Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 18, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Oswego Items
OSWEGO, Feb. 16. Mrs. M. E.
Hayes was the guest of Mrs. T. R
Clinefelter over Sunday.
Miss Willa Jones of Gladstone was
a week end guest of Miss Iva Brandt.
The Rebekah lodge enjoyed a very
pleasant meeting on February 11.
After the business was concluded and
the Degree Staff drilled the rest of
the evening was passed in dancing
and general social time. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Whitten brought a basket full
of delicious pop corn balls and lovely
Juicy apples and treated the mem
bers. Both the pop corn and apples
were raised on their farm near Oswe
go. The following memlbenrs ait tended
the District Convention of Rebekah
lodge which was held in Portland Sat
urday, February 12, Mrs. William
Boyed, Mrs. John; Bickndr, Mary
Bickner, Mary Puymbrock, Mrs. J.
Bruce and Mrs. Schaufer. All report
a very enjoyable time. The session
was held all day and evening and was
instructive as well as entertaining.
Gaylord Worthington, of Roseburg,
with his two children, visited his par
ents Sunday.
Mr. Edwards, the superintendent of
the Congregational church, gave a j
party at his home out at Lake Grove
for the Sunday school class on Friday
evening. Mrs. Tinker and Mrs. Wil
liam Bickner went as chaperons with
the boys and girls and all had very
pleasant time. v
William Hyslip. who lives in Oswe
go, was injured by an automobile,
while going with hia brother to his
kiother's home Tuesday. Mr. Hyslip
had been near the Morrison street
bridge where they had been dragging
for the body of another brother, who
was drowned from a log raft on which
ne was worKing.
The stork visited the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Isaekson on Febru
ary 9, and left a baby girl.
Ed Wanker purchased the George
Sneller home. Mr. Wanker's son-in-law,
William Shott, !has- bought the
noma wnere MX. wanner na.s oeen liv
ine iseiDuscn lamiiy wno nave
ben in California for some time are-l
expecting to return to Oswego to live
again they have decided they like
Oregon- best after all.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lorenz of
Camas, motored to Oswego Sunday.
Mr. Lorenz returned home on Monday
but Mrs. Lorenz and the two children,
Melva and Virginia, are going to spend
a couple of weeks with relatives be
fore returning.
' Mrs. G. H. Miller gave a Valentine
party at her home on Wednesday eve
ning to her many friends.
Mrs. Mary Campbell, of Monmouth,
is visiting at the home of Mrs. Arch
Lewis, this week.
Mrs. David Nelson gave a dinner at
her home on Thursday to friends and
ifnished up a quilt which Mrs. Nel
son and her daughters tied out to
send to Mrs. W. W. Todd, Mrs. Nei
eon's oldest daughter for a birthday
Ed. Campbell of Kerry, Oregon, has
ben in Oswego a few days this week.
While here Mr. Campbell underwent
a slight operation by Dr. Strickland
and Dr. Huycke of Oregon City from
which he recovered nicely. He ex
pects to return home in a few days.
Alonz Waldorf while working on a
building at Glenmorey last week, met
wrtn an accident in wnicn ne was
Severely hurt and is now under the
tare of Dr. Mount of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave OTonnel of Bux
ton are visiting Mr. 0DonneI's sis
ter, Mrs. Nellie Holt for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Weidman was the
. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Waldorf on
Miss Gladys Yates gave a birthday
dinner at her home In honor of George
Enrich and Mr. and Mrs. Olsen of
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Emmott has been quite ill th
past week but is reported belter.
The revival meetings at the M. E.
tburch are getting along nicely, and
"will be continued another week. It
Is hoped there will be as many attend
as can possibly come during the last
Louis Worthington while working
at the Oswego pipe foundry cut hia
foot badly on Monday and will not
be able to work for awhile.
The Laides'' Aid will give a silver
tea at the home of Mrs. A. C. Good
on Thursday afternoon, February 17.
New Buildings to
Go up to Oak Grove
OAK GROVE. Feb. 15. C. H. Ben
nett has disposed of his lot on the
river road to Gordon Skoog.
The little daughter of C. P. Sendell,
who has been suffering with tonsilitis,
improving rapidly. -1
Mrs. V. G. Benvie, past department
president of Ladies of G. A. R-, was
a guest at a dinner given by Winslow
Meade circle Monday in Portland.
The meeting of the Social Service
Club last Thursday was well attended
at which time an interesting program
was rendered after the regular busi
ness. It is expected the contract wiU
soon be let for a new building on the
old sight of the one recently destroyed
by fire.
The four-month old daughter of Rev.
and Mrs. DeLong, of Morrow, Oregon,
formerly of Oak Grove, passed away
Sunday and the remains were brought
here for burial and the funeral was
held Tuesday at 1:30 P. M. from the
church. Sympathy of their friends
is extended to Mr. and Mrs. DeLong.
Mrs. R. R. Davenport and daughter,
Jacklyn visited friends in Portland j
The neighborhood jollies and
friends met with; -Mr. and Mrs. J.
Fahey Monday evening. Cards and
music were enjoyed. Refreshments
were served.
- A. D. Buey returned from Eugene
Tuesday after an absence of a week.
On returning from a funeral the rear
of the auto carrying the pall bearers
was hit by a street car at the Oak
Grove station. The driver of the ma
chine thought he could cross the tract
before the aproaching tram reached
the crossing but the rear" of the auto
was jammed, the license being knock
ed off. No one hurt.
ored ones. Mr. and Mrs. Cook came
west on their honeymoon and have re
sided at Jennings Lodge almost all cf
that time. Those extending congratu
lations were Messrs and Mesdames i
Ross, Ben Losy, Fred Wilson, Geo.
Pooler, George Card, Hugh Roberts,
George and Lola Ross, Flpence, Har
ry, Wilson, , Lorraine Pooler.
.Mesdames Moore, Aitman ana jviac-i SANDV, Feb. 14. There was a
Donald journeyed to Salem on Thurs-1 meeting held here Monday to Interest
day night, in Interest of the county I farmers in the big movement known
superintendents salary increase. I as the Farm Bureau Association which
Mr. Minman, a former resident pass- was attended by about fifty farmers
ed through here on Wednesday en-1 and addressed by Calvin . Ingallsi of
MRS. J. M. C. MILLER Correspondent
Farm Bureau Has
Meeting at Sandy
route to his home in Aurora, from
Portland. v
Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck, spent Wea
nesdav in Vancouver.
Corvallis, the state organizer. Ed
Hart, who Is a local captain in the
movement presided. Mr. Ingalls
handled his subject well setting fortn
in nlain Enellsh tVio nnpria of nrcnnl.
A splendid meeting of the Parent-1 t, - farTT1API1 tna hanrit .
Teachers was held on Friday after- K derlved there from. With almost
noon or iasi wee, mra. veorge ww- tw million members in the first year
ner, presided. A committee was ap- n. Wa wtn fhla TO,
pointed to interview the school board out.strlp older or&anizatlona of
to try to have a motion picture play the country for -t nas evidently
2LL I lit? BCilUUl iwice II1UU L1I. UU1
share of proceeds to be used for play
ground apparatus. Mrs. Booth, Mrs.
Tillman and Mrs. John Roberts will
act on this committee. Some plans
of planting a rose hedge will also be
laid before the custodians of the.
school grounds. An open meeting on
i i . . . . . . , i . i . i
lue eviiing oi Marco lua to wiiu. i" ered a neessity to
tamers wu db Diaaen was announceu.
Masquerade Is Given
by Sandy Rebekahs
SANDY, Feb. 14. The big masquer
ade given here Saturday' night b7 the
committee of the Rebekah lodge was
a most enjoyable affair and the many
Ingenious costumes were worthy of
the admiration they received by the
large crowd of on-18tkers. The hall
was full, and the dancers were crowd
ed at times on the floor but everyone
was happy and the spirit of "on with
the dance, let joy be unconfined", pre
vailed till three o'clock in the morn
ing. Supper was served at the eat
ing places, also a few had guests at
home for the mid-night feast. The
prize winners were, first ladies' prize,
Mrs. John Mitchell who represented
a valentine, and was verv daintilv
costumed. Little Richard Slaronay
(only nine) won the first "gent's
prize. He was dresed-as an Indian
New Club Organized
at Jennings Lodge
Friday evening, February 11 a meet
ing was held at school house and
plans made to re-organize the Jen
nings Lodge Community Club. The
Constitution and by laws of the former
organization were adopted and the ob
ject of the Club wil be for civic im
provement of the social and commer
cial life of the thriving communities
which are in the boundaries of this
school districts. The list of officers
for ensuing year are composed of well
known people each representing one
of the several comunities; in the dis
trict and are as follows. Mr. Charles
Meldrum, president; Edwin Pieron,
vice president, of Meldrum; Fred B.
Madison, secretary; from Hull Ave.;
Mrs. A. Robbins, assitant secretary of
Jennings , Lodge and Mrs. R. Thomp
son of Ashdale, as treasurer.
A membership committee composed
of J. A. Johnson, A. W. Meyers, C. C
Hoje, Henry Babler, Mrs. R. Thomp
son and W. I. Blinestone, were chosen.
A program committee composed ot
Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck and Bertha Si.
Hart and Mr. Pierson will look after
this social life of the club for thret
The next regular meeting will be
held at the school house on the eve
ning of February 23rd at 8 o'clock.
Mr. and Mra. Otis Fitzwater of Mal
loy were week end visitors at the
home of their aunt, Mrs. R. F. Deter.
Mr. R. F. Deter made a business
trip to Alpine near Corvallis on Sun
day. The 20th wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. William Cook was pret
tily observed on Wednesday evening
b flasit week when a surprise was plan
ned for them, by their daughter.-
Games and music as the features of
the evning and a two course luncheon
was served to twenty-one who en
circled the table.
A number ot verses composed for
the anniversary event was written by
an old "time friend and read by Mrs.
George Pooler, both Mr. and Sirs.
Cook responding. Some very pretty
pieces of china were given to the hon-
come to stay, starting out on such
solid food for it's nourishment! Five
dollars Is the price for membership
In Clackamas. Each- county decides
on It s own membership fee. In places chief, all of his "togs" being perfectly
in Idaho it is twenty-five dollars. One appointed and his demeanor was that
dollar goes for a subscription to the of the Red Man's dignity. Then there
Farm Bureau paper, which is consid-lwere Lulu Arthur and Bert Cline of
every member. I Greaham who -carired off the second
HSft-e ronra fry rho national fnnn thai hnnnrg UTra A rthiiT- Bnj -T '
The program and entertainment com- 8ame tQ tne state fund and tQe rest -Pa and 'pinkerton" would make
is kept In the county. a fine hit on any stage in the city.
An exchange man located in each so perfectly was their make ud as an
county will handle all products for I old farm couple, and their characters
farmera, and thereby cut out the mid- were perefctly sustained throughout.
dleman's commission. Ingalls, who I But as the judges said, so many de
calls himself "an honest to God dirt served the prizes it was hard to de-
farmer" calls the commission brokers I cide who should have the honors. The
blood suckers", and how to save his I gold dust twins surely deserved prizes.
price of forty cents ' on potatoes for they, too would make a fine "show"
handling at the present time! But at vaudeville especially if they 'had
he insisted the farmers must be "hog I learned some fancy dancing "stunts",
tie" in order to make them stick tt-1 Altogether it was a fine time, and
gether,' saying th4 Dairymen's preparation developed the ingenuitv
Portland visited on Friday with Ruth League troubles would soon send li I of the masqueraders. Nearly all de-
Cook. I it'B own members would quit com- serve special mention for original cre-
The first Wednesday in February Plaining! He showed how the farmer fation of costumes.
the Grace Guild was entertained at wlu rau Ior tne sllcK-tonguea com- one cannot help wondering if Geo.
the home of Mrs. Henry Babler . The Mission orator, but how he won't be Ten Eyck is still wearing those dainty
devotion hour was in charge of Mrs. good to himself unless tied up so he pink rompers: and carrying his nurs-
nas to. jacKson county nas gone iu ing Dottle around:
per cent for the bureau. A solicitor Sam Jordon of Portland added to
will be out here next week to get mem- the pleasure of the crowd greatly by
berships. There will be twenty at singing several songs while the or-
work in the county,- and really the che3tra played. Mr. Jordon is a pro-
mittee compoesd of Mra. E. Pierson,
Hugh Roberts, C. C. Hole and Arthur
Smith will perfect the plans for the
affair. The association heartily rec
ommended to the Clackamas delega
tion an increase in the County School
superintendents salary.
The 30 mothersi present each tak
ing part in a round table discussion
was a very helpful way of solving
some of- our every day problems.
The Misse Nellie and Elsie Betz,
Rudolph Zellar and H. E. Kuehn, of
Kennedy. At the social time Mrs.
Murphy gave an interesting story of
her experiences in Southern Africa.
Mrs. Grout favored with a solo and
the ladies' quarette, which is compos
ed of Mesdames Ford, Moritz, Jones I Plan looks so feasible according to fessional singer and has a delightfully
Phones: Sell wood 597, Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr.
East Side Mill & Lumber Company
Manufacturers an dDealers In
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings
Mill Foot of Spkane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON
and Smith, rendered a pleasing selec
tion. The proceeds of the delicious
tea will go to the misisohary cause.
Sirs. Caroline Waterhouse being the
misisonary treasurer. The enjoying
Mrs. Babler"s hospitality were, Sles
dames Murphy, Snider, Deter, Moritz,
Woodbeck, Pierson, Finch, Water-
house, Cook, A. B. Smith, Roberts,
Ullabrand, Truscott, Grout, Griffith,
Kennedy, Sladden, Booth, Ford, Jones,
Kitchen, Tagley, Hole and Rev.
Snider. "
Mr. and Mrs. Fincn--entertained a
group of friends at dinner on, Thurs
day evening. Covers were laid for
Ms. William Patterson and Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Finch of Alpha, Iowa, arriv
ed in Portland on Saturday morning
for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs.
Finch have two sons in Portland and
will visit with Sir. and Mrs. Theron
Finch of this place.
Arthur Roberts has leased the Harry
Hampton house on the river for one
year and took possesion on Saturday
The .Valentine social given under
the -auspices of the Sunday school,
was a decided success. The contests
and games were entered into with
zest and the 200 or more present had a
splendid time. In the doughnut con
test Rev. A. B. Snider came out vic
torious. Mr. Jones and MIs.s Ken
nedy chatting with over 100 secured a
prize of Valentines. Mrs. Woodbeck
a consolation prize,
those who have studied it that it will pleasing voice. Me was gowned as w
be a big thing for the development "She", and made a big "hit" all eve-
of farm finances to get a strong local I ning.
bureau started here,
Berry Production
SANDY, Feb. 11. A farewell party
"Plot a Arp rn frill" tnat was a "really" surprise was given
SANDY, Feb. 14. The Saturday ses
sion of the Grange was an enjoyable
affair, a large attendance for such a
stormy day, and about fifty dispatch-
house Feb. 22, in honor of the great
father of his country.
'"SANDY. Feb. 15. There is a bi
Grange program staged at Orient on
Saturday (the 19th) and were it not
not for the roads; no doubts a number
would attend from the Sandy Grange
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perrett and
family spent Sunday afternoon witlt
Sirs. Ferret's father, Anton Kligel of
Kelso. Mr. and Sirs. Perrett also
spent Monday aftenoon and evening
with Mr. and Sirs. Fred Suckow, hav
ing supper at the Suckow home, enjoy
ing music, and having a pleasant time
in every way.
Mr. and Mrst J. SI. C. Sliller enjoyed
having Sir. and Sirs. C. D. Purcell and
Sirs. George Perrett and little ones
for the Sunday evening meal. Mrs
Purcell played artistically.
There will be a nice program next
Sunday night, the evening of song
will be a mixed one. Including the
singing of more selections of old-time
ballads, and there will be violin music
by George Beers. Mra. Perrett will be
the organist of the evening. A large
attendance is expected,
Sirs. Dora Dahrens is out from Port
land visiting her son's Adolph, Gus
and their families while nursing a
sore finger that was distressingly an
noying while trying to sew. Sirs. Da
hrens will remain a week or so.
Roy Lilly has gone to Forest Grove
where - he is emplayed on the farm
of his uncle.
F. W. Fantunn was in Sandy a few
days ago from over on the "Butte".
Sliss Slarguerite Klein has gone to
her home at Lebam, Wash., where she
will no doubt be entertained and re
ceive many social favors froms and
relatives. Miss Klein left last Mon
day and will not return for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson and fam
ily and Mrs. Hennessey, and Mr. Alli
son were all day visitors at the home
of Sirs. Hannah Nelson and sons last
Sunday. ' A pleasant time was enjoy
ed especially at the dinner table.
Don Allen, the genial store keeper
at Bull Run was in Sandy a few days
Otto Sleinig made a business trip to
Portland during the week, jumping the
mud holes gracefully with his car.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Loundree were up
to the Sandy Lumber Co., mill one day
last week.
After a three weeks stay at Bright-
wood Mrs. E. Beers and daugther, Mra.
Harris are back again.
The bride and groom, Sir. and Mrs.
Kellier, were down at the Grange ses
sion Saturday and received many con
Alton Phelps was over from Bull
Run during the week, and reported
that the baby of Mr. and Mrs. John
Phelps formerly of Sandy had it's arm
broken from a fall,
Sirs. Tom Hagan returned last week
ed the good dinner and felt the better J friends who brought in a fine display
for it. Four new applications for mem- of good things for refreshments such
bership were handed in and two can-1 as stuffed dates, cake, cookies,- etc.
didates, Mr. and Mrs...G. A. Rlckert ot Mr. Knighton slipped up town and got
Pleasant Home were iniatited in the a plentiful quantity of ice-cream so
first two degrees. During the lecture they all feasted and made merry for
hour there was a short program, but a "long time." Those present were
on Sir.
wek, .Mr. Knighton saying hex never
was so completely surprised by the from a several days stay in Portland.
'Efuu'a ueiuie. iiairs were f Warrt r.n of TTarrv Ward, has
packed up already, but the neighbors been visitmg his uncles, J. G. and Joe
had plenty! Not to be out done by the Ci,0,, tna nQa woV - tw whirt
it wasi a good one: Singing "Old Black
Joe", and "Slassa". Recitation, Tony
Perrett: Recitation Zelma Allen; Two
duets were sung by Miss Selby ana
Caroline Cohwn, Miss Chown at the
piano. The question o itakmg steps
to see if this end of the county would"
consider planting berries in sufficient
quantity to market, with the idea of I Johnson.
working up to the point of establish
ing a cannery here was discussed at
length by A. C. Thomas, J. M. C. Sli
ler, Mr. Hanneberg and J. G. De
Mr. and Sirs. August Senske, Mrs
Burmeister and Edward, Miss Slixter
arid Miss Vera Slixter, Mrs. Lillian
Ten Eyck, Sir. and Mrs. Joe Lilly,
Slabel Lilly, Nelliei Harvison, Mrs1.
Slitchell, Sirs. Gldckner Sr., and Mrs.
Alma Slaronay and son Richard ani
Sir. and Mrs. Knighton and Orville
Knows", had a booth in one nook, who
told fortunes. Sirs. Moritz presided
at a candy booth which disposed ot
oAWLx, -eD. lb. There was a
meeting of the Sandy volunteer fire
That the first step will he to secure 1 department here Monday night, chief
a receiving siauon nere was agreed wenry ferret presiding. A consu-
A Woman Who Dy a11' and some Jhought that would tution and by-laws were adopted, and
be sufficient ofr some yeara to come, various appointments made. Fred
A. C. Thomas said "this is a period Proctor was chosen as secretary, Slay
of organization" and nothing can sue-1 or Junker treasurer, assistant fire
the delicious home made candy. Forty. ceed lD tehSS d&yS without iron-cla,i chief, Paul Sleinig; fire marshall, Joe
seven dollars were realized which will
be used to purchase song boks. Mrs.
A. F. Russell proved a splendid auc-l
tioner in disposing of the baskets. A
jolly good time was had by all.
contracts and the tieing- up of pro- I Loundree, foreman, C. H. Piatt, assist
ducers so they cannot get loose. The I ant foreman, R. S. Smith, auditing
Gresham cannery, it was said. Is one. committee, R, E. Esson, Sir. Dittert
of a chain of canneries, and last sum-1 and Paul Sleinig. Grievance commit-
mer it established a receiving station tee, Cecil Duke, Jack Burnett and C
Rev. A. B. Snider is holding evang- s'o ureen, o an wno nave auy sur- n. jriatt. wosemen ana otner workers
listic services in Portland and on Sun- plus lrult 13 P81 lo marnei una were aiso appointed, ana a prize oi
day Floyd E. Dorris spoke on the! B lepori, iu uw uiauss iwo ao.iars ana a nan is onerea 10 uie
Near East Relief. He told of the OI" l 1 B L,evelPmenl ague tnat
niitrnt nf r-nino n. 97 rcn ,oQ some Idea of the amount of market-
j.-..s... -v y , .v. ... . U
auie iruiL m mis section can ue esti
mated; also any one planting new
acreage of logan or other berries.
please report to the Sandy correspond
ent and a record o tfhe same will be
After interesting Calks on other
fering raised. J. J. Handsaker being
the State's director of this relief. A
special feature was. the singing of
Harry Sladen, one of our Clackamas
county boys, whose musical ability
predicts a bright future for him.
Miss Adah Rush conducter the
Christian Endeavor prayer meeting on
first party getting the engine out with
a car In case of fire. This organiza
tion is a fine thing for the town.
is the first time Mr. Ward has been
at Sandy for about ten years. He has
lived in California until recently.
Sirs. J. C. Duke went to Portland for
a couple of day's visit over the week
Rev. Earl Cotton i3 riding arounc
in his own Ford. It is a very great
convenience. Sir. Cotton had dinner
with Sir. and Sirs. George Perrett Sat
urday, when he came up for his car.
Sirs. Slyra Hoernicke came in on
the Friday stage last week for a few
days visit with the Reed's and other
folks and everybody was glad to see
"Roselawn" is said to be the name
of the Loundree place since Mrs. Loun
dree has been planting the best selec
tion of roses in her "court."
Mr. and Sirs. Lex Schmitz came out
from Linnton to make merry with the
masqueraders last Saturday night, and
also to visit the home folks.
George Wolfe, writes that he feels
about the same. He and Sirs. Wolfe
are still at The Dalles.
Sirs. Fred Suckow went into Port
land last Friday to stay until Sunda
with her father Albert Spallinger who
is very ill.
Carl Aschoff is recovering as fast
as could be expected from his severe
otfoAir rt oloonirnr Ri'rknpas according
to renort. He is still with the Bram-i?w3 of the Big" Type Poland-China
hall's at Troutdale
ULUCt Uajr O.HL1 ' ""1KB IiO HltLj g(J IU
Eastern Oregon right away to buy
another team. , '
An effort is being made to arouse
interest in the opening of the Tapp
road, wihch would open another road
way between Sandy and Cherryville
and shorten the distance, it is claimed
for residents in the Badger creek sec
tion who have to go out of the way
several miles to get to Sandy.
The Jerger boys, Anton and Louis
have quit farming and are going to
the Slolalla country to go to logging.
Anton bought a new tryck in Portland
and expects to make big wages, hav
ing promise of work for the "next
seven years" according to report.
Louis will also buy a truck, but will
work for another company in Molalla.
The Jerger farm will be rented, but
Mrs. Jerger will remain in the house. .
The dairy industry lost a good asset
in the Jerger brothers.
Henry Perret sold a second hand
Ford to Glenn and Carl Loundree a
few days ago. ,
Earl Child from Vancouver barracks
was a recent visitor at the home of
his parents, Sir. and Sirs. W. E. Child
of Boring. .
The sympathy of the Boring ana
ether near communities, are. with Mr.
and Sirs. O. SI. Richey who lost thei
son, Virgil, and whosefuneral exor
cises was held from the Boring Metho
dist church recently. On March 22
Virgil would have been eight eyars
old. This is the second son Mr. and
Mrs. Richey have lost with the
measles In the past few weeks.
Mr. and Sirs. Child of Boring was
recently called to Portland to the bed
side of Mr. Child's father, who was
very ill.
The funeral of John Fansher an old
pioneer of Powell Valley was held at
Gresham last Wednesday. Mr. Fan
sher was a distant relative of Mrs.
George Beers.
His many friends will regret to hear
of the accident at the Willamette
Steel works which crushed "Ern"
Leaf's leg. He is well known all
around here.
George Scharnke, eldest son of Mr.
and Sirs. Carl Scharnke has returned
to Hood River after ' a three week's
vis-it here with the home folks. George
is employed in a stationery store of
Hood River.
Sir,, and Mrs. A. E. Collier of St.
Helens have arrived here and are get
ting settled in the Scales house. Mr.
Collier is the resident engineer of the
Mt. Hood Loop. Mr. and Mrs. Ruasell '
of Portland, assitants to Mr. Collier
and Mrs. Russell are living in upstairs
rooms of Mr. and Mrs. Loundree. .
The Junkers,' Scharnke's and Dit-
terts' received New Year's cards from
SliS3 Virginia MceKnzie, former San
dy high school teacher, recently. Miss
McKenzie is a missionary for the Con
gregational church and is located at
Baiku, Jo Gakium Shimoneseki, Japan.
Mrs. George Perrett was the effi
cient organist at the M. E. church on
Sunday night.
"Touring" cars have not really been
sure of touring on the bluff road the
past two weeks. .
There is a live basket ball team
composed of young men around Pleas
ant Home and Orient, under the man
aiement of "Walkle" Proctor. They
recently played the Bull Run team
and were "worsted", Bull Run winning
14 to 7. Last Friday they played a
team from the Allen and Lewis Co.
of Portland, but the score being for
the latter 28 against 22.
Rev. Mr. Cotton has been conducting
services at Fairview for the past two
weeks and may continue another
week. Children's daily meetings are
held daily, also, at four o'clock.
Sirs. E. Beers went to Portland the
first of the week to visit her daugh
ter Mrs. Lex Schmitz and other rela
tives for a few days.
Sirs. EvaJ Davis and son Robert
were guests or Mr .and Mrs. John
Slaronay over " the week end. Mrs.
Davis is a sister of Mr. Maronay, al
so of George Slaronay, and her home
is at Albany.
George Slaronay was- in Portland
for a few days last week, returning;
with his sister, Mrs. Davis.
William Jocelyn stopped in to sub
scribe for the Enterprise Monday and
ncidentally told of hisi recent trip to
Salem where he purchased four fine
Perfect Funeral Service
Telephone Mam 9
Montgomery and Fifth
First State BanMliwaukie
Conducts a General Banking Business
4 per cent interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
Sunday evening these meeting are be
ing well attended.
On Febuary 13th the nearest Sunday
to the anniversary of Abraham Lin
coln's birth it was prettily observed in
the Sabbath School with the two-fold
Emancipation program. Sirs. B. SI.
Hart as leader, all the classes taking
part in the splendid program.
Mr. C. C. Hole has purchased a new
Ford car.
Much new building is going on. A
new home on the County road has
been commenced, and we understand
three new homes in the vicinity of
Hull Avenue are to be built by Ore
gon City people. .
Sir.' Smith has purchaeed a tract
from Mr. Jennings and he too will
erect a new house soon.
Sir. and Sirs. Alden Kelly of Port
land visited with Sirs. A. Barker on
Sunday. Sir. Barker's health is very
much improved and will soon be able
to return to his home.
Sirs. George Maple entertained
with a prettily apopinted luncheon on
Tuesday at her apartments on Grand
Ave. Covers wer laid for Sirs. Jennie
Butts, Mrs. Bess Maple, Mrs. Delia
Roberts, Sirs. Carrie Finch. Sirs. Ruth
Elkins and Sirs. Lena Roberts. The
afternoon was devoted to needlework.
Mr. Atjchley who went to Ohio sev
eral months ago to be with his father
who was ill, has been suffering with
an atack of rheumatism and may re
turn to Oregon In March.
Sir. and Sirs. C. R. Hohoway enter,
tained with a handsomely appointed
dinner on Valentine's day, in hon
or of their father Sir. Holloway's birth
day anniversary. Covers were laid
for twelve. ,
SANDY, Feb. 15. Sandy keeps on
the move regardless.- The present
week there are three transflers .of
lines a valentine box was brought out proprty to report, the most important
and numbers of pretty mesages from I of w-hich is the sale of three and one
the "Saint" were distributed, Mrs. A. half acres just north of the Catholic
C. Thomas having the forethought to church to John Sleret of Gresham by
add this pleasant addition to the ses- Frank Beers. Mr. Sleret intends to
sion. Sliss. Ruby'Myers, also added to Put up a fine modern residence and
the program with a readinir. It is I move into our town. The addition ol
hoped1 that the six candid&tes for such citizens as the Sleret's mean
next session will be on hand for in- much for the up-building of the com-
itiation, and that the officers will all munity.
be present.
SANDY, Feb. 15. The sudden death
of Annie Glockner and grandson of
Another sale was that of the Sig
Knighton home to Jack Burnett who
will move into hi3 new home soon
after the first of the month. The
other sale was that of the L. SI. Wil
son place to Sirs. Strucken who will
of Annie Glockner , and gradnson ot fix it up to move into. Other property
Mr. and Sirs, George Glockner Tuas- exchanges are expected as soon as
day morning was a shocking surprise the weather gets to behaving .better.
to everyone as his illness wasi not
generally known. On Saturday eve- SCHOOL NEWS
ning he was taken sick and his illness
developed into spasmodic croup. Ortel SANDY, Feb. 15. The new teacher
was seven years of age. The funeral at Cherryville is Sliss Gladys Donkel
services will be held on Thursday, f of Portland and she is now taking
and the interment will be in the Sandy ho5d of the school in good shape. Ths
cemetery. The bereaved family haa former teacher had the hard luck to
the sympathy of the entire vicinity. fal1 in a part of the examination work
so could not continue teaching.
ROAD INSPECTED. Dorothy Truble won an honor pin
at school recently in Portland, only
SANDY, Feb. 15. County Commis- two being given in the large class, so
sloners Harris and Proctor and Supt she was pleased to win one for her
Gilbert were out on the bluff and Bull work.
Run roads on an inspection tour last The Boring school waa dismissed
week and planned for repair work to for a week ton account of several cases
begin on the bluff road aa soon as pos- of measles among the children,
sible as it is practically impassible Basket ball in the old Sleinig hall
for heavy traffic. Sir. Gilbert was is the latest amusement for the high
formerly successful road builder for school girls.
Lane Co. and we are lucky to secure Sliss Selby attended Grange on Sat-
his services as Superintendent of road urday and also took her vocal lesson
work in our county but Sir. Gilbert I from Sirs. Purcell.
likes Clackamas and believes it has j According to report the school chii
a future, and that is why he cast his I dren are learning parts for a program
lot with us.. ; which will be given at the school
Sirs. John Mitchell was with her
mother at Gresham all last weey who
was quite iU with pneumonia.
W. A. Proctor, county comissionei
went ti Salem the fore part of the week
to see what is going on at the Legis
lature, especially in the road program,
no doubt.
The Sandy creamery board electee
F. W. Canning president, Slax Kligel
vice president, H. H. Watkina secre
tary-treasurer ofr the coming year at
tv.oii- romilar meetins: last tTlday. it
is said the Dairymen's- League hope to
take over the creamery before long,
but the patrons hope it will not be
necessary to move this industry from
Cherryville's young stockman, Wal
do Douglas, aged 12, attended Grange
Saturday with his mother, and said
he had been hunting the country over
for one of his young acttle that had
strayed off. Waldo has a herd all his
SIra. Leo Lehnfield was in town
from Wild Cat, for the week end, at
tended the dance as an "Irish Maid'
and disguised herself very well indeed.
Mr. Lehnfield was home from the mill
last wek because of severe cold. .
Another eood sized snow fell Sun
day which is the fourth attempt of old
Man Winter to get his grip on the
situation, and out-wit "Jupe who has
claimed supremacy ever since the first
of September.
Aunt I.na" Sic Gugan came to
this vicinity in 1873 and says she "ha3
never seen the likes of thisi winter
since that time, and so far every pio
neer approached on the subject agrees
this is the worst ever for rain.
C. E. Seward drove his ox team
down, from Welche's a few days ago
and they stepped around lively, ap
pearing uneor-p'Ted about such lit
tle things "as roads and weather.
Sir. "TrMn started to Portland with
a loa-J f wod with his team accord-?-
to n-?:''er.'.ic report, one day last
Slario Boitano sold his horses to a
Corean who Uvea near Gresham the
from Fox and Lowe at the state fair
grounds. Mr. Jocelyn bought a herd
boar from the same type in December,
and may decide to go into the hog
raising industry ' on a larger scale
later on. This blooded strain he
bought is said to be among the best
on the coast.
Jacn Scales has been trying to learn
the veterinary profession the past
week by practicing on an ailing,
bovine. Acocrding to authentic re
port he dosed her with seven pounds
of epsom salts and seven quarts of
linseed oil. Note: The cow is gradual
ly growing worse!
Charley .Krebs lost his best cow a
few days ago, presumably from milk.
Joe Lilly is; stepping high since the
honor" of - being chief of police waa
thrust upon him. But some body has
to look after the interests of this burg.
regardless of the botheration it is to
be an office holder in the small town.
Mr. and Mrsu J. H. L. Slaybee, and
Lloyd of Lents, -Sirs. B. S. Cline and
Sir. and Mrs. C. H. Jackson of Gres
ham and Mrs. Tom Hagan and daugh
ter Thelma were guests of the John
Slaronay's last Saturday night. The
Slaronay's had eighteen there for mid
night supper, all relatives except Mrs. .
Power and Carl Power. The merry
party provided baskets of various good
things to eat and the lunch was serv
ed cafeteria style, everyone having a
delightful lot of fun, then going bark
to the dance. Slarshall Davis was in
the crowd, also, "as. was his sister-in-law
Mrs. Davis from Albany.
A farewell 'stag" party was given
on Carl Langer last week one night
and friends from Tillamook, Firwood
and Sandy ' were present, there being
15 -'male-men" in all! Cards were the
great amusement, interspersied with a
nice lunch, until five o'clock in the
morning. Carl is a perefctly fine fellow-
and will be missed on the ridge.
He has bought a home in Portland:
and Sirs. Truble and the girls will then
be togther. Sirs. Truble came to
Sandy-ridge in 1904 has been a boost-
(Contmned on page 7)