Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 24, 1920, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Correspondence From All Over the County Tellinig of Improvement. and Local Happenings During
The Past Week Your Subscripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Church Exercises
Are Well Attended
Christina exercises at the Methodist
Episcopal church at Tualatin on Sun
day last were certainly fine. There
as a large attendance at Sunday
school and at the church service the I
pastor preached an appropriate Christ
mas sermon and sang aa a solo "No
Room in the Inn". On Sunday evening
the Sunday School Christmas pro
gram which was the most unique pro
pann ever given there, was presented
by the school a follows: Selections,
Nyberg orchestra; Hymn "Joy to the
World" by the Congregation; Scrip
ture lesson by the pastor; Song by the
Ryan sisters; Reading, Eddie Geiber
ger; "Solo, Mrs. Paul Gilroy with vio
lin and piano accompaniment by Miss,
Dorothy and Mrs. R. H. Heimbaen;
Exercise, primary girls; Selection,
Nyberg orchestra; Song, primary
class; Pianoforte solo, Victoria Hard
esty; Reading. Mrs. Minnie Rates,
Solo by the pastor; Selection, Xyberg
orchestra; Chrsitmas story in panto
mine. The offering at this service fo?
the Armenian Fund was $19.07.
Rev. Alfred Bates and Percival
Blenkinsop have been giving evening;
concerts In the various churches near I
Salem recently. i
The Tualatin and Wilsonvilie pastor j
and wife are spending their Christ-1
mas vacation with Mrs. Bate's par-
ents at Portland. !
Church services Sunday next as fol-j
lows Tualatin and Wilsonvilie Sun
day Schools 10 a. m. The pastor will!
preach at Tualatin 11 a. m. and at
Wilsonvilie 8 p. m.
All who were able to attend ths
Wilsonvilie Ladies' Aid oyster sup
per on Friday evening last had a
treat The oysters and the program
were both fine and the numerous art!-
! a tn enfn vara i ionto Asf ft ftih
redit is due to the ladies ror tne sue
cessful evening. The choir with Mrs.
Frank Brobst accompanist sang spe
cial music. Sherman Seely sang a solo
and the pastor gave flute selections.
About halfway through the program j
the electric lights went out and when j
sufficient lamps were lighted the pro
gram proceeded. ''
New Year's Dance
Big Event at George
GEORGE, Dec. 22. C. A. Johnson
and wife motored to Portland last
Chris Klinker was transacting busi
ness in Portland for a few days last
Julius Paulsen and wife left last
Thursday for Olympia, Wash., where
they intend to visit with their sister
and brother, Walter Paulsen and wife
for a week or ten day3.
Carl Rath wag transacting business
in Estacada last Thursday.
Roy Maxwell is taking care of
Julius Paulsen's stock and farm ddr
lng Mr. Paulsen's absence to Olympia.
G. Wilson and wife of Oregon City
moved on to their homestead at Bis
tell last Monday. ,
Henry Klinker and wife visited Mr.
and Mrs. Adolph Miller last Sunday
Loo Rath and wife visited Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Harders last Sunday.
Everybody ia looking forward to
the dance that is to be tiven at tin
George club house on 7ew Year's Eve.
Mountain Road News
local school has been closed two
weeks before Christmas.
A number of people from here at
tended the funeral of the late Lillian
Tiedeman who died at the Oregon
City hospital December 15, following
an opeartion for goitre. Everyone of
thia vicinity extends their sympathy
to her family in their recent bereave
ment. Each one will also miss her
services as our mail carrier.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scoffern visited
their elatives here Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Schuster, of Portland,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser
. this week.
Miss Mary Koellenneier is visiting
ber grandmother Mrs. B. F. Baker of
Among the Oregon City Christmas
shoppers from Mountain Road Satur
day were Nels Christensen, Mr. and
Mrs. L. S. Koellermeier, Mr. and Mrs.
Hodge and children, Mr. an Mrs. John
Eotyiuoqt Xeo RypazynskI, Heman
Hellberg and Agnes Bernert
A Merry Christmas to one and all.
"You'll Always Find"
says the Good Judge
a big chew of the
ordinary kind. And the full, rich real
tobacco taste gives a long lasting chewing
Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew
will tell you that.
Put up in two styles
"W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
Cams Church to
Give Entertainment
CARUS, Dec 23. The basket social
held at the Cams school last Saturday
was a success. Enough money was
secured to complete payment on the
grafonola. recently purchased. A
large crowd was la attendance, many
being present from adjoining districts.
Members of the district are to be
complimented upon their excellent co
operation with the school.
Mr. Bliss, who has been visiting rel
atives in Budlia, Illinois, for the last
month, returned home last Sunday. ;
Miss Florence Jaggar is home from
the University of Oregon, to spend the
holidays. (
Miss Ona Rcnner of Oregon City,
was the guest of Mrs. G. R. Gwillims
over the week-end. Miss Renner came !
out to attend the basket social.
Mr. J. R. Lewis celebrated his sev-i
entieth birthday last Sunday, at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Fredi
Spangler. Relatives and a few friends
were present
Miss Marie Hagensen, of Portland,'
visited with Ruth Hansen over the
last week-end.
Mr. Merle Magness, who recently re
turned from Alaska, Is visiting at the
home of his brother .Harold Magness.
The Carus church will have its an
nual Christmas program on Christmas
Miss Louise Smidt. Herman Smidt's
sister, spent several days visiting in
Carus last week.
Birthday Cake Has
Eighty-six Candles
STAFFORD, Dec. 1 There is but
a small amount of new s to be collect
ed just now, every one being engaged
in frantically doing, or rushing to buy
the inevitable last things, and pre
paring for Christmas.
There will be exercises at the Bap
tist church, and every family either
received or is invited out, while where
ever there are children the family tree
still flourishes, and Old Santa Claus
makes bis yearly calls.
On Sunday last Mrs. Sharp receiv
ed her frields, who came to help her
celebrate her 86th birthday. The
candles necessarily small to all
cjowd upon the beautiful cake, made
by an old time friend, and as ths
guests surrounded the dinner table
each stood and made a wish for the
health, wealth and happiness for the
good friend and neighbor, the wise
mother, the kindly comforter, and
all felt better for having enjoyed het
society for a day.
The community was shocked and
saddened by the sudden death of Lil
lian Teldeman last week, who passed
away shortly after an operation for
goiter. She is missed by a large cir
cle of friends and relatives.
"None knew her but to love her
None saw her but to bless."
Mr. and Mrs. William Ellegaon are
to start Thursday for a six weeks
visit in California, among relatives
and friends.
Macksburc News
ate excercises are in preparation for
Friday, December 24. Parents and
others of the children's friends how
ever busy must take time to wit
ness the closing program which oc
cupies the last school afternoon and
birngs us to Christmas Eve.
Saturday and Sunday will be occa
sion for many joyful reunions. Young
people employed In distant towns wUl
come home for a day of relaxation and
chee-, and we may hope that enjoy
ment of the good things will in by far
the greatest number of our people be
enhanced by the consciousness of hav
inj done all it was possible to do for
the sufferers in foreign lands.
The Mother's Club had a most en
joyable session on Thursday last at
the home of Mrs. Potratz, Jr. and is to
meet, December 30, with its president,
Mrs. John Hepler.
A little daughter has come to th
home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gelbrick.
Eire Boeche Is working the ranch
bought of the Swanson family, anl
is taking care of himself at the ranch
cottage during the week.
Will Edsall, with his "Wife, formerly
Miss Emma Gauske, has commence?
housekeeping in the cottage fouiit by
Mr. Edsall during the war.
for 4 eowi aai ew aad out
aaraa. W01 call aayvkw. Float
Xllwaukl J.
That you get more
genuine satisfaction
at less cost when
you use this class of
A small chew lasts
so much longer than
Many Entertainments
Held at Clackamas
CLACKAMAS. Dee. 23. Christmas
tree in M. E. church tonight with
good program by Sunday School
Christmas tro tn Congregational
church tonight, Friday, Cantata, "The
Pilgrims" by Sunday School.
Friday evening, December 17, the
I. O. O. F. Rebekaha and their fam
ilies had a Christmas tree and ban
quet in their hall.
The 500 club mot in the Homgor
per hall Saturday evening organised,
elected Arthur Johnston, president;
I D. Jones, vice-president. Miss
Grace Robinson, secretary. The next
mooting will be New Year's Eve
when they hold a watch party.
The play by the Dramatto club on
December 11, was a decided success.
Watch party in I. O. O. F. hall New
Years Eve by the young folks.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster,
December 21, a son. weight S pounds.
Mother and son doing fine.
Gladstone News
Mrs. Oren Weddel and daughter
Mrs. Claude Bruder. of Salem, spont
Wednesay with fironds in Portland.
Jerry Ilemmlngway of Fern Rldgo.
is quite (11 with rheumatism. Ho was
taken to Portland Wednesday to have
X-ray picture taken.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Helms of Park
place, have a jhelr house guests,
their daughters. Miss Marie Holms, ot
Idaho, and Mrs. Blaln Hansell, also
Reta May Hansell of Lewiston, Idahi.
Mrs.1 Harvey Wilson, and son, Turk
er, spent Thursday with friends In
Mrs. T. B. Edwards, who was called
to Portland, Saturday, to the bedside
of her daughter, Mrs. M. R. Mann, is
etili there, and no information has
been received here as to the condi
tion of Mrs. Mann. Mrs. Mann wa
formerly Miss Edith Edwards, of this
place and is a sister of Mrs. Nobis
Reaksecker, of Oregon Cltv.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson of Glen
Echo, are rejoicing over the arrival
of a son. Mrs. Johnson was foriuei
ly Miss Zelma McFarland
Mrs. Charles Legler had as her
cuest Thursday. Mrsi'R. I. Armrttrong,
of Portland. Mr. Armstorng was form
erly connected with the Huntley
Drug company.
Lester Evon is quite 111 In the Ore
gon City hospital.
Mrs. E. Duboise and daughter, Betty
of Vancouver, Wash., were guests of
the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. M.
E. Turner.
Misg Fayne Burdon who is attend
ing O. A. C. is spending the holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
The Christian church will have
its Christmas porgram and Christ
mas tree at the church Thursday
evening. Mrs. Grant Olds has entire
charge of the exercises.
Mrs. Schooly met with quite a pain
ful accident at the Baptist church
Friday evening. While reaching for
a key she fell from a chair, on which
she was standing and sprained her
wrist She did not pay much atten
tion to it at first but before the eve
ning was over It became very painful
and badly swollen.
Mrs. H. H. Hulburt Is improving
after an attack of tonsllitis.
Abernethy Grange held an all- day
meeting at their hall in Parkplace,
Mr. and Mrs. Edw. W. Eby and
family and H. D. Marston are spend
ing Sunday with the latters brother,
C. Marston and family In Gresham.
Mrs, Anna Rankin, who has been
confined to her bed, at the home of
her mother. Mrs. P. Rlnearson, Is
slightly Imporved.
Miss Alice Freytag was in charge
of the library Saturday afternoon.
Redland Notes
REDLAND, Dec. 21. The new
auto license are beginning to come,
Road-boss Braatz has built a tool
shed by the store, where the tools for
road work will be stored.
Fir Grove school will close Friday
for Xmasi week and begin again Jan
uary 3, 1921.
Mrs. Warren is some better, she
has been confined to her bed tor two
weeks with heart trouble.
Mrs. EJthel Commings ia pn the
sick list.
Linn Mill school will have Xmas
exercises Thursday evening.
1L Rosenoff, wife and daughter,
Hazel, Mr. Ruff and Tom Allen of
Portland spent Sunday with A. h.
Allen and family.
William Bonney 'has installed elec
tric lights in their home. That is the
home In Redland to have electlrc
lights. Hope to soon have more.
Mrs. Schults our new central lady
and Mrs, WambauRh and famllhis
will spend their Christmas at Albany.
Mrs. J. Hlnkle will have charge of the
central in their absence.
Louis Partsch, of Hoff, was in Ore
gon City Wednesday.
A - - - - ' . - Mmi
Tmra aad Uiw fat On-goa mk
WMhinftaa, frtvtoa Uew7lpM
Hkotrli of ria, LoratUm,
febippimr ForitUlD and CIomU
a4 tt etaMloa.
Hungry Children Stand tn Line
at Three Thousand Kitchens
0 European Children's Func
I I v. " K - ' - 1 ' v l-f. -TT
i " Y N it v ' " V' SCa. I ' "
Pf Vv;- : ml
1L2J 1 I nUUff
n avv., Art'--
, , t c llCaJ of thf ,m! of hu"fT)' cniUrrn that stretches across the
i-alttc Starrs, FoWl, Cm-ho-Slovakia, am! Austria. Two a.d a half million
children are in tlut line wlikh touches at its variotis iHint three thou,.'
kitctwnj i maintained by the American Relief Administration Env.n fhil
drens Fund. This picture ws taken in a Warsaw kitchen. Ec. ctn?
receives one meal a day of hot nourishing soup and thick slices of white t.re!
trom the itatwns. and for thousands of them it is the only food they luv.
from any sonrce. Many of them are waifs, knowing no one able to car
tor them but their good friend, the United States.
What America has done for these boys and girls dependent on her she
must do agam this winter. She must send them food not only because tl, -v
.-oufi(.ently expect it, but !ccaue not to send it means to undo all the relief
wcr accomphshed since the armistice. Herbert Hoover as chairman (.f
t.;e European Qiildren's Kutut appeals to the American people for $.UKX)tXM
t keep the child-feeding kitchens going in Eastern and Central Europe urn.!
. : rm weather and lurveMs acain elieve distress.
Estacada Chureli
Has Din Program
ESTACADA. Dim.-. 23. Friends of
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Stundlsli In thU
vicinity will be pleased to hear that
a baby boy arrived surely at the
Standish homo In Portland, on Doc.
Mrs. E. E. Hannah visited Portland
last Saturday.
Mrs. Cordelia Carter of River Mill
returned last Saturday from Cali
fornia where she visited relative for
a month.
Milton Evans and Io iiionson.
formerly of this phct hav bouirht u
picture show near St. Johns, Port
land. Mrs. Aimeo I'rton wont to Port
land last Saturday to visit friend
and relatives, returning Sunday eve
After a vi.sit of several days at the
home of Postmaster and Mrs. Hey!
man, Mrs. Iewi left on Saturday for
her home In Seattle.
R. H. Currln and w'ifa and Mrs. I..
Hale and, daughter motored to Salem
last Saturday to visit Mr. Currln
and Mrs. Hale's mot ber. Mrs. I E.
Marra. Miss Dora Currin, who Is at
tending O. A. C. met them tln're and
came home with them to spend the
Christmas holidays.
Mrs. J. W. Rep. and daufhtcr Mary
Alice returned Monday from Seattle
where they have been visiting for a
couple of weeks. 1 Mr. Reed met them
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. II. C Stephens went
to Portland Friday night to attend
the annual Christmas party given by
the State Bank of Portland, of which
Leroy D. Walker Is president. Ml.
Walker, is also president of the EHta
cada State Rank. After a seven
course banquet served at the hotel
Benson, there was a program of
speaking and music given by the em
ployes of the Portland bank. Th'v
latter part of the evening was spent
in dancing. !
Mrs. Carrie Clark of Angu.ita, Wis.,
a lifelong friend of Mrs. W. U Heyl-'
man, arrived last week to make an
extended vi.sit at ihe Heylman home. ;
The United Artisans of this place.1
started off the Yuletime festivities
last week by having a Christinas
There was a tree for the kiddles, a
liberal treat and Santa Claus to make
merry for the youngsters. A short
program of recitations and music was
illowed by a bounteous repast In the
dining room of the lodge ball. Danc
ing and a general good time wound
up the evening's festivities.
Mrs. Mary A. Bartholomew, of Hep
pner, Ore., is here to spend the holi
days with her children, Fred Barthol
omew and Mesdames C. C. and E. E.
Conductor Grabel, who hag the early
morning car for Portland, now has his
family here and is again a resident
of this place. They have housekeep
Ing rooms at the hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Douglass motored
to Gladstone and Portland last Mon
day. Miss John, commercial teacher In
the high school, was unfortunate
enough to sprain her ankle a fewdays
ago while going through some exer
cises at the school, and has since been
compelled to got around by the use of
crutches. ;
Mesdames E- p. Allen, of Marmot,
Mrs. Greenwood bf Bull Run and Mrs.
A. Drill of Portland, all members of
the Estacada Chapter O. E. S., were
here Tuesday night to attend chapter.
Mountain Chapter, 108, met in regu
lar session Tuesday night and after
the reception of; two candidates, Mr.
and Mrs. II. C StepbenB, into the or
der ,the following officers were elect
ed: Worthy matron ,Mrs, Ida Norrls;
worthy patron, C. & Allen; associate
matron, Mrs. Mae Reed; secretary,
Miss Anna Dillon; treasurer, Eliza
beth Allen; conductress, Miss Maude
Sturgeon; assistant conductress,
Mrs. Mary Smith.
George Hislop is the new foreman in
the Bant Clackamas News office, E.
U Craln having resigned the position
Mr. Hislop comes from California and
is a printer of many year experience.
Mr. Craln will spend the winter on the
coast or in California.
Christmas was duly -celebrated by
the Sunday School of the M. E.
church, last Monday night, with a tree
AMMMtltoMttMMS ii fgjjfyp
and program. All the little folks who
took part, ui-qulttcd themselves with
much pntlso und admiration by their
fond parents and friends. The antici
pation of the coming visit that eve
ning, of Santa Claus, was roveoled by
the happy bright faces of the children,
and be came accompanied by Mm.
Santa, loudod down with a liberal
tn-at. The church win crowded to
Its capacity.
J. K. Ely was a business visitor In
Portland Monday.
The Kstacada schools close Friday
and there wilt bo just a week's vaca
tion. The teachers, Miss John will
spend the holidays ut her home In
Crvallls, Miss Murray at Tillamook.
Mrs. Coleman In Portland, Miss Con
tier at her home in Portland, Miss
Richards also in Portland. Miss Hlch
urds has been supplying for Mrs.
Pimm ami after the holida vacation
will teach In Sllverton. L. V. Cle
worth goes to his home In Idaho,
Coach Scott to Oregon City, Mrs.
Holder ami Supt. llurus will remain
ut their homos hero.
The Women's auxiliary of tho Amer
ican Legion held a meeting Monday
afternoon and elected the following
officers: President, Mrs. R. O. Mc
call; vice-president, Mrs. A. K. Mor
ton; secretary Mrs. James Smith;
treanurer Mrs. Theo. Ahlburg.
A. E. Sparks has been soliciting this
week for the European Child Relief.
Some money had already been sub
scribed and with the efforts of Mr.
Spark there is no doubt but what Es
tacada's quota will be raised.
Miss Marian Dunlop who Is teaching
at Umatilla Ore. arrived homo Monday
evening to spend the holidays with ber
parents Kev. and Mrs. J. F, Dunlop,
the M. E. pastor.
The O. A. C. boys from this vicinity,
are all home to spend the holiday va
cation . They are, Chester Wonier, Joe
Demoy, Carl Kimmel, Albert Llch
thorn and Russel Heed.
W. F. Cary and wife went to Port
land Monday, returning the same day.
S. X Wooster and wife visited tho
Rose City last Saturday.
The residence owned by James
Smith and occupied by his father and
mother ,1s being improved by a new
The Odd Fellows building Is being
reshlngled this week, the work being
done bv the members of the order.
L'a third umber e fthe high school
lyceum course was given last Friday
night at the auditorium . The Wat
tau Girls ,two young ladlos from Tex
as, did the entertaining.
Dodge News
DOIXJE, Dec. 2,1, S. W. Benjamin
has gone to visit relatives In Canada
and will be gone about threo weeks.
( Mrs. W. T. Kaake had the misfor
tune to fall and break her leg about
an inch above the ankle. Dr. MeCall
set It temporarily until thoy could
take her Into Portland and have an
X-ray picture taken. She Is, getting
along nicely and everyone will be
glad when she will be able to bo
about apdn.
W. E. Myers is now working at the
Kaake and Juhb sawmill.
Rosa B. Ten Eyck spent tho week
end in Portland visiting ber sisters
and doing Chrlrtrrjns shopping.
Mrs. Fred Horner and children spent,
Saturday afternoon with Mrs. W. T.
Clarence Juhb and Eldon Lanklns
spent Tuesday evening at the Fred
Horner home.
Meadowbrook News
MEADOWKROOK, Dec. 2.1. Ruth
Chtndirren took the teachers exam
ination In O-epon City lact week,
George Hnfstetter who has been In
the Good Samaritan howjiital the past
month returned to his home Monday
much Improved.
R. L. Orcm and sons of Union Mills
h)ve started to build the Meadow
brook gynaslum.
The Lltera-y Club and school will
give a program and. Christmas tree
Thursday evenlnr, December 23.
Runben Chlnrtgre-n of O. A, C. came
home Friday to spend the holidays.
Myrtle Dun-ud spent the week-end
In Portland visiting her sister.
.Herman Chlnilgrnn made a busi
ness trip to Portland and Oregon City
Allen La-klns is working at Mc
Cord's mill the last week,
MRS. J. M. C, MILLER Correspondent ,
Woman's Club Has
Farewell Meeting
SANDY, IVe. lS.At (ho Wo
man's club Hussion yesterday. t the
home of Mrs. llonnett. secretary, the
.following committees were appointed
by the president. Mrs. Shelley: Wuvs
and Means, Mi. Vera Smllh. Mrs.
Zadlo Bonnet ami Mr. Alice Scales;
Good Samaritan, Mrs. Annie Duke,
Miss Hess Barton; Publicity. Mrs.
Lillian Ton Kyck. Vera Smith and
Alice Scales; Program, Mrs. Kdtia Ks
sou, Miss Humor MUter Ultd MIsh
Huby Myers, After other business
was dlnposnd of, a farewell surprise
was given Mrs. August Iloernlcke, one
of the popular member of tho club,
who, with Mr. Hoernlcko will move to
Portlund soon ufter tho Ilrst of the
year. Mrs. Iloernlcke had been too
busy to attend the club mooting, but
a delegation compelled her to appear,
anil after purtaklug of sandwiches,
cake and pickles for the first course,
mliico pie, coffee, punch and home
made candy were served. After the
social time over the cups, Mrs. lloor
lilcke was presented w ith a snap shot
album. In which two p,igo were re
served for each of tho club imimber's
In which to place their own also their
family pictures - a thoughtful keep
ake that will bo treusured through
the years. Mrs. Ten Kyck painted
for get mo-nots on the front page of
tho album and Mrs, Shelley Inscribed
the following original write:
"Greetings true we bring to you.
From these, your friends, both old and
And when In tho coming years
These pages o'er you look,
lemombcr in tho heart of each
You have a tlitio nook."
The following mimes of chiti mem
bers were written In the bimk:
Blanche L Shelley, Edna- Eatfon,
7.;iU! Is llonnett. Vera Smith, Myra
Hoernlcko, Alice Scales, Lillian Ten
Kyck. Sadlo iloshtitin, Augusta Bruns,
Lulu Kddy, Marguret Bell, Ksmer Mu
ter, Ruby Myers, Saruh Cross, Boss
Barton, Aiinltt Duke. Before adjourn
ing these Hues coin posed by Mr.
Shelley were sung to the tun of
Annie Laurie:
'Tis the Woman's club of Sandy
That bids you thus adieu.
Take with you ever, always,
Our wIhIio fond unit true,
Our wishes fond and true.
Will always follow you,
And may you find your way
Hack to us here, someday.
Preacher Has iMaiiv
Exciting Ex j er i e i ices
Hev. Harriihelllo A. Marnngeopa, i
Malay Mixlsonary who held an all
day at tho Cult mil school boiisti la-tt
Sunday a week, will hold another all
day meeting on Sunday Juii. 3, and
everyone Is asked to bring a basket
dinner uti( come! Three services will
he held during tho day. This mlnliter
was picked up when a li.'ihy from i
field of dead bodies who had been
victims of yellow fevir and was edu
cated by an Kngllnbuian. Ho no,v
belongs to the ljundon Missionary So
ciety, arriving In Portlnnd recently
from a 1 80.000 tulle "hike". When ti
walks to San Francisco hn will have
made a trip around tho world on foot,
having crossed every continent east
and west and north and south except
South America, whero h" has nut yet
been. Being rubbed forty times In the
ciiKt gives an Idea of some of his
"mild" experiences, but he has never
been held up west of the Rockies,
hree times a noose was placed around
his neck In the South for preaching the
gospel to the negroes. He has been
chained In prisons in Siberia, tied to
posts In Turkey, but always managed
to get free and walk on and on In the
work be feels is his mission In life.
The large churches seldom admit h!m
he belongs to no special denomina
tion, but lives by free will offerings.
An Invitation Is extended to everyonn
o hear his at Cottrell. on aJnuury 2.
Cottrcll Is only four miles fpnn Sandy.
Mrs. Nettie lleacock .
Buried on Friday
RA.VDY. Dec. 22. The funeral of
Mrs. Nettle lleacock who passed
away suddenly on the 17th, from nn
attack of pneumonia, was held at the
family residence nt Damascus on Fri
day afternoon. Mrs. Heacock was
born at Atwater, Ohio, October 4,
1854. She was the mother of six chil
dren, five of whom aro living, and
they were nl with hn" at her passing.
They were: Miss Pauline Heacock,
Grexham; Arthur Heacock, Boring,
Mark Heacock, Tekon. WaHh,; Mrs.
Harry lly-d. Pilot Rock, Or".; nnd
Mrs. Nina Malar, Boring. Mrs. Hea
cock came to Oregon In 1!02, settling
on a farm nt Damascus. Tho past
two years she has been living near
Ft "wood. Wllllrim lleacock, brother-in-law
of the deceased and his five
grown children worn all present at
the funeral, which wus conducted by
Rev. Eitrl oCtton of Greslmrn. A
nimrti'tto from Bandy consisting of
Mrs. .7. M. C. MlHor, Mrs. R. E. Eh
son, Dr. Julius Slure and II. S. Smith
Central Point School
Helping Out Needy
Central Point school, assisted by
tho teachers, Miss Rmtdntg and Miss
Ruth Roberts, Is doing Us "bit" to
wards brightening tho days of the
Armenians, by collecting clothing.
After tho work wa completed the
school endeavored to assist the needy
of Clackamas county, and have pre
pared a large Christmas box contain
ing canned fruit and vegetables of all
The students of this school have
made a record In disposing of Christ
mas seals, and have shown a true
Christmas spirit.
sang several selections. Tho obituary
wh read by Arthur lleacock, and an
original poem rend by another broth
er, Mark lleaeock, was liuiiesslve,
Mrs. lleacock was a descendant of
tho lluiwmota. IUt niottr cumu
litiiii Nantucket Isluhd. The remains
we-e In 1,1 to rest In tho Dmuascu
cemetery A lurgo number of sym
pathising friends wer lit attenilanco.
College Students
Home for Holidays
SANDY, Dee. SS.Mni. Joo Ully
was the efficient supply teacher bwl
week when Miss Mytc had to bo
iway for throo days attending an
ainliuitUm at Orr-gon City.
The school enerclses nt Hrlghlwood
will be held on Krl lily night. Miss
.lui'knoii, the teacher, lias arranged a
ch istmiis piMgiHin,
Tim smiles of our CHillego boys and
girts nt iiguln In our nitdnt. whlc'i
makes vacation tliiia doul'ly appreci
ated. Mary Junker says most of the col
lego girls will spend a good part of
I heir vacntUm of twn weeks fining up
their wardrobes. Nuturally they do
not have much time for sewing nn
bullous at school when there ar so
many other demands! on time!
Iress rehcrui! were on Monday
night for the play Tuesday night
report will co mo pent week of tho f
Miss Huby Myers sent to the state
library and secured a set of books on
the American Itevolutlon which worn
compiled by the Nutkuinl Society of
ih 8on of the Annrlcan devolution.
These- hooks are valuable and arn be
ing used In th study of history work
In Ml Myer's room.
Miss Myers also received thl-teen
valunblo books on Monday night from
County Superintendent Wider which,
are a splendid addition to the school
Mrs. Mildred Metiger was the supply
teacher In tho primary room at Bor
ing lust week while MltM Wagutier
took Ihe t.xiimlnittlonn at Oregon (ily,
Katie AngrveS who U ui loluUiH
school 'at Pal.-vlew this year eaine to
liniing to spend the week end with
her sister.
Mlis Bertha Smith who has been
laving with the family of E. V.
Mtiuldlng nt Boring has gone to live
with her aunt at Falrvlow,
The following sixth grade pupils of
Misr Myer room ir.ailo B0 In th
tegular test lint mouth, I aruara
.i:rnk, In an'i'netic ,vid geo
graphy, Lucille Ikilson In Arithmetic
c.r 1 spelling. Kpniie! Scab s in arith
metic. The high school girl's sewing club
met at the home of Jean Proctor last
Wednesday night and Ice cream and
enka were served after the evening's
work was completed. Naturally these
girls bad a fine time.
Miss Mlxter and her sister, Miss
Ve-u Mister will probably spend most
of their vacation In Pi.rtl.iml.
Miss Hess Jlartou left o:t Friday
evening for Puyallup, Wash., whern
she will spend a happy vacation wii'i
ber homo folks.
Miss Opal Selby, teacher of Fir
wood school, left on Friday for her
homo In Oregon tity where she will
upend ber holiday vacation,
Mlsg loulsa Went nlso left on Fri
day to spend ber holidays happily
with her folks at home In Portlund.
MIhs Wenti Is tho "Ridge" teacher.
Everyone Is glad to Q Gertrude
Mlnlg, Mary Junker, Alfred Melnlg,
Ned and Harry IMtchnll homo ugnln
from the O. A. C. for a couple of
A very inbwlrur Pogrom and
Christmas trcB will bo an attraction
Friday P. M. ot tho school bourn,
given by the grade teachers.
Remember tho Parent Teachers
mooting on New Year's eve at the city
hull. Father's have a speclul Invita
tion to attend as a part of the business
committees fwill 1 nppo'i;fid unit
plans discussed. Everybody welcome.
Sandy Organizes
Fire Department
SANDY, Dec. 17. It was "min's"
night when tho masculine clement
turned out lust night to organise a (Ira
department for, the town, and after
duo deliberations Henry Porret waa
chosen as Fire Chief and Puul Molnlg
as Captain. B. E. Sykes, R. S. Smith
and Frank Christiansen were desig
nated as Engine Men. A hook and bid
der team was ulso named, as were a
bucket brigade, and hose tenders.
Fred Proctor Is secretary of the lire
department. Arrangements were made
to get the chemical engine ready for
action, so In case of fire everything
will bo In shape for quick action.
Sandy Locals
SANDY, Dec. 23. "New Year's
Resolution" Is tha topic for tho next,
sermon by Iiev. Cotton, which Is
scheduled for the night of Jun, 2 ut
7:45 P. M. '
Next Kunday night, I'ecembor 2fi,
tho"e w bo a Xmas program nt the
Methodist church' ulso a ChiUlinas
tree, snd everyone Is Invited to come.
Tho song service cominltteo, Mrs. Es
son, chairman, Is arranging the pro-g'-nm
and a nice time Is anticipated.
Rev. i'urounnglan preuched nt Dor
ing and Kelso on laHt Sunday, iiIho.
There will bo a Christmas muss nt
St. Michael's church at 7:30 und 8:110
on ChrMmas morning, conducted by
the Father from the Gresham church.
Rev. M. B. Pnrounnglnn of Salem
preuched a live sermon at the Metho
dist church last Sunday night from
the text: Malh. 2 2. This minister I
art Armenian, and he fully appreciates
his liberties 4n this country. Ho ia
wlde-awiikj and full of enthusiasm, is
no pesslnijst Insisting the world is
growing better rapidly.
(Coatlnacd on pagt 7)