OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1921. Page 7 COUNTY COURT (Continued o ; Page Four) GENERAL, ROADS Oi-e City Foun dry $35.90; Howard Coopei- Corp $306.- 60; Ore City Retreadin? & Vulc Wks f.70; Jack Hamilton S9.40 C. W. White Ga-age ?8.4C; Olson':? Oarage & Auto bare $2. V, . J. Wi Ben C $.70; Thomas Kubitza $2. 30; Geu. J. Case $12.00: l:ranj - Co J.7 70. Frank Busch $2.10; Bluhm & Moehn ke $207.96; Sandy Garage $25.65; Ore City Foundry $4.40; Wales Adding Machine Co $1.67; ,R. R. Poppleton $588.00; Olson's Garage & Auto Barn $10.00; Mollalla Shoeing Shop $8.60; Sandy Truck Service $21.50; H. B. Johnson $1.00; Young's Garage $143. 26; Beaver Creek Cash Exch $37.50; Canby Imp & Hardw Co $4.10; J I Case T M Co $.40; Canby Imp & Hard : Co $4.00; Chilcott Nash Motor Co.$21. 37; Standard' Oil Co. $62.70; Paul R Mednig $42.50; Roy Rogers $30.73; Straight. & Salisbury $5.45; Capitol Garage $70.52; Willamette River Lbr Co. $24.56; P RL & P Co $166.82; Wal ter J Henrici $5.00; State Accident Com $84.20; S L Mullan $3.50; C W Schuld & Sons $53.10; Pacific Highw Garage $70.50; Stefani Lbr Co $1.40; Oregon City Foundry $42.45; W Wald orf $2.50; Geo Blatchford $13.25; Car oline Gregory $500.00; C Davis $23.28; Molalla Telephone Co. $7.45; Coast Culvert & Flume Co $.54; A L Mat toon $4.00; Stand Oil Co $72.41; M D Say $201.51; Schwartz Bros $10,13; John A Roeblings Sons Co of Cal $6. 61; Howard Cooper Corp $272.00; Rus seli Grader Mfg. Co $5.60; A C White $4.00; Howard Cooper Corp $5.00; B. A. Church $20.00; W T Sherman $14.00 Herman Klinke $10.00; Howard-Cooper Corp ,$11.50; Shelby Dugger $42.30; W V S Ry Co $39.60; C W Freidrich & Sons $5.88; May & Washburn $48.00 Frank Manning $10.00; E JToust $3. 50; Liberal Store $1.80; Hult Lbr Co $110.00; Lester Jensen $13.50; W H. Bonney $80.72; Joe Hinkle $27.30; Ridder &Epler $2.25; Naomi L Arm strong $124.69; S E Baker $16.22; C. Henrici $14.97; J R Maroney $16.47; WmCarrow $17.97; August Horneck'er $14.97; P B Gray $9.98; Ernest Wend land $9.98; Ed Giesh $9.98; John Shaw $14.97; G C Maroney $14.97; Harry Reed $4.90; Minnie Dahram $4.99; Ed Brunce $11.98; Carl Wendlund $15.98; Henry Raderbush $19.97; J R Maroney $16.47; Wm Carrow $44.17; August Hornecker $19.96; P B Gray $28.05; JUSTICE OF PEACE Oregon City Enterprise $33.20; A S Wells $4.50; Mrs. Stanich $1.70; C Cox $1.70; Gus Engebrecht $1.70; Geo Green $1.70; Jessie Lander $1.70; John Bradley $1.- 20; L Ruconich $1.20; L A Nobel $1.20 E P Elliott $1.20; Dan Lyons $1.20; E C Caufield $1.20; Fred Hogg $1.20 C WFriedrich $1.20; Henry Cooke $1.- 20; Harry Greaves $1.20; Everett Schultz $8.50; Wm Kroeger $8.50; Wm Jones $8.50; H H Hughes $3.00; Ed Fortune $83,355; L Stipp $66.60; W C McNiel $19.00.- CORONER R B Runyon $33.75; E L Johnson $15.00. SURVEYOR Aetna Life Ins Co $15. John Lewellen $16.00; H H Johnson $11.55; Paul Dunn $16.00; Hosea Rog ers $3.50; G Wetmore $14.00; D T Meldrum $67.50; Chas Simmons $10. 50; W I Clark $15.00; Edwin Fraylor $3.50; Caius Herman $10.50; Walter Stone $3.50; W I Clark $15.00; Edwin Fraylor $3.50; Caius Herman $10.50; Walter Stone $3.50; Roscoe Gard $21. 00; Paul Dunn $14.50; Frank Olden- berg $3.50; Chas Robinson $3.50; Hun tley Drug Co $2.30; Chester Gard $3.50 INSANE H H Hughes $2.50; O A Welsh $5.00; Drs. Mount $5.00; Hugh S Mount $5.00; M C Strickland $5.00. SUPT OF SCHOOLS Brenton Ved der $39.22; Fidelity & Deposit Co of Maryland $6.00; Burroughs Add Mach Co $343.00; Trustees Mult Lodge No 1 A F A M $7.50; Mrs. Bertha D Vedder $12.00; Jones Drug Co $4.95; Agnes M Buckley $52.00. BOARD OF HEALTH O A Welsh $73.80. INDIGENT SOLDIERS Clara J. Smith $10.00. JAIL, New Brunswick Hotel & Res taurant $40.95; Falls Restaurant $2.80; Sheriff of Mult County $18.60; Mult nomah County $11.00; JUVENILE COURT H H Hughes $10.00; Minda E Church $58.97; Hunt ley Drug Co $.65. PRINTING & ADVERTISING The Banner-Courier $154.47; The Banner- Courier $79.19; Oregon City Enter prise $148.82. WEIGHTS & MEASURES J F Jones $21.26. TAX DEPARTMENT Oregon City Enterprise $130.10; Alice McKinnon $85.00; Jones Drug Co $4.45; F W Harbord $2.00; Huntley Drug Co. $.30. PROHIBITION H H Hughes $31.00 CANADIAN THISTLE I D Larkins $25.00; Peter Erickson $15.00. FRUIT INSPECTOR O E Freytag $21.80. COUNTY POOR Wm Danforth $10. Boys & Girls Aid Society $10.00; Dav- SANDY (Continued from Page 6.) Mrs. W. F. Strack and her' daugh ters Desiree, Gualta, Lorraine and Wo- wanne were Saturday and Sunday guests of Mr. aid Mrs. Purcell, which proved a delightful outing for Mrs. Strack and the girls, and the Purcells enjoyed the giving of home hospital ity, so the pleasure was also theirs. On Friday night (January 28) tiia Parent Teacher's regular meeting will be held at the city hall. A short pro gram will be given after which there will be a sale of baked goods. There will be cakes, an array of rolls, bread doughnuts and cookies, and a large at tendance is desired. On February IS there will be a big program given by the Parent Teacher's association at the Odd Fellows hall. Mrs. R.- E. Es son has charge of the work now as vice-president since Mrs. Bonett, the president is ill. Ernest Wendland $14.97; Ed Giesh $19. 96; John Shaw $22.45; G C Maronay j id e Jones (Tom Jones) $5.00; Dock $42.41; Harry Reed $24.95; Minnie Dah j Mosier $14.00; Mrs. G. W. Thompson ram $33.05; Ed Brunce $13.98; Carl $10.00; Ada LeBaw $8.00; Katie Pluard Wendland $11.97; Henry Raderbush ! $8.00; Ella Tracy (Eunice Horner) $10. $30.96; George Flinn $4.99; Roy Lilly $16.21; Charlie Lilly $13.09; A C Baum back $22.97; L W Davies $13.47; E James $16.95; A C Warner $12.96; T C Thomas $21.32; J Thornburg $1.99; El don Swick $3.99; A C Scheer $14.96; Chester Grooms $1097; H L Scheer $10 .97"; O Cantrill $7.96; Eldon Swick $7.96; C E Swick $13.96; L W Davies $38.15; W B Lawton $43.89; T C Thom as $6.73; E F Portow $15.96; D R Dimick $2.49; S Bany $3.99; Herb Johnson $3.99; J Melum $3.99; Bluhm & Moehnke $574.41; The Mollalla Shoeing Shop $39.25; Frank Busch $57.75; H Hardisty $267.50; Ore City Foundry $3.06; E D Olds $500.00; Ren dleman & Klinker $8.40; Chas Kauf man $34.56; Hult Lumber Co $13.94; Wm Dutcher $14.00; Beaver Creek Co operative Co $82.07 ; Willamette River Lbr Co $35.90; Crown-Willamette Pap er Co $5.25; Maeder Steel Products Co $10.32; Jack Hamilton $69.00; Will amette Val Southern Ry Co $.52 ; E D Olds $100.00; Roy Rogers $75.00; Straight & Salisbury $3.00; Jack Fey rer $7.99; Bill Feyrer $4.99; Carl Fey rer $4.99; G Feyrer $4.99; Gus Sim mons $6.24; Alvion Heft $4.99; Wes ley Mowery $3.11; Ed Lewis $3.11; Chas Jasper $3.11; John Heft $83.88; John Heft $55.92; Alvion Heft $54.89; S Nash $44.91; E Nash $44.91; Edith Heft $3.98; P Hunt $30.03; R W Zim merman $35.92; C Petwin $35.91; G. H S Berbon $21.94; V Skinner $91.88; D R Zimmerman $10.48; M Rueck $23.94; B Hays $38.44; G Grandqquist $24.19; SW Bany $71.91; I Rueck $6.99; S E Warden $16.47; D Shep pard $19.22; S F Scripture $28.30 ELECTION Henry A Brand $3.00; Clackamas County News $22.75; R A Junkan $5.00; Mary Lucas $45.00; SHERIFF Ore City Enterprise $14.- 65; Fidelity & Deposit Co of Maryland $275.00; Western Union Tel Co $1.72; Hogg Bros $8.50; J C Loundree $4.00; W J Wilson $35.00; H H Hughes $52.- 50; D M Marshall $7.50; CLERK Oregon City Enterprise $16.70; W J Wilson $5.00; Miller-Par ker Co $.50; Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland $35.00; County Clerk $10.- 50; Jones Drug Co $1.70; Guy H. Pace $6.40; Marie Freidrich $6.40; Marie Roche $6.40; Huntley Drug Co $.75; RECORDER Burroughs Adding Machine Co $350.00; County Recorder $12.00; Ore City Enterprise $16.50; Aetna Life Ins Co $9.00; Underwood Typewriter Co $2.00; Huntley Drug Co '85: TREASURER Fidelity & Deposit Co of Maryland $245.00; Burroughs Add Mach Co $847.70; Alice Dwiggins $12.15; Geo A Harding $6.50; County Treasurer $5.00. ASSESSOR Aetna Life Ins Co $15. 00; Huntley Drug Co $6.25; Urcil Arm- hed3 of state streams without charge. 5 E Card (Hichael Boyd) $8.00; Mrs. N E Taylor (Mr. & Mrs. S Bocher) $14.00; Wm Dickelman $25.00; John 6 Wm Beers $30.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders $5.00; Mary Lock $10.00; Anna Wetterlin $10.00; Maud Williams (Care of Child) $20.00; Geo H New some $15.00; Andrew Lund $15.00; Den nis Donovan (Dick Meyers & Jerome Hamilton) $50.00; J G Wake $7.00; W J Woods $12.00; Ole Josendall $10. Mrs. Sarah Solomon $15.00; W Hitch man (John Morris) $25.00; C W Neag lie (Pat Smith) $25.00; Lillian M John ston $15.00; Tony Miller $15.00; Wal ter Howland $30.00; Mrs. Martha Cas tile $30.00; Mrs. S Beckman (Ben Munson) $25.00; Ben Landis $20.00; Fred Wyder $12.00; David & Chas. Lindgren $20.00; James Kane & Wife $5.00; Huntley Drug Co $9.00; H H Hughes (L York) $7.50; International Sales & Produce Co (Mrs. Cramer) $15.00; International Sales & Produce Co (Woods) $5.00; Jones Drug Co! $6.95; A B Buckles (Mrs. Grandquist) $10.00; Beaver Creek Cash Exch (Tom Jones) $14.00; George A Harding $4.- 85; George Havill & Co (Tom Jones) $14.05; Frommeyers Grocery (Caws ley) $20.00; P. J. Winkel (Mr. Veason) $20.14; W E Harris (Anna Wetterlin) $4.50; George A Harding $2.00; Ban non & Co (Mr. Matheson) $7.75; Mrs. Ben Eby (Verney Neff) $15.00; E A Hugh (John Beers) $10.00; E A Hack- ett (Mrs. Pluard, Mrs. Veason & Dick elman) $35.25; Mrs. Fred Himler (Matheson) $30.00; International Sales & Produce Co (Wm Lay & G W Batton $25.00; Walter E Hempstead $41.00; John Schock (Dickelman) $9.50; Rob bins Bros (Russell) $15.65; Oregon City Hosp (Henry Sturdivent & R- L Jorden) $124.00; Mrs. Ona Stevens (Aug Johnson) $25.00; A. J. Knight ly (John Beers) $6.40; Ohio Dentists (John Beers) $1.00; W Hitchman (Se horn) $3.00; D C Latourette (Roberts) $10.00; II S Anderson (James Kane) $1.00: Robbins Bros (J B Russell) $11.20. SCHOOL NEWS SANDY, Jan. 26. Members of the high school girl's sewing club dressed up in "foolish" costumes (which they refuse to have described) for the last meeting which was held at the home of the principal, Miss Esmer Mixter, and a rollicking time marked the eve ning as one to be remembered. The entire program was an impromptu af fair and a portion of it was dancing by Miss Ruth Crum and Pearl Proctor, Miss Bess Barton played and there were games of various sorts and kinds. Refreshments were also served. Sewing? "Not to speak of." said one of the fun-makers! The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Ten Eyck's rooms. Attillio Chereghino, nephew of Mrs. Martin Pizzola is going to the Sandy ridge school for the present as he is very anxious to learn English so he can practice his profession as a decor ative artist In this, country . He came to America with the desire to be Americanized so he will naturally make a good citizen. Sandy-ridge has thirty-two pupils in attendance ani Miss Wentz, the teacher expects two more shortly. This is the largest school for that dis tricts in many years. New seats are ordered, and children are seated around the stove and "everywhere" Pearl .Dixon went home lor the week end, but Josephine remained in town and attended the dance on Sat urday night. Miss Rub;y Myers ' was a. dininer and all day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed dy last Sunday, which was much ap preciated by Miss Myers. To be as far away from home as Oregon is from "old Missouri", makes any "schoolma'm" glad when invited to share home hospitality. Miss Crum, the primary teacher made her first appearance in Sandy as a soloist Sunday night and her voice was much enjoyed. Mildred and Grant DeShazer are trying their "level best" to get exemp tion from "exams", and the burning of extra coal oil may accomplish their desire! High school examinations were on for the close of the first semester dur ing the week and the tenseness of the occurance was felt by both pupils and teachers. Miss Mary Junker was a favored guest of some Portland friends who drove to Corvallis for their daughter and invited Mary to come along to their beautiful home for the week end Miss Selby and the Firwood young folks are s,till enjoying the skiing sport, and had there been a little more snow Miss Selby would have "skiied" down to Sandy for her music lesson Saturday. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or beforfe the 11th day of March, 1921, said date being morethan six weeks from the date of the first pub- j lication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said com plaint, for want therepf, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in his complaint, towtt: For a decree dissolving the marriage con tract heretofore and now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, and granting plaintiff a divorce and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and proper. This summons' is served upon you by publication thereof, by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, made and enter ed n the 27th day of January, 1921, directing that such publication be mad 4 in the Oregon City Enterprise once a week for six successive weeks; the first publication thereof being on the 28th day of January, 1921 and the last publication thereof being on the 11 day of March, 1921. ' , BROWN ELL & SIEVERS, . Attorneys for plaintiff, ' Oregon City, Ore EXECUTRIX NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed exec utrix of the estate of Nixon Blair, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers duly certified according to law, at the office of Brownell & Sievers, at Oregon City, Clackamas Couny, Oregon, within six months of lhe date of the publication of this notice. Dated, Friday, January 21, 1921. MARY E. BLAIR Executrix. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for executrix. Oregon City, Oregon. Aministratrix's Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Administratrix of the es tate of Mary M. Jabobs, Deceased, has filed in the County Court of Clacka mas County, State of Oregon, her fin al account as such Administratrix of said estate and the 7th day of March, 1921 at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said Court as the time for hearing any and all objec tions to said report and final account of said estate. ORPHA L. EISENHART, Administratrix. E. P. MORCOM, Attorney for Administratrix, Woodburn, Oregon. by publication be had upon yo for six successive weeks in the Oregon City. Enterprise, a newspaper of gen eral circulation published in the County of Clackamas, State of Ore gon, and that said publication be made once each week for six succes sive weeks; that the date of the first publication thereof be the 21st day of January 1921, and the date of the last publication be the 4th day of March 1921. ' JOHN C. McCUE, Attorney for plaintiff. Post Office Address: 407 Yeon Bldg., . Portland Oregon. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D. C Latourette, President F. J. Meyer, Cashie;- Tfie First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. SUMMONS i . In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. Thilda Hart, plaintiff, vs. Nils. Hart, defendant. To Nils Hart, the above named de fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby . required and com manded to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled suit in the above entitled Court on or before six weeks from the date of first publica tion of this summons, the date of first publication hereof being the 24th day of December 1920, and if you fail so to appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to this court for relief as demand in her com plaint filed against you herein, to-wit: For a judgment and decree of the above entitled court forever dissolv ing; and setting aside the bond3 of matrimony and marriage contract now and heretofore existing between you, the said defendant and the said p,Bintiff, an for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just. That this -summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six successive and consecu tive weeks in the Oregon City Enter prise, a newspaper of general circula tion in Clackamas County, Oregon and printed and published at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court which order was made and en tered on the 21st day of December 1920, and which rder directed that service of summons be made upon you by publication as aforesaid. Date of first publication 24th day of December 1920. Date of last publication of sum mons February 4th, 1921. DANIEL E. LOFGREN Attorney for Plaintiff. 1030 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial. Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. O. D. EBY ' Attorney-at-Lavk Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. and if you fail bo to appear or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in the complaint herein to- wit: For a judgment and decree against defendants Oscar H. McClung and Grace M. McClung for the sum of $316.66 together with interest from the 10th day of December, 1920, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and for the sum of Fifty Dollars attorneys fees and for plaintiff's costs and dis bursements in this suit. That a decree be entered herein, that the said mortgage be foreclosed and the premises herein described (Commencing at the Southwest corner of Tract Five (5) as shown by Plat of Palmers Addition to Boring Junction, running thence southerly along the east line of Bradly and Ritchy road 100 feet, thence easterly parallel with south line of Tract 5, 200, feet thence northerly 100 feet to S.E corner of Tract 5, thence westerly along south line of Tract 5, 200 feet to place of be ginning, being in the County of Clack amas and State of Oregon, be sold in the manner provided by law, and the proceeds of said sale be applied to the costs and disbursements in this suit, the payment of attorneys fees above mentioned and the payment of the sum found due the plaintiff, and the property belonging "to the above en titled estate, to-wit: "Tract "L" in Clackamas River side, as shown by the plat thereof of record in the Recorder's office of William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND & HAMMOND -Attorneys-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Pkone 81 Home Phone A-I7J Phone 465 WM. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Bldg., Oregon City, Ore. HARVESTER CO. FACES RIGID INVESTIGATION Bill of Ryan To Be Amended PORTLAND, Jan. 25. Senate bill No. 3 will be amended to accord mu nicipalities the same privileges grant ed county commissioners in securing sand, rock and gravel from the beds of Oregon streams for building, street and other improvements. Sena tor Moser has, so notified City At torney Grant The bill, which was introduced by Senator Ryan of Oregon City, origin nllv Drovided that countv commission ers only be granted the privilege of securing building material trom the WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. Investiga tion of complaints that the Interna tional Harvester company had an nounced its Intention of increasing prices of some of its farm machinery products was called for in a resolu tion introduced Tuesday by Represen tative Jones (dem.) of Texas. The resolution would direct the house in terstate commerce committee to con duct an injuriy and if prices have been increased, to find out why. CHICAGO, Jan. 25. Officials of the International Harvester company here, when told of the resolution in troduced Tuesday in the house by Rep resentative Jones of Texas, calling for an investigation of complaints of increased prices, said: "While we have no detailed infor mation about the resolution, we shall welcome any inquiry along the lines, being satisfied that the only result will be to convince the public of the fairness of our prices. "Our prices are now and always have been based solely on the cost of production. Our current prices are practically the same as for the last ten months. There has been some slight increase on some machines and reduction on others with the result that considering our line as a whole the price level for 1921 is substantial ly the same as for 1920."' OREGON CITY MAN FINED. Raymond Wells was arrested yes terday morning by Chief of Police Hadley for being Intoxicated on Main street. Wells was fined $10 and costs by Police Judge Kelly. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. A II. Meyer, Plaintiff, vs. George Kitzmiller and Jennie H. Kitz miller, his wife, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 19th day of January 3 921, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the ISth day of January j 1921 ,in favor of A. H. Meyer, Plain tiff, and against George Kitzmiller ! and Jennie H. Kitzmiller, his wife, ! Defendants, for the sum of $1200.00, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the Sth day of June 1918, less $40 inter est paid, and the further sum of $125.00, as attorney's fees, and- the further sum of $24.00 costs and dis bursement, and the cost of and up on this writ commanding me to make Sale of the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the South west quarter of lot No. 4 of Section 6 Township 3 South, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian, containing 40.56 acres more or less. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Saturday, the 26th day of February 1921; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, sub ject to redemption, to the highest bid der, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mort gage he-rein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy s,aid execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. E. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., January 2Sth, 1921. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. J R. Atchinson, Plaintiff, vs. Abram Prat Lamb .otherwise Abram Platt'Lamb; Thomas P. Lamb; Wil liam H. Lamb, otherwise William F. . Lamb; John Lamb, otherwise John D. Lamb; Presley Lamb, otherwise P. (H. W. or N.) Lamb; Mary Ann Lamb, and the unknown heirs of Charity Lamb; also all other -persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, esetate, lien or inter est in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. To all and each of the above defend- ants: In the name of the State of Oregon you and each of you hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named court in the above entitled cause, by Saturday, the 5th of February, . 1921, which date is more than six weeks after the date of the first publication of this summons; and if you fail to appear and answer ,or otherwise plead to said complaint within said time for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demand ed in the complaint, to-wit, for a de cree declaring the plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple of the following described real property in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, to-wit: The land beginning 21 chains west of the southeast corner of Section numbered sixteen (16), in Township Two (2) South o fRange Three (3) thence North 12.97 chains; thence East to center of the County Road; thence Southwesterly on center of said road to line between sections 16 and 21; thence West on the sec tion line to the place of beginning, containing eighteen (18) acres, more or less ,in the N. J. Lamb D. L. C. in Section 16, Township 2 South of Range 3 East of th& Willamette Meridian. and that you arid each of you have no right, title, interest or estate whatso- ver therein; that the title of the plaintiff to said premises be quieted, and that the plaintiff have such other and further relief as may seem proper. This summons is served upon you overplus ,if any, le paid to the Clerk of this court for the persons entitled thereto. That all right, title and interest ef each and all of the defendants hereia be adjudged and decreed subordinate and inferior to the claims and rights of this plaintiff, and that said defendants and each of them and every person claiming by, through or under them or either of them subsequent to the date of the execution of said mortgage, either as purchaser, incumrancer or otherwise, be forever barred and fore closed of all right, title or interest in and to said real property and every part thereof, save only the right of re demption allowed by law. That the plaintiff may become a purchaser at said sale and that the Sheriff execute a Certificate of Sale to the purchaser, and that said pur chaser be let into, possession of said premises upon the production of the Sheriff's Certificate, and that at the expiration of the time allewed by law, for the redemption, no redemption having been made, that a Sheriff's Deed issue, and that plaintiff have such other and further relief as to tke court may seem just and equitable. This summons is served unon vou by publication thereof for a period of once a week for six (6) consecutive weekg in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation published and issued at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, by order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of .the above entitled court. Calckamas County, Oregon, consist ing of approximately 15 acres, ly ing and being in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon." "Lots 24 and 25 in Block 4, Ter race Park, within the corporate limits of the City of Portland, County of Multnomah, State of Ore gon, upon which there is located a small antiquated dwelling house." For the purpose of paying the debt3, charges and expense of administra tion; same to be sold at public or private sale upon such terms as the Court may direct. This Notice is published in the Ore gon City Enterprise, once a week for four consecutive weeks by order of the above entitled Court, made on the 29th day of Di-iemtsr 1920. tie date of the first publication being Decem ber 31s.t 1920, and the date of the last publication being January 28th, 1921. Witness my hand and the seal of this Court affixed this 29th day of December, 1920. ( FRED A. MILLER, County Clerk. HALL & LEPPER Attorneys and Counsellors at Law 112-115 Citizens Bank Bldg., Cor. Grand Ave. and East Alder St., Phono East 940, Portland, Oregon. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the made on the 24th day of December, 1920. The first publication of this summons is dated the 24th day of De cember, 1920, and the last publication will be of date the 4th day of Febru ary, 1921, making the full period of six weeks, the time prescribed in said or der. MICELLI & GRAHAM, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 925 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Farm Loaaa Ureferred PAUL C. FISCHER from the Beaver Bldg, Oregon City strong $85.00; Urcil Armstrong $16.16; Lillian McCormack $17.08; Eloise All dredge $15.25; Gertie Willson $20.88. COUNTY COURT W A Proctor $95.00; W F Harris $100.00; COURT HOUSE Board of Water Commissioners $32.25; Pacific Tel & Tel Co $63.40; Straight & Salisbury $4.25; Jones Drug Co $6.02; J W Jones $3.00; CntCUIT COURT Electric Hotel It was not the intention of the bill to discriminate against municipalities, Senator Mosar stated, following a conference with Senator Ryan, and the bill will be amended to equally favor cities. SUES. FOR DIVOROE Mary B. Harbit has entered suit for divorce1 from ner husband, Roy Mitch ell Harbit alleging ni -her complaint desertion. They were married at DEAD KORSES TAKEN Cash paid for dead cows and down and eat horses. Will call anywhere. Pheac Milwaukte St-J. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. . Charles Sterling, Plaintiff, vs. . Katherliena W. Sterling, Defendant. To Katherliena W. Sterling, above $6.50; Oregon City Enterprise $56.00; Kalama, Wash., on Feb. 1, 1919. named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, directs that service of this summons SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State cf Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Floyd L- Sutherland, Plaintiff, vs. Edith M. Sutherland, Defendant. To Edith M. Sutherland, they above named defendant: ""In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or before Monday, the 7th day of March 1921, which date is more than six weeks after the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail to appear and answer to said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his said complaint, to-wit: For a decree of this Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing, between the plaintiff and the de fendant herein, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable in the premises. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof for six succes sive weeks by order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order Is dated January 15th, 1921, and which order I bu publication thereof by virtue of an order or tne Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above named Court, made on the 23rd day of December. 1920, which order directs said summons to be published in the "Oregon City Enterprise", a newspaper of general circulation published in Clackamas County, Oregon, and requires said pub lication to be made not less than once a week tor six weeks. Date of first publication December 24, 1920. Date of last publication February 4, 1921. LORING K. ADAMS Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. address : 730 Chamber of Com merce Bids., Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State cf Oregon for Clackamas County. Sarah A. Sloane, Plaintiff, vs Harry N. Sloane, Defendant. To Harry N. Sloane, Defendant above named ; In the name of the State of Oregon; You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within six (6) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons; and if you fail so to appear and answer plaintiff's com-, plaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit; For a decree of divorce from you upon the ground of desertion, and ! such other and further relief in the premises as pertains to equity. This summons is published by order of the Hon. J. U.' Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas Count, which order was made and entered on the 11th day of January 1921, and the time prescribed therein for publica tion of this summons is six successive weeks, beginning with the issue of 14th day of January, that being; the date of the first publication, and the last being on the 25th day of February 1921. GEO. A HALL, Attorney for Plaintiff, 512 Selling Building, Portland, Ore SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. William Bonwell, Plaintiff, rs. Oscar H. McClung and Grace M. Mc Clung, his wife, and H. H. Fessen den and Jane Doe Fessenden, his wife. Defendants. To Oscar H. McClung and Grace M. McClung, and H. H. Fensenden and Jane Doe Fessenden, above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and suit on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for the publication of summons, to-wit on or before the 4th day of February, 1921, ed, to sell the followng described real CITATION N. 18354 In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. In the Matter of the Esitate of James January, Deceased. To Irena Worbs, Wickliffe January, Mary Selby, Reubin January, Edwin January, Caroline Noble, Ira Jan uary, Mrs. Zora Marsh, Mrs. Audrey Kamer, Mrs. Maude Haywood, Mrs. Lola Horter and A. O. January, next of kin and heirs at law of James January, deceased, and to all other persons interested in said estate, greetings; - In the Name of the State of Oregon you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, at the Court room there of, in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, on Monday the 31st day of January, 1921, the same being the January term of said Court, at 10:00 O'clock in the forenpon of said date, then and there to show cause, if any; exist, why an order of sale should not be made directing, authorizing and ' licensing D. P. Price, Adminstrator of ; the estate of James Jinuary, deceas-. i undersigned has been appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Harvey H. Mattoon, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly certified according to law, at the office ot Brownell & Sievers, at Oregon City, Oregon within six months, of the date of the publication of this notice. Dat ed Friday, January 14, 1921. ELNORA F. MATTOON Administratrix. . BROWNELL & SIEVERS Attorneys for Administratrix, Oregon 'pity, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. William T. Modlin, Plaintiff, VSt Lucy Modlin, Defendant. To Lucy Modlin, the above named de fendant: In the Name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 11th daycf February, 1920, said time being more than six weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this summons, and If you fail to appear and answer said com plaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief praj ed for in the complaint and filed here in, towit: That the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and the "defendant be dissolved and held for naught; that the plaintiff be given an absolute de cree of divorce from the defendant, and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem meet and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Oregon City Enterprise, for six consecutive weeks in pursuance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order is dated the 29th day of Decem- Date of first publication, December ber, 1920. 31, 1920. Date of last publication, February- 11, 1921. McDOUGAL & McDOUGAL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 905 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Port land, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT.' In the Matter of the Estate of V. Harris, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executors of the estate of V. Harris, deceased, have filed in tie County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, their final account as such Executors of said estate, and that Monday, the 7th day of February, A. D. 1921, at the hour of ten o'cloek A. M., has been fixed by said Court as the time for hearing objections -to said report and the settlement thereof. WM. HAMMOND AND K. G. CAUFIELD, Executors of the estate of V. Har ris, deceased. HAMMOND AND HAMMOND, Attorneys for BxectorS. First publication January 7, 192L Last publication February 4, 1921.