OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1921 Page 5 .-UIMHMIIHIIIMMIUflllHIIIHIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIinMIUIUlM LOCALS AND PERSONALS Dr. and Mrs. John Weeks arrived in. Oregom City Thuifsday evening, and after visiting in this city for sev era! weeks as guests of Dr. and Mrs Frank Mount, the latter their daugn- ter, they -will leave for Honolulu, . where they are to enjoy several weeks, then proceed to the Orient, to visit Japan and China. Dr. and Mrs. Weeks are favorably known here, where they have visited on a number of occasions. The last time Dr. Weeks and wife visited here was during the salmon season, when they made a record in. catching some of the largest fish from the Willamette river. Before leaving here Dr. Weeks and wife were among the most en thusiastic anglers, and he is only re gretting that this is not salmon fish ing season, so that he could enjoy an other fishing trip before leaving for the Orient. Chas. P. Lyon, who was with the John Robinson, circus last season, will leave March 1st to fill the posi tion of adjuster and purchasing agent of the Sells Floto Shows. Mr. Lyon will be accompanied by his wife, Mae Lyon, and daughter, Gypsie, both of whom are horseback performers, Gypsie, who is able to perform the wonderful feat of riding horseback and driving four horses at one time. She and her mother were also con nected with the Robinson circus last season. Baby Nadine is to appear in a posing act directed by Mr. Lyon. Jerry Rankin, cjf Gladstone is building a new bungalow on the Clackamas boulevard, and Frank Nelson, is also erecting a modern bungalow on Arlington street at Gladstone. ti. T. Duncan, of Hazelia, was among the Oregon City visitors Thursday. Jacob Schatz, of Greenpoint, form erly engaged in. the shoe repairing business in Oregon City, recently un derwent a surgical operation in Port land, when his leg was amputated Mr. Schatz, who has been at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Kinzey, formerly Miss Minnie Schatz, of this city, in Portland, since being able to leave the hospital, will be brought to his home in this city Sun day. A blood clot had formed near the hip joint, necessitating the am putation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ownbjey and baby daughter, Dorothy May, arriv ed in Oregon City from) Taooma, guests at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ownbey,. parents of Mr. Own- bey, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Cox, the latter his sister. This is the first time the two families have seen lit tle Dorothy May, for she was born at Tacoma November 29th, and who is an unusual attractive child for her age. Mr. and Mrs. Ownbey are mak ing their home in Sellwood. J. Rutter, who moved to Portland about three months ago, where he had contemplated making him home. Schuyler C. Hardenbrook, of Para- . Mrs. A. J. Bockhold and infant dise, Montana, who has been in Ore- daughter, Mary, were able to leave gon City, where he has been spend-1 the Oregon City hospital Saturday ing a few days at the home of Mr. evening for their home at 717 Fourth and Mrs. F. W. Parker, will leave for I street. Mr. Bockhold is one of the his home Monday. Mr. Hardenbrook, happiest "daddies" in the city since who is a well known railroad man, is the arrival of the little one at his making his first visit here. He is home, who was just two weeks old the brother of Mrs. Parker, whom he Monday evening. The proud father had not seen for nine years. Mr. says we have even had Mary's hair Hardenbrook has been in the rail- "bobbed" and if you don't believe it road business for the past thirty come to the house and I will show years, and formerly employed on the you. With big blue eyes and black Narrow Gauge railroad on the West "bobbed" hair, Mary has already Side, and also made his home at In- made a "hit" in the world dependence. He has resided at Para dise for the past three years, and Mr. and Mrs. Chris . Lorenz, of employed by the Northern Pacific Macksburg, were in Oregon City Sun- Railroad company. According to Mr. day and Monday, where they came Hardenbrook, Montana is having one to be at the bedside of their son, of its mildest winters, and the visitor Louis, who was brought .to the Ore- says very little snow has fallen, the gon City hospital Saturday night to greatest amourit where he is located, I undergo a surgical operation for ap- being about five inches. With fine pendicitis. On Monday the report of fishing and good hunting he say a his condition from the hospital was there is no place like Paradise, and very encouraging, and the patient had is well named. improved since' Sunday. returned to Oregon City . Friday and gigtered 20 . degreea zen lcsumru ilia i Coiucuv-C cLi f Mrs. Jessie Hill, formerly of this Misses Ruth Schuebel and Valera city, and daughter of J. C. Pace, who Meyers of this city were the week- left Oregon City December 14 for end house guests of Alphi Phi Soror River Falls, Wisconsin, has return- ity at Eugene, attending the formal ed, and says she is glad to be back I dancing party of the Alphi Phi Soror- in old "rainy" Oregon, after exper- uy at HoteL Osborn Saturday even iencing severe cold weather. While ing. They returned to Oregon City in Wisconsin the thermometer re- Sunday evening. where he has property interests. Mrs Rutter, who has been ill for the past year, has improved! considerably since going to Portland, will return to Bolton, Sunday evening.. They have been residing near the home of the latter's daughter, formerly Miss Ruby Spencer, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Piatt and lit tle daughter, Betty, were in Oregon City Wednesday, having come here to visit with the Mr. Pratt's uncle, Captain Charles Barclay, who is captain of the U. S. transport Liscum, I Mr. and Mrs. A. M. DeVaney and grand-daughter, Mary MunsonJ of Roseburg, who have been in Oregon City, where they have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gadke, left for their home Thursday afternoon. Mr. DeVaney i3 a well known railroad man. and before returning to his home, transacted business in Port land, where he also visited friends thoroughly enjoying his brief vaca tion. Stanley Gesley, formerly of Oregon City, where he was connected with the L. Adams store for several years, arrived here Friday for a brief visit and who arrived here Wednesday to his mother and brother. Mr visit his old home and with his sis- Gesley is now connected with the J ters. Mrs. W. E. Pratt ana Miss c pennev storp at Forest Grove, Katie Barclay, and other relatives. wnere he has lucrative position. Little Betty will remain here until He lg gjg,, visiting among his many Sunday visiting ner graaparents, mr. friends. and Mrs. W. F. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Houlton have Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Landsvp-v taken up their home at Milwaukie, are receiving congratulations over where they are occupying apartments the arrival of a daughter, born at in the home of Mrs. Houlton's moth their home on Thirteenth and Center er. Mr. Houlton was formerly manag- streets Thursday morning. The v- er cf the Pacific Telephone company one weighs seven and one-half pounds. I and owing to ill health resigned his Mrs. Landsverk was formerly Miss I position some time ago. Adah Mass, and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Mass. the errandDarents. are reioic- Mrs. Theodore Osmond, of Port- ing over the arrival of their first I land, formerly of this city, was an grandchild. Baby Landsverk is hon- Oregon City visitor Friday. Mrs. ored with the name of Alpha Helene. Osmond was among those to attend the Derthick Club at the home of Mrs. Ketehum and daughter. Miss Mrs. L. A. Hendersen Friday after Ruth, of Powell River, B. C, have ar 1 noon. river! here, whpra the former will un dergo medical treatment. Mrs. Ketch- Dr. ana Mrs. jonn -uuer, oi t,an.:y, - i , i I nu-n lll-n onl TM-(iTri O-t 1 T"C Cl f T?1A Cof- um and ramuy iormeriy resiaea nere - before taking up their residence in tage hotel, were in Oregon City Fri- British Columbia. They are visiting nay. rney were on meir way num fripnrts and relatives in Gladstone iruiu i-uublu, wiieie me, 111a and Oregon City. on business. t-. -d.,h e ivTioiio .e,o Keen Mrs. Fnnv ownDey ana son, uei- hm1P-hf tn nrPiron r.itv. where he is mar, of bellwood, were m Oregon receiving medical treatment in the City the first of the week. While nr- ritv hnsTiitaL The man. who here they were guests of Mr. Own- i i -,-.i; inna ,-n o email Deys Barents, mr. ana iurs. a. j. 1 1 UtJfcJIA 1 l.O ill lllf, tl. 1 v.. J V. lu u . . . - I cabin, is suffering from Bright's dis- ownDey, ana aiso guests oi jyifs. ai pqop and his condition is serious. -jOX ana iamny. An TCatPrlin. who is attending Jieo Howeii, stuaent oi me i-acmc the legislative assembly, where he is University at Forest Grove, arrived 111 vreguu m l I in ti. j c;cuni& i spend the week-end with fcer parents, Among the places she visited were I L. Huey, of-Siletz, Oregon, was in Webster City, Iowa, Minneapolis and Oregon City Monday, coming here to St. Paul, Minn. She accompanied look after property interests. Mr.- her grandmother, Mrs. C. B. Pace, to Huey formerly resided at Milwau- Webster City, where the latter will kie, where he still has property. Be- make her home. She was a sister I fore returning to his home he will of the late Mrs. J. C. Pace, who died visit friends in that city. here recently, and who accompanied the latter from a trip a few months I Mrs. J. S. Smith and sons, Lloyd before her death. and Otto, accompanied by Miss Mil dred Dryden, went to Newberg Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cross, of oay, wnere tney visitea me iormer s Hebo. Oregon, arrived in Oregon City daughter, Mrs. Percy Card, and fam Thursday evening, where they were y. me uara ramuy accompamea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Cross them to Oregon City for a brief visit. until SatiirHnv when thev left foi ir. -... ti,v h 0 1 Joe sypher, or Portland, has ar- tnpr fr tno remani.iPt-of the winter rived here and accepted a clerical fn- fh hpnpfit of Mr nrnss' hpalth I Position with Jack's Cash and Carry whiip watpm Oregon thpv ar to store, having had much experience in visit Rollie Cross, their nephew, and that line- .He took up his duties Mon- February 5th is the date set by the literary society of Hazelia for the fancy dress party to be given at the Hazelia school house. Among the features of the evening will Be the address of Attorney Dean Butler, whose subject will be "The Philippine Islands. Mr. Butler spent tow years on the islands, and familiar with the subject upon which he will talk. A number fryn this city are planning to attend and attire in fancy costume. A supper will be served during the evening. The affair planned and carried out by the Hazelia Literary Society are always looked forward to with pleasude by "the people of that section of the county, and are most successful events. In honor of their second wedding anniversary. County Recorder J. G. Noe and wife entertanied the (em ployes of the county recorder office at a dinner at their home at Gladstone Tuesday evening in a most delightful manner. Music was enjoyed in the evening. The rooms of the Noe home were prettily decorated for the event, and the table centered with cyclamen blossoms. Places were laid for Miss Lou Cochran, Miss Ella Howell, Miss Cynthia Pace, Miss Carlotta Pace, Miss Anna Jourenek, Mr. and Mrs. Noe. his family, and Mr. and Mrs. Truman Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Cross were ac companied to Oregon City by their daughter and son. Miss Ollie and day morning. Mrs. A. Nelson, of this city, who is visiting her daughter, and family in T Ancralaa 1 i c. xirrittan frlan.la Frank. The trip was made by aut " rx. that she is ready to leave for Oregon, mobile. The latter will return Hebo today. to her native state, although she has had a most delightful time. Mrs. Isam Channell and sons, Billy and Donald, of Garden Home, who have been spending the week-end in Oregon City as guests of Captain and Mrs. Paul Williams, of Tenth and Main streets, left for their home Mon day morning. Little Billy, who is but two years of age, is now recovering from terrible burns received in an accident when his arms were scald ed Mrs. Fred Meindl, who is making her home at the Lazelle farm, and who has been fill for several weeks, is improving in a Portland hospital. Mrs. Meindl has been suffering from a severe attack of tonsolitis. As Martin Chistensen's, birthday anniversary occurred Saturday, Janu ary 15th, his wife decided upon giving him a little surprise by inviting a few of his friends at the family home at Seventh and Jackson streets Saturday evening. While Martin was enjoying the evening paper, the guests arrived in a body, and soon had possession of the Christensen home. The evening was made merry in cards and music. Henry Henningsen and William Had ley made the hit of (the evening when they favored the guests with several piano and vocal selections. Both men who have "rare" voices.proved artists in this line, and were prepared to respond to their hearty encores, hav ing brought a supply of their "latest" selections, all of which were, rendered before they returnd to their homes. Mrs. Christensen served refresh ments during the evening; and was assisted in serving by her daughter, Gladys. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henningsen, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Beard, Mr. D. O. Kenady, employed by the Hult Lumber company at Mulino, was in this city on business Monday af He was in the Good Samaritan ternoon, and before returning visit-1 and Mrs. George Cox. Mr. and Mrs. hospital receiving medical treatment ea among some of his friends here. for two months, and underwent sev eral operations for skin grafting. After spending the past two weeks visiting friends at the University of Among those to transact business Oregon and in' Eugene, Miss Alice in Oregon City Monday was J. E. Holman returned to Oregon City Mon Mitts, whose home is at Needy. Be- day evening, fore returning to that place Mr. Mitts secured a fishing license, and says he is now ready for the salmon sea son. .During the season here last year Mr. Mitts brought his little tent along, pitched, it on the bank of th Willamette river and made the re cord of "landing" a Chinook each day for eight days in succession. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Hell. of Tenth and Main streets. looking after interests of fishermen, arrived home Wednesday evening, but returned to Salem Thursday morning, where he will remain dur nnr t Vl In oriel a t 5 VP fcpcsifm & b A. M. Kirchem, of Logan, was in Amons- those to transact business this city on Friday, and was accomp nnri tn. visit, friends in Oregon City anied by his daughters, the Misses Thursday was H. E. Meads, of Oak Kirchem, who are attending the Ore Grove, who is now deputy state game i warden with headauarters in Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Freytag and family arrived at Parkplace from Boise, Idoha, Saturday evening where they are visiting Irelatives They will probably spend the remain der of the winter here, as Mr. Frey tag has left Idaho for the benefit of his health. Mrs. Freytag was form erly Miss Isabelle Straight, of Park- place. gon City high school, and who will spend the week-end a't their home James Brady, manager of the Brady Mercantile company, who has been confined to his home for the Mrs. William Carter, of Newberg jinrl Mrs Tr T. Trur.hot. of Portland, are here for a few days, where they Past week by illness; was able to re aro. coasts nf their rniisins. Mrs. W. sume ms auues r i .ua, muiumS. n n,tf ivTioa TCatip Barolav. and also Captain Charles Barclay. I Atbur Rugg left Friday morning for Camas, Wash., where he has gone "Whitromh Rilev." the poet, was on business for the Crown-Willamet- the subject for F. W. Parker at thc te Paper company. He will return auditorium of the Oregon City library to wieSon ny mis evemu Wednesday evening, which was list ened to with great interest by the large and appreciative audience. Mrs M M. MnReehan who been ill for several weeks, has been Harding. removed to the St. Vincent's hos pital, where she is receiving medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. C. 3. Harding, of Portland, are spending Sunday in Oregon City as guests of the form- has I er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Mrs. LeRoy Eaton, of Portland, who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell, of this Among those to transact business city, has returned to her home here Thursday afternoon was Arthur Borland. His home is at Tualatin Meadows, wheTe he is engaged in business. Mrs. F. L. Sharp, of Stafford, was among the Oregon City visitors Fri day. While here she was the guest of friends. Mrs. Charles Parker, of Portland, was in Oregon City Thursday, hav- t omr.nc the quests at the among o 4o thA home of Mrs. Wil- here Saturday. JJC-li ,Jf &, 1 V- 11 t , liam Tipton. Mrs. Orartti B "Dimick, who has been visiting at the home of Cole man Mark, since the death of her sister, the late Mrs. Coleman Mark at Mark's Prairie, will return to this city this evening. Judge Dimick will visit the Mark home today, and be accompanied home by his wife. Miss Bessie Rayl, of 121G Jackson street, entertained a few of her class mates Friday evening, when games and music were among the features of the evening. Refreshmments were served. Among the guests were few of her friends from the Barclay school. Charles Humphrys, formerly of Oregon City, now of Astoria, arrived in Oregon City Saturday to visit for a few days, as guest of his mother Mrs. Johnathan Y. Humphrys, and his brothers, J. R Humphrys and Fred Humphrys. Mr. and Mrs. I. t. Taylor are to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor in Portland today. They will be among those to attend the enter tainment this evening at the auditor ium under the auspices of the Swiss Concert company. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aylward, of Gladstone, are the happy parents of a son, weight 8 1-2 pounds, born January 20. Miss Francis Cross, after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gray, of White Salmon, Wash., has returned to her home at Gladstone. Mrs. Ola Smith has returned to her heme in St. Johns, after spending the past week at the home of Mr. George Armstrong, of Redland, was! ana M.rs- """ those to transact business Bn snB waa suwl ul He also visited r- anu mra- " "u and Mrs. G. L. Brown. among some of his old time friends. C. E. Spence, state master of the grange, will install the officers of Abernethy Grange at Parkplace Sat urday, January 29. Mrs. Bird Lennon was removed to the Oregon City hospital Wed-day. Mrs. John Raicy, of Tualatin Meadows,- was among those to transact business here Thursday. Among the Oregon City visitors Thursday was George Oldenstadt whose home is at Stafford. Matt Baker, of . Stafford, was here on business Thursday. J. P. Lovett will leave within a few days for a business trip to Ohio, where he will be gone for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Brown, of Port land, were in this city Friday. They formerly resided here. Mrs. Urela Gerber, of Esrtacada, was among' the Oregon City visitors Friday, coming here on business. Mrs. Ida Eggleston, who has been ill for several weeks, has improved so that she is now able to be out. Mrs. John F. Risley, of Risley Station, was in this city Friday. Alice Gibbons, daughter of Mrs. S. Sarsfield, ot this city, left the first of the week for Astoria, where she will remain until June visiting her aunt, Mrs. Bridget Belam. She will attend school in Astoria. Mrs. Lloyd Smith and children, Clifford and Raymond, spent Sunday in Clackamas, where they visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Johnson. Dave Harvey, of Colby, Wisconsin, was in this city Saturday and Sun day, and while here made his head quarters at the Electric. F. E. Polliams, of Hoquiam, Wash., was in Oregon City Sunday and Mon day. While here he registered at the Electric. ' Clara Mater, of Molalla, was an Oregon City visitor Sunday and Mon day. S. G. Hostetler, of Aurora, was in Oregon City transacting business Monday. (Lenora Howland, whose homje is at Liberal, was an Oregon City visit or Monday. Mrs. P. J. Erickson, who has been suffering from a severe cold at her home on Falls "View, is improving. Sam Egli, of Canby, was in Oregon City Monday. Among those to visit this city Mon day was Roy Sullivan. His home is at Molalla. L. E. Fisher, Lester Beard, Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Christensen. Gladys Martin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keith enter tained in a most delightful manner at their home at Thirteenth and Main streets last Saturday evening, when their guests were the Gypsies and a few other friends. Cards were- among the features of the evenings, when Mrs. C. H. Meis sner was awarded the prize. Refreshments were served. Carnations were arranged in a most artistic manner in the living and din ing rooms. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Tipton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grif fith, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Henderson, Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Mount, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hendry. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Latour ette. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Meissner, Miss Helen Daulton, Miss Bessie Daulton. with pink carnations and Japanese of the evening, when refreshments maiden hair fern. were served in the banquet room. Presiding over the luncheon was . Mrs. Zeda M. Jones, president of the ' The women of the Presbyterian Council of Sisterhood, whose home is church held their missionary meet at Portland." During the luncheon ing at' the home of Mrs. Dave Wil letters containing greetings were read Hams Friday afternoon, from Mrs. Mary Allen Stafford, one The home topic under discussion of the founders of the society, and was "The Foreigner In ' America." Mrs. Alice Bird Babb, a daughter of The missionary subject studied was one of the organizers, who was too "South China." ill at that time to send her greetings. Refreshments were served by Mrs. There are but three living members Williams and joint hostesses Mrs. of the Chapter who assisted in its or- George Eby. ganization in January 21, 1869, at Weslyan College, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, The Ladies' Aid Society of tie and the greetings extended in letters Presbyterian church gave a "Measur and read n this occasion were highly ing Social" in the church Darlora appreciated by the members. Wednesday evening. The admission Since the organization of P. E. O. fee was one cent an inch for waist Sisterhood membership has increased measure. throughout the United States, and The well arranged nmsTam w now numbers 40,000. T he Sisterhood given: Duet, Valeria Meyers and now extends into Canada. Llinden McCausland; vocal solo, Chapter P., P. E. O. Sisterhood of Eldon Aldredee: readine- Arthn Oregon City was represented on this Beattie; vocal solo, Mrs. Wyatt- vocal occasion by Mrs, E. W. Scott, Mrs. selections, Mrs. W. C. Green 'Frank William Andresen, Mrs. C. Schuebel, Aldredge, Mrs. Laura Schoenborn Mrs. N. W. Bowland, Mrs. John F. and Roy Woodard Clark, of this city; Mrs. John F. Ris- The refreshment committee corn ley, of Risley Station; Mrs. John posed of Mesdames Woodward Chanfl Waldron, of Oak Grove; Mrs. Theo- ler and Glover, aeirvied cofflae and dore Osmond, of Portland. doughnuts. The program committee was composed of Mrs. Laura Schoen- A recital was g?ven at the home of born and Mrs. Roy Woodward, Mrs. Miss Beatrice Oliver, of Willamette, John Collie and Mrs. Elizabetti : by a number of her pupils Saturday Glover were on the measuring coni afternoon. mittee. Taking part were Freda Volpp, Una Hyatt, Verna Peters, Celia Carroll, One of the affairs of tho week look Erwin Wodruft, Kenneth Montgomery, ed forward to with special interest is Frances Carpenter, Jean MacLean the social meeting of the American and Ernest Wallace. Legion and Women's Auxiliary to take Dainty refreshments were served place at Moose hall Monday evening, by Mrs. F. Oliver, assisted by her A program has been arranged by daughters. Mrs. David Caufield and Simon Me- Donald. Mrs. W.- H. Hempstead, of Glad- Refreshments willbe served by a stone, entertained the Euterpean committee composed of Mrs. R. M. Club at her home Saturday afternoon. Cooper, Mrs. Mary Harvey, Miss Rose The members studied Petrie and his Ruminiski and Mrs. Grace M. Eby. compositions. Several selections by Dancing will be enjoyed. All mem this composer were sung by Mrs. M. bers are invited. E. Turner and Mrs. J. W. Leouhardt, accompanied by Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. The "Character Builders" of the J. G. Nash gave several piano solos. Baptist church enjoyed a joint class The artist, Leonardi DeVinci, was party with the Mountain View class studied, and the picture, "The Lord'3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Supper," explained by Mrs. Victor at Mountain View Wednesday eve Gault. ning. Mrs. E. B. Andrews is the teach county division was tne subject for er of the "Character Builders' " class discussion led by Mrs. L. A. Read who and Miss Louise Badger, teacher of had the affirmative and Mrs. William the young women's class at Mountain Hammond, the negative. View. a aencious luncn was served Dy tne A delightful evening was spent. nosrtess at 1 o clock. Games, stunts and music wer indule- ed in. Refreshments were served by The Security Benefit Association the hostess, Mrs. Harris, assisted by met at tne Moose Hall Monday eve Miss DurvaJ. There was a large afc- ning. After the usual business meet- tendance, both classes being well rep ing eleven candidates were initiated, resented. Plans were completed for attend ing Anchor Council in Portland Mon day, January 31. President Roy Wood ward, appointed on the transporta tion committee E. B. Brown and G. J. Howell. A Miss Myrtle Henderson was1 the hostess to the members of the Ep worth League of the Methodist church at her home on Ninth and Taylor streets Wednesday evening, when a pot luck" supper for February most delightful time was had in 7th was planned, and the following games and music. committee appointed to arrange for Refreshments were served during the affair: W. C. Green, chairman; I the evening. Mesdames Anna Howell, Stella Wood- Attending were Mr. and Mrs.. Wil- ney Warner. Mrs. W. P. Hawley was a charming hstess at her beautiful home in Port land v ednesday afternoon, when a pretty luncheon was enjoyed, follow ed by a box party at the Baker. Mrs. Hawley's guests were Mrs. George Pusey and Mrs. John F. Clark, of this city; Mrs. Benjamin Berger, of Portland; Mrs. G. D. Jen sen, of New York. Mrs. J. Steinford, of Milwaukie, was an Oregon City visitor Monday Mrs. Amanda Hickman, after spend ing the week-end in Portland, as a guest of her son, Everette Hickman, and wife, returned to Oregon City Saturday. Mrs. J. K. Grobble, of Canby, was in this city Tuesday afternoon, and was on her way home from Portland, where she had transacted business. Thomas Greory, of Greenwood, has accepted a position with the Twen tieth Century store, commencing his duties the first of the week. Pythian Sisters Lodge installed of ficers at the Knapp hall last Wednes day evening, with Mrs, John Craw ford as installing officer. The following took the oath of of fice to serve for the ensuing year: Most excellent senior, Mrs. Robert Goodfellow; excellent junior, Mrs. Otto Erickson; manager, Mrs. E. L. Johnson; financier, Mrs. A. M. White mistress record of correspondence, Mrs. Paul Naumann; protector, Mrs. Bert Baxter; guard, Mrs. M. P. Chap man; musician, Mrs. Neal Sullivan past chief, Mrs. Isaac Pursiful. Following the impressive ceremony the remainder of the evening was Je voted to a social time, when the new ly installed officers were guests of honor. Cards were enjoyed, and re freshments served. ward, Emma McGahuey, Minnie Dono- Iiam Henderson, Mrs. Mary Boylan, .an, mio. . w. .uuM nd XT f" Mve.rs. Mrs Mln- aua jV1IS. uuuts. I nip Mundor Mrs Ctpornpo The membership committee, Grace Mrs. MaIva ' M,ss p,,va T M. Eby, Mrs. E. D. DeMoSs and Mrs. Miss Rth Roberts Mis nT,n ..vi.,, l'l"""u wicu Warner. Fred Gin. Gravrten Pnrp -3 J i a. tMt .1. V. I ' ' uiuse as cauuuii w n-u me vaut, uy William Doring, George Cushing, Sid- tut? i esiudiiuu ui ivii s. ivi cxi y LUA. A degree team was organized con- , Z r 7L "it Mr- ani Mrs- G- J- Howell and sons, Perkins, Fred Kanreth, Mable Chris- ctllrtot t TT,! tensen, J. Vallier, Elva Vallier, Elvin . T- V , ' ' ., ' sity, who is spending the week end Catto, Grace Eby, Cecil Green, Harry . ' . . . . , . here, and Merle Howell, will go to Portland today, where they are to be dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Eaton. Mrs. Eaton is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howell. Dunmire, Dorothy Green, Fred Peck- over, Louise Peckover, Edna Rowen, Everette Catto. Mr. Brown, of Portland, gave a talk on the good of the order. Captain. Spagle commenced work instructing the new team. Miss Elsie Biersticker was a charm- The Women's Auxiliary of the St. Paul's Episcopal church met at the Parish house Thursday, when an all day meeting was enjoyed. Needle- 1, occupied the day, and at 12 noon, when she entertained in honor o'clock lunch was served. T-i.. .. r . i- i . of her cousin, Johnny Adamosky, n I y. , .. , , .... ' , . J . J' Portland, who is educational secre- whose fifteenth birthday anniversary occurred on that day. . The affair was in the form of a sur prise, and successfully carried out. The afternoon was spent in games tary of the Wc-njens Society ot Grace Memorial church, gave an in structive talk on "Study Classes and the Survey of Church Work." Attending were Mrs. James Dawsou, and music among ttaojse rendering Mrs charleg prlester Mrs c H u piano selections being Miss Biersteck er and Otto Smith, of Gladstone. Chandler, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. A. E. King, Mrs. W. B. Lawton, Mrs. Edith Refreshments were served and the Migh'elg Mrg rayes, of Husum, wuib uuumea wim a. case aecoraieu with fifteen lighted candles. Attendtag were Mildred Hull, Helen Schief, Isabel Hallman, Elsie Bier- stecker, Otto Smith, Harold Schief, Wash., Mrs. Kirby, of Portland, Elaine Priester. Mrs. Hale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toozk, spent Monday visiting her parents, who reside at Fourteenth and Water street. Richard; Raddatz, of Pendleton, was among those to register at the Electric. Monday and Tuesday. 3. Schell, of Portland, accompanied by Neal James, have been spending a few days in this city, where they have been guests of the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Don: James, of Eighth and Washington streets. James Skinner, of Walluga, was, among those to transact business in Oregon City Tuesday. Mrs. A. I. Hughes, of Redland, was in Oregon City Tuesday. While here she visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Cross en tertained Miss Ollie Cross and Frank Cross, of Hebo, and they were also guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cross. Walter ajid C. Stier, of Aurora, were here on Friday and Saturday. While in this city they registered at the Electric Mrs. Jane Schrody, whose home is at Milwaukie. was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday. Little Ruby Nash has been serious ly ill with rheumatism but is still improving. David Long, of Hazelia, was here on Tuesday, where he transacted business. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Rands enter- taned in a most delightful manner at their home Tuesday evening, when their guests were members of the Tuesday Night Bridge Club. The evening was devoted lo bridge, when Mrs. L. L. Porter and L. E. Jones held high score, and awarded the prizes. Following cards, delicious refresh ments were served. Red carnations, pussy willows and Oregon grape were used most ef fectively in decorating the Rands home. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. 1 E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Latour ette, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Porter, Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Mount, Mr. and Mrs. Livy Stipp, Dr. and Mrs. William Krassig, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Dr. and Wrs. C. H. Meissner, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Morris. Clifton Tally was the "victim" of a snrnrise nartv iriven at tha i nrn o nf Danny Schief, Johnnie Adamosky, his mother, Mrs. Horace Minor, last Clifton Tally, Mr. and Mrs. Adamosky, Saturday evening. The lad had been Harry Adamosky, Mrs. Dick Van Den- spnt hv hia morn- intfl a aari,aT1(,,i burg, Mr. and Mrs. Bierstecker and -o,, an(1 no sooner y,aa hf, arriVe1 children, Fredide, Teddy and Barbara. thpre .hpn the i1rhts WPrp "tnrnprf rn " ind triA livfn or Trwm frtimrl Tv- The Fraternal Brotherhood will f,,w with somo friorl,0 , give a ball at' the Moose hall Friday rp,aMvns Af(.Ar mm i,,. evening of this week. Burn's orches- f tha ..sWlr., , nrna . i f!i. v, .-u xi luc good hogtf and the evening was da- 6" ... . . . . voted to games and contests, followed ii.hxb t;iia.re i fey refreshments, composed oi ai uox, Mrs. ituuoipn Wenger and Perry Barnes. "Among those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas. Mr. and " ,Hr pn,.i; Smith, Miss Mildred Dryden, Dorothy hloVr r. , Criswell, Clarsa Smith, Isabelle Hall- heart Legion, attended the meeting of I - t; . i -ti. the local organization last Tuesday evening and gave an account of her man, Elsie Bierstecker, Otto Smith, Leonard Cross, Billy Osborn, Orville I "V v TaiviAa fi.-hlw. n-.ll recent visit to Mooseheart, a home , . . """f- nu i, for the orphans of members of the UoJ Lfsetta and Maime Minor lodge and the Moose lodge, and also y Tnomas- One of the enjoyable events held in Portland during the past week when Oregon City people attended, was a stitution, and there were many aged home for the aged members. The talk was of a most interesting nature, giving a complete account of how the work is carried on at the big institution. Children are educated in various branches, and while visiting Mooseheart, Mrs. Cochran had the pleasure of attending one of the grad uating exercises. Moosheart is located in Illinois, and everything is taught orphans of mem bers of the lodge from dariying to banking. Large dairy barns with the finest registered cattle, gives the chil dren a chance to start into the study ing of the dairy industry by a proper method. Mrs. Cochran found many children while on this visit being given the many advantages offered at the in Al and Cecil Stewart, of Seaside, O. Sisterhood. luncheon given at ithe hotel Portland Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock, in observance of Founders' Day of P. E. Oregon, are here for a few days. people, members of the lodges, being given the best of care and attention by nurses employed there. Following the address the visitor Each place was daintily marked was the guest of honor the remainder The Neighbors of. Woodcraft in stalled officers at the Willamette hall Friday evening, when many members of the oragnization attended and en joyed the impressive ceremony, with Mrs. -Flora Morris as installing officer. The following were installed: Past guardian neighbor, Mattie Cannon; guardian neighbor, Gladys Hannaford; adviser. Opal McKenzie; magician, Mary L. Cox ; clerk, Carrie N. Parker; banker, May Waldron; captain of the guards, Fannie Pettit; inside guardi an, Mary Clayton; outside guaridan, Dora Scouton; mjusician, lone Dunn; managers Dora Winkel andChristina Barbur. Mrs. Rosina Fonts Evans, . who is one of the managers, will be Installed later, as she was unable to b in attendance owing to illness of her brother. , Mrs. Carrie N. Parker has been in- stalled to the office of clerk for her 24th year. (Continued on pass 8)