Pas?e 2 NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY Correspondence From All Orer the County Tellinig of Improvement aod Local Happenings During The Past Week Your, Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Atteation. Mrs. John Wanker was in Portland I Forshner and three being erected ny . i rri 3 I X - 1 last Thursday, A. H. Borland si on the tick, list I again. . - - MOUNTAIN ROAD N.EWS Meadowbrook News MEADOWBROOK, Feb. 23. Mrs. Dunrud spent several days of last week in Portland visiting Myrtle and Alma Larkins spent the week end in Oregon City visiting at the Fred Creason home. The Meadowbrook Literary Club held their regular meeting Satur day, February 19th. Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Tife of Hoc River have moved into the Fred Horner house. Roy Sullivan who has been quite sick for some time, was taken to the Oregon City hospital, Friday. The Ch:ndgren young folks attend ed the basket social at Colton Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larknis viBited at J. M. Larkins of Oregon City Sun day. John Miettunen is quite E.ick with pneumonia at present writing. Howe were among the Portland . vis itors last aSturday. The rural telephone patrons held another meeting Saturday afternoon in the town hall. They still insist that they will not pay the proposed While the scores were close, Estaca da lost 'both gomes. A. Heidlein, the auto stage man be- played cards, MOUNTAIN , ROAD, Feb. 23. Mr. and1 Mrs. M. Schuster visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaiser Saturday and Sunday. A crowd of. young folks met at Mrs. J. Bernerts Saturday evening and Nelson. Dr. Douglas Aanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson and family, of Portland, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Ander son. Redland News tween here and Portland took some of the boys and girl3 from here to Hillsboro Tuesday afternoon and on raise in telephone rates and have ne other side of Portland had an ac f Clarkes News CLARKES, Feb. 22. Mr. and Mrs. M. Moehnke of Beaver Creek visited, their daughter, Mrs. William Moehnke and family last Sunday. Ray Jonesi was in Oregon City last . Saturday. "Mrs. Fred Josi visited Mrs. Arthur Hornshuh last Friday. G. Wickahm from Colton is work ing for Moehnke Bros. Mr. Mackinster from Beaver Creex is hauling lumber for Moehnke Bros. Mr, Sam Elmer, who was very ill is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Wickham from Colton, visited Mr. W. H Bottemiller and family last Sunday. given the Estacada Telephone- Co. notice that the matter will have to be settled by the first of March. They have made the Estacada company an offer to purchase the entire business other wise they will disconnect their lines from the main office here. The regular monthly meeting of, cident, but no one was injured. Union Mills News Mrs. Cloe Kelenofer is visiting rel ativeei in Gladstone. S. L. Koellermeier, who was confin ed to his home with a lame back is improving. Miss Elsie Fellows spent Wednes day with Mr. and Mr& L. Koeller meier. A number of men from here attend ed the Farmers Bureau meeting at UNION MILLS, Feb. 23. Mrs. F. T. , Howard and daughters, Bertha Stafford Friday night. and Opal, also son, Elmon, of Port- Among the Oregon, City Visitors (hQ rnmmiinitv inh takps Dlace at 'ana spent me weeK ena witn Mrs. form here Saturday were Mr. ana th Fstarada hotel Friday eveninir ; Howard's sister, Miss Rosa Mulvaney. Mrs. John Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. John Februarv 25 I Mrs" D" - Trullinger made a trip to Hellberg, John Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. w- t r:i.stno ' Oregon City Saturday. Hodge and children, Miss Agnes Ber- ..wo. T t to Announcements hav "7, c 2-Z t i f ' of the arrival of a nine pound boy at Herman Hellberg and Ernest Boeck who was in the Lovelace hospital for . . . & . , t , n IUO UllllO Ul xvn. auu 1IS. AILUUl a lew a ay s, nas returneu iu mo uuio -r , - ,,,. ,,. , , . , . - Johnson of Milaca, Minn., formerly of her parents convaleseencmg from a minor oneration. " . i WALOGA, Feb. 22. Minutes of a The basket ball game here Satur-' -" ana naroia jonnson moior- imeetiag ot the Waluga - civic Club, day night between the boys and girls ed up from Eugene and Corvallis last held- at the CommunitT House. Lake of the Estacada and Hillsboro high ' . 1 1 .-. 1 .1 .-, A ft " - ' " ... M A. The Redland Ladies Live Wires met at. Mrs. William Braatz house Thursday. To men members were admitted. After the business transacted the meeting was turned over to the en tertaining committee. As the hostess had no work for the ladies to do the time was devoted to visiting and fancy work. . Daffodils were used for decorations and lent a spring like appearance to the rooms. Miss Agnes Braatz ren dered several selections on the graph onola. Mrs. Braatz assisted by her daughters, Miss Agnes and Mary served a dainty lunch, after which the ladies departed to meet again in two weeks with Mrs. Otto Fisher. Earl Allen, who has had his fing ers amputated some time ago, is im proving. Places were laid for Mrs. Eella Allen, Mrs. Henrdixson, Mrs. Win. Edna, Mrs. Margaret Stewart and daughter Amra Margaret, Mrs: Edith Vennice, of Corvallis and Glen Lar- l 1117 1, 1 11 . VY 1111. IA 1 , . , 1.11 . . . , , pavilion, the high school entertained "a ; - the visitors for a short time and serv-i . T ... T o t f 1 his work. e ' ." ' . ," ! Mrs. Joe Nordling and daughter, man on the evening and early mora-1 .. . . &0 " . ... ' t!,v,n Mnn fhi wir ? Catherine spent Sunday .visiting i friends in Oregon City. ing car is taking a vacation this week, Mrs. Violet Starr arrived home from Montavilla, the latter part of last! week to make an extended visit, at the home of her parents, Mr. and j Mrs. B. Sarver. S I Mrs. M. H. Boyle, of Portland, was J a guest at the home of her sister,' Mrs. W. F. Cary, for two or three days last week, returning. Saturday morn- Mrs. R. L. Orem made a trip to Ore gon City Monday. Stafford News Grove on the evening of February 18, sterns, Mrs. Otto Fisher, also Mrs. 1 Fishrs foiiRin. ATra. .Tn Sma dau ghter Josephine, and Mrs. Tony President Ray Stoetzel called the I Bernietz. meeting to order at 8:14 o'clock, there Mr. Jensen has returned from an being present about fifty members extended visit in the east. and residents of Road District No. 12. mi and Mrs. Tony Bermetz will Mr. Max L. Boulanger reported the soon leave for Virginia where the.. result of his conversation with an ot- expect to make their home. They cial of the Oregon Public Service I will be missed in the community as Commission, Jt was moved and sec- Tony has always been "one of the water supply furnished by the Oregon boys here" and Mrs. Bernetz a war Iron & Steel Company to the residents bride, has made many friends since of Goodin, Lake Grove, and Waluga. coming west. BREEZY BRIEFS FROM MOLALLA Interesting News Items Taken From The Pioneer Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vernon and the bank last Saturday and Sunday daughter Thelma were Portland vis-when thy extended the cage across itors last Wednesday. the room. John P. Echerd and Emory Worth Mrs. Cora Todd, chairman of the were transacting business in Port-Rebekah dance committee wishes to land last Tuesday. thank the committee and all others Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Havemann were who assisted in making the dance in Molalla Saturday rJid Sunday is-last Saturday night a big success, iting friends. , Miss Alice Smith a former popu- Mrs. Gordon J. Taylor and daugh-lar teacher in the Molalla high school ter, Mrs. Otto Wilkowski were in visited with friends in Molalla Sat Portland on Tuesday. urday and Sunday. She is teaching Mr. 4 and Mrs. L. A. Shaver and in the high school at Carlton, young daughter visited several -days Mr. and Mrs Ed. Briton, of Barton, ; this week with Mrs Shaver's parents were visiting friends here over the in Portland. week-end and attended the Rebekah Miss Winifred McKinney, a recent dance on Saturday night, arrival from Iowa, began work Mon- Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brewer, Mr. day at the First National Bank, of and Mrs. Val Brewer' and Mrs,. R. Molalla. v Howard, daughter of John F. have- Miss Delpha Moore, sister of Mrs. traded a farm at Boise Idaho, for the E. R, Todd, and her friend Missi H. Hand ley ran oh north of town and Chase were week-end guests at the have moved on" the place. The Todd home. ' ' Brewers are successful farmers and The First National Bank of Molal- will be a big addition to the citizen la made extensive improvements in ship of Molalla section. Jersey Club Will Meet on March 5th WILLAMETTE, Feb. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nemic and family moved to Oswego on last Saturday. Mr?. George Ralston of Portland, visited friends here Thursday. Mrs. Ralston was formerly Mrs. Wolfer and resided here about three years ago. Several of the Willamette young people visited Portland Saturday eve ning, among whom were Merritt Wil son, Charles Linquist, Esther Larsen and Gladys Baker. Mrs. Mamie Miller of Sellwood, spent Thursday in Willamette as the guest of friends. Mrs. Carl Khale and sons Fred and Carl s.pent Saturday and Sunday in Hubbard as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pardy, who have recently re turned from. California. Mrs. Pardy, formerly Miss Olgo Teske is well known here. Mrs. I. H.-Fream, of Monmouth, who hasi been visiting relatives here for several weeks, returned home Tues day.' Mrs. Denton, who has been spend ing several months in Wisconsin, ha-s returned home. Mrs. Harry Greaves and a party of friends made the trip to Portland Tuesday evening to see the opera, Madame Butterfly. b l ArrXJitD, Feb. 22. The neigh bors are taking turns, two at a time ing accompanied by her little niece, helping Lin Schauber care nights, for onded, and unanimously adopted, that It appears that the matter should be further investigated before formal presentation of a complaint to the Commission, it was moved anr sec- Glen Olive Cary, who visited in Port- his afflicted wife, who is again ill, land until Sunday evening. and it sometimes takes a number to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morton arrived control her, as she doeg not rest ex- Saturday from Kodiak, Alaska, to vis- cept under the influence of opiates. it their mother, Mrs. A. K. Morton. She and her husband have the sincere i This is the first time Tom has been sympathy of the community. here for five years. He is connected We have no mail today, which with the government fish hatcheries which makes the day seem like Sun- in Alaska and is now on a three day. months leave of absence. I Will Schaultz (Jim) and wife are President Stoetzel appoint a commit tee, to include the officers of the Wal uga Civic Club, to make such Investi gation and take such action in the matter as the circumstances might warrant. President Stoetzel announc ed he would name ' the committee later. President Stoetzel reported on the progress of the annexation bill. It ap- Quite a number attended the Farm Bureau meeting held at Four Corners Tuesday night. Mrs. Wambough, the mail carrier, isn't exempt from troubles. Her machine has broken down twice with in three weeks at the same place on her route. B. H. Stewart was in Portland Monday on business. Joe Hinkle is still hauling Frank Sprague's potatoes to Portland. Mrs. B. H. Stewart spent the week end in Portland with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Currie. Everybody is taking a new lease Dr. Richmond Wells and mother and about to move from the old home pearing that passage of such a bill at sister were here from Portland Sun- place to near Oswego and Bob, a the present session of the legislature on life with the last few davs of sun day, guests of his brother Dr. L. A. veteran or the world war, and Waiter, was highly improbable, it was the con- shine. Wells. ; the younger brother have leased the sen sua of opinion that the communit.v The addition" to the Estacada Meat home place. should not relinquish its efforts to market is about completed. I Homer Nussbaum, who with, hi3 1 seek relief from the appressive con- James Smith is now employed at sister and Mr. Elligen's. daughter at-1 dition' existing Jn Clackamas County, the Estacada Meat Market. tend high school at West Lmn, went but at the same time to cooperate in Sympathy is extended Mr. and Mrs. last aSturday with his team to Tilla- every way possible with the author- Walter Osborne recent arrivals in Es- mook City to play -basket ball Tues- ities of Clackamas County to bring Gladstone News tacada, who lost their year-old baby February 19, 1921. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gates., of Port- day night with Gladstone and Friday with Estacada. Taxes range an the way from a hundred dollars and more over the I about the construction of good roads, Bob. Krueger is spending the week with his sister, Mrs,. Mable Chenny. of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Meyers have en- especially in the Goodin-Lake Grove- tertained as their house guests, their Waluea District. It was stated that cousin and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. the County Judee had promised this A. Pohfal. of Minneapolis, Minn ESTACADA. Feb. 23. The joint entertainment given by the Library association and high school, at the high school auditoium Tuesday night, was quite a success and the proceeds amounted to $54.00. The first num ber on the program was a folk dance by pupils of the primary grades, both boys and girls. They all looked very 'dainty and sweet in their white dreses and red, white and blue sashes and caps. All danced and sang very nicely and presented a pretty appear ance. This part of the program was followed by a single reel picture and then Miss Ruth Dillon rendered three vocal numbers, with Mrs. St. G. Mc- Call ably assisting with the accompan- land, were in Estacda Monday look- last collection, and some think by th& section a "square deal" in all mat- 'Dr. Douglas Anderson, of Portland ing over the town with the view oi . time the extra taxes come due again ters: that the taxDavers of the district spent Sunday with his parents, Mr i " i locating here. They were very much all will have to sell their farms to I would get a dollars worth of work for nd Mrs. B. A. Anderson. impressed with our little city. 1 pay. r j every dollar expended in the section. Mrs. Frank Oswald is quite ill. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mil-' There was a meeting at the school and that the County Court had I The .Gladstone Parent-Teachers as- ler, at the Lovelace hospital, Febru- house Friday evening to hear about recognized that the region named had sociation will hold its regular even- ary 1H, a daughter. ; tne aavantages or the Farm Bureau, not been given the attention it was ing meeting at tne scnooi nouse j ri Miss Delia Commons arrived from . About 40 men and three married entitled to. A Ion discussion- of the day evening. Aberdeen, Wash., the latter part of women who pay taxes; assembled and road situation concluded with the Mrs. Beth Paddock has arrangea last week to visit her sister, Mrs. tried to catch on, but unfortunately idoption of the following resolution: for Rev. Bruce J. Griffin of the Uni John Lovelace. the expeted speaker did not come and -Whereas: the road situation in Dts. I versity of Oregon to give a lecture There was a large attendance ol the one wh did, was apparently well I trict No. 12, Clackamas County, has on: "American Schools. In Ancient parents and friends at . the grade versed in hi3 theme, but he lacked an lone1 been a eourcft of annoyance and Egypt." There will also be two school Monday afternoon to listen to orators voice, therefore one could dissatisfaction to the residents of the I musical numbers after which Mrs. a Washington and Lincoln program, catch, but a small portion of what he district, and , Hayward will have charge of the pie All who attended say that the exer- meant to convey. He had a very Whereas; it appears that certain social. cises were exceptionally good. 1 pleasant conversational voice, and if negotiations are In progress between Leslie Beard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob" Morton, of Portland, the he could have been seated talking to the County Court and the Oregon Ben Beard, is quite ill at the family noted basket ball player, was. in Es- a few about him each of us would Iron & Steel Company for the use home in West Gladstone. tacada Saturday night and Sunday, hae been pleased to have made one of I of a certain quarry owned by Miss Alice Freytag and her grand to visit his brother Tom and wife at that circle. However, most people I pany, and ' J mother, Mrs. John McGetchie, attend the home of his mother, Mrs. A. K. have read something about it, so we j Morton. Tom has been in Alaska for were not entirely in the dark. two years just arriving here Saturday ' Miss Christina Ellegson, our local noon. : central erirl took a. short vacation n n ,1 Miss OlfVe Humphrey was here this visited Mrs. Jack Ray at Rainier, re-j week from Portland, visiting her turning Monday evening. Mrs. Ray's mother, Mrs. C. E. Allen. , husband! returned Sunday from Hot D. E. Eschelman received a tele- Lake, where he has been taking treat gram Monda yconveying the sad news ments for inflamatory rheumatism. of the death of his brother, Ray, at Mrs. Annie Oldenstadt came out Whereas; we believe, it to be for ed a matinee In Portland Wednesday the best interest of Roid District No. 12, Clackamas County, that the roaJ economical manner possible, be it Resolved ; that the Waluga Civic Club, representing all of Road Dis trict No. 12, Clackamas County, Ore gon, immediately to enter into a con tract of lease for said quarry for term of not less than ten years, and afternoon, after which they spent the evening with friends. Welches News WELCHES, Or., Feb. 21. Ray mond and Wallace Caufield and Dr. Louis Morris, were guests at La- BY MRS. A. MALAR Again the "Jersey Boosters' of Clackamas County will gather to gether, to enjoy the day and profit by speeches, debates and cattle judg.- The all day meeting of the C. C. J. C. C. will be held at the "Surinyside Hall" on Saturday, March 5, 1921. Mr. ALL SET FOR BIG RACE AT LOS ANGELES ON TUESDAY, FEB. 22 LOS ANGELES, Feb. 19. With Bine1 drivers signed up for the series of five races to be staged on the Los and Mrs. H. W. Kanna are the hosts Angeles speedway at Beverly, Wash for the day. ington's birthday, and the list open The business meeting will be called I for another week there is every prob- at 10:30 A. M. -and matters of vital ability that elimination speed trials interest to every Jersey breeder will will be found necessary in order to be discussed and voted upon.. The cut the number of starters down to program will consist of a live speech I the limit of 18. Those already en to dairymen by Prof. Brandt of O. A. I tered to date are: Tommy- Milton, C. A debate on the question, Resolv- Ralph de Pama, Eddie Hearne, Ros ed "That It ia better to own a herd coe saries, Jimmy Murphy, Alton; of Registered Jersey of fair type and Soules, Eddie Miller, Al Thiele and- good production than a herd of gooa j another driver still to be nominated type and only fair production." N. H. by Fred Duesenberg. Smith will lead the affairmative and The majority of those alerady en- C. E. Spence, the negative followed tered have named the cars they ar by G. Z. Theissen and S. E. Lawrence to drive, but there isN still some ques- on the affirmative and H. W. Kanna tion with regard to one or two. De and A. A. Spangler on the negative. Following the debate, a number of Jerseys belonging to Capt. Biddle of Sunnyside will be exhibited and judged. The " Jersey Bulletin" has. announc- Palma of course, will be at the wheel of his new Franch Ballot He has had" it out on the Beverly . course several times within the last few days and it is rumored that the car has shown. wonderful speed. De Palma, however. ed to the whole U. S. that Clackamas always is rather averse to giving out County has a real live Jersey Cluh. advance data on the performance ot Let us all put our shoulders to the his car and in tryouts; here for the wheel and make it a "livelier" club opening event a year ago never let for this year. Any man and woman his car out to anywhere near itsi who is starting a future herd can not limit except when the newspaper men help but profit by becoming a Clacka- and outsiders were elsewhere. mas County Jersey booster. And the Club wants and needs your help. The best route to Sunnyside is bj way of 82nd street. $7200 IS NOW READY FOR FIRE TRUCK At a special meeting of the Oregon City council, held last night, the or dinance transferring the fund of $7, 200 from the cemetery to the fire truck fund, passed final reading, and the money will be immediately used to secure the new fire truck. A resolu tion was also voted to start work on the new city hall in the McLoughlin park immediately. The first reading of this as an ordinance will take place on March 4, at a special meeting, and also the finalvpassage of the delivery wagon tax of $10 per month will be voted at this time. Regular practice will begin, how ever, on Monday and the "rail birds' will then be given a chance to look a few of them over the track. Fred erick Wagner, official starter of the American Automobile association, and who made the trip west for the sole purpose of officiating at the coming event, will be in full charge of al practice.-' Wagner is a verteran of the racing game and has officiated at practically every big event in the east, and many " on the coast, includ ing the Thanksgiving event here and" also the Panama-Pacific exposition, race, in San Francisco five years ago. VANCOUVER TO FIGHT IRT EDICT iment. The five-reel comedy entitled , a hospital in Salem. Dave was over from Portland Sunday to help take that the County Court immediately Casa Monte Inn, Saturday. Sunday to Salem Saturday to see his brotner, care OS her sister, Mrs. Schauber. . cause to be installed in said quarry morning they were on tneir way iu and when he left, had the appearance Henry Baker has not been very well a ror-lr cmshftr rf lnrra ranacitv. a Government Camp on skies. They f being somewhat better. Mr. Eschel- and his little girl has just recovered nower nlant and bunkers canable of will return to Oregon City Tuesday holding not less than four hundred Six lncties of rresn snow ten nere (400) yards of crushed rock, and that feunaay nigni. the road leading to said quarry, Dode Kopper was champion trapper crusher and bunkers be put in first I up here this winter. He caught 21 iclass condition for the economical I bob cats, three coyotes, and several Fred hauling of rock, and be it further mink. Last fall he caught two large Resolved; that this organization bears. One tipped the scales at 403 "La La Lucile," was then shown which proved to be a regular hit, ex tremely funny and full of humorous situations which of course worked out to the satisfaction of all concern ed. The last number on the program was the minuet by eight girls in dainty colonial costumes. They were, Leta Posson, Arvilla Dunlop, Mary Alice Reed, Ruth Day, Iva Douglass, Edna Petty, Gertrude Sink and Virginia Duboise. They certainly did well and the effect was charming. The fine appearance of the children in the dances was due to the careful train ing of Miss Josephine Conners, pri mary teacher. Miss, Helen Johns 'furnished the instrumental music dur ing the entire program. a ESTACADA LOCALS. ESTACADA, Feb. 23. There was a family dinner at the Duus home last Sunday in' honor of Mrs. J. C. Duus.' birthday. The Luther Henthorn house on Main St, next to the J. W. Reed residence, is now owned by W. H. Holder and he is making some much needed repairs. Dr. McCal was a Portland visitor last Sunday on professional business. Mrs. M. J. Kerkes ' vsiited relatives and friends in Portland last Saturday. Tom Morton and wife left Wednes day for a business: trip to Oakland, California. G. A. Rein was a business visitor in Portland Wednesday. The Artisans are planning a dance to be given in Odd Fellows hall, Wed nesday evening, March 2nd. Next Sunday night there will be a song service at the M. E. church. A good program is arranged. S. Pesznecker and wife and Dr. Steiner motored to Mt. Angel, the first of the week. H. C. Stephens and wife returned from Salem Saturday night fwharvj they had been attending the legisla ture and watching the county division bill. Mrs. V. H. Gibbs entertained a num ber of ladies last Friday afternoon, complimentary to her sisterMnrlaw, Mrs Smith, who is here visiting from Minnesota. Mm George Hislop Is in Portland visiting her daughter and family. . Mrs. C. F. Howe and Miss Leila man has been sick ofr about a yeai from the measles with heart trouble. He was formerly John Oldham, who has been a con front this place and has hosts ol ductor oa a street car in Portland for friends who sincerely sympathize a number of years, has come to Staf with his bereaved family. Mr. and ford with his family for a much needed Mrs. D. E. Eschelman and James Ab- vacation and is occupying bott left for Salem Monday night. Baker's green cottage. Charles Duboise, who has. been dan- Mr. Walters has bought out Mr. respectfully request the Countv Court nounds. gerousiy in wun pneumonia ior tv. o swartz and what is known as the to appoint Mr. C. W. Kruse, Road Sup erintendent for Road District No. 12, Clackamas County, Oregon. A brief discussion of school matters was followed by a motion to adjourn which was unanimously adopted. Saturday, February 19, Ronda Wil liams gave a party to her school mates, when she celebrated her eleventh birthday. weeks, is slightly improved at this Woolsworth place, and is now livina writing, Monday evening. , there, while Mr. Swartz and family Warren Barr was home from Port- have moved to Washington. land to spend the week end. j Mrs. O. E. Smith had a' party for DODGE NEWS ITEMS " her little daughter, Lois., last Satur- day afternoon,, it being the little' DODGE, Feb. 23. Mr. and Mrs. laaies una Dirtnaay. . John Ficken of Estacada have moved Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hunter and lit- back iqV the Kaake & Jubb Lumber tie aaugnier, ot jr-ortiana, are nere camp where Mrs. Ficken will take this week guests at the home of Mr. charge of the cook house. Hunter's sister, Mrs .James Melton, j Mrs. John Keller spent Tuesday in Portland Wednesday evening. - Mrs. Myrtle Belfils and son Albert, afternoon with Mrs. Fred Horner. MrSt M- E- E- Turner, Mrs. R. M. visited Portland Saturday. ; g w Reniamin made a trin tn V- McGetchie and Miss Alice Freytag, James Freeman and wife of Huber, tacada last Monday. formed a theater ; party Saturday Oregon, spent the week end here with Robert Giles bad. the misfortune evening, attending the grand opera vounrest brother of Mrs. Dregnie's Gladstone News "Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Niles attended a meeting of the "Wisconsin Society' Barlow Notes Mrs. Ida Dretmie. of Barlow, re turned home recently from a trip to Seattle and Buckley, Wash. Mrs. Dregnie visited her husband's relatives at Seattle-and her uncle Peter Robertson and family at Buck ley, besides other former day acquaintances. Mr. Robertson ia tne lug paiems vx mis. r reemaii, mi. auu jast Friday to cut his finger quite Mrs. J. V. Barr. badly. He was hurried to Estacada Mrs C. S. Allen went to Portland and seVeral stitches had to be taken. Monday morning. Mr Nevelin called at the G. W. Mr. and JVIrs. E. F. Herman were Keller home Sunday evening, here from Portland Saturday and Sun- Mrs. Hedges called on Mrs. S. W. day visiting relatives. Benjamin last Monday. " Mrs. J. C. Hillman arrived Monday Several of the men here have been from Portland to join Mr. Hillman working on the hall lately. It is hop on the ranch at Springwater. i ed that it wiu BOon be ia good conQi. Messrs. Stokes and Pomeroy, from tjon again. the State Fire Marshal' office, were here Monday looking into the matters of the late fire. They could find no' cause for the explosion and came to the conclusion that the fire was of in cindiary origin, although there seems to have been no motive for the act. ! TUALATIN MEADOWS TUALATIN MEADOWS, Feb. 23.. R. DeNeui, of Willamette, was out vis. iting C. C. Schroeder last Monday. Miss Myrtle Borland was out spend- W. E. Linn, who hasi charge of the ing the afternoon Tuesday with her picture house at this place, closed a parents. contarct this week with the Para- ' Leonard Shaoer Is still operating mount company for pictures for his his wood saw. theatre. As this is one of the best Mrs. John Raicy and son, Joe, were film companies; Estacada is assured in Portland a few days last week vis- of good service while this contract iting "her husband's parents, F. N. lasts. Raicy.; A large number of the high school I Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilke and "bab7 pupils accompanied the boys and girls ( spent Sunday at C. W. Larsons, basket ball teams to Hilleboro Tues-j John Wanker spent Sunday with day night where they played the Hills-; Joe Bushbaum. boro Tuesday night where they play- Geo. Elligsen was visiting his sister, ed the Hillsboro high school teams. Mrs. Ernest Wilke one day last week. "II rrovatore. j Mrs. D. E. Riley will be the guest of friends in Gladstone Sunday. Mrs. Riley recently returned from Ocean Falls, B. C. Edward Eby and son, Elmo are spending Sunday with the former's parentSv Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Eby, or Vancouver, Wn. Mrs. W. E. Niles spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. James McFarland, ot Powell River, Canada, at the home ot her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hag- erman of Island Station. The birth day anniversaries of Mrs. McFarland and Mr. Hagerman being on that date. Mrs. W. E. Niles, of Portland, was also a guest at the Hagerman home. ' Dr. and Mrst. O. A. Alexander motor ed to Salem Sunday morning an1 spent the day. Mrs. -A. F. Parker went to Portland Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gilmore, a . former resident ot this place, Mrs. Gilmore has been making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Howard, of Arleta. There are at present ten new houses being built in Gladstone, among these are modern homes for Guy Dwlggins. Jerry Rankin, Ed. . StovalL Chas. mother ftnd over 30 years had pased since they met. THREE MORE HEAVILY FINED FOR POACHING Marvin Russell was fined $50 and costs and his hunting license revok ed and igun confiscated; J. L. Hurias, fined J25 and costs and Sam Swag- gert $25 and costs, for having fresh venison in their possession. All three alleged pochers were arrested by Game Wardens Clarke and Meades last "Saturday near the Mulino coun ty, and appeared for trial Monday af ternoon before Judge "Noble. Swag- gert refused to pay his fine, and is now -fa. the county jail, where he claims he will lay out the fine at the rate of $2 per day, as allowed by law. Swaggert isi the second game law violator who 1s now serving sentence in the county Jail. U. OF O. FALL TERM OPENS VANCOUVER, Feb. 18. Mrs. C. F. Bennett, wife of the county superln- rvr'T'ATJTj'D 1 ! teuu8Uls 01 scnoois, wno is serving: as OLxLJ15iijXl L deputy for her husband in his office. may make a test case of the action The fall term of the University of taKen y une county commissioners in Oregon will open October 1, accord reducing tne salaries ot women wno ing to an announcement of the com- naye nu&Danas to support mem to one mittee on schedule. This date is ot half what is .paid to other persons for great interest to high school seniors th same work. This was done to all over the state who are making compel the married women working plans to enter the University at that for the county to resign and to replace tnem, with sangie persons or otner heads of families. The office of county superintendent of schools pays $100 a month. The deputy receives $125. However, the new law will pay the Superintendent $2000 a year, but this, will not affect the office until Sep tember 1. time. AGED WOMAN, 77 YEARS OLD, CHASES THIEF LONDON, Feb. 23. A burglar en tered the house of the Brookfields here. Mrs. Brookfield is 77, her hus band 82. Without hesitation MrSi Brookfield seized a poker and wield ed it so valiantly that the burglar fled. CITY STARTS SUIT OVER SECURITIES ONE OF THE BRAVE "600" VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 18 The city of Vancouver has filed suit to protect; itself on bonds ot the improv- TAT'C'C AT Of. ment of East Seventh street. The suit Loan company, the United States Oon- Feb. 21. I tractinsr comuany and Earl Bronaueh. one. of the receiver for Morris Bro6., Inc., defunct CUMBERLAND, Md.. Captain James Bock, 86, 600" who took part in the charge of bond house of Portland. the light brigade at Balaklava, was The city desires to hold the bonds buried at Oakland, Md., today. He as stakeholders and asks that they be. A woman Is as bad as man maket her; a man is as bad as a woman leta him be. died several days ago, after tended illness. "The captain was a pensioner of the British crown and was a holder of a special decoration conferred on the survivors of the noted organiza tion. It is inscribed with the words: "Your queen is proud of you." Captain Brock came to thisi country in the 60's and settled at Newport, R. I., where he became a citizen and cast his first vote for Grant. Later he come to' Maryland. PORTLAND MAN FINED. E. It Marshburger, of Portland, was fined by Judge Noble yesterday afternoon $10 and costs for violation of the motor vehicle laws of Oregon. turned over to John Schaefer, clerk of the superior court of Clarke county, for safety until the case is settled. The city desires to be held free from all blame in the matter and Is only interested in seeing that the proper persons get the bonds. NOVEL USES FOR TRACTORS. The field for the farm tractor is widening. Nowadays one finds them operating successfully on such, job as operating a sprayer, constructing sewers, moving warehouse rooting up hedges, dragging logs, hauling road material, cutting ensilage, shelling corn, mowing golf links, and a motor cultivator even has been employed in the north to remove anow.