curtis.
Oregon, where he accompamed hia
wife and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Nrx I Mrs. Samuel Stevens went to Beav-
on Blair has returned. Mr. Leffler's 1 erton Saturday, where she attended a
F. L. McRae, of Los Angeles, Calif.,
accompanied by his wife and daughter,
were uregon City visitors Thursday.
They made the trip by automobile.
was in Oregon City Sunday and Mon
I gon City, and comes from prominent
Mrs. Stafford, Miss Dorothy Sta. I early pioneers as she is the grand
ford Mrs Moita Ptorln-or T AnrMnita I rTAnphtpr of Mrs. Sonhia Charman and
Mrs. A. u. oessen, ot Miiwauiue, I MJrs .Lee Harding, Mr .and Mrs . G . D. of the late Major Charman, of this city.
was an Oregon City visitor Monday
George Hofstetter, of Clarkes, prom
wife haa eone to Grass Valley for the I meeting at the home of Mrs. Helen
benefit of her health, and he expects Davis, where the guests were worthy inent farmer of that aiv-Hnn "'nm.
to return to that place when he sows I matrons of the various Eastern Star panted by his son, was in Oregon City
his crops. Mrs. jjeiner ia a cuusui l uraws. ivna. oicycuo icuiracuu on business Thursday.
of Mrs. A. Nelson, of this city. I tne local cnapter. i ne meeung was
an ell day affair, and proved a most i
Martin, Mrs. Don James were among I
those to attend the concert at the Hei-
An ATiin-vahlA timp wn t. onTnved at
Mrs. C H. Roberts, of Madison, S. ,, Ane vnw tr thi ,it. Meldmm hv the members of Pioneei
D., was in this city on Monday. , QO rp,,,-. r.hantrnn Tnesdav evening After the
--I'l' O I 1 1.1 1. in I v 1 -
business meeting, refershmenls jwere
served and the evening spent in cards
Ed Olds, of Oak Grove,, was in Ore j the famous Italian operatic singer.
gon City on business Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones entertayi-
Miss Bessie Daulton, who has been j delightful event.
in Portland for the past week, re-
tnmed to Oreeon City Saturday even W. P. Kirchem, of Logan, promin-
ing1. Miss Daulton's many friends in I ent farmer of that section, was in Ore-
D. E. Wyland, accompanied by his
wife, were Oregon City visitors Wed
nesday. Mr. Wyland is road super
visor of that section of the county.
Mrs. Margaret Stewart, of Redland, ot their friends at their home One of the events of the near future
& . t 'line- ftnndav n a moot riHtritfiii mqn. I nf esmeeial interest ia the memorial
was an Oregon uity visitor jvumaay.i " , " ' r Z Z. 7 I , , . K nt , ,,oo
. A Vnll "CVSiTf owanina- Anvil 99 Kw fha
TT T?nver. of Portland waa nn "uuu waB eiiug oi a ueiicioua uw.i c,c6, .w. ,
J. H. Russell, of Hoquiam, Wash.,
I Oregon City visitor Monday
dinner by Mrs. Jones.
Among the guests were
Woman's Auxiliary of the American
and I Legion. The proceeds are to be used
thia citv leam with "pleasure that I gon City Monday, where he was trans-
her condition has greatly improvea acting business. He accompanied was In Oregon City Wednesday and
during the past few days. She was his daughter. Miss Irene to this city, Thursday, where he transacted busin
in the St. Vincent hospital wmiw I a stuaent or me , uregon uity nign i ess
-Portland. I school, and wno spent sunaay at ner
home. I Among the Oregon City visitors on I returned to her home after transact-! ated with various kinds of spring bios let, mat uionae Person, dances by
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, of Wil-1 f I Wednesday and Thursday was W. W. I mH business in this city Thursday. I soms, and the table correspondingly Jeanette and Bertelle McBain, of Port-
S. B. Cashcarl, of Coos Bay, was Mrs- Paul Freytag and daughter, Reva to swell the fund to build a memorial
In Oregon City on business Monday. 0"e" Jlss inei i?tosi. miss tteva uunumg m iUC i.iii0
jones ana weary iTaisier, or jfortian-i. i couuiy ex-servicw uieu.
Mrs. Marv Crook, of Mullno. has The Jones home was prettily decor-1 i ne program win inciuae a piay
His home is at Seattle.
lamette are receiving congratulations I Joseph Goodfellcw, of Portland, for- Baker.
over the arrival of a daughter, weight f merly of this city, was in Oregon City
nine pounfis. The little one, who has I on business Monday. While here he I C. C. Gillespee, of Boring, was am-1 among the Oregon City visitors Thurs.
George Armstrong, of Redland, was
been honored with the name of Max visited bis mother, MVs. Robert J. J ong the Oregon City visitors Wednee-1 day.
ine, arrived Friday evening, April 1 Goodfellow. I day and Thursday.
decorated. land. Baby Barbara Welsh and others,
under the supervision of Mrs. Walter
Dorothy, daughter of Mrs. Belle Mat-1 S. Bennett.
tice, of this city, celebrated her sixlh I The Oregon City high school chorus
birthday anniversary at the Mattice I of fifty voices with Mrs. Neita Barlow
A large number of friends of Mrs.
Julia J. Tingle were entertained Mon
day, April 11, at her home in Gladstone
in honor of her 80th birthday anniver
sary. Mrs. Tingle has been a resident
of Gladstone for the past twenty years.
She was born in Hartford, Conn., April
11, 1841. With her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Allen, she moved to Michi
gan, where she married Nathan Tingle
in 1858. To them was born one daugh
ter, Orpha, who later became the wife
of Judge H. E. Cross, of Gladstone.
Mrs. Tingle has two brothers resid
ing in Idaho, seven grandchildren and
eight great-grandchildren. She is un
usually active for her age and takes a
prominent part In the activities of the
Methodist Episcopal church of Oregon
City, of which she is a member. She
has been connected with that denomm- -at
ion since early girlhood.
.Mrs. Tingle was assisted in serving
by Mrs. H." E. Cross, Mis. Dorothy
Cross Garlough and Mrs. William
During the afternoon many mes
sages and congratulations found their
way to the Tingle home.
Pretty and useful gifts, flowers an :
potted plants were presented to the
hostess in honor of this occasion.
Among the gifts was a guest book
highly prized by Mrs. Tingle, as this
was used as a record book of those at
tending this delightful affair, and a
ift from Mrs. Tingle's granddaugh
ter, Mrs. William Hammond, of Glad
The guests recording their names
were as follows: Judge and Mrs.
Martha White, of St. Helens; Mrs
T. W. Davies, Miss Ethel Davies, of
Salem; Mrs. Harriet L. Warren, oi
Vancouver. Wash. ; Rev. and MTSw Mel
ville Wire, Judge and Mrs. H. E. Cross,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. tTRen, Mrs. W. E.
Niles, Mrs. J. H. Prater, Mr. A D
Hollingsworth, Mrs. A Hoag, Mrs. Wil
liam Peters, Mrs. L. P. Horton, Mrs.
John Spiger, Mrs. W. A. Holmes, Mrs.
Elizabeth Humphrys, Mrs. M. J. Wil
liams, Mrs. L. C. Baxter, Mrs. M. A.
Ross, Mrs. M. A. Daughey, Mrs. William
McBain, Mrs. M. A. Beach, Mrs. J. E.
Jack, Mrs. Minda Church, Mrs. J. K.
Hornaday, Mrs. W. E. Hessler, Mrs.
Isabella Tabor, Mrs. Richard Freytag,
Mrs. A. M. Porter, Mrs. C. W. Swal
low, Mrs. Grace S. Whitcombe, Mr3.
H. H. Hulburt, Mrs. A.' T. Hubbard.
Mrs. H. H. Hughes, Mrs. James Man-
les, Mrs. W. M. Knoop, Mrs. C. H. Nel
son, Mra. G. E. La Salle, Mrs. A F.
Parker, Mrs. Rl H. Hickman. Mrs. S.
A. Childs, Mrs. F. H. Cross, Mrs. H. T.
SI ad en, Mrs. Harry Paddock, Mrs.
Thomas Gault, Mrs. Grant Olds, Mrs.
R. M. McGetchie, Mrs. Grace M. Eby,
Mrs. William- Hammond, Mrs. Mollie
A. Cross, Mrs. Maude Hoyt, Mrs. M. M.
Cross, Mrs. W. I. Rowan, Mrs. Vernon
Swift, Mrs. Dorothy Cross -Garlough.
Mrs. Byron, Mrs. Blachard. Miss Ella
Cross, Marion Cross, Marceline Dor
othy Hammond and Margaret Hulbert.
William Hammond, John Jayne Ham
mond, Junior Hoyt, Phillip Kemp Ham
mond, Harvey E. Cross, and William
Harvey' Hammond.
An interesting meeting of Chaptei
P., P. E. O. was held at the home o
Mrs. O. A Welsh on Ninth and Cen
ter streets Tuesday afternoon, when
the program was a complete surprise
to the members, and somewhat dif
ferent than the usual study. Contests
were the features of the afternoon.
.nd prizes were awarded to Miss Rt-
berta Schuebel, who was initiated in
(Continued oh pag 9)