Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 04, 1921, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Paee 3
Mrs. Curtis, - of Calgary, Canada,
whose husband is a prominent stock
man of that place, and who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. "William
Wright, near Meldrum, has left for
her home, after a most delightful
visit. While at Meldrum Mrs. Curtis
was the guest of honor of a number
of 8ocial events.
Frank Michels and Nicholas Mich
eds, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. Michels
of Oregon City, have been pledged
to the Delta Theta Phi Fraternity on
the University of Oregon campus,
Nicholas is a Junior at the University
and Is a commerce student; while
Frank is a Sophomore in the En
gineering department. TbHs Ja
Frank's first year at the University
of Oregon after attending the Uni
versity of "Washington for one year.
Both boys are well liked at. the
institution. "While the same holds
true in their home town, where they
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kircbem, of
Logan, motored to Oregon City Fri
day, where they transacted business.
They were accompanied- home Fri
day evening by their daughter. Miss
Irene, who is attending the Oregon
City high school, where she will re
main until Monday.
A. A. Price, manager of the Price
Brothers' store, was wearing an un
usual smile Saturday, and when his
friends inquired as to such happiness
Al answered "Well, you see we" have
a new daughter at our home, and
have a host of friends who are con-1 she Is one of the finest babies you
gratulating them. ' I ever saw. She arrived at 9:15
o'clock, and her weight is nine
Attorney O. D. Eby, of this city. I pounds. Dorrles Jane is the name
accompanied by W. J. E. Vick ana j honoring the young miss;
the tatter's brother, C. C. E. Vick, of
Molalla, returned from Eugene Sun-1 Mrs Frank Sprague, of Redland
day evening, where they went on I accompanied by Mrs. B. H. Stewart,
legal business, having been summona i Q( that place, were Oregon City vis
there as witnesses in a case. "While J itors Saturday. "While here they via
in Eugene Mr. Eby visited his son,ited friends and transacted business,
Marvin Eby, student of the Unlvers- These women are active workers in
ity of Oregon. The Clackamas coun tne Rejiand "Women's Live "Wire
ty men had the privilege of witness- organization, and report that several
Ine the basketball game between new members were taken in at the
University of Oregon and University j meetlng held a few days ago.
of California, which resulted in tn
r-aiifni-nia hnva winnlne. They made I j. A. Ridines. of Molalla, waa In
the trip to Eugene by automobile. I this city Saturday. Mr. Ridings was
on his wav home from wruana,
A meetinir of the American Legion where he had visited his wife, who
will be held this evening in the ban- underwent a surgical operation at the
quet room of the Masonic temple. st Vincent's hospital Friday. Mrs
when an army officer and field clerk j Ridings is Improving from the oper-
will be in attendance, having been ati0n.
sent out by the United States govern
menfc to adjust any claim of ex-ser- e. H. Lee an old time pioneer of
vice men against the government. At Canby, was in Oregon City Saturday,
this meeting the ex-service men, who Mr. Lee came here to transact busi-
have failed to receive their united l ness, and also visited among some 01
States victory medals, will be pre-1 bis time friends.
snnt.e.1 with these, which are hand
ar.rr.oi 7 mmmtpil. In order to secure J. F. Cromer and borther, Henry
these It will be necessary for the ex- Cromer, prominent farmera of the
crvip TTien to brine their army dis-1 Estacada country, were in Oregon
The pension dinner served to the
members of Meade Post No. 2, O. A.
R. is scheduled for Friday, March
4th, and under the auspices of the
Women's Relief Corps. These din
ners are always looked forward to
with plesure by the bid soldier boys,
and also the "pay" day, which is held
every three months. Mrs. Amelia
Martin is the chairman of the com
mittee to be in charge of the dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Farr and
family, who have been making their
home at Molalla, where Mr. Farr and
his son, Arthur have engaged in the
meat business, have returned to Ore
gon City, and' have taken up their
residence at 516 Jackson street. Mr.
Farr and son have purchased . the
Seventh Street Meat Market,
have taken possession.
' E. E. Brodie, publisher of the Morn
ing Enterprise, leaves Monday morn
ing, with Mrs. Brodie, for a six
weeks trip through the east. They!
Simmons, Otto Erickson, Bert Bax-I Mrs. Latourette was assisted in
ter Ervin Riley "W. Smith Paul Nau- serving refreshments by her daugh
mann, S. Simmons, Neal Sullivan, of I ters-in-law, Mrs. M. D. Latourette, of
Oregon City and Mrs. -Harry Peck-j this city; Mrs. E. C. Latourette; Mrs.
over, of Edge wood. I Howard Latourette, of Portland.
Before leaving for home the women I The interior of the Latourette home
were served with refreshments. I was most attractive, when decorations
were of daffodils, jonquils and Ore-
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Van"Weys home I n grape, which were arranged in
was the scene of a merry gathering on I baskets throughout the rooms.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freytag were
Dleasantl-v siirnrlsn.1 Sunday after
noon by a number of their friends 010 evening of February 5th. The oc I Attending were Mrs. C. H. Mels-
eo from Portland to Chicago over the from Oregon. City and Gladstone casion was the fifteenth wedding an- siier, Mrs. H. E. Hendry, Mrs. L. E.
Northern Pacific, and join a special when they reminded them of their j nlversary of.Mr. and Mrs VanWey. Jones, Mrs. Nieta Barlow Lawrence,
newspaper train for Florida, where twenty-second wedding anniversary, j' CutgJass gifts were presented to Mrs. Thomas Keith, Mrs. J. R.
the annual convention of the Nation- A dinner wa8 served by their daugh- the host and hostess In honor of this Humphrys, Mrs. William Folger, Mrs.
al Editorial Association will be held, ter, Miss Alice, at five o'clock. occasion. . a. iienaerson, Mrs. j. ti. walker,
f ho nnnvenHnn Itlnerarv rovers Mrs. Freytatr had been uuroosely Vocal and Instrumental music and Mrs. W. E. Pratt, Mrs. E. C. Latour-
nwinim ,,,1 Mnntirnmerr. Ala., summoned awav. while, her daughter I games were among the events enjoy-1 ette, Mrs. Charles Prim, Sr., of Port
and Pensacola, Tallahassee, Jackson- decorated the Freytag home artistical- e during the evening. Mrs. Frank land; Mrs. Ferguson, of Portland;
vllle and St. Augustine. Fla. The ly with read carnations, ferns and Schoenborn, in her usual charming Mrs. Charles Buchanan, of Hillsboro;
ana I business sessions of the convention I potted plants
charge papers.
I City on business Saturday.
Pierce "Walker, a student of the
riT-oPT-vn Aerlf.ultural college, who
spent the week-end, In Oregon City
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Walker, returned to the college at
fnrvallis. Tuesday evening. He made
the trio to Oreeon City by motor-
O. G. Morris, of Aurora, was an
Oregon City visitor Saturday. Mr.
Morris is a brother of J. K. Morris,
of Oregon City.
John R. Glover, of Cascade Locks,
was in Oregon City Saturday, having
cycle, and throughly enjoyed the trip, come here to look after his property
Walker accompanied. James jvuera,
. 1 . . -molrinn- t T1 1"V TO tllO
me ,Trw W. W. Everhart, cashier of
flm 1 rrVr: Molalla bank, was in Oregon
Tav evening.' He is also a student of Saturday, where he transacted bust
the Oregon Agricultural college.
ness and visited friends.
A delegation of California a nai - - s,
B'nth a fewfsh organization, holding graduated from the Washington lUgh
a convent in Portland, passed school, Portland, and returning to her
throuX Oregon City over the high- home at Mount Pleasant, where she
wav 5 Salem, being guests of tht has been visiting her parents, Mr.
W?LJ. ln momrra of and Mrs. A. E. King, has gone to
Jt-UI-UailU. "" . A t-,-o wJnor- oho io tl,o on.OS rif her
This was tne iirai i -"""" -
rvoo thrnnrfi this sister, Mrs. L. D. Williams, rormeny
Miss Elaine King, of Mount Pleasant.
A. S. Kent and Bert B. Bird, of
Elliott Prairie, were Oregon City vis
Itors Monday. Mr. Bird, who was in
tLo service during the ' world war,
njde a record for himself us a sharp
shooter, when with th.3 Woodburu
the organization,
visit many had
r-it-v. and they were favorably im-
with Oreeon City. D. Solis.
Cohn, of Portland, was elected presi
dent of the B'nai B'nth organization.
Mrs. Savage, nee Miss Harriet Bak
er, daughter of Mrs. F. S. Baker, of
this city, has gone to Salem to take
up her residence. Mrs. Savage, who
was connected with the Bank of Ore
gon City for a number of years, was
ot off.vionr in her duties. She
has ioined Mr. Savage in Salem.
where the former has made his .home
for some time, and who is a member
of a prominent pioneer family of that j
T Z j riar?nl Mr .and Ms. George McLane, of
.D-E-TSt'W fVhSl Portland, who were former residents
foVTheTast 26 mon; has resigned of Munt Pleasant -e been visit-
his position, which took effect Tues-
wlll be held in St. Augustine, and the I Music was the entertainment of the
editorial narty will be taken by I evening after which ice cream and
Mrs. Don Meldrum, a former res- SDecial train and automobiles to cake were served
Ident of Oregon City, who is .now many sections of Florida, concluding
making her home In Portland, is im-1 tour at Palm Beach and Miami March I Mrs. L. A. Read entertained the
proving from her serious Illness. Mrs. I 26. Mr. and Mrs. Brodie will go tolEuterpean club at her home in Glad
manner, sang "Love's Old.. Sweet 'Mrs. Lena Charman, Mrs. L. L.
Song." and by request, Mrs. Van Wey, Porter, Mrs. C. H. Caufield, Mrs. Livy
sang a Scotch number "My Ain Folk," Stlpp, Mrs. E. P. Rands, Mrs. T. W.
delighting her hearers. I Clark, Mrs. George Ostrander., of
Refreshments were served during I Portland ; Mrs. Frank Young, Mrs.
the evening. I Harry Price, Mrs. T. W. Sullivan, Mrs.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs, J. S. "William Tipton, MSrs. Nellie Seely.
Meldrum, who has many friends In J Washington and New York and will stone Saturday afternoon in a most Vann' Mr and Mrs" zw- Lindborg, Mrs. Wallace Caufield, Mrs. Clyde
Oregon City, has been receiving return home through Montreal over delightful manner. She had as her MT- ana MTS- Miss Tol- moum, jars. William Wright, Mrs.
medical treatment at the sanitarium I tne r.anadian Pacific. Mr. Brodie out-of-town guest. Mrs. Bellingsly. of v,a ,jarlson' a" OI roruana- Mr- ana curus, or Calgary, Mrs. J. R. Latour-
of Dr. Wiley Jones in Portland, has I j8 vice-nresldent of the National
been able to be removed to her home Editorial Association, which is hold-
at Irvlngton, Portland. .
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon R Snidow, of
Willamette, are receiving congratu
lations over the arrival of a son at I
their home, born Tuesday, March 1.
The baby is honored with the name
of Mahlon Robert Snidow, Jr. He is
the great grandson of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Roman, of Mount Pleasant.
j ing its 26th annual convention.
C. A. White; of Beaver Creek, a
former resident of Oregon City, was
The funeral services of the late
Bertram! VanCleve, a hero of the
world war, who died at Tacoma,
in this ctiy on business Tuesday, I Wash., were held from the Holman
where he transacted business . and I & Pace funeral chapel Thursday af-
also visited his parents, Mr and Mrs. I ternoon at 2:00 o'clock. The chapel
A. M. White. He is engaged In the I was filled to capacity with friends
lumbering business at Beaver Creek. I of the young man, while many were
usable to gain entrance, remaining
Mary Ellen" is the name honoring until after the services and following
the new baby girl at the home of Mr. I the remains to their last resting!
and Mrs. Hal Hoss. She arrived at I place in the Masonia plot in the
the Hoss home Monday evening, I Mountain View cemetery.
Portland, who assisted in .rvinir a Mrs- ;ox- Mr- ana Airs. JjTann ette, Mrs. jtioward Latourette of Port-
delicious luncheon at 1:30 after which I Schoenborn, Mrs. Augusta Schoen land, Mrs. E. L. Shaw, Mrs. M. D. Lat-
tho hi.oir.ooa nf ih. -iK woo trans. I Dorn, Mr. ana Mrs. w. u. lireen. Mr. oureiie.
wort I and Mrs. C. H. Dickey, Dr. and Mrs.
mvo wnii tiomj fM . I W. o. Benawa, Mr. and Mrs S. Mac-1 laa masque staling carnival at the
most interestine manner "Tht- Tlfe I Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Cushman, of I skating rink on Washington's Blrth-
and Work of Titian", an early Italian tWs clty- day was largely attended, and proved
artist. Mrs. Victor Gault brought one of the enjoyable events of the past
several of his pictures from the Port-1 Mlss Violet Farr was a charming w
land library and a brief account of J young hostess at the home of her A lareS number appeared masqued
eaCh. I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Farr and entered for the prizes.
For American music the members Friday evening. February 18, when al Jany Handsome costumes were
enjoyed "Grand Polka De Concert," number of her friends planned and W"IU-
com posed by Homer Bartlett of New carried out a surprise party. foruana band furnished the
York and played by Mrs. M. A. Thomp-1 The color scheme for the decora- ana was one or tne main draw-
inn i Lions was pins ana wnue. artistically I
The Japanese question from an In-1 arranged in the rooms of the Farr
ternatlonal standpoint waa ably ore-1 home. Pink and white carnations
sented by Mrs. Victor Gault. Mrs. F. I an p'nk hyacinths were used.
Music and games were among the I
features o fthe evening, after which
refreshments were served.
Attending were Mildred Marley,
Mildred Midlam, Lorena Jack, Helen!
Mr. Jeffries, manager, is already
planning for a similar event in the
near future.
February 28. Mr. Hoss, the proud
father, is the advertising manager of
the Morning Enterprise.
Miss Hattie Miller, of Woodburn,
sister of Mrs. Paul Naumann, who
has been In Oregon City, for three or
four days, where she has been a
guest at the Naumann home, return
ed to her home Sunday eveniny.
Van CI eve died from the effects of
gas received in action in France.
Rev. H. G. Edgar, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, officiated and
during the services Mrs. W.' C. Green
P. Nelson gave a resume of the "Jap
anese question.
Those enjoying Mrs. Read's hospi
tality were Mrs. Billingsly, Mrs. F.
P. Nelson, Mrs. M. E. Turner, Mrs.
R. M. McGetchie. Mrs. M.
son, Mrs. Harry Paddock. Mrs. J. G.
Mrs. H. S. Mount and Mrs. Frank
Mount attended at luncheon at the
University Club in Portland Friday
afternoon. , The affair was given by
E. Thomp- Tooze, Lottie Feitelson, Violet Farr, Mrs" Guy Strohm, wife of Dr. Strohm.
Ivan - Midlam, , Lioydi
Nash, Mrs. F. Miranda, Mrs. William Anthony Shockman. Forest Yextey,
Hammond and Mrrf. Victor Gault. I Fred Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Randall and son, Gilbert; Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Montgomery, of Port-lMrs- Ka- arr and Bon' Marvin; Ed.
Mrs. William Kraesta. Miss Chris
tine Brakel, Mrs. Arthur Beattie, Miss
Farncis Bowland and Miss Mildred
Ellis, of this city, formed a party on
Mr. and Mrs. Havill, of Beaver
Creek, were in this city Tuesday.
tey were on their way to Portland,
where they went on business. Mr.
Havill is the merchant of Beaver
A. D. Gribble, prominent breeder j
of Jerseys, whose home is at Gribble
Prairie, accompanied by his son, also
of that place, were In Oregon City on
business Tuesday.
Judge Robert Beatie, of Beaver
Creek, was in this city on business
Tuesday. While here "Bob" visited
among his friends.
Bang "Abide With Me" and "Home-
time We'll Understand." Mrs. Emery
French was accompanist.
The floral tributes were in great
profusion and were beautiful and the
casket was draped with the national
At the cemetery, the hero was
given a military burial under the dir
ection of Willamette Falls Post, local
American legion, and Edward W. Mil
ler sounded taps over the grave oi
Pallbearers were ex-service men In
uniform and consisted of George SiZ'
er, Dan Flnnucane, H. W. Champanze,
George Truel, Earl Hall and . Dale
Chapter, Daughters of American Rev- ana ana Ivan Farr.
olution, was a charming hostess of a ausannan ise Barlow Chapter,
laree reception at the University Club I Daughter of the American Revolu-
in Portland Tuesday afternoon. This I tioa, and those eligible to become
proved one of the largest and most members of the organization, enjoy-
enloyable social events held in Port- ea a tea at tne historical old home of
As all Chapters of the state had
been extended an Invitation', many
were represented, when about. 200
members from the various chapters
The affair was in honor of the
J Dr. John McLoughlin, father of old
Oregon, last Saturday afternoon.
'i ne airair was m tne form of a
Washington Birthday tea, and Mrs.
E. L. Shaw made a most charming
JLaay wasnington, and was one oi
the hostesses of the afternoon, assist-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Warren, the
latter formerly Miss Naomi Arm
strong, who have been on their honey
moon, have returned to Oregon City,
and have taken up their residence on
Fifth street, where they have pur
chased a home.
jav Mr. Frost nas Deeu.
fiVient in his duties, and has made
many friends for the Moose Lodge,
rinriiw" McDonald, recently return
ing from California, has accepted the
Mrs. E. L. Sharp, accompanied by
her son, Gilbert, of Stafford, were W
this city Thursday, where they were
joined by the former's niece, Mrs.
r-or-i T.arnev. of Echodale, and who
r, ar o nartv to fro to Portland.
They spent the day in that city.
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Warnock, of that place. They
returned to their home Sunday.
G. E. Wyland and Carl S ether, of
Yoder, were in this city Monday, and
while here visited friends. Mr. Yy-
land is a road supervisor of Yoder.
County Recorder J. G. Noe return
ed to Oregon "city from Woodburn
Sunday evening;, after spepding the
day with his mother, Mrs. Noe, who
has been in poor health for the past
month, is somewhat improved.
F. W. McLaren, of Wilhoit, arrived
in Oregon City Monday where he win
remain for a few days. He is re
gistered at the Electric. Mr. Mc
Laren is proprietor of Wilhoit resort.
Mrs. R. W. Myers, of McMinnville,
formerly Miss Betty Lantz of Tilla
mook, Oregon, and who attended the
Oregon City high school, is in Ore
gon City for a few days, where she
" I""1"6,. tn" latter's N- A- Lindholm, of Boring, was
n,ar n m Hoss Mrs Myrs among those to transact business in
daughter, Mrs Hal How Mrs. Myers . Monday. He is one of
will remain .at ner sister s numc iui i . . . . ... .
JS davs. and will also visit the well known farmers of that sec-
hnnl- tion.
among nft ineii.ua, ne
mates. I Amr.no- thnaa to -rvm to Ore ere n
City on business Monday is Mrs. Min
nie Youngs, whose home is at Mil
Andrew Kocher, of Canby, was in
this city Tuesday morning, where he
came on business.
twenty-iff th anniverasry of the organ- lng Mrs. H. G. Edgar pouring tea
ization of Multnomah Chapter: and serving refreshments were Misses
the interior of the club rooms were Helen Edgar and Eleanor Pope,
in keeping with the season. I 'Decorations were of the Stars and
Among those from Susannah Le6 otnpes and violets.
Barlow Chapter, Oregon City, were Among the' features of the after
Mrs. E. L. Pope, regent; Mrs. George "uun was lue aancing; or tne Virginia 0n Wejnesdav fivnins- Miao wai
A. Harding and Mrs. H. B. Cartlidge, Reel, when Mrs. George A. Harding, strief. Jrlstri,Ptor. , ,rr.Qt,
past regents; Miss Alma Moore and presiding at one of the first pianos in the Oresron City hitrli school as-
r : T7n r, I fimup'hf tn flroirnn -txrhih -nro. ol..
Mrs. William Wright entertained in
a charming manner at her beautiful
home near Meldrum Monday after
noon, when the guest of honor wa
her mother, Mrs. Curtis, of Calgary.
The affair was in the form of a fare
well luncheon before her departure
for her home.
The house decorations were beau
tiful, when red and yellow tulips were
used throughout the rooms.
Places were laid for 20 guests, when
Mrs. H. S. Mount, Mrs. M. D. Latour
ette, Mrs. M. D. Latourette, Mrs. L. E.
Jones and Mrs. C. G. Huntley, of this
city, were among those attending.
Others were friends from Portland.
E. P. Evans, of Gresham, was an
Oregon City visitor Tuesday after-
James Wilson, of Sherwood, was in
this city Tuesday.
A man who gave his name as Jess
Brice, and who had a large rock in
either hand looking for detectives.
was arrested by" Sheriff Wilson and
Deputy Hughes late Friday night on
the Canemah board walk. When ap-
Drougni to t-iregon, wnich was a
gift to the McLoughlin Home, play
ed a number of the old time selec
Attending were Mrs. J. E. Hedges,
Mrs. Hugh S. Mount, Mrs. Clyde G.
sisted by eight of her students were
hostesses at an informal dinner party
at the Oregon City high school build
ing, when their guests were members
of the school board and their wives
and the city superintendent, R. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Clackamas,
were in this city Tuesday.
T. E. Zeek, of Macksburg, was
Oregon City on business Tuesday.
J. A. Kitching, of Estacada, was an
Oregon City visitor Tuesday.
A very enjoyable party was given
at the home of H. L. Morrell and wifa
Friday evening in honor of their
daughter. Miss Norma and Miss Dorris
Ellis, whose birthday anniversaries "untiey. Mrs. vv. w. woodDeck, Mrs. Kirk and wlfe
occurred on February 17. "jM,il u,Sul. oi .t-oruana; juts. ,,ffalT. w- MT.0f1i .rr9nri
The Morrell home was decorated George Swafford, Mrs. James Shan- and carried .out, and was enjoyed by
with ferns, pussy willows and daffo- i"- - Pe, mrs. n. u the guests. The table was centered
proached by the officers he started diis The young ladies were present- Cartlidge, Mrs. C. H. Dye, Mrs. G. A. with cut flowers, adding to the an-
10 run, out ueputy iiugnes caugut ed a large cake adorned with 16 t. - ouaw, jvxrs. i. Dearance of the table.
nun py outrunning nun witn an auto- candles. The evening was devote J -"i""i", ina. n. i-usar, ivjubs Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
mobile, and ne was prougnt to ore- to games, music and dancing. remuuB numpnrey, jmiss uorotn r -W : Kirk. Mr .and Mrs . E . E . Broaie
gon juy ana piacea m tne county Refreshments were served. auneiu, jnss Mr an(J Mra j E Hedges. Mr. and
jail. Saturday, when Brice was ex- Mrs. Morrell was assisted in serving I Eleanor Pope, Miss Helen Edgar, Mrs r b Cox Mr and Mra Bert
amined, he did not appear to ne in- by Mrs. Clarence Morrell and Mtss Florence ivioore ana miss Aima Roake. Mrs. O. A. Pat-e Dr ajid Mr
aa-na onl it urn a fr.il n fi that h had I .rn. tjiLa. I MOOre. I ri .1 .
ouuu, " i. " " " I 111 Cl J U1U1.C1.
A. D. Gribble, of Gresbam route 4,
was in this city Tuesday.
had nothing to eat for the past two
days. Brice gave his address - as
108 14 Union avenue. He is about- 25
years of age.
Among those to come to Oregon
City from Molalla Monday was N. S.
Henry Pampenn, residing near
Wilsonville, was in Oregon City Mon
Judge G. Perry, of Milwaukie, was
among the Oregon City visitors Mon
George Long, of Molalla. was among
the Oregon City visitors Monday.
W. P. Roberts, of Eagle Creek, was
In this city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Webb, of Port
land, were guests of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Webb,
of Springbrook Farm, Clackamas
Highlands, above Parkplace the first
of the week. They were former res
idents of Buffalo, N. Y., and arrivel
in Portland last summer, where Mr
Webb accepted a position with the
S. P. & S. R. R- company.
Mrs. Kate Hanley, of Clackamas,
was in this city Monday, coming here
to look after property interests in
Clackamas county. ,
Born at the Emanuel hospital Feb.
24 to Mr .and Mrs. H. R. Winton, of
St. Johns, a nine-pound son. Mrs.
Winton was formerly Miss Viola
Hays, and is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hays, of 114 Eighteenth
street. This is the first grandson in
the Hays family, and the grandpar
ents are rejoicing with the prou 1 itor Monday.
parents over the arrival 01 tne Ddoy.
William Kramer and W. H. Eten.
of Vancouver, Wash., -were in Oregon
City Sunday and Monday. While
here they registered at the Electric.
H. Kyllo, of Molalla, who has been
in Oregon City for several days, re
turned to his home Monday.
Samuel Holstein well known farm
er of Mulino, was an Oregon City vis-
Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Leininger, of
Albany, accompanied by their son,
Davis L. Leininer, and wife, are in
this city, where they are guests at
the home of the formers' niece, Mrs.
Sophia Moody. They are also visit- day
ing their niece, Mrs. Augusta Warn
er, and their nephew William R.
Logus. They made the trip to Ore
gon City by automobile.
William Marshall, prominent farm
er of Milwaukie, was in this city Monday.
Packed to the doors, the Oregon
City Woman's Club called their
Washington program "the best ever."
Mrs. H. B. Cartlidgie gave the prin
cipal address, a scholarly and states
manlike presentation of "Our DetH
to Washington." Other excellent ad
dresses were made by Mrs. D. C.
Latourette, Mrs. R. W. Kirk, Mrs.
Florence M, Hickman, and Mrs.
Harry Payne.
Miss Christine Brakel, violinist,
played melodies of the eighteenth
century, accompanied by Mrs. Arthur
G. Beattie. "The Sword of Bunker
Hill," a duet, was charmingly sung
by Mrs. Frank Schoenborn and Mrs.
W. C. Green with Mrs. W. P. Ben-
H. A. Oldenstadt, of Sherwood, was nett at the piano. All sang "Hail Co-
Present were J. N. Wallace, Wood
son Smith, Ollie Amen, Prentice Wal
lace, Helen Carpenter, Lester Kerns,
Clay Brendtl, Maynard Brendtl, Troy
Solomon, Elvin Catto, Edna Rowan,
Goldy Hardy, Robert Mabe, Fred
Lund, Elva Peoples, Clarence Morrell.
Agnes Morrell, George Lund, Dorris,
Ellis. Norma Morrell. Averit Morrell.
jinnies, mill viu xiiivei luge. ucuuia
Wallace, Eunice Morrell and Dorris
Clyde Mount.
E. L. Brady, a resident of Mulino,
was an Oregon City visitor Monday.
E. R. Marshall, of Oak Grove, w
an Oregon City visitor Monday.
E. W. Cochran, of Oswego, was in
this city Monday.
in this city Monday.
lumbia," and "The Star Spangled
Banner," and gave the Flag, salute.
The Daughters of the American Rev-
l olution attended in a body.
The Clackamas County Jersey club
has "changed 'the date of its next
meeting to March 12, in order not to
conflict with the big Farm Bureau
meeting which comes on Mar. 5th. It
will be held at Sunny side hall,
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Taylor celebrat
ed their twenty-third wedding anni
versary at their home in Portland
Tuesday. Mrs. Taylor was assisted
by her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Wells, of
Newberg, in serving a dinner.
The afternoon was spent in needle,
work, vocal and instrumental music;
Enjoying the day were Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Wells and son, Merwin, of New
berg; Mrs. Daisy Oehler and Mrs.
James Keely, of Portland; Mrs. Mack
Rivers, of Edgewood and Mrs. Ed ward
W. Eby, of Gladstone.
E. C. Horton, of Lakewood, was
arrested by Constable Fortune Mon-
but day on a warrant charging him with
all other. arrangements will be just alleged delinquincy of a minor. .The
, ... J ! 1 1 1. t.Anw 1 ,3 T..l. 1 "
tne same, oniy one week later than
originally planned.
Joseph Christner, whose home i&
near Aurora, was in this city Mon-
George J- Aicher, of " Woodburn,
who has been visaing his brother-in-law,
County Reorder J. G. Noe. and
wife, of Gladstone, ha returned to
his home.
J. C- Vaughan, of Molalla, was
among the Oregon City visitors Mon
day afternoon.
ID. R. Helvey, of Scotts Mills, was
In Oregon City Sunday and Monday.
John E- Linden, of Molalla,
an Oregon City visitor Monday.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 25. With ' the
exception of measures carrying em
ergency clauses, all bills passed at
the recent session of the legislature
and signed by the governor will be
come operative on May 25.
Kate Cox entered suit for divorce
against James C. Cox in the circuit
court yesterday, charging in the com
plaint desertion. They were married
June 29, 1902. '
case will be heard- in Judge Noble"s
court Friday morning at 10:00
iGeorge Moore, manger of the Mil
waukie Boxing arena, announced yes
terday in Portland that there- would
be no more shows at Milwaukie for
the next month or six weeks on ac
count of the small patronage shown
at the last show held Wednesday
evening. Moore alleges that the low
ered prices charged last Wednesday
evening did not bring out the crowd
that was expected and that the box
ers could nob be secured for the
small gate receipts. .
Security Benefit Associatioc met at
Moose hall Monday evening, ana after
the regular business meeting appoint
ed a committee composed of W. B.
Brown, M. P. Chapman and J. C.
Spagle to draw up by-laws for Wil
lamette Council.
A number of new members . were
taken into the ordier, lifter which
a musical program was given, . follow
ed by dancing. Music was furnished
by Schiek's orchestra.,
Punch was served during the eve
ning. Those in charge of the affair and
making it a success were Elden All
dredge, chairman: Mr. 'and Mrs. Clar
ence Alldredge, Mr. and Mrs. Fred"
Peckover, Dorothy Green, Harry
Dunmire, Ollie . Amen, Maynard
Brendle, Mrs. Elden Alldredge, Mil
dred Dryden and Otto Smith.
x preosaui. ouipuse was pianneu Th horn of Mr nnrl TVTr-o T W
and carried out at the home of Rev. Armstrong on Division street was the
and Mrs. A. J. Ware Thursday even- scene of a pretty wedding' Sunday
ing when Mrs. Otto Werner, nee afternoon, February 20, when their
Lavira Williams, was the guest of daughter, Miss Naomi Armstrong, and
, , . Wilbur S. Warren, of this city, were
Being invited to the Ware home linite.i in marriara.
earlier in the week on the pretext t?pv wiin Twtih0 T.actrT- rt
4.4 l V . , . ' O 1'--""
mm a. yan.j waa to oe given in nonor
of Mrs. Marie Morley. dauehter ot
Rev. and Mrs. Ware, Mrs. Werner
made her appearance at an appoint
ed hour and to her surprise found a
number of guests in waiting, who
called out "surprise.
the im-
Baptist church, performed
pressive ring ceremony.
The bride was beautifully gowned
in white net and charmeuse and car
ried a shower bouquet of Ophelia
Th hriiAQ maiii Tion TTri1 Arm.
The evening was devoted to games strong, sigter of the bride, wore a be
Among tnose to ravor COminir frown of white net anrl silk
and music.
with a vocal selection was Mrs. Wern
er. -
Refreshmments were served.
Assisting in entertaining were Mrs.
Morley, Mrs. Howell and Mrs. Arthur
Attending were Mrs. A. E. Rugg.
Mrs. LeRoy Eaton, of Portland; Mrs.
C. O. Dryden, Miss Mildred Dryden.
Mrs. F. W. Peckover, Mrs. Otto
Werner, Mrs. Albert Hoffman, Mrs.
John Green, Mrs. J. B. Johnson. Mrs.
Eva May, Mrs. Marie Morley, Mrs.
G. J. Howell, Mrs. David Catto.
Dicksy Dryden, and Gwendolyn Mor
ley. Mrs. A. J. Ware, Mrs. John Sur
fus, Mrs. Jack Cameron. Mrs. Basil
Saunders, Miss Ethel Younger and
Mrs. Charles Surfus'
jLr. ana ivirs. tn. s. Mount were
guests at a dinner given at the beauti
ful home of Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Cof-
messaline and carried bouquet of
pink carnations.
Ira Warren, brother of the bride
groom, was best man.
As the bridal party entered the liv
ing room, Miss Florence Andrews
rendered most impressively-, Lohen
grin's Wedding March, and during the
ceremony softly rendered this selec
tion and at the closing of the ring
ceremony played Mendelssohn's Wed
ding March.
Following the ceremony refres'i-.
ments were served. The bride's cake
was made by the aunt of the br$e,
Mrs. S. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren left on their
honeymoon Sunday evening, and up-'
on their return they will make their
home in Oregon City, where they will .
be at home to their many friends after
April 1st, on Fifth street.
The Armstrong home was artistical-
j , , , I x ntj 11 moil ULli llJl
fev. of Portia nrl Thnrcow I
- ' CTCUlUfe, I S 1
which w. ,-0 in , tv I XJ I"' mis occasion, wnen
Mrs. John Kent entertained the
Pythian Sisters in a delightful man
ner at her home in Gladstone Wed
nesday. The Kent home ras beauti
fully decorated with potted plants,
ferns, pink carnations and violets.
At 1 o'clock a delicious dinner was
served by the hostess, assisted by
Mrs. A. M. White, of Oregon City.
The afternoon was devoted to
needlework. A beautiful conrforter
was completed for a bride-elect, who
is the daughter of one of the mem
bers of the order. '
Enjoying the day were Mesdames
A. M. White, Mattie Roebecker, Ed
ward Johnson, Clemmle Woods, Bud
pink and white was the color scheme.
Pink carnations were used among tha s
decorations of the living and dining
rooms, and a lattice formed an arch
way, this being entwined with pink
blossoms and ferns. -
Many handsome gifts were present
ed to the young couple. Among these
were a complete set of silverware ana
handsome lamp from members of the
Baptist church.
. Mrs. Warren is one of the popular
and adomplished,' young women of
Oregon City. She is a well known vo
calist and is an active member of the
One of the- delightful events of the baptist church and is the soloist 01
me cnoir. tor a numDer of years sne
Roy Matson, prominent residents of
Portland, previous to their departur?
for Europe, where they are to be gone
for a year.
Covers were laid for 24 guests.
when all guests were physicians and
their wives.
The decorative scheme of the Cof
fey home was attractive.
Dr. and Mrs. Matson are well
known in Clackamas county, having j
summer home on the banks of the
Clackamas river, where they spend
their summer vacation each year.
past week was at the home of Mrs.
Charles D. Latourette when she had as
her guests members of the Thursday
Afternoon Bridge Club .and a few
other friends.
Cards were enjoyed during the
afternoon. Handsome Oriental card
eases containing cards were presented
as prizes. Winning these were Mrs. J.
R. Humphrys, Mrs. C H. Me"issner,
Mrs. E. T. Avison. Mrs. Avison won
the guest prize.
house, recently resigning her position.
Mr. Warren has resided for several
years and is popular among his as
sociates. He is the son of Mr., and
Mrs. Warren, of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Winnifred Knight en
tertained at their home in Portland
Thursday evening in honor of the
(Continued on page 8)