Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 18, 1921, Page Page 7, Image 7

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UJARY 18, 1 92 1
Page 7
PORTLAND, Feb. 16? His mind
crazed in the belief that he was sur
rounded on all sides by robbers and
persons seeking to Injure him, Frank
Dury, a barber, 35, ran amuck at
o'clock last night, fortified his small
barber shop at 1294 Belmont street,
and shot and perahps fatally wound
ed Motorcycle Patrolman M. E. Nolan,
Two others L. L. Stevens and H.
G. Hansen, were also victims of the
maniac. Both received slight wounds
in the' arm..
Patrolman Nolan went to Dury's
barber shop on request of Stevens
and his mother, Mrs. A. A. Ciper, who
live at 1294 Belmont, next door . to
Dury's place of business.
Mrs. Ciper and Stevens late in the
afternoon heard Dury screaming
"Help, help," and "robbers are mur-
during me." Dury, according to Mrs.
Ciper, was evidently in the living
room at the rear of the shop.
Stevens calling to his aid employes
of nearby stores, attempted to force
the doors of the shop, and failing in
this, tried to reach Dury by means
of a small window. -
Their efforts to force an entrance
proved unavailing and the men called
the east-side police headquarters, and
Motorcycle Officer Nolan, responding
to the call,, also tried to reach Dury
Nolan, according to Stevens, forced
the door and entered the shop. He
forced another door leading to Dury,
who evidently was in the farther cor
ner of the living room.
As Nolan, followed by Stevens and
Hansen, a bystander, who lives at
1256 Easit Washington street, entered
they were greeted with a hail of bul
lets, shot from a tiny .32 caliber re
volver held by Dury.
Nolan fell at the first shot, but his
companions persevered and with the
aid of police reinforcements succeed
ed in capturing Dury.
Neighbors of Dury said last night
that the man a few weeks, ago was
didscharged from the state insane
asylum at Salem as being harmless.
(Continued from Page 6.)
er for Oregon, and thia comrunity in
particular as over forty families have
setled here through her recommend PORTLAND, Feb. 12. The busi-
ing this country, most of them tioming ness barometer shows unmistakable
from around Perham, Minn., which signs that the worst of the storm is
was the nearest city to Mrs. Truble over and that we are due for fairer
and the many friends and relatives I weather. Frederick Greenwood,
who came her after her. Really, now, manager Portland branch federal re-
there's not a one regrets coming, serve bank.
either, and her work as a "booster" The Pacific northwest is bound to
would put some pulblicity folks to feel any improvement in other sew
shame. . tions of the country, and we regard
Calvin Ingalls who is state organizer the outlook here as favorable. Edgar
for the afrm organization and who H. Sensenich, vice-president North
SDOke at the meetine here Monday western National ban.
We are ail looking to tne iuture
with cheer and confidence. J. C
Ainsworth, president! United; States
National bank.
Slowly but surely all ' difficulties
are being surmounted and pessimism
has given way to optimism.- Edwara
Cookingham. president Ladd & Til'
ton bank.
The records of this bank show an in
crease of deposits over one year ago.
C. B. Sewall, vice-president Hiber-
nia Commercial & Savings bank.
The period of excess profits is over
and business must gradually settle
upon what is described as a norma.'
basis. William A. MacRae, manager
Bank of California.
Citizens of Oregon should look for
was an old neighbor of Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. C. Miller in Benton county, tho
"Calvin" was not as old those days as
now, being yet in his teens!
. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herman of
Sandy-ridge have a new seven pound
baby boy of which they are very proud,
Mrs. Herman had a . race with th'
stork, but out witted the bird and ar
rived at a Portland hospital before
the little one arived. Mrs. Hennessey
and Dr. Hughes accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Herman to the city.
Mra. Charley Krebs and two young
est children are at Sherwood visiting
relatives for a couple of weeks, and
Amelia is managing the household.
Mrs. Fred Suckow went to the city
again this week to see her father, who ward to the future with confidence
's getting weaker.
Sergeant Robert Newman has ar
rived at the Haselwander home on
Sandy-ridge from Elmira, New York,
and Mr. and Mm Newman (Emma
Haselwander) will remain for the pres
ent with the Haselwander family. The
Newman's lived in New York for the
past two years but are glad to be in
Oregon: again. The blue Sunday law
is In operation in several cities in
Pennsylvania according to Newman
who says "everything is still but the
churches", but he further states tho
cities trying this experiement are sor-
F. C. Malpast, manger Canadian Bank
of Commerce.
EUGENE, Or., Feb. 12. Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey L. Smith, aged 77 and
78, respectively, were found . dead in
bed in their home in this city this af
ternoon. The house was full of eas.
ry for it and will repeal the law as and neighbors who found the bodies
soon as they can. say jt was jg6uine. from an open valve
E. L. Power went to Portland Sat- m the kitchen range. As neither one
urdav for a few day's visit with hi3
daughter. Mrs. Steelhammer, taking
little Gretchen along. '
Mr. and Mrs. Dittert and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Perrett spent the eve-
had been seen by neighbors since
Thursday it is presumed that death
occurred that night.
Coroner Bransetter announced that
death was undoubtedly due to as-
parents of Fred E. Smith, an attor
ney. Mr. Smith was a lieutenant in
the civil war. t
At thG- last meeting of the Oswego
city council, that body went on re
cord favoring the proposed bill of
Ryan and Hammond's for the con
struction of the Oregon City-Wes:
Linn bridge. The following resolu
tion was unanimously adopted.
Whereas, Senator Ryan and Repre
sentative Hammond have caused to
be filed with the 1921 legislature a
bill providing for the construction of
the Oregon City-West Linn Bridge,
Whereas, The bill provides that
Clackamas county shall pay to the
State the sum of $105,000.00; there
It Is Resolved, By the City of Os
wego, that we, the City Council of the
City of Oswego, Oregon, go on record
as being in favor of this bill and re
spectfully ask the legislature to pass
the same.
Further Resolved, That these reso
lutions be spread on the minutes oi
this meeting and copies be sent to
Clackamas county delegation al
Salem, Oregon, and to the press.
Approved by
ning at the Scharnke home recently, phyxiation. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were
card games being tne .main amuse
ment of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Beers spent
the evening at the Miller home a few
nights ago.
Young Richard Maronay who won
first "gent's" prize at the masquerade
Saturday night went rightt home ana
deposited his J'cash-money" in his
saving's account! That is the way
for boy's to get a start.
SANDY, Feb. 16. Mrs. S. W. Allen
and Miss Ruby Myers were hostesses
to the high school girl's sewing club
this week giviner due honor to St.
"Valentine. Handome house " decora
tions greeted the guests, prizes for
the best hand made valentines were
given. Miss Vera Mixter receiving
receiving first prize for the most artis-
CHICAGO, Feb. 14. Columbus was
all wrong.
The . earth is flat, the moon doesn't
reflect the rays of the sun. All wa
ter is level. The moon has nothing
at all to do with the tides. The sun
is only 3000 miles away; it is only 32
miles in diameter. The earth doesn't
rotate; instead, the s,un travels
around the earth.
You don't believe It?
Well, it's true, because Wilbur
it hung
hiaf has
Look out for .your v .?
out to dry. The clot": -:;
again resumed opei&f
City. -
Saturday evening ilio clothesline
of Mrs. E. R. McGuhuey at Fifth and
Jackson streets, ws robbed of sever
al pieces of women's underwear, and
the articles taken were of the beat
materials hung . out to dry. The line
had been stretched on the front porch
and of the washiig hung out nothing
was taken but-the women's under
wear garments. ""-'
Evidently the thief is a woman, but
so far she has eluded all attempts by
the officers and residents to catch
her, and generally visits several lines
in the neighborhood during one raid.
No other clothes have been reported
missing, however, but the lates case
is paralell to that of .recent clothes
line raids which took place about
three weeksi ago.
The carriage of race horses from
their training quarters to the race
courses is now undertaken in France
almost exclusively by pneumatic-tired
trucks. .
There is mors Catarrh' In this sec
tion of the country than all other dis
eases put together, and for years it
was supposed to be incurable. Doctors
prescribed local remedies, and by con
stantly failing to cure with local treat
ment, pronounced it ' incurable.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly In
fluenced by constitutional conditions
and therefore requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional reme
dy, is taken internally and acts thru
the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of
the System. One Hundred Dollars re
ward is offered for any case that
Hall's Catarrh Medicine fails to cure-
Send for circulars and testimonials.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation
ing the March term of said Court, at
10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said
date, then and there to show 'cause.
If any exist, why an order of sale
should not be made directing, author
izing and licensing D. P. Price, Ad
ministrator of i the estate of James
January, deceased, to sell the follow
ing described real property belonging
to the above entitled estate, to-wit:
"Tract 'L' in Clackamas Riverside,
as shown by the plat thereof of
record in the Recorder's office of
Clackamas County, Oregon, con
Bisting of approximately 15 acres,
lying and being In the County of
Clackamas, State of Oregon."
"Lots 24 and 25 in Block 4, Ter
race Park, within the corporate
limits of the City of Portland, Coun
ty of Multnomah, State of Oregon
upon which there is located a small
antiquated dwelling house."
For the purpose of paying the debts,
charges and expenses of administra
tion; same to be sold at public or
private sale upon such terms as the
Court may direct.
This Notice is published in the Ore
gon City Enterprise once a week for
four . consecutive weeks by order of
the above entitled Court, made on the
3rd day of February, 1921, the date
of the first publication being February
4, 1921. and the date of the last pub-'
Iication being on March 4, 1921.
Witness my hand and the seal of
this Court affixed this 3rd day of
February, 1921.
County Clerk.
--Far Loans- TTref erred
Beaver Bldg., Oregon City
for dead cows and down and out
horses. Will call anywffSre. Phone
Mllwaukle 69-J. .
uc creation, aua rs8 oauvu uuu- Glenn Voliva, overseer of Zion, says
ors lor me most comic, mary .u sQ more fle offerg ?100() tQ
got first prize for piercing the heart, flstl-nmnKr P scientist wh
nrmra Vi i ty tiritAnrr
l II ctua mis. j. tru myn. wcic iuv
"judges". Little Doris Allen danced
judges . Liittie uons Alien cancea o T
in her fairy costume,' and Catherine OCyillOlir JtletlimS tO
Oregon from Utah
and Doris did a "duet" dance. Punch
and wafers were served, the girls
all danced and it was a happy occa
sion for all: Miss Myers, Bess Barton.
Mary Scharnke, Mf(?s Crumi Ruby
Dodd, Josephine Dixon, Hazel Beers,
Nellie HarvisQn, Mrs. Ten Eyck,
Bertha Hoffman, Mrs. R. E. Esson and
Mrs. Miller were present beside Mrs.
Allen, Catherine and Doris
40 fine Tancred Dullets. all lavinar
?1.75 each. M. Deaklns, one mile
south of Clackamas.
WANTED A permanent home for
boy of 15, can do chores, milk cows
and is willing to work also for a
boy of 9. Both boys healthy. For
full particulars see H. E. Cross,
County Judge.
Eggs for Hatching, White Leghorn.
Lady Laymore and Tom Baron. Res
ident Glen Echo station, address
R. H. Taber, Jennings Lodge, Ore.
FOR SALE: No. 1 gray oat. W. F.
Mundhenke, Clackamas. Phon
16F21, Oregon City.
Editor Enterprise As we are face
to face with the reconstruction such
as happens after every war it is time
that the people of this Nation of ours
to get under the load as we are now
carrying and get off of the wagon
helping to push the wagon out of the
mud- We have in this country of
ours four million ex-soldiers who
did their might in bringing the con
flict to a sipeedy close and are now
hunting for work to keep out of the
poor house.
Mind you these men who had put. in
their time across the water for thirty
dollars "per month less twenty-nine
dollars and ninety-nine cents for al
lotments, and liberty bonds they hau
subscribed for and as yet some of
them have never received them two
years after the war. The ship build
er (slacker) as they are termed in a
short phrase, received more in a day
then the soldier did in France in
a month. And now after all these
Youths Have Scare
In Crystal Lake
REED COLLEGE, Portland. Ore.,
Feb. 14. Three 10-year old Portland
youths narrowly escaped drowning
Saturday when their canoe overturn
ed on Crystal Springs lake near the
Reed college campus. Floyd Wood
ings, Reed sophomore from Wash
ouigal. Wash., attracted by frantic
cries of "Help! Help ! Mamma!" saw
the youngsters' plight, and plunging
into the icy water, swam rapidly to
ward the wailing canoists who were
clinging desperately to their ill-starred
"Save me first, mister," one of
the youths cried as Woodings ap
"I'll save you last, you little devil,''
Woodings replied and he ordered the
youths to hold tight while he pushed
the canoe and its embarrassed crew
in to shore.
The chilled and thoroughly fright
ened youths were soon drying them
selves in the Reed dormitory, and in
cidentally wondering just what "dad"
would have to say.
LEGE, Corvallis, Feb. 16. H. C. Sey
mour, state leader of boys' and girls
clubs, has just returned from Salt
Lake City, where he represented Ore
gon at a convention of club leaders
of 11 northwest states He address
ed the meeting with a practical talk
on the supervision of county club
leaders, giving a plan outlining the
number of visits per year, time of the
visits, and the goals to be attained
by counties.
months, when the shipbuilders had ;
laid enough away to tide them over TTT?C
the times we are now facing and ars . JjjiJiJii J. AJlvIUjO
paying income tax ana a n oi a ioi
of aliens who have never even made
application for their citizen papers
and are still kept on the job: while
the soldier walks the street begging
and when some fellow gets on the
wrong path and sticks up some one
for enough to eat; the first thing that
is heard is that he was" an ex-soldier.
It is up to the manufacturing estab
lishments of this country of ours to
get behind the soldier and give him em
ployment and let the alien and
foreigner hunt for himself. And
again we have the women to contend
with women who were given the jobs
mAn irhn WOTlt t O nV UTi d tllPV are
still on the iob. Why not have tehsel
Champion mower and steel 8-tfoot
rake ,and about one ton loose oat
hay. On Linn mill road. H. T.
Ronald, 331 Montgomery street,
$25 reward for conviction of party
who cut -off one inch below ground
, my choice imported 5-y ear-old fil
berts and also other injuries. We
are new comera, and live 1 1-4 mile
from Carus school. Al Bergquist,
route 3, box 63-A, City.
Probate Department.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed execu
tor of the estate of George . Brown,
deceased, by the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Clackamas Coun
ty, and has qualified. All persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present same, duly
verified as by . law required, to the
undersigned at 809 Chamber of Com
merce Bldg., Portland, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof.
Dated and first publication Febru
ary 4, 1921. -
Last publication March 4, 1921.
M. B. MEACHAM, Executor.
In the Circuit Court of the State .of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Charles Sterling, Plaintiff,
Katherliena W. Sterling, Defendant.
To Katherliena W. Sterling, above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or beforfe the 11th day of March,
1921, said date being more than six
weeks from the date of the first "pub
lication of this summons, and if you
fail to so appear and answer said com
plaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief de
manded in his complaint, to-wit: For
a decree dissolving the marriage con
tract heretofore and now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant, and
granting plaintiff a divorce and for
such other and further relief as to
the Court may seem just and proper.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof, by order- of
the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled court, made and enter
ed on the 27th day of January, 1921
directing that such publication be
made in the Oregon City Enterprise
once a week for six successive weeks
the first publication thereof being on
the 28th day of January, 1921 and the
last publication thereof being on the
11 day of March, 1921.
Attorneys- for plaintiff,
Oregon City, Ore.
D. C Latourettb, President F. J. Meyer, Casbies
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
$125.00, as attorney's - fees, and the
further sum of $24.00 costs and dis
bursementst and the cost of and up
on this writ commanding me to make
sale of the following des.cribed real
property, situate" in the county of
Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit
The Southwest quarter of the South
west quarter, or lot No. 4, of Section 6,
Township 3 South, Range 5 East of
the Willamette Meridian, containing
40.56 acres more or less.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will on Saturday, the
26th day of February 1921; at the
hour of 10 o'clock A M., at the front
door of the County Court House in the
City of Oregon City, in said County
and State, sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bid
der, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand,
all the right title and interest which
the within named defendants or either
of them, had on the date of the mort
gage herein or since had in or to the
above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy -eaid execution,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. E. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., January
28th, 1921.
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Money loaned, a be tracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
William HamitMMl
Philip L. Hammond
Attorney at-Law
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Ibbu
Pacific Phone 81 Home Phoae A-I71
Phone 445
Stevens Bldg Oregon City, Ore.
SANTA FE, N. M., Feb. 16. A bill
was introduced in the house of , the
New Mexico legislature today to tax
old maids and bachelors from $2 to $5
for persons between the ages of 20 plaint for want thereof the paintiff
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Marjorie Heasler, Plaintiff,
Albert HearJer. P?-fendant.
To Albert Heaster, Defendant above
In the name of the State of 'Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of the
Plaintiff in the above entitled Court
and Cause within Six (6) weeks from i
the date of the first publication of
this summons, and if you fail so to
appear and answer Plaintiff's com
and 60.
WASHINGTON, ' Feb. 12. Secre
taries Daniels and Meredith are to
retain their "cabinet seats" perma
nently. They arranged today to pur
chase the chairs they have occupied
each Tuesday, jn the cabinet meeting
as souvenirs. .
Formerly the chairs were sold for
$65, but these are days of highei
prices, and the two officers are under
stood to have paid more than $100
each. "
f . oirorQ rr mpt nx ft in (.h i i i i i-i 1 1 1 in-
ladies step out and give these places gelf w-th removingr brass name
to men who are deserving. All that
we ask is that we be given a square
deal because the next war will be one
that the soldier ia going to know why
some were lucky enough to get out oi
the last one so help us.
Secretary Willamette Falls Post No.
5, American Legion.
Ease .of attachment is a leading
claim for a new anti-skid chain for
motor trucks, which can be clamped
to the tires In sections.
plate from the back of his cabinet
chair. He paid $4.50 for that.
If A Bnaineea IMrer tor r mt rK Citr
Town and Village im Oreflrett and
Wasblnftea, giving m Xteserlptive
Bketcb of each plaofy Xoratkjn,
Shipping Facilities anil a -dnmV-Cted
Director? -Ot ! BuaiDOU
Bq irroieMioiw
Seattle. Wash.
Comes to you and the children if
yon nave Dr. l'ierces (jroiden
Medical Discovery in the house.
For "little-ones" and "grown
ups" this old fashioned vegetable
tonic and blood-maker is still
used by the million bottles every
year. It was first used by every-
body 50 years ago and is still safe
and sane because it contains no
alcohol or narcotic. It is made
up of Blood root, Oregon Grape
root, Queen's root, Stone root,
Cherry Bark, without alcohol.
Make your blood redder' and
your health better by going to
your nearest druggist and ob
taining Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery in tablet or liquid
Walla Walla, Wash. When I
had tho measles I went out a little
too soon and took cold on my lungs.
I had sharp pains. I took some
medicine that I got from the drag
store but nothing did me much good '
until I took a bottle of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. It did me
great good. The 'Discovery has
done my mother and father lots of
good, too, for neuralgia." Miss
Florence Boone, Linden St., Route
8, Box 8.
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree of divorce from you
upon the ground of cruel and inhuman
treatment, and for such other and
further relief in the premises as pet
tains to equity.
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
was made and entered on the 16th
day of February 1921, and the time
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed exec
utrix of the estate of Nixon Blair, de
ceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same with proper
vouchers duly certifiad according
to law, at the office of Brownell &
Sievers, at Oregon City, Clackamas
Couny, Oregon, within six months of
the date of the publication of this
Dated, Friday, January 21, 1921.
i Executrix.
Attorneys for executrix.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Aministratrix's Notice of Final
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Administratrix of the es
tate of Mary M. Jabobs, Deceased, has
filed in the County Court of Clacka
mas County, State of Oregon, her fin
al account as such Administratrix of
said estate and the 7th day of March,
prescribed therein for publication of 1921 at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M.
this, summons Is six successive weks,
beginning with the issue of February
18, 1921, that being the date of the
first publication of this sum
mon, and the last being on the 1st day
of April, 1921.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
512 Selling Building, Portland, Ore.
No. 18354.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. In the Matter of the Estate
James January, Deceased.
To Irena Worbs, Wickliffe January,
Mary Selby, Reubin January, Edwin
January, Caroline Noble, Ira Jan
uary, Mrs. Zora Marsh, Mrs. Audrey
Kamer, Mrs. Maude Haywood, Mrs.
Lola Horter and A. O. January, next
of kin and heirs, at law of James
January, deceased, and to all other
persons interested in said estate.
In the name of the' State of Ore
gon you are herby cited and required
to appear In the County Court of the
State of Oregon, at the courthouse, for
the County of Clackamas, at the Court
Room thereof, in Oregon City, Clack-
has ' been fixed by said Court as the
time for hearing any and all objec
tions to said report and final account
of said estate.
Attorney for Administratrix,
Woodburn, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. A. H. Meyer, Plaintiff,
George Kitzmiller and Jennie H. Kitz-
miller, his wife. Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an executfon, duly issued
out of and under the seal of the above
entitled court. In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 19th day of January 1921, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in
said court on the 18th day of January
1921 ,in favor of A, H. Meyer, Plain
tiff, and against George Kitzmiller
and Jennie It ' Kitzmiller, his wife,
Defendants for the sum of $1200.00,
with interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Floyd Lv Sutherland, Plaintiff,
Edith M. Sutherland, Defendant.
To Edith M. Sutherland, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are - hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the "above entitled
Court and cause on or before Monday,
the 7th day of March 1921, which date
is more than six weeks after the date
of the first publication ' of this sum
mons, and if you fail to appear and
answer to said complaint, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in his
said complaint, to-wit: For a decree
of this Court dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now and heretofore exist
ing between the plaintiff and the de
fendant herein, and for such other
and further relief as to the Court
may seem meet and equitable in the
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof for six succes
sive weeks by order of the Honorable
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above
entitled Court, which order is dated
January 15th, 1921, and which order
directs that service of this summons
by publication be had upon you for
six successive weeks in the Oregon
City Enterprise, a newspaper of gen
eral circulation pubilished ia the
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon, and .that said publication be
made once each week for six succes-,
sive weeks; that the date of the first
publication thereof be the 21st day
of January 1921, and the date of the
last publication be the 4th day of
March 1921.
Attorney for plaintiff,
Post Office Address: 407 Yeon Bldg.
Portland Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Sarah A. Sloane, Plaintiff, '
Harry N. Sloane, Defendant.
To Harry N. Sloane, Defendant above
In the name rf the State of Oregon;
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause within six (6) weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons; and if you fail so to
appear and answer plaintiff "A com
plaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the reflet
prayed for In her complaint, to-wit;
For a decree of divorce from you
upon the ground of desertion, and
such other and further relief in the
premises as pertains to equity.
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. J. TJ. Campbell, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas Count, which
order was made and entered on tie
11th day of January 1921, and the
time prescribed therein for publica
tion of this summons is six successive
weeks, beginning with the issue of
14th day of January, that being the
date of the first publication, and the
last being on the 25th day of February
1921. - '
Attorney for Plaintiff, . .
512 Selling Building, Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Hazel E. Christensen, Plaintiff,
vs. .
Henry C. Christensen, Defendant
To Henry C.-Chrielenseo, '.be above
named Defendant;
In the name of the State of Oregon.
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff,
filed against you in the above entiled
Court and Cause, on or before the ex
piration of six successive weeks from
the First Publication of this Sum
mons, said first publication being on
the 11th day of February, 1921, and
the last publication being on the 25th
day of March, 1921. And if you fail to
answer or appear, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to said Court
for the relief prayed for in Plaintiffs
Complaint and for full relief herein to-
For a decree from said Court for-
fever dissolving the marriage contract
heretofore and now existing between
the plaintiff and, the defendant here
in, and granting to the plaintiff the
absoluite care, custody and control of
Ellis Clarence Christensen, the minor
child of said marriage and for such
other and further relief t.s to the
Court may seem equitable.
Thia Summons is published , in the
Oregon City Enterprise, by or:er or
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judgo of the
above entitled Court, said order hav
ing been made on -the 10th day of Feb
ruary, 1921, and the first day of publi
cation being on Friday the lltii day
of February, 1921.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
50S Buchanan Bldg., Portland Ore.
In the County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate '
Ellen Whittier, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un- '
dersigned, Adnfinisrator of the Es
tate of Ellen Whittier, deceased, has
filed in the County Court of Clacka
mas County, State of Oregon, his final
report and account as such Adminis
trator, and that Monday, the 7th of
March, 1921, at the hour of 10 o'cloek
A. M., has been fixed by said Court as
the time for hearing objections to
said report and account, and for the
settlement of same.
amas County, Oregon, on Tuesday the 8h day of June 1918, lees" $40 inter
15th day of March, 1921, the same be- est paid, and the further sum of
In the County Court Of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Estate
John M. White, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned Administrator with copy
of Will annexed of the Estate of John
M. White, Oe ceased, has filed his
Final Account in the County Court ol
the State of Oregon for Clackamas
County and that the 14 da7 of March,
1921, at 10 o'clock A- M. of said day
and the court room of said Court has
been fixed by said Court as the time
and place of hearing objections to
said Final Account and the settle
ment thereof.
Date of first publication 11th day
of February, 1921.
Date of last publication 11th day of
March, 19?1.
Administrator, i
No. 17620.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clack-amass.
Mary B. Harblt, Plaintiff,
Roy Mitchel Harbit, Defendant.
To Roy Mitchel Harbit, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and caiiSB
on' or before six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons. And if you fail so to appear
and answer plaintiff will apply to
the above entitled court for the relief
prayed for In her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree of the Court forever dis
solving the bonds of matrimony here
tofore and now existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
This .summons Is published as pro
vided by an order of the Hon. J. D.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
Court, made and entered on the lotn
day of February, 1921, providing that
the same ba published for six consec
utive and successive weeks.
Date of first publication 18th day
of February, 192L
Date of last publication, 1st day ot
April, 1921.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
401-4 Bd. of Trade Building;, Port
land, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State oi
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Estate
John Swalley, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed Adminis
trator of the Estate of John Swalley,
Deceased, by the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Clackamas Coun
ty, and that he has duly qualified as
such. All persons having claims
against said Estate are hereby noti
fied to present the same, duly verified
as by law required, to the undersigned
at Oregon City, R. F. D. N. 1 or at the
office of R. A Imlay, 353 Oak Street,
Portland, Oregon,, within six months
from, the date hereof.
R. A. Imlay,
353 Oak Street,
Portland, Oregon.'
Attorney for the Administrator.
Dated and first published Febru
ary 18th, 1921.