Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 18, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. '
Friends of J. W. Reed
Pay Last Respects
ESTACADA,' March 16. The fun
eral of the late J. W. Reed, who lost
his life in an automobile accident last
Friday night, was held from the M. E
Church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
There was never known to be such a
large attendance at a funeral in the
history of the town. The church waa
Inadequate to hold the people who
.came from all the surrounding coun
try to pay their last respects to a
much valued friend, neighbor and cit
izen. The local order of Odd Fellows
and Rebekahs of which Mr. Reed a
sisted in the burial service. Rev. J. F.
Dunlop, of the M. E. church, gave a
very fitting tribute to the departed
and Mrs. Harry "Hitching and W. H.
Xiinn sang while Mrs. J. F. Dunlop ac
companied them. The interment was
in the Estacada cemetery. There
were many beautiful flowers, some
coming from friends in Portland,
Corvallis and Oregon City, besides
' many beautiful wreaths and hand
somely arranged bouquets from the
lodges, societies and friendg at Esta
cada. The deceased leaves a wife
and six children to mourn the loss
of a fond parent and kind husband.
The whole town and surrounding
country, were 'shocked and grieved at
the untimely death of the man who
always had the interests of Estacada
and this part of Clackamas county, so
much at heart.
A. Heidlen, who has been operating
an auto stage line between here and
Portland, has discontinued the same
and has a position with a construction
company at Klamath Fali3, Oregcn.
S. Pesznecker has bought 20 acres
of land in the Garfield district.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lemon
on March 5, a girl, and to W. A. Os
born and wife on March 7th, a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bronson re
turned from Portland last Thursda"
night, where they had been visiting
their son Lee and family.
George Kelly was out from Portland
LaCrosse, "Wis., have been at the J.
W. Reed home for the v past wee.
They are old friends of the family.
W. H. H. "Wade was eighty years
young last Friday and the anniver
sary of his birth was duly celebrated
at the Ely home where he hasjresided
for the past seventeen years. Mrs.
Ely his daughter, prepared a delight
ful dinner at six o'clock and Mr.
Wade's son "Wilbur and family also
enjoyed the occasion, Mr. Wade i3 an
old settler in this locality. He was
born in Missouri and came here with
Birthday Surprise
Lutherian' Sendees
Held at Macksburg
MACKS BURG, March 15. Once
more the Lutheran bell rang out on
Sunday last to announce morning serv
ive in the church. Rev. William Krax
berger of Oregon City who comes on
Saturdays to conduct the class for con
st . o. 1 1 nrmauon stays sometimes lor the
vylVeil at otailOrCl church services as no minister has, a
yet, been chosen to succeed Fr. Lucas
STAFFORD, March 16. Birthday who has gone to Washington..
surprise parties seem to be the propei Simon Miller has so far recovered
thing this. year. Mrs. John Aden had I from the accident mentioned last week
a birthday Friday, March 4, and in this paper Ithat he is enjoying his
twelve old neighbors and friends and auto once more,
ner aaugniers mer at ner none ana xbe late ralns geem to have had
spent a very pleasant day. Mrs. Sharp effect of packing down the roads so
aged 86, being the only one of the in- that autos wJlich have been set aside
vited. guests wno was absent, sue be- for a time are comln? nut aeain.
his parents when but 12 years or age, "c .r1 " 7 w"2. , . The Mother's Club met on Thurs-
Rosco Oldham, dropped a stick of day last Rt thfl home of Mrg Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John Greenleai, oi ; t . w" and is to be held next on the afternoon
Bull Run, were Estacada visitors Tues- """Vf lulu,,"!r l" j. o March 24
rlav OTn!nr T.ointr the, inipsts Of Mr. "u 11,3 Buua uu'
and Mrs. C. E. Allen'.
"Under Suspicion,
I in Portland, slipped and sprained her
the Universal : anUe so she was at home also.
nhntnnlav which will Tm shown at the ' warmers are wonting eany ana iaie
high school auditorium on the eve- rlne, the rain ceased and the ground
ning of March 30, is hearlded as a
became settled.
Mrs. A. A. Baldwin returned on
Sunday from Seaside to which' place
she had been called by the serious ill
ness of her mother.
Plowing' has begun in good earnest
the soil seeming in much better condi
,i f ro, a tha we near tnat August Deikar, with a
star in the cast supported by a strong deling of neighborly love did what he "on than could have been expected
nnmnV nf atnra Brides this five ! could to get Lloyd Tiedeman installed afiter so long a period of rain.
reel picture, there will be a monkey : as the local mail carrier on the Ore-
comedy, entitled "His Lady prienii." . inning over uie moua-
nthpr foatiirfl r.f tho urogram will ! tam roai. said, route having been
he a readine- hv Miss Helen John ant ! maue vacant Dy tne aeatn OI Mr.
a musical selection by Miss Vere Mur- I Teideman's sister, who had held the
ray. This entertainment is for the position to me sausuaciion or tne
henpfif nf hQ Tnofon, T.ihrarv. but i People wnom sne served ror
Gladstone News
GLADSTONE, Or., March 16. Mrs.
some J- Meyers, of La Grande, is visiting
the grade school will receive a third "me ana endeared herself to ,them by ner parent, jur. ana sirs, ai
of the proceeds. llcr pieasant way8 ana sweec aispusi-i aa iwiucu; i"s
James Smith has been taken in as a.' wum.
partner in the Estacada Meat market, ! lne Laaies Circle meets next inurs- Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and fam
with M. J. Kerkes. j ,,ay' Mal"ch 17, with Mrs. Daisy Hayes, ily left Monday .for .Ohio. Mr.
A N .Tnhnsnn and A. Dpmov are wno llves n tfte old Keckel place Moore is a brother of Mrs. G. Gallog-
candidates for the appointment ot j which they purchased some time ago. ly, of this place, and .they have been
postmaster at Estacada. I are supposed .10 wear me green guests at tne uaiiogly come tor some
Miss Loretta Smith, after a siege of ,n nonor OI f atncK. time.
sickness, is again in her place at the , 1 wo autos went from btarrord bat- Miss Edna Rowan is spending the
Estacada State Bank. i maa7 to attena tne uswego urange, I week with friends in Salem.
The Commfunity club meets next ttnd during tne day a committee from The girls of the Baptist church met
Friday nieht. March 25. at the Esta- lnat ooay met wu.i tne town council at the home of Mr. and Mrsl. Frank
cada hotel. It is expected that there Oswego an ofrmulattd plans for a Miranda Monday evening and organ
will be a fine musical program anl get-together meeting at the city hall ized a W. G. G. Miss Ollie Amen was
the County Fair next fall will be thor- on tn evening or Yioay, March 15. elected president and Miss Edna Row
oughly discussed and plans for the to talk of the wonderful inducements I an secretary. After a general dis
carrying out of the same given. I which can be advanced to induce the oussion, it was planned to hold the
As a mark of respect for the late J. com.'ng oi tne urea worm air to next .meeting at the home of the pres
Wl Reed, who lost his life in an auto- uswego m lsa. ident.
mobile accident Friday nieht. all the LaDDages are mostly a losing. crop Mrel Chas. Legler and daughter.
business housese were closed from not having headed up hard owing Mildred, have as their guests Mr. and
noon until four o'clock on Monday , probably to the continued rains. Mrs. Harry Wollrich and Mrs. Frel
PORTLAND. March 16. That Her
bert L. Johnstone, said to have con
fessed since his arrest Tuesday in
Los Angele3 to a charge of attempt
ing to blackmail George A. Mottman
of Olympia, Wash., is "The Shadow"
who terrorized Portland people early
in January, is the firm conviction of
Chief of Inspectors Clark of the Port
land police department.
Samples or handwriting received by
J. Wesley Ladd and other Portlana
residents were compared byNexperts
with the letter received by Mr. Mott
man and declared to be identical, ac
cording to Chief of Police Clark. Port
land detectives conferred with the
Olympia officials soon after the at
tempted blackmail of the Olympia
man, in which Johnstone was actu
lowed to escape. The clear descrip- T s e ne to
tion obtained of him in Olympia is
Little Happenings of Interest Selected
L From The Observer
Mrs. David Hanrahan was here from
Portland Sunday spending the week
end with her husband.
Joseph Hoffman returned Saturday
from Arizona, where he recently ac
companied his daughter Mrs. Parrish.
Fred Scheurer, the coke magnate ot
Butteville, and his two small daughters
motored over Saturday, on business
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ehlen were
here from Eugene Sunday, guests at
the home of Mrs. Ehlen's mother. Mrs
Henrietta Will.
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hunt and chil
dren of Broadacres spent Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Hunt's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Kraus.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moshberger
and family of Woodburn were visitors
here Sunday at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. BJPrGiesy.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albee drove in
from Meridian Friday. Several bad
places on the road to that place pre
vents the use of automobiles. In fact,
K. B. Grimm and' Nick Bishop went
to Salem Friday to be present at the
opening of bids ofr the hauling of 4000
yards of gravel from the Hunt bunk
ers here this summer. The contract
the latter part of last week to visit afternoon and the iarger town flag We, were glad to hear from what Legler, of Portlarfd, Tuesday.
"Visitors from this place in Portland
last Saturday were Mrs. G. A. Ames,
Mrs. Lena Underwood, Miss Carrie
Hannah. Elmer Hannah, F. E. Burns,
and Jean Lluellyn
M?'ss Lydia Mattson visited friends
at Vancouver and Portland Saturday
and Sunday.
The W. C T. U. institute held all
day last Thutsday was a great suc
mess. In the forenoon the program
constisted of music, devotional service
conducted by Mrs. Hannah, address
by Mrs. Andrews, county superinten
dent, address by Rev. Dunlop. At the
noon hour a bountiful lunch was serv
ed by the Eseacada 'Union of which
seventy partook. After" dinner there
was more music, address by Mrs. Miles
of Miles City Montana, on W. C. T. U.
work, addresses by Mrs. John Page on
Missions, solo by Mrs. Mattoon of
Garfield; Mrs. Cahill of Eagle Creek
gave a talk on Medical Temperence,
Mrs. Colcord of the Evergreen Union
spoke of Child Welfare and there was
a violin by O. E. Smith and a piano
solo by Mrs. R. B. Deming and a solo
by Mrs. Gladys Bass. Mrs. Harry
Kitching also furnished a musical
Mr. and Mrs. W. WJ. Dillon and P.
S. Standish of Portland were here
Monday to attend the funeral of J. W.
Mrs. Willis Yonce, of Oregon City
came over Monday to attend the fun
eral of J. W. Reed.
There was a large attendance at the
last basket ball game of the season
Friday night. The Beaverton boys
and girls high school teams played the j
Estacada high techool teams. Th
home team or girls lost Dy one score,
but the home boys won by a score of
31 to 16.
A telegram Sunday evening, an
nounced the death of Peter Runing
at Arlington, Oregon. Mrs. Runing and
son Ernest left on Monday morning
for that place where the deceased was
buried. Mr. Runing was visiting his
..daughter, Mrs. A. White at the time
of his death, which was sudden from
heart failure.
Russel Reed returned to his school
duties at Corvallis Tuesday, but ex
pects to return soon on accont of the
Easter vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Whiting were
Gresham visitors last Tuesday.
G. E. Lawrence of Springwater was
a passenger for Portland from Esta
cada Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Inez Greenleaf of Portland,
was a week-end visitor at the home
of her sister, Mrs. O. E. Syron.
W. R. Jones came over from Port
land Tuesday to spend a few days on
his place east of town.
Misses M. and N. Oakley of Seattle,
sisters of Mrs. J. W. Reed, who were
called here on account of the death ot
Mr. Reed, returned to Seattle Tues
Milton Oakley, brother of Mrs. J
W. Reed, came from Newberg on ac
count of the bereavement in the home
of his sister, returning Wednesday.
Earl Sribly and Mr. Weaver were
transacting business in Portland Tues-
Carl Douglass Post, Americaii Le
gion is already planning on a celebra
tion at Estacada on July Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Whiting spent
the week-end at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Earl Shibley, returning
to their home in PortlandMonday eve
Mrs. E. C- Howe and "Ted" Howe,
visited Portland last Saturday, going
on the early train and returning at
County Judge E. Cross came over
from Oregon City Monday to attend
the funeral of the late J. W, Reed.
Mrs. E. J. McDonald of Paisley,
Oregon, arrived this week to take a
position in the Estacada pharmacy. A.
N. Johnson having resigned. Mrs. Mc
Donald is a graduate pharmacist. j
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKown of
and those on the school houses, were " considered reliable authority tnat chas. Legler, traveling salesman for
raised at half mast. Jt was not Dave Long of Hazelia who the Oregon City Manufacturing com
Herman Wallace of the Estacada had Mr. Oldham and son arrested for pany, has arrived in . Billings, Mon
T. & T. Co., had the misfortune to overloading their trucks while hauling tana. He will cover Montana, South
sprain his leg so badly that he is con- potatoes irom onanDers to a waning Dakota and Wyoming before return
fined to his home.
car at Oswego, but a traffic cop of the
i same name.
Meadowbrook Boys
Take Close Game
Clackamas Home Is
Destroyed by Fire
CLACKAMAS, March 16. 'Sunday
MEADOWBROOK, March 15. Ma-
Tti n vii -tit V - i a wrrbTiTi.o' in "P-TI JJ Vt I
. , . ' . , afternoon, March 13, about one p. m.
cnant' o -rrwxr Ho vo loot n-Oa Lr wt t n ncl ' r
tv, j,orv,,-r' . i fire was discovered in the beautiful
mother and family. . . . ... .
LKtle Edwin Boito returned to his " " ., .... .
home Wednesday from the Sellwood - u
hospital where he has been the last fhc- the b T t -6re
on the ground floor was saved but all
on the upper floor was a total loss.
This is the second fire visiting Mr.
Smith at the same place in two years.
Estimated loss about $75,000, partly
two weeks on account of an operation.
W. Hankins spent the week end ir.
Portland with his family.
The Meadowbrook Literary Club will
meet Saturday March 19th.
Mrc TTVow rf Trrtlnni1 cnent a fAT
days of last week visiting at the Carl , covered by insurance.
Beaver home.
Clackamas is becoming a real metro
politan city as Saturday evening,
t r-ltr.n TTV.VI a v nftomnnn where " "s
t,i0h thP mmmr tpam of that dance at William Haberlah's hall
place, the game resulted in a score of """ rr auu r
t tr q fnr. MMrtAu-),rnnt Thev Hanery. Also a moving picture show
r,iav a rCh,m non at ! O. O. F. hall. A good time1 was
M,jnwwt hQn . enjoyed by all.
m tt r-hir,riror, n. 1 The Five Hundred Club held their
tta'i-oA o of thBiV friends regular meeting at Hornbergers ban.
at their home Sunday evening in honor After playing the score luncheon was
1?oti fhinrioTon whnap hirthdflv OC-
curred on that day. The evening was
spent with music and playing games,
after which a delicious lunch was
served to those present
Lad Hill Play Is
Decided Success
dancing which made the
young again.
Jake Butcher has disposed of his
business in Hood River and will re
turn to Clackamas and build a modern
homo on his property here.
Our progressive blacksmith Mr.
Godsey is building a new. addition on
the shop where he intends putting in
a full line of farm implements.
Mr. Whitehead of Portland has pur-
LAD HILL, March 15. "The Fascin
atins Fannie Brown" presented at Lad chased the Flaherty property now oc
Hill hall last . week by home talent cupied by M. V. Cavender and intends
was largely attended. The affair was tearing down the old builings and re-
such a success plans have been made placing with modern buildings.
to produce it in Willsonville March Thursday, March 10, Mrs. Richard
19. Cast of characters were as follows: Johnston was operated on at the Ore
"Mrs. Moffatit," Dolly Ives; "Mrs. gon City hospital for a tumor. The
Caldwell," Lulu Loucks; "Audrey," last Teport was that the patient was
Martha Parrott; "Florence Howe.'V doing nicely.
Bessie Smith; "Dorothy Durley," Liz-j Married, at Vancouver, Wash.,
Ti.i ...,. . "1 To t-Vi -l " ATai-tha Rtpnvp- Thiirswlav mnminn- "rVTnrnh ti TVfitia
"Will Pearson," Clarence Allen; Lera Cavender and Albert Johnston ?oin.inS their new home 011 Clackama
"Percy Gale," Archie McCulley; , both of Clackamas. ' The wedding
"HenryJDudley," Scott Parrott; "Fan- breakfast was served at the home ol
nie Brown," Scott Parrott. - the bride after which the couple left
Mrs. C. C. Loucks was Portland vis- for Castle Rock,
itor Saturday and Sunday. !
Mrs Scott Parrott and bod Ernest Mountain Road
and Mrs. George Smith and son How
ard sDent Saturday and Sunday in
i,.,,,! with their tt, nth or Mrs. H. MOUNTAIN ROAD, March 15. Tho
N. Baker
ing to Oregon City. Miss Lillian
Gillette is a guest of Mrs. Legler iD
the absence of (the latter's husband
Mrs. H. C Leete, who was operated
on at the Oregon City hospital last
Friday, is getting along nicely. Sh9
was struck recently by an automobile
in Oregon City. Since that time she
has been in the hospital.
Mrs. Grace Eby and sons, Jack anl
Clarence, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dallas, of Carver.
Mrs. George Dallas of Portland, is
nursing in Gladstone. At present
she is caring for W. W. Marrs, who
is slightly improved.
Mrs. Sadie Ackley, who has been
seriously ill for some time, was re
moved to the home of her son at
White Salmon, Wash., but she is still
in a critical condition.
Mrs. E. Harrington is confined to
her room and Mr. Harrington is al
so quite ill, suffering from a severe
The Gladstone library will be open
as usual Wednesday afternoon with
Miss Alice Freytag and Mrs. Harvo
Wilson in charge. Seventeen new
books have been donated.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Pace and daugh
ter, Miss Pauline, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freytag.
'Dr. and Mrs, Alexander had as theri
guests Monday Rev. Thos. Down, of
Brownsville; Mrs. Laison and ' daugh
ter, Miss June and F. M. Woodray, or
Mrs. Claude Bruder is spending the
week in Salem with her sister, Mrs.
Otto Scheman. Mrs Bruder was for
merly Miss Mable Weddle.
Mr. and Mrs. James Knely. Misses
Agatha and Maxine Keely, Sam Mc-
Milan and Harland Keely, of Port
land, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Mack Rivers Sunday. ,
Bruno Freidricks, of Lewiston, Ida
ho, is visiting with his mother, Mrs
Freidricks, of Parkplace; also his sis
ter. Miss Marie Freidrick.'
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rankin have
purchased -two very desirable lots of
Herman Nelson on Yale avenue, al
said by Chief Clark to have tallied
with the meager description of "The
Shadow" obtained by police and dep
uty sheriffs here.
Althnno-h ft IdHoi- mntninint, a r
scription of Johnstone and a copy of wa" let t0 f" Paulparties
his picture, mailed throughout Cal
ifornia by the Portland police bureau,
led to his arrest, evidence in the
hands of the Portland police is not so
etrong against Johnstone as that ob
tained by the Olympia authorities.
According .to local officers, his prose
cution will probably be undertaken a.
Olympia by the postal authorities.
So cleverly did "The Shadow" work
during the period of ten days or more
he operated here that a single finger
print on a thermos bottle in a lunch
basket left by him. where he first
waited for Mr. Ladd to drop a pack
age of money is practically the onl
incriminating evidence
A surprise party at the Gladney
home on the River Road was attended
by many friends of Samuel Gladney
and Gilbert Brown, in whose honor
the party was given. Friends from Far
go, Dundee and Portland were present.
Among the officers ot the California
legislature, which reconvened Febru
ary 24, after the constitutional recess,
there appears the name of James A.
Miller, as minute clerk, at $9 per day.
It is reported that bids will soon be
called for by the Canby cty councl
for the digging of a new well to supply
city water. Not long ago the water
from one of the wells then in use was
declared contaminated and unfit for
Surveyor Knox was here Saturday
to survey the site for the new big
school building. A. H. Giesy came up
from Portland to assist in the interests
of his sisters who own the- land the
school district is buying. Paul Siebert
acted ac chairman.
Among those who have been drawn
to serve on the jury for the March
term, of the circuit court in Marion
county are the following from this end
of the county: Glen C. Carothers of .
Hubbard, LaFayette Lawrence of
Woodburn, Arnold Christen of Hub
bard, David Hovenden of Hubbard, and
M. E. DeGuire of Silvertcn.
George McFarland, manager for the
Fargo Orchards Co., was here Friday
on business. The roads into Fargo
from this direction are so had, he found
it necessary to drive out onto the
Butteville-Donald road to reach the
gravelled . highway. . The Orchards
company Is taking out large numbers
of trees for the owners of small tracts
the severe . weather of a year ago
December having killed many. Logan
berries will be planted instead of re
placing trees.
Fine Dairy Herd and Business Sold
to Well Known Oregon City Men
Mr. and Mrs. L. G-. Durrell, who
against him. I have been operating a dairy at Mount
Etrorts will be made by the police to Pleasant, about two miles from Ore-
obtain a copy of Johnstone's finger gon City, have sold their interests
prints for comparison when he pas- and dairy herd to L. E. May and
ses through Portland on his way to James Mellien, who took charge Mon-
Gladstone News
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler spent
Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Wheeler, of Outlook.
Owing to the illness in the families
of the president and vice-president, past 18 years has meen superintendent
tne meeting or tne r arent-ieacners of the weave-room of the Oreson Citv
day morning.
There are 200 patrons of this dairy,
and the new owners have announced
that there will be no rise in .the price
of milk and cream.
Mr. May came to Oregon City seven
years ago, where he has since resided,
and Mr. Mellien came here with his
parents when a mere lad, and for the
Manufacturing company.
association . was postponed until Fri
day, March 25.
There will be a musicale given at the
Christian church Wednesday evening,
March 16, under the auspices of the
Parent-Teachers' association, the pro
ceeds of which will be used toward
the purchase of a bell for the school
house. Mrs Frank Oswald is in
charge. Emil Enna, of Portland, will
play his own composition3and of oti-
er Oregon composers, and will be as
sisted by a dramatic reader and local
talent. This concert Is looked for
ward to with much pleasure by the mu
sic lovers of Gladstone and vicinity.
Miss Myrtle Jacobson and Herbert
Gunther, of Portland, were week-end
guests of their uncle, Mr. B; A. Ander
son and wife.
T TT- f.ll.1.1 J T- 1 - 1
guest Wednesday, her newhew, John JtUtler OllipS o4UU
Mr. Miller is making his home tem
porarily in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Olds had
their house guest during the -week-en.l
Ernest- Ketchum, of Powell River, B.
C, who came here to see his wife,
Mrs. Georgia Ketchum, who has been
in the Oregon City hospital for some
Mr. Durrell and wife started into
the dairy business in Oregon City two
years ago with one single cow, and
as the business increased and the
greater demand for milk, they gradu
ally added to their dairy her -some ot
the finest dairy cattle in the state.
At the time of disposing of the bus
iness they owned cows, Including Jer
seys, Holsteins and Guernseys.
Owing to his wife's health, Mr. Dur
rell sold his dairy business They wHl
remain at their Mcunt Pleasant home,
the dairy herd having been moved to
the Mellien place near the South-End
WASHINGTON, D. C, March 12
A cow has been offered to President
Harding by a ibertyville. 111., man,
who" in a letter received today, said
it was "his hobby" to raise very good
Jersey cows and to place them where
they will be most appreciated.
Lack of a suitable home for a cov
on the White House grounds may pre
vent the president from accepting.
Day-Old Chicks
Russell E. Butler, of Butler Poul
try farm at Jennings odge expressed
3400 day-old chicks to Winlock, Wash.,
on Saturday. There were 100 baby
chicks to the box, and leaving here
of m.ECA a tltAV ..-ill thai.
V""3' mBr , TV destination at Winlock at 3:42 the
same day.
Mr. Butler has 7500 baby chicks in
his brooder at Jennings Lodge and ex
pects to ship about 80,000 before thi:
close of the season.
old Oregon rain fell in this vicinity
Arthur Tves came out. from Portland agan Sunday.
ict snturrlav tr. attnri the nlay. ' Mr- and Mrs. L. S. Koellermeier, Mr.
Isaac Tautfest and family speru. and Mrs. John Robinson, A. J. Hodge
Rnn.lav at Will Smith's. ' and eBrnice Hodge attended the re-
The ladies of the Gladstone church
met Wednesday and completed quilts
and window drapes, and a number of
the ladies called on Mrs. E. Harring
ton, who is a member and is quite
HOFF, March 16. A pleasant sur
prise was tendered Mrs. C. Bluhm last
Sunday in honor of her natal day
After partaking of a fine birthday din-
A neVfamuys bought the Jack cital of the Messrs Collins and Harlan -the folk sH
. , . i . lasr. -nipsnav evpninp- in i tratmn r -t r l- i - -'
i tA Mere a mace ana move uu it. huvu. - -
We have not learned their names. rs- nnstensen ana
' Grandma Kiser has been on the sick daughter Ellen spent the week ena
list but is some better.
with relatives in Portland.
sfhd Mrs. Biuhm have recently pu-
chased a Kimball piano. A numher
of the other guests also played a few
Misse Slyvia Hodge, Marion and very entertaining selections. Those
rrcr ITCMC i Maxin. Wheeler of Portland cTt Bnt. preseui CIC mi. auu mia. n. "
DODGE, March 15,-Mrs. Agne. urf.y and . Sunday with the formert
Bckley, county school supervisor, vis- relatives at Mountain Rpad. .
ited at the Dodge school for a few min- Mrs. A. J. Hodge is visiting her
utes on-. Monday afternoon. , daughter in Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keller spent Shn- H. Belding and. G. Notduft have In-
day with the John Keller family. stalled a new telephone in their homes.
Mr Lacev. Ivan Lacey and John Kel- William K.aiser and daughter Mag-
ler attended the sale at Elwood last gie were Oregon City visitors Satur-
week. idav-
David Horner Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Frea 1 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Creister vis
Horner and family and Rosa B. Ten ited relatives here Sunday.
Eyck took supper with Mr. and Mrs. '
Harold Horner of Springwater Satur
day evening.
Ivan Lacey and "Vernon Keller made
. . i -n Al a (-..- -J ..
a. I rill in r I j I 1. 1 .1 1 1 ( ? naiuiuav. ,
Mahfl Keller anent Saturday eve- government in wasaingxon,
down. Mrs. Ketchum is much im
proved. She was accompanied to Ore
gon City for treatment by her daugh
ter, Misg Ruth. t
The Gladstone basket ball team met
defeat at the hand3 of Willamette by
score of 15 to 2
Dr. O. A. Alexander will speak at
the Christian church Sunday morning
and the young people will have charge
of the musicale in the evening, after
which an address will be given by Geo.
Everett Baker, of Portland
ev. rnos. tiroomiieia, oi uaUu NEW YORK, March 11. The first
will preach at the Gladstone Baptist at gea and named for pres.
church both morning and evening. ident Harding reached America today
Miss Norma Leete and F. O. Wa Je on th(? steamer Santa Marta, where he
spent hunaay witn tne iormer s, made hig appearance inauguration day
ter, Mrs. Dennis tJraDiree oi rwae v,i He wag accompanjed by his parents,
ty fa.TR. i Mr. and Mrs. James Dougherty, of
. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pelky and little I Brooklyn, who sailed from Colon on
daughter, Leona, of Hood River, were March
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Hughie dur
ing the week-end and have gone to
visit Mrs. Pelky's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Ellis, of Molalla over Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Pelky are quite
well known here and in Oregon City,
where they formerly resided.
Mrs. Jennie Hess, of West Linn,
was the guest of Mrs. Edward Eby Fri
day. Mrs. Hess was formerly Miss
Jennie Petit and is a girlhood friend
of Mrs. Ebys'.
LEGE, Corvallis, March 12. Telling
of the days when Cauthorn hall bought
beefsteak at 8 cents a pound, fir wood at
$2 a cord and common labor 15 cents
an hour, John B. Horner, professor of
history at the college points out that .
Corvallis has changed greatly since
he came here , in 1891. . He will soon
enter on the third term of bis thirtieth
year with the college.
"Cauthorn hall, which is now a girl's,
dormitory, was the first dormitory
built for the exclusive use of cadets
at O. A. C," explained Professor
Horner. "For six years Mrs. Horner,
as matron, and I made it our place of
residence. A few cadets, however,
had been housed in the first floor ot
Alpha hall. It wa3 named for Senator
Thomas Cauthorn, the first secretary
of O. A. C. board of regents. eSna
tor Cauthorn had been very active in
promoting the interest of the college
before the legislature of Oregon and
the public generally.
WASHINGTON, D. C, March 14.
Exstence of a "new and powerful as-
ning and Sunday at the W T. Kaake made UP of the representatives of va
home I llt5U Jm1"51111 was cuargea in a hlulqm.
A TT,hr from hr attended the ment ssuea tonigni Dy u. H. Barrett,
funeral of J. W. Reed in Estacada on President of the National Farmers'
t. 1 hti 1
Afonday iv-n auu Limn ii vl nit? iittuuutu
Board of Farm organizations.
Herman oMehnke, Mrs. Heft, Mr. ana
Mrs Henry Moehnke, Mr. Perry, Mr
and Mrs. J. D Moehnke, Mrs. H.
Staben and children, Alice, Emily,
Lola, and baby boy, Retha, Vesta,
Juanita, Rhoma, "Vernal and Averil
Moehnke, Pernie and Melvin Shockley
and Harvey, Harold and Arlene Bluhm.
CHICAGO, March 11. Leo, a St.
Bernard dog. Friday gave his life in
foiling an attempt to hold up hi3 1
master's grocery.
Three robbers walked into Leon
ard Malone's store and ordered him
to throw up his hands. The clog
leaped at one of the robbers, sinking
his teeth into the man's throat. The
man fired and the dog fell dead. The
robbers escaped, but obtained no loot.
ALBANY, Or., March 15. Jame3
Ward was sentenced Monday to serve
two years in the state penitentiary
and to pay costs and a fine of $100
following conviction' on a charge of
manslaughter, being accused of indir
ectly causing the death of Mount Stor
ey, marshal of ;Sweet Home, when the
latter was trying to arrest him at
Sweet Home September 6.
Robert Bruce, convicted of simple
assault in connection with the same
fight, during which he threw a stone
at Dr. J. H. Shenk, mayor of Sweet.
Home, will be sentenced Wednesday..
NEW YORK, March 15. The army
transport Madawaska, inbound from
Manila, collided with the steamship
Invincible off Barnegat, N. J., tonight.
A later message said that the Mada
waska was in no immediate danger..
ASHDALE, March 16. Mrs. R. J.
Thompson, who has been ' ill for the
past week, confined to her room, is im
proving. Mrs. Thompson is secretary
of the Comunity Cmb, and her many
friends here are pleased to hear ot
her improvement. '
Mr. and Mrs Kane, who have been
making their home on the Tiver for
the past year, have gone to Portland
to reside.
MED FORD, Ore., March 11. After a
day full of sensational testimony on
the part of the state including the ad
missions of wrong-doing by William H.
Johnson, ex-president and cashier of
the wrecked bank of Jacksonville, the
case against Benjamin M. Collins,
Grants Pass automoble dealer, ex-city
clerk of Medford and ex-cashier of the
bank, will go into the jmry's hands
Saturday morning, following the
court's charge. The closing argu
ments had been completed when court
adjourned late Friday afternoon. '
Otto J. Bruce, 27, of Portland, and
Vanetta Maud Braks, 21, of Milwau
kie, route No. 2, secured a marriage
license in Oregon jiiy . i uesaay.
R. F. 0. f . lu 44,
. DumI, Mianatata
v J4
Keeps the Medicine with Iter for Safety
Mrs. Carl Linder, E. F. D. No. 2, Box 44,
Dassel, Minnesota,vrites : "I want to thank
you for your kindness and the good your
remedy did me years ago. I am perfectly
well and visiting in Spokane, Wash. Were it
not for Pe-ru-na I would not have been able
to make this trip. I always take your medi
cine with me for safety should I take cold.
Praise to Pe-ra-na."
As an emergency remedy for everyday ills,
Pe-ra-na has been in use fifty years. ..-