OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921. Page 6 MIL W AURIE AND NORTHERN CLACKAMAS Oswego-Portland Road Work Starts her sister at Oregon. City and also one at Canby while here. Last Friday evening1 a number ol Oswegoians went to an open house held by the students of Lincoln high school. The money raised by the en tertainment will be used for the ben efit of spring athletics. J SWEGO, April 12. The Oswego Portland highway work began the first of this week. Heavy barracades were erected across the bridge at Wilsonia Monday, and it is the understanding that the laying of the cement will be gin in a few days if it doesn't rain. This section of the road has been waiting for a dry spell of two or three OAK GROVE, April 13. The food weeks since the contract of hard sur- and aDron gale held Saturday of last facing was let Septemeber is. me week by the Home Economics depart- Club Fund Aided By Food-Apron Sale contractors are expected to lay be tween 275 and 300 feet per day which should bring the stretch, which is 3700 feet long, to completion in about 14 days. After that it must harden for six weeks or more before being used for traffic. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harben was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jarlsch over Sunday. The party given by the Dena Re bekah Lodge at the Grange hall last Friday night was well attended and enjoyed by all. Mrs. Lewis E- Smith has been quite 111 with grip but is now much better. W .S. Weigh tm an is home from San Francisco to stay a few days with his family before leaving for Honolulu. The Alto park sewing society Is to have a bazaar and cafeteria supper on aSturday evening at the grange halL Miss Leona Puynibrock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Puymbrock, anl Hawke were married last Thursday at Vancouver, Wash. They expect to live in Oswego where they have purchased a home recently owned by George Miller. Little Sybil Clinefelter and Ava Bickner both of whom have been ab sent from school for several days on account of sickness will soon be able to attend their studies again. Mrs. Walker, of Everett, Wash., who was formerly Miss Lena Spawn of Os- wegp, was here visiting old school- mates and friends the latter part of h' the week. Thursday of last week the Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Thomas Fox, where they held their business meetin gand planned on a silver t6a ' to be held at the home of Mrs. Bertha Anderson next month. The Sunday school class of Mr. Ed- j wards met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wankers Friday evening. Plans were made to organize a volley ball and baseball team of the girls and boys of the Congregational church. Games and music were enjoyed and re freshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. M. Reefs, who was operated on at the Oregon City hosiptal Thursday , of last week is getting along nicely lit present. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mason of Al toona. Wash., were the guests of Mrs. Otto Larson last week. ' Mrs. E. A. Robinson and son, Otto, will occupy a tent house at the lake for the summer. . Walter Emmott visited his son, Pete Emmott in South Oswego over Sun day. P. H. Jarisch has been sick for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Worth in gton cf Tualatin, were visitin gthe former's mother, Mrs. William Wjorthington last Sunday. Mrs. Richard Wilmont, who has been ill for some time, is just about the same. Mrs. D. Odonal and daughter were visiting Mrs. Nellie Holt a few days last week. Mrs. Ruth Pesely was the guest ol Mrs. John Erickson over Sunday, Joseph Bickner has been ill for a few days hut is feeling better at pres ent. Miss Tillie Michels and friend, Mr. Cramer, also Mr. and Mrs. H. Bax visitors Saturday evening. Mrs. A. King Wilson, vice-president of the Orego Congress of Mothers, left for Eugene Wednesday and she will be away for about a week. Henry Williams from the coast is the guest of Erest Kiser and his sister Lousina Kiser this week. . Mr. Wil liams once resided in Oswego. Mrs. Smith, mother of Mrs. D. B. Fox, is here visiting here for a few weeks. Her home is in California. Mrs. H. E. Campbell of Kerry, Ore gon, is the guest of Mrs. George Bul lock this week. She intends to visit ment of the Social Service club was a success financially and the ladies realized a neat sum for the club build ing fund. Roy Blackerby of Wheeler visited relatives here last week. The child welfare department of the Social Service club met Thursday and partook of, lunch at noon and after the business session, a book, review "House letters of Alcott family" by Miss E. K. Matthews was appreciated and the members did sewing for the Albertina Kerr nursery. F. A. Smith transacted business in Portland Monday. Ira Bentley returned from a winters stay in California last week and brought with him a companion whom he married a month ago, and whom he has known for past thirty years but had not seen for some time. Mrs. Bentley was formerly Mrs. E. D. New some. They are at home in Oak Grove on Cedar Ave. .' The Ladies Aid met Wednesday and tied quilts. Tea was served. Irene Cederson is out again after an attack of measles .Miss S. McCoy of O: A. C. instructed the home economics department of Social Service on preparing forms for fitting dresses by. the housewife and was interesting.- Mr. and Mrs. John Oiler entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ireland of Salem the last week. M. Hallingsworth of Portland was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Riley Sunday. D. W. Olds is on the sick list though nothing serious is feared. Our 'postmaster was much indis posed Saturday and was absent from the office. The ball game between Milwaukie and Oak Grove school was a success for Oak Grove with a close score of 20 to 21. , . The helpers club met Tuesday. They are working on paper and mag agine collection for the Red Cross, al so taking an active part in the "good to animal" week and in the general clean up movement for the community Have made posters and placed in dif ferent parts of vicinity asking every one to help in the clean up. The Oak Grove Grocery expect to be in their new quarters in the Smith building April 18 The political department of the so cial service club at its- last meeting voted unanimously in favor of the Juror's bill and sterilization bill. The other measurers will be discussed at the next meeting. business was transacted, among which was namely the committees for the Community Rally and the nominating committee for the annual election which takes, place next month. Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. E. Bellinger and Edith Truscott for nominating com mittee. A play is to be gixen soon to help out on the financed. After the business meeting the 40 present were asked to repair to Mrs. MacDonald's room, and an 'agreeable surprise was in store for those 'attending. Blossoms were used about the room and memory gems on Mother were on the boards while at a long table were tho coffee urns and the cakes and Ice cream which were served by the teachers. After the well rendered program by the children and two violin selections by Mr. Thereoux, a violinist of note. Program was as tollows: Recitation, Lorraine Pooler; exercises, Virginia Card, Beth Humphreys, Lucile Rand all, Alice and Pauline Nelson; son, Billy Booth, song, Evelyn Moritz and Betty Burcherd; recitation, Verna Ouilette; recitation, Ruth Al Law rence; recitation, Betty Burcherd; violin solo, MT. Thereoux, accompanist, Mrs. Altman; piano solo, Louise Smith; song, Mary Rush, Janet Booth, Audrey Tillman, Jean Robbins, Clay ton Card, Robert Chapman, pickey Booth, and Halmor Roberts; recita tion, Florence Wilson; "The Songa that Mothers used to Sing." by Flor ence Wilson, Lola Ross, Margaret Roethe, Mary Bellinger and Sarah Hoi loway; toasts to our Mothers, Dickey Booth, Halmor Roberts, Lewellen Jones, Mary Rush. Robert Chapman. Andry Tillman; Happiest time of a Woman's Life, by Florence Wilson. At the close of this delightful afternoon SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent Juniors In Music Give Fine Program SANDY, April ' 13. On Sat urday afternoon at her home. Miss Vera Mixter entertained her Junior music pupils at a party and re cital. The following well prepared program was rendered: "The Cuckoo" (Kohler)' by Kenneth Scales. "May pole Dance," (Bugbee) by Mabel Lilly. "Marching Home" (Steinheimer) Lu cile Dodson. "The Violet,- (Lowell) AnetS Dobberful. "Dance Polonaise" (Greenwald) and "Jolly Darkles" (Betcher), by Lloyd Mayborn. Song, "Bubbles" by Zelma Allen; Duet, "Jol ly Little Players," (Maylath) by Marie Baumback and Dorothy Mattingly. Reading, "After Hours in the Studio," by Catherine Allen. "The Mill," (A. Jensen) Dorothy Mattingly. Duet, '"Silver Chimes," (Wettact) by Aneta and Freda Dobberful. "Shower of Gold," (Bohm) Caroline Chown. "Whisperings of Love" Kinkel) Freda Dobberful. Trio, "Over Hill and Dale," (Engelman), by Dorothy Mattingly, A net a arid Freda Dobberful. After ta musical games were played and tight refreshments were served. Mrs. J. Scales assisted. Bower, of Portland, and Mrs. Lulu Gil lespie and three children from Ohio. Mrs. BHIy Dalzell spent a few days at Portland during the week. Miss Bina Douglass of Estacada was a welcome visitor at the grange meeting Saturday. The Pleasant Home Ladies Aid 1? planning an apron sale and program for Friday evening, April 29, at the Methodist church. Rev. Earl Cotton was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddy First Home Grown Asparagus Arrives SANDY, April 11. The first camp- a vote- OI manna was tenaereo. rar. i era ot me season npye&ieu t dukui Thereoux and the to our teashera Mes-1 wood, Cherryville and Alderwood Sat- dames Altman, MacDonald and Kooro. I urday and pitched their tents for the It was announced that Mrs. Moore's week-end, then silently stole away like ous director of the Portland Y. W. C. The Dalles who purchased the Wolfe hotel a day of two ago arrived with his family Saturday and got thing to moving at once. Mr. Price brought with his a chef. C. E. Mainerd. who will have full charge of the kitchen last Sunday night. and Mrs. Mainerd will manage the din- 0li Sunday Mr. and Mrs H. Fre7, ing room. They did considerable rustl-1 Mr- and Mrs". Kcessel and t on Herbert ing to begin work on Thursday an! I and Mrs. Mina Olsen drove out from serve a dance supper Saturday night. I Portland and spent a portion of thij With two attractive eating places like day at "Frrwoodeen," the home of Mr. Platts and the new hotel management &nd Mrs. Anton Malar. - They also mo- there is no use of any traveller eoine tored to their country place "Idle-A- without a big feed when in our town. SANDY LOCALS While, east of Firwood. George Malar who has been busy cutting off steaks at Constahtine's butcher shop in Portland the past year was out last week tr tho nl.-l hnmo anH SANDY. April 13. The "surprise" took his father. Anton Malar. Sr.. hack not mentioned last week for the sons to the city with him where Mr. Malar service program next faunday evening. is happy having a visit with his daugh- April 17, is two numbers on the trom- ter Mrs. Marie Farnham, who is pro bone by Dr. Harry Ott of Gresham! prietor of the Clyde hotel. Mr. Malar Mr. Sam Jordon of Portland will sing i8 feeling much better now than for two selections, one of which will be a long time. And God Shall Wipe All Tears Away." Anton Mlkkleson went through town The soprano soloist of the evening will on his way to Brightwood Saturday be our own home artist, Mrs. Bertha after a week's absence down the line. A. Purcell, who, with Mrs. George Per- Lorov Lillv had a call Sundav mora. ret will accompany during the evening. lag to go to work at the head works so George Beers will give a violin num.- hustled around and left in the after ber. and will also play with the con- noon. . .. . gregational singing. Quartette, and I Mr. Albert Hilton uut other selections will be interspersed. 1 LiUie Mead, who have been spending a jarge audience is expected. ' the winter in the Orient and Sandy vl- flir. ana Mrs. t H. Tawney. of cinities left the home of their rela- Tawney's Resort, have been .in Port-1 times. Mr and Mrs. J. C. Duke Mondav land several days on account of the I and after the eood byes are said with aangerous illness of Mr. Tawney'Althe Orient relatives these charmin mother. ' f I visitors will leave for their home at There will be a S. S. convention Hastings, Michigan. held at the Cottrell union church on Mr. Will Fritz of Gresham, was in Sunday April 24. The day session will Sandy visiting his friend Mr. Cecil begin at 10:30 A. M. Mrs. Tate, religi- Duke. . . Elijah Coleman went to Portland i,nJi won in thn contest, and a the Arab, witn a new iignt in meir party will be given the priraary pupils, eyes and resolved to seek the forest Mrs. E. Pearson being the iostess for primeval again at. the first possible moment, sucn are me attractions ot this paradise country. affair. Mr. Guy, a druggist at Woodward & Clarkes, was taken suddenly ill and remove to the Good Samaritan hos pital. Mr. Guy had just moved into our community having purchased the Pettys home. Jack Greenwood was down from A. who is also state president of the I last Monday on a business trip. Fred Koenicke of Firwood droppl into the grange meeting Saturday an.l was welcomed like a long lost son! The faint sound of wedding bells. which as yet are tingling afar off, is Parent Teacher association and vice president of the national Parent-Teach - - - - . er wm speak at 11:30. At 12:30 a basket dinner will be., served. The afternoon session' from 2 P. M. to 4 Arrawanna Saturday evening and said ' o'clock will include an address by Miss I echoed in the Dover country. twenty-five autos passed up that way i Georgia S. Parker, associate secretary! Mrs. Ida Jarl visited a short Saturday, and there must have been of the state S. S. association and I time in San : Diego before coming several times that many on Sunday I superintendent of the elementary di- I north and saw Mr. and Mrs. John the wav the cars locked uu the dust in i vision.' Mrs. "Florence Tnealla of Fair-1 Strauss. " Mrs. Strauss is . auito Mr. Thereoux and Mr. McFall have SanjV! Onlv a week before there were view and other sneakers w'll talk sick in the hosDital and Mr. Strauss recently taken up their residence here, two incne8 of finQw here, which proves j Rev. Earl Cotton will have charge of is lonely in the big Strauss home by uaviug uuui new the weather man Is as fickle as any- the round table discussion, and the mmseir, however he Is so in love with County Road adjoining the school Ky, Mr. Greenwood says the pros-; ISandy quartette will furnish varied that winter climate he thinks he couUi grouaas. i -pect looks good for a season of heavy selections during the day. A number I not spend a winter here. Mr, and Mrs. Sherman and son have travel and resorts exDect a good oat- i of Sandv DeoDle are exnfcted to tt arrived, from Denver and are located I ronage. Things are also looking up at ; tend RallyJs Success At Jennings Lode;e JENNINGS LODGE. April 13. The most talked of gathering of the week was the Community Rally and Pot Luck dinner, which took place Thurs day evening, at the school house in which the entire community took part. The committee having! it in charge were representatives from the Guild the Parent-Teachers Association and the Jennings Lodge Community Club. Mrs. Blinestone, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Snider and Mrs. Roberts from the 9uiid; Mr. Meld rum, Mr. Newcombe and Mrs. Kruscbeka from the commun ity Club and Mesdames Booth, Rob bins, Mr. Moore and Gardner from the P. T. Asociation were responsible for the success of the Rally. A program of music and Rev. Dr. Sullen was pres ent and spoke. .The Cummings and West family have moved to Errol Heights wh?n 'hey have purchased land. The regular Parent-Teachers Asso ciation held on Friday of last week vas quite -an interesting affair. Mrs. George Gardner presiding. Important Phones: Sellwood 597, Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dDalor In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot, of Spokane Avenua PORTLAND, OREGON on A.ddie street, coming west for their Welches, Rhododendren and Twaney's. son's health. Mrs. Ella Phillips, mother of Mrs. Harry Burco, is home from the hospi tal somewhat improved. But will plan on taking treatment at the Sanatorium soon. Mrs. Mary - Tillman is visiting friends at Yakima, Wash. Mrs. George Williams -and daughter. Miss Pearl spent Tuesday with Mrs. Ida Clohessy in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. Roberts and Mr. and Mrst Geo. Card were, join hostesses, Christening Party Given Sandy Boy SANDY, April 13. A large christen ing party was given by Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hemrich, whose home is on the bluff road last Sunday in honor ot their bbay son who was christened Louis Richard, Rev. H. Gephart. con ducting the ceremony and Mr .and Mrs. James Short actine as cnonsors. when they entertained with cards at J Those nresent at the christening wero the latters home on Saturday evening. Mr and Mr8 Jot,n Sieret, Mr. and Twenty were present and delicious M George Sieret. of Gresham. Mt. refreshments were served Mrs. Peai- and Mrs. Charley Erickson, of Pleas son and Mr. Losey holding the highest score weTe awarded the prizes. Mr. Orland Randall receiving the consola tion prize. There guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Coook, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Losey,- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hole, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pearson, Mr. and ant Valley, Mr .and Mrs. Jack Egge. man of Pleasant Home, Mr .and Mrs. Ernest Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. CurtiH Young, Miss Louise Hemrich, M13S Dora Hemrich .Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dunn, Christ Hemrich, Mr. and Mrs. James Short, Richard Hemrich, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Decke and baby of Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dittert recently for a few days. The last of Mr. and Mrs August Ser.- ske's furniture was hauled to Portland by Jack Burnett a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Henson passed through town a fcw days on their ro- lurn to Zig Zag from a visit in Port land. "Ernie" Hart has come back from Eastern Oregon, to stay in these parts. He is located at Brightwood. His mother's health is fine, he reports. Carl Power's smiling face beamed Miss Pauline Zogg was home for the week end which was the first time since she was -so very ill. Pauline is feeling fine now, can walk about where she likes, and has surely had a won derful recovery. Mrs. 'Frank Schmitz has been out for a visit with her home folks the E. Beers family the past week. Mr. Schmitz was here for the week end. . Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Deaton and Merle were out for the week end at the Hoff man's and attended the Saturday night dance. Miss Mary Junker was b rough home and is felling quite well since her op eration. Her many friend" are glad delight, as, fleet-footed he Bpun over I to welcome her home again. Miss the dance floor Saturday night. But Carl is slow he begun a "pome" a loma: time ago on "bachelorhood" and it's woes, the main thought of which I was opposition to the dreaded "bache lor tax." and has not finished it yet' Too bad to keep the "jiublic" waiting sc long! Mrs. Mary Wilson moved into her Junker spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Berhaut at their attiadive home on the heights after leaving the hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bonett return ed sooner than planned on account of Mr. Bonett getting too spry on foot and jumping on an automobile while in motion, which wrenched his back Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Mre Fred Mags ot piea8ant Val- Aiaaaen, iur. ana jars, jonn .tiooeris, ley Rev H Gephart, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. ana Mrs. unana wanaan, Mrs. M K Hemrich. Madden and Mr. Gilbert, both of Fort- (Dinner was served for fourteen rel lanU I .flvAo on ra nroam jvnlrrt anH onffeo Mis. Ella Maple Is enjoying) a were served to all present in the after-1 mouui b visit wim ner sou, raarcus noon. Maple, ' at Milton, Oregon, Mrs. Henry Hurd and Mrs. James I SpvfTJll TtlltiatPn vji any utive Dtrau gUCBLB Ol iYirs. J . Holcomb during last week. A 42 pound Chinook salmon was caugm al Jennings wag9 on inurs- SANDY, April 12. Several were in aay. itia tari at i Ti a m rT tMv oranro tn Aft ti nor Many nstiermen are enjoying the here Saturday. A fine "feed." was sport but the run has not been very ereatly enioyed by those who "rode satisfactory. There were hundreds of I the eoat" as well as others. It seems new home the Senske place the last I and made him feel somewhat akin to By Sandy Grange crafts on the river Sunday and many sightseers were out many got snaps of the fishermen and the fish as they were caught. many grangers do not suffer from loss of appetite! During the lecture hour the question of government ownership of railroads J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Teleph Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fith Portland First State Bank of Mi waulcie "YOUR HOME BANK" Conducts a General Banking Business 4 per cent, interest en Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED D. C. Emmons, who has been in I was discussed as well as other inter- Alaska for 20 years spent Sunday at esting topics. A topic for discussion Stone Gables. Mr. Emmons is now I at the next meeting will be "where the with the Warren Construction Co. ana I grange is a failure.' is domiciled at the Multnomah hotel. I It was voted to extend the Orient The .Tfnninra i .nrfcro hhiii grange an invitation to give their cir- compoesd of pupils from the eighth cus here and to patronize their excel- graae, aeieatea tne concord school team on Friday. The score belne- tmrougnout. Tnere was a gooa awena to 22. - '.nee and a very enjoyable time waf m -r , . ., .1 had. .lm.1. auu xtxis. vndiii. uavg Quia meir l.nvA & .1. lf.l J .T.J I . Grady, who has also purchased adjoin- Oandy VVOmen S LilUD nig acerage. i ne ram iamiiy. are I -i if rrri "1 contemplating residing in Gladstone. lVleetS On XllUrSaay emu satut.iei.ai. me pretty new nome SANDY, April 12. The Sandy Wo ol our. ana mra. vvju uooia ior a nouse men's club was entertained by Mrs. warming on Saturday evening. The JaCk Scales Thursday which was their mcmuc" OI "lB f agreeaoiy sur- flr8t meeting in several weeks. Mrs. prised the Booths with a. lovely elec- Blanche, Shelley, president, presided trie toaster, tjonee ana cane were of the week and took Grandma O'Neil with her. Mrs. Wilson had been nurs ing Mrs. O'Neil at the William O'Neil home. Mrs. W'ilson's energy is to be admired. Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeShazer and chil dren Violet, Vinnie and Ralph of Do ver and Mrs. Walter Kitzmiller and children of Oregon City visited at the J G. De Shazer home last Sunday. Mrs. Kitzmiller Is visiting relatives and friends in the Dover country for a few days. Lewis Zogg whe is employed at th3 paper mills at Oregon City was home to spend the day "with the folks" on Sunday. Miss Mary Macho had the pleasure Methuselah, but, after nursing the sprain several days he went to spad ing the garden which seems to have been a good remedy to relieve the con gestion Gravel wagons and trucks are con tinuing to do their duty toward the road, and their humming sounds good to everybody. The rock crusher under Meinig's hill is to be moved at once to Bull Run. It will be under the supervision of A. C. Thomas over there. A friend of the Millers is promoting tubular steel automobile wheels that have been invented by a Spokane man and is already being manufactured and which promises a revolution in the of a nice visit at the home of Mr. and 1 wheel business: now come? a Tacoma Mrs. Matt . Zogg last Sunday, which man (cousin of our Allen family) to was the first time Mary and the Zogg the front with an invention to use corn girls had been together for many a pressed air as a motive power! If day. these two combinations could tie up Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rath and baby boy the cost of jjp-keep and save gas bills were visiting the home folks, Henry would be almost "nit." and WilifWidnier one day last week. The Sandy volunteer fire depart Miss Mary Macho spent a portion of ment did themselves proud "shinny the day with Mrs. Rath. ' 1 ihy" up a house to put out an imagin- Wlll Bell covers considerable terri-iary fire the other night. The fire tory with his Briscoe these days! Will was at the grange session Saturday and over in Estacada on Sunday: The Brans Lumber Co. put on a full crew Monday and will work full blast the rest of the month and perhaps lonerer. The demand for lumber is good at present. Henry Kamp will put his freight brigade was out for drill, with Chief Henry Perret igiving orders amidst "supposed roaring flame? and dense smoke! Obedience was practiced with a big "P." Fine work, "boys!" Several families are moving away from the Sandy Lumber Co. mill. The Dooley's are moving to the litte Sandy where Mr. Dooley has a job at tho served and the evenings diversion was "solo." The guests departed leaving good .wishes for this -family m their new home. - Mrs. R. F. Deter and daughters mo tored to Canby on Sunday. HOW THIS? and Miss Esmer Mixter read an article on the crime wave that has been sweeping -over the country; the article referred to the delinquincy of young girls. .Miss Ruth Crum and Mrs. S. J. Allen sang a duet. Mrs. E. L. Powers, Mrs. Harry Dodson, Mrs. A. E. Collier, Miss Ruth Crum and Mrs. S. J. Allen were visiting .gnests of the club. Deli cious refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. R. E. Esson. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarfh Medicine has been jeV Hotel Man OI a Ken oy catarrn suiters tor tne past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. ' Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the .Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased SIX EXTRA FINE young grade cows Sandy is on Job SANDY. April 12. H. L. Price of portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your genera health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medicine at once and get rid of ca- tarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & C... Toledo Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c Adv. for sale. Have, been tuberculin tested by the government and arc being tested by Wm. Butler of the Cow Testing association for the past 10 months. This is your chance to buy a few real good cows at the right price. Wm. Jocelyn, R. 2, box 33, Boring, located between Kelso and Sandy. . truck on the road from Portland up ranger station. Willie Fisher will move the mountains the first of May. Kamp and Cooksey are the truck men hauling for Bruns. Elliott is hauiiner aeain for the Dixon-Howett mill. Joe Lilly has resigned as city mar- over to Vancouver and work in a ga r age, the Mcf anana family will move over to Washington. Mr. Wing is look ing for work. "Jerseys For Us" reads the new sign that is placed on B. Nelson's barn. shal and has charge of the new county I which means "B" is really getting the rock crusher whic-i is beirg placed at Deep Creek. John Mitchell has planted an acre of strawberry and loganberry plants tho week or two. Mrs. Joel Jarl was happiiy surprisej one afternoon recently by the appear ance of the Women's club members coming in a body to give here a wel come home visit. Refreshments were Jersey fever in earnest! Here's wish ing him sucess! John Macho of Sandy-ridge finished digging his last year's potato crop last week. Jack Scales went to Portland Mon day remaining over until Tuesday looking around the wholesale houses. Mrs. W. T. Williamson of Roseburg was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. George served which added to the pleasure of I Perret several days last week. Mrs. the occasion. Mrs. Jarl has had a cold since her return from California, which was a 'climatic adjustment," perhaps. - Mr. and Mrs. Will Hammond and children of Oregon City attended the Perret accompanied her friend to Port land where, she remained from Thurs day till Sunday night. - H. L. Price the new Sandy hotel pro prietor was taken to a Portland hos pital Monday because of blood poison grange session Saturday, taking a trip in his hand to their country place at Firwood in Mr. Carl Neal, head man of the for- the afternoon. est service was in town a fow Havs . A family reunion was held last Sun ago. , day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Georse Ten Eyck is with Fred "Billy" Dalzell of Dover which proved Beechel at Oak Grove near Eugene a happy occasion for all . The Sollow- where Beechel has the contract for ing were present: Mr. and Mrs. Wil- building a mile and a half ol flume, liam Wickline, Mr. and Mm. Oliver Don Fod'ey, Mr. Baily and Peter Wckline, Mr. and Mrs. Billy WIckline, Stone furnirhed the music for the Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dalzell, Miss H. last Bri'shtwood dance. Henry Kamp proved that he is not bow-legged the other day when Pur ceils pig got loose and it was chased the town over! C. Dahl the well known Portland contract hauler was in town the other evening on his way to dalom with a load. Johnson, the contractor was also in town recently, but was just -.isiting, it is said! Folks-kind-of-hoped-he-was-spyiHg-out-contract-vork-for the-Loop. Jack Greenwood said "the people up the mountains are like you Sandyfolks, somewhat nervously anxious for the Loop highway contract to be let." Albert Schwartz has" the contract for cutting the lumber at the Bittner Spool mill and John J. Dunn. I T. Dunn and Ernest Harris began work at the mill under Schwartz Wednesday morning. . Max Kligel, Florence and Carl Kligel and Miss Bertha Albel of Kelso were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perrett. Frank Fournia and Mrs. Fournia and three daughters were visitors' at the Henry Perret home Sunday afternoon, driving out from Portland for the first time in about four years. Mr. Fournia used to work for Mr. Perret. Frank Christiansen has moved his pool table out in front and changed things considerably, moving the switchboard in the large back room, which "Isabel" likes better as it is more private quarters- V- Mrs, Anna Winders and Jack Schmitz of Fargo; North Dakota arriv ed here last week to spend a month with their mother, Mrs. Nick Schmitz, wno is still in bed but is expected to recover from the "stroke which came on so suddenly. "Shorty" . Sutherland came out through Sandy on his return trip to Bull Run lake a few days ago. He had not been out before since Octo ber. There was Still eight feet of snow up there. "Shorty is care taker at tha lake and manages to keep busy in most kinds of weather. Alton Phelps was here with his eleven mules to get nice new shoes ior them a few days aigo. Phelps is getting ready for the summer packing up to Bull Run lake. Trails are being open ed up and soon a full force wil be put on at the head works country. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Eddy and daugh ter Lulu Eddy spent a day in Creshani recently. Don Bodley will remain at Bright wood as he has located work in reach of that location. Will Bosholm has been reminded lately that he has a back of the luih bago type, which is anything but a pleasant memory. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scales and family motored over to Corbett Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd mother of Mrs. Scales and Mrs. Reed, was out from Porland so they all had a happy time, except Jack he ate too much pie! The Reed feeds are characteristic and Jack ought to have learned that by .this time. While cleaning blue tgp-ass out of his strawberry patch Monday Paul Dunn says "tell 'em I'm hard at It! A num ber of people 'are hard at it," and more will be soon for the garden and berry patch tell tales of domestic pros perity. Mrs. Allen, wife of Billy Allen of the Brightwood garajge, and son Dick were in tOTn after a load of gas and other supplies a few days ago. Mrs. Alien says her son John C. Allen may get a furloujgh and come-home to visit dur- ing the Rose Carnival. He is on tho Blumer, one' of Uncle Sam's big steam- ers at San Diego and John bears the distinction of being the youngest of ficer in the American Navy. Gilbert Hauglam who has lived on the bluff road for thirty-eight years, practically on the same farm, was in town a few days ago buying clover seed Mr. Hauglam dairies along with his farming. No doubt he could tell Interesting tales of development in these- parts after a steady residence of so many years. Kamp and Cooksy are busy trucking for the Bruns Lumber Co. The Lusted Parent Teacher met Fri day night and during the business ses sion planned for a play to be given in the Pleasant Home Baptist church sometime in May for the benefit of the Chinese relief fund. At the close- of the P. T. meeting the organization of a community Farm Bureau was effected w?th Mr. Guy - Robertson, as informal chairman, who appointed the following committees: Rodent control, Henry WiiUon, S. F. Pitts, and George Lusted. Canadian thistles, Messrs Jackson, McCrary, and George Moulton. Marketing represen tative, to meet with county marketing commission. Rev. S. F. Pitts. , For live stock improvement, Mrs. Guy Robert son. County Agent Holt was present and led in various discussions. Holt emphasized the necessity of growing certified potato seed. Other commit tees will be appointed later. Mrs. N. Schmitz is getting along as well as could be expected according to her physician. Dr. Adix. Mrs. J. C. Duke and Mr. Cecil Duke joined relatives in a Columbia High way trip last week that was a most delightful affair. The picnic feast was -held at Eagle Creek, where three cars of hungry people made m-oxry over the coffee-cups. The party wis given in honor of Mr. Albert Hilton and Mrs. Lillie Mead and was composed of the following persons: Mrs. Ella Hensley and Mr. Roy Hensley, Mr. Arthur Hensley, and Mrs. Richardson of Troutdale, Mrs. Ollie Strebm and Miss Jennie Strebin, of Portland. Mr. Al bert Hensley and Mrs. Mead of Miciil- gon, Mr .and Mrs. Curtis Wheeler, ot Melrose and Mrs. J. C. Duke and Mr. Cecil Duke. - Mr. andw Mrs. Fred Proctor were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mtrs. Roy Serben of Troutdale. Mrs. S. J. Allen and Mrs. J. C. Duke were hostesses at last week's meeting of the Eastern Star. A delicious lunch was served and the rooms were beauti fully decorated. Miss Ruth Crum and Mrs. Allen saag a duet and Miss Bar- Ion was the accompaniest. Mrs. Alien also gave a short reading. Guests were present from Estacada, and Mrs. A. E. Collier and Miss Ruth Crum were Sandy guests . Mr. and Mrs. P. Schafer, father and mother of Mrs. J. C. Loundree were visiting the past week at the Loundree (Continued on pftgo 7)