Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 04, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellirug of Improvements and Local Happenings During
- The Pas t Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Days of Sunshine
Start Farm Work
MACKSBURG, Feb. 28. The bright
days of last week, wrought such change
in the soil that spade and hoe have
come into lull play. Long rows of
strawberry .plants are being freed
from weeds and are looking as full of
4 promise, as they have ever done.
Porch and window boxes are plant
ed, while the hot-beds the already dis
playing their green shoots. The bustle
and stir of Spring-time on. the farm is
filling the air. "With the great moisture
in the soil. Incalculable wonder are
soon to be brought by that greatest of
all miracle-workers the sun.
The ambition to obtain all possible
wealth from the soil so greatly en
hanced by the war and it sequence
has apparently taken possession of
every heart from that of the capitalist
who pays $1000 for a dinner of boiled
rice and dry bread to the tiny child
who goes without his candy to put a
penny in the Chinese box.
Washington's Birthday so fitly
observed in all the public schools and
elsewhere brings the thought that
could the Father of our Country look
upon that country today nothing1 in its
stupendous growth could gratify him
more than would her preeminence In
charitable work. Nothing gladden him
more than to know that millions of
sufferers were daily receiving help
from the XJ. S. alone.
The Woman's Club of the Lutheran
church is holding! its regular meet
ings and is doing work for the church.
Unvisited by that calamitous guest
the late winter frost, we view the de
parture of February and welcome the
first month of Spring1.
Those unfailing harbingers of
Spring the song-birds are returning
in aa great force as ever and seem
trying to reimburse us in advance for
their inroadg upon the early fruit as
they inevitably do later by their con
sumption of insect pests.
The Mother's Club allows nothing to
interrupt, its fortnightly session. The
last meeting was on Thursday, Feb-
ruar 24 at the home of Mrs. G. M
Baldwin, the next is to be with Mrs.
Murphy on the afternoon of Thursday
March 10.
'Simon Miller has returned from his
California trip but has no intention
of going to occupy the place he has
bought in Los Angeles for some time
to come. .
. The ranch which has been the home
of Roy Yoder and his family for the
past five years has been taken by a
brother of Mr. Gmgench, pastor ol
the Mennonite church.
The Misses Rachel and Pearl Miller
of Portland accompanied their father
home from his trip.
Joe Graham, of Buttevilie; ' second
prize a box of home made candy to
Mr. Bartell of Lad Hill and third prize"
a deck of cards went to Mrs. Grace
Kiser, who impersonated the "In
spector". The birthday fruit cake,
a two layer cake decorated with scroll lltUe clty hag been in a state of ex-
worn ana pinit roses ana me six
speakers. The meeting closed with
a delightful lunch, furnished by, the
Curirnvsille people. Everybody visited
and had a good time.
Sunday was Mrs- W. R- Reid'8 birth
day and she was happy to have 81L.
her children at home to assist her . in
celebrating, the event.
" Dr. Wells and family motored to
Portland Sunday,! accompanied by the
Doctor's sister. Miss Alice Wells, who
t Tri . "t o. I naa Deen visiting nere ior a cuupie
in JiiStacada stores of weeks.
The Community sing at the Metho-
ESTACADaT Mar. 3.-Our little dist-church Sunday nigh V proved a
Yeggs Blow Safes
candles on top, was auctioned off and
brought J15.75. It was baked by Mrs.
Geo. Smith.
: Miss Olive Pudv of Salem, was down
to the masquerade Saturday. .
. C C. Loucks had his car towed to
Wilsonville Monday for repairs.
R H. Walls and C. ,C Loucks were
in Oregon City Wednesday on road
business. j
George Smith had a very narrow
escape Monday evening when . his
citment thi3 week on account of safe
robbers. Some time Saturday night or
early Sunday morning the Finch hard
ware and furniture itore was enter-
most enjoyable afafir. ' There were
solos, duets and congregational sing
ing. Those from Garfield " who had
special numbers were Mesdamea
Sanstone, Young and Matton. Mrs.
I T T Y-J.-.,: nnln.iri1U ..la.
ed by breaking a glass in one of the
rear windows and then opening the a ulrao " T . v.
Tha io tv, aa who contributed numbers to the
mattress on the floor and pulled the Program ReT-?ml0 "T'tS", K
safe off on it to . deaden the sound
and then placed another mattress
over the safe and then blew it open.
renc; an7 "sTme wlr sa3 sUmps Pj- and O. Smith and C. P. Primm
and Vere Murray and aMry Ely, Ar-
villa Dunlop and Johanna Lichthorn.
Mrs. J. F. Dunlop ' presided at the
Which they, appropriated and then
were the vlollnasta. There was a
large attendance and it is hoped that
cream separator "exploded," the na . .v 'Ko,.v nri,.
threads on a large bolt that holds the j to Dale,8 8t0re. . making an entrance mother "e occasion will be forth
Some time last week the work on
BKunmms aovise Logtxuei .T J with a crow bar through a window m
come so worn that it came loose while th ts-h.w af then, thev
he was separating the milk, and as ; . hrolr inin rimr7A room's atom. I the Springwater road was finished ana
the bowl goes at- a terrific speed . wnlch is next to pale's. Entrance here it is said to be In the best condition
( atout 10,000 revolutions to tne mm- wag also made through a window in that it has been for two years.Trucks
ute) the air was thick with parts of.th f th buildin. The cash hauling ties from the several mill8
me separator ior a snort -ume, ouo j register drawer was left open but one (nave- been running nlgnt and day to
pan oi tne dowi nit ieorge near m8;drlW6P which Mr. Rose never used 1 deliver tne large, orders or ties and
was locked, and this was pried open I lumber In Estacada before the first cf
and the safe badly damaged. The I the montfl
buglars next gave their attention to I Earl Allen, who resided at River
blowing the vault door, placing pea I Mill at one time had two fingers taken
comforts against it before it was I off a few days ago, while working In
blown. Only a few dollars were found the Clear Creek logging camp.
mere, me door aras not iocicea, ana j. v Cleworth was a Portland vis
Thtfc-sday where he has a job taking ; mere were printea airections now to i itor jast Saturday. '
. i , . i , ... y AI I iU a ..7 4-Yi JAna I
out teiepnone, teiegrapn ana eiecnu , wye w cu.-. M,sg Hel j f ta Bchool
light poles. However tne roooers overiooKea mis. . w . . ... . . ,.
A vpnr nla!,nt Kihav Rnmrise ' " was evident that it was only money ,Qlf . ,...
J - " " J . , , I .....( IV .u.i, .
wast pivot tn Mr anil Mm fH. KmltJI. J c.c -..t., """"'"e Snnflav n irkt
. . ... ... , ... misKins' in anv of thn thre nlacea I
ssiinnav wnpn rnp nnmp miKa nrnwun I. o - - i . . -. . . .
- ;t' th vicitorf I raasengers ior ronianu on we train
baskets well felled with good tr wnn Hfi, a Tuesday morning . were Matt Lonns-
birthdays are -only two days apart
operations were the same as those I A piano tuner from Portland is in
which had been committed in other Estacada this week 'tuning 'em. up."
p Xvz-t his tlih"i-';rf,:iiijij
: -'U-t-TS: ' s:jf?:'. ' ' ; J'Si ! L
temple cutting quite a gash. He had
to buy a new separator, but he is very
thankful it was no worse.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kiser visitea
Monday with Mr. Riser's sister, Mrs.
P. Graham.
Delmar Kiser leaves for Buxton
to eat, came to spena tne aay, as tneir berry. C. W. Howe. Perrv Anderson , . rJ.
apart alM;r viewing mo vium w tuu i uuuci i ' l uuaiuesa visitor lust lueauay.
both events were celebrated at the "i""'"" uj.. ,
H"'IJIU H1HH t Hfcft T"ieli-YOiU
On top of the Madison Square, Garden there is being constructed what
will be one, of the most pretentious athletic recreation grounds in the world.
It will have the largest swimming pool in the world 280 feet long by 120
Interesting News Items Taken From
The Pioneer
Mrs. William Shoemaker, . left Fri
day for Vader, Washington, to visit
John P. Echerd was a Portland
Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Todd spent Sat
urday and Sunday in Portland at the
home of Mrs. Todd's parents.
Fred Quantic of Glendale, Oregon,
was a week-end visitor at the E. L.
Worley home.
Mrs. Edna Purant of Portland is
Lad Hill News.
LAD HILL, Feb. 28 Tom Sutton,
of Newberg, braved the bad elements
of weather and roadg and started to
visit his wife's brother and family,.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hitchen, last Sun
day in his car. He got as far as
Charlie Abernathey, parked his car
there and walked the rest of the dis
tance about three miles.
Mrs. George Smith and son Howard
visited last Saturday and Sunday in
Fern wood with the former's mother,
Mrs. H. N. Baker.
P. Graham has gone to Oregon City
to work on his place, Ross Looney ac
companying him. Mrs. Graham will
follow as soon as the roads improve
enough to move their furniture.
Mrs. T. H. Parrish of Fernwood
spent Saturday and Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith.
Mrs. Will Smith and daughter, Alice
visited with Mrs. Will Hitchen Satur
day. Clair Sovey came up from Portlanu
Friday to do some work on the home
The Lad Hill Club members will
give their play "The Fascinating Fan
nie "Brown" March 5, with a jitney
dance and cafeteria supper after
wards. Miss Gracie Harper of Portland
came out Saturday to visit her cousin,
. Mrs. Bruce Case, returning Sunday,
taking Mrs. Case and baby home witli
her. "
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Allen and son
Oliver spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Walls.
At the regular meeting of the Com
mercial Club it was voted to change
the meeting from the first and thira
Saturday of each month to the first
and third Tuesdays.
Scott Parrott has been doing some
grafting for Isaac Tautfest.
Jim Parrott and Chris Ives have
been putting piling in the river for
Dick Parrott of Buttevilie, who is
contemplating on sending a raft of
five hundred sticks away Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mat Kiser and two
fcons Percy and Chester spent Friday
evening at George Smiths.
Mrs. P. Graham met with a painful
accident last week, when she stepped
in a hole and threw her ankle out of
place. Mrs. Grace Kiser fias been tak
ing care of her.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sovey came out
from Portland to attend the sixth an
niversary of Commercial Club hall.
Tho Masquerade dance Saturday
evening wag a success in every way.
Those receiving prizes were: first
ladies' prize, a handsome painted pic
ture to Miss Kathleen. Core of New
berg; second prize, .9. beautiful doily
to Miss Letha Core, of Donald; third
prize, a beautiful handkerchief with
edging of hair pin lace went to Mrs.
Joe Roberts. Gentlemen's first prize
was a handsome painted picture to
same time.''-The present were Mr.
siTlrl MrR Jflrrlr Smith Tnhn "Watson.
Mr. and Mrs Will Smith. Mr. and P'aces during tne past tew weens. Tne junior class In the high schooj-
Mrs. Tom Parrish of Fernwood. Alic-s '' Miss DeHa of Portland, waa a has commenced work on a play to De
Smith riha Tuitfpt Howarii week end visitor with her young presented in, a few weeks. Principal
Smith, Melvin Tautfest, Donald Ward friend, Mary Ely. Burns is coaching the play.
and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith. The ana Mrs. uougia.s moiorea Mrs w H Heylman is making twt, visiting at the home of her Barents
folks" presented Mr. and Mrs. Smltn T 1 " . '" """ trips to Portland each week now, tak- Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Staudinger.
J with beautiful set of dishes. a ""v ing medical treatments. Wm. Mackrell returned last Thurs-
W. E. Linn went to Portland, Tues-I day from Seaside where he Went to
. .1 -f Tr-fc . T , . . . . 1 uaj -10 meei nis son ana wne wno wua liio. yveuuiug ui 1113 meue.
mrtnaaV JT artV IS I ":r. TT .- .t come from the East to locate here. Geo. V. Adams went to Portland
J Mr. aua'iYliB. u, xa. uiuus w ,, . . I t,, , .i. v.
u.vi.10. jt . o. OLdlil U It?LU1 iltJUl lel&L null"! x uiu ouav W uct 3 Lixj win
Given at Stafford "SS 2n " SZSXTZlZrSZSZU-.
serve on
j Smith, who had been visiting here
! for several weeks. She expetced to
STAFFORD, Ore., February 28. leave Portland that Monday evening
Mrs. L. fachauber is reported on for her home jn Minnesota. Mr. ana
Monday as being conscious and rested Mrs Gibbs returned home Monday
iunc icu uuuua uiguL. out: n tiiii-t-n nOOn
a birthday party last Monday and the j Wm gtubbe has been in Estacada
doctor said best to let her have it, thig week from Portland.
but let but a few in, and not allow j Mrs Linnie Eschelmen came over
them to stay long, therefore a few , from gaiem Saturday to visit relatives
went with a birthday cake ,and the and friends for a few days.
canaie3 were ngnted and ail stooa; 0rin Eii1(l came home from Port-
around her bed and repeated in con- and Friday night and visited his pah-
cert tneir wen wisnes. entg Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ellis until
Word comes today that she seems Sunday night.
more quiet and slept better last night. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shibley went to
John and Henry Gage are doing Portland Saturday to visit Mrs. Shib-
some carpenter work at the old Gage ley s parents. Earl came back bun-
home. The former was accompanied oay but Mrs. fanibley ana the cnii-
from St. Helens, his hame, by his dren remained until Monday evening.
eldest daughter. 1
Mike, our local wood sawyer, fur
nished the school house with nine
ricks of wood.
The Sunday school at the German
Baptist church is now conducted in
English, also the sermons are in Eng
lish at stated intervals as the young
people and most of the parents under
stand that language better than they
do German. The school is progress
ing under the methods of both prin
ciple and primary teacher.
Mr. and -Mrs. J. M. Melton were
underwent an operation ofr gall stones I Frank Schamel of Grass Valley,
a short time ago. ' She is recovering Eastern Oregon, spent several days
from the operation as well as could of last week visiting old friends in
be expected. Molalla. He returned home last
Mr. and Mrs. G. E, Gates, the people Tuesday. ... .
who -were here a' few days ago hunt- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blatchford spent
ing a location, decided that Estacada I last Friday, Saturday and Sunday vis-
was all right and Tuesday arrived iting relatives at Independence ana
from Sellwood their former home. 1 Salem. Saturday they attended the .
They have leased the Reed building state legislature session.
on Broadway, formerly occupied by . I There will a basket social at the
W. Hauser, and wilt put in a variety Bear Creek school house next Satur-
store. v ... day night. , The. school wants each
Tne W. C. T. XJ. will hold an all day
institute at the M. E. church on Thurs
day, March 10v Everybody invited to
come and bring lunch. -
The confectionery, store of C. A.
Kitch, formerly owned by the Klg-
baum's; has been sold to J. M. Moore,
of oPrtland. Mr. Moore intends to
bulletin of the American Educational
Association issued today carries the
following message from President-
Elect Warren G. Harding:
"Here on my desk I am keeping a
photograph of a group of my old
friends, taken on my front porch one '
day the past autumn. It has been a
reminder and an inspiration to ' me
many times; a reminder of the unlim
ited possibilities of American life,
and an Inspiration to all that those
possibilities may be preserved and
broadened. Let me point out some
of them. ' -
"Here is a man who started as a
water boy on a railroad construction
gang, became a telegrapher, and is
now a millionaire captain of industry
head of a great Industry which he
conceived, built and controls.
"Next to him is another with a like
beginning: a poor boy who had little
education and no chance but what he
made for himself out of this country's
opportunities. He Is one ofXte most
Important railroad executives in Ohio '
"Here Is one of the men who have
made Marion: He was a farm boy in
this country, didn't know what it
would mean to have a dollar to spend
freely. Now he Is a dominating fig
ure in fine of the largest manufactur
ing industries in the state an in
dustry whose products go literally all
over the world.
"Down in the bottom row la a
young man who came up by the. same
of the ladies to bring- boxes and bas-1 route. He had notning, and imagined
kets to be sold. Everyone Is urged himself well started toward success -to
attend. There will be an unusu when he became a country telegraphy
ally musical and literary program. operator and station agent, while yet
A. E. Webber who recently purch- a mere Doy. He has risen step by
ased the Trullinger hotel and , has steP to be, today, general manager
been overhauling it, left this week of one .of the country's great rail
for Klickitat county,. Washington, his roads.
former home on business. I 'So on through the list. No man In
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wi Vernon " of I that group of nine started with, ap-
Independence have been visiting re-1 parently, an even start for success,
latives in Molalla since last Friday. 1 They all knew the hard ways, the real
They returned home on Wednesday, privations. Their story tells us what
They left their car at Canby. and I America means, and why we must
came in on the S. P Mrs. Austin make It continue to mean opportun
Taylor who had been visiting her ity and inspiration, and the reward
sister Mrs. Vernon, returned homo of merit. Every work to that end is
with them last Friday.
Miss Vera Pairan returned last Fri
day from Upland, California, where
she has been spending the winter.
The Pairan's motored to California
last fall. She presented the Pioneer
office, with a large . orange, 17 inches
in circumference, as also a lemon of
large size, which she picked from
the trees herself.
Last Tuesday evening John, the
young son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Dunton had the middle finger of his
left hand amputated.
to be commended and encouraged."
wood his . sister accidently choppec
it making amputation necessary. Drs.
Todd & Hume are taking" care of him.
NEW . YORK, Feb. 26. A continu
ous day and night air mail service
between San Francisco and New Yortc
White cutting I will be established on May 1, as the
Former Wilsonville.
Boy Takes Bride
3. Mr.
called to Molalla last Wednesday to make he nlace a restaurant as well Stauber, of New Era, was in Wilson
attend the funeral of the former'
grandmother, Mrs. Rachael Boswell,
which was held on Thursday aftei-
F. W. Bartlett and wife and V. W.
Hauser and ' wife went to Portland
and will serve meals.
MEADOWBROOK, -Mar. 2. Lars
Miettunen who has been -quite sick is
Thursday in Mr. Bartlett's car to se improving slowly.
Ruth Chindgren spent a very en
joyable week-end visiting friends at
Dodge News Items.
ville Monday in the interests of the
farm bureau, and was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Young.
Miss Robbins, teacher of the Corra
Creek school, was compelled to close
school on Wednesday and go to Port
land, to have an ulcerated tooth at
tended to.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham enter
tained the "500" club of their neigh
borhood on Friday evening. Prizes
were won by Mrs. George Batalgia
and William Ridder. Refreshments
were served, and music was furnished
the play, "The High Cost of Loving.
T.ast Fridav was "Grandma" Salini's
93rd birthdav. Quite a number of her Dickey Prairie.
friends called with baskets of good . The Meadowbrook Literary.. Club
things to eat, and made the occasion win hli taeir regular meeting Sat-
na nlpasant as nossible for her. She uraay evening, juarcn i
i kpnine- house by herself. lust a Roy Sullivan who recently under-
short distance from the home of her went an operation at the Oregon City by Miss Heien Graham and a very en-
son C C- sating ana is surprising.;- &. Movable time was spent by the guests
RTirv and active for a ladv Of her ago. 1,11 a- uaviuson 01 rorv vix. mr n v,n wo in irs,o-or,o
DODGE, Feb., 28. Quit a number xhe correspondent wishes to join in Iand are visiting the: latter's parents, last week m lnterest Df the "Deeree
di tne uoage people attenaea tne pro- extending congratulations and many hoover. of Honor lodge of which she is a
gram given at springwa&er Tiaay happy returns of her birtliday. x I is spenamg iae very active member.
evening. rr. a. Morse tooK unaries ojudois u""6"wi, xiam, ul Roy Baker. j,, of Mr and Mrg
Mamie to a Portland hospital last Saturday Molalla. Alvin Baker, who has a position with
Mr. ana Airs, roung and daughter I , . . , -r. 1
r I iJHiUCI g 111111 OL llttUBBO, jriuj-
Mrs. E. Jochimsen and
Marrs visited the school on Thursday where he can have the best of care
afternoon, and Mrs". John Keller visit- and his recovery will be all the more
ed the school Friday afternoon. , quickly.
Rosa B. Ten Evck scent the week ! The high school boys went to West
end with her narents at Marmot. i Linn last Friday night to play the
high school team there and won the
mt. leiuu aa ui r rm "- game. By some misunderstanding, they
Agent were in Dodge on Saturday. mJgsed thj opportunity to get back
JWaDel K-eller called on Mr. W. x. home the same night and returneil
K.aake feunday atfernoon. the next day on the train.
The Marrs family visited with the Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Burns and Mrs.
J. A. Shiblef family at Springwater w. H. Holder were Portland visitors
one day last week. I last Saturday.
and Mr. and Mrs. Beover of Hooa
River, have moved to the Dunn-Hankin
& Fife' mill, known as the Horner-
Millard mill.
horn me & Co., of Portland, was mar
ried on . Saturday, February 19th, at
Vancouver, to Miss Helene Choate,
of Portland, and the young couple
will make their home in Portland.
The bride had a position with the
will be 'sold at public auctions
Three gOOd milk rnws two fresh
jars, unaries uuuois, was 111 run-1 w;t calves
land to visit Her nusnana at bt. vm Qne Holstein bull from heavy milk
cent s nospnai me urst-m me ween- nroducing' strain
TUALATIN MEADOWS. March 1. BIle r.ei'ulLa Seven snoats about one hundred
Lee Borland has the la grippe but is la '." " & pounds each,
, Muaua ici. "ci. . . . . . One (rood Kerksh ro Ki-nr.rl inw
'ftpre was a. oouse j iuii at tue r . .
mm. -Too shiihi ., nM-itt 4anrh ' " . ... . . . uiuuer.-six rooc CUI.
, v. .....w "--1 Comunity ciud meeting last UTiaay
ter and Mrs. Sam Miller and two tho tapaa hotPl. Presidpnt
Thursdhy, March 10, on the William I same firm which her husband is still
Wanker ranch three and one-half engaged, and the f irm presented them
miles Southwest of Oswego, the fol- with a handsome electric lamp for a
lowing discribed personal property wedding gift. Roy is well known here
where he was born and raised, and Is
result of the record-breaking cross-
continent trip completed by postal
airplanes Wednesday, it was . an
nounced last night by Otto Praeger,
secand assistant postmaster-general.
a young man of sterling worth and The planes will operate on a 3G-
character, and the good wishes and hour schedule, with the possibility ox.
highest regards of his friends heie bettering that time." The value 01
will go with the young couple to their such an arrangement was stressed b
new home. The bride and groom vis- Mr. Praeger, who .said that all the
ited Roy's parents on Sunday ana San Francisco mail addressed to New
Monday. . York City in one day can be carried
Audrey Wood, who is attending the ln a single plane.
Lincoln high school, in Portland,
spent the week end with her parents.
Mrs. Allderdeg, of Sherwood, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Graham, on Sunday.
Quite a number of residents of tais
vicinity, have subscribed for cannerj
stock at Sherwood.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Peters and Mr. anJ
Mrs. H. D. Aden attended the double
wedding of Alma and Eva Larsen,
near Salem on Wednesday evening.
It is understood that. Elmer Hassel
brink will soon open a hardware store
in ,Wllsonville.
Mr. Nendel, of tSayton, formerly a
resident of the Hood View section
visited Mr. and Mrs. Alison Baker on
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Baker and f am.
ily, spent Sunday at. the home of Mr.
Baker's parents.
Jessie Angus, who has been undfcr
the doctor's care for some time, is
quite improved in health, and has
been home for two weeks.
The Teachers' Institute will be held
in Wilsonville on Saturday, Marcn
J2tb. and a splendid program is be
ing prepared by the County Superin
tended, and teachers of the locai
school. All interested are cordially
invited to attend the meeting.
One superior ten disk grain drill.
Two disk harrows j- two drag har
row,, riding attachments for same.
One lourteen inch Syracuse walk
ing plows; one twelve inch Oliver
chilled plow.
Three farm wagons ; one thousand
pound platform scale; one Osborne
hay rack; one four and a half foot
daughters and Mrs. Harry Colsen and stephens called the meeting to order
two children were out Thursday and and at onQe asked for a report from
spent the day at their parents, Mr. the different committees. Earl Kilgore,
and Mrs. C. C. Schroeder. It being ag chairman of the Fair committee,
Mr. Schroeder's birthday. , gave a satisfactory report of his com
Mr. ana Mrs. c. W. Larson and mittee meeting with the former dir-
little Joe Raicy were in Tualatin last ectors .of the ' East Clackamas fair,
Thursday afternoon. and it was recommended by them that iiTcCormick mowr- w rt.
Mr. - and Mrs. Ernest Wilke and the bid fair "board should serve again, jng cnltjVator; one Melotte cream sep-
.....v. - pi"i""5 ci-c. arator; one old trusty incubator two-
- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Schroeder spent Hoffmeiste-r; C. R. Lovell, Currins-
Friday atfernoon at the latter's sister, vile; Ed. Shearer, Springwater;
Mrs. Hill of Willamette. Thomas Watson of Viola. The names
Mrs. Emma Olsen and daughter of H. C. Stephens and Earl Kilgore
Manda were visitors at the former's were recommended for election for
brother, Louis Schaber, last Saturday . Estacada, as the former member of
and Sunday. " . i the board. Walter Givens, had moved
A. H. Borland, Walter Borland and away. George is also to electa mem
John Raicy were in Oregon City and ber. Mr. Stephens gave a report of
Portland on business Monday. the committee which interviewed the
Mrs. John De Neui and daughter, county court and ' Gerald Wilcox re
Amy, were visitors at Ijer sister's ported! that the Springwh.ter road
home, Mrs. A. H. Borland, last Sun- work was completed and the road in
flay. , excellent . shape at the present time.
Mr. and Mrs. hi. Kudoipn were in The Currinsvllle people furnished a
Portland Monday. I program of readings and music, after
Mr. and Mrs. Z. Elligsen spent Sun-1 which George Evanson of San Fran
day with their daughtr, Mrs. Ernest ' cisco, gave a . talk in behalf of the
Wilke and family. ' . i'Portland Chamber of Commerce. Mr.
Mr. Goodan is getting ready to start Jenkins, representing the farm bu
up his saw mill ln the Meadows.. reau movement, was also one of the
ii iL . ...5 '?7fl 0C eoBY ww. V- ':
YA wecrv CK7IM f I ft-
: ' ) '
! - . I 1 Would P,m,, r- i
1 1 1
BfWMClN' 6fSV ';,.
1 1.ET IT FhLl:
enths. capacity.
One brooder, five hundred capacity.
One barrel churn, ten gallons; one
garden seeder. ;,
AH Implements and' tools are ia
first class condition.
Some hay and grain forks; double
trees and other small tools to numer
ous to mention. V
Sale starts at ten o'clock rain or
Terms of sale cash.; , '
Free lunch at; noon Bring your
drinking cups,,, ..
FRED METZGER, owner. -
FRED BEALL, auctioneer. Adv
In an English motor driven street
sprinkler the engine " operates one
pump to fill' the tank and another to
spread the water.
- .
Dr. Hugh S. Mount, f this city,
has been appointed by the State In
dustrial Accident Commission as-
chief surgeon for the Crown Willam
ette Paper company of West Linn and
the appointment was effective March
1. Every employee of the Crown
Willamette company was notified bv
special letter that Dr. Mount will be
paid a flat salary 'as chief surgeon
of the company, and that no other
doctor bills will be paid by the Com
mission outside of his ser
vices. The order was signed by J.
W. Ferguson, Will T. Kirk and Wm.
A. Marshall, members of the Indus
trial Accident Commission.
OSWEGO, Feb. 26. Break in the
incessant rainy weather of the past
several months and the establishment
of a large camp by the Scandia Ship
building company on the banks of
Sucker creek, have inspired Oswego
people with renewed faith that the
work of paving the Pacific highway
will begin in the next few weeks.
The contract for the section between
the Multnomah county line and
Oswego called for completion , last
December 1, but inclement weather ,
has precluded any hard surfacing. It
is presumed that as soon as the
ground becomes dry enought laying
of cement will be started.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. Certifi
cates of indebtedness by a represen
tative of the Kerensky government
of Russia for a loan of ?187,000,0OO (
have "expired, the senate was in
formed today by Secretary Houston.
The obligation therefore is a demand .
one, he added, with interest ani
principal payable tmm3d!iately bat
no steps have been taken toward col
lection. ' '
The debt now .amounts- to
than . $200,000,000, he said.