OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1920. Page 5 LOCALS AND PERSONALS tending the University of Oregon at Eugene, arrived Saturday evening to spend the holliluyi with hor parents, Mr .and Mrs. William Andresen. J. Smith, rif Seattle, who ha been lull lug relatives In Oregon City (or the past week, baa returned to hl home, Andrew Kocher, prominent res Idmit of I'snby, waa In Oregon City Tuesday, where ho transacted buitl noss. Mr. Kocher attended the poul try ahow In l'orlland fo rseveral days lust week, aa he la Interested In thi poultry IndUNtry, havltin engaged lu specialising In the Plymouth lUicka and Kliodo Inland KnU, having aomo of the finest birds lu the county. Mr. Kochor says he waa proud of the ii iilltint allowing mnde hy the Clack amas county poult rymen who enter ed hlrda In th poultry ahow, and at tracted much attention. It waa throui-h the efforts of Mr. Kocbor that the Clackamas county fulf poul try ahow of l20 was such a success, W. H, Duncan, of Salem, arrived In Oregon CUy Monday, where he Is spending a few days. Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Kay, of Spok ane Wash., have boon visiting In Oregon City. II. A. Wright whoae home la at Aurora, route l, waa here Tuesday. M. J. Olson, of Woodburn, visited Oregon City the first of the week. William Hcahu, of Stafford waa in Oregon City on business Tuesday. Mrs. William Puckett. who has been for several months at Colfax, for he wtis superintendent of the do- Wash., where she went to visit ber parlmont, when the Isrgest esiinm n record for the county fair was mnde. W. A. Huntley, who waa Injured when Wrack by an automobile while on his way to Oregon City from Port land about two month ago lias Improv ed so I hat he was able to be at his pout of duly In the Huntley storo Taosday. This was the first time Mr. mother, Mrs. Btaploton, has returned to Oregon City. Mrs. Puckett, after arriving at Colfax was taken serious ly III with typhoid fever and removed lo a hoHpltul. Mrs, Stnpleton will spend the remulndor of th winter In Oregon City. Israel putnnm, one of the early Oregon City pioneers, whose home stead Is near Hobo, Tillamook coun lluutely had been able to b out, and hy N n Oregon City for a few days, bla many friend, gave htm a most where tin Is visiting some of his old ll B. Duller, of Jennlng Lodge, who Is engaged In the poultry Indus try, spoclalltlng on the White U horns, was In Oregon City Saturday. Mr, Dul ler, who has one of the best equipped poultry yards In the state, has purchased five acres of land on 82nd street near Kendall Station, Multnomah county. This will be used as a pullet farm, as this poultrytnan has found there la a large denie.nl for the trap nested birds, and has many orders ahead for next spring stock. At tha present time he has about 3000 White Leghorns, and there Is a ready market for the eggs the year around, for which he receives the highest market price. The rest room conducted by ths W. C. T. U, on Seventh street at the rear of Jones' drug store has been found a great convenience to the Christmas shoppers this year, for It hsa been visited by many who resld In the rtlral sections. There are couches and ohalri where they are muds comfortable, and If desire to blrng their lunches the prlvllogo Is given them to partake of the same lu the room. Mrs. Khandy was the hostess for Thursday when about 40 registered, and on Friday Mrs. Eber ly was hostoHS. Thore were about 38 calling during the day. Eleanor and Bobby Pope, children of Mr. end Mrs. E. U Pope, of Park- place, who have been suffering from measjes, are Improving. George Gregory, of Molalla, the teasel grower of Clackamas county, was in Oregon City Tuesday, where he transacted business. George O, Flry, of Portland, was among those to transact business in Oregon City Monday and Tuesday. Ml?, and Mrs. F. F. Fisher, of Fish erdale Farm, were in Oregon City on business Monday. Guy I .ark Ins has returned to his hom at Woodburn, after several days' visit In Oregon City. John Burgoyne, prominent orchard 1st of New Era, was among the Ore gon City visitors Tuesday. NOBLE WILL HAVE SMALL CLAIMS DEPT. cordial welcoming. It will bo neces sary for htm to use crutches for sev- ..ml nks owlnc to Injury to his hip. Mr. Huntley has been receiving medical t"atment at the Oregon City hospital, hla Injuries being so that he needed constant medical attention by Urn. Mount. time friends. Mr. Putnam Is a mum ber of Meade Post No. 2, U. A. it. and attended the meeting of the old vet erans while here. I.yle ( Bullock, a popular repre- smisllves of the Heaver Electric Company, and former newspaper man, Is In Oregon City for a few days. where he. Is representing the com i.anv. Mr. ltullock was formerly connected with the sporting depart motil of the Hun FianeUco Bulletin, Mr. and Mrs. I Adams will loave after New Year's day for a trip to Southern California, where they are to visit a number of tho large cities. Among these plucis will be San Dlogo, Ix Angeles. Bunta Barbara. They will also visit at Oakland and Snn Francisco, expecting to be gone for about two months. MIhs Irene Klrchem, student of the Oregon City high school, who spent tho weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Klrchem, of Logan, returned to .Oregon City Monday. Mls Klrchem will spend the holidays at Ixignn. Other members of the Klrchem family to spend tho holidays with their parenu are Floyd and Carl, both of whom were in the ser vice, and now employed on tho high way construction. Floyd is at Klam ath Falls and Carl at Ashland. They are employed by the Oscar Huber Construction company. Mrs. J. H. Robinson and sons, Ken neth and Don, were in Oregon City ... ... . ..i . i. - t ......In,. I ..utl -..I..,!....- (2. .,!.. 1l,.n II-.U. SIKl VlMieo inn omen 01 wuiuu, TimiiNR iwiuhi niuua;, ' Fuieriirlse while here. Mr. DulUvk inson, who is a student of the Un says ther is a fascination about the Iversliy of Oregon, and bouse manag old newspaper offices and cannot re .i.i 1 1,. i ii.ini, tut Ion of visiting one when in tho c ities where he Is demon stratlng for the Heaver F.lctrlc Com puny. Ur n,l Mn. A. M. KlnilOtt Olid family, of Ibis city, received a tele e-im Tue.ly morning announcing tho birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs Phillip Slnnolt.of Ran Francisco, The llltle fellow, who mude H appear ante in Sun Francisco Monday even Inir well- h. elf. hi pounds. Tills is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs Slnnoit. of this city. Phillip Slnnott, who la a well known young newspap er man, was formerly connected with the Morning Enterprise. er of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, is spending hla holidays at his home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Skene are re t-elvlng the congratulations over the a-rlvsl of a son at their home at Twilight, who made his appearance December 20. This is the second son In the Skene fumlly, and his weight is eight and one half pounds. Robert Hondo, who hss been re ceiving medical treatment In the Ore gon City hospital from Injuries re cclved while mllkliin a cow at the Beatle farm a few days ago, has been able to be removed to his homo at Beaver Creek. Mrs. lUymond Fuson left Tuesday afternoon for linker, Oregon, where she will spend t,,B holidays with her hcrbund. who Is conducting a contest for the linker Herald, and formerly hook keener fr the Morning Enter prise. James H. Johnson, who Is also connected with the contest and form erly employed as nlRht editor of the ' . ysl,.l Morning Enterprise, win spenu ioi ma. with his wife and relatives at McMlnnvllle. Ellis Frlnk. of Portland, was in Oregon City Tuesdoy evening, where friends. Mr. Frlnk was on of the heroa of the world war ex perlenclng many exciting times. He waa a member of the gas and flame detachment He is taking a special course In ntlning engineering in a college of Montana, and Is spending n, hntuiitvs with relatives in Port land. rhn. need, of Corvallls, was ,i. . m. rnliod to the bedside of her grand- dniiEhter.. Irene Petit Saturday. The mil. clrl Is slightly Improved Tuob ,iv hot hiu be4n seriously ill with im.itiia for Keveral days. She Is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Petit, of Eighth and Mon roe street. fiarv Jacobs, who haa been In Call fornla, and who Is connected with the Oregon Cltr Manufacturing companj As the employe are to have 'day off" Christmas day, any social event to appear In the Sunday Morn Ing Enterprise must bo lu the office by Wednesday night in order to up pear in Sunday's Issue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor, of Portland, spent Sunday at tho homo of Mr. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs, I. D. Taylor, about two miles from Orepon City. Mrs. May Reed, sister of Mrs. E. E. Kellogg, who has boon in Seattle, where sho has been visiting, haa re turned to Oregon City. George P. Frank, well known res Went of Clackamas, was in Oregon Cltw Monday, where he transacted business. Earl Dimlck has arrived in Oregon City, where ho Is spending the holl days at the homo of Judge and Mrs O. n. Dlnrick. Richard Rnddnti!. of Pondloton waa aniongi the Oregon C"y visitors Sunday and Monday. While here he registered at the Eloctrlc. IUi!xrt Sllllwell left Monday after- noon for Bnndon, Oregon, whore he will make his future home, having property Interests thore. Mr. Slllwell neguged in tho confectionery business In Oregon City for a number of years leaving hero last January for Handon, whre h purchased property and made his home for a brief time. Af ter returning here he secured employ ment at the Hawley Pulp tt Paper company, but shortly after taking up his duties there, met with an accident. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodward and daughters, Helen and Hand Jean, are to leave Friday for Entaoada, where they are to spend Christmas with Mrs. Woodward's pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Womer. The Woodward family will accompany Mrs. Woodward's brother, Paul Womer, and wife, whj are to make the trip from Corvallls to Ktitacada by automobile. The lat ter before returning to Corvallls, will visit, Mrs. Womer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bunker, of Portland, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. John Fluid, of Rock ford, Idaho, have arrived In Oregon City, where they are to spend the remainder of the winter with George Kernes, brother of Mrs. Field, M. Kernes came to Oregon City for the benefit of his health, which has im proved since conking here. Mr. and Mrs. Field are favorably impressed with Oregon, and are making their first visit here. (My Nan Cochran) Christmas decorations brlghtenea the boaullful home of Dr. and Mrs. If. 8. Mount last Tuesday evening when they entertained the Tuesday Evening I'.rldg Club. Ilrldge was enjoyed and th8 prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Letourette. P.efrxsBhment were served during the evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Prodle, Mr. and Mrs. I E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Rands, Dr. and Mrs. L. A MottIs. Mr and Mrs. L. L. Porter, Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. McLean, Mrs. iiertba Adams and Mrs. Anna Howard. E. J. Noble, elected Justice of the peace at the last election, announces thut upon assuming office the first of tho year, he will establish what Is known as "Small Claims Court' which will come under an act panned by tho state legislature back In 1917. The "Small Claims Court" will take care of cases wherein a sura of money up to $20 is involved, and will re lleve the plaintiffs In such canes of the added expense of hiring attor neys and going through quite an ex pensive procedure to settle the claim or claims by law now in practice. In this court, a creditor may bring his claim for collection, if the amount is under $20, and the case will be de cided by the Justice, without attor neys on either side to argue the case. After a decision has been rendered by the Judge, It has the same bearing and penally as in any other court, and the case can not be appealed. Mrs. John R. Humphrys entertain ed at her attractive home Thursday afternoon when ber guesta were mem bers of the Thursday Afternoon Auc tion Bridge Club and a few other In vited friends. Prizes In auction bridge were won by Mrs. L. A. Morris. Mrs. E. O. Rands and Mrs. O. A. Welsh. Refreshments were served after cards were enjoyed. Chrysanthemums artistically ar ranged formed the decorations for the Humphrys home. Attending were Mrs. L. Adams, Mrs. Nleta P.arlow Lawrence, Mrs. Lena Cbarman, Mrs. Theodore W. Clara, Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Mrs. M. D. Lat- ourette, Mrs. C. H. Melssner, Mrs. H. Hendry, M-s.- George Swafford, Mrs. J. J. Tobln. Mrs. E. E. Brodle, Mrs. William Tipton. Mrs. A. H Huycke, Mrs. L. L. Porter, Mrs. J. Lovett, Mrs. C. D. Latourette and Miss Helen Lovett. The net meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. Nleta Barlow Lawrence at Twelfth and Washington streets, in two weeks. CATTA FOUND NOT GUILTY BY JURY HERE Chas. Catta, proprietor of the New Brunswick restaurant, was found not guilty by a Jury in the Justice court here Monday afternoon, on the charge of serving milk containing less than 3 1-2 per cent butter fat Geo. Browneli was the attorney for Catta. John Stanich, owner of the Oregon City Fteh Market held on the charge of selling oysters containing too much water, was released owing to the same jury disagreeing over the verdict Alumni Party Will Take Place at Hall Miss Alice Holman, who has been at Seattle, Wash., where she has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. O: H. Chrlstoffersen nee Norma Holman, and also visiting friends at the -Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority Houae at the Washington University, has re turned to Oregon City, after having a most delightful time. Miss Holman, during her atay in Seattle was the guest of honor of several social affairs. Committees have been working hard to get everything In readiness for the Alumni party, to-night, and from all Indications there is much In store for a mighty good time. The colleges are closing now for the holi days, and we are hoping that some of them will get home in time today to attend the party. There is to be I good entertainment, good eats ana j everything else that goes to make up good time. To-night o'clock at Knapp's Hall. Frances Une, of Coqullle, Oregon, was among inose to transact Busi ness here Saturday, remaining until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P was in Oregon CUy on business Tues- lno'nt rPHl(tenta of tl day. This is the first visit Mr. Jacobs rf wpro ,n Q . n n .i ... visited her ror some unit., .m vuilted among some of his old time frlendn. Mr. and Mrs. John Kent, of C.ald- stone, will leave Friday for Forest drove, whore they are to spend Christ- ...... ...nh (hot- dnuirhter. Mrs. I'TCti iiinn wii -a Klrchem, of that )re- gon City Monday. S. A. D. irungato, formerly of Ore gon City, now of Molalla, was among those to transact business In Oregon City Mondny. n ti.wiuioHiv of thl city, was re- Ftelner, and family, formerly of th,sLiBtPrcd at the Hotel Alder In Port- city. They aro aiso 10 vmu v Nand last week borne of Mr. and Mrs. U n. nouor, me latter a sister of Mrs. Kent. niffnrd Osbo-no. a student of the Oregon Agricultural College, who. i,aw active service In some of the bis battles in FTanco, has Uoen in uregou fitv vlHltlmr nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pratt. He Is to spend his holidays at the Osborne home near Newberg. Me. 'and Mrs. W. P. Lmins, of Cor vallls. Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Lucas S. C. Wooster, of Estacada, promin ent resident of that place, was in Oregon City Monday. K. ShlmerHlilman, of Oregon City route 2, was here on business Mon day. W. S. ijiwronce. of Portland, was among tho Oregon CUy visitors Monday. James Tartlow will leave today fo? California, where he will Bpend the remainder of the winter. At Los Angeles he will visit friends, and while at Whlttier will be the guest of Edward Chase, a relative. Mr. Partlow expects to spend some time In New Mexico, and saysi he may de cld to go to China before returning to hla native city. Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Thomas and daughter, Lillian, of Ocean Falls, B. C, arrived m Oregon City Monday morning, where they are to enjoy the holidays. They will be guests at the home of Mr. Thomas' mother, Mrs. Emma Thonms, and also guests of Mrs. Thomas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Woodward and other relatives. Mrs. Thomas was formerly Miss Anna Woodward, of this city. J. Hutter, formerly of Bolton, now of Tortland, where he and his wife have taken up their home with tholi daughter, was in Oregon City on Mon day looking after property interests. Mrs. Butter has boen ill for somo, and her condition remains about th same. Mr. Rutter has retained his property at Bolton and Canemah, and may return at a later date. Miss Grace Robinson, of Clacka nnd baby, Charles, Jr., of Portland, nuif)i wa9 ln Oregon City on business have nrrlved nt tho Home oi mr. . Monday, ana niso viueu ultimo. Mrs. Frnnk Lucas at 1-arsintn.u. thov are to attend a family reunion. r.eoriro Harrington, who has been n rtomli..i visit in the East has till . ..,i nifif.utnnn. whore no ih si ruin il In If the holidays with his par ,,ta Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrlng ton. t Mr n,i Mrs. C. N. Walte, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates, Jr., and Mrs. fi.orien iihtes!. Sr, passed through Cregon City Tuesday on their way to Portland, where they went on busl ness. Miss Margaret Beatle and brother, I)t. students of the University ot Oregon, have returned to Oregon City from Eugene, and wilt spond the holiday with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Beatie. Malt Sc.hncbeth, of Mllwaukle, wns among those to transact business here Monday. was A. O. Yoder, of Ouler, Wash,, her0 Sunday and Monday. J. T. Vickers, of Barlow, was an Oregon CUy visitor Monday. Tack William, representative for the Independent Cracker company, was ln Oregon City on business Monday. While here he also visited friends for a brief time. G. A'- Merlin, of Molalla, was among Oregon CUy visitors Tuesday. He is one of the well known residents of that place. W. A. Thompcon, of Otis, Oregon is, among Oregon City rtsitors. He g registered at the aieetno. Chanes Beatle, of Beaver Creek, was among those to transact business here Monday. He vlaltod his broth er, "Bill" at tho Oregon City hospital before retunrlng home. He is rapid ly improving from his operation from appendicitis. Miss Maude Warner, of this city, has accepted a position during the holidays with Neal & Mo Jewelery store. Fred Babcock, of Portland, has also accepted a position with the local establishment. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Schram, and lit tle daughter, recently returning from Powell River, B. C., have taken pos session of their home on Sixth and Water streets. James Nelson, of Liberal, . was among the Oregon City visitors Fri day. While here Mr. Nelson also vis. Ited among some - of hla old time friends. Mies Willa Woodfln, who has been a guest of Mrs. O. B. Dimlck, has re turned to hor home in Portland. She formerly resided here at eight Mt. Ansel Defeats Molalla by 1 Point In one of the fasiest sanies ever played on the local floor, the Molalla high school basketball team lost to the Mount Angel college team Friday, 15 to 14. This was the first game played here. Games have been sched uled with Canby and Franklin high school and arrangements are being made to Dlay Woodburn and other schools in the valley. Sheep Killing Case Postponed Until 28tl The trial of Chas. Thomas, accused of shooting sheep In the Scotts Mills district has! boon postponed until Dec. 28, in Judge Stipp's court Thom as was released to appear on his own recognizance, and left for his home Tuesday afternoon. church, who also conducted the brief service. Those receiving pins were MIhs Mildred Dryden, Miss Edith Chandler, Mle Leno-u Beatie, Miss Alice Daw son, Miss Bertha Hartkft, Miss Mablo Dawson. Miss Mildred Hull, Mlsa Ethai Hunter, Miss Elsie Blersticker, Mlsa Ellen Santerson, Miss Kathryn Grady, Mist June Klrchem, Miss Gladys Terry. The associate members also receiv ing pnla were Mrs. Andrson, Mrs. J. J. Tobln and Mrs. C. II. L. Chandler. Mrs. Anderson was a member ot the organization when residing ln Eng land Several more girls will be presented with pins at a similar service during th holidays. Mrs. H. C Myers' friends recently took her by surprise at her home ou Falls View, when the occasion was given in honor of her birthday anni versary. Meeting at an appointed hour and place the friends quietly made their way to the Myers home, and were preceded by Rev. M. T. Wire, whos plan was to make a "call" at the Myers' home. Everything went well until the merry-makers arrived, who soon had possession of the Myers' home. Mr. Myers and son, James, assisting in planning and earning out the surprise were among the most "innocent" in the gathering. The evening was. devoted to games and music, after which refreshments were served. Mrs. Myers was assisted in serving by Mrs. Eugene Roberts and Mrs. L. Mollne. Attending were Rev. Melville T. Wire, Mr. and Mrs. Ellldge and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. George Sheppard. Mrs. Eugene Roberts, Mrs. L. Moline, Mrs. R G. Pierce, Mr. an Mrs. Louts Eby, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Myers, Misses Violet and Ruth Roberts, Miss Quevene Eby, Miss Lillian Shell, Miss Thelma Moore, Buddy Roberts, Carl Moline, James Myers, John Logoston. JAMES WILKINSON" iTesented with a Handsome Git On 80th Birthday Anniversary. The parlors of the Congregational church were prettily decorated with holly sprays and birght colored poln settlag last Tuesday when the silver tea of the Ladles' Aid Society of the Congregational church was held. One of the pleasing features was the observing of the birthday tnnl versarles of Mrs. Herbert Crocker and Deacon James Wilkinson, the latter, who had been extended a special in vltatlon to meet with the wdmen when he was p-esented with a hand some silver pencil in honor of his SOth birthday anniversary, as a token of his faithful services ln the chdrch. Mrs. Crocker as presented with a handsome silver casserole. , The pre sentation address was made by Mrs. W. A. White, and both responded to the gifts presented on this occasion. Mrs. David Caufleld also made 'a brief talk. During the afternoon Mrs. Wannen Morse, of Portland, talked on the missionary work. Tea and cake were served during the afternoon. The hosteps.es were Mrs. Ada Pearl, Mrs. L. L. Porter, Mrs. Sophia Cbarman, Mrs. J. A. Snover. Attending were Mrs. Julia Haskell, Mrs. David Caufield. Ms. Joseph A. Gilverson, Mrs. T. E. Beard, Mrs. J Surber, Mrs. Alice Snover, Mrs. J. M. Mark, Mrs. John Lowry, Mrs. A. L. Park, Mrs. W. A. White, Mrs. J. W. Moffatt Mra. W. W. Woodbeck, Mrs. John McGetchie, Mrs. E. C. Stevens, Mrs. J. A. Snover, Mra Wannen Morse, Mrs. Bert Roake, Mrs. James Roake, Rev. and Mrs. Crocker, Jamea Wilkinson, Mrs. Sophia Char- man, Mm Lelsman, Mrs. S. A. Ream, Mrs. J. W. Thornberry, Mrs. Mlnda Church, Mrs. Ada Pearl, Mrs. L. L. Porter, Mrs. C. D. Latourette. The Woman's Union of the Baptist church of Gladstone held Us annual bazaar in the church Friday evening. The committees ln charge were: Supper Mrs. E. Harrington, Mrs. M. Rivers, Mrs. H. S. Clyde and Mrs. W. A. Schooley - Aprons and quilts Mrs. Charles Forshner and Mrs, Olive Rivers. Candy Mrs. J. G. Noe and Mrs. Whltcombe. Fancy work Mrs. Muche and Mrs. Rowan. Rlchad Freytag acted aa auctioneer. The affair was a decided success both socially and financially. The women cleared $103.80., Rev. Keen-Ferris of Sellwood, who hae been supplying, the pulpit for sev eral weeks was among those attend ing. At a meeting of the Meade Relief Corps No. 18 the officers fo r the en suing year were elected. These are as follows: Prsldent, Corrinne Hen ningsen; senior vice-president Han nah Snldow; Junior vice-president, Bessie Alldredge; treasurer, Mary E. Barlow; chaplain, Sadie Ackley; con ductress, Edna. Carpenter; Guard Florence Hickman. A Christmas collection was taken for the army nurses. Interesting to both Portland and Orejron City people was the weddlnjj of Mlsg Hazel Brundell, of Poitland, and Orvllle E. Hall, of this city, which was a recent event in Portland. The bride waa given away by he father, William Brundell. Attending the bridal couple were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Haas of this city. After the ceremony a wedding break fast was served to Immediate friends and relatives. , After a wedding trip to the Sound cities they will return about the first of the year to make their home In Oregon City. The bride 1 ft most attractive and charming young woman, who haa vis ited in Orepon City on many occa sions, where she has made a large number of friends. She Is a promin ent member of the Multnomah Club. Mr. Hall, who has resided in Oregoa City for several years, is popular with his many friends. He is a member of the firm of Hall &, Son Automobile dealers. His former home waa at Ashland, Oregon. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall, ot this city. Last Friday afternoon Mrs. J. C. Cochran was taken by surprise by a number of her firends, when they called at her home. The occasion was the reminder of her birthday an ntversary, and who waa presented with a number of pretty and useful gifts. The afternoon was spent In needle work and music afteT which refresh ments were served. Attending were Mrs. H. G. Edgar. Mrs. W. C. Green, Mra. Frank All dredge, Mrs. G. W. H. Miller, Mrs. F. W. Greenman, Mrs. Frank Schoen born, Mrs Harry Payne, Mrs. M. M McGeehan, Mrs. Cochran, Quevene Alldredge, Beverly and Maurine Schoenborn, Curtis Miller, Billy, Robert Terrance, Johanna and Rich ard Cochranf Community Service Meeting at Library With a view to explaining the Com munity Service plan, H. W. Acbory, representing jtlie national organiza tion will add-ess a meeting of inter ested citizens at the public library Wednesday evening, December 22, at 7:30 o'clock. K short but interesting program has been prepared and everyone intersted in better leisure time activities of a recreational nature tor Oregon City la cordially invited to be present. Garasre Man is Sued for Divorce Leona Bogynska entered suit for divorce against William Bogynaska here Monday, She alleges In her complaint that her husband has treat ed her cruel and inhuman, and would take other women out riding in his automobile at night. Two child-en are involved, which the mother asks the custody of and $25 per month all mony from the husband. Bogynska Is proprietor of the Capitol garage on Tenth street ONE STUDENT IS BARBER Ist summer's occupations of men students of the University ot Oregon we-e varied. One man was deputy eliertff, anothler was skipper lor a cruiser belonging to a mining com pany, another was a brakeman on a train, snd still another wns a bather. were hostesses last Saturday evening whn their guests were the Gypsies. The prize was awarded to Mrs. M. D. Latourette, after several hours had been dlightfully spent in cards. Delicious refreshments were served. The decorations of the Daulton home were appropriate for the occa sion, when holly and polnsettlas wer used most effectively. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. M. D. latourette, Mr. and Mrs. William Tip ton, Dr. and Mrs Clyde Mount, Mr. and Mrs. Llvy Stipp, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keith, Mret Hattie Daulton, Miss Cis Barclay Pratt, Mtssea Daulton. The annual reunion of Alldredge-Boy- lan families was held Saturday eve ning at Knapp'g ball. A well arranged program was rendered, when vocal and instrumental music was enjoyed. Charles W. Boylan, ot Portland, was master ceremonies. The latest steps were danced by the younger people, while the older ones enjoyed quadrilles and old time dances. Delicious refreshments were served to eighty-five members of the two families by Mrs. Joe Alldredge, Mrs Edith Armstrong, Mm. Rose Green, Miss Elolse Alldredge and M"s. Bessie Alldredge and Mrs. Charles Surfus. Present were Mr. and M-s. George B ylan, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Alldredge, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell, W. H. Me Clellen, Mrs. Jane Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Catto. Mr. and Mrs. J. W Alldredge, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence All dredge and son. Beldon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alldredge and daughter, Que vene, Mr. and Mts. W. C. Green, Bert Bovlan. Beatrice Alldredge, Pearl Wickiham, MYs. Roy Surface, Mrs Anrtt Bovlan. Josephine Westmore land, Elolse Alldredge, Allen W11- llairjs. Gladys Alldredge, Mrs. Eva Surfus, Mra. C. O. Peterson, R. G. Simmons, Norman Alldredge, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bollinger and son, John C, EolUnger, Charles Chandler, Roy Sur fus, Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Ware, Nellie Vanderwal. J. W. Meed, John Surfus C. Alldredge, Mr. and Mrs. Delias Armstrong. Mrs. Marie Morely and daughter, Gwendolyn, Ethel Younger, C. M. Vanderwal, Mrs. E. J. Alldredge, Joseph Westmoreland, Mrs. M. Stewart Lydon Bingham, D. C. Ax ford, F. J. Rambtisky, Mrs. Ellen Mat tey, Jessie Westmoreland, S. Mattey, Myrle Howell, Elden M. Alldredge, Mrs. Leva Alldredge, Mr. and Mrs Carl Green. Delia Jane Green, Grace Alldredge, Will Alldredge. Ethel All dredge. Dan Alldrege, Mrs. A. Elma Surfus. W. Clyde Green, Lena Mc Millen, Joseph Miller. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Harding en tertained in a most "delightful man ner at their home Thursday evening in honor of their son, Lloyd, when a few friends were invited in to spend the evening ln cards. Prizes wero awarded Mrs. Wallace Caufield snd William Laxton. the latter of Portland. Delicious refreshments were served during the evening. Oregon grape artistically arranged on baskets made a most attractive decorative scheme fo rthe parlors and living, room. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Caufield, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hen derson, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harding, Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Huycke, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Caufield, Mr and Mrs. John Busch, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Harding. Mrs. Nleta Barlow LawTence, Miss Evelyn Harding, William Laxton and Lloyd Harding, Miss Marian Pickens, Miss Erna Petzold, Miss Alice Holman Phillip Hammond,' James Manning, Andrew KoerneT; Among the social events for tha holiday season will be the grand ball at the Moose hall on Christmas night The employes ot the Miller-Parker Company are making extensive plans for their annual holiday party. The date of the affair Is December 29t!i and the bii time will be held at the Company's headquarters at Ninth and Main streets, at 8 p. m. x Among the features of the evening will be a banquet Neal Sullivan, window decorator, has several novel features for the dec. orations for this year. The Saturday Club of the Congre gational church was entertained at the home of Mrs. James Chfnn at Eleventh and Madison streets last Monday eve ning, when Mrs. Roake was assistant hostess. The early part of the evening was devoted to important business when election of officers to serve tor the ensuing year were elected. These are as follows: President, Mrs. U A. Henderson; vice-president Mrs. Al-. bert Roake; secretary, Mrs. Verne Roake; treasurer, Mlsa Helen Daul ton. Arrangements were made for tho next meeting, which will be held at the home of Mrs. Samuel Stevens on the first Monday evening of January. The assistant hostesses will be Mrs. W. A White and Mrs. William Kras sig. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Chinn and Mrs. Roake. Decoration were ot 'chrysanthe mums and ferns. There was a large attendance. The Woman's Auxiliary of the American Legion met in the Ladies' parlor of the Moose hall Monday night. After transacting the usual business four new members were elected. A committee consisting of Mrs. Mary Caufield and Mrs. Mary Ann Harvey was appointed to co-operate with the Legion committee .in looking after the sick ex-service men. Miss Evelyn Harding waa appointed to arrange for framing the names of the charter members. Some of the! single and married wom en of this city are planning on giving a fancy dress party in the parish house after New Year's when only women will be Invited. There will be about 60 attending. The proceeds of the affair ill be given for the benefit of the St. Paul's Episcopal church, to be 'applied on a fund for painting the church. It is planned that those invited must appear in costume. Prizes will be offered for various costumes. "Stunts" are to be "pulled off" and a program given. A party was given in the parish house of the St. Paul's Episcopal church last Tuesday evening, when members of the Girls' Friendly So ciety of America enjoyed the evening ln dancing and music. The affair followed the lmpreseive services in tho Episcopal church the society when membership pins wero presented to about 14 members. The presentation address was made by I Rev. C. H. L. Chandler, rector of the One of the most successful enter tainments given at Logan under the auspices of the Logan. school grange was that of last Saturday evening, when "Cy Slocum's Country Store" was pres,ented by some of the local talent, and was a "scream" from the start to finish. Those taking part In the play proved that Logan has some excellent talent The proceeds amounted to $167, The marriage of George Christian Batalgla and May Luella Seely, both of Wilsonville, occurred at the Baptist parsonage, Monday, December 20th, Rev. Willi E. Pettlbone, officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seely, parents of the bride, and a friend, Frank Rogers. The Girls' Friendly Society of Amcc ica will give a holiday party at tha parish house December 29th, which will be attended by members of the organization. ' Among the events planned for the evening will be a Christmas fee, when gifts will be brought by mem bers, and each to have a number thereon. There will be numbers to correspond to be placed in a box, and at an appointed hour the drawing at these numbers will bo made. Mrs. J. J. Tobln, branch secretary, has charge of the evening's affair, which Is being looked forward to with great pleasure by the girls. Mr. and Mrs. John Kent, of Glad stone, attended a Christmas gathering at Forest Grove Christmas day, whicb will be held at teh home of Mr. and Mrs. John Yoder, the latter a Bister of Mrs. Kent. Among the feature was a dinner and Christmas tree. Those attending the event wero Mr. and Mrs. John Kent Mr. and Mra. Fred Steiner and children, Harold and LaVerne, Mr. and Mrs. I D. Yoder and children, Frances, Mattio. and Leila, of Forest Grove; Mr. ana (Continued nn no re t Andresen, who is ai-