Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 07, 1921, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Published Every Friday.
C E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at Oregon City, Oregon, Post
office as second-class matter.
Subscription Rates:
Six Months
- .75
. .25
Trial Subscription, Two Months.
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If last payment Is
mot credited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will receive our attention
Advertising Rates on application.
It pays to grow soiling crops in west
ern Oregon where pasture land is lim
ited, land high priced, labor cheap,
and where silos are scarcely feasible,
writes G. R. Hyslop, chief of the farm
crops at O. A. C. experiment sitation,
in a new college extension bulletin,
"Green Peed or Soiling crops for
Western Oregon."
"Supplemented by pasture in the
dry summer months and by silage in
the wet and cold winter months, the
soiling system has many advantages
from the standpoint of crop manage
ment," saysi Professor Hyslop.
Some of the crops listed as profit
able for feeding in a fresh state are
vetch and rye, crimson clover, otats
and vetch, red clover, corn, kale, al
sike clover, peas and oats, turnips,
buckwheat, mangels, rutabages, and
carrots. Cultural and feeding direc
tions are given for each of these, to
gether with probable yield as indicat
el by college crops.
The information listed in the bulle
tin may be inferred from following as
' applied to the first of the soiling
crops listed: Vetch and rye planted
Aug. 20 to Sept. 10, fed April 15 to
May 9 :25 days in 60 pound daily
rations to one cow, total of 1500
pounds, with a yield of 10 tons per
acre, and acreage of .075 needed for
ong cow.
The amount fed to one cow is said
to be only a basis for calculations as
conditions would determine the exact
amount for each. The yield is less
produced on the college farm.
The bulletin will help a great deal
in solving the green feed problem. Get
it by writing to the college at Corval-Iis.
Local People Invited
to Washington, D. C
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kelly, of Fern
Ridge, near Gladstone, Clackamas
county, have the honor of being
among those to be invited to the wed
ding of Miss Marjorie Brown, niece
of President Wilson, and Mr. Ben
jamin King, which took place at the
home of Colonel Brown at 1112 I
street, Washington, D. C, December
Mr. Kelly and Mr. King were form
er schoolmates, and although Mr.
King, who is financial representative
of the G. Annsich Company, bankers
of New York City, N. Y., and Mr.
Kelly, train rules examiner of the
Portland Railway, Light & Power
Company, with headquarters in Port
land, Oregon, the two young men
have always been in close touch with
each other, and have been "chums"
since boyhood days.
Mr. Kelly says he well remembers
when he was a lad of 16 years while
working as a telegraph operator for
a railroad at Weyerhauser, and would
phone for "Bob" King to come down
to keep him company when he was
lonely at night and felt timid about
remaining at his post of duty during
the night. "Bob" always showed up,
and from that time the boys were
"pals." Many a time the boys would
go on long hikes during their leisure
hours and enjoy many an outing.
Mr. Kelly's wife, when a school
teacher boarded with King's, parents.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. King, and Mr.
Kelly's mother, Mrs. David Kelly, is
now a neighbor of the King family
at Weyerhauser.
V. F. Kelly, employed by Roberts
Brothers in Portland, and wife were
also among the invited guests to the
wedding in Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly have resided in
Oregon for the past two years, one
year of which has been spent in
Clackamas county.
Lieutenant Ralph Floyd and wife
have arrived in Oregon City, and are
at the present time visiting at the res
idence of Mrs. Floyd's father, J. J
Lieutenant Floyd has received his
honorable discharge from the United
States army, having recently been
stationed in the Phillipine Islands.
H entered the service at Independ
ence during the world war, and was in
the aviation service. He had many
exciting experiences while in the
service, one of which he will long
remember when he was taken prison
er by the Germans and placed in pri
son. He made his escape, but was
recaptured by the enemy, and care
fully watched thereafter, as they fear
ed his escape. He was released when
the armistice was signed, another
day that will go down in history with
the young oficer. He was in the ser
vice m France about a year when he
wast taken prisoner.
After visiting in Mount Pleasant.
Lieutenant Floyd and wife will go to
Vancouver, Wash., where they are to
visit the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. O. Floyd. They have not decid
ed upon a location.
In the recount of votes cast at
West Linn for city councilman, which
took place in the circuit court Friday
afternoon, it was found that J. E.
Simpson was elected by four more
votes than was originally announced
by the election judges.
The recount was ordered by the
court after K. Koellermeir contested
the election, when his opponent J.
Simpson was announced elected by
one vote. Koellermeir alleged in his
complaint- that votes cast in several
precincts were counted wrong, and
in precinct No. 1, Koellermeir accus
ed L. L. Porter of fraud. In this pre
cinct, the recount showed that Simp
son gained two more votes than was
first announced, and Koellermeir lost
one vote. The net result gives Simp
son four more votes than was first
posted, thereby defeating Koellermeir
by five votes for the office.
MADRID, Jan. 4. Two hundred
and fourteen persons lost their lives
when the Spanish steamer Santa Isa
bel was wrecked near Villagarcia
Saturday night, says a telegram re
ceived from the governor of Ponte
vedra. Fifty-six persons were saved, but
many of them were injured.
Captain Muniz Ricueldi, captain of
the vessel, was severely hurt and ?t
is not expected he will recover. Many
bodies have been washed ashore and j
in several cases whole families were'
, Panicky Legislation
Legislation proceeds slowly in Congress in spite of
the zeal with which the members have tackled the pro
gram before them. Measures which pass the House are
held up in the Senate, or vice versa, and one bill has
been passed with full knowledge that it will in all pro
bability be vetoed by the president. This delay is irk-,
some to the individuals and organizations hoping for
immediate relief from their personal difficulties, but it
is good for the nation at large.
The country just now is suffering from fear. Noth
ing very terrible has happened to any class as yet, but
every class is timid and jealous of every other. As a re
sult many measures are being pressed upon Congress
which are of doubtful wisdom or fairness where the
country as a whole is concerned. There is grave danger
that relief measures hurried through under this pressure
may prove later to have done little but relieve the citizen
of more of his dwindling cash and plunge the nation in
to deeper difficulties.
There are no starving people. There is no large
number of people in any danger of more than tempor
ary financial embarrassment. It is far better that pend
ing bills should be subjected to thorough discussion than
that prenicious measures should become laws through
frantic haste.
Those fellows who are so keen for high tariffs and
embargoes to keep their own prices up want to remem
ber that it may keep the other man's prices up, too.
Trotzky and the Kaiser have both expressed them
selves as in favor of universal peace. It is now time for
the other nations to look to their weapons.
It hasn't been such a bad year at that.
29th day of December 1920, the tote
of the first publication being Decem
ber 31st 1920, and the date of the last
publication being January 28th, 1921.
Witness my hand and the seal of
this Court affixed this 29th day of
December, 1920.
County Clerk.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
112-115 Citizens Bank Bldg., Cor.
Grand Ave. and East Alder St., Phone
East 940, Portland, Oregon,
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Jan. 4.
Two men, who identified themselves
as Peter J. MacSwiney, brother of the
late lord mayor of Cork, and Daniel
O'Callaghan, present lord mayor of
Cork, arrived in Newport News to
night as stowaways on the American
steamer West Cannon, from an Irish
Mac Swiney carried a passport vis
ed by an American consul.
Pay Very Good in
9th Field Battalion
TORONTO, Jan. 4. John Doughty,
"man of mystery," was today com
mitted for trial by Magistrate Deni
son on the second and last charge
in the court against him that he
had "conspired, confederated and
agreed" to kidnap Ambrose J. Small
Immediately after the hearing,
which lasted only a few minutes,
Doughty shook hands warmly with
his counsel, smiled at Dock Constable
McKeown, then threw his coat across
his' arm and swept cheerfully down
stairs out of the dock, like a man go
ing to his freedom. The case goesi to
the Sessions grand jury Tuesday.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. Names of
all persons listed by the war depart
ment as slackers during the war are
to be published eventually if not now.
This action is said to be assured by
the determined efforts of the Ameri
can Legion to force the hand of the
war department.
A hurry call went out today to re
cruiting officers throughout the Unit
ed States to rush all obtainable tele
graphers, linemen, radio operators,
telephone men, and switchboard ex
perts to Camp Jackson, Columbia, S.
C, headquarters of the Ninth Field
Signal Battalion. This is the Signal
Corps unit attached to the Fifth Divi
sion, which is being recruited to full
strength upon telegraphic orders from
Major General P. C. Harris," The Adju
tant General of the Army.
In addition, as an inducement to get
the needed men, a high school educa
tion, as well as technical training in
radio, telegraphy, switchboard opera-1
tion, line work, and storage battery
maintenance is offered at the Fifth
Division schoolsi to others who wish
to study these branches.
Only applicants who have completed
grammar school can be enlisted for
these Signal Corps positions, where
the pay is higher than in most other
armies of the service. Qualified
soldiers receive specialist ratings.
which carry 20 per cent increase over
the ordinary pay of various grades
For example, a master sergeant when
stationed in Alaska receives $200 a
month, besides food, clothes, quarters
and medical attendance.
Court of the State of Oregoa, for
Clackamas County.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent them properly verified, at- the
office of Livy Stipp, attorney at law
at Oregon City, Clackamas County,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of publication of this notice.
Attorney for Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. William T. Modlin, Plaintiff,
Lucy Modlin, Defendant.
To Lucy Modlin, the above named de
fendant: In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit,
on or before the 11th day of February,
1920, said time being more than six
weeks from the date of the first publi-1
cation of this summons, and if you
fail to appear and answer said com
plaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief pray
ed for in the complaint and filed her'
in, towit: That the bonds of matri
mony heretofore and now existing be
tween the plaintiff and the defendant
be dissolved and held for naught; that
the plaintiff be given an absolute de
cree of divorce from the defendant,
and for such other and further relief
as the Court may deem meet and
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof in the Oregon
City Enterprise, for six consecutive
weeks in pursuance of an order of
the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the above entitled Court., which
order is dated the 29th day of Decem
Date of first publication, December
ber, 1920.
31, 1920.
Date of last publication, February
11, 1921.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
905 Northwestern Bank BUg., Port
land, Oregon.
Krassig New Member
1921 City Council
In publishing the list of names of
the 1921 Oregon City council, which
meets tonight for the first time, we
overlooked the name of Dr. Win.
Krassig as a member of the council,
and who was elected at the last elec
tion from ward No. 3.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Jan. 4.
Busiiness men of Walla Walla this
afternoon forsook their personal af
fairs to assist in the search for the
body of little Gohiie Eadon, who was
drowned in Garrison creek yesterday
A call for volunteers was made at
the weekly luncheon of the commer-'
cial club, and several automobile
loads of merchants and professional
men, dressed in their fishing boots,
took up the search this afternoon.
Milwaukie Couple
Secures License Here
Wallace Mass, son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. T. Mass, is quite ill with pneumon
ia at the home of his parents on
Eighth street in this city. He was re
cently married to Miss Norma Wills,
of Mountain View. Dr. Guy Mount is
the attending physician.
Louis A. Gerber, 26, and Meriel
lone Swaggert, 21, secured a marriage
license in this city Tuesday after
noon. Both live at Milwaukie.
Krider & Elkington sold in 1920
more than $250,000 worth of small
tracts and cottages in and around
Gresham. The firm has a large- num
ber of inquiries in regard to berry
land and expect to dispose of unim
proved tracts during 1921. One of
these tracts was sold recently to A.
Burtz, who will put the entire 20
acres into close cultivation and build
a comfortable and modern bungalow.
It is situated a mile and a half east
of Gresham and is near the canning
H. E.- Cross, county judge; W. W.
Proctor and W. F. Harris, members
cf the county court, attended a meet
ing of the State Highway commission
in Portland yesterday. The members
of the court returned to Oregon City
ye&terday evening.
Kin 1 nn r 1
i in . i ooat
T3T.TT?TTTl TTVTT A I In the County Court of the State of
Jr IN Ej U IVlUiN LA Oregon, for the County of Clack-
i amas.
In the Matter of the Es.tate
James January, Deceased.
To Irena Worbs, Wickliffe January,
Mary Selby, Reubin January, Edwin
January, Caroline Noble, Ira Jan
uary, Mrs. Zora Marsh, Mrs. Audrey
Kamer, Mrs. Maude Haywood, Mrs
Lola Horter and A. O. January, next
of kin and heirs at law of James
January, deceased, and to all other
persons interested in said estate.
greetings ;
In the Name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of the
State- of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, at the Court room there
of, in Oregoni City, Clackamas County
Oregon, on Monday the 31st day of
January, 1921, the same being the
January term of said Court, at 10:00
o'clock in the forenoon of said date,
then and there to show cause, if any
exist, why an order of sale should not
be made directing, authorizing and
j licensing D. P. Price, Admdnstrator of
the estate of James January, deceas
ed, to sell the followng described real
property belonging to the above en-
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
J R. Atchinson, Plaintiff,
Abram Prat Lamb .otherwise Abram
Piatt Lamb; Thomas P. Lamb; Wil
liam H. Lamb, otherwise William F.
Lamb; John Lamb, otherwise John
D. Lamb; Presley Lamb, otherwise
P. (H. W. or N.) Lamb; Mary Ann
Lamb, and the unknown heirs of
Charity Lamb; also all other per
sons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, esetate, lien or inter
est in the real estate described in
the complaint herein, Defendants.
To all and each of the above defend
In the name of the State of Oregon
you and each of you hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above named
court in the above entitled cause, by
Saturday, the 5th of February, 1921,
which date Is more than six weeks
after the date of the first publication
of this summons; and if you fail to
appear and answer ,or otherwise plead
to said complaint within said time,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief demand
ed in the complaint, to-wit, for a. de
cree declaring the plaintiff to be the
owner in fee simple of the following
described real property in Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, to-wit:
The land beginning 21 chains west
of the southeast corner of Section
numbered sixteen (16), in Township
Two (2) South o f Range Three (3
thence North 12.97 chains; thence
East to center of the County Road
thence Southwesterly on center of
said road to line between sections
16 and 21; thence West on the sec
tion line to the place of beginning,
containing eighteen (IS) acres, more
or less ,in the N. J. Lamb D. L. C. in
Section 16, Township 2 South of
Range 3 East of the Willamette
and that you and each of you have no
right, title, interest or estate whatso
ever therein; that the title' of the
plaintiff to said premises be quieted,
and that the plaintiff have such other
and further relief as may seem proper.
This summons is served upon you
bu publication thereof by virtue of an
order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell
Judge of the above named Court, made
on the 23rd day of December, 1920,
which order directs said summons to
be published in the "Oregon City
Enterprise", a newspaper of general
circulation published in Clackamas
County, Oregon, and requires said pub
lication to be made not less than once
a week for six weeks.
Date of first publication December
24, 1920.
Date of last publication Bebruary 4
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. O. address: 730 Chamber of Com
merce Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
D. C. Latourette, President F. J. Mbybr. Casbie
The First National Bank
. of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. President
Wilson today vetoed the farmers' re
lief bill to revive the war finance cor
poration, and almost immediately the
senate, by a vote of 53 to 5, acted to
make the bill a law despite executive
disapproval. The house will take up
the measure tomorrow and predic
tions were that it would duplicate
the senate's action, making the bill
a law.
The high winds yesterday after
noon caused the suspension bridge to
do the "shimmie" and several mill
men, who were crossing the structure
along about 4:00 o'clock, began to
"pick-up" and travel a little faster.
The bridge swayed from side to side
during a heavy wind, and many look
ed for the structure to break from its
Local Elks Defeat
Vancouver by 55
In a matched bowling game between
the Vancouver and Oregon City Elks,
the local team won out on a margin
of 55 pins. This makes the second
game out of three that the local her 1 1 Notice Is hereby riven that the nn-
has won, and the fourth match will dersigned ha been appointed admin-
taite piace some time next week at istrator of the estate of Thorn aa
Vancouver. Hughes, deceased, by the County
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
William Bonwell, Plaintiff,
vs. ;
Oscar H. McClung and Grace M. Mc
Clung, his wife, and H. H. Fessen-
den and Jane Doe Fessenden, his
wife. Defendants.
To Oscar H. McClung and Grace M,
McClung, and H. H. Fensenden and
Jane Doe Fessenden, above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer to the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
suit on or before the last day of the
time prescribed in the order for the
publication of summons, to-wit on or
before the 4th day of February, 1921,
and if you fail so to appear or answer,
for want thereof the .plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complaint herein to-
wit: ,
For a judgment and decree against
defendants Oscar H. McClung and
Grace M. McClung for the sum of
$316.66 together with interest from
the 10th day of December, 1920, at
the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and
for the -sum of Fifty Dollars attorneys
fees and for plaintiff's costs and dis
bursements in this suit.
That a decree be entered herein,
that the said mortgage be, foreclosed
and the premises herein described
(Commencing at the Southwest corner
of Tract Five (5) as shown by Plat of
Palmers Addition to Boring Junction
running thence southerly along the
east line of Bradly and Ritchy road
100 feet, thence easterly parallel with
south line of Tract 5, 200, feet thence
northerly 100 feet to S.E corner of
Tract 5, thence westerly along south
line of Tract 5, 200 feet to place of be
ginning, being in the County of Clack
amas and State of Oregon, be sold in
the manner provided by law, and the
proceeds of said sale be applied to the
costs and disbursements in this suit,
the payment of attorneys fees above
mentioned and the payment of the
sum found due the plaintiff, and the
overplus ,if any, be paid to the Clerk
to the purchaser, and that said pur
chaser be let into possession of said
premises upon the production of the
Sheriff's Certificate, and that at the
expiration of the time allewed by law,
for the redemption, no redemption
having been made, that a Sheriffs
Deed issue, and that plaintiff have
such other and further relief as to the
court may seem just and equitable.
This summons is served upon yom
by publication thereof for a period of
once a week for six (6) consecutive
weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise,
a newspaper of general circulation
published and issued at Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, by order
of the Honorable J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled court,
made on the 24th day of December,
1920. The first publication of this
summons is dated the 24th day of De
cember, 1920, and the last publication
will be of date the 4th day of Febru
ary, 1921, making the full period of six
weeks, the time prescribed in said or
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
925 Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. Thilda Hart, plaintiff,
Nils Hart, defendant.
To Nils Hart, the above named defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required and com
manded to appear and answer the
complaint of the plaintiff filed against
you in the above entitled suit in the
above entitled Court on or before six
weeks from the date of first publica
tion of this summons, the date of
first publication hereof being the 24th
day of December 1920, and if you fail
so to appear and answer for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to this
court for relief as demand in her com
plaint filed against you herein, to-wit:
For a judgment and decre of the
above entitled court forever dissolv
ing and setting aside the bonds of
matrimony and marriage Contract
now and heretofore existing between
you, the said defendant and the said
p,aintiff, an for such other and furthe1"
relief as to the court may seem just.
That this summons is served upou
you by publication thereof once a
week for six successive and consecu
tive weeks in the Oregon City Enter
prise, a newspaper of general circula-"
tion in Clackamas County, Oregon and
printed and published at Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant
to an order of the honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
Court which order was made and en
tered on the 21st day. of December
1920, and which order directed that
service of summons be - made 'upon"!
you by publication as aforesaid.
Date of first publication 24th day of
December 1920.
Date of last publication of sum
mons February 4th, 1921.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
1030 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
Commercial, Real Estate aad
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bids., Oregon City, Oregon.
' Attomey-at-Law
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
William Hammond
Philip I Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans. Insnr-
Pacific Phone 81 Home Phone A-271
Phone 405
Stevens Bids., Oregon City, Ore.
above entitled Court, which order is
dated December 6, 1920, and the time
prescribed in said order for this publi
cation, Is that the same be published
once a week for six consecutive
weeks, and also that you appear here
in, within six weeks from the date of
the first publication thereof. The date
of the first publication of this sum
mons is December 10, 1920 and the
last date of publication is January 21,
Attornye for Plaintiff,
Post Office Address, 710 OCJhamber
of Commerce, Portland, Oregoa.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of tht
Estate of A. B. Donaldson, deceased.
has filed his final account as such
administrator in the County Court ol
the State of Oregon, for the County
Coutr of the Sae mbbmbfmgfgbzbz
of Clackamas, and the Court has ap
pointed and set Monday, the 17th day
of anuary, 1921, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.
of said day, at the County Court Room
of said County in Oregon City, Ore
gon, as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said finad account
and the settlement of the same.
Administrator of the Estate of A
B. Donaldson .deacesed.
Date of First Publication Decem
ber 17th, 1920.
Date of Last Publication January
14th, 1921.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Maude Horst, Plaintiff,
Claude W. Horst, Defemdant
To Claude W. Horst, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are herby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit, on or
before the 14th day of January, 1921,
and if you fail to appear and answer
said complaint, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will take default against you,
and apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint, to-wit:
that the marriage contract heretofore
and now exisiting between the plain
tiff and defendant be dissolved and
held for naught, and that the plain
tiff herein be awarded an absolute
decree of divorce from defendant, and?
that her former name Maude Van
Nortwick be restored to her, and for
such other and further relief as to
the Court may seem met and equit
This summons is served upon yon
by publication in the Oregon City En
terprise for six successive weeks,
pursuant to an order made by the
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Jadge of
the above entitled Court, on tbe 26ta
day of November, 1920.
Date of first publication, December
3rd, 1920.
Dat of last publication Jaauary
14th, 1921.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
511 Corbett Building, Portland, Ore.
titled estate, to-wit
"Tract "L" in Clackamas River-1 nf this rnnrt tnr- th nnn anting
side, as shown by the plat thereof
of record in the Recorder's office of
Calckamas County, Oregon, consist
ing of approximately 15 acres, ly
ing and being in the County of
Clackamas, State of Oregon."
"Lots 24 and 25 in Block 4, Ter
race Park, within the corporate
limits of the City of Portland.
County of Multnomah, State of Ore
gon, upon which there is located a
small antiquated dwelling house."
For the purpose of paying the debts,
charges and expense of administra
tion; same to be sold at public or
private sale upon such terms as the
Court may direct.
This Notice is published in the Ore
gon City Enterprise, once a week for
four consecutive weeks by order of
the above entitled Court, made on the
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For Clackamas County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned " Howard H. Holland has
teen appointed administrator of tht
Estate of Wellington R. Burt, de
coased by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Clackamas Coun
ty, and has qualified. All persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same,
with proper vouchers and duly veri
fied as by law required, to the under
signed at the Bank of Oregon City,
Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated and Tirst published Decern
ber 3, 1920. " ' .
Date of last "publication Dec. 31,
That all right, title and interest of
each and all of the defendants herein
be adjudged and decreed subordinate
and inferior to the claims and rights of
this plaintiff, and that said defendants
and each of them and every person
claiming by, through or under them
or either of them subsequent to the
date of the execution of said mortgage,
either as purchaser, incumrancer or
otherwise, be forever barred and fore
closed of all right, title or interest in
and to said real property and every
part thereof, save only the right of re
demption allowed by law.
That the plaintiff may become a
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
George W. Jones, Plaintiff,
Annie Jones, Defendant.
To Annie Jones the above named de
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you, in the above entitled
suit, within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this notice,
and if you fail so . to appear and
answer for want thereof, plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief pray
ed for in the complaint, which is that
the marriage now existing hRtwo
you and the plaintiff, be forever dis
solved. Thig summons is served upon
purchaser at said sale and that the you by publication, by order of the
Sheriff execute a Certificate of Sale Hon. J. TJ. Campbell, Judge of the
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
L. IL Kirchem. Plaintiff,
Edgar Horner. Amos Millard, Ne
braska Bridge Supply & Lumber
Co., a corporation. Defendants.
To Edgar Horner, above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon:-'
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the Complaint filed
against you 1b the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of first publica
tion of this summons, which date of
expiration is fixed y order of above
entitled Court as Monday, January 3,
1921, and if you so fail to appear and
answer, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the releif prayed for In his
complaint, to-wit: - For the foreclosure
of a certain chattel mortgage dated
August 18, 1917, for. $1400.00 and re
corded in VoL II' page 43$ Chattel
Mortgage Records of. feaid County and
State, on which $400,00 has been paid,
and one certain Chattel Mortgage for
$632.00 dated March 2, 1920, and re
corded in Vol. 13, page 145 Chattel
Mortgage Records of said County and
State, on which $200.00 has been paid
and for $150.00 attorney's fees and
costs herein, which said mortgages
cover and are'-a lien upon the follow
ing described"' personal property in
Clackamas County, Oregon, to-wit:
One 12x15 Russell engine complete
with fittings; one Russell Boiler com
plete with steam pump, smokestack
and fittings; one Powers Planer com
plete with knives, belts, blower, etc.;
one No. 2 Russell Saw rig with one
fifty inch saw and one forty-eight inch
saw and feed works; one carriage,
four head blocks and set works; one
friction log turner; one log haul; one
slab car and truck; one cut-off law
frame and 24 inch cut-off Mir; cne
lumber truck; five line shafts with
pulleys and belts; all miscellaneous
tools, belts, gears and scraps.
Also one 11x15 Russell Automatic
Governor Engine No. 16058.
And for such other and further re
lief as to this Court seems meet and
equitable. ,
This Summons Is published by order-.
of the Honorable J; TJ. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled Court,
which, order is dated November 18,
First publication November 19, 1920..
Last publication December 81, 1928.
O. D. EBY,
Attorney for plaintiff,: