Page 2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 1, 1921. NEWS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTY 1 1 " 1 Correspondence From All Over the County Tellini of Improvements and Local Happenings During The Past Week Your Sufescripton Will Receive Prompt Attention. Minstrel Show on Boards at Dodge (DODGE, Feb. 7. Don't forget the program and basket social at the Dodge schoolhouse on Saturday eve ning, February 12th. A fine program will be-given, including a darkey play and minstrel show to be given by a number of the young men of Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keller spent Sunday with the W. T. Kaake family. W. T. Kaake and Clarence Jubb made a trip to Oregon City Saturday. David Horner took dinner Sunday with Mr. and MrSf S. N. Kiglore of Springwater. ; A number of young! people spent Sunday evening- at the Fred Horner home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Marrs visited at the Finster home on Sunday. Gertrude Finster has been quite ill with rheumatism. She has been un able to attend school for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Myers, are rejoic ing over the arrival of a little grand daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis. Mr. Davis works for the Park Lumber Co. About three inches of snow fell here on Friday night. Roy Jones has bought the small mill belonging to the Kaake & Jubb Lunu ber Co., and is putting it up on the E. Lacey place. He intends to saw ties Ladies bring baskets and gentle men bring a "big fat parse" and come and enjoy the minstrel show Saturday evening. Franz Kraxberger to Return to America MACKSBURG, Febuary 9. Again the American's month has come. How ever stupendous may have been the events of the other months in the year. February must always siana conspicuous as being the natal month of our two greatest countrymen. Could "Washington, who freed us from a foreign yoke and Lincoln, who purged our country from slavery while saving our Union from disrup tion but look upon us today and re view the achievements made since the Spring- of 1917. Could they know that to their country belongs the grat itude of the world not only for ending the greatest war that history records but for being first in a charity as colossal in proportion as, was the war itself. Franz Kraxberger has written from his native town in Austria that he has bought an estate in that country but is to continue living in his Macksburg home, to which he will return In a few weeks. The Mothers Club let to hold its regular fortnightly session on the atfernoon of Thursday, February 10. Clackamas Rifle. Range to be Busy , CLACKAMAS, Feb. 9. The Chris tian Endeavor social Friday evening was a decided success, more than thirty-one dollars being taken in for the furnace fund. M. V. Cavendar who was painfully In jured in stepping off the train at Brooklyn last Thursday evening is able to be about his work again. . A car load of mulesi was received at the Clackamas rifie range February 7, for the machine gun squad. It is rumored that the range will be a busy place the coming summer. Miss Florence Sarchet, Miss Mildren Paulsen, Miss Wilma Kneeland and Mrs. M. V. Cavender will represent the Clackamas Christian Endeavor at the convention to be held at Corvallis the last of this week. . Miss Hazel Brower spent the week end with her sister at St. Johns. Mrs. Fred Probst is recovering from a short illness. Mrs. Ida Baker, of Spokane, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Lena Hornberger. George Notes GEORGE, Feb. 7. C. Klinker and Charles Rendleman were transacting business in Portland last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horger, of Eugene are visiting the latter's mother Mrs. Marie Klinker, of George, this week. Mrs. F. Ochs visited Mrs. Louis Weisenfluh last Tuesday and . Wed nesday. Otto Stulke of Barton, Mr. ana Mrs. Snyder and son, Robert, of Es- tacada and Ed Harders and mother visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harders lasi Sunday. Mrs. Henry Reimer wasi taken to St. "Vincent hospital at Portland the first part of last week where she underwent an operation for appendi citis. Her friends are glad to hear that she is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harders, accom panied by their sisiter, Mrs. R. Sny der, of Estacada, motored to Mulino last Thursday where they visited Mn. Snyder's and Mrs. Harder'e sister, Mrs. John Bounds,. Ed Harders, Carl Lins, Henry Smith, Adolph Miller, Chris Klinker, Ted Harders and Charles Rendleman were transacting business in Oregon City last Friday. I Lad Hill Club to - Celebrate Birthday LAD HILL, Feb. 8. Mrs. S. T. Ed minston spent several days last week in ' Salem visiting her daughter, Mrs. Kent Kraps. There will be a hard time dance at the club house Saturday, February 12. George St. Clair was a Portland vis itor last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ives, EL StruvS and family and Archie McCulley were invited to eat China New Year's din ner with ee Me Gin's Sunday. Mrs. C. C. Loucks went to Portland Saturday to do some, shopping and returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Parrott drove to Wilsonville Friday to bring home some new furniture that had . been shipped from Portland. Mrs. Nellie McCulley, has been vis iting her brother, Jack Smjth, went to Portland Friday to visit friends. The masquerade that was announc ed for February 22 has, been postponed until Saturday February 26. Six prizes will be given. There will also be a birthday cake auctioned off, 'it being the sixth anniversary of the Club House. Willamette "Woman's club last Tues day afternoon. A social time was en joyed and refreshments were served. J. W." Howard, of Salem, formerly a resident of Willamette was in town Monday visiting friends. Marshal Leisman, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Leisman, was very ill last Thursday and Dr. Frank Mount was, called. Medowbrook News MEADOWBROOK, Feb. 8. Roy Sul livan and Christina Spears of Jeffer son, who we're recently married were given a serenade Wednesday and Thursday evenings by different crowds. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hofstetter of l g.uest of ner husband's mother, Mrs. Willamette News WILLAMETTE, Feb." 9. Mrs. Paul Muck, of Gladstone, visited her moth er, Mm E. J. Pooler, and sisiter, Mrs E. Sproule, on Friday of last week. Lloyd Mathers left last Tuesda? evening for Idaho whee he expects to visit for several months. Salem spent a few days "of last week visiting .with the former's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hofstetter. Ben Chin?gren spent Sunday visit ing in Portland. -Dr. Todd of Molalla was called Thursday to see the Goodrow baby which has been quite sick. The Progressive Rook Club was en tertained at the A." Li- Larkins home Thursday evening. Mrs. J. Coover is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Harper, who is quite sick. W. Hanklns and H. W. Fife made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. Ruth Chindgren spent Sunday at Colton visiting friends. Roy Sullivan is. quite sick at his home and his daughter Eva, was call ed home from Mill City, Mrs. Rae, who has been visiting her brother J. Coover and family left for Portland Thursday where she expects to visit awhile before going back East, Walter Douglass, accompanied b7 his brother, Will, made a business visit to Portland one day last week. A short time ago - a Weary Wllie asked for a cup of coffee or tea at every other "house along the road. Hope he got enough. Will Bell was the dinner guest of Miss Bina Douglass on Sunday. Roy Douglass recently bought nine head of fine Hereford cattle. Will Palmateer, of Morgan, was a guest at the home of R. B. Gibson Sunday. Mrs. Walter Douglass was visiting: with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Dims, the other day. Miss Anna Flynn spent the week end in Portland. - Mrs. Lela Hoffmeister was the Clarkes News A baby boy, which the parents have 'gunday. CLARKES, Feb. 9. Sam Elmer is very ill with pneumonia, we wish him a speedy recovery. William Moehnke and family were in Oregon City over Saturday and named Lester Eugene, arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bradley February 1. Mrs. Maggie Fredericl spent Wed nesday afternoon in Oregon City as the guest of Mrs. E. T. Mass. Moehnke Bros, are logging with the donkey engine. Claude Bottemiller and Carl Bucche were in Portland last week. W. H. Bottemiller and family atten ed the funeral of his mother form Mil- The Parent-Teachers meeting heifi . waukle last Wednesday. Arthur Hornshuh purchased a new Overland car last week. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ralph of Portland died last Thursday and wasi buried in Clarkes cemetery on Saturday. Eagle Creek Briefs on February 2 was well attended. On this occasion the teachers entertain ed the parents and a social time was j enjoyed after the business meeting. 1 Refreshments were served. The movie which was to be held on Febru-' ary 2 was postponed for one week. j Mr. Carlson has returned from Long Beach, Calif., where he has been visit-! ing his brother for several weekst He reports the climate to be ideal for j EAGLE CREEK, Feb. 9. Ed. Chap this time of the year. man, of Pendleton, Pilot Rock and .Mrs. W. T. Hoffman, of Indepen- Butter Creek, is the guest of relatives dence, is visiting her mother, Mrs. 3. ' down this way. Mr. Chapman is, a F. Baker.' She and her sister, Gladys , brother of Mrs. R. B. Gibson. Baker are planning many trips to j Mr. - Hayden has finished hauling Portland to hear the Grand opera next the hewed ties to Cedar Brook. week, and also the recitals of Paul j E. Naylor has two more fine Ayr Althouse, Anna Case and Joseph Hoff-1 shire cows to supply him with milk man. I and cream. One of them he milks Mrs. Charles Ridder entertained the : three times a flay. Fred Hoffmeister, last Friday. Percy Murphey has been busy saw ing wood for his neighbors and him self. Roy Douglass was blasting stumps one day last week and his four-year-old daughter, Reva. was talking over the phone to a neighbor lady and was telling her a'l about the stumps flying into the air and coming down again. The lady asked her why they didn't stay up in the air and she said tbey were too slick. Mrs. R. B. Gibson walked over to Mrs. Katie Douglass' the other day and took dinner with her. Mrs. Nora Reid and Mr. and Mrs Theodore Reid, Guy Wilcox, and fam ily come to H. S.. Gibson's on Ground hog day, bringing some good things, to eat with them, it being H. S.'s birth day. He was surprised but enjoyed their visit, also the dinner. Ed. Chap man, Mrs. Viola Douglas and Miss Bina Douglass also took dinner with them. Dick Gibson, accompanied by H. S. Gibson and Henry Udell, made a busi ness trip to Oregon City Saturday. Mr. D. Gibson was late returning home and as he was drawing a bucket of water his $3.50 pipe fell into the well, but it floated, so ho easily re covered it, Mrs. R. B- Gibson recently received news that she had a new nepnew, who resides in Portland, at 612 Glen- wood Avenue, the son of Mr. and Mrs Samuel J. Eddy, born January 18, 1921. Jesse Douglass was down from Eatern Oregon last week 'on a busi ness visit! Mr. and Mrs. C. Murphy drove to Eagle Creek on Monday to do some trading at the store. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Naylor were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass last Wednesday evening. On that very damp day Roy Doug lass was very busy piling saws for his wood-saws, filing one, then trying it then filing another until he got them to work to his, satisfaction. Mr. R. Hunger is working for Homer Glover. Tommy McKay, who is working in Portland, was home recently visiting with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McKay. Henry Udell sold two pigs and a pup to T. C. McKay last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Parks were up 1 BREEZY JBRIEFS FROM MOLALLA Interesting News Items Taken From The Pioneer Tom Reynolds was a Portland vis itor Monday. Mrs. Ida Judd was an Oregon City visitor last Monday. Mrs. E. L. Worley was a Portland visitor last Monday. J. T. Edgerton sprained his heel bone wihle jumping on to his truck. Lea Howland1 fractured his ankle last Saturday. Mr?. Ed. Bowman spent a few days visiting frieirds in Scotts Mill return ing home Monday. T. G. Worth had the misfortune to sprai4 his right arm last Friday while cranking his truck. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Knapp were in Portland last Monday buying their spring stock of goods. Mrs. Deardorff and Eli Deardorff were Oregon City visitors last Tues day. Rev. J. R. Benton of Marquam was in Molalla Tuesday. He had a bal abcess ahd was consulting the local doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Park were in Portland last Friday and Saturday. W. W. Everhart was ia Portland Tuesday on business. Russel Hume is visiting in Molalla for several weeks doing tho "hired girl stunt'! during his mother's, illness. Drs. Todd . and Hume operated on Mrs. F. E. JIume last Sunday at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland, for appendicites. Henning Klang had a finger am putated last Tuesday by Drs. Todd & Hume. He had it badly crushed while working for Hult's. Mr. and Mrs. J. H- Vernon and daughter Thelma. and Mr. and Mrs. George Casta motored) to Bellview las. Saturday where they attended the funeral of their brother-in-law H. C. Branson. Mr. and Mrs. Everman Robbins leave the last of the week for Marsii field where they will attend the State Merchants association meet ing. Mr. Robbins is one of the of ficers. Drs. Todd and Hume removed the steel plate from the leg of Lester Evon last Thursday. It became nec essary to put the plate on , to make the bone mend, . when it was badly crushed while hauling lumber from South -of Molalla. The Rebekahs are giving a benefit . ball at the auditorium on Saturday, February 12. Odd .fellows and Re bekahs wishing invitations to send their friends can get them at Hen rickson's store. Thompsons Orchest ra will furnish the music. to Dover on Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Udell. Pete's Mountain News PETE'S MOUNTAIN, Feb. 9. It is still raining up here on Pete's Moun tain, but we expect some goocr weather in June.- Mrs. Jos. Bernert spent Wednes day with Mrs. John Kaiser. Mrs. G. Norduft was an Oregon City visitor on Wednesday. Mr. William Kaiser was In Oregon City Saturday. Mrs. Neils Christensen and daugh ter. Miss Ellen, of Mountain Roal, were guests 'of Mrs. J Bernert Sun day afternoon. A jolly crowd of boys gathered at John Hellbergs Tuesday evening to play cards. Quite a number of mountaineers were at the court house Wednesday In regard to road district No. IS, super visor. Our district school teacher, Miss Elsie Fellows, is progressing nicely with her school. Mr. Yoeman was an .Oregon City visitor Wednesday. Frank Kelubrofer has been helping Mr. John Robinson, of Mountain Road, build fence, but, is through nov. Gladstone News R. A. Thayer and M. J. Thomas, of Napavine, Cal., are registered at the Electric. The Gladstone school having pur chased a new projector recently is giving" a picture show every Satur day evening at 7:30, excellent para mount artcraft pictures are shown. Saturday Charles Ray in "Bill Henry" will be shown. Rev. B. F. Clay, of Hillsboro, will preach at the Christian church both morning and evening Sunday. A number of young people attend ed the pre-convention. rally at the East Side Baptist church Friday evening. Chas., Brown and mother, Mrs Brown, of Portland, who formerly resided in Parkplace spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Rivers. Mr., and Mrs. F. Florien, of Seat tie, were In Parkplace looking after property interests. Mrs. K. C. Felth went to Salem Tuesday, where she visited; with Mrs. Keel at the State Hospital, who is much improved and hopes to be removed to her home shortly. Mrs. Wlnnifred Knight, of Port, land, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Edward" Rauch, during the week. The district nurse, Miss Broom field, haa been retained by the board of directors to avoid closing of the school during the month. Mrs. T. S. Townsend, of Portland, visited with Mrs. Tingle Friday. EC CM Lrniuu f 71 rr Dai, M raw u Get together, work together and join in a state and national way. There is only one way to get into the State and National Federation of Farm Bureaus, and that way is through the County Farm Bureau. Every unit must be organized. Have you ever had an opportunity to belong to a farmer organization that had a 'local county body to work through and a state body and a national body? If so, was that body strong in numbers and strong in fniance, so that' it was really capable of getting results? Be serious with yourself now. Is there today such an organization for farmers that is so organized and growing so fast as the Farm Bureau? IT IS WINNING FARMERS LITERALLY BY THOUSANDS Will you be one to join or will you stay out and continue to say that farmers -will not organize? While you are knocking they are organizing as they never have be fore; 120,000 in Iowji now; 102,000 in Illinois, who pay $10 and $15 per year; 90,000 in Michigan. CLACKAMAS COUNTY IS A GOOD COUNTY; AT LEAST CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARMERS SHOULD JOIN DO FARMERS WANT THIS ORGAN IZATION? ABSOLUTELY! There are now approximately 1,500,000 farm families represented in the member ship of the American Farm Bureau Federation. Thirty-five State Farm Bureau Fed erations have grown strong enough in members and money to take -part in the A. F. B. F. Nearly 1500 County Farm Bureaus are now actively carrying on their work. The Farm Bureau is far beyond the experimental stage, in county, state and national work. You do not need to wait for results. They are already being accomplished. Isn't is a sensible, business-like thing for you to join this big, national farm organization? 30 FARM SOLICITORS IN THIS COUNTY Every one of whom is a thorough believer in the Farm Bureau, will come to see you on your own farm the week of February 21 to 26. They will ask you to join with them in this great effort to put all farm folks on an equality with those in other walks of life. THE CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARM BUREAU AND THE OREGON STATE FARM BUREAU have agreed unanimously that the Greater Farm Bureau in county, state and nation is worth $5.00 per year for each family, or it isn't worth anything. And further more, no one is taken for a member for just one year. If it is worth anything it is worth suporting for a period of years. Here Is the Blank You Will Be Asked to Sign: MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARM BUREAU Cooperating with the Oregon Agricultural College, United States Depart ment of Agriculture, Oregon and American Farm Bureau Federation, I hereby apply for membership in the .Clackamas County Farm Bureau in cluding membership in the State and the American Farm Bureau Federations, in consideration of which I promise to pay the sum of $5.00 on the first day of the month following the date of this application and on the first day of Janu ary of each succeeding year. $1.00 per year of this sum is for subscription is to the Clackamas County Farm Bureau News. I hereby authorize Bank of. , Oregon (or such bank as may be handling my account) to charge orders for the above amount to my account when a receipt, signed by the Secretary of the Clackamas County Farm Bureau is presented to said bank during the month following the date payment becomes due. This pledge shall become void in case of my death or removal from the County, or after 1921 upon written request to the Secretary of the Clackamas County Farm Bureau prior to the date payment becomes due. Name P. O. : Datt Solicitor Include my name as a member, of the Pure bred Live- stock Breeders Association.; : County Poultry Asso ciation. o Read it carefully. It is all there. It's right. It's fair and square. By signing it you join a great host of American farm people, who are earnestly and honestly seek ing to solve the farm problems in fundamentally sound ways. WATCH FOR DATES AND PLACES OF PUBLIC ACT NOW! MEETINGS AND ATTEND. THE GLAGKAMAS COUNTY FAR M BUREAU and THE OREGON STATE FARM BUREAU