Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 15, 1921, Page Page 5, Image 5

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I i
Mrs. Mike RJeff, ol Oswego, who re
cently suffered from an accident at
Oswego, underwent a critical opera
tion in the Oregon City hospital Dn
Thursday morning. Mrs. RIeff fell
from a Southern Pacific-train, causing
an injury necessitating a major operation.
Mrs. R. J. Blanchard, of Canemah,
prominent early Oregon pioneer, and
familiarly known as Grandma Blan
chard, is critically ill at her home
in Canemah, and is attended by a pro
fessional nurse. Mrs. Blanchard is
.in her 91st year, and previous to her
recent illness, was able to be out.
Professor Beatie, of the Oregon Ag
ricultural college, who arrived In Ore
gon City Friday evening accompanied
by Pierce Walker, of this city, a stu
dent of the Oregon Agriculutral Col
lege, who have been guests at .the
home of the latter8 parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Walker, of Seventh and
Washington streets, returned to Cor
vallis Sunday evening. While here
Professor Beatie tried his luck at sal
mon fishing, and wag rewarded by
securing a large salmon, one of the
largest caught this season, which he
took back to Corvallis for a big feast.
This is the first time Professor Beatie
has tried fishing' in Oregon City, and
is looking forward to another such
trip in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carter, of Mol
alia, are receiving congratulations ov
er the arrival of a son, born at tht
Oregon City hospital Wednesday ev
ening. The little fellow Is honored
with the name of Hugh Orten Carter.
Grant Robbins, formerly night clerk
of the Electric hotel, now residing at
Clarkes, is in Oregon City for a few
days visiting among some of his old
time friends.
H. C. Stevens, of - Estacada, accom
panied by his wife, were Oregon City
visitors -Friday, making the trip la
their automobile.
Wi H. Oldenburg, of Mullno. has
returned to his home, after transact
ing business in Oregon City the lat
ter part of the week.
T. R.. Sell wood, prominent resident
of Clackamas county, whose home is
at Mtlwaukie, was in this city Thurs
Mrs. Jessie Kmzel, of Milwaukie,
was among .those to transact business
here Thursday morning and also vis
ited friends.
Mrs. V. K. Smith, of Jennings
Lodge, was an Oregon City visitor on
Mrs. Derry, residing near Milwau
kie, was in Oregon City on business
Thursday afternoon.
J. K. Worthlngton was In this city
Thursday afternoon. His home is
at Oswego.
L. Hylton, of Gresham, was in Ore
gon City Thursday and Friday, where
he registered at the Electric.
Mrs. Emma Rayner, of Clackamas,
was among those to transact business
here on Thursday.
Mr .and Mrs. L. C. (Robert) Live
more, of Pendleton, Oregon, are re
ceiving congratulations over the arriv
al of a son, born at the Oregon City
hospital Saturday evening. April 9th.
Mrs. Fred Miller, a well known
blind musician of this city, left for I
Portland Tuesday efteraoonl where
she will undergo a surgical operation
in the S. Vincent's hospital this week,
when her eyes will be removed. Four
years ago Mrs. Miller suffered the
loss of her eyesight caused from ul
cers of the eye. She received her mus-
Mrs. Frank Miranaa entertained the
ical. education at the State Blind Euterpean Club at her home in Glad
school at Salem, and was recently stone Saturday, April 2, in a delightful
heard by an Oregon City audience, manner: The decorations were uni
when she was well received. Mrs. que.
Miller expects to return to Oregon I Roll call of members was responded
City as soon as she is able to be re I to by bits of history of Gladstone and
moved from the hospital. - I Oregon City.
Mrs. O'Arcy, of Portland, the daugh-
W. R. Reddick received a telegram ter of Mr.-Hunsaker an early day pio
from Troy, Ohio, n Saturday to the neer, gave a very interesting history j
effect that a son was born to Mr. I of the first school and sawmill In Glad-
cake for Mrs. Ellis Jones, who also
' celebrated her birthday anniversary
during the week. Mrs. Martin was as
siste.l In serving refreshments by Mrs
A. C. Chrlstensen and Mrs. Wis hart.
Among the dances enjoyed were the
Highland fling and other Scotch
Mr. Martin, who is employed by the
United States Rubber Company, of
Portland, has resided in that city for
the past three years. He was present
ed with many handsome and useful
gifts on this occasion,
Clackamas Boulevard F.iday evening
A committee consisting of H. S
Rankin and Eugene Vedder was ap
pointedto draft a constitution to be re-
Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. John ported on Monday for ratification.
Lowry and son. Marl?. Mr. and Augasi I Refreshments were served and a siv
Rakel and daughter,. Dorothy and cial evening enjoyed.
Bernice, Mrs. A. C. Christensen and
Daulton, Miss Elva Eads, Miss Nettie L. E. Jones. Mrs. William Folger Mra.
Laidlaw and Miss Maud Warner. O. A. Welsh. Mrs. Thomas w ' snn.
livan, Mrs. McLean. Mrs. A. A. Prfr
Mrs. Julia Tingle of Gladstone, will Mrs. Al R. Price, and Mrs. Joeenh
accp upcu iiuu.iu vu juuuua, ;Y pill OWBTIZ,
from 2 until 5 o dock celebrating her
Q ct v. V. ; 1. ,3 .i
I An enjoyable birthday party was '
rr a n Alexander entertain given Tuesday, April 5th, at the home
Boys' Athletic . Club at his liome on J Mrs' H U Futman, of Multnomaa
oLdMuu, in iiouur oi jjawience Jrut
inaa's second tarthday anniversajfy
and the third birthday anniversary of
Jean Sorenson.
The affair was attended by little
tots and their mothers, and . the two
little children observing their birth
days proved most delightful little host
daughter, Fay Marie, Mr. and Mrs.
Kennedy McLarty, Hugh McLarty,
The recently organized Camn of the and hostess.
Gladstone Campfire girls met at the I lae table decorations were attrac-
xrr ami M x.fr TOkt,. I decided to choose a camp name at r-ttoie centered wlta the delicately
, Martin Mpyer, of Portland: their next meeting to be held on thajsnaded Iay slipper blossoms, made
j.a.ov.w uuat a. ouu v iva u iui I - - - i iicujiuuj iuiia I K-J 9 JV-LV 1 ' fcj I v I - , . .
and Mrs. H. R. Allen, of that city. The stone and told of the first settlers Mrs. Ellis Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer home of Miss Dorothy Barlow. Tuesday "ve ana dainty, when daffodils, lady
Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Smith, evening. .""a Oregon grape were uses.
len was formerly Miss Burse Reddick. Mrs. Frank Oswald gave the history of Portland: Mr. and Mrs..Svdnev Car- At a short business session it was uming rooms, rue
of this city, where she has - many I of our oldest hymns and their authors I rick and
friends. Mr. Reddick exnects to For current events each member and son.
The little follow la honnra.l with the I Wvo in hrif TnnntJi for Ohio. I srave some history of Oresrun. " Mr. and Mrs. Janw.ii Turrfrtv -rem. banks of the Clackamas river April " "1"0, eiieeuve centerpiece. Two
name of Robert Elliott Livermore, where he will see his new grandson. Mrs. Victor Gault presented the sub- Ham McLarty. Mathew McLartv. 18. The meetings are to be held the f Vv"1 "ecoratea birthday cakes
nnd ha -arofo-h. iu. Mnnii Mm I a a nano.i Wt Af "Art " v.,,.ii, f.T ii. j ir c I f irR and third Tuesdavs of earh ouuea lo lne aecoratlvfe scheme.
. v.., j VZ L... u jniw (uiu TUll - UOUKUll XVI I " -- ', lUuuLlX iUVUU.iJ. tfll. OUU llli D. O.I - I .
Livermore was formerly Miss Veda months. The hostes. served a luncheon at Lowry. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Black and month. T a"u contests were enjoyed,
pniinff thin t.- ..,i.A. v mtr t '. una n'oinKt Tho niar. farrta in I Aa,t,.t i rtnn un Tu- . ru I Miialo anil amen were enioved. I nen Mrs. tieorge Dillard was award-
and Mrs. E. P. Elliott, and Ernest, the Tmorovementa have been made in hand painted baskets of flowers con- and daughter. Mrs. Hullman and In Mrs. Barlow was assisted in serving I1TS Prlze and Mrs. Charlea
hannv nn1fit. -nroe ctivYininr, tin. lit. t -r-t- -- .1 I tpIniTio- o nnaaHnn lonnKno m-n ..! I .n A ann TVntxi TKrilH -r i I rpfrftshlTlRnt bv Miss Lola Vedder. . oniUHMll, Ule Consolation
r j wuxuva, " ot.viF.u6 uie interior li tne jockb uwtu iiiivi i o- - v - o . t.., auuv nuoui juoxuu,i - - i Tinrin v tVt 0 rt
usuallv hieh and warine a biz smile ron. c narfiinn , the Ernests had studied. The cards I T.p ami Smith MarMn Tna wimn I Mrs. A. O. Anderson has accepted u ule alter noon ice cream ant
3nnriav mnrnh. Tila Msnla In til I . .-! -i- j . warn tlia hanHlnrnrb nf )x Kttlo Asinrh I Mnadnrshin of the CamtrfirP Girla and i cake Were Served by the hOSteSS.
Uu ui.um. m - oeea msuuiDn ma s iiita urinui- v.wu.v---. ..... r - ----- . fp. - , . ...
who seemed to enjoy the event, was
little Erva Carothers, of this city,
seven-weeks' old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Carothers.
Attending ' the event were Mrs.
Charles M. Sorenson and daughter.
son. LaW.
1T 1
t i i j ii I n w roner vy ?uii-HUitv anernoon. i - - -"
. . . . i - a i h.. . . . . . . . . m in iwi iiiatn nun nn rnrAT m i vrr-n k m
Mr. Letherby. of Portland, who has I M- a. xnompson. Mrs. . a. A-araei marrlage of Mr. and Mrs. Connel fifty ine Marcn numoer 01 missions Mag. ,ir r ' ' V
had much experience In the Mount ad Mrs.. Miranda. years ago. Mrs. Bonneau is a Bister I azIne was reviewed, each member tak-1 M 'm ,7 '
Hvi iintrv. will be at the narish - of Mrs. ConneL mg an active pan. Mrs. u. u. ttour- Z "
house of the St. Paul's Episcopal Security Benefit Association held Tne Connel horn was prettily dec- M1 was the sa&t ot hon9r and ave jack Mrs. r!h khtrttt
. ... f . v. 111 f rnn rT f,a an 1nva n I A 0-r-1 a I r. at MAABA . ... n - . . I till I II 1 M rHKl 1 11 IT w w i h . I -
cnurcn uiis evening, wueu iie - uraia wiin uregua grape ana aaiio i "
lMnrA nn "Vmint Hood." Mr. Leth- hall Monday evening., J -ma. the rolor sohm h.in? irreen anil I Plans were made
After a brief business meeting mus- vellow. :nS to be neia at tne nome oi Mrs. a.
city thought it was because he 'land- ment established. The basement of ter of Mrs. Miranda. Mp and Mra j s Coanel celebrated nas more applicants than one camp
ed" his first big salmon of the sea- the store building Is also being used! Those enjoying Mrs. Miranda's ho- their golden wedding at their home 0,111 accommodate and is seeking some
son. He soon convinced taem 11 was as sUch a department. The artistic piiaiuy were Mrs. r. v. uauit, Mrs. . four m;ies west of Oregon City which -voun 10 bj i an extra
Decause ne naa a new granoson. arrangement of the canned goods In I m. MOieicnie, jars, narry rauaocK, waa an enjoyable event of last week. A
I the center of the -store, building has I Mrs. F. P. Nelson, Mrs. J. W. Leon- 'mock" marriaira wremnnv waa nn I
T. W. Sellwood, of Milwaukie. was att raeted mllch attention, and is the hardt, Mrs. Victor Gault, Mrs. Wll- nf th Avnf nf'ih. .u.in h The Ladies Missionary society ot
in this city on Monday, coming here work of Hearr Brandt, clerk of the Ham Hamomnd. Mrs J. G. Nash, Mrs. Mr. an4 Mrs. Edward Bonneau, of 1116 Gladstone Baptist church held an ,Z H
to look after property interests In establishment. j M. E. Turner, Mrs. F. L Oswald, Mrs. J Portland, acted as best man d enjoyable meeting: at the home of Mrs. r'DH-TItx!an and
r?TalrTTian mnntT I IW 17t ti.n...j Una T. A Ti.t ILTro I . . . ....... I T IX f 1rkrtor WaiIikuJii, oftnmvnn I rtSUCti. AirS. J. W. Winters.
... ..v-r, niatron 01 nonor. naving attended the r . "7 Brookim,, , nsn.u
. . ... . Mr. Trftherbv. of Portland, who has I -A- Thompson, Mrs. A. Jr"arKei 1 marrlatre of Mr. and Mrs. flonnel fiftv I Tne Marei nnauwr 01 mwim Mag. . "T """
John Losh, of Kellogg, iaano, is iu
Oregon City for a brief stay. He Is
registered at the Electric.
J. Clifford, of Salem, was in Oregon
City Sunday and Monday, where ae
transacted business.
erbv comes here upon invitation of the
Girls' Friendly society and those In- ic and games were enjoyea.
George H. Gregory, of Molalla, waa j forested are also invited. No admis-
among the3e to visit Oregon City oa j Blon 18 to be cnargea.
Monday.. I
G ret chen, Mrs. V. H. Powell and son,
Jack, Mrs. R. H. Sherltt and daughtei.
Plans were made for tho next meet- M11' Mr9-D- Cox and children. Elgin
uiu nwara, Mrs. ueorge Dillard, Mrs.
rY. i .
The "bride" was attired in a beauti- F- er May 4. JL7J?
Ice cream and cake were served. fuj -own of gray 3nk creDe de chine Delicious refreshments were served ' r1" . &mgie-
aking the affair a success were Mra. dTrrU fThow SJt .tf. y the hostess assisted by Mrs. Whit- bay. Mrs. Miller, of Port-
Mr. and Mrs. Blom,. of
F. Childs, whose home Is at Oswego. 1 Pleasant, enjoyed a motoring trip to
MaKing tne anair a success were Mra. 1 ad carried a shower bouquet of daf-
E. O. DeMoss, Mra. u. O. Dryden ana 1 fodils
Mount I Mrs. Jessie Allen. I ijVjllowlnir the "marriaee" ceremonv
an !ahorat dinner wa Rrvert . president; Mrs. A- F. Parker, secre
was in this city Monday, where he I Salem Sunday, where they were I Mrs. Charles Legler entertained at table was artistically decorated and r -oner, Mrs. v. c.
.mi, onri Mr Amon mrs. jonn tjarotners, Mrs. Ches
Present were Mrs. H. H. Hulbert,i4flaroulers ana children. Norma and
a. of this city; Miss Anna Winters
and Miss Pearl Grimms, of Portland.
transacted business.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ogles- her home in Gladstone Saturday eve- was centered with daffodils.
by, the latter their daughter. Mr. ana ning in a most delightful manner. During the day many message, from
Latourette, Mrs. W. L. Amen, Mrs.
Mary Driggs, Mrs. M. A. Dauchy, Mrs.
George J. Currin, of Gresham, was I Mrs. Blom were accompanied to their The home was artistically decorated J friends reached the home of Mr. and .J63' , ' Hatnaway Bni Mrs
ntt-n nirnn I homo Siinnav evenlnie' DV Mrs. UKies- I with hrldal wrfiaUL hvaolnthn .tullns I ..i,,l.tnn ,v, 1 vn m.o vr uinuuiu.
au - a v. wii uiL J Jlt 'uuaj. I j I - ' I xui o. vui ai.uAauug bucui Wll
by and three weens old aaugnter, 1 and primroses arranged In baskets of I this enjoyable occasion, and a large
George W. Green, of Oswego, was I Elaine Winnifred Blom, wno win 1 various sizes. . . I number of handsome gifts were pre-
The marriage of Miss Cynthia Pace
and Melvin J. Priebe, well known
young couple of this city, was solem
nized at the Lutheran church in this
in this city on business Monday.
R.' H. McWilliams, of Boring, was
in this city Monday afternoon.
The Girls' Friendly Society met in cltF Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
the St. Paul's Episcopal church Wed- Rev- William Kraxberger, pastor, of-
nesday evening, when admission serv-1 ficlated in the presence of only rela-
cu oi- . . . . 1 . , ... . . -
won first prize and Miss Bertha Mr Mot Ho - tw e was a feature of the evening, and l"es a tew intimate friends of the
, . . a TT I ..... . ,..v J I - , n . IllAlltMAtin- 1
A party compose 01 inrs. uii iriebe, of this city, was awarded sec-1 ani son8 Burton Howard and Paul pms presenteo, mis9 itnoca uawson.i ""b
spend about three weeKs at Mount i Music and cards were enjoyed. I gented them.
Pleasant.. Mrs. Paul B. Legler, of Portland,! The children and grandchildren at
ard, Drr Coffen and Howard Mass had j ond prjze.
monlo. M Vnlri'mA TITn nil Ifw, rn wmmmt
A. Wolfhagen, of Boring, was among extremely good luck fishing on the MrSi Legler was assisted in serving t jivtn riamrMpr an snn Tx.ia nn T?av I Campbell. Rev. C. H. L. Chandler pre-1 iQ a traveling suit of navy blue, with
the Oregon City visitors Monday. I river here Sunday morning, and Dr. refershment a by her sister-in-law. Mra. t avin ftf Hnnniom wh - m nnv sented the pins -in an impressive man-1 hat to match. Her corsage bouquet
Coffen, who lives at Portland, land- Pau1 T !,. I tt ' a a... I ner. - Fwas of violets and Cecil Brunner rose-
Mrs. May and Mrs. Barah, of Port I ed . a fine salmon weighing In the I waont mn Mrs. Hairr Thiiw. I , - ,:i.' .1 This meeting was preceded by a sup- buds.
land, accompanied by Mrs. M. Boll-1 neighborhood of 42 pounds. He used MTa w naammar. Mra Mvrnn 1 I a . W r per served in the parish house at 6:30 The bride's maid was Miss Kathrm
ack. formerlv of Oraeon Citv. now cf I favia woa oTnptln nnn hour I - -r.. I e . I nvirvt anil Knainoo. .oocin ttv'. I Robinson, and r.onr rv.- - v...i
- . - - -- " ,. . ..6" !.v...o -i uayerst flirs. an uourge, jssr. raui t 1 an,i Dorothy. Of HOOUlam. Wash. : BUT-I ""'.' : " ireot.
Portland, and Mrs. L. Hertz, 'of San and five minutes landing the big fish. , le f portland: Mrs. Elliott. Mrs.L n J vwo w, - r lowing the services at the church, the man-
Charles Bollinger. -Mrs. Ralph Greer, L. rnhen dautrhter-in-law of HoaulJ members of the organization, again re- Following the marriage ceremony
Mrs. Ed. Rauch, Mrs. Harvey Wilson, anv sj, . other guests were Mrs Palred to the parish house, where the P"- ana Mrs. Priebe left for their little
Mfea Nellie Caufield. Miss Bertha rUn ur h Pnim, remainder of the evenlag was devote! nome at 604 Jackson street, where
Priebe. Miss Geneva Young. Miss Alice vmi xr- 0a "m, n w iinv,. to a social time. they will be at home to their friends.
Fre.vtag. j Mr jind Mrs. Edward Bcnneau. Mr.
and Mrs.' f! f!" Shumwav and Mrs. W.
Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Strebig enter 1 w Qurn - ...
lained at dinner Sunday, April 3, in A w b. nonnel and sons. Frank
Miss Esther Wood and Miss Maryj The bride was attractively ' attired
James Meshler, of Hubbard
among those to transact business in
Oregpn City Thursday.
Francisco, were in this city the latter Mrs. Howard had sevieral strikes,
part of the week, where they visited
at the home of the Misses Goldsmith, I Mrs. William Money, of Oceau
sisters of Mrs. Bollack and cousins oi I Falls, B. C. former resident of Ore-
Mrs. Hertz. Mrs. Hertz has been inlgion City, is the. guest of her sister,
Portland, where she has been attend-1 Mrs. Frank Nelson, of Gladstone, arid
was I lng a meeting of the Council of Jew-1 also visiting her daughter. Miss Mar-
ish Women, as she is secretary of the I jorie Money, who is making her home
organization. . 1 at that place. Mrs. Money expects
to fenonrl anoiif-. ' two wAekfl In Glad-
William vaugnan, or moiaiia, prom- Rev M Williamson. D. D., presi- .ton, and will also visit amonie her
ment resident ot mat piace, was m dent of the Albany college, occupied friends in this city.
Oregon City Thursday. the pulpit of the Presbyterian church
Sunday morning, and was around I W. H. Mattoon. of Viola, promin-
W. J. Becker, of Boise, iaano, -w as town visiting some of his old time ent farmer and ex-county commission
among the Oregon City visitors during frlend8 Monday. While In this-city er, was among the Oregon City visi
Ihe week.
Among those from the Marquam sec
tion transacting business in this city
Thursday w as O. A. Marquam.
Carl Hilton was in this city Thurs
day. He i3 one of the well known
farmers of the' Aurora section.
he was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. H.
G.. Edgar.
Born, Monday morning, April 11th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Campbell, a
daughter, weight eight pourds.
littie one is named Audrey.
tors Tuesday. While in this city Mr.
Mattoon visited among some of his
old time friends.
Dawson, Mary Campbell Gladys Terry,
Annabell Hall, Kathryn Grady, Esther
Wood, Marie Rosenthal, Mary Barker,
Nell Bierman, DIcksy Dryden and Isa-
Mrs. Lena Strita of Clackamas, was 1 '
James Fulam, prominent resident c
The Clackamas county, whose farm is lo
cated in the Redland section, was
among the Oregon City visitors Tues
Mrs. T. C. Barker, in company witn day. While here he visited among
her granddaughter, Marie Shipley, of some of his old time friends,
in Oregon City Thursday
Charles Austin, of Oswego, was in
past six weeks in San Francisco, Mrs. Elmer W Gribble and daugh
where they have been guests of the ter, Mrs. Martin Widdows, and the lat-
this city Thursday.
former's son, Thomas P.- Barker, re
turned to Oregon City Sunday even-
t,. iro Tito f wniina wpa mg. While there Mrs. Barker and
ter's baby daughter, Ida, were in Ore
gon City on business Tuesday after
in this city Thursday.
granddaughter enjoyed many side
trips., among these being one to San
Henry Holterman, of Boring, was Mateo, and found the weather delight-
. in this city Thursday.
C. Lund, of Seattle, Wah., was i
this city on business Monday and
Mrs. E. White, of Canby, visited
friends in Oregon City Thursday.
ful in most of the section visited. Tho- Tuesday, where he registered at the
mas Barker, who was in the worla I Electric hotel
war. suf ferine from wounds on the
arm. has underwent a number of cu- C. A.. Kerty, of Camas, Wash., was
Levi Erb, prominent
Monitor, was in the city Thursday.
erations on his arm since going to an Oregon City visitor Monday and
resident of I California, when bone grafting was Tuesday.
necesary. He received a severe
j wound while fighting for his country,
Henry Lucks, of Milwaukie, was an I and since returning to the United
nroonn mtv visitor Thursdav. States has received treatment at a
number of government Hospitals. ie
W. T. McRoberts, of Heppner, was I i3 now employed at the X. I. Battery
in this city Friday. I establishment in San Francisco.
John Losh, of Kellogg, Idaho, arriv
ed in this city Tuesday where he is
spending a few days.
P. B. Scott, of Washougal, Wash
was" in this city Tuesday, here he
transacted business.
Judge and Mrs. Robert Beatie, of Mrs. Edith Tozier Weathered, of
Beaver Creek, were in Oregon City I Portland, who has been in Salem since
Saturday, where they came to attend the legislative session, arrived in Ore-
the funeral of the late E. P. Waro, I g0n City Tuesday afternoon, where
of Woodburn, which was held in the I she visited friends. She was met in
Baptist church in this city. Satur- this city by her brother, Albeit To- j
day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Beatie 1 zier, who is a past presidenc of the
are relatives of the deceased. National Editorial association. Mr. To
zier was elected to that office at But-
Mrs. A. I. Hugaes, of Redian.l, pro- faj,, n. y., id 1901 and was one ot
minent resident of Clackamas county, (ne organizers of the association. To
was in this city on business Tuesday day Mrs. Weathered will attend the
William Schatz, prominent farmer
of Stafford, was in Oregon City on
business Tuesday.
Benefit Dance for
C.-W. Base Ball Team
Saturday Evening
One of the events which will be well
Pomona Grange meeting to be held at attended by the people of this city
the G ranee hall of Warner Grange ot woo t ;nn i. y,o Koii n Ko ,m
Among the arrivals in Oregon uuy N-ew Ero aa she la a Drominent and U.h,, o,,i ,o n.mn.
nn. Y,,. ?a at .. - . i"-vlu-j . " " "
u.a iiv, active igrange worker, in the evening amette Inn at West Linn. The pro-
she wilr be among the guests at the Mejs win eo towards nurchasine: base-
banquet and reception given in honor bau BXlita and paraphernalia for the
Mr- ana Mrs- Brodie, wno reorganized O-W. team this season.
nave just returned rrom tneir soutn
ern and eastern trip. ' Mr. Tozier will
also be among the guests.
Glenado, who will spend a few days
A. J. Hooley, of Hubbard, was
among the Oregon City visitors Tuesday.
AmOng those to transact business in
The support shown the team last year
will no doubt be forthcoming for 1921.
The spacious dining room and lob
by will be thrown open to the danc
ers on Saturday evening, April 16th.
Mr a Mr 1 O 4a.-11ro and arvn
Oregon City Saturday was William who left last week for a motor n Saturaay evening, April 16th.
Frv His home is at Woodburn , . ? ,,.J . I m . T116 best of music has been secured
.0 ... . "... . . " i trom Portland
rrom Dy unanes uaaKe, or tnis city.
They arrived at Roseburg on the eve
ning of their departure from this city,
and visited friends until the following
morning. Grants Pass and Medford
were made in good time. The last
place where they were heard from
was Medford, and are now in Califor
nia. They reported the roads in good
condition and having a most enjoyable
trip, and would probably extend their
Among those to transact business
in this city Saturday was Henry Hoi
man. His home is at Hoff.
C. E. Spence, of Beaver Creek, was
among those to visit Oregon City Sat
trrday afternoon.
P. E. Taylor, of Milwaukie, was an
Oregon City visitor Saturday. -
G. A. Brown, of Colton, was in Ore- visiting after arriving in California, as
gon City on business. tney expect to taite many side trip?
I ana visit a numDer or the Deacn re-
Joseph Carlon, of Colton, was among I sorts besides the larger cities.
the Oregon City visitors Saturday.
John Eid, well known hardware
Emil J. Anderson, of Mount Angel, j dealer of Canby, was in Oregon City
was in Oregon City Saturday.
on business Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. E. E. Perry, of Milwaukie, was
in Oregon City. Saturday!
Miss Batty," of Canby, was an Ore
gon City visitor Tuesday afternoon.
The team is to be among those play
ing at the 'Chautauqua during the sea
son, and the boys are looking forward
to winning the pennant.
Health Association
to Give Shower of
Books for Hospital
A meeting of the Clackamas County
Health association held in the Com
mercial club parlors Tuesday after
noon, was largely attended, and much
enthusiasm was manifested.
An arrangement for a book shower
to be given in the near future for the
children's ward in a hospital, was vot
ed as a result of an appeal from the
Oregon Tuberculosis association.
W. Strebig and Mrs. Marie Strebig.
honor of the former's mother, Mrs. lin Kflr, TOlt.r. Marvirte and Nor-
Marie Strebig, who has been visiting f Meaeftam. oreeon. and daueh-
with them during the winter. 1 1 tr. tt.ikhio oi xiar.
The affair was in the form of a fare- oId Hlllard Howard. ot Hooulam. Bertna "artke Alice Dawson, Mabel
wen party as Mrs. atreuig ana Wash, were unable to be in attend
aaugnter-in-iaw iett me ionowmg w eu-1
r.esday for the tormers home in Mea
Music wa enloyed in the afternoon. """"T." wtts belle Chandler.
o rrAA evening at the home or Mr. ana Mrs.
. I U L. DarVa rtr ITlavanth DTIrl IrtllTl ' r . . . .- n , t - -r
of Mrs Strebiff I . "" mr. ana mrs. rrane oenig-, jr., en-
rrv, w ht, i Ti,a Adams streets to honor the Dirtnaay i tertained Sunday at their home on
John Pace. Mrs. Marie Lewis, of Port- anniversaries of Mrs. Parker and ilttle Twelfth and Madison streets in a most
land: Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Knann. Miss ""s". jjs cnarmmg manner.
Sedonia Gelbrich and brother. day- The handsome birthday cakes The -rooms of their home were pret-
Pmt f isTflw Wm- Mr ond Mrs were maae- oy mrs. rrann Aiiuituge, i tily decoarted with spring blossoms,
Herman Fisher, Mr. aid Mrs. Bearth- prettily ornamented with candles set and the tabie correspondingly .decorat-
hold and son. Otto. TVIr. and Mrs. H. I UIue ana euuu ed
t-reaiu ana raito weie seivcu uuiiuS Attending were Mr. and Mrs. A. R
the evening'- Cornelius. John Baldwin, the lattei-s
The LadieS' Aid Society of the Barnes and music occupied the eve. father, who motored from Forebt
Christian church of Gladstone met at.nmS'8 entertainment. Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, of
the home ef Mrs L. A. Read Wednes
day holding an all day meeting. Din
ner was served at noon.
After a business meeting. Dr. A. O.
Alexander gave a very interesting talk
on "The Life and Work cf John Bur-
rough,", the naturalist, Mrs. L, A.
Read and Mrs .K. E Bauersfeldt gave
readings that were also appreciate!
Mrs. Billingsby, of Portland, told oi
the work of the Circle of the First
Christian church of Portland, of which
she Is a member.
Enjoying the day were Mesdames
Homaday, Hoyt. Carothers, R. Frey-
tag, L. Gault, Thomas Gault, F. A. Bur-
don Ben Beard, I. H. Prater, John
Hollowell, E. P. Edwards, Fred Hay
ward, L. H. Strickland, C. Frost Brent-
on Vedder,. Klyer and K. E. Bauersfelt,
of Gladstone; Dr. Mills, of Woodburn;
Grandma Hess, of Parkplace; Dr. and
Mrs. A. O. Alexander, Mrs. Billingsby.
of Portland ; and Mrs. Prather of Sell-
At the next meeting Wednesday, The bride is one of the popular
April 13, Mr. Leatherby, of Portland, young women of Oregon City, and for
will be in attendance, and give an il- a number of years was connected with
lustrated talk on Mount Hood. the Oregon City Abstract office. th
Attending were Mrs. Anderson, I county recorder's office and recently
Misses Rhoda Dawson, Ethal Huntei I wth the Clackamas County , Abstract
Edith Chandler, Mildred Dryden, Company. She is the daughter of J. L
A party was given at the home of
Miss Edna Rowan Saturday evening
to be given in honor of Mr. and Mr.
Harry Dunmire, of Portland, but who
were detained at home and the disap
pointed young people havin? charge of
the affair carried out their jdans and
had an enjoyable tin.
The Rowan home was prettily dec
orated with spring flowers and ferns.
Music, games and cou tests were en
joyed during the evening.
Refreshments were served by Mrs.
W. I. Rowan and Mrs. David Catto.
Enjoying the evening were Misses
Edna Rowan, Ollie Amen, Pearl Fisher,
Agnes Hays, Doris Ellis, Goldie Hardy,
Helen Carpenter and Gladys Christy,
Messr8 Maynard Brendle Elvin Catto,
Clay Brendle, George Thompson, Ever,
ett aCtto, Glenn Amen, Troy Solomon,
George Lund and Lester Kerns.-
A delightful surprise party was
given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.
Martin, at Willamette Saturday eve
ning, April 2, when the birthday at.
niversary of their son, William Martin,
was observed.
Music and dancing were the features
of the evening, and refreshments were
served. An attractive and delicious
tasting cake ornamented with Ted and
white candles, added to the table dec
orations. Above the table was sus
pended a basket filled with red and
white daisies, an extending from the
basket to the cake were garlands of
red and white daisies, forming a mSst
attractive decorative scheme. . Also
adorning the table 'was a birthday,
Attending were Mr. ana Mrs. t. m. Portland
rariter, Mr. ana Mrs. urptt parner, Mr. jr. Baldwin and daughter. Mrs. Co&.
ana mrs. jonu rareer, jyir ana Mrs. nelius. are life lone friends of Mrs
Frank Alldredge, Mrs. Jano Crawford, Koenig, and during Mr. Baldwin's stay
Mrs. .utn Boyian, Misses uaith Par- In this city he visited Caotain John
ker, Gladys Parker, Qufvene All- w. Kelly, of West Linn, both of whom
dredge; Messrs Milton ana Ulenn Par- aro members of the G. A R. and mem
pace, of this city.
Mr. Priebe is the younger son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Priebe, and a well
known young man of this city. He is
connected with the Oregon City Sand
& Gravel Company, but for a number
of years "was connected with the paper
Mr. and Mrs. Priebe have a host of
friends in this city.
Miss Ruth Kraxberger rendered the
Wedding march from Lohengrin as
the bridal party entered the church,
and while passing out, played Men
delsohn't Wedding March.
. Miss Mary Thomas, Misa Lillian Gil
lett and Miss Mable McCloud, of this
city, are members of the committee
in charge of a dance to "be given
Thursday evening by the Artisan
Lodge in the Knapp hall.
Excellent music has - been secured'
for the event. ,.,"-
ker, Graydon Pace.
Mrs. Frank Parker, Mrs. John Pai
ker, Mrs. Jane Crawford and Mrs
Frank Alldredge were dinner guest
of Mr. and Mrs .Orph Parker, of Maple here among' the members of the G. A.
bers of the drum corps. Mr. Baldwin
of the drum corps of Forest Grove, and
Captain Kelly of the local corps.
Mr. Baldwin has assisted at a number
of local entertainments .and is known
Lane, Wednesday afternoon.
Before returning to their homes they
attended the meeting of the Maple
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Freeze
Lane Improvement Club held in the I daughters, Jeanette, Marjorie
grange hall at that place.
Alice, residing near Canby, were din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Rand
all at their home near Central Point
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Randall
was prettily decorated with spring
flowers and ferns.
Mrs". Livy Stipp was hostess to the
Thursday Auction Bridge Club at
Mrs. Fred Lucas, of Parkplace, wag
honored guest for an enjoyable surprise
party at the home of her mother-in-law,
Mrs. Frank Lucas, of that place,
Wednesday afternoon, which ;was In
the form of a ehower, and the guest
of honor wa3 the recipient of many
pretty and useful gifts.
Miss Marie Holmes, of Parkplace.
sang sweetly popular songs.
The afternoon was devoted to a so
cial time, followed by refreshments
Mrs. Paul Preauger assisted Mrs.
Lucas in serving.
Attending were Mrs. Jame, Moore.
Mrs. Hester Moore, Mrs. Leona Smith,
Mrs. W. A. Holmes, Miss Marie
Holmes, Mrs. Flora Frasier, Mrs. S. J.
Jones, Mrs. Paul Freytag, Mrs. A.
Feltz, Mrs. M. Rivers, Mrs. Jennie
Butts, Mrs. William Rivers, Mrs. Wil '!
liam Lucas, Mrs. Paul Preauger, Mrs.
Frank Bernier, Mrs. Louis Himler,
Mrs. Lyle Glass, Mrs. John Kent, Mrs.
Fred Lucas, Mrs. Frank Lucas, Gene
vieve Himler, Reva and Norien Frey
tag, Harold Moore, Velma Smith. Har-
old, LeRoy and Helen Lucas and Les
ter Glasst.
Ladies' Aid Society of Presbyterian
church held its "first meeting of theC!I
moo m.j a . I sunaay.
leadership of the new officers, which
are ag follows; President, Mrs. A
Rintoul; first vice-president, Mrs. O
A. Pace; second vice-president, Mrs.
Elizabeth Glover; secretary, Mrs. Du-
ane tiy; treasurer, Mrs. u. u. KDy. her home on Eleventh and John
Mrs. Rintoul presided over the meet- Adams street Thursday afternoon. In
lnS- v I cards club nrizes went to Mrs,. Nieta
The chairmen appointed for the var- Kario-r Lawrence and Mrs. E. P.
ious committees are as follows: Social, j Rands, with Mrs. Clyde Mount winding
Mrs. Koy woodward ; sewing, Mrs. I tne guest prize.
jonn conre; flower, Mrs. J? . A. Al- Daffodils and other spring flowers
Dright; membership, Mrs. Frank All I were used among the decorations
dredge; program, Mrs. Harry Paine; I Refreshments were served.
way and means, Mrs. C. Schueoei. Attending were Mrs. E. A. Chapmau,
A congregational supper was plan- Mrs, j. Humphrys. Mrs. C. H. Can
ned for next Wednesday night, March field, Mrs. Thomas Keith, Mrs. H. L.
lo. - I r.lark. Mrs. Charles -D. TLtoiirptte.
There were 27 ladies present. At Mrs. Frank Young, Mrs. C. H. Meis
the close of . the business Mrs. O. A. I sner. Mrs. Lena Charman. Mrs. L. Jv
Pace surprised the members by serv- jones, Mrs. L. A. Morris, Mrs M. D.
ins dainty refreshments. Latourette, Mrs. Wallace Caufield.
Mrs. L. L. Porter. Mrs. Clyde Mount.
Mrs. William Gardner, assisted by mtb E. P. Rands. Mrs. L. A. Hender
her daughters, Mrs. Blake Bowland son.
and Miss Blanche Gardner were hos.- The next meeting will be at th
esses to the Saturday Club April 4th home of Mrs. M. D. Latourette in two
at the Gardner home at Meidrum. weeks.
A program was rendered and re-
freshmentq were served.' . I Mrs. Harry Price entertained at four
The following were present: Mrs. (tables of bridge at her home Friday
Don James, Mrs. S. L. Stevens, Mrs. I afternoon. Prizes were awarded to
James Roake, Mrs. C. H. Meissner Mrst Clyde Mount and Mrs. Wlllian,
Mrs. J. A. Snover, Mrs. Julia Haskell. I Folger.
Mrs. A. H. Rakel, Mrs. J. F. ClarK, Refreshments were served during
Mrs. P. C. Davidson, Mrs. D. W. Kelly, the afternoon
Mrs. j. jj. iaiouietie, mra. iiiumao uecorauons were artistically ar-
A. Keith, Mrs. Ellen R. Eads, Mrs. H. j ranged and were formed of spring blws
E. Jiendry, Mrs John CrawforJ, Mrs. soms
Hilda Parker, Mrs. George Rakel, Mrs. In attendance were Mrs. C. H. Meis
L. A. Henderson, Mrs. Ada Pearl, Mrs. I sner, Mrs. H. E. Hendry, Mrs. E. T.
Mrs. L. Adams, Mrs .H. Beecraft, Mrs. I Avison, Mrs. Thomas Keith, Mrs. H.
William Laidlaw, Mrs. J. McGetchio, I s. Mount. Mrs. Clyde Mount, Mrs
Mrs. in. j. acanton, Mrs. KODert war- Bankus, Mrs. Frank Young, Mrs. M. D I Oregon Citv. secured a marriaee li
ner, mrs. urpaa Anaerson, miss neien j iaioureue, Mrs. U. D. Latourette, Mrs. cense from the county clerk Monday,
Louise S. Christy entered suit for
divorce from James D. Christy Tues
day in the circuit court, and charged
in her complaint filed, cruel and in.
human treatment. One minor child
is involved in the case, and the wife
asks the custody of the child, one-third
interest in the husband's real proper
ty, and one-half interest in a confec
tionery Store operated by the husband
in Portland.
Plaintiff also asks the court to allow
her judgment aigainst the defendant In
the sum of. $450, as money advanced
by her to the defendant to buy real
property. She gives her' address as
Clackamas county. . .
Frederick J. Mayer, 27. of Portland,
and Philomin Catherine Justin, 23, of