Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 31, 1920, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Published Every Friday.
C E. BRODIK, Editor and Publisher.
Bntered at Oregon City. Oregon, Post
office ai second-class matter.
Subscription Rates:
. .75
Six Months
Trial Subscription, Two Months-. .25
Subscribers will find the date of ex
plratlon stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. It last payment la
not credited, kindly notify as, and
the matter will receive our attention
Advertising Rates on application.
Tbe local American Legion, In a
meeting: held Monday evening at Ore
gon City, passed a resolution con
demning the alleged statements ty
Representative Wm. M. Stone cm the
soldiers state bonus bill, which will
come up before the next state legis
lature. Representative Stone, upon hearing
of the adoption of the resolution made
by the Legion, also has prepared a
statement in his defense, which we
herewith publish along with the re
solution in Question:
"Whereas: Representative Wil
liam M. Stone, ot Clackamas county
has publicly asserted his position, in
regard to the proposed Oregon State
Bonus bill, as being against the meas
ure, and,
"Whereas: Representative Stone
has further asserted that he stands
against any form of a bonus bill, and,
"Whereas: Representative Stone
gave the general impression, prior to
his election, as being in favor ot ex
soldier legislatoin. and,
"Whereas: Representative Stone,
In the opinion ot this Post ot the
American Legion, has proved faith
less to the votes of ex-service men,
"Now therefore be it
"RESOLVED: by Willamette Falls
Post Number 5, American Legion, in
regular session assembled this 27th
day ot December, 1920, that this Post
of the American Legion protests and
condemns the public utterances and
professed attitude of Representative
William M. Stone, and be it further
"Resolved: that a copy of this
resolution be given publicity in every
Clackamas county newspaper anl
that a copy be sent to Represent
ative Stone, with an invitation tor
his reply to this resolution."
Stone's Statement
(in reply to above)
'1 hare never declared my attitude
toward the soldiers bonus bill. The
resolution was passed without an at
tempt to learn what my views were
concerning the same. I have favored
a bonus to those who by their ser
vice to the country incurred a fin
ancial loss, if the same can proper
ly be financed. I am opposed to a
bonus to those who worked in the
spruce camps and to those who saw
only several months training in the
"I believe that the soldiers who
crossed the seas are entitled to favoi
In proportion to the sacrifice that
they made, and that those who serv-
ed at least six months at home should
be considered. Thla bUl will have to
be referred to the people and ot
course wll not be operatve unless the
people should pass the same.
"The only way the bill can be fi
nanced is by a bond issue and the
State will have to take the money off
from some other institution to meet
the increased burden on the tax pay
era. I suggest that the Accident In
t,urance Commission be supported en
tirely by industry, and a saving of
several hundred thousand dollars
year can thus be effected, which can
be used toward financing the bill.
"If a bill is framed along the lines
suggested, I shall vote to refer the
same to the people, otherwise I shall
oppose the same. I will say that I
have never been approached by any
one as to my views in this regard. I
stated at the teacher's banquent re
cently held in Oregon City, that the
soldiers were demanding a bonus,
but I waa careful to refrain from ex
pressing my opinion as to the merits
cf their proposed bill."
SEATTLE, Dec. 23. The bodies of
four men, entombed by a cave-in at
the elope mine of the Pacific Coast
Coal company at Black Diamond,
Wash., Wednesday, were recovered by
rescue gangs today after more than
twelve hours of digging.
All the bodies were found In pillar
39 of the eleventh south level, where
the men were engaged in removing
a pillar of coal when the roof fell in.
All were burled under tons of rock
and dirt.
William Cleraet Martin, aged 19, of
Tillamook, and Helen Daemar Kan-
gas. 19, of Astoria, secured a mar
riage license Friday afternoon In this
city. The groom has been married
once before, and his mother signified
her willingness to the second venture.
The couple came to Oregon City from
Portland and returned goon after they
secured the license to wed.
The first basket ball game played
between the Arc Light and the All
Stars was Wednesday evening and
resulted in a score of SI to 17 in
favor of the Arc Ugh's The nam,
of the latter originated fro'u gather
ing of the. boys beneath the arc
lj,ht nea- the Estcs store.
These t tarns ai eomrx.sed of boys
f-ora the Orison City hi!: school.
The boys are now anxious to meet
other fast teams of the county, and
will be ready at a minute's notice.
The following is the lineup cf the
winning team:
Arc Lights L. Mayfield. E. Mich
els, center; P. Laura, P. Gardiner.
R. Elliott, guard; J. Sullivau. J.
Dennett, R, Locke, forwards.
Among the star players of the even
ing was Ray Elliott, who made a hit
from,' the start to finish, with his
wonderful ability of 'Mooting"
Women of Canada
Are Much Delighted
OTTAWA. Ont.. Dec. 15. Women
smugglers, not the desperate crimin
al type, but those who live In border
towns and do thslr Christmas shop
ping In the Vntted States, breathed
more easily today with the with
drawal of the special women customs
In many cases thorough search by
these women inspectors crevealed
that fair shoppers were returning to
Canada clad almost entirely in new
garments. The fair culprits usually
were unprepared thus extemporane
ously to pay Ihe extreme penalty of
confiscation, and hurry-up calls by
long distance telephone bringing rel
atives to the rescue with the amount
of duty frequently resulted.
Elks In charge of the program an
nounced for next Friday evening have
postponed the affair for the reason
that many members of the lodge will
be out of the city on New Year's eve.
It is reported that the bill will be put
on when the Deputy Grand Exalted
Ruler makes his annual inspection
trip to Oregon City, some time next
TORONTO, Dec 23. David Ver-
irlle and his wife, who claim Milwau
kee as their home, Wednesday were
sentenced to 30 days in jail on the
charge of attempting to obtain money
by alleged fraud from Mrs. Ambrose
Small, wife of theatre owner who
disappeared more than a year ago.
The couple promised, it is alleged,
to reveal the whereabouts of the
missing man and to guarantee his
return to Toronto before Christmas
upon payment of $1000 by Mrs. Small.
Mrs. Nikkolina Kyllo passed away
at the family home in Wilsonville
December 19, 1920. She was born in
Christiania, Norway, some 59 yean
ago. She came to this country at the
age of 20 years, and later she was
united in marriage to Arnt P. Kyllo at
Red Wing. Minn. Three daughter
and two sons were born to this happy
union who are left to mourn the loss
of their beloved wife and mother. De
ceased was a member of the Norwe
gian Lutheran church. The funeral
was held in Portland from the Holman
undertaking parlors Tuesday, Decern
ber 21, at 2:30 p. m. The remains
were laid to rest in the family plot in
Rose City cemetery. The services
were conducted by Rev. Christensen,
of the Norwegian Lutheran church.
At the annual installation of of
ficers of Multnomah Lodge, No. 1, A.
F. & A, M., held In the Masonic temple
Monday night, the attendance was
cip of the best on record. Officers
installed for the year 1921 wore as
H. A. Rands, W. M.; L. V. Roake,
S. W.; J. O. Noe, J. W.; John It.
Humphrys, treasurer; E. J. Noble
secretary: B. U Heard, S. D.; J. E.
Chinn, J. IX; Albert Roake, Jr., S. S.-,
J. K. Morris, J. S.; Geo. E. Griffith,
tyler; Thos, F. Ryan, marshall; E. A.
Chapman, tru&ee.
Installing officers were E. P. Rands,
acting G. M.; Wm. LalJlaw, acting
G. S. W7; J. Snyder, acting G. J. W.;
A. C. Hdwland, acting O. J. D.; Geo.
E. Griffith, acting grand tyler; Thos.
F. Ryan, acting grand marshall.
H. A. Rands presented a jewel to
Past Master O. B. Dimick.
A big feed took place after the
Articles of Incorporation were filed
Friday afternoon with County Clerk
Miller by the Snap-on Dust Cap Man
ufacturlne company, of Milwaukie.
The capitalization of the new com
pany is $1000, and men Interested In
the new corporation are F. D. Labbe,
A. H. Labbe, D. B. Labbe and T. G.
The Unwl come Immigrants '
In the three weeks ending Nov. 20, the arrests in
Japanese smuggling cases in Seattle alone numbered
26. The United. States immigration officers have re
cently taken two men who are alleged to be agents of
an international smuggling plot to slip Japanese laborers
into the United States.
A California paper prints this news, and along with
it states that Japanese newspapers of recent date have
announced the completion of the new treaty between
Japan and the United States, saying it was "acceptable
to Japan."
People in three quarters of the country sometimes
wonder why the Californians get so excited over their
few Japanese farmers. The reason lies in just this ap
pearance of double dealing by which Tokio ratifies
gentlemen's agreements with the United States, while
private Japanese citizens are engaged in vast designs to
introduce their countrymen to our fat and fertile fields.
If Japan wants this country to trust her, the Jap
anese government itself must take a hand in the en
forcement of its own agreements. So long as these
pacts are constantly violated, by letter as in the case of
smuggling the laborers, by spirit as in the case of the
picture brides, just so long will the Coast states be dis
contented and fearful.
The "back to the farm" movement received a
severe check when wheat prices hit their present posi
tion. "Denmark May Accept Mandate for America," a
newspaper informed its readers the other day. All we
have to say to the printer who set up that line is that if
Denmark does, she'll have her hands full.
PORTLAND, Dec. 25 Appoint
ment ot Jay H. Stockman as deputy
district a(ttono flectlv January
1. was announced Wednesday by
District Attorney Evans. The new
deputy probably will be stationed at
the municipal court to succeed Rich
ard Deich, who takes office as dis
trict Judge the first of the year.
Mr. Stockman is a graduate of the
University of Utah and of the law
department of the University of
Chicago In the class of 1910. He waa
a classmate of Municipal Judge Ross
man. t Since coming to Portland Mr.
Stockman has been associated with
Dan E. Powers.
Mr. Stockman is married and Uvea
at 170 Vista avenue.
SANTA ANA, Cal., Dec. 25. Dr. M.
N. Fntnam, dentist of Los Angeles,
came to his country home near here
last night to spend Christiras with hla
wife and 15-year-old son, and found
them both lying dead, fuKy dres3od,
en their beds.
PORTLAND, Dec. 23. Private
Husted A. Walters was found guilty
of murder in the first degree Thurs
day morning by the Jury before
which he was on trial charged with
killing Patrolman Jerome Palmer.
The Jury made no recommendation
as to penalty.
Under the law the death sentence
or life imprisonment is left optional
with the judge.
The case was tried before Circuit
Judge Robert Tucker.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal, Dec. 23.
Edward (Knockout) Kruvosky, pugi
list and alleged criminal gangster, of
fered testimony in his own b;half to
day to break down a charge of hav
ing criminally assaulted Miss Jesaie
Montgomery of Reno, Nev., for which
he is being tried here.
Kruvosky, while admitting his
presence in the house in which the
attack took place, offered evidence
to show that he had no definite know
ledge of the occurrence.
The case is expected to go to the
Jury tonight.
Owners of dogs that kill, wound or
chase domestic animals In Orfigon ar
liable for all damages thin cu'ined
Anyone who sees a dog thus engaged
or under such circumstances as show
unmistakably that he has been so en
gaged, Is authorized by the Oregon
laws to pursue and kill such dog.
O. A. C.
Girl Receives Letter
From Dead Lover
SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 23 There
Is a Miss McFarland In Gary, Ind.,
who will receive a message from the
dead. A moment after John W. Ring,
world war veteran, 25 years old,
mailed a Christmas present to her he
was stricken with heart disease.
The body will be sent to Buhl,
Idaho, for burial.
SEASIDE. Or., Dec. 14. Water
two feet deep ran down Broadway Fri
day night, when the surf, whipped by
a 50-mile gale, dashed over the board
walk and swept through part ot the
business section.
Bear Escapes After
Biting Indian Driver
SALEM. Or., Dec. 24. When a large
bear, which was being brought to a
local theater Thursday afternoon from
the Chemawa Indian school for exhi
bition purposes escaped from its cage
the driver ot th truck on which the
animal was being transportated was
badly frightened, and allowed his ma
chine to leave the road and partly up
set in a ditch.
The bear, after gaining Us freedom,
bit the Indian attendant, and later
leaped from the truck and started
down the road In the direction of the
school. It had not been captured late
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
J R Atchinson, Plaintiff,
Abram Prat Lamb .otherwise Abram
Piatt Lamb; Thomas P. Lamb; Wil
liam IL Lamb, otherwise William F.
Lamb; John Lamb, otherwise John
D. Langb; Presley Lamb, otherwise
P. (II. W. or N.) Lamb; Mary Ann
Lamb, and the unknown heirs of
Charity Lamb; also all other per
sons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, esetate, lion or inter
est in the real estate described in
the complaint herein, Defendants.
To all and each of the above defend
ants: In the name of the State of Oregon
you and each of you hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint
i filed against you in the above named
I court in the above entitled cause, by
'Saturday, the 5th ot February, 1921,
! which date Is more than six weeks
1 after the date ot the first publication
of this summons; and if you fall to
appear and answer ,or otherwise plead
to said complaint within said time,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief demand
ed In the complaint, to-wlt, for a de
cree declaring the plaintiff to be the
owner in fee simple of the following
described real property In Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, to-wit:
The land beginning 21 chains west
of the southeast corner of Section
numbered sixteen (16), In Township
Two (2) South o f Range Three (3)
thence North 12.97 chains; thence
East to center of the County Road ;
thence Southwesterly on center of
said road to line between sections
1 and 21; thence West on the sec
tlon line to the place of beginning
containing eighteen (18) acres, more
or less ,ln the N. J. Lamb D. L. C. In
Section 16, Township 2 South of
Range 3 East of the Willamette
and that you and each of you have no
right, title, interest or estate whatso
ever therein; that tbe title of the
plaintiff to said premises be quieted,
and that the plaintiff have such other
and further relief as may seem proper.
This summons is served upon you
bu publication thereof by virtue of an
order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell.
Judge of the above named Court, made
on the 23rd day of December, 1920,
which order directs said summons to
be published In the "Oregon City
Enterprise", a newspaper of general
circulation published in Clackamas
County, Oregon, and requires said pub
lication to be made not less than once
a week for six weeks.
Date of first publication December
24, 1920.
Date of last publication February 4,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. O. address: 730 Chamber of Com
merce Bldf., Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court ot the SlaU ot
Oregon for Clackamas County.
William Ihmwelt, Plaintiff,
' va,
Oscar II. Mcdiing and Grace M. Mc
Clung, his wife, and It. H. Fvaaen
dun and Jane Doe Fosaonden, his
wife. Defendants.
To Oscar II. McClung and Grace M.
McClung, and II. It. Fensoiuten and
Jane Do Fessoiulen, above named
In the name of the Statu ot Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer to the complaint Mod against
you in the above entitled court and
suit on or before tho last day ot tho
time prescribed In tho order for the
publication ot summons, to-wlt on or
before the 4th day ot February, 1931,
and if you full so to appear or answer,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complaint herein to
wlt: '
For a Judgment and decree atculunt
defendants Oscar II. McClunx and
Grace M. McClung for the sum ot
$316.66 together with Interest from
the 10th day ot December, 1920, at
the rate ot 8 per cent per annum, and
for the sum of Fifty Dollars attorneys
fees and for plaintiff's costs and dis
bursements in this suit
That a decree be entered herein,
that the said mortgage be foreclosed
and the premises herein described
(Commencing at the Southwest corner
of Tract Five (6) as shown by Plat of
Palmers Addition to Boring- Junction,
running thence southerly along the
east line ot Uradty and Rltchy road
100 feet, thence easterly parallel with
south line of Tract S, 200, feet thence
northerly 100 feet to S.E. corner of
Tract 5, thence westerly along south
line of Tract 5, 200 feet to place of be
ginning, being In tho County ot Clack
amas and State ot Oregon, be sold In
the manner provided by law, and the
proceeds of said sale bo applied to the
costs and disbursements In this suit,
the payment of attorneys fees above
mentioned and the payment of the
sum found due the plaintiff, and the
overplus .If any. be paid to the Clerk
of this court for the persons entitled
That all right, title and Interest ot
each and all of the defendants herein
be adjudged and decreed subordinate
and Inferior to tbe claims and rights of
this plaintiff, and that said defendants
and each of them and every person
claiming by, through or under them
or either ot them subsequent to the
date of the execution ot said mortgage,
either as purchaser, Incumrancer or
otherwise, be forever barrod and fore
closed of all right, title or Interest In
and to said real property and every
part thereof, save only the right ot re
demption allowed by law.
That the plaintiff may become a
purchaser at said sale and that the
Sheriff execute a Certificate ot Sale
to the purchaser, and that said pur
chaser be let Into possession ot said
premises upon tbe production ot the
Sheriffs Certificate, and that at the
expiration ot the time allowed by law,
for the redemption, no redemption
having been made, that a Sheriffs
Deed Usue, and that plaintiff have
such other and further relief as to the
court may seem Just and equitable.
This summons is served upon yos
by publication thereof for a period of
once a week for six (6) consecutive
weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise,
a newspaper ol general circulation
published and issued at Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, by order
of the Honorable J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled court
made on the 24th day ot December,
1920. The Crst publication ot this
summons Is dated the 24th day of De
cember, 1920, and the last publication
will be of date the 4th day of Febru
ary, 1921, making the full period ot six
weeks, the time prescribed In said or
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
925 Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
Oregon. ,
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Thomas
Hughes, deceased, by the County
'ourt of tbe State of Oregon, for
Clackamas County.
AH persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent them properly verified, at the
office of Llvy Stipp, attorney at law
at Oregon City, Clackamas County,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of publication of this notice.
Attorney for Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County of Clack
Thilda Hart, plaintiff,
Nils Hart, defendant.
To Nils Hart, the above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required and com
manded to appear and answer the
complaint of tbe plaintiff filed against
you in the above entitled suit in the
above entitled Court on or before six
weeks from the date of first publica
tion of this summons, the date of
first publication hereof being the 24th
iday of December 1920, and if you fall
so to appear and answer for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to this
court for relief as demand in her com
plaint filed against you herein, to-wlt:
For a Judgment and decree of the
above entitled court forever dissolv
ing; and getting aside the bonds of
matrimony and marriage contract
now and heretofore existing between
you, the said defendant and the said
p,-lnlff, an for such other and furthe'
relief as to the court may seem Just.
That this summons is served upon
you by publication thereof once a
week for six successive and conneeu
tlve weeks in the Oregon City Enter
prise, a newspaper of general circula
tion In Clackamas County, Oregon and
printed and published at Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant
D. C LATouamri, President F. J. Miviil Cathie
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
to an order of the honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
Court which order was mailo and en
tered ou the 21st day of December
1920, and which order directed thtit
service of summons be made upon
you by publication as aforesaid.
Date of flrwi publication 24th day of
December 1920.
Date ot hint publication of num.
mens February 4th. 1921.
Attorney for Plaint Iff.
UXIO Chamber of Commerce Illdg.,
Portland, Oregon.
Notice I hereby given that the
undersigned administrator ot the
KsUto ot A. II. lkmaldMon, deceased,
has filed his final account as much
administrator In the County Court ot
the State of Oregon, for the County
Coutr of the Sao mbhmbfiugfKbxb
ot Cluckautiut, and the Court has ap
pointed and set Monday, the 17th day
ot amiary, 192 1, at 10:00 o'clock a. in.
of wild day, at the County Court Room
of na!d County In Oregon City, Or
gon, as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said fluid account
and the tttlement ot the same.
Administrator of the Estate ot A.
II, Donaldson ,dacncd.
Hale of First Publication Decem
ber 17th. 1920.
Ihite of last Publication January
14th, 1921.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For Clackamas County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned Howard U. Holland has
teen appointed administrator of tht
Entate of Wellington R. Hurt, de
cmiaed by the County Court of the
State ot Oregon, for Clackamas Coun
ty. and has qualified. All persons
having clalma against said estate kro
eereby nottttod to present the same,
with proper vouchers and duly verV
fled as by law required, to the undei
stcned at the Honk of Oregon City.
Oregoo City, Oregon, within li
months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published Deceai
ber 3. 1929.
Date of last publication Deo. 81.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas Ooanty.
George W. Jones, Plaintiff,
Annie Jon en. Defendant
To Annie Jone the above named de
fendant: You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint tiled
against you. In the above entitled
suit, within nit weeks from the date
of the flrnt publication of thla notice,,
and if you fall so to appear and
answer for want thereof, plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the rellof pray
ed for in the complaint, whioh la that
the marriage now exlstln htw"
you and the plaintiff, be forever dls
BOlved. Thin summom Is served upon
you by publication, by ordor of the
Hon. J. IT. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court, which order Is
dated December . 1920, and the tlnw
prescribed In suld order for this publi
cation, la that tho same be published
once a week for six consecutive
weeks, and alo that yon appear here
In, within six weeks from the date of
the first publication thereof. The date
of tho first publication of thl sum
mons Is December 10, 1920 and tlis
last date of publication Is January 21,
Attornye for Plaintiff,
Pont Office Addrew, 710 Chamber
of Commerce, Portland, Oregon.
Joseph W. Farrar estate
Notice Is hereby given mat me ua
dorslgned has been duly appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Joseph
W Farrar, deceased, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon tor
Clackamas County and that letters of
administration have been duly Issued
to him as such administrator. All per
sona having i claims or demands
against said estate are hereby requir
ed to present the same with the pro
per vouchers to the undersigned ad
ministrator at the office of the Coun
ty Clerk, in Oregon Oity, Clackamas
County, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice. Claims
may also be presented to tbe admin
istrator personally at his office, 730
Chamber ot Commerce Building, Port
land, Oregon.
Dated at Orogon City, Oregoa, thla
22nd day of November, 1920.
Date of first publication November
21th, 1929.
late of last publication, December
24, 1929.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for the County of Clacka
Maude Horst, Plaintiff,
Claude W. Horst, Defendant.
To Claude W. ltorst. Defendant:
In the lame of the State of Oregon,
you are herby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit, on or
before the 14th day of January, 1921.
and If you fall to appear and answer
said complaint, for want thereof, tbe
plaintiff will take default against you,
and apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt:
that the marriage contract heretofore
and now exlsltingi between the plain
tiff and defendant be dissolved and
held for naught, and that the plain
tiff herein be awarded aa absolute
decree ot divorce from defendant, and
Commercial, Ileal Estato and
Probate our Specialties, Of
ftoa In first National Stank
Hldf.. Oregon City, Oregon.
Attornsyat Law
Money lonid, attracts furnish'
d. land titles examined. MtaU
settled, general law bulneM.
Ovr Dank ot Orsgon City.
William Hammond
Philip U Hsmmoea
Attorneys t-law
Abatraota. Real KstaU. Loans, Insor
PMlfld Phone II Hons I'hons A rt
Pbons 408
fitevens DIdf ., Oref on City, Or a
that her former nme Maude Va
Nmwlck be restored to her, and tor
such other and further relief a
tho Court may seem meat and equit
able. This aummona la served upon you
by publication In ths Oregon City Kn
tnaie for rtt auctve weeks,
pursuant to an order made by the
lUmornble J. U. CamptadL Judge of
the above willtled Court, on the "lh
day of November, 120.
lite ot first publication, December
2rd. 1920.
IVita of lost publlcattoa January
14th. mi.
Attorneys tor PlalntlCt,
Bit Cortwtt !ulldlng. Portland, Ore,
Notice Is hereby given that the aa
demlgned has been appolnlad admla
IstratrU of tho estate- ot Cewg
neexfc, deceased All peraoas hav
ing clalma against said Utft ar
hereby notified to praeeat the aamo
with proper vouchers. Jy ertKlad
aorordlug to law, at the frtoa of
Drownell A Blevers, at Oregoa Oily.
Clackamas Cousty, Oragua. wlthl
six months of tis dake of tao pah
ration of thte notice.
Dated, mday. Novowkber 21. ISM.
Attorneys for Administratrix,
Oro City, Orefcoa,
MitUe la fcersby glvoa that the aa
dersigned has beea appelated admin
lrtrator ot the estate of Oeorg II.
Kelly, dnoeaaed. All persons hav
ing clalma against said eottto are
hereby notified to present tan aaaae
with proper vouchers, dely eiirtAfkwl
according to law, at the afflae ef
Hrownell A aievers. at Oregon CUy,
Clakaaias Ooanty, Oregon, wltm
six months of tis date ot the paM-
ratlon ot thla aottee.
Dated. Friday, November M. 1939.
Attorneys for AdmUmlrator.
Oregon City, Orogaa.
In the Circnlt Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamaa Ooanty.
La IL Klrchem, Plaintiff,
dgar Haraar, Amoa Millard, Ne
braska Bridge Bapply , A Lamber
Co., a corporation. Defendants.
To Idgar Horner, above nanod de
In tho name ot tho State of Orecon:
Toa are hereby required to appear
and anawor the Complaint Sled
against yon In the above entitled salt
on or before ,tko axplratloa et atx
weeks from tho data ot first publloa
tloa of this ttmmona, whleh date ot
oiplratloa is fixed y order of above
entitled Court as Monday, January 3,
1921, and If you so fail to appear and
answer, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relelf prayed for in hla
complaint, to-wlt: For the foreclosure
ot a certain chattel mortgage dated
August 18, 1917, for $1400.00 and re
corded in Vol. 11 page 43 Chattel
Mortgage Records ot said County and
State, on which 400.00 has been paid,
and one certain Chattel Mortgage for
$832.00 dated March 2, 1920, and re
corded in Vol. 13, page 145 Chattel
Mortgage Records of said County and
State, on which $200.00 ha, been paid
and for $160.00 attorney's fees and
costs herein, which said mortgages
cover and are a lien upon the follow
Ing described personal property in
Clackamas County, Oregon, to-wlt:
One 12x15 Russell engine complete
with fittings; one Russell Boiler com
plete with steam pump, smokestack
and fittings ; ono Powers Planer com
plete with knives, belts, blower, etc.;
one No. 3 Russell Saw rig with one
fifty inch saw and one forty-eight inch
saw and feed works; one carriage,
four head blocks and sot works; one
friction log turner; one log haul; one
slab car and truck; one cut-off law
frame and 24 Inch cut-off saw tao
lumber truck; fire line shafts with
pulleys and belts; all miscellaneous
tools, belts, gears and scraps.
Also one 11x15 Russell Automatlo
Governor Engine No. 16058.
And for such other and further re
lief as to this Court aeemt meet and
equitable. ,
This 8ummons Is published by order
of th Honorable J. U. Campball,
Judge of tho above entitled Court,
which, order It dated November 18,
First pnblioatloa Kovember 19, 1J20.
Last pnblioaUon Daeerober 81, 1829.
O. D. MY,
Attorney tor plaintiff.