Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 07, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvements and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subecripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Wilsonville News.
WILSONVILLE, Jan. 5. The oyster
supper given by the Ladies' Aid so
ciety of the M. E. church recently,
was well patronized and enjoyed.
. The river has been very high, and
the ferry has been forced to stop run
ning, in consquence.
Dorothy Say had her tonsils re
moved last Monday, and has returned
to school, in Portland.
Leah Wagner and James Say have
returned to the University of Oregon,
after spending the Christmas vaca
tion at their homesi near Wilsonville.
Mrs. Mattie Raissner McGinnis has
a little baby boy, born at the Reissner
home, onThursday, December 16.
Rosetta Graham and Audrey Wood
returned to Portland, on Sunday, to
begin school on Monday.
Quite a number of high school pu
pils, who spent the holidays at home,
returned to school on Monday morn
ing, as they go back and forth each
The M. C. Young family, also Rob
. ert Graham's and Reed Graham at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Short, in
Sellwood, on Friday.
Mrs. Loleta Lamb Murray has a lit
tle girl born recently, in their Wash
ington home.
The I. O. O. F. lodge held a social
meeting on Saturday night, at the
close of their regular business.
Mrs. Robert Graham was elected
Worthy Matron, of the Eastern Star
lodge, at Sherwood, and was installed
on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones
and family attended Grange at Sher
wood, on Saturday.
The Mothers' Club, of Corral Creek
gave a surprise party to the Batalgia
family on Tuesday evening which was
in the nature of a farewell to Mr. and
Mrs. Batalgia and family, who are
moving to- Wilsonville, also a recep
tion to the bride and groom of the
family, Mr. and Mrs. George Batalgia,
who will reside in Corral Creek dis
trict, on the farm. Games were play
ed, and prizes awarded. A coffee
pereulator was presented to Mr. and
Mrs. Batalgia from tha members of
the Mothers Club, and a linen shower
was given to the bride. Dainty re
, freshments were served.
Mm Inza Wood, principal of the
local school, and her assistant Miss
Menga Batalgia gave a nice little en
tertainment and Christmas tree treat
to their scholars, on Friday afternoon
December 24th, at the close of school,
which was greatly enjoyed and appre
ciated. IQuite a number from Wilsonville
attended the budget meeting, at Ore
gon City, on Tuesday. .
The clerks and directors of the
Wilsonville school, and nearby schools
have been busily collecting for the
European Relief drive, which is ably
headed here by J. J. Thornton, who is
donig all he can to aid in this relief
Macksburg Items
MACKSBURG, Jan. 5. January 4th
brings the reflection that the day is
but two months away when those who
have been considering themselves
more capable of piloting our Ship of
State, freighted with over a hundred
million souls through the whirlpool
of war, than has been the Chief Exec
utive so soon to be replaced will have"
to make some change in the tuna up
on which they havq been harping
since our entrance into the war. Has
it occurred to these critics that what
ever may have been the errors of our
Nation's Chief he has come so near
the ranks of those whom we honor as
having made the supreme sacrifice
for our country as to have changed
from a forceful, vigorous man to a
white-haired invalid who has - to be
moved about his home in a wheeled
chair and, who cannot enter his car
riage without help, and whereas eight
years ago he was filling a place o
honor and responsibility as bead of
Princeton University, it would be im
possible for him, now, to support him
self. As Abraham Lincoln was cut
down while yet the air was reverberat
ing to the sounding joy from Appo
matox Court House and as William
McKinley's life was put out before
the clouds of our war with Spain had
fully cleared away so to all appear
ance Woodrow Wilson's near the
finish of his work on earth.
The. rising generation at least.
should be taught to speak respectfully
of -the president of our republic for
two reasons if no more. First, because!
he is our nation's head and secondly,
because of the sacrifice he has made
for us. Let not the acclaim that
greetsi the new administration be mar
re"d by disloyal animadversion upon
the one which is passing away.
The New Year has come in with a
reversion of the ancient tradition
"When tha day begins to lengthen the
cold begins to strengthen". The mild
ness of Spring pervades the air caus
ing anxiety about the trees somje of
which are showing signs of premature
Two of the unoccupied dwellings
in our neighborhood are now in use.
The one built by Emil Niese has been
taken by the Robinet family and the
Edsal cottage is occupied by Will
Edsal and his wife.
The Mothers Club had a very busy
and pleasant session on Thursday
last with Mrs. J. Hepler and will meet
next with Mrs. Henry Walch.
Estacada News
ESTACADA, Jan. 6. John Dun-
seath, who a year or two ago, was
foreman in the Eastern Clackamas
News office here,-was over from Ore
gon City to spend the new Year with
his family. He is now a linotype oper
ator on the daily Enterprise at Ore
gon City, i
Mr. and Mm John Page went to
Gladstone last Thursday to spend
New Years with their two daughters
who reside there.
Cleve Wagner and family arrived
last week from Newberg to visit at
the home of Mrs. Wagner's parents.
All of the Estacada boys who were
home to spend their vacation, return
ed to Corvallis and the O. A. C. last
Sunday. They were Chester Womer,
Joe Demoy, Albert Lichthorn an
Russel Reed. Miss Dora Currin, wlii
is also attending O. A. C. has return
Estacada Lodge Has
Installation Banquet
ESTACADA, Jan. 4. Mr. and Mrs.
D. S. Morgan and the boys went to
Portland to spend Christmas with
" The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pago
was made happy Christmas by the
visit of their two daughters and their
husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Moore and
Mr. and Mrs. Hogan, all of Gladstone.
Dr. Morse and his wife went to
Portland Christmas to be guests at
the home of Mrs. Morse's brother, M;
Van Duzer.
Miss Grace Denny, a nurse at the
Good Samaritan hospital in Portland,
was here to spend Christmas with her
mother and brothers just across the
Charlie Dubois came home to be
with his family Christmasi.
Miss Olive Humphrey of Portland,
visited her mother Mrs. C. S. Allen.
Christmas day.
The Artisan dance Christmas night
enjoyed its usual success. All who
attended, report a good time.
School closed last Thursday after
noon for the holiday vacation. Each
room had a tree and a liberal treat for j
ed to Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sims, who have the pupils.
been-here for a few weeks visiting Dr. and Mrs. William Dale, of Port-
Mrs. Syms' sister and parents, Mr. land, were here last Thursday night
and Mra George Hislop, left for their J to attend the Masonic and Eastern
home in Idaho Tuesday. While here star installation and banquet, being
they bought nine lots in Terrace Ad-1 guests at the home of the doctor's
dition of the Cary Real Estate Co. parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dale.
and will return in a short time to
Gladstone News
Rev. F. B. Clay spent Friday in
Hillsboro transacting business, he
has recently resigned the pastorate
of the Christian church, but will
preacn Dom morning ana evening
Mr. and Mrs; C Frost will enter
tain at their home Sunday, with a
chicken dinner in honor of their
brother, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Forst and
daughter, Miss Ethel, of Oregon City,
and son, Ivan Frost, of Marshfield,
who is visiting in Oregon City during
the holidays, also Mr. and Mrs. Har
ley Frost and daughter, Hellen, of
The Ladies Aid of the Christian
church will hold its regular meeting
Wednesday at the- home of Mrs.
Frank Nelson.
There will be preaching, both morn
ing and evening at the Baptist church.
All are especially invited.
Interesting News Items Taken From
The Pioneer
Mrs. Arthur Knight visited Mrs
Leo. Shaver this week.
Prof. Rose has been spending the
Christmas holidays n Portland.
Rev. S. J. Kes,ter purchased a fine
new piano the first of the week.
Russell Hume visited during the
holidays with his parents Dr. and
Mrs. Hume.
Mrs. Eva Moss, of La Grande, visit
ed last Sunday and Monday with
her brother, Frank Dicken.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Briton, visited
friends a few days in Molalla and
Liberal during the holidays
The Alumni of the Molalla high
school held a dance and bantmet af-
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Catto will motor ter the basket ball game Thurs lay
Monday, where they will I evening.
Mrs. H. O. Newell left Wednesday
for Beaverton where she will "Visit
her sister for several days.
Mr." and Mrs. Louis LaMere spent
to Salem
transact business and visit with Mrs.
Merton Bell formally of this place.
Miss Myrta Swallow, of Reed col
lege and Miss Shirlie Swallow, who is
mlake Estacada their home. They ex
pect to engage in the poultry busi
The Community Club at the Esta
cada hotel last Friday night, had one
of the best meetings ever held. There
Miss Ruth Saling came home from
Portland to. spend Christmas, return
ing Sunday evening.
iMrs. Heylman and friend, - Mrs
Smith vistied Portland Monday.
Miss Bertha Burns came home from
a crowded house and after, the Portland! to be with her father and
regular order of business, some young
people from Dodge, Fred Horner and
wife and Mr. Chindgren and a couple
of ladies from Colton, entertained
most charmingly with music and read
ings. Each number was loudly ap
plauded and all responded most grace
fully to encores. After the program,
light refreshments were served and
then the large company enjoyed
themselves visiting until the new
yaar wasi ushered in.
The two little daughters of Mr. and
Molalla News
MOLALLA, Jan. 5. Mr. Joplin
who was in town on business, stated
that up to the present time there had
not been over two inches of snow in
that section. Owing to plans to cele
brate New Year's evening, the Elk
Prairie Community Club decided to
meet a week later.
Jessie Bagby was in town on busi
ness. Henry Myers, who lives about three
miles west of Molalla, just barely
escaped having a serious accident, a
few days ago when the leather which
holds the tongue and neck-yoke to
gether, broke. The frightened team
ran some little distance before they
could be controlled, giving the elderly
couple an unpleasant ride. Mr. Myers
declared that he never taught thai
team to do that way.
Mr. Price has recently traded one of
the best farms in this section to C.
Tooze of Oregon City, it is reported.'
Carl Short, a nephew, of Mr. Tooze,
will take charge of the place. Both
Mr. Short and Mr. Price are prepar
ing to move their household effects in
the near future.
The farmers of the Mount Hope
district are hauling gravel to the Rock
Creek section to improve a bad stretch
of road. While this is a bad time to
haul the gravel over the balance of the
road, they feel that it is better to take
the gravel while it can be had. The
gravel is shipped from Oregon City to
Kaylor Station.
Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Philipot and
her little son have been undergoing a
siege of the measles.
M- E. Clester was a Molalla visitor
European Tourists
Visit Union Mills
Mrs. D. B. Bass are ill at their home Gresham.
mother. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Burns, and
brother, Frederick, Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Smtih had a fam
ily reunion Christmas day when their
children came home. The out of
town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Irving
Hutchings and family of Pleasant
Home. Norval O. Kelly and wife of
Portland, the ladies being daughters.
Then there was (another daughter
Miss Laura Smith, and a son, R. E,
Smith, both of oPrtland, and a grand-
'daughter, Miss Mildred. Kneton of
on upper Main Street.
While attending a Grange meeting
at Garfield last Saturday, Doc Pal
mateer was suddenly stricken and had
to be taken to his home at once. It
was a slight attack of heart trouble,
but this correspondent is pleased to
report that he is much improved at
this writing.
J. K. Peterson, who was employed
in the City Meat Market at this place
The Estacada hotel is being raised
and otherwise improved.
W. F. Cary was a Portland visitor
last Thursday on business partaining
to the welfare of this part of Clacka
mas County.
Mrs. N. I. Lauryy was here from
Portland last Thursday to attend the
Masonic and Eastern Star banquet
and instalation. She was the install-
UNION MILLS, Jan. 5. Ence Paj
unen, of Astoria, spent Wednesday
with his sister, Mrs. D. Hakkinen. Mr.
and Mrs. Pajunen have recently re
turned from a six months' tour of
Joe Nordling and family spent Mon
day with relatives in Colton.
R. L. Orem and family spent Wed
nesday evening at the O. F. Johnson
Mrs. William Kerns and Mrs. Ed.
Bradwell called at the R- Orem
home Friday afternoon.
D. L. Trullinger and Mark Hungate,
Jr., have both installed electric lights
in their homes.
E. James and family spent Christ
mas with relatives at Salem.
Martin and Harold Johnson return
ed to Corvallis Monday where they
are attending the Oregon Agricultural
College. They were accompanied by
Glenn Larkins oC Meadjjwbrotok.
Professor D. K. Mereen of the Ore
gon Agricultural College visited
Thursday at the O. F. Johnson home.
Mountain Road News.
MOUNTAIN ROAD, Jan. 5. Mr. and
Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Kate Scoftin
spent New Year's Eve with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Kaiser to ring the old year out
and the new year in.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hodge and chil
dren entertained a number of friends
and relatives New Year's Day and
Miss Mary Rypezynski spent last
week at her home.
A number of young folks gathered
at Hellbergs last Friday evening.
A telephone meeting was held at the
local school house last Wednesday
and the following officers were elect
ed: N. Christensen, chairman; John
Kaiser, secretary; Frank Kelenofer
and L. S. Koelleomeier, directors.
for several months, was married last ing marshal for the Stars, putting on
week to Mrs. Dorothy Dwyer, both of the work very nicely.
George. V. W. Hauser took charge of. tha
Mrs. Eloyse Stenzel of Portland, dining room at the hotel this week
was the guest the latter part of last and discontinued the restaurant. He
week, of her friend, Mrs. A E. Spark3. j will have entire charge of the hotel
Mrs. C. R. Betts and little daughter, after January first,
of Eugene, are here visiting at the Our merchants all report a most
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. satisfactory hoilday trade
J. Reagan. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Boyle and son,
George Lubeck, who was working Walden, were here to partake of tho
at Dwyer's Camp, was painfully in- Christmas dniner at the horn of Mrs.
jured when he was struck by a cable. Boyle's sister, Mrs. W. F. Cary, re
He was bromght to Estacada where turning to Portland Sunday.
Dr. Morse gave first aid, then soon Ken Bartlett was home to spend
after was taken to a Portland hospi- Christmas with .his parents, Mr. and
tal. His right shoulder was broken Mrs. E. W. Bartlett.
and he also received a severe cut on The Masons and Stars had a joint
his arm. installation last Thursday night In the
The high school basket ball team lodgeroom, after which all repaired
went to Salem Tuesday where they
engagd in a combat with the Salem
high school team.
- Harold Stamp, son of Mr. and Mrs. j
to the Estacada hotel where "mine
host" Hauser furnished an elegant
banquet supper. The dining room was
decorated beautifully for the occasion
teaching at Molalla are spending the I Christmas with Mm LaMere's sister
holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simmons. They returned to
Mrs. C. W. Swallow. I Portland Sunday.
County Agent R. G. Scott has re- Forest Dunton and family have
cently resigned and accepted a posi- been visiting a few days during the
tion as. field man with the Oregon holidays at the home of Mr. Dunton's
Stat Dairmpr'a Tgin. At nrsnt I parents, jvir. ana Airs. 1 u. uunton,
he Is spending the holidays at his
home In Gladstone.
Miss Alice Freytag was in charge
of the library Friday afternoon. About
thirty new books have been received
during the week.
Mr. ana Airs. t 13. Hayward are
spending Sunday with their cousin,
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Johns, in Portland.
Missi Matildia and Delbert Hayward
have been guests at the Johns home
since Wednesday and will return
home with their parents Sunday even
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Buell, of Sher
idan, are visiting at the homes of
their daughters, Mrs. J. H. Veroon,
Mm George J. Case.
Tom Worth requested us to express
his thanks and appreciation to his
neighbors who worked so hard and
succeeded in saving his house during
the fire Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Inglis, Miss. E.
L. Thompson and father, from Salem,
and Mr. and Mrs. Bud .Hoisington,
from White Salmon were holiday vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman.
On Tuesday, December 21, Leonard
Austin .DuBois and Miss Rosa Marsh,
daughter of C. H. Marsh, were mar
ried, at Oregon City. They will make
their home in Deer Island.
Fred Daugherty has installed an
other milking machine and Is well
pleased with its work. He is think
ing of putting in mirrors so bossy
can see herself smile while she is be
ing pumped.
Mr. and Mm J. E. Braillier, of Sea
side are spending the holidays visit
ing at the home of Wm. MackrelL
Mrs. Braillier is a sister of Mrs. Mack
rell. Mr. and Mrs. John Steininger visit
ed Saturday and Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Steininger,.
parents of John Steininger.
Miss Annis Farr has been visiting
during the holidays with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Farr. She re
turned to Roseburg oh Tuesday, be
ing accompanied by her father.
Stafford Doubles
Relief Quota Set
STAFFORD, Jan. 5. Mr. Satge, who
recently bought a part of the Captain
Haves nlaoe. is Quite ill at his home
n,awara n,Dy ana son, jiimo are ha nndu-anf on nratinn t tho nra
i - ' -
spending Sunday with his parents S.
M. Eby, in Vancouver, Wn.
Mrs. Cornelia Meyers has as her
house guests her daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Wilson, of Crown Point, who
have been spending the past six
weeks in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Catto will en
tertain at dinner Sunday in honor of
her sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell
and son, Cleo, who Is attending the
gon City hospital a couple of years
ago and has not been very strong
since, and his physician says his heart
is seriously affected.
Henry Frenzel is also suffering from
stomach trouble and had an X-ray
taken last week and expects to have an
go to the operating table in the near
future. His wife underwent a serious
operation a few months ago.
On Friday night numerous watch
Pacific University and is spending j fires were kept burning to watch the
P. S Stamp, who has been very sick, J and the three long tables with snow
is now improving. I white linen and green decorations,
The American 'Legion dance last silverware and pretty dishes made a
Saturday night was a splendid affair striking apparance asi the guests en
and a large number took advantage tered. A. Drill, formerly of this place
of the opportunity to attend one of I but now of Portland, was the toast
these most popular amusements. I master. There were many who r&-
W. E. Linn visitd the metropolis sponded to his invitation for a speech,
last Sunday and Monday in the inter- the speaking being interspersed with
ests of the Family Theatre. I music and readings. Visitors from
The teachers all got back from their Gresham, Sandy and Portland were
holiday vacation Sunday night a"d present. The O. E. S. ladies installed
school opened Monday with a promise as officers for tfce ensuing year, were,
of much interest to all. I Worthy matron, Mrs. Ida Norris;
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder went to I worthy patron, C. S. Allen; associate
Portland last Wednesday and remain- matron, Mrs. Mae Reed; secretary,
ed until Saturday. Mr. Snyder was Miss Anna Dillon; treasurer, Eliza
engaged in buying new goods for the beth Allen; conductress. Miss Maude
Peoples' Store. Sturgeon; assistant conductress, Mrs.
J. K. Ely was. a business visitor in j Mary Smith. The Masons, installed
Portland Tuesday to buy goods for I for the ensuing year were, Edwin D.
his store. Allen, W. M.; Charles Norris, S. W.;
The Peoples' Store, Snider and Kil-1 Theodore Ahlberg, J. W.; C. S. Allen,
gore propreietors, have found it neces-j Treasurer; William Dale, Secretary ;
sary to broaden out owing to the in-1 Dr. L. A. Wells.S. D.; Ray Keith, J. D.;
creased business, and hav bought the I Dr. R. G. McCall, S. S-; Harold
building adjoining on the south, now I Wooster, J. S.; B. R. Kimmel, Tyler;
the holidays with his parents in Ore
gon City. The Catto home will be
decorated in keeping with the holiday
celebration and covers laid for Mr.
and Mrs. G. J. Howell, Cleo Howell,
Myrl Howell, Mr. &"4 Mrs. Dave
Catto, Elvin Catto.
Thos. F. Ryan is quite ill at his
home in West Gladstone.
Bert Strickland, of Antome, is
spending the holidays with his moth
er, Mrs. L. H. Strickland and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Salisbury en
tertained. Thursday evening at their
home in. a most delightful manner.
The decorations were in keeping with
the holiday season, and a delicious
three-course luncheon was served.
The evening was devoted to music
and games. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mr. and
Mrs. O. F. Tipton, Dr. and Mrs. W. E.
Hempstead, Mr. and Mrs. Fratfk Os
wald, Doris Smith and Jack Hemp
Mr. and Mrs. Winnifred Knight and
Miss Amy Peckover spent New
Year's day with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Peckover, of Edge-
Word has been received of the
old year out, and welcome the New
Year in, at private homes and at the
Baptist church a talk-fest was held
till the guns of near by gatherings
told of the advent of 1921. Mrs. Ellig-
sen paid tribute to old people who had
lived and died in the Faith. August
Delkar of the young people, Fred
Moser of the birth and growth of the
Sunday School and Mr. Fry spoke to
interest the young children, and all
interspersed with songs and instru
mental music.
Will Gage and wife, from Sheridan
and Leslie Wallace and family, of
Hood River, helped welcome the New
Year at the Gage place.
Adolph Delkar and wife and Mrs.
Gage motored to the county seat on
Friday to correct an error in a deed.
The majority of owners of motor
vehicles about here had secured the
new plates before New Years day.
Henry Baker, chairman of the dis
trict board, was requested to collect
our quota for the relief of the Near
East, and doubled the amount in a
canvass of two days.
The Ladies Circle will meet with
Mrs.Jack Elligsen on Thursday, the
2oth, and a full attendance is request
"You may be Sure"
says the Good Judge
That you are getting full
value for your money
when you use this class of
The good, rich, real to
bacco taste lasts so long,
you don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often nor
do you need so big a chew -as
you did with the ordi
nary kind.
Any man who has used the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put uf in two styles
TV-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
occupied by John Page as a second
hand store. Mr. Page says he will
go out . of business when he has to
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Straughan ar
rived from Idaho the latter part of
last week to visit Mrs. Straughan's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hannah
A delightful family reunion on Sun
day was that at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wililam Dalet Those
Fred G. Robley, marshal; John Green
wood, chaplain.
leath nf the infant, rtanerhter of Mr. I
and Mrs. R. N. Noble at the St, Vin- MrS. Alllia JolttlSOn
cent nospicai. roruana. lue
Redland People
Watch Ne wYear In
REDLAND, Jan. 3. The young
folks at Redland were entertained at
present I the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bon-
were, Dr. and Mrs. Will Dale of Port
land, Mrs. J. E. Stubbs and son, Ed
win of Gresham, E. Gill of Dufur,
Ore., Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Smith and
children and Collie Dale of Estaca
da. Turkey was on the bill of fare
and al) the good thingsi that go with
. H. Morgan returned Thursday
from a trip to Roseburg and other
places in the southern part of th8
ney on New Year's eve.
The rooms were beautifully decor
ated with Oregon grape and ferns
Music and games were enjoyed dur
ing the evening.
The hostess served a dainty lunch
at eleven o'clock, having the young
folks match New Year's greetings for
Those present were Agnes Braatz.
Dorothy Stewart, Lulu Jensen, Jessie
Bonney, Stella Whynn, June Kirchem
The Cary Real Estate Co. reports Edith Sprague, Nellie Nelson, Icella
the sale of one four-acre tract and
two six-acre tracts to E. L. Ward,
recently moved here from Washing
The pretty home of Mr. andi Mrs. E.
A. Sparks on upper Main St., was the
scene of a New Year's dinner on Sun
day, when they had as their "guests.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cary and little
daughter, Glen, and Mrs. Nina B.
Ecker. Their genial hospitality and
the splendid dinner was greatly en
joyed by their guests.
The Derthick club will meet today
at the home of Mrs. Nelta Barlow
Lawrence, and a full attendance is
Hughes, Mildred Koch, Catherine
Koch, Lee Kirchem, Lawrence Cas
well, Ernest oKch, Allison Allen, Alva
Bonney, Lester Jensen, Frank Allen,
Bruce Phillips, Lloyd Hinkle, iVctor
Allen, Marion Hinkle, Dale Stewart.
Eugene Bonney, Chester Bonney .and
Edna Bonney.
one was just one week old. Mrs.
Noble is still in the hospital, but hop
es to be able to be removed to her
home Monday.
Mrs. Wm. Raul is quite ill at her
home in West Gladstone with an at
tack of la grippe.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Freytag and sia
ter, Mrs. Alice McKinnon, have re
turned after spending the "week-end
at Seaside. The party of ten includ
ing Oregon City friends nude the
trip in autos and had a most enjoy
able journey.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Anderson spent
the week-end in Portland with their
son, Dr. and Mrs. D. Douglas Ander
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolle spent the
Christmas holidays in Portland as
the house guests of Mr. and Mrs.
James Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reed returned
to their home in Corvallis after spend
ing the holidays with their daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Petit.
E. W. Eby, of Gladstone, spent the
week-end in Vancouver, Wash., with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Eby,
and transacted business in Portland
Mrs. J. R Gerber, of Portland,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Francis, of Mount
ian View.
Night Officer Clark has sold his
farm near Molalla and moved to Ore
gon City, having purchased the Ram
sey property on Molalla avenue. At
present he is staying with his daugh
ter. Miss Elsie Clark at her appart
ments on Seventh street.
Dies in 81st Year
Service Man Buys
Interest in Store
GEORGE, Jan. 3. Miss Emma
Paulsen, who is working in Portland
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Paulsen for a few days last
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harders spent
New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Reimer.
Mrs. Anna Johnson died at her
home in George on December 28. She
had ben ailing for a couple of weeks,
but only confined to her bed one day.
She was laid to rest in the Presbyter
ian cemetery at George. She waa
eighty-one years of age and is . sur
vived by a husband and seven chil
dren, two boys Chris and Henry John
son, both residing at George and five
daughters, allof whom resiae m Cal
ifornia. Mrs. Johnson will be greatly
missed by all of her neighbors and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Manes and son,
Richard, of Portland, was visiting
Mrs. Manes,' parents, Mr. and ' Mrs.
Jamsen, of George, for a few days
last week.
If a Vhnfetaaa TMtMa nj-
Tows Hi Yillaxo ia Oregoa and
Waehlnctoa. (-icing- tk Xteacriptiio
Sketch ol each placff. location.
Bhippimr Facilittea nil :11
CeA Director? -OS eactt Bniacfl
maA ProXeasioa
R. T 1tTMC Br TV!
W Seattle, Wub.
KELSO. Jan. 5. A fine baby boy
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eri
arriving just in time for a Christmas
R. E. Jarl has sold out his. share in
the general merchandise store known
as Jarl & Eri to Albert Jonsrud. The
new partner of the firm now to be
known as Eri & Jonsrud is the oldest
son of Gilbert Jonsrud and. is well and
favorably known in this vicinity. He
is an ex-service man having served
for two years in the U. S. navy. Mr.
Jarl is retiring from the store busi
ness after spending fourteen years as
a successful merchant and business
man. He will now devote his time to
the interests of hia saw mill, being a
member of Jarl & Nelson Lumber Co.
near Marmot.
Dodge Items
DODGE, Jan. 5. School has opened
again after a week's vacation for the
David Horner and Mr. and Mrs
Fred Horner and children sipent New
Years Day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Horner of Springwater.
Walter Alt of Firwobd spent the
week end at the G. W. Keller home.
M tes Mabel Keller p.ttend?3d the
Community Club program at Estaca
da Ney Years Eve.
Mrs. Charles Colson and children
were visiting in Oregon City last
Miss Rosa B. Ten Eyck attended
the Oregon State Teachers Associa-
tion in Portland during the holidays.
' Mr. and Mrs. Howey and daughters
Iva and Olive, of Corvallis, were
guests this week at the J. C. Moomaw
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ward of Mon
mouth are spending the latter part
of the week at the Levie Welty home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown have
for their guests this week the Misses
Gertrude Chamberlin and , Kathleen
Hall of Salem.
Rev. S. E. Long returned home last
Saturday from a Portland hospital
and is rapidly gaining strength since
the operation for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hershberger
came in from Seaside last week to
spend the holidays with her father,
Wm. Wolfer and other relatives.
Mr. and Mra. H. H. Deetz antf
daughter Rachel and Grandma Kauff- Y
man of the 91 district were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Yoder. .
Miss Edna Yoder, who is attending- -fi
school at McMinnville spent the holi-
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "f
D. C. Yoder. f
The I. I. Stevens W. R. C. of Wood-
burn invites General Rusk W. R. C. j
of Hubbard to spend the day with-i
them, Thursday, January 13, for -in- 4.
spallation service. y
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Shaver scent T4.
Monday afternoon in Hubbard, guests.'
of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McShane, while , I
enroute from Forest Grove to their 4?
borne in Salem. ' 1
Miss Josephine Chamberlin of
Salem Is visiting friends; coming J
down Wednesday evening to witness v
the basket ball eame between thf-?
alumni and High school.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Berry of Port
land - spent the week-end with Mrs.
L. Sanders, Lee returned to Portland. V
Mondav. exnectine to return later in.
the week.
Mrs. Mary Coleman and Mrs. Kid-
stone returned the first of last week
from Seaview where they had spent
several weeks, combining business-
with pleasure picking cranberries-
and getting the benefit of living be
side the sea.
Miss May Condray returned from
Portland where she went last Friday
evening to spend the Christmas sea
son with her friend Miss Mildred;
Kingsbury, who for a time made her
home with Mr. andi Mrs. L. L. Hersh
berger. Nelson Welty was home from Port
land for Christmas.
Albert Yoder was home from Ore
gon City for Christmas.
Miss Irene Boje was home from Sa
lem during holiday wek.
L. M. Scholl is getting about again
after a three weeks sickness.
home from Portland for Christmas. J
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Beck spent the y,
week-end with Portland relatives. I
Mr. and Mm Geo. Speight spent Vf
Christmas in Portland with friends.
Miss Virginia Zehner spent the
holiday season visiting friends in
Fred Yoder returned to- Portland'
Monday after spending the Christmas
time at home. . -
Adam Miller and family of Barlow
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. S. C. Yoder.
Clark M. Will came home from
Bremerton Saturday morning to
spend the holidays
Marriage licec
the following he
Hanisch, 58, of
and Marie Partsc
route 3 ; Albert
land, .and Mario
of Oak Grove; (
and Mabel Haye
I have moved my office to 620 Main Street, between Price Bro
andand Eddy's Department Stores.
I shall be glad to see my old friends at my new office and hope
strangers will feel as welcome.
H 620 Main Street
Same Phone 377