OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1 92 1. Pace 3 LOCALS AND PERSONALS a guest of Mrs. F. C. Gadke, "of Tenth anj Railroad avenue. Dr. and Mrs. John Fuller, owners and proprietors of the Cottage Hotel, of Canby, were in Oregon City' Friday afternoon. , Mrs. S. E. Wuamette, who has been spending the winter in Los Angeles, Calif., where she has been a guest of relatives, arrived in Oregon City a few days ago, where she is to re main for several weeks as guest cf her daughter, Mrs. A. M. Scouton and famflir n R'-rtTi onH roTitpr e-trocttct Mrs. Wuamette's home ia in Steele day on business. county, Minnesota, and after leaving here will visit relatives in "Washing ton and Lewiston, Montana. She will be a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Dyer Mrs.! Wuamette has visited in Oregon City on several occasions pre vious to this time. She brought back a sample of the California fruit. including: a lemon. which is displayed in the window of the But- meister & Andreson store. This mei sures 15""ixl4. iches. Fred Chinn, of Oswego, was amon those to transact business in Oregon City Friday. A son arrived at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Muench of West Lfinn, Friday morning, March 18. F. W. Wamker, of Oswego, was among those to come to Oregon City Joseph F. Kramer, of Oswego, was among those to transact business in this city Friday. C. F. Overbaugh, , of Milwaukie, was in this city Friday. Mr. Qverbaugih is a retired railroad man. y Miss ; Lorna Gaiong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J4W. Ganong, of Port land, was in Oregon City Monday, where she was tjhe guest of her'aunts. Mrs. Annie Howard and Mrs H. S. Mount. . She rnaje the trip in her automobile, returning Monday even ing, and was accompanie-l by Mrs. Howard, who returne.l to Oregon City this morning. , Miss Ganong i3 one of Portland's most enthusiastic young women motorists, and is planning a number of enjoyable tripe during the coming motoring' season. Miss Louise Walker, who has been in New York taking special instruc tion in dancing, will arrive here Wed nesday, after several special months stay in the east. Miss Sadye Eve lyn Ford, who has been with Miss Walker a considerable time, and who is taking special' instruction on the piano, will return to Oregon City in April. The engagement of Miss Loretta and chocolate ribbon cake, ornament ed with multi-colored candle3 to repre sent the number pf birthday anniver saries the guest of honor has enjoyed. Those who are acquainted with' the hostess art at cake making will know it was pleasing to the palate as well . - 11 us 10 me eye. During the evening Howard Trucott Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Judge, of Mil- waukie, were in Oregon City Friday, and before returning, visited friends. George Potts, well known resident of this city, recently returning from Seattle, Wash., will leave Monday for a sojourn in California, where he will visit Los Angeles and San Francisco Dan Fellow, well known resident cf Before returning to Oregon City he Rev. John Ovall, of Spokane, Wash., Highland, was an Oregon City visitor J visii umei- who was connected with the Meth-1 Friday. odist church work in Clackamas coun- tv several vears ago. was in Oregon Fred Moser, of Redland, who owns be- gone for several weeks visiting some of his friends. City Wewnesday and Thursday, com-considerable land at that place, was ing here on business. Rev. Ovall m Oregon City Fnday. gave an address at the new church on Wednesday evening He also con ducted servfces at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Myers at Falls View, Tuesday evening, which was largely aiienueu. The many friends of Miss Bessie Daulton: will be pleased to hear of her improvement at her home on W. H Douglass, of Eagle Creek, was I Twelfth and Main streets. Several in Oregon City Friday. weeks ago Miss Daulton was removed to a Portland hospital for medical H. J. Rastall, of Molalla, was among treatment, and was able to be brought the Oregon City visitors Friday. G. A. Lee, of Milwaukie, wa3 in this city on business Friday. home a few days ago, where she has gradually improved Tualatin Grange is to give an en tertainment in the grange hall at Stafford this evening. Among the features of the evening will be a "shadow" social, when shadows will be shown, and will be sold to the young men. These shadows will be of j Friday. young women, who will, be partners or the men. The social will be follower! j. Engle, of Molalla, was an Oregon by jitney dancing, when an orchestra city visitor Friday. will furnish the music for the dancing. Mrs. Melvin McCord and son, Lin- wood, of Sellwood, who have been in (Mrs. Otto Naef, of Milwaukie, was 0reg;on clty where spent the (week-end, returned to tneir nome on Sunday evening. Whilo in this city in this city Friday. M. L. Rahher, of Walluga, was iney were guests of Mrs. Cord's moth er, Mrsi. W. W. H. Samson, of Ninith and Main streets. Mrs. L. L. Pickens and daughter, Miss Marion, of West Linn, left Thurs day for La Grande,' Oregon, where they are to spend several weeks vis iting with Dr. and Mrs. Carl Moore. tt. ifnnra o fnrmpr resident of this city, and now a prominent physician clty Friday. of La Grande, is a nephew of Mrs. Pickens, and wa3 over-seas during the war. Miss, Virginia Shaw, daughter of H. Haas, of Mount Angel, was an I Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shaw, of this city, Oregon City visitor Fridav. I ho is a student of the Washington State college, has recently won nigh F. Zimmerman, of Milwaukie, was I honors at the institution, and is an Oregon City visitor Friday. amonig the number of freshman class to win high scholastic rank for the F. E. Mills, of Aurora, was in this I first semester. J. F. Wachtman, of Holcomb, was Harold Perrv. whose home is in Boston, Mass., arrived in Oregon City for a few days' visit John Baker, of Clairmont, was in Oregon City on business Thursday. J. Rosenau, of Boring, was in this among those to transact business in city Friday. Oregon City Monday. He says the farm work in that section of the coun- H. D. Marston, whose home is I ty is delayed considerably duo to the about three miles from Oregon City, 1 weather conditions was in this city on business Satur day. Mr. Marston has started a new Edward Rechmer, of Camas, Wash., industry in that section, and fruowl-who underwent a surgical operation is engaged in the floral business. He J in the Oregon City hospital a few brought in some samples Saturday, j days ago, is Improving). Rechner W. T. Taylor, of Mulmo, was Here that attracted unusual attention. I lormeny resided in Oregon City, on Wednesday and Thursday. . These were of white daffodils, itho I where he ia well known - first that have been seen in this city. Fred Schafer, sawmill man, whose Mr. Marston has been specializing to Dr. Frank Mount and little daugh- businesg interest are in Molalla, was secure this variety and he has just er Jane, who have been spending the in Oregon City Wednesday and Thurs- succeeded. They are of unusual beau- week-end at Olympia, Wash., where day. ty. He has five varieties of daf f o- they have visited the former's par- dils, and has much space planted to ents, Judge and Mrs. Wallace Mount, Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers and dahlias, also specializing in these. Ml-, have returned to Oregon City. fiancrhter. Mrs. T. R. Davenport, of I Marston. who is a lover of flowers. West Linn, were in Portland Friday, is carrying on this industry with his Mrs- Harry Smith, of Grants Pass, where they attended the funeral ser-1 f arm work and delights in his floral j Oregon, who has been spending the Anne .Quinn, of Portland, and Thomas was presented with a handsome pair j. fimnou, or xms city, was announc- of military brushes, a gift from the ed at a pretty tea given by Mrs. Rob- host and hostess, and Miss Sara en a. Mcuonaia, a cousin or Miss I Kamlnsty. wuinn, m roruana inursaay arter- Enjoying this delightful event were noon. Mrs. McDonald was assisted in Mrs. Mollie childers, Mrs. Fred Mar- receivmg Dy.miss .ainenne wuinn. iln. Mrs. Edith Tniomtl Miss Sara sister oi xne onae-eiec- mere, wert Kamjnsky, Mr. and Mrs. Emmoiu, about 80 friend bidden to the affair, Mlss Ruth Trutt ai.d Howar.l wmch was one or tne most enjoyable I Truscott, evenes given in that city during the. past week. I One of the most eniovable eveninsrs Miss Quinn is one of the popular Wa spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs gins or i-ortiana ana a large number I r. Solomon Monday evening; The Or COHeere irlen da attended the tea. I nffaii- -a.-a a citron n Trnn,- rt fl,air- aran The decorations of the McDonald Leslie, who will soon return to Seat- home were in keeping with the sea-1 tie, Wash. son, and mue miss jonnson, of Port-1 The evening was spent in games, iana, announces tne engagement In vocal music and contests,. Spring an unique manner. j flowers were used most effectively ine marriage of Mr. Sinnott and! among the decorations miss yuinn win De a large event of Mrs. Solomon was assister by her Apni, ana wui De neia in tne Catbea- daughter, Mrs. L. R. San tell in serv- ral. ing delicious refreshments. Mr. binnoit is a wen Known young I Enjoying the evening were Mr. and newspaper man, naving been connect- Mrs. R. Solomon. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. ed with the Morning Enterprise, of Santell, Misses Cora Skiller, Bernice this city for some time, later going Baker, John Stone and D. C. Skiller, to amam x ans, wnere he engaged 0f Portland. Misses Edna Rowen. in newspaper work. During the world Edna Lund. Ollie Amen. Elva PeoDlea. war he was in the navy, and after re- Norma Morrell. Helen Carpenter. Dor. ccivms ins uuuuiduie macnarge look r,s Ellis and Mildred Kyler; Messrs. up newspaper worK in -ortiana. He Elvin Catto, Clay Bremile, Dennis is now with tne W. S. Kirkpatrick Wallaces Fred Lund Mavmard Advertising Service, of Portland, and Brendle, George Lund. Prentice Wal ls aiso a member or tne university of lacei Harless Ely, Troy Solomon, Rob Oregon extentoin iacuity, witn neaa- ert Mabe, Marvin Aylward, Leslie Sol- quarters m portiana. ie is a member of the Multnomah Athletic Club and and George Hollingsworthi aiso mem, per or tne roruana Ad uiuo. Mr. Sinnott is the younger son of Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Sinnott, of thls city. Miss Quinn, who is a vices of William Myers, of that city, I work. who died Wednesday. Mr. Myers is the 'father-in-law of Mrs. Samuel Mrs Anna Tremayne, of Barlow, Myers, nee Carrie Chambers, former- wag jn tnjs city Saturday. Mrs ly of this city, daughter of Mr. . and Tremayne has purchased the former Mrs. John Chambers. The funeral home of W. Wj. Irvin at Barlow. This was largely attended, as Mr. Myers j consists of six lots and lan eight- past two weeks at Canemah as guest of her sister, Mrs. R. C. Ganong, has gone to Portland to visit her sister, Mr. J, W. Ganong; Cnris Moehnke, one of the well known farmers of Clackamas county. Mrs. C. K. Felt, of Parkplaee enter tained Thursday with chicken dinnei charming for the pleasure of Frcf. and Mrs. young woman, is a graduate of the Barnette and Miss Mable Barnette, &t. Mary s Acaaemy, or .fortiana, and teachers in the Parkplaee school Is an active member of the Cathedral The table decorations wtere hya- parsin. Many social events are being cinths and narcissus. planned in honor of her approaching marriage by her many friends of Port I The St. Patrick's entertainment lad. She hag visited in this city on I given under the auspices rf some of several occasions.. I the young people of St. John's Catho lie church Thursday after-con and Mrs. J. W. Jones, an active mem- evening, March 17th. was one of the ber of the Mooseheart Legion, of thi3 best if not the best entertainment city, was taken by surprise at her I given in that hall. Lons? before the home near Meldrum Wednesday eve- rise of the curtain, the auditorium ning. when members of the organiza- was well filled and by 8 o clock Stan J- tion ana or tne Moose Loage, visitea jng r0om was at a premium, her home m a body. The affair was Joseph Gadke, director of the enter- in honor of her birthday anniversary, tainment, is deserving of much credit and tne hostess was presented witn for the sucecss of the affair. Each mini many pretty and useful gifts. ber on the program, Including the As soon as the members of the musical comedy, "Savageland," was party had taken possesion or tne given without a hitch. The beautifuT Jones home, several of the women ! baclt around to represnt a woodland busied themselves by decorating I was nrrans-er- hv Mr Gdke's tnat home most antisttcaaiy, whenlnu, several asistants, who displayed spring flowers and ferns were used, artistic taste. which they brought with them. The Drotrram opened with a vocal The evening was spent in cards and I selection. "Georgia Moonlight" by Joe music, followed by refreshments. Mrs. Hurch. accompanied on the piano by Paul Burns made the handsome caKe jOSeph Gadke. Thi was followed by ornamented with tiny candles. I a piano selection by Joseph Gadke Attending were Mrs. Paul Burns af ter which "Chocolate Drops" was and son. Jack, Mi. and Mrs. Edward j the title of a comedy sketch given by Lavier and daughter, Bernice, Mrs. james Brady and Lester Petit, that Rudolph Wenger, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. tept the audience in good humor by Krost and daughter, Miss Ethel, Mrs. I their clever stunt. Both represnted William vv elsmandel, Mrs. Mcuonaia, l colored boys. Al Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Glen DeVinish, Savaffeland." a musical comedey and baby, Mr. and Mrs. .T. W. Jones, J followed, when pretty girls, in fancy Walter Jones. I nrtiiTrips sweerlv saner a number of tha lntesf QeletioriQ and dance1 most The ball given at the auditorium of I ftfllllv Amon th nnmftPrg ,thev the Crown Willamette Paper Co. at L-anrfer' nihiv annreoiated were The Chorinne girls were Theresa ed the hearts of the old comrades that Bockhold, Lucile Limbocker, Louise attended. Rotter. Marie Weber, Catherine Her- The opening number, Danfce of man, Mary Pfister and Mildred Tour- the Shepherdess" with Dorothy Dodd Dey- and Dorothy Jane Stevens. as herd Almost $200 was realized from the girls, and little Barbara Welsh as the entertainment, little fairy, gave a number of graceful 1 dances, and were well received, Bar- One of the most enjoyable St, Pat- bara Welsh, a tot of four, captivated rick parties was given by Misses her audience as did the former two lit Veatrice and Vivian Rauch at the tie Misses Mis ivann.- . home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. who appeared in "The Butterfly"' Edward Rauch, of Gladstone. Friday dance. The little girls were prettily evening. attired, addine- r the snnunnKo The Rauch home was decorated (heir dances with spring flowers, ferns and potted plants. Green and white paper caps A cafeteria supper will be served in were presented to each guest upon the Masonic hall Saturdav ovRnin? their arrival to wear. March 26. from 5:30 -to s nVlivt Games, music and contests- were the benefit of the Masonic and East- enjoyed. In one of these contests Dor- era Star home at Forest Grove othy Fox won first prize. In the word comiposing contest Leona Fox won the Mrs. Livy Stipp and Mrs. C. G. Mil- Prize. ' , ler were hostesses of the Derthick Refreshments were served. The Club Friday afternoon at the home of place cards were tiny Irish potatoes Mrs. Stipp Ion Eleventh. ' and John cleverly concealed in a shamrock, Adams street, holding the fortune of each guest. The reader of the afternoon was Attending were Misses Doris Smith, Mrs. Gilbert L. Hedges, who gave an Glayds Chambers, Leona and Dorothy interesting and instructive reading on Fox, Kitty Fesler, Mabel Whitcombe, "Paris Conservatory of Music and Eunice Jones, Matilda Hayward, Mil- Declamation." dred and Dorothy Kyler, Eunice Am Mrs. Wilbur Meade, of this city, mer, Dorothy Barlow, Glenna Miranda, was the pianist and her numbers were and Madaline Parrott of Portland; highly appreciated. These included Ernest Freytag, Franklin Niles, "Prelude in G Mnior," by Rachmanin- Vernon Chandler, Alfred Rowan, off; "Nootiurnein 'F Minor" by1 Chopin; Eldred Graisier, Lester Kerns, Jack "Butterfly' by Gustave Merkel: "Ero- Hemjpstead, Delbert Hayward, Vin- lik," by Edward Greig; "Novelette," cent Meyers, Frank Garlic and Ralph by Rupert Schumann. Woolrich. Miss Lois Thayer, of Portland, was t i the soloist, and her voice was well Dr. and Mrs. G. iJ. Nash entertained suited for the selections she rendered at ' their home in Gladstone the aye- on this occasion, delighting her audi- Von bridge club Friday evening in a ence. Miss Thayer's numbers were charming manner. "An Irish Love Song," by Margaret Their home was beautifully decorate Lang; "At Dawning" by Charles W. ed with daffodils, Japonica blossoms Cadman. Miss Myrtle Moorlin, o, and ferns. ' Portland, was the accomjpanist. Refreshments were served, the host- Following the program the hostess ess being assisted in serving by Mrs. served an appetizing lunch. Albert Roake, of Oregon City. Decorations were of daffodils. Mrs. Nash, a talented musician, fav- Attending were Mrs. M. D. Latour- ored her guests with several musical ette, Mrs. J. E. Hedges, Miss Muriel selections. Stevens, Mrs. L. A Henderson, Mrs. Attending were Dr. and Mrs. W. E. J- "Wl Moffatt, Mrs. John F. Clark. Hempstead, Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. S. O. Dillman, Mrs. Gilbert L. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Os I Hedges, Mrs. Matilda Charman, Mrs wald, Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Bauersfelt, Charles H. Caufield, Mrs. E. A- Chap Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson, Mr. and man, Mrs: William Krassig, Mrs. C. O. Mrs. Albert Roake. T. Williams, Mrs. H. E. Straight, Mrs. C. G. Miller and Mrs. Livy Stipp. Mrs. Clarence Frost entertained a number of Gladstone ladies at her Mr- 811(1 Mrs- San Myers, of Green home at Gladstone at a quilting party Pint celebrated their silver wedding for the benefit of the Woodcraft home ai"iversary last Sunday evening by in California last Tuesday. entertaining a few friends and rela- A delicious "pot luck" dinner was Uves at dinner. served at 12 o'clock by the hostess. Those seated around the festive Enjoying the day were Mrs. John ood were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Myers, Kent, Mrs. Mack Rivers. MrsL Richard Mrs- A- J- ownby. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Freytag. Mrs. F. A. Parker, Mrs. Har- ley Frost and Mrs. Clarence Frost. ,o n i thnn force in v,t underwent a slight operation on his I West Linn by office employes, super- -,-,, SoT, ani1 nuance. "When Irish ' iwiii li"". uUcllx '-"""o""-. throaf r. tho yWv f J,r,itQl intonontc vnrim,0 mntmonlo of I .T ' . . . v.& v,. """i'"'" I " " " I Eyes Are Smiling, "There's a Typica: ! Monday. Portland in the early days He was g one of the m0st attractive homes in 89 years of age. Interment was in tnat city. Mr. Irvin has been a res Mount Scott cemetery. The floral tdent of that place for (the past 30 tribute3 were magnificent and were years, where he been agent for thefT1fc , ... . ,' ot ;'""" f:ruluera xi Mand and HiHsboro, has returned tc as the ex-policeman was known far transferred to Tangent, Southern Ore- Oreg0n City to visit her sister, Mrs, auu " '"v.. I Lilt? ilUeilCy lldVlllg UCCU uiswu- tinued at Barlow. Mrs. Tremayne, Jr recently I Ii uwiia .a, uumw u mxi xaa icui' One of the affairs looked forward to with special interest is a social meeting of the American Igion ana Woman's Auxiliaries of Oregon City, Estacada and Molalla at the Moose hall Monday, March 28. Mrs. Minnie Donovan has been ap pointed chairman of the refreshment committee. Mrs. Grace Eby will have charge of the musical program in which many prominent people will take part. At this meeting the possibility of a memorial for the ex-service men will be discussed. West Linn, Camas, Wash., and Leb- Tipperary," and "Hiawatha'g Melody J Mrs. F. A. Burdon entertained the Woman's Missionary society of the Christian church with a silver tea at her home in Gladstone Wednesday afternoon in a delightful manner, A St, Patrick's program was enjoyed. anon last Saturday evening was one , t m,c titioo -mo,. tw.tWvM ma Mm. T. A -R.en.rt rea." a mpcr nn "The mf. xeine . anaw, oi - wen xKe. or tne most enjoyaoie arrairs neia, and soloist in the atter ..My Gee Gee" Life of St. Patrick." Games and con Charles D. Latourette. was largely attended. Willard P- Hawley, Walter Taylor, of Molalla, was in j Miss Romney C. Snedeker, of tliis city and club organizer of Clackamas county, whose engagement to Lee J. Russell, of Portland, was recently an leavine for San Francisco, where he ed ine home she has just purchased oregon City Monday on his way home I nounced, was taken by surprise- at her is connected with the California oi- - '--irrom i-ortiana, wnere ne naa spent i apartment on -seventh ana Mam fice of the Hawley Pulp & Paper com. new dus line irom mis ciLy to on Sunday with relatives. streets, Monday evening, when some nanv. returned to Portland Friday verton. i , i of her friends gave her ,a kitchen morning, and was in the city in com- j John Leemhart, of woodburn, was shower. pany with his mother, Mrs. W. P. b- A. u. Hungate, torner resiaeut i among those to transact business in A social time was enjoyed during Hawley Friday, where they were of Oregon City, now engaged in farm-1 this city Saturday. the evening and refreshments were guests at the home of Mrs. Hawley's ing at Molalla, was in this city bat-1 served brother, George Pusey, and family, urday, where he transacted business Fred Meek, or Enterprise, Oregon, Attending) were Mrs. Minda Church, Mr Hawley will probably return to and also visited among some of his arrived In Oregon City Saturday, Mrs Agnes Buckley, Mrs. Brenton California in about ten days. 'd time friends. Mr. Hungate is where he registered at the Electric. Vedder, Mrs. J. E. Calavan, Mrs. J. L. Waldron, Mrs. Clarence Brunner, Mrs. Mary Criteser, Mrsi John Gaffney. Mrs. Elligsen, Miss Cora Hunt,- Miss Gaffney, Miss Phillips, Miss Snedeker. Mt-a Rrtrliia Mnrvrtv tosiq iinctpca in Hubbard, was In this city Lhe Daughters Society at her ilia uuuic ia ai sixjs.a- Brown, Mr .and Mrs. T. R. Eaton and son, Robert Jr., and Master Lloyd Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Myers received several beautiful pieces of silverware. One of the events to .be looked for ward to with pleasure is the enter tainment to be given at the auditor ium of the West Linn high school Fri day evening, March 25th, when Miss Jane Lindsay is in charga."- Miss Lindsay, a vocalist and reader of exceptional talent, has been re sponsible for many entertainments iven at the West Linn high school during her connection with the faculty of that institution. The program ar ranged by Miss Lindsay will consist of solos, duets and choruses, with a dance by Miss Ruth Robinson. lOther features of the evening will be the solo and a reading by Miss Lindsay. MiSg Lindsay is a pupil of George Natenson, of Portland, who is also to appear on the program, mak ing his first appearance at that place. Rumpus on Olympus" is the sub ject of a pretty dance to be given by Grecian girls. The Junior Class appearing on the program that evening, have taken much interest in the coming event luckier than some of his neighbors, Mr an- Mrs. Georee Buck, former for he already has in his fall crops. I H. W. Hageman, of Logan, was an residents of Clackamas county, are He has 21 acres under cultivation, I uregon City visitor baturaay arter- now residing on a farm in Yamhill nine of which have been planted to I noon. county, were in Oregon City Friday clover, and the remainder m wheat evening where they were guests of and oats. Mr. and Mrs.. Don James of Eighth Mrs. E. L. Pope, regent of the Su and Washington streets. W. W. Saturday. ! mas. Mrs. E. N. Brock and son, Clyde, of this city, left Thursday morning by sannah Lee Barlow Chapter, D. A. R., has been in Salem, where she has Among those from Oswego transact- train for Pacific Grove, Cam., where the organization. She returned to they are to visit the former a daugn- her home at Parkplaee Saturday. ter, Mrs. J. W. Patterson. They win be gone for about six weeks. The county institute of (the Oregon been in attendance at a meeting of "Ig s'n71 m "e&"n lly nao HJ . .11 . x-k.cllllJu- home Wednesday afternoon March 9th, when she was assisted in serving refreshment by her daughter-in-law, Mr. Kent Moody. The afternoon was devoted to needlework. The rooms of the Moody home were C. J. Frankhauser, of Portland, own- Baptist church March 29th, when an ing property in Clackamas county, was all-day program will be given, with here on Friday looking after his pro perty interests Among the well known residents of Clackamas county to transact busin ess in Oregon City Friday, was J. W. Grasle, of Milwaukie. F. Polehn, whose home is in Red land, one cf the well known farmers of that section, was an Oregon City visitor Friday- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boehly, of Ore gon City, Route 6, are receiving con gratulations over the arrival of a son born March 16. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Frances, . of Concord Station, are the happy par errts of a son, born in the Oregon City hospital, Thursday evening, March 17 John Risley, prominent resident of Clackamas county, whose homf is at Risley Station, was in this city Fri day. . Mr. and Mrs. Jud Kelland, residing near the Brown's school house in the Central Point country, were in Ore gon City on business Friday. Charles Roadarmel, of Milwaukie, was amog the Oregon City visitors Friday. He is connected with the Milwaukie Rendering company. Mrs TCinc nf rjie-an. npromnanien hv Mrs smith of tw r-iare fsitrt prettily decorated in daffodils. j Ar.n nitv (JatuHav I AliecaiDg were mi a. su. a. tuapmau, City W. C. T. U. will be held at the Pregon Clty Saturday. Warner. Mrs. H. S. Mount. William Heerdt. well known farm- Mrs. William Tipton, Mrs J. J. Tobin, er of Clackamas county, was in this Mra- William B. Howell, Mrs. William a dinner served at 12 o'clock. city on business Saturday. Rasmus Peterson, of Woodburn, who owns property in Clackamas county was in this city Saturday, I where he came to look after property interests. E. R. Leek a,nd son, of Redland, were Oregon City visitors Saturday. Krassig, Mrs. L. E. Jones, Mrs, Kent Moody, Mrs. Frank Young, Mrs. Wil liam. Folger, Mrs. McKillican, Mrs Neal Sullivan and Mrs: C. Crusius. E. M. IngaBJs, of Estacada, was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. C. H. Dice, well known farmer of this county,, was among those to tMg city Saturday come -o uibjuu t.iiy on uusmeas oai urday afternoon. Edward Ball, of Molalla, who is em ployed at the Stef fania mill, was in this city on business Saturday. Last week's meeting of the King's Daughters of the St. Paul's Episcopal church was held at the home of Mrs. H.- Hartnell, of Clackamas, was in I H. S. Mount, when the afternoon was devoted to sewing, and followed by refreshments W. J. Wheaton, of Molalla, was Id I The Mount home was decorated in this city Friday and Saturday. spring blossoms and pottei ferna. Attendine were ' Mrs. A. L. Beatie. Morritz Gottwald, of Aurora, was in Mrs. Sophia Moody, Mrs. Kent Moody, New Era Couple Married March 17 Among those to come to Oregon City Saturday afternoon was Frank Werner. His home is at JMewoerg. this city -. Saturday, where he trans acted business. C. C. Babcock is ill at his horn. suffering from a severe cold. Mrs .A. C. Warner, Mrs. William Tip ton, Mrs. J. J. Tobin, Mrs. William B. Howell, Mrs. Ia E. Jones, Mrs Frank Young, Mrs. William Fotger. Mrs. McKillican. J. Bd Hult, of Colton, was an Ore gon City visitor Saturday. FINED $10 MONDAY ueorge Rosebury, of Wllamette, WSR arrested Urnulor .--,. tt t-. m 11! ni1oll I -"-"-""-J vii a T D- -mt5, s sworn out by J. Quaide charging as- in this city Saturday. M. E. iTlshoeffer, of Forest Grove. and Ruth L. Crosley, of Milwaukie, were united in marriage on March 12 at the Methodist parsonage, 409 Cen- sauit ana battery. Rosebury was tep street, by Rev. Melville T. Wire. xt ill s w a a linea 3 3 Dy Juase The ceremony, a very quiet affair, was Mrs. M. Kloster, of Barlow, was lnK,-." A Tv., Z , . o I Nome. Constable Fortune served this city Saturday. the papers. witnessed only by the bride's mother and Mrs. Wire. W. F. Staaton, of Woodburn, was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. SUES FOR BACK WAGES Mrs, M- DeVaney, of Roseburg, has arrived in Oregon City where 8he is Henry Keil, of Aurora, was Saturday. here Last Sunday evening a birthday F. Fld entered suit against E. anVMrs. Emmons, of Ashdale, near Jennnigs Lodge, when the guest of honor was' Howard Truscott, of that Ryan Thursday in the circuit court to collect alleged back wages due. t, tt a. Plaintiff alleges in his complaint that an operation In the Oregon City hos-1 LJS1 "T!ri102.S Alter -Michigan" was enjoyed, a pital a doing nicely. was another hit of the evening, which tests were the amusements of the was -given by the boys' quintet, afternoon with the St. Patrick idea Among the soloists of the evening was cleverly carried out. Sylvester Haas, who sang "Whisper- Refreshments were served by the ing" and was heartily received. His hostess, asssted n servn? by Mrs. accompanist was Joseph Gadke. An- L. A. Read, Mrs. Fred Hayward and drew Adrian, violinist, acompanied by Mrs. A. Blount. Present were Mes- Miss Satie Clancy gave a number of dames Charles Legjer, C. A. Frost, L. pleasing selections. A. Read, Grant Olds, A. O. Alexander, The first scene of "Savageland" Al Blount, John McGetchie, Alex Pat was the hotel Heinz in the Catskill terson, Thomas Gault, Frank Nelson, mountains with a beautiful stage set Richard Freytag, Hornlday and Miso ting most appropriately ofr this occa- Alice Freytag. bion. A silver tea for the benefit of the The story is woven about the inci- Masonic and Eastern Star Home was dents connected with the search of held by the officers of the Order of Sherlock Combs, the wonderful detec- the Eastern Star at the home of Mrs. tive .for the missing Irish heiress. Samuel Stevens at the Cornor of 9th worth a million with a green sham- and Center Sts. Thursday afternoon rock tattooed on her wrist and who from 2 to 5 o'clock, wears a No. 10 shoe. Sherlock is later The following program was render engaged to track a missing pitcher of ed: Piano solos "Nocturne" by Chopin, pearls stolen from the arms of thn "Butterfly" by Markel, "Etude" by marble statue Wee-nah, who is rever- Heller, Mrs. Mead;, readings "Old end as a 'goddess among the Yaki Abe", "The Inventor's Wife," "The Big Indians. Sherlock and his friends go Swedel" Mrs. Walter Bennett; toe West in their search, where laughter, dance in costume, Betty Forbes, with happiness, a bit of satire, and a touch lone Dunn, accompanist; piano solos, of sentiment combined, will make you "The J0II7 Shoemaker," "At th understand that life's a merrv lest In Country Fair," "At Sea," Miss Marie Savageland. Walker; violin solos "Mazurka" by Amon? the performers in "Savase- Weinionski, "Sn Patrick's Day," Miss land" deserving of special mentioning Brakel, with Mrs. Arthur Beattie, ac were Walter Nathe. "Jake Heinz," companist; "Dance of the Shepherd- proprietor of the Heinz hotel; Miss ess," Dorothy Jane Stevens and Bar- Ardis Ward, "Birdie Magoogin," tha bara Welch ; readings "A Pair Riding Trish Cinderella; Miss Evanelle Hall, Up From Bangor " "The Quaker. who proved a most charming "Wee- Judge Grant B. Dimick gave an inter nal!," the goddess of the Kaki Indians; esting talk on the Masonic and East- Miss Helen Weber, "Miss Daffodil ern Star Home, which is under con- Dotty," poetess of passion; Michael struction at Forest Grove. Long, "Sherlock Combs," a defective detective; Bernard Herman, "Buck- The program last Tuesday night, for skin Buddy; Gerald Tipton, as "Big the beneift of the G. A. R,'s given by Chief Much Scalpem"; Marie Brun- the Aides of Meades No. 18 (Mrs. Hen t ner, "Ysobel," in vaudeville; Cyril ry Henningsen and Mrs. Walter Ben Justin. "Frozen Face" with liking for nett) was a complete success and -Birdie; Miss Gladys Ward "Marigohr played to a full house. Lee," niece of Jake Heinz, and a Mrs. Leonard Lagsson was the lead quaint quaker maiden; John Michels. ing lady in the comedy "That'Blonde "Purring Panther," with a liking foi Person," and those assisting her did Birdie's niece; Paul McKibben, as a justice to their parts also. Mrs. Lage bell boy and Harold McKibben as son played the part of a young worn "Gilroy Clay" in love with the quaint an, who was married just one year quaker maiden. and during her acting held her audi Miss Ardis Ward and Walter. Nathe ence spell bound. Her sister, "Ethei were the star performers as corned- Percy," played by Gladys MaeTrimble. ienne and comedian, and kept their showed the talent that young pos- a; I . x m .1 . I I .3 ir.,1, . 1 4 1f. TT I auuience in gooa nature iruiu liic aoa&cu. iuuuu ;icui. us uuo mn iuuu - . m they made their entrance until the Hickman and Mrs. J. W. Draper, who rllVCr JcleCeaHlff I JaIUI fnrhn Inl wont rlnwn on the last act. I Dlaved the narts of "citv -aossins." I O The acting of Miss Ward and Nathe "Jane, the maid, Mrs. J. K. Morris, would make any professional "sit up was exceptionally well played and in a and take notice" had they ' attended most unassuming manner. Mrs. Eliza and had witnessed the acting of both, beth Glover, portrayed the part of an During the rendition of "Pales-1 Irish character in a charming manner teena," by a boys' quintet, introduc-1 and her little shep dance, brought a ing Miss Lena de La Paz, the famous I hearty applause. The marriage of Miss -Elsie A. Die tz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clem ents Dietz, of New Era, and Carl F. Schmeiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Schmeiser, also of New Era, were un ited in marriage on March 17th at the Lutheran church in Oregon City. The ceremony, which was performed at 12 o'clock by Rev. William Krazbeirger, was witnessed by only relatives ana a few intimate friends. The impres sive ring ceremony was used The maid of honor was Miss Meta Dietz, and the bride's maid was Miss Mary Schmeiser. William Dietz was best man. Following the ceremony, a bountful wedding dinner was enjoyed at the home of the bride's parents, when 75 people attended. The Dietz home was beautifully dec orated with spring flowers and ferns. After a short wedding trip the. young couple will make their home cn the 'ranch owned by the bridegroom on the Molalla road. Mr. Schmeiser and his bride are well known young people of the south ern part of the county, where they have many friends. Stranger Tries to Convert Two 'Cops' An absent minded gentleman was picked up Monday afternoon on Main street as a suspicious character by Officers Hadley and Long. W"hen in- terviewed in the sheriffs office, the stranger claimed that he was preach ing "a special brand of religion" and started into convert the two "cops" who arrested him. Considered to be harmless, he was allowed to depart on his way. concertina player, de luxe. Joe Burch made his appearance as the "fair" young woman, and gave several se- few days ago, is reported as - " . ,ea on a lue mul delicious lunch was served. The tablo lections on the conecrtina much to the f 3 udeaaanx. was centered with a handsome golden ' ervjoyment of his audience. Miss Maude Lagesonr whose sweet voice is always appreciated, receiveu a bearty encore. , Miss Gladys Mae Trimble sang most impressively, and her. selections reach of Salmon Not In The Willamette river fell over five feet yesterday, and is rapidly falling. Owing to the recent heavy rains, the water gained considerable. It is ex pected that the river will have cleared up by Saturday if continued fair weather holdg out. The Chinook sal mon have not as yet commenced ' to run In the Willamette, although a few have been taken recently.