OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1921. Page 5 LOCALS and" PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wade, ol Cams, have purchased the four-acre tract of land and home of Mr. and Mrs- Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Garleci and i Miss Glenna Andrews, who is em- daughters, the Misses Elizabeth and f ployed as a linotype operator on the Agnes, recently arriving from Canada j Benton County Courier, arrived in and who have been guests at the I Oregon City Friday evening, having home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Moore, 1 been summoned here by the nines of this city, have gone to Portland, of her mother, Mrs. F. R. Andrews, ol where they are to make their home. I Mount Pleasant. Mra Andrews is Mr. Garlech'si former home was at suffering from the result of an ac Saskatoon, and he has entered the cident, when her wrist was broken real estate business in Portland. His caused by a fall daughter, Miss Elizabeth, has establ- ! ished a studio, where she will be as-1 Mrs. John Yoder, of Fores Grove soclated in piano instruction with wt,o has been visiting her sister. Mrs. here to look after property interests. in Clackamas county. Mrs. A. Nelson, who has been vis iting In Los Angeles,' Calif., has re turned to Oregon City. While in that city she visited her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Fordyce, and family. Mr. rurayce is cuimeciea wun a siuuiu The youn D-oni,, nf the B. Y. P at Los Angeles, where motion pictur- tt of niadstone' hold nn of their " " " " c " -i most enjoyaoie progressive ' parties scnooi ntue virguua. orayce, nis Friday evening. They met at the Bap- aaugnier, win resume uer proiessiou Ust church at 6:30 and. proceeded to wilii me I nun cumu. oue is a .), hnmp nf lr on A htt- w t Pnwr. Harvey N. Everhart ah Molalla, one Harold Andrews, of Canada, a pianist .Tnhn TCen.t f Oladstone. will leave of the most desirable homes at that and composer, who is but 20 years of this morning for Hubbard, where she I talented child of ten years ot age, wner musjc was enjoyed, afterwards piace. mr. , iwernarx contemplates age. will visit relatives, and also will visit "as mauo a icvum I visiting at the home of .Mr. and Mrs erecting a modern home on his other property ' located at Molalla, adjoin ing. The child has been seen on tne who has been in Vnrter i tn T arr-omnanied bv Mra. screen in tnis city, ana nas visueu with relatives at Woodiburn. Mrs. David Caufield ing that owned by X G. Noe, county Tillamook since November 7th, has Kent, and they will be gone for sev- on many occasions here. recorder. Mr. and Mrs. Wade and returned to Oregon Citv family will take possession " of their field has been assisting his son. Jack, new home at a later date. They are repair buildings and fences on the Mr. Cau- eral days. Mrs. Benjamin Doolittle, after vis- Brendel, Mr. and Mrs.. Lund, Mr. and Mra. Wallace and .the last they visit ed was at Mr. and Mrs. Dave Catto's home where a delicious supper was served by the hostess. Games, music and "stunts" were the Martin '& Son. whose Dlace of busi- iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. at the present time engaged in the farm the latter recently purchased. neS3 ta on seventh street near Wash- George Boylan, of this city, left Mon- amusements of the evening. poultry industry. Mr. Everhart's Mr. Caufield says the land of his eon's ington street, will give ten per cent day for port Angeiee-, wasn, wnere present were Mr. and Mrs. David place, where he is to erect his new farm is well adapted to berry grow- nt the nntire Rales for the week to she and her husband are to mak Catto. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Letite. Mrs home is part of the old Shafer place. hng, and that already a large number the European Relief Fund. This their future home. They have Deeu hy. I. Rowan, Dr. Keeny-Ferris, Misses of berry plants have been planted, donation sale will include every in mat city ior several monms, wnere Elva Peeples, Edna Rowan, Ollie M. E. Clancy, won was able to leave one acre being devoted to the straw- article in the store. Mr- Doolittle has been employed in Amen, Dorothy Shearer, Erna Lund, the Oregon City hospital a few days berry industry The farm is located . the paper mills, and he win now en- Erma Roche, Ruth Lund, Reva Jones, ago after receiving medical treatment about one and one-half miles from wniiam Kinr nr Tn.HannnoHs. Tnd.. ter business, naving purchased pro- Qoldie Hardie. Normnn Morell and at the Oregon City hospital for an Tillamook city, and in a most desir- who lg connected with the Big Four Pertv where he is erecting a large Doris Ellis; Messrs. Maynard Brendle, infection of the head, is rapidly im proving, and now able to leave his home a5 West Linn. Mr. Clancy's able section of that county. Railroad company, was among the building. He will engage in the Oregon City visitors during the past week. While here he visited at the Rodney Keating, of Portland, and many friends are pleased to hear of formerly of this city, was here Fri- home of Mr. and Mra. Edward Fort his) improvement. For several weeks I day afternoon, where he visited rel- j une he was in a critical condition. Tha I atives. The lad started from Sell- lnrection is treueved to nave Deen wood on foot, leaving that place at 1 1 Mr and Mrs. Lester Farmer are re- caused from sawdust while employ, o'clock, arriving here at S o clock, ceiving congratulations over the ar- ed in the sawmill of the Crown-Wil- making the trip on foot for sport, and rjvai ef a son, born at West Linn lamette .Paper company. Mr. Clancy expects to make this distance on a january 23. This is the first grand- is one of the earliest employes of run in (the future, having part in gon of Mr Mrs. Harvey Farmer, grocery business.. They were former residents! of Oregon City before tak ing up their home at Powell River, B. C. Arthur Whitcomb, George Lund, Clay Brendle, Troy Solomon Prentice, Wal lace, Fred Lund, Elvin Catto, Robert Mabe, Woodson Smith, Everett t Cattc, Dennis Wallace and Albert Lund. that paper mill. Mr. and Mrs. F;. G. Wilson, of Yukon Territory, are in this city, where they are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, the former broth er of Sheriff Wilson, whom he has not Been for about 20 years. They were accompanied here by Mise many of the foot races of the Wash- and a great-grandson of Mrs. Rebecca ington high school, and also enterea TUrnev. of West Linn. a number of races at uorvauis. ie Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hultenburg, of Salem, have arrived in Oregon Cit, having been summond here by the illness and death, of the former's fath er, the. late G. O. Hultenburg, which occurred Friday evening. made the trip Friday by way of the river road. Anton Naterlin, engaged in tha fishing industry, who has been at Salem during the legislative session, Welch, of Kelso, Wash., who drove and who returned to Oregon City them to this city in her car, and who Wodnesday evening for a few days, has shown Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ntany left Friday evening for Seattle, W ash beauty spots of Oregon and Wash- where he attended a meeting on bat ington. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will re- urday of the joint fisheries commit main here for .a few days longer be- tee. Mr. Naterlin will return to Ore- fore returning to Kelso for a brief gon City this evening, and on Mon- stav when they will return to the day will return to Salem, where he north. will remain until after the legislative . e-adual,y imDroving. session. Mr. and Mrs. Brodie and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Draper were among those from this city going to Salem Tues- j day to attend the funeral services of the late Mrs. W. J. Burghardt, Sr, which was held Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Burghardt, who has been an in valid for the past two years,, was a former resident of this city. Her husband, a former real estate and insurance man of this city, is also very ill at the family home. A number of the younger set of Gladstone met at Freytag's store last Wednesday evening and proceeedd in a body to thle home of Vernon Chandler. The occasion was his, fifteenth birth day anniversary and he was taken completely by surprise. Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Alexander, and H. R. Chandler proved charming entertainers. Vocal and instrumental music and contests were features of the evening. Refresh ments were served. Those attending were Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Alexander, H. O. Chandler, Doris Smith, Verna Sears, Mildred and Mrs. Charles Schram, who has been in the St. Vincent's hospital, Port Kuru is the name given the little lad. th Pat month, ha return- Doroth Kyler, Gladys Christy, gave birth to a baby son at the hos pital, January 21st, but who lived a short time. Mrs. Schram is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Kich goro Kuraye, of Milwaukie, Route 1, on January 22 Mrs. J. Rutter, since returning to Bolton from Portland has gained in James Hosey, at Greenpoint. Miss Ada Bedwell, the accommodat ing nigM operator for the Pacific Miss Ruth Wolfer, of Portland, and of I formerly of this city, underwent an Andrew Naterlin, who is taking a Telephone company, was among the course in law at the University of first in Clackamas county to respond uregon. wno arnveu m u.c6ua tho on9i fnr- ho. assistant of Wednesday, coming nere 10 uenu starving children of Europe. Miss the wedding of his uncle, John Nater- companied by her son, were Oregon ed by Dr. Holden, a specialist, of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swales, Logan, are the happy parents of a operation at a hospital in Portland! son, born Friday evening, January 28. 1 Monday. Miss Wolfer has been; ill for several months suffering from a Mrs. A. I. Hughes of Redland, ac goitre. The operation was perform- GIenna Miranda, Vivian and Veatrice Rauch, ' Dorothy and Leona Fox. Eunice Jones, Dorothy Barlow and Lola Vedder, Roy Carpenter, Dean Ved der, Ralph Woolrich, Frand Garlic, Lester Kerns, Franklin Niles, Ernest Freytag, Eldred Grasier, Alfred Ro wan. Vernon and Delbert Chandler. as prizes, when Mra. J. R. Humphrys and Mrs. Charles D. Latourette were awarded the club member prizes, and the guest prize went to Mrs. Wallace Caufield. The decorations were attractively arranged, when carnations, ferns and potted plants were used. i Attending were Mra. J- R Humphrya, Mrs. Wallace Caufield, Mrs. Charles D. Latourette, Mrs. E, T. Avison, Mrs. L. E. Jones, Mrs. L. L. Porter, Mrs. M. D. Latuorette, Mrs. Lena Charman, Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Mrs. Frank T. Youngs, Mrs. J. R Humphrys. Mrs. Charles H. Caufield Mrs. H. A. Henderson, Mrs Nieta Bar low Lawrence, Mrs. Wallace Caufield, Mrs. Nellie Seeley, Mrs. Harry Price, Mrs. H. L. Clark, Mrs. O. A. Welsh, Mrs C. H. Meissner, Miss Lillie Meis sner, of Portland. The Saturday Club of the Congrega tional church will meet Monday eve ning, February 7, at the home of Mrs. H. E. Hendry, with Mrs. Hendry, Mrs C. H. Meissner and Mrs. Kelly a 3 hostesses. Bedwell, reader of the Literary Di gest, forwarded that magazine $10 when the publication started campaign for funds to be sent over seas for the Ejufferers. Mrs. George Catlin,, of Canby, formerly Miss Ora Lee, has accepted a position as stenographer and book keeper in the county engineer's of fice. Mrs. Catlin is the daughter of old time pioneers of Canby, the late Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lee, who crossed the plains in the early days. She was formerly employed by the Canby Ir rigation company. lin. and Miss. Madeline Plancich. which took place in Portland Thurs- the I day. will return to the Universit this evening. He also visited among his numerous friends here, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nater lin. City visitors Saturday. Portland. Mrs. John trarrney, or Maple lane, Mrs Paul Macey. of McMinnivlle. was among tohse to transact business has'arrived in Oregon City, where she here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Weismandel and son, Charles, of Salesville, Mon tana, are in this city for a few days, where they are guests of relatives Among those whom they are visiting at Mr. Weismandel's are Mr. ana arm Miss Mary Hathaway, who has been making her home in Oregon City at the residence of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Cau field, will leave next week for Los Mrs Casper Weismandel, Mr. Angeles, Calif., where she is to make MrS- Chester Carothers, and Mr. and her future home with relatives. Her Mrs. William Weismandel. They are father resides in that city, and also on tnelr way to California, where they other relatives,. Before her depart- ar e0ias tor the benefit of the son's Taul Lawrence Dunbar." the col- ure lor "le SOULli ?"a nulu'"'" -"" health, who has been in ior some " hu.n ttio irTiDof nt hrainr rf several I a i a ; it- ored poet, was the subject for F. W. i ume, aim uuw luiuuiis. ,c.o- ov.v.icii luuwiuufl. i manaei iormenv resiueu uere, iiiaiv ing his home at the Vonderahe res is a guest of her brother, C. W. Robey, and family, of Eighth and Washing ton streets. Mrs. Macey was former- tendance ly Miss Gladys Kobey, who taught m the Oregon City high school, and has many friends here. Miss Helen Tooze proved a mosi: charming young hostess at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Tooze on South High street last Fri day evening, when a number of her young friends planned and carired out a surprise party. Games, contests and music, followed by refreshments, were among the fea tures of the evening. A most deligth- ful time was enjoyed by those in at- Mr. and Mrs. John Moar, whose home is at Damascus, were anion; those to transact business in Oregon City Tuesday. Mr. Moar, who has been ill for several weeks, is improv ing. . Parker at the auditorium of the Ore gon City library Wednesday evening, and was listened to with interest by i his audience. "Douglass Molloch." the lumber jack poet of Michigan, personal friend of Mr. Parker, will be the latter's subject for the free lecture next Wednesday evening. Professor Herman, a noted speaker jdence. of Portland, will be present at tne Willamette hall, under the auspices Mr aM Mrs. F. G. Wilson, of of the Spiritual Church of the Soul. Yukon Territory, who have been and will also be present mediums of guests at the home of Sheriff and Mrs. R. C. Lovell and Mrs. James Smith, of Estacada, who have been in Oregon City as guests of Mrs. W. M. Yonce, have returned to their homes. note who will demonstrate. Public cordially invited. Meetings at a p. m. and 7 p. m., Sunday January 30. Adv. H. C. Bressler, ,an employe of the Crown-Willamette Paper company, L, ;"J"ICQ fl , Mrs. E. L. Moore left Friday morn wa UB : i ms for Powell River B. ,C, where ma i ante to l;e for his f be Rot of ? da .q . of home at West Linn. Mr. Bresslet Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bradley, of Willamette, are receiving congratu lations over the arrival of a son, born Tuesday, February 1st. Lester Eu- Mrs. W. J. Wilson for several days, accompanied by Miss Welch, of Kel so. Wash., motored over the highway as far as Bonneville Sunday. This is Ene is the name given the baby. the first time Sheriff Wilson's broth er, and the latter's wife have made the trip over the highway, and were waiter 'lay ior, or Molalla, was among those to visit here Tuesday, land, where he had been on business. lie was on his way home from Port- has been receiving medical attention in the Oregon City hospital since he was injured. Mrs. Harry C. Paine was a charm ing hostess for Chapter P, P. E. O. at her home Tuesday afternoon, where' her home was beautifully decorated with ferns and pussy willows. The early part of the afternoon was devoted to business of the Chapter, at which time it was decided to do nate $10 to the starving children of Europe, this having been turned over to the relief committe of this city. The, business session was follewea by a program, when Mrs. C. Schuebel gave a discussion' upon "American Scultpure" and Mrs. E. W. Scott read and article on the meaning of "P. E. O." Refreshments were served by the hostess to Mrs. William Andresen, Mrs. O. A. Welsh, Mrs. N. W. Bowland, Mrs. C. Schuebel, Mrs. J. E. Jack, Mrs. John F. Clark, Mrs. Raymond Cau field, Mrs. Charles Caufield, of this city; Mrs John F. Risley, of Milwau kie; Mrs. John Waldron and Mrs. George Tracy, of Oak Grove; Mrs. William Kinzer, of Chapter A. H. of Mr. and Mrs. George Rath have purchased the property on Monroe streets between Eighth, and NintTi streets, formerly owned by the Kel- Mrs. W. A. Matheson, and family for rQad several weeks. Mrs. Matneson was formerly Miss Maude Moore, of this j Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Taylor went to Miss Irene Hanny, of Portland, who Omaha, Nebraska, at the present time city. This is Mr. Moore's first visit I Vanvouver Sunday, where they were has been visiting her parents, Mr. of Oak Grove; Mrs. Theodore Osmond, to Powell River. I guests of their son, W. E. Taylor, and Mrs. J. R. Hanny, has returned of Portland family. Before returning here to that city I H III 1 W. A. Carlson, breeder of Guern- Mr and Mrg Taylor made their first seys, and whose nome is near nea- motorIng trip to Camas, Wash., ac land, was in Oregon City Friday. nrnnanvine their son and family. i.cn, j w KVT,H TtArfl rpnorted an addition " ' . .v.- logg place. They. formerly resided at " . . , . , mey were wiinwu me ' " I 1 1 hies fill" Gtr.nl wnr. nno nf nlS 1 . A, i . -. i v. . c --- i mollis cnat nave oeeu mauc m uixl champion cows gave birth to a calf, it . re favorably pleased over subject to register. th roads leading to that city. Highland, Mr. Rath being a daughter of riackamas county pioneers, and her maiden name was Annie Parrish. The home of Mrs. C. H. Meissner Thomas Andersen, secretary of the on Ninth and Washington streets was Clear Creek Creamery, was in Ore- the scene of a pretty party last Sat- gon City on business Tuesday. I urday, when Mrs. Meissner's mother, Mrs. E. T. Avison, of Maple Lane, en- John Mitchell, among those to here Tuesday. or Barton, was transact business Mr. Eric, travling representative of an aluminum company, of the East, was in Oregon City Thursday, deliv ering goods to Hogg Brothers. Mr. Eric is a brotherrin-law of H. E. Meades, county game warden, whose home is at Oak Grove. Mrs. Dockstader, who has been vis iting relatives and friends in Port land, has returned to this city. Mrs. Dockstader, recently arriving from the East to make her home in this city, is fhe mother of Mrs. Walter Bennett. K. y. voder, or Aurora, was nere D - Mrs s S- Bailey, of Port- on Friday. Having disposed of his ,anrl the former old time resident of Oregon City, accompanied by Mrs. A. property interests Mr. Yoder will leave soon for Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where he will make his, fut ure home. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wirtz announce the birth of a nine-pound daughter at their home January 27th. Mr.- and Mrs. Wirtz were former residents) of Oregon City, and now reside at Hoff. C. Bailey and the latter s daughter, Miss Ella, were in Oregon City Sun day. While here they were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Norris. Mrs. A. .Bailey and ' daugh ter were laJs-o former residents 01 this city. Ray Sullivan, of Molalla, was in Oregon City Monday, where he tran sacted business, and will return to his home today. Among the Oregon City visitors Monday was A. J. Baty, whose home is at Molalla. Mrs. Frank Johnke, formerly Miss Carol Ely, residing at Multnomah Station, near Portland, who. has been in Oregon City, where she has been a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ely, returned to her home Wednesday evening. A. C- Gage, editor and publisher of the Angora Milk and Goat Journal, a publication of Portland, was in this city on business Thursday. Henry Gernand, of Boring, who is engaged in farming at that place, was in this city on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Frost and child, of Eastern Oregon, have arriv ed here, g,-here they are guests of Mr. ana Mrs. ti. ti. ixmg, 01 uanemao. Mrs. Long is a sister of Mr. Frost. Mr. and Mrs. Everman Robbins, of Molalla, were in Oregon City Sun day, where the; were on their way to Gladstone, to visit the latter's brother, Benjamin Hayhurst, manag er of the Pacific Telephone company. who has been ill for some time. Florence Canning, of Portland, was among those to visit here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Belton, of New Era, are rejoicing over the ar rival of a son at their home The lit tle fellow made his appearance Janu ary. 27. Dr. and Mrs. John Fuller, of Canby. accompanied by Mrs. Croissant and the latter's baby, of that city, motor ed to Oregon City Friday atfernoon. F. W. J. Sylvester, of Portland teacher in a college at that place was in Oregon City Sunday, where he officiated at the service of the Evangelical Lutheran church at the Union church on the Molalla Avenue While in Oregon .City Mr. Sylvester was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs Alfred Margi, of 1619 Ninth street. A. G. Weiser, of Carus, was among those to transact business here Fri day afternoon. Duane and George C. Ely went to Forest Grove on business Thursday morning, returning here in the evening. M. H. Hostetler, who resides near Hubbard, was amonf tios to tran sact business in . this city on Thurs day afternoon. Among those to transact business in Oregon City Thursday was F. E. Taylor. His home is at Molalla. Mrs. John Kelly, matron of the wo men's department of the Crown Wil lamette mill, is seriously ill, and at tending physicians are inclined to be- L. A. Russell, whose home is nt neve tnai u is a case or sleeping sick- Carus, was among those to visit here neSs- rs- 1el.1-v was laKen 111 lasl weeK Friday. 1 an airnction or the throat, ana has been removea to a Portland hos- Among the Oregon City visitors Pital for medical treatment. was E. G. Baker. His home is at Maple Lane. Flour, $2.48 sack. Bbl. $9.60. Jack's Cash and Carry Store. At Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wheeler, ol Spokane, Wash., are among the Ore gon City visitors. Among the visitors to this city Fri day was M. H. Rogerek whose home is at Portland. A. A. Spangler, of Spangler Station, was in this city. G. E. Wyland, of Hubbard was in this city Thursday. M. J. Flinn, ef Seaview, was in this -city Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Garland ' Hollowell, ot this city, are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter, born Sunday, January 30. A birth and rnarriage in the Hollowell famiJy occurred on that day, when Mr. Hollowel's father, J. M. Hollowell, and Mrs. Tillie Ed wards, of Gladstone, were married. Mrs. E. L. Sharp and son, Irvin, of Stafford, were in Oregon City Mon day. While here they visited the former's brother, Fred Barnes, at the Oregon City hospital. Mr. Barn es' condition is serious, and has been in the hospital for the past eight months. His sister. Miss Viola Barn es, is at his bedside. Mrs. Willis Yonce and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Elmer Blackburn, were in Portland Monday, where they were at the hospital during the operation of the latter's husband. Mr. Black burn is a brother of Mrs. Yonce. Mr. Yonce has been ill for some time be fore being removed to the hospital tentained a few of her friends in a most charming manner. Cards were enjoyed during the afternoon, when prizes were, awarded to Mrs. Nellie Seeley and Mrs. C. D. Laltourette. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Avison, assisted1 oy Mrs. Meissner and Mrs. H. E. Hendry, also a daugh ter of Mrs. Avison. The rooms of the Meissner home were prettily decorated for the event, when pink carnations Intermingled with asparagus ferns were used most effectively. ' Mrs. Avison's guests were Mrs. M. D. Latourette, Mrs. Hattie Daulton, Miss Bessie Daulton; Mrs. John F. Clark, Mrs. L. L. Porter, Mrs. H. E. Hendry, Mrs. Clyde Mount, Mrs. Thoma Keith, Mrs. J. R. Humphrys Mrs. Wallace Caufield, Mrs. Charles H. Caufield, Mrs. Nellie Seely, Mrs George A. Harding, Mrs. Nieta Barlow Lawrence, Mrs. J. H. Walker, Mra F. W. Greenman, Mrs. E. P. Rands, Mrs. f!. E. Jones, Miss Lillian Meissner, of Portland, Mrs. H. Meissner, Mrs. Avison. One of the most enjoyable events of the week of special interest to Parkplace and Gladstone people was a miscellanous shower given at the home of Mrs. Rudolph Winkler in Portland in honor of her daughter, Miss Florence LaMar, daughter of the late Ben LaMar, of Parkplace. Misa LaMar's marriage ito Harry Ackert. of Portland, will be solemniz ed in the early spring. Many useful and beautiful presents were recived including a pair of pil low slips with elaborate hand made lace made by Miss LaMar's great- aunt, Mrs. Jennie Bingman, who i: 77 years of age. Mra Bingman prov ed hale and hearty by winning first place in the bean contest. The secoffd prize was won by Everette Freytag, of Boise, Idaho, cousin of Miss LaMar. In the advertisement guessing contest Everette Freytag won first prize and Mrs. Ida Kent, of Gladstone, carried away the booby prize. The rooms of the Winkler homo were artistically decorated in keeping with the season, when Oregon grape, puss willows and ferns were used Each guest was given a number and corresponding numbers ' rlaced in a bowl. Little June Wenger, of Park- place, drew the number which decided the handsomest lady present, which proved to be Mrs. Kaderbek, of Port land. . , - Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, who was assited by Mrs. Colrton and Mra Kaderbeck. Those enjoying the affair were Mesdames, Maude Glass, Ida Kent, M. ' iRvers, Mina Wenger, Clara Preauger, Jennie Bingman, Jonn Straight, grandfather of Miss LaMar, Everette Freytag, of (Parkplace; Daisy Ohler, Bertha Keely, Florence LaMar, Mr and Mrs. John Straight, Jr., Mrs. Kaderbek, Elsie Lewis, Mrs. Mollner, Mrs.. Thomas Colton and Mrs. Haf ner, of Portland. the occasion, when red and white streamers were used most effectively, and the stage banked with palms. The Oregon City Greenhouse donated the palms for the dedorations, forming a most artistic effect Old time hel mets, worn by the fire laddies years ago, were brought into service on this occasion, and were used among the decorations, also belts bearing the names of the companies giving the ball. The old familiar helmets were suspended from the wires extending from each side of the hall, and were used among the stage decorations and hung along the walls. The appear ance of the old time helmets and belts caused much attention to those .at tending the affair. The committee in charge of the ball was composed of Louis Nobel, D. Ei Frost, Al Cox, Frances B. Kroli, E. W. Eby and Edward Lavier. These men are deserving of much credit on the success of the affair, and their efforts resulted in a neat sum for the treasury of both organizations. One of the most enjoyable events of the season was the Silver Tea given for the ladies of the Presbyter ian church and their friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. V. Ely last Wednesday afternoon. Music and games formed the after noon's entertainment, and delicious refreshments werfe served by Mrs. Ely' assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Frank Juhnke, of Multnomah, Mrs. David Williams and Mrs. Frank All-dredge. Present were Mrs. H. W. Paine, Mrs. Arthur Beattie, Mrs. J. C. Coch ran, Mrs. Elizabeth Glover, Mrs. F. Greenman, Mrs. G. W. H. Miller, Mrs. Frank Moore, Mrs. F. E. Albright, Mrs. S. S. Walker, Mrs. C. Alldredge, Mrs. Matilda - Charman, Mrs. Mar garet Williams, Mrs. H. G. Nevill. Mrs. G. L. Cox, Mrs. Helen Swan, Mrs. W. C. Green, Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mrs. Anna Holden, Mrs. Roy Wood ward, Mrs. W. N. Yonce, Mrs. John Collie, Miss Alma Moore, Mrs. H. G Edgar, Mrs. J. E. Jack, Mrs. F. W. Humphrys, Mrs. David Williams, Mrs. Frank Alldredge, Mrs. Frank Juhnke, Miss Eloise Ely. Franklin B. Launer, one of the prominent piano instructors has ar ranged an excellent program for the recital he is in charge of to be given in his stud' in the Stevens building Friday evening, February 4th. The program will be given by the pupils of Mr. Launer, and will be as fol lows: '"Arbutus" Bliss Lemoine Murray. "In the Fairy Dell' Rosalie Strong. "Birds in the Wood" Heist Mary Schroeiser. "Valse Danseuse" Miles Nettie Reifschneider. "Valse Caprice"-MDlli Amon. "To the Rising Sun" Torgussen Goldie Hardy. "Sparklets" Miles Violet Fair. "Allegro" Mozart Minnie Edwards. (a) "Au Matin" Godard; (b) A1 bumblatt Beethoven Dorothy Strong:. "Dancing Doll" Poldini Norma Leet. "Menuet" Paderwskt Meta Higgin bothatm ' "Japanese Etude" Poldini Eliza beth Moore. "Country Gardens" - Grainger- Esther Staats. (a) "Improvization" MacDowell; (T) 'March Grotesque" Sinding Doris Maville. Prelude, "C Sharp Minor" Rachman ioff Eva Beatty. The officers of the Willamette Re bekah Lodge were installed Friday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall, and a large number of the members of the order and I. O. O. F. lodge witnessed the impressive ceremony. The following took their oath of of fice: District deputy president, Mrs. Grace Wentwonth; noble grand, Mrs. Izetta Waldron; vice-grand, Miss Har riet Phipps; recording secretary, Mrs. May Yonce; treasurer, Mrs. Lizzie Finnigan; finance secretary, Mr3. Ora Draper; warden, Mrs. Addie Ely; conductor, Mrs. Mable Myers; Chap lain, Mrs, Julia Haskell; inside guard ian, Mrs. Blanche Mautz; outside guardian, Mrs. Minda Church; right support to the noble grand, Mrs. May Waldron; left supporter to noble grand, Mrs. Lillian Bergren; right right supporter to vice grand, Mrs. Myra Shannon; left supporter to vice grand, Mrs. Ella Rossman. Installing officers were Mrs. Etta Walker, Mrs. Leilora Cooke, Mrs. Liz zie Howell, Mrs. Grace Wentworth, Mrs. E. W. Scott, Mrs. J. K. Morris, who was grand marshal. Delicious refreshments were served and social time followed. The dancing party given at the Elk's Temple Tuesday evening was an enjoyable event. Those not caring to dance enjoyed- cards or billards in the club roomsv The music from Portland was thoroughly enjoyed by the merry dancers. ' The committee responsible for the success of the affair was composed ot Pete Long, Edward Vonderahe, Henry Henningsen and Gerald Warner. J. B. Carter will leave this morn ing for a week's visit in Portland where he will be a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor, and will also visit in Vancouver, Wash., to be a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cain, of Astoria, were in this city Saturday and Sunday. O. S. Miller, of CaniSv was in Ore gon City Friday. R. Smith, of Sandy, was in this city Thursday and Friday. James Goodman, of Portland, was an Oregon City visitor Friday. Mrs. Susie Chenoweth and daugb. ter, Miss Amy, of Portland, were in Oregon City Sunday, where they vis ited with the former's sister, Mrs. M. R. Howell, and the latter's daughter, Miss- Ella, of Eleventh and John Quincy Adams streets. Mrs. Mary Logan, of The Dalles, was In Oregon City Monday, coming A. and K. S. Dugan, of Mulino, were Oregon City visitors Saturday and Sunday. Al. and Cecil Stuart, of Seaside, were here Sunday. While in this city they were guests at the Electric. A social was given in the parlors of ihe Congregational church last Thurs day evening, which was in the form of a farewell for Rev. and Mrs. Her bert Crocker and son, George, who are to leave the first of the week for their home at Newberg, where they formerly resided. The evening was devoted to games and music, followed by refreshments During the evening Rev. and Mrs Crocker and their son were agreably surprised when purses, containing a neat sum was presented them. Mem bers of the church presented the gift to Rev. and Mrs. Crocker, and the purse to their son was a gift from the younger members of the church. . The affair was largely attended. A most enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mrs. Minnie Donovan on aSturday evening when members of the Knights and Ladies of Security on the refreshment committee for the supper to be given February 7 at the Moose hall met to complete their plans. It was decided to serve sup per at 6:30. After the business had been trans acted the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Miss Myrtle Donovan, serv ed delicious refc-eshments and a social time enjoyed. Mrs. E. F. Womer, of Estacada, mother of Mrs. Roy Woodward, waa the guest of honor. Those present were Mesdames M P. Chapman. Roy Woodward, Annie Howell, David Catto, Emma Mc Gauhey, Clemmie Woods, and E. O. DeMoss, chairman. F. A. SIkes ,of Corvallis, has re turned to hl3 home, after visiting here for a few days. Christian Spears, accompanied by Juanlta Bordune, of Jefferson, were in Oregon City Monday. Mrs. H. E. Hendry was a charming hostess at her home on Seventh and Jefferson streets Thursday afternoon. when she entertained the members of the Auction Bridge Club a few of her friends at auction bridge. Following several hours spent in cards, the hostess,, assisted by her sis ter, Mrs. C. H. Meissner, served a dainty lunch. , , Potted flowering plants were used The ladies of the Woman's Mission ary Society enjoyed a silver tea in the lecture room of the Gladstone Christian church Thursday afternooi.. A well arranged program was given. Mrs. Frank Nelson was chairman of the entertainment comjnitteei. Mi's. Frank Oswald sang in a most charm ing manner "My Task," and Mrs. J. W. Leonhardt also delighted her audi ence when she sang "A Perfect Day." lio'h ladies responded to a hearty encore. Mrs. Thomas Gault read an interesting paper on "Ra aJh, the 1 of India." A social hour and games were en joyed by all. Tea and cake were served by Mrs F. A. Burdon and Mrs. Jacob Kyler. There were about 24 members attending. A special meeting was held by the Kolaho Girl Reserves Corps at the Congregational church, on Tuesday afternoon, in honor of Rev. and Mrs H. G. Crocker and their son. George. Refreshments were served and a good time was enjoyed by all. Those present were Rev. and Mrs, Crocker, George Crocker, Mrs. J. S3. Haskell, Mrs. E. R. Eads, H. V, Way, and the following members of the Girl Reserves: Frances Blake, Carrie Cunningham, Jessie Cunning ham. Lillian Cross, Elva Eads, Helen Harris, Glayds Pagenkopf, Dorothy Terril, Marie Walker, Lida Willis, Mable Barnett, Frances Willis Ruth Willis, Estelle Siddons and Shirley Park. One of the rrtost successful balls ever given in Oregon City wa? that under the auspices of the Fountain Hose Company No. 1 and Cataract Hose company No. 2 at the Moose hall. There were about 200 people in at tendance, who thoroughly enjoyed the excellent music furnished by the Burns' Jazz orchestra composed of four pieces. Encores were numerous, and the members of the orchestra were generous in favoring the dancers with the latest and popular music. The hall was uniquely-decorated for In celebration of the golden anni versary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Harley C. Stevens, who have made Oregon City their home during the 50 years of their wedded life, a family reunion of the Stevens and Crawford families was held Tuesday, January 25, at the home of J M.. Crawford near DundVje in Yamhill county. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were married in the house in which tha reunion was held on January 25, 1871, and came directly to Oregon City, where they have since figured prom inently in the upbuilding of the city. Mrs. Stevens was the daughter of 1 Medorem and Adeline Crawford, who came to Oregon in 1842, and werd among the well-known early pioneersr The Crawford family settled in Yam hill county in 1852. Since the Stevensi family moved to Oregon City both Mr. and Mrs. Stevens have been actively identified with the growth of Oregon City. Mr. Stevens having been instrumental in advancing building progress through out the town. He was connected with the local office of the Southern Pa cific company for 20 years. Mrs. Stevens has been one of the foremost workers m the Congrega tional church and allied organizations. The reunion was featured with a din ner at the noon hour, with a bride's cake centering the attractively ap. pointed table. Seated at the table were immediate relatives of the two families. (Continued on page 8)