Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 31, 1920, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Mr. and Mrs. lxmls I). William, the
latter formerly Ml" Elulne King, of
Mount Pleasant, now of Astoria, am
tsunats. at the bi'iim of Mm. William
parents, Mr. and Mr. A. W. King, ot
Mount Pleasant. They cume Aura
to attend a family reunion at the
bom of Mr. and Mr. W. II. Lawton.
the latter aunt of Mr, Wllllmim, and
residing at Mount Pleasant. The old
historical home wan txaui (fully deor
sted fur tlm Oceanian. Other attnnd
Ing tlm reunion worn Mr. and Mr.
IVrhe Iton-lay raU and daughter,
Unity, of Portland, Mr. and Mm.
Arthur King, of Portland; Mr. and
Mr, A. K. King and faintly, of Mount
Miss Ilaxid Iii'lm, formerly of
Oregon City, arrived hnre from
Josoph, Eastern Orngon, Friday morn
In. snd In th afternoon luft for
Viola, where she In spending tli holi
days with her parents, Mr, and Mm.
K. J. lAtiklns. Mix Ijinklns, who I
a grwdualn of tho Oregon Agricultur
al Collide, In engaged In teaching at
Joseph, an( at th time of hnr de
parture from that place, there was
now covering tho ground, and sleigh
In it waa being enjoyed. Mint l,anklns
will piturn to hr duties after Now
Mr. and Mm. It. 1). Oarlock and
daughter. MIh MUabVith and
Blanche, have arrived In Oregon CUy
from Saskatoon, Sak Canada, and
for the proifint are guest at tho
home of Mr. and Mm. K. I Moore.
M1!. irllek la a hrother of Mra
Moore, and thl la the first time they
hv mt for thirteen yean. He and
bis family are to make their perman
ent home In Oregon, and may decide
to lrte In Oregon City. MIhs Eliza
both Oarlock 1 an accomplished musl
clan, and expect to teach piano It
she makea her home hre. Mia
Ulanrhe U a book keper and haa boon
connected with a bank at Baskatoon.
Mr. and Mm. C. I. Story, who have
been In Orwnl City, whre thy
have been guest of Mr. and Mr
Francis Welsh, the latter alater of
Mm. Welsh, have returned to Salem
where they are making their borne
for the winter. They were acoom
panted by their aon, Archie, Of Spo
kane, Wean,, and hi family, who are
to remain there until the middle of
January, when they will return to
Oregon City for a brief visit at the
Welsh hon.
Mra. Mary Fortham. of Freewater,
Oregon, haa arrived In .Oregon City,
where ahe ! a gueat of Mr. and Mr.
Jack Scroggln, at whoie.home aha I
aixinding tho holiday. Mm. Forth
man la a alater of Mm. Scroggln. of
DrrVfon strwft, lf (accompanied
Mr. and Mm. Scroggln to Portland
Chrlatmaa, whore they apent the day
at the home of Mr. and Mm. Edgar
Peroricln, where a family reunion was
hold. Mr. ScroKKln la a aon of Mr.
and Mm, Jack Scroggln.
Douglass King, of Mount Pleasant
aon of Mr. and Mm. A. E. King, of
that place, waa taken to tho Oregon
City hoaptta Wedneday evening,
where he will undergo medical treat
ment for an Injury received a few
day ago.
If. J. W. Powtdl.of Brownsville,
formerly of this city, and later of
Molalla, has arrived In Oregon City,
where he Is visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Humphrys. Dr.
Powell Is the father of Mrs. Hum
phrys. Mr. and Mm. Waldo Silvern and the
lalter's staler, MIhs Erma Keen,
teacher In the Oregon City school,
left Friday or Brownsville, where
they spent Christ mas with tho
mothor of Mm. Sllvr and Miss Keen.
A Santa Onus letter addressed to
"Santa Claus, North Pole, U. 8. A."
and signed "Elma" reached this office
too Into to be published, but
whtch was turned over to Santa Clans
so It would reach him In time before
starting for little Elma's house.
Mr. and Mrs. Waller Bennett, who
are occupying the James cottage on
Eighth and Washington streets sre
to occupy the residence formerly oc
cupied by Mr. and Mm. Raymond Fu
eon. They are to take possession this
David Caufleld Is In Tillamook
county, whore he Is assisting In Im
proving a farm recently purchased by
Ms son, Jack R. Caufleld. The lat
ter nnd hi family have taken pos
session of their new home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Waraock and son,
Lyman, of Mount Pleasant, wore
guests of the formers' daughter, Mrs.
K. H. Reddaway, and family at Mil
waukle Christmas, where a family re
union was enjoyed.
Mr. and Mm. Ed Graves entertained
on Christmas at their Mount Pleasant
hiinm on Christmas day their daugh
ters, Miss Lolla Graves, of Canbv,
Miss Iona Graves, of Portlana, ani
also their son, John Graves, of Canby.
Charles Forward, son of Mr. and
Mrs, M. T. Forward, of this city, I
vlaltlnsr his narents in this city, hnv
Ing come for the holidays. He Is a
student of the University ot waHiung
ton at Seattlo.
Pierce Walker Is spending the hol
idays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Walker. He I taking a special
eurse at the Oregon Agricultural loi
Roy Stafford, employed as an en-
. . ,! -rb ot Till".
jrwoer m ennmruciiuu v,i i
mook, is here for the holidays, where
VI. Knan(a Ml 111,1
ne is viiii"K ! -,
William Strohmeyer, of MarshfieM,
1s spending the holiday with his
parents, Mr. ana Mm ineouore
merer, of thli city. Sill I also
visiting among bis many friends.
Fred C, Chsrman, who has been
spending Christmas and Sunday at
his home In this city, loft Sunday
evening fur Seattle, where be will re
sume his position with tho Pacific
iUeamahlp company. Charman will
leave January l&th for Now York,
where he will take up his duties as
purser of a Wenatchoe, snd will maks
the trip through the Isthmus of Pan
mi i ft, arriving In Seattle In March,
lie will then sail for China or this
steamer a her purser. While hers
he visited relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mr. Alva Wade are re
joicing over the arrival ot a daughter
born at the home of Mr. and Mm.
Kuguno Robert, of Klghth and Mudl
mm streets, Monduy morning, Decem
ber 27ih. The little one, who weighs
even pounds, has been named Violet
Eleanor. Mrs. Wade was formerly
MIhs Eleanor Miller, of Portland. The
father of the little one It a hero of
the world wsr.
N. It. Charman, who Is connoctod
with the engineering department of
the Crown Willamette Paper company
with headquarters In Portland, spnat
Buudny In Oregon City visiting rel
atives. He recently returned from
California, and will probably bo
transferred to Astoria.
Mm. B. P. Dodman, of Clackamas,
accompanied by her niece, Miss Mild
red Dodman, student of Reed College,
were In Oregon City Mondsy. Mis
Dmlman Is spending a portion of her
vacutlon at the Dedman bouie at
Clackamas. .
Mr. and Mm. Clarence Roll and
three children, of Portland, arriving
here Saturday to spend Chlstma with
Mrs. Roll's parents, Mr. and Mm. E.
1L Cooper, returned to their borne
Monday morning.
Mary and Julia Kilmer, little dau
ghters of Mr. and Mm. J. A. Kltmer,
of thla city, underwent operation on
their throats at the Oregon City hos
pital Mondsy, when they had their
tonsils removed.
Mr. and Mrsi Goo ire Caltff, of tbti
city, have taken out paper for the
adopt lion of their granddaughter, lit
tle 20 months' old Levins Ruth Callff.
daughter of Marvin Callff. The
child's mother died last summer.
Mr. and Mrs C- A. Baxter, Mr and
Mrs. H C. Riley have Toturned to
Oregon City from Estacada, where
they attended a family reunion on
Christmas day at the home of Mrs.
Baxter's mother, Mrs. U K. Wilcox.
Rlchuxd Masten, accompanied by
his cousin, Mlsa Terry Young, of
Portland, were In Oregon City Satur
day, having spent Christmas at the
home ot Mr. and Mra. James Brady.
Miss Dolly Daly, of Portland, and
formerly linotype operator for the
Morning Enterprise, Is in this city,
where she Is a guest of Miss Ed ma
Mrs. A. M. Buckley, county school
supervisor, who recently underwent
a surgical operation In Portland, has
been able to return to her apartments
on Eoleventh and Main streets.
W. E. Griffith, of Rodland, was
among the Oregon City visitors Mon
day. He is one of the prominent res
idents of that section of the country.
Miss Minerva Thleasen underwent
an operation on her throat at the Ore
gon City hospital Monday. Her home
Is at Milwsukla
Mlsa Msrv Confitr. who came here
to spend Christmas with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Confer, will return
to Irremerton, Wash., thla week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Montgomery
are receiving congrstulstlons over
the arrival of a son, born December
A. A. Spangler, of Spangler Station,
was among the Oregon City visitors
Thomas Lnvett, student of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, is spending
his holiday vocation with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lovett.
Mrs. Bertha Adams epent Christ
mas in Portland, where she was tho
guettt of her son, Allen Adams, and
Mrs. Samuel II. Weed, of Walla
Walla, Wssh., has arrived in Oregon
City, whore she Is the guest of her
sister, Mrs, E. E. Kellogg, of this city.
Miss Mary Confer of nellingham,
Wash., has arrived here tor the holi
days. She Is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Confer.
E. Scott, of Seaside, Oregon, visited
Oregon City! Thursdlay and Friday,
While here he registered at the Elec
tric. Dorothy Hartke, who has been very
ill from pneumonia, Is Improving. She
Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Mr. and Mra. Charles J. "Bladet,
of New Era, are receiving the con
gratulations opt Wie arrival fof a
son, born December Zlst
Miss Roma Stafford, teacher in the
Portlund schools. Is spending the holi
days in Mount Pleasant with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stafford.
Art DeWolf and Charles White, ot
Cottage Grove were here Thursday
and Friday.
OlranJ Qartor; oil Olenada, was
among lie 'urejron tiny vwiiorB
irirgh Mitchell and family, of Clack
amas, was among those to visit Ore
gon City Thursday and Friday.
Horn, December 19th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse O- Cromor, of Oregon City
Route 6, a son.
Mm. H. Streumoyer and little son
are In Astoria, where they are spool
ing tn holidays with relatives.
Mlsa Effu Newman, whose boms 's
In this city, Is spending the holidays
with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Newman, of Sixth and Water street.
Miss Newman, who Is a well known
teacher of Clackamas county, Is en
gaged In teaching the first grade of
the public school at Harrington,
Wssh., about CO miles from Spokane,
receiving an excellent salary. She Is
dullghted with Harrington and 111
people, and will return to that place
next Sunday evening to resume her
duties. While here she is also visit
ing among her many friends.
Mrs. W. N. Miller, of Nampa,
Idaho, accompanied by ber grand
daughter, Miss Margaret Green, arc
visiting relatives here. Mm. Millet
Is vlidtinjr her son, County Clerk Fred
Miller, and Miss Green Is visiting her
father, Carl Green, and also ber
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Oreen. They will remain for several
weeks Since arriving here Mrs. Mil
ler has been very ill and threatened
1th pneumonia,
Rev. E. B. Gilbert, formerly pastor
of the Methodist church of this city,
now district superintendent of the M.
E. church, with bis home at Salem,
was among those to visit Oregon City
Monduy, He was on bis way to Dam
shcus, wher he went on business
pertaining to his duties of the enure1),
snd was accompanied by Mr. snd
Mrs. Gray.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulligan and
baby, Frank, Jr., arrlv In Oregou
City a few days ago to spend the boll
day with Mr. Mulligan parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan, of Twelfth
snd Center streets, and also Mrs.
Mulligan's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Blerman. They are now realdlng
near Medford.
Mrs. Bonnie Dundas, who Is spend
ing the holidays at her home at New
Era, waa In Oregon City Tuosday.
Mm. Dundas, during the school days.
Is making ber home in Oregon City,
ss her daughter, Miss Olive, Is a
student of the high school. Miss
Olive Is also spending ber vacation at
the Dundas fram.
Edward Schell, . of Canby, was
among those to attend the budget
meeting from the southern part ot
the county, Tuesday. He was ac
companled home by his wife, who bad
been called to I'ortland by the illness
of her daughter, employed in that
A. D. Cribble, whose home is at
Orlbhle Prairie, and one of the prom
Inent Jersey breeders of Clackamas
county, was among the Oregon City
visitors Tueadsy. After transacting
business here bo visited among some
of his old time friends.
Edward Sharp, Charles Thopson
Ernest Kruse and Loren Kruse, of
Stafford, were Oregon City visitors
Tuesday, having represented that
section of the county at the budget
Arthur Mattley, who has been
spenudlng the holidays with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Mattley, and
other relative in Oregon City, will
return to the Mattley summer home
at Nehalem, Oregon, today.
Mrs. Mulligan, after spending the
past six weeks In Independence, Kan
sas, has returned to her borne In this
city.. While at Independence Mrs
Mulligan visited ber mother and oth
er relatives.
Miss Isabelle Burns, acting county
nurse for Clackamas under the diroc
tton ot the county health association.
has handed In her resignation to take
effect immediately.
Herbert Harris, student of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, is spending
his vacation in Oregon City also at
Seaside, Oregon. At the latter place
he ia visiting his mother, Mra V.
Miss Addle Clark, an instructor of
the Portland schools, will return to
Portland today, after spending Christ
mas at the home of her brother, At
torney John F. Clark, and family, at
West Linn.
Mr. and Mrs. Reusser and sons
Samuel and Henry, have returned to
their home on John Adams utreet
after spending the week-end with hts
sister; Mr. and Mr. Kulrldge, ot
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Parker, who
have been spending the Christmas
holidays at the home of their son,
Rufus Parker, and family, returned
to Oregon City Monday evening.
Grant Mumpower, of Stlne, was
among Oregon City visitors Tuesday
He was among ttio& fo attenS
uuuget meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Eby and son,
Roland, spent Sunday at Molalla,
where they were guests of Mm. Eby's
psrents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moore,
, E. C. Gambb, of Salem, was among
the Oregon City visitors Monday and
Tuesday. While here he registered
at the Electric
Miss Helen Mattley, student of the
Oregon Agricultural College, is spend
lng the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Mattley.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Garner, of Port
land, returned to their home Monday,
after spending Christmas week-end
with friends here.
Misses Alice and Ruth Chlnn, stu
dents of the Oregon City high school,
are spending their holidays With their
parents at New Era.
Miss Meta Dleta, who is attending
the Oregon City high school, is spend
ing ber holidays at her home near
New Era, visiting relatives.
Miss Merle Keck spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. B. T. McBaln and
family in Potrland.
Miss Anna WUehart. of Portland.
but a former resident of thla city, af
ter visiting friends bere for a few
days, returned to Potland Tuesday.
John Itusch. of I'ortland. tu in
Oregon City on business Tuesday.
While here he vlstted bis parents,
Mr. and Mm. Frank Busch, Sr.
Ous Jaeger, horse breeder of Clack
amas county, whose home Is at WU1
sonvllle, was In Oregon Cty Tuesday.
I. A. KJtchlng, from Frog Pond.
was here on Tuesday. He was anions
those attending the budget meeting.
Mr, Vlck, accompanied by his- son,
William Vlck, residents of Liberal,
were In Oregon City Tuosday.
M. Hatun, of Stone, was among
those to transact business In this city
Harbery Everhsrt, of Molalla, was
an Oregon City visitor Tce!ay.
H. Bryan, of The Dalles, was among
the Oregon City visitors Mondsy and
Fred Reusser, spent the week-end
with his sister, Miss Ida Reusser, of
William Moehnke, of Clarkes, was
among those to transact business
here Tuesday.
John Rlsley, of Rlsley Station, was
In Oregon City Tuesday.
J. It Youell, of SUvorton, was here
on Tuesday.
II. King, ot Elma, Wash., was here
on Monday and Tuesday.
F. Harris, of Spokane. Wash., was
an Oregon City vieJtor Tuesday.
Mr. Yodcr, of Yoder Station, was
an Oregon City visitor Tuesday.
Born, at the Oregon City hospital
December 19th to Mr. and Mrs. W.
I Jordan, of Gladstone, a son.
A baby girl haa arrived at the home
of Mr and Mm. Edward StovalL
Alumni Dance Will
Be Elaborate Affair
The Alumni Association is to give
a big dance Thursday evening, De
cember 30, at eight-thirty o'clock In
the Crown Willamette hall. This
dance Is to be In honor ot all the col
lege students who are now home for
the holidays.
AH Alumni and friends, also col
lege Alumni are cordially invited and
urged to attend. Great preparations
are being made to make this dance a
success, so the committee hopes to
have the support of all the AJumnL
This is to be one of the most Inter
estlng social events of the season,
tor there are to be special numbers
on the dance program. ' Alumni mem
ber a may bring outsiders.
Oregon City is to have a home
minstrel show on next Friday even
ing, Jan. 1, the first to be held here
for many yearn. The announcement
comes from the management ot the
Moose lodge, and the performance will
be made up entirely from local talent.
Chas. F. Lyon, late of the Robinson
circus, and Al. Pleau, late of Haverly's
mlnBtrels, will have charge of the
program. The performance, to be
held on the new Moose stage, will be
proceeded on Saturday evening by a
street parade, headed by the Moose
band and Chas. Lyon, world's cham
pion drum major will lead the parade
Judge Stipp Ties
Two Knots Monday
Judge Stlpp, of the Justice court,
had a busy afternoon Monday, when
two marriages took place in his of
fice. Those whom the Judge Joined
together were William Divorschak,
25, of St Helens, end Hazel Gentry,
17, of Yankton, Ore.; Albert Swan
son, 32. Aberdeen, Wash., and Minnie
Sumner, 33, Portland.
Oregon City Couple
Secures License
Ralph Batney, 22, and Miss Leata
Bonde, 22, both of Oregon City, se
cured a marriage license from Coun
ty Clerk Miller yesterday afternoon
The national federation of women's
clubs have Joined hands with the U.
S. and state college extension in work
to correct the evils brought about bj
Improper feeding of children. The club
women will help In announcing, ad
vertising and planning the campaigns
to find which children are underfed In
any community, and back up the home
demonstration agents in planning bet
ter nutrition and getting plans ac
cepted by the mothers. The serious
need for this work in Oregon is seen
in the large ratio of underweight chil
dren found In the few communities
so far surveyed by the extension serv
A committee made up ot citizens
of the Mt Pleasant district has been
named to cooperate with a commit
tee from the Hill Improvement club
for the purpose of securing city wat
er for the Mt Pleasant community.
The Hill club delegation Is composed
ot Albert Estes. W. B. O'Donell and
S. M. MoDonnald Mt Pleasant com
mittee J. T. Graves, G. M. McDowell
and Chas. Baker.
Merwin Melvin Callff, 28, an Miss
Lena Agnes Hann, 17, both ot tMs
city, secured a marriage llceuse from
the county clerk Friday afternoon.
The marriage of Miss Helen Scott
and Irvin Morris, of this city, wai
solemnized at the home ot Rev.
Scaggs, pastor of the Christian church
at Vancouver, Wash., Saturday after
noon, at 2 o'clock, December 18th.
The bride was becomingly gowned
cousin, Miss Elma Cumpton, of Port
land, and the best man was Hugh L.
Catron, of this city.
Following the marriage ceremony
the young couple returned to Oergon
City, where they are making their
home for the present at the residence
of the bride's mother, Mrs. Eva,Scott,
expecting later to go to California as
soon as Mr. Morris completes his
studies at the Oregon Agricultural
College. He is taking a special course
In electrical englngeelng.
The birde was becomingly gowned
in blue silk with picture bat of black.
The bride's maid wore a gown of
dark blue crepe de chine.
Mrs. Morris is the only daughter of
Mrs. Eva Scott, an Instructor of the
Oregon City schools. She graduated
from the Oregon City high school
with the class of 1920, and Is now con
nected with the Oregon City Abstract
Company, and has many friends bere.
Mr. Morris is the son of Mr. and
Mra. Morris of Beaver Creek, and tor
some time was employed by the Haw-
ley Pulp k Paper company, and
is taking a course In electrical engin
eering. A family reunion was held at the
home of the Misses Cochran at 1115
Washnlgton, street Christmas after
noon and evening.
Th!j 'room's were decorated with
Oregon grape, holly and Chlrstmas
Dinner was served during the after
noon, and in the evening a Christmas
tree was enjoyed.
Attending thia reunion were Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Keating, Mra. J. B
Robinson, Kenneth and Don Robin
son, Rodney and Virginia Keating, N.
R. Chsrman, of Portland; Fred C.
Charman, of Seattle, Wash., Misses
One of the enjoyable family re
unions held in Oregon City Christmas
day was at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Doollttle, ot Meldrum, when a
delicious Christmas dinner was serv
ed. The table decorations were very
attractive and were in keeping with
the season. The living and dining
rooms were prettily decorated with
Oregon grape and holly.
Following the dinner a Christmas
tree was enjoyed.
Attending were Mr. and Mm. A.
W. Cheney, of Portland; Mr. and
Mra. Oren Cheney, of Gladstone; Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Doollttle and lit
tle daughter, ot this city, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Doollttle.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Ranch
entertained Friday evening at thefr
home In Gladstone with a family re
union snd Christmas tree.
After removing from the beautifully
decorated tre e the many gifts,
games and music were enjoyed.
Present were Mr. and Mra Harry
Peckover, of Parkplace; Mr. and
Mm. Winnlfred Knight, Miss Amy
Peckover, of Portland; Mr. and Mra.
Fwd Peckover, of Oregon City;
Charles Peckover, of Parkplace; Mr.
and Mm. Edward Rauch and daugh
ters, Veatrice and Vivian, of Glad
stone. Christmas day Mr. and Mra. Wlnni
fred Knight entertained at dinner tor
the pleasure ot relatives Mr. and
Mm. Harry Peckover, Mr. and Mm.
Edward Rauch, Charles Peckover,
Misses Amy Peckover, Veatrice and
Vivian Rauch.
Mrs. Carrie Connecke, and son,
Ralph, entertained, in a most charm
ing manner, at dinner Christmas day,
the lalter's grandparents, Mr. and
Mm. J. W. Prater, of Gladstone; Mr.
and Mm. Chester Prater, of St
Johns; Mr. and Mrs. R. Mann and
son, Junior, of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. E. P. Edwards and daughter,
Barbara Jean and Mra T. B.
Edwards. One ot the most enpoyable
features was that ltltle Barbara Jean
ate dinner with her grandmother,
Mrs. T. B. Edwards and great grand
mother, Mrs. J. H. Prater.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Rivers, of Park-
place, entertained at dinner for their
children and grandchildren Christ
mas. The home was beautifully decorat
ed with Oregon grape, holly and
Christmas bells.
Enjoying tbe feast were Mr. and
Mra Phillip Oehler, Wilton, Wava
and Gladys Johnson, Mr. and Mm. J.
H. Keely and children, Maxine and
Harlon, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
William Rivers and children, Aldon
and Erol, of Gladstone; Mr. and Mrs.
M. Rivera of Parkplace.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Preauger enter
tained with a family reunion at their
home in Parkplace, Christmas day.
The living and dining rooms were ar
tlstlcally decorated with ferns an
polnsettlas. A pertty decorated Christ
mas tree added much to the beauty ot
the rooms and much pleasure for the
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Preauger and son, Donald, John
Straight, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Glass, and
children, Melvin, Norman and Lester,
Mr. and Mra. Paul Burns, and son,
Jack, ot Parkplace, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Colton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Erlcksen
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Winkler, Mr.
and Mrs- Paul Lewis, Chester LaMarr,
Miss Florence LaMarr, of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ketels have as their
house guests Christmas week, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Willman of Damascus.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lette, of Glad
stone, entertained with a family re
union and Christmas dinner at their
home on Clackamas boulevard. A
brilliantly decorated Christmas tree
was laden with gifts. The rooms of
the Leete home were decorated with
holly, mistletoe and Christmas bells-
Present were Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Lsete, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Crsbtres
and children, Major and William, of
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Wick-
erman and daughter, Jeanette Roberts,
ot Clackamas; Misses Lura and Hes-
per Leete, of Gladstone; P. O. Wade,
of Oregon City, Ralph Leete, ot Port
One of the most enjoyable social
events of the week wss at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Welsh, when
their wedding anniversary and also
the wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Story, of Long Beach, Ca!.,
the latter a sister of Mm. Welsh, was
celebrated by a family reunion. One
of the features of the day was a "wed
ding" dinner. Prepared and served
by Mrs. Welsh and Mm. Story.
Tbe room of the Welsh home were
beautifully decorated fo? this occa
sion. Poliuvttla, holly wreaths,
Oregon grape were used most effec
tively, and the table was centered
with pink chrysanthemums.
Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
Arahle Story andj children, Wilbur
and Janice, of Spokane, Wash.; Dr.
and Mra O. A. Welsh and daughter.
Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Ray S. Welssh
and daughter Evelyn, (little Jeanette
who was but two weeks old, was too
young tor a place at the table), Mr.
and Mm. Francis Welsh, of this city;
Mr. and Mra C. D. Story, of Long
Cteach, but who lore making their
home for the winter in Salem.
The marriage of Miss Nettle Taylor
to Mr. Francis Welsh, and Miss Hat
tie Taylor to Mr. C. D. Story occurred
at Mountain Home, Clackamas coun
ty, December 20, 1881, and was a
social event of that place thirty nine
yearn ago, and was a double wedding.
Mra W41sb and! Mrs. Story axe
daughters of the late J. C. and
Kathryn Taylor, prominent early Ore
gon p(oneers, who resided in Clack
amas county many years, and moved
from Mountain Home to Oregon City,
wnere the family warf favorably
The event held in honor of the
double wedding Monday was a most
enjoyable affair and long to be re
membered by members ot the family
Mrs. Ellrabeth Shively and daugh
ter, Miss Llllie, of this city, were
guests of the former's son. Attorney
W. B. Shively and family, of Portland
Christmas. They attended the Christ
mas dinner, and while there also en
Joyed the Christmas tree arranged by
Mr. and Mrs. Shively. The Shively
home was beautifully and artistically
decorated for the occasion with poin
settlas and evergreens, and the beauti
fully decorated tree added to the
beauty ot the room.
The historical borne of the Barclay
family in this city was the scene of a
family reunion Christmas day when
the borne was artistically decorated
with poinsettias, ferns, Oregon grape
and holly with Christmas bells artlsti
cally suspended from the festoons of
The mantels were banked with Ore
gon grape centered with poinsettias,
making most artistic finishing in the
Attending the reunion were Mr. and
Mra. W. E. Pratt Miss Kate Barclay.
Mr. and Mra. Forbes Barclay Pratt
and daughter, Bett of Potrland, Miss
Cia Barclay Pratt and Mtes Dolly
The home of Mr. and Mra A. C
Warner at Mount Pleasant was
decorated for Christmas when a fam
ily reunion was held. -
Poinsettias intermingled with pussy
willows and ferns, with Oregon grape,
Christmas bella.and holly were artis
tically arranged in the dining room
and parlors of the Warner home, mak
ing; teh rooms most attractive.
Dinner was served in the afternoon,
when places were laid at the prettily
decorated table for Dr. Dr. and Mra
Harvey O. Hickman, of Gervais; Mr.
and Mm. Everette Hickman, of Port,
land, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lsgeson.
Mra. A. L. Hickman, of this city, and
Mr. and Mrs. A. C- Warner.
Mr. and Mm. George A. Harding
held their annual family reunion at
their home Christmas day, when the
parlors, living and dining rooms were
most attractively decorated, the
decorations being in keeping with the
season. Christmas bells, festoons ot
evergreens and potted poinsettias
sdded to the beauty of the decorative
Dinner was served during the eve
ning. The table was beautifully dec
orated, when the color scheme was
appropriate for the holiday season.
Among those to attend the family
reunion! wtere Mi, and Mrs. C. B.
Harding, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Brodie and children, George and
Nieta Barlow Lawrence, Miss Evelyn
Harding, Lloyd Harding, ot this city;
Mra Kate Heaves, of Salem.
Lloyd Ira Showers, 26, of Medford,
and Miss Mabel Earsley, 21, of Ore
gon City, route 5, secured a marriage
license in Oregon City Tuesday.
Alex John Schmitz, 26, and Miss
Leta Beers, 23, both of Sandy, secur
ed a marriage license from the coun
ty clerk here Tuesday afternoon.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koenlg.
a ten pound son Tuesday evening.
Mother and babe are doing nicely at
the Oregon City hospital.
Raymond Blermann, 20, and Lillian
Tavener, 18, both of Oregon City; and
J. K. Peterson, 61, of Bissel, and
Dorothy Dwyer, 51, of Estacada, se
cured marriage licenses in Vancouver
F. T. Bullock entered suit here Mon
day against Nettle Connet James W.
Walsh. Calib Hall and Carrie F. Al
len to recover money alleged due on
a note executed by the defendants.
Royal p. Nilea, familiarly known
by hundred of acquaintances as
"Tubby" Nllea, died at the family
home near Mount Pleasant, about two
miles from Oregon City Sunday night
after a lingering illness. Mr. Nile
answered his country's call during the
world war, and while a member ft
Eighth IMgad Artillery and oa
board the transport Mongolia, be waa
stricken with Influenza. Just as he
was recovering from the dreaded die
ease he arrived at Brest, Franca
Here he waa obliged to sleep in poor
ly constructed quarters and to under
go many hardships which helped to
weaken his condition.
NUes received his discharge from
the service February 20, 1919. After '
his discharge he returned to Oregon
City, where he haa since resided at
the NUes country home.
Royal Mies wss born In Portland
December 20, 1888, and at the age of
one year bis parents moved to Walla
Walla, Wash., where be received his
education. He attended and graduat
ed from Whitman college. While a
student of tbe Institution he made a
record as a football player, taking
part in a number of the big games of
the Northwest. It was throngh hie
excellent work that Whitman college
won some of the best games ever
played in tbe Northwest. He was
on of tbe greatest football players
Whitman college ever had, and waa
also one of tbe most popular young
men attending the college. He play
ed fullback for four yearn, and was
captain of the football team one year.
After completing his studies at the
Whitman college, Mr. Nlles engaged
in teaching, and was among the lead
ing Instructors of the state. Among
the P'aces where ha tanght were at
Marshfleld. Klamath Falls and La
Grande. It waa while engaged la
teaching that he was called to the
Mr. Nlles was a member of the Con
gregational church, and formed a
club, which was composed of about
45 boys, and each Sunday the mesa
bers of the club would congregate
and receive instruction by Ntlee.
Mr. NUes ia survived by two broth
em, Ralph W. NUes, employe of the
Oregon City postoffioe, and Eugene
B. Mies, of Cobarg, Oregon. His
mother, Mrs. Vinson Nlles, died in
Oregon City November 6, 1920. Mr.
NUes is the nephew of Mrs. E. J.
Swafford, of Salem.
Miss Gleason Passes
at Center St Home
juss ntMeu nuuturea uieu&oa, se
r r . t , rti
cond daughter of Mra. Margaret Glea
son, and of the late John Gleaaon,
dlnd at thn famllr hotnn at fflDurtflAnth-
and Center streets Tuesday morning
at 2 o'clock from the effects of the
influensa contracted during the
epidemic several years ago.
Mies Gleason was one of the well
known school teachers ot Oregon,
having had much experience. Grad
uating with honors from the Oregon
Cty high school she took a special
teachers' course at the Oregon State
Normal, from which she graduated.
After completion of her studies at
that institution she engaged in teach
ing. Among the places where she en
gaged in her profession were at
Salem, Baker, Hood River, Elgin,
neppuer, abiuiio, viuu vuj axiu u
1919 taught In the Canby tilgh school
uwing lo m neium sue re urea irum
her profession.
Miss Gleason was well and favor
ably known throughout Clackamas
county. She was born in Oregon City
December 29, 1883, and has made this
city her home ever since, except for
the time she engaged in teaching
out of the city and at Canby.
Besides being survived by her
mother, Mrs. Margaret Gleason, of
this city, she also leaves two sisters,
Mra A. J. Haas, and Miss Mary T.
Gleason, of this city; two brothers,
Michael Gleason and John T. Glea
son, of this city. She also leaves a
niece, 'Nellie Gleason, and two
nephews, Melvin Gleason and Donald
Miss Gleason would have celebrat
ed her birthday anniversary Wednes
day had she lived.
Funeral services will be held from
the St John's Catholic church Thurs
day morning at 10 o'clock, with Mon
signor Hillebrand officiating. " In
terment will be in Mountain View
cemetery, and laid to rest in the new
plot beside Miss Gleasoa's late broth
er, Thomas Gleason.
'Nixon Blair, prominent man ot
Clackamas county, whose home is
near Hubbard, died at Kansas City,
Mo., Tuesday morning, according to
word received in Oregon City and by
hia relatives at Hubbard.
Mr. Blair had been in poor health
for some time before leaving for
Missouri to visit relatives, and made
the trip for the benefit of his health.
He spent a large portion of the sum
mer at Rockaway, where his health
seeed improved.
Mr. Blair was formerly county com
missioner here and laways took an
active part in this county's affair
The deceased is survived by his
wife, three daughters and one son.
tMrs. Blair, who had accompanied
her, husband to Missouri, will leave
tor the Blair home near Hubbard
this evening, and funeral arrange
ments will be made upon the wife's
arrival here.
The Oregon City Auto company has
filed a Hen in the circuit court
aealnst one Oakland roadster owned
by David Hart The sum alleged due
is for SS5.90. for labor performed oa
the car by the auto company.