Page 6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921. MILWAUKEE AND NORTHERN CLACKAMAS Prize Is Offered For 1925 Fair Essay OSWEGO, April 7. Quite a number ' of people from Oswego motored up to Hazelia Literary Society meeting Sat urday evening, April 2. Those going were Mr. and Mrs. William Boyed, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wanker and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Bickner, Edith Bickner, Lillian Bickner, Mr. and Mrs. John Cox and family. Atter the busi ness session a program both literary and musical followed and after which refreshments were served. All report ed a splendid time. Games were play ed after which all departed for home. Dena Rebekah Lodge No. 11 will give a five hundred card party Friday April 8. A short program will be given. Admission 35 cents including refresh ments. All cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dickson, brother-in-law and sister of W. H. Chapin of Glenmorrie, arrived in Oswego this week from Log Angeles cn their way to their home at Buffalo, New York. Mrs. Charles Bickner has been ill for several days from an attack of .grip. She is convalescing. Mrs. O, C. Merrick sketched out an idea for an eesay contest on the sub ject of Oswego Lake advantages as a ' site for the 1925 highway. Electric Exposition ,and President Sydney B. i "Vincent of the Oswego Lake 1925 or ganization clinched the scheme with the offer of a five dollar prize for the best essay. The naming of the organ ization, which was to have taken plave at last Friday night's meeting was deferred again because the names com mittee had not made its report. There is a f 5 prize hangs on this decision. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pettinger were hosts at their home to a number cf college friends who were home for the Easter vacation. Miss Bertha Worthington and Mrs. Pete Emmott went to Camas, Wash., the latter part of the week to visit their sister, Mrs. William Lorenze, who has been ill but is better now. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hyskell former residents of Oswego who for several years have been living at War ren, have reoceupied their home Rock Lawn in South Oswego, where they will spend the summer. A large crowd was present at the j Congregation church, on Thursday night to the community sing, which has been under preparation several weeks. A collection was taken during the evening with whfoh additional music for the subsequent sings will he purchased. Pete Emmott and brother Walter, went to Redland Sunday to see his little nephew who was kicked in the face by a horse and had to have sever al stitches taken. The little fellow was getting along nicely. Mrs. Rose Reefes was accidentally hurt while getting on the train on her way to Portland last Friday. The Oswego .Women's club which was held at the home of Mrs. L. L. Woodward on Wednesday was enjoyed by all as the speaker of the day, Miss Emma Heilman, director of Physical education at Reed college, gave a talk. Work will be resumed within the coming week on the Osewgo-Multno-raah county highway just a few more good days is needed to put the road bed in condition to receive the cement coating. Mrs. Grant White was in Oswego Monday visiting relatives. Miss Louis Pettinger and Miss Mar Wilson were entertained last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Newlands. Dancing and music follow ed a dinner at which covers were laid for 12. Miss Elta Beckman of Victoria, is visiting at the Fred Moiey home of. Glenmorrie on Thursday of last week. She was taken for a trip over the Columbia river highway and Friday evening was the guest of honor at a reception at the Morep hone. 1. A. Lord gave a dancing party at the Grange hall last Monday night in honor of his wife. Mrs. H. H. Eccles, of Canby, visitecr her brother in Oswego Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Baxter and son, Melvill visited relatives in Oswego. .-n Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Waldorf of Mulino, was in Oswego Sunday visiting rela- ! lives. Mr. and. Mrs. A. W. Shipley of Gres- "ham wag in Oswego on Tuesday. Welcome Party Held At Jennings Lodge JENNINGS LODGE, April 7. The welcome part7 given in honor of Mrs. Fraik Coveit, at her home -n Wed n-.-sday, was attends I by tweiityifive women. It was the regular social j-ii'mg of the Jruce (iuikI. Mrs. A. L Snider led the d ? - -tional nieetin.i. taking as her subject Friendship, ana in a sweet way spoke of the meeting of the newcomers and the joy of old friends in returning to our community and quoted gems of friendship from many authors. At the social hour wa were delighted with a reading by Mrs. Painton giving "The Inventors Wif e, which was much enjoyed. With songs and charades made a very pleasant afterno'.n. At the buisness hour the 'president appointed Mrs .Bertha Hart, Mrs. A. B. Snider and Mrs. Edith Blisestone to meet with other organ izations of Community to plan a meet ing of entire district for the purpose returned from China, was a business caller during the week. They are planning cn returning to their sum mer home on the river front. Jesse Miller of Portland caught two 25 pound salmon on Saturday. Ray Foley, a wireless radio operator on the steamer Herin, visited at the Brucchert home on Friday evening. Mr.. Foley has recently returned from a trip around the world and i cartoonist of some note. While . the proprietor of the Shady Nook grocery was using the telephone a stranger helped himself to a $7.uu fishing reel. The little folks who saw the man take it reported to Mr. Clarke to late to identify the stranger. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Scripture of Ore gon City were callers at the Roberts home on Wednesday evening. Marcus Allen of Spokane and a stu dent at the University of Washington, was a dinner guest of Mr. Dan Jones on Thursday, Mr. Walter Pettys disposed of his property interest here and has decided SANDY DEPARTMENT - MRS. J. M. Cv MILLER Correspondent of putting the proposition of a nice I to return to Tillamook, where he will church before the people. It was vot ed to adopt a calendar plan for the Guilds part of the finances if the church is built. Almost all present being in sympathy with the movement A cup of tea with delicious refresh ments were enjoyed by Mesdames Hobkins, Kelly, Hooker, A. B. Snider, L. Allen, W. I. Blinestone, T. Finch, Mary Tillman A. Nelson, A. B. Smith. R. F. Deter, H. C. Painton, Meade Ken nedy. W. Ross, George Pooler, C. Waterhouse, Claire Maple. Henry Bab ler, Kitchen, Ben Losey, Hugh Roberta, George Gardner, Frank Covert, Wil liam Cook and Mr. Snider. We are pleased to hear of the high credits which the pupilg of the Jen nings Lodge school have received dur ing the past month. It not only re flects credit on our efficient ocrps or instructors,' but on the children as well. A list of those with highest per cents are as follows: 8th grade, Bar bara Portz, 96.7 per cent; 7th grade, Florence Wilson, 93.6 per cent; 6th grade, George Card, 95.7 per cent; 5th. grade. Mary Rush, 96.3 per cent; 4th grade, Audrey Tillman, 95 per cent; 3rd, grade, Helen Roethe, Newell Ford and Robert Chapman tied with 99 per cent. Mrs. Luscy Allen leaves on Friday for the Dalles, where she will at tend the home coming of the Rebekah Lodge. ! The regular meeting of P. T. Associ- j ation will be held at the schoolhouse I on Friday P. M., April 8. A little daughter has come to glad den the home of Mr .and Mrs. Frank Prior on Addie street. The little miss arrived on April 1st. Rev. A. B. Snider has returned from Grants Pass, going down on a business trip. Mr. Wilfred Ross spent Easter Sun day at Woodland, Wash. W. R. Guy has purchased the Pettys home and is soon to take up his resi dence here. Mrs. George Gardner gave an April Fool frolic for the little folks in her Sunday school class on Saturday after noon. The favors and caps were of burnt orange and black and the little folks prized these very much. Games and contests were enjoyed. During the afternoon their attendance card3 were given and stars for every Sun day they were present with stickers for the Christmas, Valentine and Eas ter .Sundays made pretty souvenirs for the fourteen little folks. Ice cream auu delicious home made animal cookies were served. The class enrollment is composed of John Holloway, Wil liam Tillman, Betty Bretcher, Arthur Boeteger, Victoria Boeteger, Omar Bethtel. Lorraine Ford, Billy Booth. Lee Burns, Geraldine Harlowe, Bonita Prior, Ruth Alice Lawrence, Bob'oy Thonipson, Winnifred Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Finch had the pleasure of . entertaining friends from their old home town, Alpha, Iowa. Their guests over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Finch and Mrs. Will Patterson . The visitors enjoytd a 20 pound Chinook salmon which was caught by the host. Collins Finch wlio is a Freshman at the Portland dentai college also spent -Sunday at this home. Mrs. C. R. Holloway returns frofa California on April 10th, after a six weeks visit at Long Beach with her mother. Mr. Vyvyan Dent, who has recently engage in business. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Painton and son Morse autoed up from Rockaway and will spend a week with their daughter Mrs. Alden Kelly. Mr. Painton is purchasing material for hig four new cottages which are well underway anj will be ready at the opening of the beach season. A nine room house ha3 been completed which the 'Painton Tamily will occupy. The Heathman Construction com pany have been awarded the contract to build the new fire hall at Bolton. At present this company is complet ing the new store at Oak Grove. The firm are well known people of the Meldrum district. Mrs. H. W. Smith of California has been entertained at the home of Mrs. Edward Boyd The Harry Howland home is- com pleted at the family taken possession. This is a very pretty little bungalow and is on the River road H. M. HayleS, a public account ant of Airlie is spending a few days at Jennings Lodge. Mr. Hayles has a small pounltry ranch "Kozynook" at Airlie and has orders for 13,000 bab; chicks of his white leghorn strain. , News of interest here of the week was the marriage of Helene Seeley to Earl Mac Donough of Salem. Th wedding taking place at the home of the bride at Salem. The J. E. Seeley family were former residents of the Meldrum district. Miss Smith, student of the Willam ette University at Salem, is enjoying part of her vacation at the home of her brother A. B. Smith. About 30 couples attended the danc ing party given at the Bl le front haU on Saturday evening, Mr. McElroy is to begfn his new home on his acerage on Addie street.. Many social affairs have been given for Mr. and Mrs. Painton during their week's stay at the Lodg:e. The Painton family formerly resided here and old friends are pleased to see them. A business meeting of the Christian Endeavor was held on Wednesday eve at the church. A taffy pull followed. Mrs. Pooler and Rev. and Mrs. Snider chaperoned, the affair. The Junior Endeavor has twenty members and Mrs. Snider is the super- intendant. It includes the children between the ages of seven and twelve years. An elderly lady who makes her home with the J. Hampton family fainted while ironing on Wednesday, when found by Mr. Heath was badly burned about the face. The Community Club met in regu lar session at the school house on Wednesday evening. A large number were present. Mr. Madison reportea on telephone case and a petition is being further circulated fc.r the recall Howard Truscott gave a splendid re port on water question and matter will be laid over until the next meet ing. Mr. Meldrum, Mr. Necombe and Mrs, ivruscney were appointed a commit tee on the church plans. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Grieve of South ern Oregon have located at the Ulla- brand cottage. Mrs. Grieve is a niec or Mrs. Ullabrand and has come to receive medical treatment. Mr. Grieve is an author of some note. Frank Jadinett of Sandy Takes Bride SaNDY, April a. Frank Jardinett has taken unto himself a fine looking bride all the way from Bohemia! Writing his sister some time ago to Hnd him a nice wife "over there," the sister proceeded to select a desirable sister-in-law, a correspondence oegan, Cupid got very busy and the result was Mr. Jardinett sent his fair lady love her expenses to come to the best country on earth and she left her home-land March 2, arriving at Port alnd the 30th. Henry Kamp and R. Dittert went to Portland with the groom and then to Vancouver as wit nesses for the couple. jvir. ana Mrs. jardinett are very nearly the same age, and seem very happy together. Mrs. Jardinett can not speak a word cf English but then she will soon learn. They have gone to the ranch owned by Jadwtn. He was working at the Sandy Lumber Co. mill when It closed down. Farm Bureau Meet At Sandy Helpful John P. Miller, Mgr. Phones: Sell wood 597, Automatic 21363 East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an d Dealers In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of 8pokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON Former Oak Grove Girl Wed In Wash. J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland First State BankofMiwaukie "YOUR HOME BANK" Conducts a General Banking Business 4 per cent interest en Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED OAK GROVE, April 6. Word has been received that Theodore "Worthing ion cr n,ast Concord and Mrs. Julia Holt, formerly of Oak Grove, were married recently in Washington are now at home near Washougal, Wash. congratulations are extended. F. A. Smith and wife were dinner guests of friends In Portland Thurs day. Mrs. R. R. Davenport and daughter, jackaiyn, and Mrs. G. S. Davenport were guests of Mrs. Jennie Smith in Portland Wednesday. Mrs. D. Palmblad and Mrs R- Palm blad were shopping In Portland Thurs day. The Oak Grove boys teat Coneorl ball team in a score of 21 to 8 at Oak Grove Friday. HOW THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case ot Cetarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh suffers for the past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the: Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great Improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medicine at once and get rid of ca tarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & C, Toledo Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Adv. school board both made sensible talks for harmony. "The nchooi is tae basis of training for good citizenship, Mr. Junker claimed and to learn "obedience is the foundation of the child's education." Mrs. Blanche R. Sheley made a most practical talk on 1 younger generation. SANDY, April 4. There was only a porch meeting at the tarm bureau session Friday, so busy were the farmers making the work fly while the sun shone, that hardly a "corpor al's guard' came. However, county agent W. A. Holt came out from Ore gon City and talked over farm bureau interests advising on. various points of preceedure and after all it is the few who really do most of the work in the oragnizations, so these folks went ahead as ardently as though there were a hundred present. The following committees were appointed by the local leader, Ed. Hart; Cana dian thistles, James De Shazer; Mar keting, Ed Hart, cat request of others) ; Poultry improvement, Mrs. , F. C. Lohrman; rodent -control,' Charles Krebs. Mrs. Holt especially urged co-oper j ation of the .grange and in throwing the lecture hour open to general dis-A cusion of the farm bureau work. The form ViiTaii ia Q rl vri) t ill or f It Ci x-&1"U ! IZ- 7t ,buv go tojj or th school tninera thA irra n fn. ha.a anviv.atwi since ' . . Mr. A. Aschoff was over frcra Mar mot the first of the week to see his son Carl who came home from Trout dale Saturday. Mr. J. S. Allen came out from the city -on Friday remaining until Moc day morning. Charley Suckow has been moving over to Sandy on the installment plan the past week, and will soon be "all' here. ' Mayor Junker went to Portland two or three days last week, and Paul Meinig and L. E. Hoffman also went in to attend the meeting of the High way Commission. Mr, and Mrs. George Wolfe left Monday for their home in The Dalles after finally getting buiness affairs here untangled. Mr. Wolfe is gain ing in health and looks fine..-When he called the doctor at The Dalles he told him; th same as Dr. Williams, that he had to stay in a different climate and that he did not change a day too soon! Mr. - Murray and son Ray Murray went to the head works on Monday to begin work up there. Miss Esmer and Miss Vera Mixter entertained with cards on Saturday evening and time sped away on swift SANDY. Anril 5. Friday night I wings while tne games went merniy there was a Sandy Parent Teacher on according to the guests who enjoy meeting in the Odd Fellow's hall ed the iree-rrom-care evening very which was presided over by Mrs. R. J mucn lnaeea. ana Mr. joraon tavorea r!Qc.n whn iHpB-nriitMt is them wltn nis line singing. inose finishing the year's work in Dlace of present were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Mrs. Ernest Bonett who resigned Allen, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. PurceU, and from illness. The meeting was favor Miss Bess Barton. ed by the presence of Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Ungerfronen, sSster Oif Mrs. supervisor, who gave a strong talk for Junker has returned from a few teachers and parents to co-operato week's visiting at Portland. Astoria for the welfare of the children; and and Seaside. Mrs. Ungerfronen will urging every parent to visit the school return to her home in Skagway in a often. cople or r weeks because of being un- Her talk was well received. A. W. I able to get reservations later. Thete Mattingly president of the grade (are not so many toats on the Alaska board and Mayor Junker of the high I run now and traffic is heavy. 3 7th cf this month will be especially :iae. Mr. Sam Jordon of Portland, a professional singer will be present and sing two solos. Mrs. PurceU, will also appear as a soloist, Mips Ruth Crum will sing and there wil be 'surprise" everyone will want to hear if plans do not fail but it is a little early to announce the entire pro gram. Perhaps by next week it can be given in full. There was a small collection asked for Sunday night for the Albertina Kerr day nursery in Portland and the "small change" asked for amounted to four dollars. That is the first colec- tion that has been asked, at the song programs. Sandy and Cottrell Hold P.-T. Meetings Mrs. E. Dodd attended the dance at Brightwood Sautrday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jess Spradlin of Kelso. They did not attempt to leave till daybreak so ''missed trouble in the sudden snow storm that caught the obedience personally of the child ard on parents keeping in close touch with the teacher so as to know what the child is doing in looo,, and in- conduct. Mrs. Shelley made a per sonal talk, using her own child as an illustration saying she stood by the teacher tho she did not always agree with her methods which showed a large vision on the party of Mrs. Shel ley. Mrs. Allen talked for obedience of the child and harmony of teacher and parent. A motion waa carried to its organization, and now if the two ' stand together it is hoped the farmer , will learn to stand together, or to re peat Franklin's statement they "will hang together or hang separately" if they do not! It is urged that a large delegation from here attend the next county meeting at Oregon City Saturday, April ,16. There was no session o' the Devel opment league except calling a quo. rum together byt the president, Ed. Hart, to order the payment of a few small bills . The next meeting is sub ject to the president's call. Miss Snedeker, county club leader, wa3 present at the bureau meeting and stated that any boy or girl be tween the ages of nine and eighteen and who owns a pure bred Jersey or Guernsey calf is eligible for admis sion into the county-calf-club which ia becoming a county-wide movement and is enthusiastically carried on in many parts of the county at present. Mr. Holt stated that poison should be put out at once for gray-diggers, as from now to the fifteenth i? the best time, and those not killed at this time should be tried again abcut the midle of May. Holt also urged the adoption of ti.e ioultry project out this way, and the , arrangement of a local meeting with the O. A. C. head. The poultry asso ciation will soon begin to buy feed in a quantity to supply the entire state membership. Interest Grows In Community Singing SANDY, Apirl 4. More and more interest is developing in '.he commun ity song program, and if the audience continues to grow, as fast as it has ot late -the church wil be running over before long. One interesting feature is the varied crowd that attends. If all came at once the church would not hold the crowd! The decorations of dainty spring blossoms and greens Sunday night were especially pretty, Mrs. J. C. Duke being the "decorative artist." Marguerite Bnrnett getting the 'first fruits' of the spring tune flowers. The program was changed some what at the last moment because it was impossible for Dr. Sture to be present but Mr. Sheley consented to sing tenor in his stead.. The numbers were as follows: Voluntary, Mrs. George Perret; Hymn, "Come Al mighty King," by audience led by, ouartette and . violin. Responsive reading; Recitation, "Jdttle Onpnfiui Annie," by little Bennett Miller; vio lin and organ, "Traumeriri, Dy George Beers and Mrs. George Per ret; quartet, "There is a C-irecn Hill Far Away," Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Esson, T. Shelley and R, S. Smith; Hymn by audience; reading "The lact Hymn," Mrs. Fred frcr; solo. Saved by Grace," Mr. P. T. Sbelly; Quartette, "He Knows"; Violin and organ, "American Hymn"; Hymn, Holy Night," audience; duet, "The Gates of Gold," Mrs. Esson and Mrs. Miller; announcements; "Will There be Any Stars," quartette and violin with chorus by audience. Mrs. George Perret was the oragnist of the evening. The next song program will be the After the business session was con- ' eluded an old fashioned spelling bee was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Joe Loan- dree and Mrs. Joe Lilly "chose up," and Mrs. Lilly and Dorothy Esson were the last two on the floor, both going down on the last word, Dorothy ; being the last to go down, received i the greatest "honor!" However, the I box--of candy given for a prize was ! passed around for ' everybody ' Mrs. Buckley was the efficient "procouncer" and everybody did enjoy spelling. Mrs. Loundree won the consolation prize which was a "centennial." Then came the tin pail supper .and it was twelve before the audience lt-ft the hall. ' Harry Dodson was sorry to disap point the P. T. icommittee Friday night but he 'just naturally had to go up to his claim and was too busy and tired to get down to "say his piece." A hundred people attended tha' Par ent Teacher meeting at Cottrell last Friday night, there were twenty num bers on the program, coffee and doughnuts were served iree. Cakes were auctioned, a grab bas and other attractions were used to "make a lit tle money," which was secondary to the desire to "have a good time and bring the school and community in terests together." The Cottrell Parent-Teacher is caUed the most live oragniaation of any P. T. this side' cf Potrland. Among the program num bers were the following: Music on a hand organ; Guitar and banjo selec tions, F. Radford and Clarence Brown ing: a reading, Mrs. Van Fieet, princi pal of Cottrell school; recitation, W. I.. Crissey; monologue, Mis.Plock; violin and organ, Mr. Lindquist and Miss EJna Beers; entertainment by two Jewish '"gentlemen" known as "Mr. Isaac Rosenblatt and Mr. So Goldstein." The impersonators were H. H. Watkins and I.onnie Radford Recitation, Charles Dosseti: reading, 'Sam Lunatic's Letter," by H. H. Watkins. Children's recitations were interspersed, and the Cottrell male quartette sang; after which mor? banjo and guitar music was enjoytd. Rev. Earl Cotton made a splendid talk on co-operative community interests, :ncluding fine remarks of the subject of co-operation between parents and teachers in the schools. Mrs. Ben Alt is president of this pros perous P. T. and Mrs. Joe Caldo, secre tary. Mrs. H. H. Watkins was chair man of the program at this meeting. Their program committee changes for each meeting. They recertly purchas ed copies of a play from the Barlow P. T. and wil! soon berfn learing parts for a performance which will be given in the summer. SANDY LOCALS SIX EXTRA FINE young grade cows for sale. Have been tuberculin tested by the government and are being tested by Wm. Butler of the Cow Testing association for the past 10 months. This Is your chance to buy a few real good flows at th right price. Wm. Jocelyn, R- 2, box 33, Boring, located between Kelso and Sandy. SANDY, March 5'. The regular monthly meeting of the grange will be held Saturday, April 9, and a large at tendance is desired as there will be special business to consider. Every one welcome and wanted during the afternoon program. April is acting queerly for a spriug month! She has been flirting with old man winter 3hamefully! Sunday morning there wag twto inches of snow covering hill and dale tree and flower! The robin trie! to keep cheerful, however, and strung out a weak note now and then till toward noon when buds and blossoms peeped out again smilingly as ever Ore gon Is "like folks" she acts sort of "batty" occasionally but after all there's no place like here! W. C. Colsen of Yakima ha3 been down again looking around our coun try and it is hoped he may decide to locate here. George BeeTs werft over to the Yakima country Tuesday on a hur ried business trip. George makes that flivver fly! There was a large birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wendland last Saturday night in hon or of Mrs. Wendland's birthday. There were forty-five present and the happy crowd stayed till almost three in the morning! Gus Dahrens plpyed the ac cordian and Monroe Weist the violin for the pleasure of the crowd and their feet got to swinging around iin a number of, dances during the eve ning. Refreshments consisting of salad, sandwiches, coffee and all kind3 of cake were enjoyed. News of the party was received too late to write out names of the guests. A party attended by a hundred guests was a recent event at the home -of Mr. and 'Mrs.. Anton Malar, which news also came too late to report in full. ' Mrs. Dora Dahrens is out visiting here for a few days from Portland. Her daughter Miss Johanna Dahrens came out Sunday for the dav, which was spent with her brothers Gus and Adolph. . . P. T. Shelley came over from Hood River to spend a few days with his family the past week, which was his first trip home for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and little grand son Bennett Miller were Sunday din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. -Duke, which is "enough said" for every one to know the dinner was fine and the occasion a nnost "homey" and enjoy able one. Miss Hilda Steffason, sister of Mrs. Sture spent Monday at the home of the Stures; the trained nurse arriving; in the afternoon. 'Mr. and Mrs. Proctor "stood up a long time" at the spelling bee, demon strating that they are good spellers. Mrs. M. E. Church of Oregon City came out Friday with Mr. Holt, .thu county ajent and Miss Snedeker. Mrs. Church knows a good many peo ple around here and said many nlco things about our community. R. Netzel has moved on the Jerger place. The Net.zels are thrifty folks and will do well on this well kept place. Dr. Julius Sture was in Portland all day Saturday on a business trip. Miss Fay Young went home to spend the day. Her folks live on the Maronay farm. Chas. F. Barber was out on his acre age again this week tjransp! anting s-hrubs and flowers. Mr. Barber ex pects to transplant ten thousand del phiniums during the season, some of which will be set out on his Portland lots. Jess Dixon drove up to Brightwoof-. to deliver a piano at the Beechel i home the other day and stopped to call on the Dunn family as he return ed. Miss narDara zog is home again from Stafford where she was staying at her uncle's home. Mrs. Mary I. Wilson, mother of Mrs. Blanch Shelley returned to Sandy Sat urday noon and in four hours . had bought a home, got a job and gone to work! Mrs. Wilson is sixty-two years young, perhaps that is why she can really do things without a lot of fuss and furry! She is nursing at the O'Neil home. Mrs. Wilson bought the , August Senske place and will take posses sion in about a week, or as soon as the Senske's finish moving to Port land. Charles Cleveland of Gresham was in Sandy a few days ago. Mrs. Dora Daniels and con of Port land has been out visiting her horns folks. Mr .and Mrs. Joe Haselwander and family. A large card party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Terne Maulding of Boring a few nights ago which was a perfectly enjoyable time for all present. Mrs. Metzger gave several piano selections during the evening and the host, Vernon Maulding and his brother Frisby Maulding played vioiiu selections. - mere was also a 'big feed," which was also an interest ing number on the program! Those present, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McCul linger, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morand, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Telford, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Metzger, Mr. and Mrs. Mendenhnll, Mrs. Lundy, Mrs. Potter, Mips F ' " ' 'i Anderson, W. E. ChUd, W. A. WrrH C'arence Anderson, Rus sell Potter. Frisby Maulding and the Vernon Mauldings. " S. E. Card, an old pioneer of Bor. ing, passed away last Monday morn-, ing. Mr. Card was poorly for a long time, being confined to the 'house most of the winter. He had lived at Boring forty year3. Max Woenche is so much improved that he walked to the barn last week with the, use of his crutches. If he keeps inmproving so rapidly he will soon be able to walk on his real feet! Who would have though it Mr. and Mrs. Matt Macho are the proud parents of twin girls! Beats all the surprises some folks spring on their friends! They have named their lit- girl3 Blanche Marguerite and Bernice Madeline.' One weighed four pounds and one five-and-a-half. Mrs. Macho who was Ruth Cox, a Sandy girl a few years ago, is with her mother at Gresham and is getting on nicely. The stork wa snot so generous with Mr .and Mrs. M. Tice of Marmot, the old bird left only one little one at their home, but he was a husky nine pound fellow! The stork was not so generous with ly, news comes of a ten pound baby girl being left at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Teuscher of Cherryville. Ttr. Botkin of Gresham was called, the Botkin family being former residents there. Mrs. Dave Douglas acted- as nurse. There is one case of measles in tb Kelso vicinity. Sickness of a contagious nature has about run it's course in this part of the country. Mrs. Jack Burnett has been ill dur ing the week but Dr. Williams has her 6n the quick route to recovery. Dr. and Mrs. Julius Sture have the darlingest littlo seven pound baby- son all cuddled up in a fluffy basket at their cozy home. The little fel low arrived at four-fifteen Monday morning so as to get a good start for the week; It was a frosty morning too, no wonder his blankets were so fleecy, but then the stork is a wily fellow and usually does things up .about right! The Jiappy parents am overjoyed, 'tis a pity he cannot -un derstand all the nice things said about him! Everyone here is rejoicing that Carl Aschoff is home again! He is able to go up town, in fact he and Mrs. Aschoff have been walking a mile a day for some time, so rapidly has- he been recovering from his terrific spell of sleeping sickness. But it will take some time yet before working will be in order, but the change here seems fine for him now. The Achoff's had intended to remain at Troutdale two weeks more, but on account of the sudden illness of Mrs. Schiriitz it was almost necessary for Mrs. Aschoff to be near home and they did not want to be separated. Dr. Adix of Gresham has been on the case from the start, tho doctors House and Rockey of Portland were also employed part of the time. . Friends of the Schmitz family re gret to hear Mrs. Schmitz is suffering from a stroke which came on very j suddenly and unexepected She must remain quiet, and in bed for some time according to Dr. Adix wiho says her blood pressure is high. The left arm and leg are affected. Mrs. Jack Scales went down t Portland the first of the week on a business trip. Mrs. Hoffman and Laura recently went to the city for for a little outing remaining till "the day after." Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dahrens had their baby christened "Mele Chester" last Sunday at the Lutheran church. Miss Johanna Dahrens and Mr. Her man Krebs were chosen as god-father and god-mother for the little one. After church Mr. and Mrs. Gus Dah rens and family, Mrs. Carl Wendland, Herman Krebs. Mr. C. Wendland, Miss Pauline Wendland and Amil Wendland were al invited to dinner at the Dahrens home in honor of the baby's christening. Miss Pauline Wendland is out from Portland visiting her sister Mrs. Gus Wendland and her father, C. Wendland. The party of 'seven" that went to Brightwood to the dance Saturday fight did not get home tiil "seveD A. M the next morning." Snow fell fast and thick that way t:i&t the driver could not see the plank and raa a v.I eel olf the roid and "hat wheel lust turned round and n-ur-i for sc eral hours while those sleepy youns; stera tugged and pulled! "Cold? well rather!" The Dodge touring car belonging to E. W. Omera was sold at public auction here a few days ago for the sum of two hundred dollars to satisfy a judgment and execution in favor of L. E. Hoffman. The Omera family have all moved away now and Georsre Wnlfo yaa charge of his hotel property again, buying back the lease. , Mrs, Glen Mclntire was down from Brightwood during the wek. Mrs .Tom Hogan is home from Port land to stay now, having finished her cases of nursing. Mr. Hagan has bought a brand new team to use in his farm operations. Rev. Marion Johnson who died so sudenly last week of heart failure was a co-worker of Rev. Earl Cotto at Fairview. He was formerly field sec retary for a home finding society for children in Iowa, but had been act ing as a local minister at Fairview for some time. Rev. Cotton is continuing his chil dren's four o'clock meetings again this week, the children showing in terest in his plans for them,' Friends of Miss Pauline Zogg will be glad to hear that she Is able to walk again and is well on the road to complete recovery. Paulino took down at Thanksgiving time with Fpinal men ingitis and was very ill for a long time. She has been under the care of Dr. McCall of Estacada. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Perret went to Portland a few days ago and little Amanda says "we got stuck." Henry was too venturesome and took a sida road. R. E. Esson did the same act and' he also had to get help before he fin ished his journey home. Moral "keep in de middle of de road!' Mr. and Mrs. "Jim" Russell left suddenly for the Hood River country because of Mr. Collier be'ng ordered to take charge there and Mr. Russell was one of the surveying crew. (Continued on page 7)