Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 01, 1921, Page Page 5, Image 5

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J. E. Seeley, a former business man
of Oregon City, where he engaged in
the grocery business for ten years,
now residing in Salem, is in this city
for a few days. Mr. Seeley is rep
resenting the Cherry City Milling Co.,
at Salem, and in interested in the
enterprise, which has recently been
reorganized. Mr. Seeley is also vi
siting among some of his old time
friends, and has found many changes
since leaving here. W. W. Taylor,
also connected with the company, is
in this city for a few days.
Earl Lankins, formerly of this city,
visited Oregon City Thursday.
Olaf Olson, well known farmer of
Marquam, was in this city Thursday.
H. W. Witzke, of Aurora, was in
this city Thursday.
W. Brodie, of Boring, was in Oregon
City Thursday.
C. EL Larson, of Bull Hun, was an
Oregon City visitor Thursday.
John Tobias, of. Boring, was an Ore
gon City visitor Thursday.'
Thomas Vatnsdal, of Milwaukie.
wa3.in this city Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, who re
cently rented the building adjoining
the Electric hotel owned by J J. To
tin, have opened their studio. They
are planning to give a concert in the
near future at the Moose hall, which
will be an unusual musical event.
The entire program will be given by
the blind musicians.
Among the farmers of the eastern
part of the county transacting busin
ess in Oregon City Thurslay, was A
C. Cogswill. His home is at Eagle
Mrs. Edna Payne, a pianist of Port
land, who has been in Oregon City
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Mil
ler, returned to her home Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oglesby, of
2304 Hazel avenue, Salem, are receiv
ing congratulations over the arrival
of a baby girl at their home, born
March 22. The little one is honored
with the name of Elaine Wlnnifred.
Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby formerly resid
ed in Oregon City, the latter being
Miss Dorothea Blom before her mar
riage. This is the first grandchild
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oglesby ana
also the first grandchild of Mr. anl
Mrs. A. Blom, of Mount Pleasant. The
grandparents on both sides are ju
bilant over the new arrival, as well
as the proud parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Oglesby; of Salem, were also form
er residents of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. P. SchroeMn and six
children, who left here last September
for Idaho, later moving to Oklahoma,
where they had intended making
their home, have decided there i3 no
place like Oregon, and returned to
Oregon City March 15. They claim
they have had a sufficiency of electric
storms and sage brush. For the pres
ent Mr. Schroelin and family will re
side at West Linn. They eold their
home in Oregon City at the time of
leaving in September. . Edward, who
was a former employe of Cheney &
Doolittle, has resumed his position
with that firm.
Miss Goldsmith Easter Hats
beautiful designs of art. Adv.
Miss Roberta Scheubel. represent
ing the "West Coast Chautauqua asso
ciation, has arrived in Oregon City
to spend a months vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Scheubel.
She has just returned from a trip
through the northwest, traveling
through Montana, Idaho. Washington,
and Oregon, in the interest of the as
sociation, and is delighted with her
work. Miss Scheubel graduated in
law at the University of Oregon, ana
exclaimed on Saturday to friends,
"Can you imagine me being 'cooped'
up in a stuffy law office now, when t
can get out and enjoy work like 1
have since taking up my duties witn
the association, as I am delighted witn
my work!" Mis Schuebel will leave
May 1st to resume her duties and will
be connected with the summer Chan
tauqua work.
Mrs. B. H. Stewart, of Redland, was I
in this city on Saturday.
Miss Alice Sinnott, who Is confined
to her room by la grippe, is improving.
S. A. Roberts, of Boring, was an
Oregon City visitor Saturday. '
Amoner those to en to r?arraa WuhVi
A. Johnson, of Colton, was among Saturday eveninsr to attend a metine
the Oregon City visitors Saturday. of the D. O. K. K. Lodge witnessing
Initiatory ceremonies were A. M.
William Barnes, of Woodburn. was A shandy. Dave Anderson
u"6u ii-jr yionur oaiurua. anil FVanlr fVrr
A mltat onfnvAhla tlmA nraa 111 J n,
T- j tr Tl r, 1 I J"-' " J
A. T. Cutting, of Molalla, was in
Oregon City Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Webb, of Sphing
brook farm, were in Oregon City on
business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs,
Webb, recently arriving from Buffalo,
N. Y., are greatly Interested in their
little farm. They are to engage In
the poultry industry, and have already
set their new incubator to pure-bre.l
Rhode Island Red eggs. They an-
delighted with the Oregon climate.
and during the favorable weather are
enjoying the out-of-door life on thcs
farm, when they are putting in their
crops. Mr. Webb is to plant an acre
to potatoes, most of these which have
already been sown.
J. B. Trullinger, of Hilsboro, was
in Oregon City Thursday. Owning
property in Clackamas county, Mr.
Trullinger came here to look after his
Miss Elsie Clark, who has been con
nected with the office of Hammond &
Hammond, has accepted a position
with the Oregon City Abstract com
Mrs. William Gadke is very ill at
her home in this city. Her two
daughters have arrived in Oregon
City to be at her bedside.
Among the Oregon City visitors on
Wednesday and Thursday was Leo
Rath, whose home is at Bissell, Oregon.
W. W. Tucker, of Estacada. was in
this city on business Wednesday and
Thursday. He returned to his home
Thursday afternoon.
Among those to transact business
in Oregon City Thursday was Fred
Hoffmeister. His home is at Eagla
Owem Boyle, of Idaho, accompan-
ed by his daughter, Mrs. Dryden, of
California, who have been in Oregon
City where they have been the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sinnott, have
gone to Seattle, where he went for
the benefit of hia health, which is
much improved! sinjee going south.
His daughter is accompanying him as
far as Washington, when she will re
turn to her home to resume her posi
tion as postmistress. ,
J. E. Seeley, who is in Oregon Cityi
for a few days, where he is represent
ing the Cherry City Flouring mill, re
turned to Salem Friday evening to
attend the marriage of his daughter.
Miss Helene, to Earl MCDonough, sol
emnized Friday evening. He arrived
in Oregon City Saturday afternoon to
resume his duties with the milling
Some of the members' of .the local
Artisan lodge made a fraternal visit
to Sellwood ladge Thursday evening,
F. Davennort. of Salem, la raster- leaving here by automobile
eri at tie Klectric I iae visitors were given a most cor
aiat welcome upon tneir arrival in
G. Templeton. of Klamath Falls. ta Sellwood.
in this citv for a few days' stav. Atter tne initiation or a number of
candidates, refreshments were served,
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Shank, ot I and the remainder of the evening de-
West Linn, are to leave next Tuesday I voted to a social time. Dancing was
on an extensive motoring trip, and I among the evening's amusements
before returning to their home, will
visit in their old home city in" Canada, I Miss Goldie Hardy entertained ai
where they are to be the guests ot I dinner Thursday evening at her home
relatives. They are making the trip I in Gladstone, in honor of Mr. and Mrs
by way of California, and are to en Harry Dunmire, who were recently
joy camp life while enroute. Mrs. I married in Portland.
Charles Spencer is to drive her carl Mrs. Dunmire was formerly Miss
and accompany Mr. and Mrs. Shann I Dorothy Green, of Gladstone, who was
as far as Los Angeles. She will be one of the popular .girls of the
joined In California by her husband, younger set at that place. She has
who left for the south some time ago been an active member in the Bap
for the benefit of his health, and who tist church and a teacher of the prr-
is visiting Mrs. Spencer's mother at I mary department before her recen
Modesto, Calif. It is the intention I trip to New York.
of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer to motor I . Harry Dunmire Is an ex-service
through California visiting resorts and man of the world war. He is well
large cities, and will return to Oregon I known here, having resided with his
City in their automobile. parents in East Gladstone since the
close of the war.
Miss Fannie G. Porter, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Dunmire have taken
principal of the Failing school of I up their residence in Portland where
Portland, spent Saturday in Eugene, the former is employed m the office
where she was invited to appear be-1 of the Northwest Steel shipyards.
fore the Alumni association. Miss
Porter gave an interesting talk on Minna Club met in the banquet
oreign Boys and Girls Work In hall of the Moose hall Wednesday
the Failing School." Following the when the day was devoted to needle-
meeting Miss Porter was a guest oi work.
honor on a motoring trip covering a sumptuous dinner was served at
many of the interesting points of Eu- 12 o'clock, when places were laid fo
gene, and she thoroughly enjoyed her Mrs Blanche Brady, Mrs. Josie Fos.
stay in that city. here. Miss Ethel Frost. Mrs. Crais.
Mrs. Boese, Mr. Minnie Donovan,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulligan, the I Mrs. Doty, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. DecK-
latter formerly Miss Florence Bier-1 er, Mrs. R. Wenger, Mrs. J. W. Jones,
man, of this city, who have been mafc- Mrs. Paul Burns, Mrs. Edward Lavier,
ing their home at Talent, Oregon, ar Miss Bernice Lavier, Mr. McDonald,
James Brady and R- Wenger.
The next-meeting will be held Wed
nesday of this week.
rived in Oregon City Saturday even
ing. Mr. Mulligan has been connect
ed with the Southern Pacific Rail
road company. They are accompan
: i 1 v.t i : i TTi 1 t ......
ieu l'jt iiimr 11LL1& auu, rxau& aim gjiygj. tea was given at the home
will probably make Oregon City their Qf Mrg A Reams &t wn.
home. TiTjjn 3
.auiciiv v cuiicsua aitci uwia, uixuci
the auspices of the Ladies' Aid So
ciety of the Congregational churcn
of this city. The affair was in the
form of a St. Patrick's tea when the
Mrs. Emma Wilkinson, who hab
been spending the winted in Arizona
and California, has returned to Ore
gon, and for the present is residing
in Portland. Mrs. Wilkinson was in
this city Saturday, where she wa?
looking after property interests and
also visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Watenpaugh, Ot.
Oregon City, route 1, are receiving
congratulations over the arrival of a
son, born Saturday morning, Marcn
Marvin Eby, student of the Univer
sity of Oregon, has arrived in Oregon
City to spend his Easter vacation with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Eby
Among those to come to Oregon
City on Saturday afternoon was Ed
ward Wolf, well known resident of
Jack Stuart, of Vancouver, B. C
has arrived in Oregon City, where he
is to spend a few days.
C. R. Magnuson, of Oak Grove, was
in this city Wednesday -and Thursday
where he registered at the Electric.
D. R. Helvey. of Scotts Mills, wa3
in this city Wednesday and Thurs
A. J. Eisner, of Bull Run, was among
those to transact business at the
county seat Thursday afternoon
Grant Mumpower, of Carver, was
among those to transact business in
Oregon City Thursday.
Matt Justin, who has been ill since
December is slightly improved and is
now able to be out. r - '
D. A. Offins and L. W. Ruth, of
Grants Pass, were Oregon City visi
tors on Thursday.
F. W. Hubbard, of Marquam, was
among those to transact business In
Oregon City Thursday.
C. H. Wicklund, whose farm is lo
cated at Colton, was among the Ore
gon City visitors Thursday.
S.B. Hess, of Canby, was among
t-hra -to transact business in this
city Thursday
L G. Wortag, of Hubbard, was an
rt,.,nn r'it-u- visitor Thrusday. He
owns a large warehouse at that place.
Among- those to transact business
in Oregon City Thursday, was George
Derrick, whose home is near Gresham.
IFrank E. Lind, one of the well
known farmers of Colton, was in this
city Thrusday.
K3. Rosentreter, merchant of Os
wego, was in Oregon City on business
L. W. Wells, of Walluga, was in
this city Thursday.
John Anderson, whose home is in
Colton, was in Oregon City Satur
day, where he came on business.
Among those to transact business
here Saturday was H. Clutter. His
home is at Sellwood.
Mrs. O. G. Thomas, of Sellwood,
has returned to her home after visit
ing her mother, Mrs. T. C. Thomas,
of Mount Pleasant. O. G. Thomas, decorative scheme was carried ouv
lormeny a resident or Mount fleas
ant, who was injured in a shipbuild
ing plant in Portland last November,
was able to be removed from the hoa
pital about two weeks ago. He
tlowly improving from his injuries.
club, Mrs. S. M. Schooley. in Glad
stone. The rooms of the Schooley nome
were decorated with crepe paper fes
toons, daffodils, hyacinths and ferns.
Mesdames Cook, Daue and Mc
Gahuey read poetry pertaining to St.
Patrick's birthday and furnished a
cleverely arranged program. Miss
Cook was accompanist during the eve
ning. ' I
Refreshments were served by te
hostess after which games and vocal
music were enjoyed. .
Present were Mesdames S. M,
Schooley, Lena McMillan, J. B. Fox,
C. : B. Owens, Blanche Mautz, Lena
Heinrleck, Charles Grymes, Mary
Roache, Lillie Meyers, E. R. Mt
Gahuey, Agnes Cook, Bruce Rumln-
iski. Amy' Bersie, Misses Ruth Cook,
Leona Daue, Lillie Trembath and Ann
At the' regular meeting of the Sis
terhood Class of the Baptist churc.i
enjoyed Wednesday at the home Mrs.
Nina Taylor, of Seventeenth and Abor
nethy street. The regular business
session was held and at 12 o'cIock
lunch served, and the remainder ot
the day spent in a social manner.
Attending were Mrs. D. C. Latour-
ette, Mrs. F. Mosier, Mrs. Harley, Mrs.
Clarence Brunner, Mrs. Donner, Mrs.
Ida Hutchinson, Mrs. Gillett, Mrs. A.
R. Lennon, Mrs. Ray Stowe, Mrs". Em
ma Flagler, Mrs. H. J. Ravi, Mrs. E.
B. Andrews and Mrs. Nina Taylor.
On Tuesday, March 22. Betty Jane
Howell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam B .Howell, proved a charming
little hostess, when she gave a party
to twelve of her little girl friends. The
afternoon was spent in playing games
after which rerfeshments were served
A large cake bearing four lighted
candles, centering the table, Indicated
to Betty's guests that the event was
in honor of her fourth birthday anni
Upon taking their departure each
little " girl was presented with
dainty Easter basket filled with eggs,
The rooms of the Howell home were
prettily decorated for the occasion, the
color scheme being pink and white.
nd spring flowers added to the decor
ative scheme.
Present were Louise and Constanc
Humphrys, Mary Alice Mutvey, Hen
rietta Autenreith, Inez Noble, Kathryn
ane and Sally Lou . Tipton, Jean
Hankins, Miriam and Jane Henderson
of this City; Betty Pratt, of Portland
Betty Jane Howell.
and daffodils, and an archway was
formed of daffodils intermingled wit?i
Oregon grape, where the marriage
ceremony wig performed by Rev. R.
P. Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Sawtell left on their
honeymoon, and upon their return will
be at home to their many friends at
Fair Oaks Farm after April 1.
Attending the wedding were Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sawtell, Rev. R. P. Williams, Mr. ana
Mrs. S. A. Cordill, Mr. and Mrs. F.
G. Daugherty, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Fair, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. SL Clair, MrB.
Victoriane Hattan, Albert Hattan,
Louis Daugherty, Alma Dart, Ruth
Bullard, Solon Echerd Virginia Watta,
Alfred Guerrier, Alvin Cordell, Ruth
Cordell and Hal St Clair.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kent entertain
ed at dinner Sunday Mr and Mrs,
John Law, of Oregon City, Mr. and
Mrs. Calvin Derrick ana children
Crystal and Allen Kent, of Mountain
View and Bud Kent of Woodburn.
appropriately and a suitable program
The soloists were Mrs. W. R. Went-
worth and Miss Trimble,
Assisting Mrs. Ream in entertaining
were Mrs. John Reams, Jr., Mrs. Mil-
i?r.1 WTiltnev Mrs J V Thnmherrv.
aura. r. . Laman, or f oruana, was Mrs Minda nhurch
in Oregon uuy monaay, wnere sn3. Refreshments were served during
came to iook over property interests. tjje afternoon.
iwrs. uiman, who was iormeny Mrs. Attending were Mrs. Walter Went-
jonns ox uus city, visuea inenas oe- worth. Mrs. J. A. Goverman, Mrs. VI
fore returning to her home. ola Fromon. Mrs. D. M. Shank. Mrs.
juiss itoma btairora, who nas been T w -Mnftatt iu Aa tMi-.
spending the week-end with her par Mr8' charman, Mr8. Edna carpenter,
m.. uu mr. w. o. "r. Mrs. L L. Porter, Mrs. James Roake,
has rptnrnpH tn TnT-r 1 a n .1 to roQiimn ...
, - " " " I Mrs. Minda unurcn, Mrs. juiia was
iiei uuueo tin icacuer in uie puoxic
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Babcock ana
children, Harriett and Blair. Mrs.
Harry McCarvef and daughter. Miss Mr3 Charle8 D. Latourette, Mrs. C. A
kell, Mrs. Pearl Manning, Mrs. Martha
Ream, Mrs. David Caufield, Mrs. EHa
Barnes. Mrs. G. F. Anderson, Mrs. T,
Morgan, Mrs. F. L. Bacon, Mrs. Mil
dred Whitney, Mrs. J. W Thornberry,
Leila, of Portland, were In Oregon Riddel.f Mrs. f.'.A. Reams, Mrs. H. C.
City, where they were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Babcock.
StevenSy Miss Muriel Stevens ant-
Miss Trimble.
Mrs. E. Frey, of Portland, former
resident of Mount Pleasant, has re
turned to her home after spending
Misses Agnes and Esther Harris
entertained informally at cards Mon
the week-end with friends at Mount day eveniBS " mfir om on Jeffer
Pleasant. She also looked after pro
perty interests .while here.
Mrs. Mary E. Gania'rd, of Milwau
kie, was an Oregon City visitor on
Saturday. t
Among those to transact business in
Oregon City Saturday was Thomas
Meehan, of Boring.
James Marshall, of Mulino, was
among those to transact business in
Oregon City Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gustafson, of
Milwaukie, route 1, are the parents
of a son, born March 21st.
H. Kyllo, of Molalla, came to Ore
gon City Saturday, where he transact
ed business. '
J. C. Loundree, of Sandy, was an
Oregon City visitor Saturday.
Among those to transact business
here , Saturday was Nelson Cooper.
E. Janson, of Colton, was here o'-
J. J. Hanhart, of Hoff, was in Ore
gon City Saturday.
Al Schoenbor, of Carus, was in this
city Saturday.
W. W. Walker, of Canby, was here
on Saturday.
Otto Friedrich, of Canby. was an
Oregon City Visitor Saturday. .
Mrs. Mary Larson, of Boring, visit
ed friends in Oregon City Saturday.
Victor Johnson, of Boring, was in
Oregon City Saturday.
1 , '
S. A. Roberts, of Boring, was an
Oregon City visitor Saturday.
son street. Five hundred was enjoy
ed during the evening with high score
held by Mrs. Earl Hutchinson
Kenneth Kinnev. of Astoria who Is Spring flowers made tne rooms oi
emDloved on th Astorian nn? form, the Harris home attractive.
erlv connected with th Mnmino- w.n The hostesses were assisted cy
terprise's mechanical department, was tneir mother Mrs. Elmer H. Harris,
in serving refreshments to their
where he visited friends. ' guests, who were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Meads, Mr. and Mrs. Jri wutcninson.
Among the Oregon Citv visitors oi. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Roake, Miss Flor
Monday, was A. S. Kent. His home ence White, Miss Marjorie Money,
is in Woodburn, and before return Miss Dorothy Hedges, Miss Helen
ing there visited at the residence of Stanton, Miss Helen Harris, Miss
Mr. nnH' Tirrs TTont of r.iorictnr,n Aiene Phillios. Elbert Charman. Tom
Gregory and Colby Hutchinson
P. J. Schneider, of Aurora, who is
secretary of the Citizens' Mutual Tel- Miss Zena Moore, whose engage-
ephone company, was in Oregon City I ment to Mr. Charles McCarty, of Van
Monday. couver. Wash., was recently announc
ed, was the motif for an enjoyable
Among those from the northern partv at the apartments of Miss Eva
part of the county to come to Ore-1 Benson, in Portland, last Sunday alter
gon City Monday, was A. D. Wood, noon, when friends of the young lady
His home is at Oak Grove. from this city, Vancouver and Port-
land were the guests.
Born at Canemah, Monday, March The affair was in the form of a mis-
ZS, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Free- cellaneous shower, when the bricre
man. The little fellow has been giv- elect was presented with many pretty
en the name of Leonard Lee. and useful gifts in honor of her ap-
nrnsihlnf marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Scouton. accom- Th rooms of Miss Benson's anart-
panied by Mrs. Wuamett, spent Easter ments were artistically decorated
m Portland with the former's son, wfth enrin? flowers.
Frank, and family. Tho afternoon was devoted to vocal
an i inctnimpntal music and miessina
T t -r. .i . I "u " -
i onuiu, ui ruruana, was in ure- contests. '
gon City Monday. While here he lock
ed after his expensive property inter
ests in Clackamas county.
Mi. and Mrs. George Priester are
the pround parents of a daughter bora
Monday morning, March 28.
Among those in attendance ' were
Mrs. C. I- Landsverk, Mrs. William
Folgerf ,Miss Rose Justin, Miss Doro
thy Hedges, Miss Alice Holman, Miss
Roberta . Schuebel, Miss Hazel Farr,
Miss Alene Phillips, of this city; Mrs.
H. L. Martin, Miss Marjorie Money,
Miss Irene Hanny, of Portland; Mrs.
Luther Moore, of Vancouver, Wash.
Miss Moore was a former resident cf
Oregon City, now residing in Van-
in V "NToloon of T3W , mono COUVer, anQ IS mo uausmer ui ivn . "v
(hose to transact business in this city Mrf- L.O Moore of that city, and Is
W." C. Lavender, of Eugene, was in
Oregon City Saturday and Sunday,
registering at the Electric
on Monday.
Among those to transact business In
Oregon City from Sandy Monday af
ternoon, waa George Ten Eyck.
Mrs. C. Sayanera," of Milwaukie.
was in this - city . Monday, where she
transacted business.
John Brewer, of Boring, was in this Ed Harnack, of Aurora, was among
city Saturday. the Oregon City visitors Monday.
well and favorably known here,
Mr. McCarty ; is a resident of Van
couver, Wash., and comes from one of
the pioneer families of the Washing
ton city. He is connected' with the
U. S. bank of Portland.
The marriage of Miss Moore and
Mr. McCarty will be an event of the
latter part OI April.
The recently organized "Goody
Goody" Club met Saturday evening
at the home of the organizer of the
Mrs. William Hammond entertained
thef Euterpean Club in a most delight.
ful manner at her home in Gladstone
Saturday afternoon.
The Hammond home was artistical
ly decorated with Oregon grape and
daffodils, the color scheme , being
green and yellow.
A well arranged program was given
after the business meeting. Mrs. Har
ry Paddock told In a most interesting
manner the ''History of Oregon." Mrs.
R, M. McGetchie gave an instructiv
talk on the "Development of Oregon'
and 'Mrs. M. E. Turner gave a brief
review of the lives and works of noted
people of Oregon. Mrs. Frank Oswald,
Mrs. M. E. Turner and Mrs. McGetchlt
sang "Oregon." Booklets of Columbia
River highway containing clever
jingles composed by Mrs. Oswald were
presented to the members as favors,
'Mrs. Hammond was assisted in serv
ing rerfeshments by her sister-in-law,
Miss Marguerite Hammond. The place
cards were daintily decorated witt
Oregon grape leaves and blossoma.
Those enjoying the afternoon were
Mesdames T. E. Gault, R. M. Mc
Getchie, M. E. Turner, F. P. Nelson,
Harry Paddock, Frank Oswald, J. W.
Leonheart, A. F. Parker. Frank Mir
anda, J. G. Nash, L. A. Read, W. 12.
Hempstead, Thompson, William Ham.
mond and Miss Marguerite Hammon-,1.
An enjoyable birthday party was
given by Mr. and Mrs. Harley Frost
In honor of their daughter, Helen,
who celebrated her seventh birthdaj
anniversary Saturday afternoon from
2 to 5 o'clock at her home in Glad
The rooms of the Frost home were
prettily decorated with plants and
spring flowers.
Mrs. Frost served a dainty lunch t
the little guests, after which all went
on an Easter egg hunt which had been
cleverly hidden in the living room.
The little hostess was presenter.
with many presents and tokens from
those present, who were Alice Mir
anda, Betty and Alice Lamoreau.r,
Esther Bohm, Myrtle O'Dell, Hilda
O'Dell and June Larson.
The benefit dinner and jitney dance
given in the Masonic hall Saturday
evening under the auspices of the
Order of Eastern Star was largely at
tended .and a neat sum was realized.
This will go towards the Old People's
Home of the Masonic and Eastern
Star orders at Forest Grove.
The tables were prettily centered
with spring flowers, and with the ap
petizing menu prepared and served by
the women proved one of the most en
joyable events held by the order.
The committee in charge was com
posed of Mrs. W. A. White. Mrs. O. T).
Eby. Mrs. William Gardner, Mrs. E. "P.
Rands, Mrs. Ellen Eads and Mrs. J
H. Walker.
Little Gwendolyn Davidson, daugh-
er of Mr. and Mrs, R. P. Davidson,
West Linn, celebrated her sixth
birthday anniversary March 19th by
inviting a number of her little friends
to spend the afternoon.
Games and contests occupier" sever
al hours, one causing much amuse
ment was the picture of a dog pinned
on the wall, and It was "up to" eacn
little guest, who was blindfolded, to
place a pin in the eye. Little Eva
Clapp won the prize.
Refreshments were served by Mrs.
Davidson, and the birthday cake wa3
ornamented with tiny blue candles
with candle holders to match, adding
to the table decorations.
The little hostess received many
pretty gifts. ' .
Attending were Laverne and .Vivi
an Hughes, Ida Beam, Beulah Blair,
Beth Anderson, Lorraine and Beulah
Smith, Opal Hogan, Alice McDonald,
Melva Vallier, Marie Schultz, Lorene
Schoenhlnze, Eva Clapp, Essie Mc
Donald, Orel Davidson, Bobby McDonald.
The dancing party given at the Wil
lamette hall Wednesday' evening ui
der the direction of students of the
Oregon Agricultural College spending
their vacation here, for members or
the Oregon City high school alumni
and others contemplating entering
college, was a most enjoyable event,
and largely attended.
Music for the dancing1 was furnish
ed by an orchestra with Jack Loder
as director, when many of the latest
steps and other dances were enjoyed
The decorations were unique and a-
tractive, causing much favorable com
ment among the merry dancers. j
The event proved one of the most'
enjoyable during the Easter season.
George Naterson, prominent vocal in
structor of Portland, who maie his
first appearance before a Weat Linn
audience, and given an . ovation. He
responded- to a hearty encore.
Through the efforts of Miss LlAdsey.
Mr. Naterson waa secured for bis part
on the program, which was a rare
treat for the music loving people ot
West Linn and others attending tne
entertainment. ,
Miss Ruth ' Robertson wai graceful
in her "butterfly" dance, and the play
let, "A Rumpus on Olymftus" was
cleverly given by the students under
the direction of Miss Lindsay.
Candy was sold duriag the enter
One of the events of the near future '
looked forward to with' much interest
is the joint social meeting of the
American Legion and Auxiliaries ot
Oregon City, Molalla and Estacada
at Moose hall Monday evening, Marca
A well arranged jmuslcal DroBrram
has been planned iii which PortlanU
and local people will take part.
Mrs. Grace M. Eby is chairman of
the entertainment committee and Mrs.
Minnie Donovan, chairman of the re
freshment committee.
At this meeting tne memorial "for
the ex-service men of Clackamas
county will be discussed. The mem
orial committee' are Mrs. Sophia
Moody, chairman; Miss Mary Mitchell
and Mrs. R. M. Cooper.
The marriage of Miss Helen Seeley.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs .J. E. Seeley.
of Salem, fof merly of Oregon City,
and Earl Ehanood McDonough, of Port
land, was solemnized at the home of
the bride's parents, at 1786 State
street, Salom, Friday evening at 6:30
The impressive ring ceremony was
witnessejdj by , only relatives of the
contracting parties, and was followed
by a' wedding dinner.
Mr. aad Mrs. McDonough left im
mediately for their future home in
Pertland, where the former is engagea
in bvi sines s. .
The bride is well and favorably
known in Oregon City, where she
attended the local schools. Her father
wa3 a former' business man of thia
The residents of Jennings Lodge
and vicinity will have the opportunif:y
to enjoy a pleasing performance corv
ducted by Miss Elizabeth M. Hobe
and Miss Dorothy Rasmussen at t'ne
Blinestone hall Monday evenig, Mavch
Miss Hoben is a successful teucjher
of the voice and piano, whose home ia
in Portland, and Miss Rasmusfion Is
also a talented young woman, who
is possessed with a beautiful voice.
This ia the first oppearance of these
artists at Jennings Lodge, -and the
event is being looked forwarfl to with
pleasure by the Jennings Lod g people
and others who are contemplating to
Some of the friends of Hiss Edna
Lund planned and carried out a com
plete surprise celebrating . her birth
day Monday evening at t'ae home
her parents in Gladstone.
The young people met in Gladstone
at 7:30 and proceeded to the Lund
home, where the evening was spent
in games and music.
Delicious refreshments were served
by Mrs. Lund and her daughter, Mis8
Ruth Lund.
Present were Mr ja nd Mrs. D. Lunc,
Misses Agnes Hayejs, Oilie Aman,
Norma Morrell, Edna Lund, Ruth Lim-
bocker, Lila Lund, Bertha. Spilman,
Elva Peoples, Leoria Daue, Ruth Lunff,
Lola Vedder, Dorothy Shearer, Erma
Roche and Messrs., Clay Brendle, Har
less Ely, Fred Land, Troy Solomon,
Glenn Aman, Al.bert Lund. William
Rinke, Kenneth Hutchinson, Thomas
Peoples, Mayna-fd Brendle, George
L.und, Leslie Solomon and Georgb
Hollings worth .
The marriage of Miss Martha. A.
Watts and Elmer L. Sawtell, popular
young people of Molalla, took place at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Watts, Sunday, March
20th, when a large number of their
relatives and friends attended.
The bride was becomingly jjowned
in a traveling suit of blue, and her
shower bouquet was of lillier of the
valley and sweet peas.
The bride's maid was Miss Mary
Watts, sister of the bride, ho was
prettily gowned in georgotte crepe
over satin.
The best man was Ross Sawtell,
brother of the bridegroom
Refreshments were served after the
marriage ceremony.
The rooms of the Watts home were
beautifully decorated la Oregon grape
One of tha mpst successful enter
tainments given at the West Linn
high school was that of Friday eve-
ing, when t he Junior class, under the
direction of.' Miss Jane Lindsay, in-
cellent profjram. The auditorium was
celent program. The auditorium was
filled with an appreciative audience,
and encores were numerous.
The opening address was made by
Raymonc"! Montgomery, explaining the
object o-f the entertainment to Taise
funds to go towards the photograph?
for the. magazine of the school the
Gree.u and iGold and that the re
main d.er of the amount to be used in
giviii-g an entertainment for the
senienrs at a later date.
Tb.e opening musical number was
"On Patrol" by Lucy ' Spatz and
Blanche Junjken, highly appreciated,
and who responded to an encore.
The remainder of the program was
ufi follows: Violin solo, "The Love
"Letter," Orilla Oliver; reading, "Her
first Call On The Butcher," . Jane
"Lindsey; vocal duet, "Down the Trail
to Home Sweet Home," Genevieve
Fromottg and Dorris Ellis; piano solo,
"Minuet in G," Meta Higganbotham;
vocal solo, "In the Garden of ' My
Heart," Jane Lindsey; club swinging,
Blanche Junken and Orilla Oliver;
piano solo, "Venitian Moon," Helen
Backus; vocal solo, George Naterson;
piano solo, "Marguerite Au Rouet,"
Florence Morgan; reading, "Beyond,"
Jane Lindsey; butterfly dance, Ruth
Robinson; playlet, "A Rumpus on
Miss Jane Lindsay appearing as a
vocalist and reader captivated her
audience, and responded to each num.
ber from an hearty encore. Among
the numbers she sang was "In the
Garden of My Heart" well suited for
her sweet and expressive voice. She
is a woman of unusual talent, and has
been the means of interesting the
students of the West Linn high school
in giving such successful entertain
ments of Friday evening. Miss Lina-
sey and the students appearing on
the program were highly praised over
the program given on this occasion.
Also adding to the evening's pro
gram were the vocal selections of
Owing to an amendment enacted fcy
the last legislature, pertaining to
teachers of county schools receiving
credits for elementary work
through the teachers training
course held each summer, a vote has
been asked by Brenton Vedder, coun
ty superintendent, as to whether the
three weeks' course shall be substi
tuted for a three! days' course this
According to the new law, credits
can not be awarded teachers attend
ing et&her the local three days'
course or the three weeks' course each
year and In order for the teacher to re
ceive proper credits, he or she must
attent a six weeks' normal course
Obviously this law there
fore does away with credits being re
celved for attendance at either sum
mer course here, and owing to many
of the teachers asking that the old
three days' institute be put into effect
the following ballot by Superintendent
Vedder has been sent to each instruc
tor in the county for a vote on the
"Shall the 3 days' annual institute
be substituted for the 3 weeks' train
ing school?"
(The votes must be In the superin
tendent's office by April 6, according
to instructions, and if the count re
sults in the affirmative, the teachers'
training institute held each summer
', in Oregon City for three weeks, will,
beginning this year, last only three
Ask $600 for Alleged
Destruction of Bridge
George Trosard and wife have en
tered suit against George E. Lerour
to collect alleged damages in the sum
of $600 resulting from the defendant,
destroying a foot-bridge over a
slough near the Trossard place, ac
cording to the complaint filed. Plain
tiffs allege that the bridge cost in the
neighborhood of $500.
The following couples secured mar
riage licenses from the county clerk:
August Kated, 35, of Hoff, and Amelia
Davidson, 25, of Mulino; Garrett L.
Turner, 24, and Elsie Witzel, 20, both
of Boring; Isadore V. Bany 21, and
Stella Sandsness, 21, both of Canby;
Samuel Vaughn, 40, Alaska, and Mary
A. Swart, 32, Milwaukie.
Local Couple in
Divorce Court
Mildred Whitney has entered suit
for a divorce against Neil O. Whit
ney, charging in her complaint, cruet
and inhuman treatment. One minor
child is involed, which the plaintiff
asks the custody of and $25 per month
from the husband as alimony. The
couple was married in this county
June 20, 1917.
John T..Braddock, managing editor
of the Lemon Punch, humorous maga
zine of the University of Oregon, has
a cartoon"' in the current number of
Judge. i
Herman A. Waldo, 20, route No.
3. and Pearly F. Fischer, 19, route
No. 2, both of Oregon City, secured a
marriage license from the county
clerk Friday afternoon.