Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 24, 1920, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Pag 7
(Continued from pug 2)
Forty dollHrn him bien raised here
for the Hint C.roM. Mumbursulp drive
to date. Home folk llk to give to
thw great "inollior", for occasionally
m will hunt up ft aolnlior nml miv,
"here, I want to Ret In on thl Rod
Cros business."
('tmrlnjr Knbs rnlnnij thirty tlx dol
lars on Handyrldgo for Ihe Hod Cross
drive, but tlio "rldgo" nlwy rum
Handy ft climo MKi'ond, ami ioiiitluii'B
conic out ahead,
Tlipfo will )m a collix-toln tnkmt ut
tho Chrlstums exnrclm- of the l.u
thoran church on Christmas eve fur
thu nemly one In Kuropn, Tho pro
Kin in Iu'rIiii ut seven o'clock and n
till! tlinn In antlclputod.
Knmomber next Tuesday night In
th time for tlio lix-ture and stnreop.
llcnn view from ln llur ut the
Methodist church, by It. Cotton.
The state coiiiitH'relal flub will
ni"t In I "on In nil thn 2S mid 29 nml
I'M. llntr nod Molnlg will prolt.
ably attend to represent tho Develop
mi'tit Umem.
Tb Cottrell Sunday School will
bold their Xmiiit proKmni and will
have h lilit Iren on next Mimilny nlKbt
ut tlm school house mid every mm In
Invittttl. The 8. S. In tt union ono
and Rev, 8. C, l'IU Is thu superin
tendent, nttd ho t'l"" preaches at tho
school house r-very Sunday morning.
Mrs. l'ltts. Mr, inmnldnon and Mm.
H ll WittklmareUieR 8. committee
getting tip the Xmas pro(jritm.
Mr, Am boff, Hr. In going to Hood
lllvcr to ftpimt ChrlHiiitfiH with his
old time friend Mr. Klsimberit. These
two gentlemen wer associated In the
forest service In some wuy In day
gone by.
Mm. Wilson, mother of Mr. Bind
ley' wtti'ti from her new locution ut
Tillamook Hint she 1 nursing ovr
there nnd I getting on nicely.
P. T. Shelley wn home from IIihkI
River hint week from Wednesday to
ni!ii shopping In (bo city lm been
n.. ..f I hn week' "hurries" ft well
11 diversions,
A f'lW bktH tllttt KUgKChted tli
Xiimn Hpl:ll have been sent out to
lend ft bit of cheer to some of tlui all-
Imk oiio'h.
Mm. H S. Kddy and Mm. Il.-nry
Kimip wcro the InduMtrloim nftlkliont
who ft:urM fund for the Xmnii treat
for ttl rhlldnn ut tb Morttodlut
hureh. Tliey 1ho iiuulo nnd filled
tin riuidy bii and trimmed tho treo,
A rouplo from Kutwrnda on their
wuy to th Knndy danm had a break
down Sutunluy nlsht and ulled on
(Mmrlov Kri'h for iiHUHnnrn. but fin
ally had to phonn nvr to Sandy for a
ir, and arrived ut tho dunco at on
o'clock A. M.
Mnrsball Unvla wu a Portland vial
. tor lant Moiulay doing nhopplng for
hi photoRraph work.
A tn-pbew of Mm, I'lntt and Mrs.
WIhiy wun her from Walla Wulla
country th" p;ut woek vUltlns.
Tho S. W. Allen fiimlly moved Into
tb hmiHfi U K, Hoffman has been fit
ting up for them tlm firm of ttm wmr,
and Carl Schnrnko moved Into thu
I'belpa' hoUHd an tbo Allen' vacated.
8ihanik' boiiKht tho place aomo
Hum air".
Gho-?" W. Cotton, fiitber of H?v.
litrl Cotton canto ovr from Salmn
litHt week to vljtlt bla ion ut hi bache
lor btinjrnlnw at Vleasant llontp.
Mr. and Mr. James lluckley (lltilda
Jurl) aro reJolt lnK over a new buby
boy weighing ten pound that enntn
to their home at Camait, recently
Mra Jo0 Lilly hu ben travelllnR
about conaldorably of late, her latent
trip wiut a visit to KoreHt (Jorve the
flritt of tho week.
Mra. llotmensy had a letter from
Oeorfto lant week and he wag Just the
amo happy "Spike". He was at
Venice, Cul., doing saxophone olo
and other prominent mualeaj work In
an orcheatra there.
Fred Slariko 1 expected home at
any time now, bis ntQthor finally hear
Ing that ho had been In Siberia for a
long time, nnd that his company
would aopn eomo home. Fred Is an
other of Sandy's war heroes.
Jack 8li rwjelved ft telegram
Inst Saturday from H. O. Jnckwm of
Itnd saying that Mrs. Jackson pass
ed away the night before. She had
bneh sick for a long time, but at times
her friend were hopeful that hor life
mlgttt be prolonged. The Jackson's
formerly lived here and aro well known
all over the county. Mr. Jackson was
formerly In the foreBt service here.
Oscar PnhUrren who passed away at
Washougul last week after fourteen
weeks of Illness was a former resi
dent of Sandy, at one time running a
confectionery store In tho Mills build
ing. Mr. Dahlsrren was a brothor ln
law of Allien Knopp.
Rev. Karl Cotton conducted tho
funeral of Mrs. C. H. Sloop who sud
denly passed beyond af the , family
home between ltorlng and Pleasant
Homo last week. Mrs. Sloop had been
ailing with heart disease for a year or
more but felt better than usual tho
morning she died.
John Maronay went to bod lftBt
Thursday with sciatic netiarlgla from
which he Buffered Intensely an nigm
and was still not able to be up tho
first of the week, though tho pain was
rolloved considerably.
M-s. Krnept Itonott Is very happy
over the arrival of a young nephew,
"Robert Uurelce", at the home of
her brother, Mr. and Mrs. James Jun
nlngs of O-eshnm. This little "new
comer" weighed, oteht pounds and la
the only hopes at presont for the con
tinuation of tho Jennings nnme In
Mra Honett's family. Naturally tho
parents We also delighted, though
Mrs. Jennings la very 111 as the news
goes to press, but hopes are held for
her recovery.
..Thore Is sickness in tho O'Nnll fam
ily thin wook, also In the Henry Per-
ret family according to a later repon
Seems a shnmo for folks to have to be
in n hnllilav tlmo!
Tho measles broke out In the P.ul!
Run school dlstlrct about the first
. of the week and therel were only
eight pupils at school on Monday, sev
eral families having the troublesome
(HnnfiHA in the home.
' Otto Aschoff will have to return to
tho hospital In about two weeks to
rib m xmm L
P (Ji 1 u
Steel file unit for vault-
110 SO
Total Ex pen m , $8014.00
Estimated receipts $10,000.00
Salary of Recorder $1500 00
Chief deputy 1200.00
Machine operator 1020.00
Machine operator 1020.00
Extra help 150.00
. 3 J
HiM til
' ft L 1
Th muit recently publnhei
K.pultlon figure, UimI in 192",
glv th Dominion of Csnadi a
L Dultion of B.Sas.lO'i. Th 18H
j frnu gv that :ountry a popula
; th n of 700.f 43. ThHi how a
22 Increase for th Intervening
' Din year period. In 1871, C'and
population numbered only 3.tih7(ii.
so that the Increase In Mty year la
almost 120. This is by fr m
highest rt of Increase experienced
' bv any country.
I According to th latest census.
' th United Slates made an inrres
I of 14 y in the deraii )ust closed
: a against 21 increase in th de
fad 1900-1910. Thi consulerabl
'. decrease is attributed, by the
' Census Bureau, to a falling off In
, Immigration.
Older coun'rle. urh a lb
i United Kingdom and Franc. tht
are almost wholly dependent on
their birth rate for increax and
: wher immigrattun i a negligible
, quantity. mk litll or no progress
In swelling their population ststts-
tics. Few European countries
reached e en a 6 increase in th
oast ten yar. Annexation of ter
ritory and changing of boundaries
t-lTcct unprecedented increase and
decrease in some instances. But
thetie are sbnormal.
Canada's pace is unkiue. It ta
far ahead ef the other British
Dominions In proceaa of settlement,
' i . y , ' ' , ' ""J
' -t : ii if v ' f -a ,':.'.: . it ..J;
" : i r 7 ft; . - , . $ ' " c,V i
Total m
S blank deed records
5 blank mortgage records
Ono form mortgage record
F.nvelopes and letters .
Wank forms
Pens, pencils, etc. ,
Misc. ofIce supplies...,.-
Typewriter ribbons
Repairing typewriters
Repairing Index covert .
Adding machine
Recorders bond
. 6200
- 15.00
.. ' 15.00
- 120.00
.. 350.00
FOR SALE Loganberry tips. 5 cents;
larger amounts less. Order . at
once. Albert Oasser, (larkew.
Phone Paver Creek 8 2. Postofflce,
'Mullno, Or.
FOR SALE Your choice, two fresh
cows, on Joreey, one Jersy.tlol
stein, good rich milkers, want a
good home for the cows. John
liolub, Clackamas, Or., on mile
south of Clackamas.
FOR SALE First class AT tT cord
wood and medium limbs; price
$9.50 and $10.00. Address , H. L.
Scheer, Oregon City, route- 6, box
Total $1122.00
Total Expense $!012 00
Estimated receipts $7000.00
Treasurer's Office
Salary $1500.00
Chief deputy 1200.00
Premium oa treas. bond 225 00
Oep, bond 20.00
liurglar Ins. . x 45.00
Stamps, Ink, etc. 250.0U
Registers, Led. Jour 400.00
Gen. Fund Bal. on hand
Stenographer 120.00
Ax men and chainmen 500.00
Mileage 300.00
Stationery 200.00
FOR SALE Dry first-growth wood,
$10 a cord. Alfred Groblund. Leave
orders at Oregon City Shoe Store.
All charter applicants of Woman's
Auxiliary of American Legion will
please remit dues to Grace M. Eby.
Sec'y, so your name may be placed on
charter for framing. Phone 43S-J-Next
meeting, Moose hall, January
10. Adv.
offering similar attractions and I mg overwhelmingly la favor of
governed by like conditions. Au- Canada for their f utur bom. It
tra lis records a population or
c 140.&4.'!, an incresse of a litll
nor than 17" over the 1911
census Vures; New Zealand's 13
increase 1 ring her numler of in
habitants to 1,133,014, while the
L'nion of South Africa increased it
whit popi lation between 97 and
10" during the past eitrht years.
These ' gurcs ar irrefutable evi
dence of Canada's popularity in Ihe
eyes of immigrants. According to
a recent survey, the multitude of
intending emigrants in the British
Isles under the Overseas Settlement
Scheme, declared themselves a be-
must not be forgotten that tha
?2li increase wax mad during
the period vhen war brought im
migration to a standstill. With Dm
letting down of barriers and the re
sumption of steamship service, th
tide of settlers is flowing in heavier
than ever before, and to this muu
be added th continuous influx of
settlers from the States. Canada's
faith in ber future and for greater
increase is population is weB
grounded. A review at tb end of
1 !)!( will, no doubt, show figvtts
hitherto onattained !n th develop
rnt af a new country.
Chief deputy
Second deputy
Third deputy
Field deputies
Farm Data (1919L)
Extending tax roll
Stamps and travel
Office Supplies
Assessment and tax roll..
Assessment blanks
Tax rate sheets
. 1020.00
. 2500 00
arm, then It is hoped his trouble
will bo over.
Mrs. Uef. mother of Ernest Lief,
who Is with her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Shelley at Eugene, Is not able to B'l
around yet. Her trouble was a broken
Mm. I.lgo' Coleman and Elrod are
feeling fine and aro able to bo out
and take up the regulur dally routlue
Mrs. Sig Knighton is gaining rapid
ly now. Sho hud quite a serious tlmo
of it. but under the nursing of her
aunt. Mrs. 1). I). Jack, of Scenic, has
every care and comfort that could bo
given. Orvlllo has had a 'double"
quarantine, but said ho did not want
to get out till his auntie got well!
Fine consideration for a youngster!
8. V. Allen had the hard luck to
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Gresham,
and Mrs. Cllne. well known residents
of Mrs. John Maronay spent a duy
last week at the Maronay home.
Mrs. Tom. Hagnn was flitting
around In her Sedan In Sandy one
day last week, visiting at the Mar
onay'B, and otherwise enjoying the
George Maronay went to the city
Sunday to meet hie slater from Wash-
returned to Government Camp to
stay. After a long rest' and visit In
various places they are glad to get
back home agiln. No doubt the sum
mer season will be the beet year for
the mountain hostleries that has been
enjoved for some tinw. as the gas
shortage Is over, and there will be
roods to get there.
Jamee Wolf Is up from Coos Co. for
1 visit with relatives here during the
i holidays. He has been working In a
Ington. but she failed to appear, so he., camp dow there-
returned alone In tho evening
The E. L. Powers family had com
pany from Portland over the week
Mrs. Ed. Wolf and children are go
ing to Portland to spend Christmas
with Mrs. Wolfe's homo folks.
Mr. and Mra. H.ft Eddy were pleaa-
Adding machine
Eighth grade exfcm".
Teacher's exam.
Institute fund i
. 400.00
.. 60 00
Total .
Health Officer
Fumigation and ex.
.$ 700.00
Estimated expenses $ 700.00
School Superintendent
Traveling ex 600.00
Postage, express 275.00
Supt's salary $1400.00
Traveling ex.
Adding Machine -
8th Grade Exam.
Teachers' Exam.
Institute Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Maybee and Lloyl nnUy surprised Saturday evening
were out fromi l'tits Saturday till
Sunday P. M. with their daughter,
Mrs. Maronay and family.
Th Sundv Lumber Co. will clone
almost sever three finger from hU ,,. frm Tii..rltf till Mi.mlav
left hand while at work In the city , cn , n . ftva h ,tbration
lust Friday and just moving time at
that! Luck must turn for the Allen's
Carl I-nnger has been ailing tho
past week with grip or something
akin to It, nn j has been unable U
Max Woenche was brought home
by his brother Frledel from Emanuel
hospital a few days ago. He got tired
of waiting down there for improve
ment that did not come. Max has the
sympathy tf his 'neighbors and
friends. It l hard for one of his In
dustrious temperment to be unable
to help himself.
Mrs. Jack Scales went to Corbett
liiHt week for a short visit and then
In to Portland for a shopping expedition.
Mr. land Mr, ISciilea entertained
Rev. Earl Cotton and Rev. M. H
Parounnglan over last Sunday night
Rev. Parounaglnn Is the Secretary of
Oregon Sunday School Conference
Mra. H. H. Watklns and Mrs. Joo
Donaldson of Cottrell went to Port
land for two or throe dnys visiting
and Xmas shopping last week.
The H. H. Watklns family went to
Hillsdale to spend their Xmas with
the parents Bnd brothers of Mr. Wat
Mrs, Dltteret wa sa Portland visitor
last, week to do Christmas shopping.
Friends drove out from Portland
after Mrs. J. C. Duke last week enl
and took her Into thevlty to do shop
ping and Incidentally visit a little.
Mr. and Mra. Ernest Harris came
down from the mill to spend the week
end with homo folks.
Mrs, J. T. Mclntryre of Bright wood
has been In Portland shopping and
hnvlmr her eyes looked after.
Mrs. Billy Allen was down to Port
land last week seeing her son
"Johnnie" off for the south. She also
visited the destroyers In port- After
the S. S. Gambel on which, "Johnnie
Is the gunner's mate, reaches San
Diego, it will soon sail Into southern
waters, though the exact location is
not elven out.
Auntie" McGoogan and Mr. ana
Mrs. R, C. Shipley will probably spend
tholr Christmas at the homo or Mr,
and Mra. Mack Thomas. Mrs. Ship.
ley says they would like to attend
some of the Sandy Xmas festivities
If the roads were bo they could get
here at night.
:Dr. and Mrs. Slur were down to
Powell Valley last Sunday to attend
some church exercises given by the
Luther Ix-aguo. . They will spend
Xmns In Portland, remaining over
Sunday evening.
Mra. Ksson and Dorothy wore in
Portland shopping for Santa Claus
one day last week.
Mre. Joel Jarl, now at Chula Vistn,
Cal., wrote of visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. oJhn Starus at their home in
San Diego.
The Samblast family that recently
bought the Barnes place at Cottrell
have moved out from Portland. Mr.
Samblast Is a paper hanger and paint
er and comes out from the city week
. . 1, ...I'l, l,la fimlU.
ai noiiony lime. j
Anton Miekelson tha "Prince" of noon.
liberality, admiring friends call him.!
has dono "too much" they say to i CLACKAMAS
. . . . . i
ward getting tne road in snape. ine
latest is his sponsoring a gift of one
Estimated amount of funds neces-
hundred dollars worth of lumber from -y to maintain the various offices.
, ,m tm mill i couns ami bcuouis oi me uuuui;, w
the Mlckelsen-Nelson mill. This mill ; r wUh cstlmatea amounts for
has furnished road lunmber as low ns . btate taX and mamtenance of roads
four dollars per tnousana before. an(j bridges.
which was a loss when tho top wagj3j Circuit Court
are considered. Business will be Estimated expense,
when their dangliter-ln-law, Mrs.
Clarence Eddy of Spokane, and her
niece, Miss Bennett, of Chicago came
In on the stage. Their stay was short
but sweet, as they could not remain
longer than Monday, when the Eddy's
drove them into Portland In the after-
Estimated expense
$ 350.0C
Court House
Toilet paper, eta
Water :
Mops, lawn hose, etc.
Oils and disinfectant-
Locks, repairs
Glass -Ice
County Commissioners
Stamps and stationery
nornHil up the mountains soon, as; County Court
the road will be onen all the way i Salary or county juage,
Will I'pdegrave has about finished
a nice largo wood house which Is an
other attractive addition to tho place
he has turned Into home.
The labor eltuVrtion is somewhat!
Justice Courts
Estimated Expense
Juvenile Court
tense according to John Burmeister Estimated Expense
who returned from Portland last week Sheriff's Office
unable to find any work. ?rft "a,,aJry
O. A. Palmer of Boring has sold hia''
homo place to Mr. Young, the truck j Inve8 crime au't"0"hire I
driver, wlio, wun nis iamuy win inne stamps
possession the first of the year. Phones
E. V. Mauldlng was the lucky one Board of prisoners
to draw the big ten dollar prize box Stationery
of candy at the Boring meat market
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Irsen were
..$ 900.00
Lamps , .
Total ! $3642 00
Registration and electlons..$ 6000.00
Widow's Pensions 12000.00
Care of Poor 15000.00
1000 00
12000 00
Cattle Indemnity
Indigent Soldier -
: 50.00
Tax Department
rtht t . .. i., ... f 1 ocft
Sunday visitors at the home of E. J.:Second dputy 10So.OO
Slefer of Boring.
One clerk .
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Palmer of Dor- Three clerks 3 months, soring
ing, will spend Christmas with their collection 675.00
dnmrhter. Mrs. McClung of Wauna, I One clerk, 6 months 450.00
rtracrnn uuo Ulttrtl, 6 1UUUU1B tail CUHtlV
T... lra VfulHntt tlflVO B UVU XUV.VV
their guest this week Mrs. Malllcott's
sister from Dallas.
iin.ini, a urnVlnp nn end takinc
...... o "I n . ik
. ...... -j ai... K.fow.ot unice ouppnei
-nouce . uu ...... , iu.uB. ,3 cash bookg at WM 270.00
' Overtime
! Total ...
are taking place there now than for . 2 recap bookg at $4 0Q
a number of years
Mr. Schumann who recently pur
chased the Mark Senske place in the
Burn, was out last wek, and plans
moving his family from Portland as
soon as the roads are in condition.
When the sealed bids for handling
the buttermilk product of the Sandy
Co-operative Creamery were, opened
at a recent meeting of the board Wil-
25 turnover sheets
21000 tax statements at $21.00
per M
Scalp Bounty
Tax rebate
Printing and adv.
State and county fairs
Sealer of weights
Experting books
Insurance (fire)
Fire Patrol
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
J R. Atchlnson, Plaintiff,
Abram Prat Lamb .otherwise Abram
Piatt Lamb; Thomas P. Lamb; Wil
liam It Lamb, otherwise William F.
Lamb; John Lamb, otherwise John
D. Lamb; Presley Lamb, otherwise
P. (H. W. or N.) Lamb; Mary Ann
Lamb, and the unknown heirs of
Charity Lamb; also all other per
sons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, esetate, Hen or Inter
est In the real estate described In
the complaint herein, Defendants.
To all and each of the above defendants:
la the name of the State of Oregon
you and each of you hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above named
court In the above entitled cause, by
Saturday, ihe 5th of February, 1921,
which date is more than six weeks
after the date of the first publication
of this summons; and if you fail to
appear and answer ,or otherwise plead
to said complaint within said time,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief demand
ed in the complaint, to-wlt, for a de
cree declaring the plaintiff to be the
owner in fee simple of the following
described real property in Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, to-wit:
The land beginning 21 chains west
of the southeast corner of Section
numbered sixteen (16), in Township
Two 2) South o fRange Three (3)
thence North 12.97 chains; thence
East to center of the County Road ;
thence' Southwesterly on center of
said road to line between sections
16 and 21; thence West on the sec
tion line to the place of beginning,
containing eighteen (18) acres, more
or less ,tn the N. J. Lamb D. L. C. in
.Section 16, Township 2 South of
Range 3 East of the Willamette
and that you and each of you have no
right, title, interest or estate whatso
ver therein; that the title of the
plaintiff to said premises be quieted,
and that the plaintiff have such other
and further relief as may seem proper.
This summons is served upon you
bu publication thereof ty virtue of an
order of the Honorable J. I?. Campbell,
Jadge of the a)ove named Court, made
o the 23rd day of December, 1920
which order directs sard summons to
be publisned in the "Oregon City
Enterprise", a newspaper of general
circulation published in Clackamas
County, Oregon, and requires said pub
lication to be made not less than once
a week for six weeks.
Date of first publication December
24, 1920-
Date of last publication February 4
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. O. address: 730 Chamber of Com
merce Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
each and all of the defendants herein
be adndged and decreed subordinate
and Inferior to the claims and rights or
this plaintiff, and that said defendants
and each of them and every person
claiming by, through or under them
or either of them subsequent to the
date of the execution of said mortgage,
either as purchaser, incumrancer or
otherwise, be forever barred and fore
closed of all right, title or Interest in
and to said real property and every
part thereof, save only the right of re
demption allowed by law. ,
That the plaintiff may beroma
purchaser at said sale and that the
Sheriff execute a Certificate of Sale
to the purchaser, and that said pur
chaser be let Into possession of said
premises upon the production of the
Sheriff's Certificate, and that at the
expiration of the time allowed by law,
for the redemption, no redemption
having been made, that a' Sheriff's
Deed Issue, and that plaintiff have
such other and further relief as to the
court may seem Just and equitable.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof for a period ol
once a week for six (6) consecutive
weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise,
a newspaper of general circulation
published and Issued at Oregon City,
Clackamas , County, Oregon, by order
of the Honorable J. C. Campbell,
Judge of the above entitled court,
made on the 24th day of December,
1920. The first publication of this
summons is dated the 24th day of De
cember. 1920, and the last publication
will be of date the 4th day of Febru
ary, 1921, making the full period of -six
weeks, the time prescribed in said or
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
925 Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
STRATOR.. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has' been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Thomas
Hughes, deceased, iy tha County
!ourt of the State of Oregon, for,
Clackamas County.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent them properly verified, at the
office of Livy Stipp, attorney at law
at Oregon City, Clackamas County,
Oregon, within six months from tho
date of publication of this notice.
Attorney for Administrator.
Accident Insurance
Traffic officer and exp.
Int on warrants
For purpose of buying poor
farm 10000.00
Int on bridge bonds 6S75.00
Total County General $143,704.00
Estimated Receipts
From sources other than taxation
Clerk L$10000.00
Recorder 7000.00
Justice court
57 U. S. Land sales,
25 U S. Forest rentals..
Motor vehicle fund
Int. on Dep.
Total receipts $47914.00
Net County General $95790.00
Roads and Bridge
Bridges $ 65,000.00
Machinery 20,000.00
Paving 10,000.00
District and General (70
and 30) 200,000.00
1 Total : $1363.00
1 Total Expense ....... $12,588.00
Postage stamps
Post cards, personal notices of
Red. Certf. books
Pens, pencils, ink, erasers,
carbon paper
1 typewriter (give old one in
llam Joeclyn's bid was the highest, so : Office fixtures, rebuild tables
he will fatten hogs on the year's out
put. ii la renorted that the Vanderhoot
timber also the Holms Umber has Clerk's Office
been bought by Ogden. and that fTe is Clerk's salary $1800.00
going to start a mill over in the Mar- j Deputy - 0.00
mot country. Deputy 1OS0.00
A. C. Martin Is going to load three j jlacnlne operator 960.00
cars of cord wood at Scenic Station , stationery, supplies, postage
and ship it into the city. ! and box rent 300.00
The verv latest news is that the Bond 35.00
road to Flrwood will be open by the
last of the week and travel will bo re
sumed. What a happy time those
people including the "creamy" man
ond the SaniaClaui postmen) will
have. It has beon almost tragic the
way road conditions have been up
that way since early in the Fall. The
roads are fine now all the way to
Mrs. Joe Loundree returned home
last week after quite an extended visit
with relatives at Tangent and Inde
Library .
State Tax (estimated)
Grand Total ;
Stbte Special Exempt .
Market roads exempt-.
Record covers and machine re
pairs , 30.00
Record Books Circuit Court
Judgment Docket, Register,
Journal . ..
County Court:
Letters Testamentary, Admin
istration, Bond ' Record, In-
sane Record, Widow's Pen
sion Record
Commissioner's Court
Journal, Warrant Exhibit Rec.
Claim blanks and warrants
Marriage Record
General Ledger..-
Mr, nnd TryW, TT1 PrMemore hiylpny Pnllnrs nnri T.troTpq.
55 00
116,500 00
: 642.940.00
..$ 97,000.00
Total $127J00.00
High school tax levied on
an property noi in nign
school districts. $55,000.00
Notice is hereby given that a tax
payers meeting will be held at the
Court House at Oregon City, Oregon.
on December 28th, 1920 at 10 o clock-
A. M. for the purpose of discussing the
above estimates with the County
Court as by law provided.
Done at Oregon City this 1st day
of December. 1920.
Farm Loais TJreferred
vfr Mi- Qrgn City
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon" for Clackamas County.
William Bon well, Plaintiff,
Oscar H. McClung and Grace M Mc
Clung, his wife, and H. H. Fessen
den and Jane Doe Fessenden, his
wife, Defendants.
To Oscar H. McClung and Grace M,
McClung, and H. H. Fensenden and
Jane Doe Fessenden, above named
In the name ot the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer to the .complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
suit on or before the last day of the
time prescribed in the order for the
publication of summons, to-wlt on or
before the 4th day of February, 1921,
and it you fail so to appear or answer,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complaint herein to
wit :
For a Judgment and decree against
defendants Oscar H. McClung and
Grace M. McClung for the sum of
$316.66 together with interest from
the 10th day of December, 1920, at
the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and
for the sum of Fifty Dollars attorneys
fees and for plaintiffs costs and dis
bursements in this suit.
That a decree be entered herein,
that the said mortgage be foreclosed
and the premises herein described
(Commencing at the Southwest corner
of Tract Five (5) as shown by Plat of
Palmers Addition to Boring Junction,
running thence southerly along the
east line of Bradly and Ritchy road
100 feet, thence easterly parallel with
south line of Tract 5, 200, feet thence
northerly 100 feet to S.E. corner of
Tract 5, thence westerly along south
line of Tract 5, 200 feet to place of be
ginning, being in the County of Clack
amas and State of Oregon, be sold in
the manner provided by law, and the
proceeds of said sale be applied to the
costs and disbursements in this suit,
the payment of attorneys fees above
mentioned and the payment of the
sum found due the plaintiff, and the
overplus ,if any, be paid to the Clerk
of this court for the persons entitled
thereto. ,
That all right, title and lTitprpt of
In the Circuit Court of the State of '
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Thllda Hart, plaintiff.
Nils Hart, defendant.
To Nils Hart, the above named de
In tho name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required and om-
manded to appear and answer the
complaint of the plaintiff filed against
you in the above entitled strit in the .
above entitled Court on or before six
weeks from the date of first publica
tion of this summons, the date of
first publication hereof being the 24th
day of December 1920, and if you fall
so to appear and answer for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to this
court for relief as demand in her com
plaint filed against youi herein, to-witt
For a judgment an decree of the
above entitled court forever dissolv
ing 'and setting aside the bonds of
matrimony and marriage contract
now and, heretofore existing between, '
you, the said defendant and tne sain
pl-intiff, an for such other and furthe''
relief as to the court may seem just
That this summons is served upon
you by publication thereof once a
week for six successive and consecu
tive weeks in the Oregon City Enter
prise, a newspaper of general circula
tion in Clackamas County, Oregon and
printed and published at Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant
to an order of the honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above-entitled
Court which order was made and en
tered on the 21st day of December
1920, and which order directed that
service of summons be made upon
you by publication as aforesaid. : -
Date of first publication 24th day of
December 1920. -
Date of last publication of sum
mons February 4th, 1921.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
1030 Chamber of Commerce Bldg,
Portland, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the '"
undersigned administrator of tha
Estate of A. B. Donaldson, deceased,
has filed his final account as sues
administrator in the County Court ot
the State of Oregon, for the County
Coutr of the Sae mbbmbfmgfgbzba :
of Claekamtas, and the Court has ap
pointed and set Monday, the 17th day
of anuary, 1921, at 10:00 o'clock a. m..
of said day, at the County Court Room
of said County in Oregon City, Ore
gon, as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said finad account
and the settlement of the same.
"Administrator of the Estate of A.
B. Donaldson .deacesed.
Date of First Publication Decem
ber 17th, 1920. ,
Date of Last Publication January
14th, 1921.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For Clackamas County.
Notice is hereby given that tha
undersigned Howard H. Holland ha-1
teen appointed administrator of the
Estate of Wellington JL BmV de
ceased by the County Court of the
State Of Oregon, for Clackamas Coun
ty, and has qualified. All persons
having claims against said estate are)
hereby notified to present the same,
with proper vouchers and duly veri
fied as by law required, to the under
signed at the Bank of Oregon City,
Oregon City, Oregon, within Six
months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published Decem
ber 3, 1920.
Date of la. pvb!loMon De. i,
Jmtntntr., r,r