i : OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1 920. j i """-"- -a NOTICt OF FINAL SITTLIMENT Notlr U hereby given that tbs undersigned administrator of th. Kstat of A. B. Donaldson, doceaaed, baa filed bit final account M auca administrator In tb County Court ol the Btat of Oregon, for th County Coutr of tb Sa mbbinbfmgfgbtba of Clac,kairte, and tb Court bit ap pointed and st Monday, th 17th day of anuary, 1921, at 10; 00 o'clock a. m. of aald day, at th County Court Room of aald County In Oregon City, Ore gon, aa tb tlma and plat for hoar Inc objections to aald fl"d account and th settlement of th same. JOSEPH K. HEDGES, Administrator of th Estate of A. It, Donaldson .dnacesed. JOSEPH K. HEDGES, Attorney. Data of First Publication Decem ber 17lh, 1920. Data of Last rublloallon January lUb, 1921. NOTICt TO CREDITORS in h. fount Court of Ua Btat of n,m. For Clackamaa County. Nolloa la hereby given tbat th ..n,.r.ini Howard II. Holland ha teen appointed administrator of tlu Kmimim of Welllntfoa It urt da t the County Court of tha HUte of, Oregon, for Clackamas Coun ty, and haa qualified. All persons having claims against aald stat are hereby notified to preaent the aame. .i.i. ntinnr vouchers and duly veri fied aa b law required, to tha undo! aimed at the Rank of Oregon City. ir.., riiv Orn. wlthla all ha frnin iha date hereof. anri flrat uublUhed Decern -.. s 1120 o.t. nt last mibllralon Deo. 81 1920. HOWARD 1- HOIJ.AND Admin tatrator. 11 ron 8Al-R-4-tanbarry tlpa. 6 centa i.rnr imnunti leal. Order at once. Albert laaer. Clarke. Phone IWaver Creek 8 2. Postofftce, Mollno, Or. mm hai.h Your choice, two fresh raw on Jrry. one JrsyHol tln. rood rich milkers, want home for tha cowa. John ii,.i..k rurkimu. Or., on mile H WJ V - ' " aouth of Clackamaa. FOR BALK First-claaa d7 fir cord wood and medium llmba; price is 50 and 110.00. Address H. a ,,, nmoa Cltr. rout 6. boi 49. FORUM OF THE PEOPLE Editor. Kainrpr ler. -In an, article publlahed in tbe Morning Enterprise of veaterday. Dec. 15th. regarding the arrest and fine of certain of tha pro prietors of local restaurants, the ..imKni wia made that the arrest waa due to ehortag of butterfat butter served In those restaurant. Thla statement waa In error, It be ing percentage of butterfat In the milk instead of the butter served. IU Cameron, proprietor of The KaUs, plead guilty and states thai th milk tested, which waa taken during the flrat of Oct. from a con miner then In use. was probably un- A-r ihM reaulred test on the account of the cream rising to the top of the container, the milk for service bav' inr been drawn from the bottom When informed of this condition by ih. inanertor. Mr. Cameron changed hi. .arvlre of milk to Individual hot il, which practice haa been carried an sine that time. R. CAMERON. STARTS FUR FARM Information relative to the eslab- iinhm.ni and maintenance of a fur farm haa been requested from the ex tension dlvlsclon of the University of Oregon, by a Southern Oregon res ident I have in mind." he says an, h animals aa tho mink, muskral, skunk and opossum." COUNTY COURT District No. 1. Mllwaukle Garage tiiei aMmM nros 1362.70: O P Hothe ifiii'sn- J S. Blair 148.00: John Rllln L. tinn- Ira Hart 84.00: D J Abbey f? n- r-n Manic 162.89: L Lamp $51. at', r v. Nuttln 149.90: Q. Beecham 855 -86; L. Harrington $14.97; C Erik $9.97: John Shields $79.90: Joe HawlC- , nr. si- Wm Smart $15.98: C. H. Counsell $23.96; W H Counsell $98.80; q t. Mnlliin $67.46: Clay Davis in.iu v. nni 1223.95: K Spooner $96.50; I'oter Schuld $397.23; District No. 2-U R ToppU'ton $7.15; vh vrm 18.00: J. P. Uartlos $1.80; i m. wnor 17.50: Honoyman Haul. Co $18.45; Hodaon-Feenaughty Co $4 40; r. n r.in 33.79: Hogg nro $4.50; i i.inrhoff $13.20: Harry Jont $39.95 T.m Tinkor 13.49: John Herman $27. 96; A Luthold $13.98; Frank Kleor $6. on- Tlrnrv Wllholm $3.99; Sam Ed nmniion 13.99: Rob Tfiaham, $199; C Frnet $199; Wm Koollormpler $199 n Nntl,irft 13.99: h Kollermelor $3.99 Wm Sewell $10.98; R. Dolashmutt $9 nu. wm oirlonHtaidt $4.49; Andrew Banchea $9.98; F. Ralcy $8.98; II. Puy leart $8.98; F. Puymbrock $8.98; H Whiten $8.98; Ed Puyleart $8.98; J P Cook $8.98; O Davidson $4.49; F. Lehman $6.99; II Borland $6.99; F. Whltten $14.97; FWhlttcn $6.00; Chaa Horgan $8.98; H Standtrom $8.98: Paul Rlegleman $8.98; Peter Moller $5.23; Walter Schlickelser $69.90; Ot to Peters $38.98; A. E. Cralne $14.20; J. A. ABhby $15.69; Louis Brooker $8. 73: Oeoree Oldenstadtl $6.99; DlBtrict No. 8 J Scales $19.80; Hen- rv Camn $85.70: Dick Strieker Z4.a; " " .... - . t lA Herman Stslbert $4.00; j a uwyer C. W. Schuld A Sons $131.40; Dlson & Howltt $119.83; Wm. Newlands $13.26: Standard Oil Co $84.53; P R L & P Co $178.92; A C Cogswell $34.80; Martin Anderson $12.00; J. P. Stradley $16. 25; Carl Wolfhagen $7.50; Columbia Brick Worha $6.50; Frank" Adams $30. O T. Bailey $6.80; Coast Culvert A Flume. Co $192.25; C. W. Schuld & Sons $38.70; A H Klingler $3981; A H Klingler $4.49 W; Ganger $34.95; W naneer 18.98; Oren Ganger $8.98; Herman Soibort $101.01; Fred Peter mi n- Joe PaDSch $31.91; John Mullenhoff $52.41; A Heller $52.41, r-hri.t iiammerlch $41.93: John Chit- wood 141.92; W. Brodl $31.46; John Myers $41.93; Richard Blel $41.93; E Richards $41.93; J P Btradley $48.92; O Krolsch $28.92; Christ Eckert $28.- 92; O DeYoung $26.92; H Back $21. 14; J J Eisner $38 93; W H Txiuglass ID6.17; W R Woodle $10 98; W R Hay den $3117; W J Evans $11.97; John Parka $23.94; Geo Judd $20.97; J W Cayhlll $10.97; Ward Douglasa $2.99; Perry Murphy $11.97; L J Rucker $11 97; Glenn Douglaea $3 99; Roy Doug lass $13.98; Tom Smith $399; Wm Ingwood $3.99; M II Wheeler $59.88; J T Iml $33 67; Lon Sutton $6.73; J W Wheeler $15.88; C. J. Lekberg $11.- 98; It E Jarl $1198; W K Wheeier $15.98; II II Udel $12 29; Herbert ua $2.49; Mr. Newman $99: Otto Brtlken, $142.78; W S Oorbett $109 78; Henry (Hrkey $6.99; Oust Finger is. 60; Will Wldner $9 60; Will Dell $7. 85; Chas Krebs $12.98; Otto Krebi $17.47; Jonsrud ft Ounderaon Mill $3.- 48: J Teucher $9.97: H Uloannsiein $43.89; P Averlli $7.88; K Murray j- 99; D W Douglass $90.36; District No. 4-Barr ft Barr $7.00; W Share $147.42; Cascade Garage $62.25; Clear Creek Lumber Co $21.25; W Sharp Co $71.10; W r iiaoer- lach $52 62; Bert II Finch i; W Schlud A Sona $100.80; C. H. Dun can $5.00; J C Elliott $5.70: Geo Rob inson $4 00; P. M Hoist $3 30; c w Schuld A Sons $20.70; Fred Llns $17. 96; A II Uns $13.98; Andrew Jamen $13.98; A Welderhold $1197; Carl J Hanson $1347; Felix Carlaon $42 93: J Borland $19.95; A M Mowrey 96; M A Rlcbey $1986; u w nicney $5.48; Herbert Ackerson $27.; it Knox $24.46; Roscoe Knox $24.46; C Lake $24.46; Cheater Rlcbey $9.97: Jo Shaw $11.97; Carl Johnson $199; Vei- ner Anderson $3.49; Ernest Mowrey $3.99; C W Fuller $94.62; George Kit china: 143.68: L Halo $33.20; Harry Kltchlng $29.70; Clara Boyer Z9.7u; Alley Ertcluon $29.70; Albrt KtUh- Ins- 124 46: Ed lUys III 96; uini Looney $14.66; Berney Ixoney $8.97; Leeter Hale $18.95; Henry Heipie 49; J R Hughs $11.97; W M Wade $17.46; R E Davis $27.86; A L Dnu can $17.99; C Henrlcl $8.98; 8 K ia- r $9.98; Harry AlHrn $27.96; llaroia Wooater $31.92; B F Walker $31.92; T. Eaah $29.92; J B Robertson $26.43; W J Schoolcraft $37.93; Earnest Duus $25.13: W M Wade $44 91: L M To cum $5994; P II Batln $27.93; C II Duncan $78 64: W K Corbln $48 93; J Mlchal $20.97; L J Palmateer $51. 65; E TDavls $27.96; Cheater Dean $19 95; E F Gunter $7.98: Elvy ueene $3.99: H B Davis $6 99; John C Milter $101.02; M W Johnston $66.83; Wm Brtstow $62 91; John Moar $122.06; Sidney Miller $64.83; E Andrews $7. 98; Ed Oriffln $4.48; Harry Miller $64. 83; J O Smith $24 46; O L Jewitt iiu. 48; M L Johnston $7.98; 8 Brown $13. 55: District No. 6 Ore City Sand A Gravel Co $57.30; Francla Welsh $10. 50; Port R L A P Co $253.08; W E Cramer $28.95; Mumpower A Hatton $19.95; Mumpower A Hatton b3.ua, A C White $10.00; Pope A Co $120; Geo Hlmler $2.40; Coast Culvert A irt..m. Cs tfnoiS: C W Schuld ft Rona $89.10; Frank Millard $89.88; Orel Storraer $45.43; E Cloener $47- 18: F Erlcksen $34 95: J F Moger $31.48; John Stormer $23.94; Art Van domlen $19.95; Geo Parry $23.94; John Byers $7.98; I W Hull $199; u vanr domelen $19.95; Dave Williams $139- 95; W E Cromer $212 92; Henry Cro mer $26.94; C Aerene $7.98; L Kom $9.98; Ell Swalea $17.45; Johnle Boss 13.99; Elmer Swales $7.98; F Rebtiuri $3..99; W E Cromer $3.49: John Schop $6.49; Henry Schop $3 99; Henry Young $23.96; J Schram $19.95: Jonn cth.iititl 15 89: John Hattan $7.98; W. K Cromer $55.98; C A Mann $22.00; Geo Hlmler $18.00; Ed Murphy $4.00; D M Carnos $16.00; Wm Mann $6.00; C R Llvesay $44.00; DUlrlct No. 6 Jarl A Erl $7.00; D 11 Watts $3.76; Orvel Watts i.s; Kmerson Watta $3.99; D H Watts $4.- 49; Beaver Creek Oarage $2.50; Howard Cooper Corporation $2.50; J S Stude- man $35.00; Ore City Sana & uravei Co $514.60; 0 W Frledrlch A Son $ 94; Bittner A Boylan Co $64.20; Glenn Oad Lumber Co $10.37; J A Wall $15.- 50: V Madden A Co $46.58; Harry rarry $61.00; A Blom $10.50; Coast Culvert A Flume Co $30.85; Clyde Ulngo $3.49; Richard Grirflth $21.96; Sam Elmer $26.94; Fred JohbI $8.73; Joe Wallace $30.48; Richard Grltfitli $21.00; Arthur HornHhuk $90.00; Carl liucke $43.00; Ben Llndau $10.00; a L Amelne $18.00; David F Moehnke $31.00; W M Moehnke $90.00; Claude Bottomlller $61.00; Henry Kleinsnmi $24.00; Charles Derrick $88.00; Olaf Oswald $19.00; Albert Gasser $33.00: W H Wettliiurfer $77.00; Edward Paul $73.50; Frad Llndau $75.25; Julius S Schleve $60.00; Wm Marshall $57.75; Walter Hostottler $15.75; O McVay $21.00; Frank Gronsmlller $12.75; H Flnher $62.86; Walter Fisher $71.84; Harry Parry $31.92; C V Dagman $59. 85; Tom Moyrlch $43.89; U Meyricn $43.89; Max Bruch $53.88; H E Glbnon $31.92; A Parry $30.92; Bill Tarry $41.89; Albert FIrIut $6.99; Owen Parry $62.91; J B Harris $27.96; John Ii Young $55.92; A L Mautt $13.98; F Cchuodde $16.30; E Fisher $87.88; Hal LlndHley $4.98; J R Millard $41.92; O M ChrlHtensen $56.90; A Alman $35.94 T C Culberson $59.23; KODl uumer- fnr,i tfin S4 will Martin $42.89; W D Watter $40.19; DlBtrict No. 8 Ore City Sand A Gravel Co $309.23; E Itschner $47.72; OreKon City Sand ft Gravel Co $18.00; A Helnrlch $47.60; A Wetmore $37.10; C J Carlson $19.95; Chaa Rider $15.71; Henry Engle $8.98; John Paveletx $25. 97; Herman Piepke $21.97: District No. 9 Oregon City Sand A Gravel Co $293.00; E Itchner $103.87; Molalla Shoeing Shop $10.00; F M Henrlksen $42.20; J 1 Case T M Co., $12.50; Rock Creek Lmbr Co $316.68; Wll Val Southern R R Co $41.58; B A Church $80.00; W V S RR Co $242. 55; 0 W Bobbins $6.60; Ed Bowman $55.00; Robblns Bros $8.10; Marlon Tolllver $4.00; Walter Waldorf $9.50; Mat Learea $10.00; Molalla Garage $21.85; Molalla Shooing Shop $16.75; Dahl A Helms $2.50; Robblns Bros., $1.12: W V S R R Co $19.80; E Itsch- ner $211.57: A Wetmore $281.70; A Helnrlch $277.68; A M Groshong $11.- 98: G M Groshong $11.47; C D Groan on 17.98: E H Bllren $5.98; Frank Janoskey $3.99: E R Hubbard $1.99; G.'W Hofstetter 837.93; ueorge mot- tetter $1$ 46; Walter Hofstetter $26. 70; Albert Peterson $46.38; Paul 8 Hchlewe $25.93; Jack Tienhaara $35. 91; Alfred Johnson $31.92; Ingwald Dundrud $34.96; Ben Chlndgren $2145 II 11 Chlndgren $32.30; Ed Bllme $3 98 M D Chlndgren $49.39; Vincent HH1 $34.41; Albert Schlewe $1197; John Hayno $21.94; John Bofto $19.95; A L Larklns $27.96; Alln Larklns $15. 96; Philip Putx $93.86; F M Henrick sen $20.95; Bobbins Bros. $10.02; W II Engl $4.98; Rex Stubbs $8.73; J W Slaudlnger $20.97; H J Rastall $22. 45; J W Watts $6 99; J R Courter $3.- 99; Niel Jackson $55.41; Wm. Dodge $7.98: O J Davica $13 96; L Hathaway $3.99: Shade Lon $gl5.96; Slyter A Er- eckerson $20.97: Btefanl Lmbr Co $13. 98: Willis Staudlnger $2.98; W. J. E, E Vick $50.91: Olen Larklns $44.92; J. L. Jones $46.88; Otis Foglong $71 .2: Islle Babcock $75.81: Oscar V Voorhles $74.81; A Badurice $15.96; Phillip Evon $22.44; R R Switter $35 91; Geo Bcott $90.27; O A Babcock $67.83; Omer Williams $19.46; John Ullxt 12.99: Aaron Sackett $11.97; C A Wallace $56.90; Earl Starke $41.16; Ed Anderson $32.43; O C Kllnger $29.' 94; Ed Bundle $34 91; W B Coffee $29 -.69; O T Kllnger $29.18; W T Taylor $2.24; E L Palfrey $109.78; Pringle Rlmw 151.87: Geo Kaylor $9.98; R R Welch 13.43: Guy Dibble $3.99; W II Engle $27.93; J W Broadwell $45.43; Frank Kyniston $45 43; J 8 Parks 149.43: John Kennedy $17.96; J R Courter $25.93; Isaac Williams $47.43; Geo Engles $8 97; Geo Daugberty $5 24; C R Short $3.49; Edgar Shaver $2.99; Ernest Palfrey $10.48; (Coaat Culvert A Flume Co $79.18; Louie Yoder $5.00; Chaa. Stevena $25.00; Adolph Kraxberger $1.35; D Harms 15.00: Canbv Hdw A Imo Co $3.90; D R Dlmlck $10.00; John Paveletx $19.97 Herman Piepke $24.46; Almon John son $22.48; Bill Piepke $11.97; A O Helvey $11.97; Will Rice $3 99; Abbe Johnson $17.45: Joe Oster $3.49; J H Hatller $17.47; Roy R Ridings $17.45; E B Albright $8.99; Wallace Albright 13.99: Walter Adams $3.99; Grover Harms $3 50; Rudolf Harms $3.50; Rudolf Klauw. $17.96; Chaa Morria $3. 50: Mr. BIllKnob $6.99; Jack Loff grlne $6.99; District No. 11 R W Zimmerman $1.05; E D King $26.00; Spencer Nice $390.40; P Hunt $110.50; 11 W Whit worth $13.98: C T Hart $3.99; F W Schn $15.71; R W Zimmerman $27.91; C Potwin $15.96: H R Zimmerman $42.93; District No 14-Willamette Valley Southern Railway Co. $9.46; Spsclal Road Fund District No. 2 Ore Iron A Stt-el Co $22.00; Coast Cul A Flume Co $92.65; rM r!dnstadt $48.93: Richard Olden- t.Ht tin 9J- Frrd Schemer $199; 8 Turner $27.96; Smith Turner $8.98; District No. 3-Stand Oil Co $67.76; P R L ft P Co $526.32; W R Telford 1190S: Albert Killln $40.19; Fred Wanner $38.44; Peter Hauglum $59.41 Carl Ruther $13.98; E R Brook $49. 30; M II Wheeler $2.49; J T Imel $2. 24; Max Kllgel $15.98; District No. 4 Coast Culvert I Flume Co. $63.45; Diitrict No 6 A Mather $11.32; i 1 T M C lne 113.34: T A Keau 144.64: W E Cramer $44.00; Dave Wll llama $181.15: George Eaden $58.00; Mumpower ft Hatton $444.47; O Titter $89:79: C L Hearm $67.32; Kohl $162.30: Fischer $38.85; M Val herde $42.37; John Mosler $1.99; M W Mumpower $19.95; Henry Cromer $78.38; Ely Swalea $48.25; Lew Kohl $46.76; Herb Fouts $1.99; W E Cromer X4K48: Dave Williams $6.99; Elmer Swales $3.99; Henry Cromer $24.00 J Osborn $1.99; Otto Hodson Feenaughty Co $64.00; C W Frledrlch ft Son $3 0; L P Elliot $17; L P Elliot $20.07; 8 F Scripture $9.25; Howard Cooper Corporation $22 38; F II Milton $800.00; Isaac T Felts $5.00; Wm Kramlen $1.00; J C Demers $1; L P Robinson $1.00; Henry Welk $1; W F Young $100; E Ollmore $1.00; A Presnall $100; W F Polchow $1.00; P Knecht $1.0; O E Colman $1.00; F L Bowman $160.00; Allison Baker $470 .00; E L Baker $400.00; A A Woods $1.00; N 0 Say $1.00; 8 Seeley $100.00 F E Low $8.00; 8 F Scripture $4.00; COURT HOUSE Board of Water Commissioner! $56.04; The Pae Te! ft Tel Co $72.41; Coaat Chemical Co $17. 75; Jones Drug Co $18.14; Reddaway Truck Line $1.45; Ward MXlark $400. Hogg Bros $78.4; J W Jones $3.00; County Clerk $i.75; CIRCUIT COURT I D Larklns $7. 00; R G Scott $2.20; Geo Schmidt $5.- 20; R B Runyon $10.00; A D Cribble $5.60; Geo Perdue $7.60; L D Mum power $2.60; F E Lowe $3.60; C A Bassett $3.60: C P Morse $5:60; T C Shankland $5.00; Carl Starler $2.80; P R L ft P Co $116.92; Miller Parker I k C Clement $5.0; A H Knight $4.60; G Ftecher $7.9 Sagner $6 99; District No Co $6.30; Pope ft Co $2.43; Straight ft Salisbury $16.40; Otto Striker $32.45; W 8 Gorbett $17.97; Clackamas Co News $9.00; H C Compton $225.00; Naomi L Armstrong $124.70; M H Wheeler $10.00; Clackamaa Co Ferry $19.40; Pope ft Co $8.59; Howard Cooper Corp $72.00; Ore City Enter prise $66.10; Geo Rosenboom $13.25; M L Crawford $3.20; Roy Rogers $85.- 00; Capitol Garage $269.63; Jake De- Young $53.88; Roger DeYoung $62.91; Olaf Gran $40.19; Alfred Wellman $20. 97; Philip Schantin $40.19; Fred Hoff mlester $33.20; M R Whit $5.24; John Anderson $23.94; Thos McCuslInd $19. 95; E J Foust $11.97; A Dug an $3.99; Hull Lumbre Co $24 00; John Heft $34.95; Almon Heft $24.95; John Heft 134.95: Herbert Thlel $27.96; Erneat Oelbrlch $24.47; Richard Raddatz $20.- 97; Abbe Johnson $31.45; B W Sim mons $13.97; Ernest Johnsan $3.99; Emil Gelbrlch $19.94; Arthur Thlel $15.95; Riohard Raddatx $5.98; W M Raddatx $18.94; Chaa Bauman $9.97; A C Lewis $3.99; Ernest Johnson $8. 98; L W Daviea $11.22; E James $27. 93; A C Warner $38 90; W B Lawton $48.87; T C Thomas $35.92; L Mat oon $43.89; E F Portouw $20.94; M L Crawford $54.90; M L Crawford $43 -92; Claude Henrlcl $24.95; Albert gcheer $14.97; James Kerns $14.97; Walter Henrici $4.99; 8 E Baker $107.- 08; C Henrlcl $98.83; G A Ehlen $7.60, Oregon Portland Cement Co $378.00; Honeyman Harware Co $20.60; From- mvera'a Grocery $21.80; 8anU Crux Portland Cement Co $139.65; Dahl ft Helms $31.25: Molalla Meat Market $41.68; Robblns Bros $57.43; Roy Rog era $20; 8 F Scripture $0.90; Willam ette River Lumber Co $67.63; Hopkins j A Andrewa $327.63; Weygandt ft Board man Lbr. Co $5.76; Guynup ft Lynn $64.95; Hult Lumber Co $78.82; Grover Friedricha $46 51; Stefan! Lumber Co $25.60; R J Bruce $10.00; M D Chlndgren $14.00; Ben ChlndgTen $8.98; Edward Bollme $4.98; Iaaac Helbacka $1.99; Arns Helbacka $1.99; Ingwald Dunrud $6.99; H H Chlndgren $13.98: H J Rastall $19.48; J F Ogles- by $3.99: R J Bruce $4.88; Lee Jones $8.97: Leslie Dickie $20.97; Raymond Warner $9.97: T C Thomae 124.69; Mattoon $11.97; E F Portouw $27.- 5: E Fisher $3.99: Walter Henrici $9.98: Thos Hagen $17.96; A C Thorn Dickey $3.99; Wm Lowry $3.99; L. w navies 14.49: E Jamea $17.95; A C as $27.96; R J Mattoon $93.75; MARKET ROADS ..Mirkit Read No. 1 Geo J Case 110.05: J I Case T M Co Inc xiz.&u; Standard Oil Co $165.64; A J Wetmore $165.90; Geo Blatchford $8.10; The Molalla Shoeing Shop $1.50; A Is. Doppleb $112.00; S R Broadwell $196; Frank Manning $13 50; C A Wallace $4.64; A E Hoff $2.60; A Henrici $175.77; E Itschner $180.77; Kasper Zenger $10.00; Geo Blatchford 83; W J E Vlck $5.99; Glen Larklns $5.99; C A Wallace $110.81; Earl Starks $93. S3: Ed Anderson $92.31: O C Klinger $84.83; Ed Rundle $84.93; W B Cofree $76.33; O F Klinger $78.57; A Henncn 12.49: A J Wetmore $2.49; D R Dim- ir-v fas 4: Oeoree Koehler $83.86; J W Garrett $88.82; Oren Adklns $31.96; Sam Holsteln $9 98; Market Road No. 2 Sandy Harness Shop $3 95; Sandy Garage $8 85: Stan dard Oil Co $26.10; Paul R Meinlg $23.06; J R Maroney $96.06; Tom Kut ltxa $49.89; O Stuck! $9.98; August Hornecker $6112; Wm Carrow $91.34, Harry Reed $28.68; George Nlckles $39.92: Gubs Hlne $37.42; P B Gray tciii- -FVnnat Wendland $49.89; R A Cho'wn $86.89; Ed Geish $71.10; Ed Brunce $42.93; Henry Raderbush $61. 90; Bert Dockery $39.92; A C Carton no. a?- Part Wendlund $37.94; John Shaw $36.16; WIHard Bosholm $3.99: . toi. Walter Krebbs $3.99; G C Maroney Wttiit-r iicui7-vj v i m Tax Department Chlf Deputy's aalary .$1380.00 Second deputy iuhq.w On clerk 980.00 Thr clerks S months, spring collection ., . On clerk, months. On clrk, t months tall collec tion Overtime -- 175.00 460.00 150.00 600.00 Total Office Supplies 3 eaah hooks at $90.00 t recap, hooks at $4.00 25 turnover sheets Estimated Receipts From sources other tha tAxatton Clerk iiflaoflftfl. Recorder 7000.0S Treasurer: Justlc court 4340.00 6 U. 8. Land sale 11.00 25 U 8. Forest rental a I701.M Motor vehicle fund - 1934X09 Int. on Dep. 3960.00 .$5316.00 - 170.00 8.001 . 16.00 1 Total receipts I Net County General .$4791 4.00 .$96790.00 Bridges 21000 tax statements at $21.00 per M Postage stamps Post cards, personal notices Del. . Red. Certf. books. of Ink, erasers, 1 typewriter (glv old on in trade) I Office fixtures, rebuild tables Total Clark's Office I Clerk's salary . Chief Deputy Deputy Deputy E 8 Nelson $5.00; Jo J Thornton $5 40; Gilbert L Hedges $3.00; C Little page $8.00; W E Bonney $8.40; Wm J Wilson Sheriff $2.60; Clyde Huntley $39.20; W H Luck $43.80; JscoD Josi pens pDOlls, $42.40; Raymond Caufteld $42.20; J carbon paper Lee Eckerson $43.80; 1 D Larklns $47; Harry Peckover $42.40; Frank T Shut $45; L P Horton $42.40; Fred Hoff Melster $46.00; Wm W Tucker $46.80; Richard Davis $43.60; L Ruconich $42 Totai Expense .20; R W Schatz $43.40; Clyde Hugnes $42.40; Leo Rath $48.00; Chester Mc Laughlin $28.60; H W Hagemann $43. 60; Fred Gage $43.40; D D Bain $6.20; Adam H Knight $7.80; A D Oribbl $9 .20; Geo Schmidt $8.20; Geo C Perdue $10.60: W E Bonney $11.40; C Little- page $11.00; J C Bradley $6.20; N 8 Butler $6.20; JUSTICE OF PEACE Geo T Parry $27.00; F E Low $30.76; L Stlpp $43. .60; CORONER Hugh 8 Mount $25.00: R B Runyon $43.50 ; I Larry Bond $1.70; Harry Baxter $1.70; Ceo Robinson $1. 70; Dr. F Mount $1.70; W H Howell $1 70; J A Reom $1.70; Orey E Howell 11 7ft- Warrf Ruvtar 11 7(1- E Mill Jr. " " ' - IX nVrondf 1U0 J E Jata SSmZl $1.50; H W DHondt $1.60. J IE Jack fc k and warrant, $1.50; W F Schooley $1.60; P S Fin- f. Record . ucan 11.70; b is Teepie a. Qneral Ledger. 440.00 400.00 30.00 60.00 I 40.00 60.00 40.00 Machinery Paving District and and 30) Roads and Bridges .$ 65.0OO.00 Oeneral (70 Total Schools , Library 8Ut Tax (estimated) Total 20,000.00 19,000.00 200,000.00 295.000.00 111.&09 00 11,650.00 124,000.00 , 252450.00 postage Machine operator Stationery, supplies,' and box rent Bond Record covers and machine re pairs Record Books Circuit Court Judgment Docket, Register, Journal County Court: Letters Testamentary. Admin istration, Bond Record, In sane Record, Widow's Pen sion Record 11363.001 Grand Total $12,SS8.0V Stat Special Exempt naraei roaas exempt. .$1800.00 1320 00 1080.00 1080.00 960.00 424)40 M f 97.000.00 , 30,000.00 Total $127,000.00 High school tax levied on all property not in high school districts $65,000.00 300.00 36.00 30.00 Notice is hereby gives that a tax payers meeting will b held at the Court House at Oregon City, Oregon, on December 28th, 1920 at 10 o'clock K M. for the purpose of discussing th above estimates with the County Court as by law provided. 160.00 Don at Oregon City this 1st day of December, 1920. H. 8. ANDERSON. judge. W. A. PROCTOR. Commiaadoner. W. F. HARRIS, Commissioner, 25U.00 Total Expense Estimated receipts- Recorder Salary of Recorder Chief deputy 6 Ore City Sand Gravel Co $91:35; Wm Braatx $77.11 A E Johnson $60.61; Hartley Johnson mass: Emlel Larson $77.88: Oscar Stienkke $31:92; Alfred Stelnke $31 92: Walter $31.92; Carl Staatx $70.7 Rose $13.98; Lewis Norman $48.93 John Hollenshed $31.92; J Stewart $3. 99: Ataln Norman 113.96: Frank Sal feld $7.98: R J Henderson $3.99; J Gregory $3.99; H J Hewitt $34.95 W B Bonney $14.97; G Henderson $5.98; W B Bonney $47.45; Irvln Stear 123.91: Guv Brown $13.98; Jensen $20.97; Hugh Wynn $7.98; FranK Al len 18.98: Allison Allen $1.99; Otto Pholen $5.24; Total Supplies 6 blank deed records 6 blank mortgage records On form mortgage record Envelopes and letters Blank forms . Pens, pencils, etc, . Misc. office supplies Stamps Typewriter ribbons. Repairing typewriters Repairing Index covers Adding machine Recorders bond . Total Total Expense Treasurer's Office Salary Chief deputy Premium on trees, bona Dep. bond . Burglar Ins. . ... SUmps, Ink. etc. Registers, Led. Jour 95; John Spats $7.98; John Hugmes $7.98: Henry Ordway $7.98; DISTRICT NO. 7 Beaver Creek Gar age $4.05; Hogg Bros $7.00; Walter Waldorf $5.00; Hult Lumber Co $22.- 50; Skldmore Mill Co $200.00; Larkln A Sons $248.42; F Brunner $71.82; H E Ross $19.95; August Martin $99.10; Nat Scrlbner $27.09; Isakson $53.86; John Gross $51.39; Chester Gross $11. 97; Fred Isakson $66.25; D Mclntyre $79.13; Harmon Morhnke $145; 64; G MayflPld $30.92; Roy Heln $48.87; W Rutherford $33.41; Roy Myers $4.98; Chaa Robinson $2.99; Byron Farr $2.99; Emlle Isakson, John Martin $9.97; D Scherruble $8.73; 11 Kisner 111.97: Albert Fisher $28.45: Max Bruch $27.93; Walter Fisher $26.94;; C V Dagman $15.96; Albert Schoen horn 111.97: A C Beach $7.98; J H Jladltiy $7.98; S L Irish $7.98; DISTRICT NO. 8 W F Haberlach $15.60: Howard-Cooper Corporation $650.00; Geo RoRenboom $5.30; May A Washburn $8.75: Falls Transfer Co $18.00; L W Davles $4.49; E James $11.97; A C Warner $7.98; W B Law ton $18.95; T C Thomas $8.98; L Ma toon $19 95; E F Portouw $11.97 ; DISTRICT NO. 10 A Grimm $2.00; Aron Yoder $109.36; A L Wroisteao $1.00; A Grimm $20.94; Ernest Godd ad $11.97; M Herbough $5.98; Ernest Tell $5.98; Claude Yoder $14.96; Max Hill $14.96; G E Wyhmd $19.95; G E Wyland $27.96; Fritx Stegmann $20.97. C E Miller $30.00; C E Miller $5.94; DISTRICT NO. 11 Willamette Val ley Southern Railway Co $39.60; General Roads Miller Parker Co $4.15; H W Sharp Co $88.32; J I Case T M Company, Inc. $8.00; Oregon City Foundry $2.50. Capitol Garage $489.73; Beebe Com pany $640.86; 8 F Scripture $9.50; Howard-Cooper Corporation $3.00; Pacific Highway Garage $1.25; W J E Vlck $15.60: Howard-Cooper Cor poration $577.25; Standard Oil Com- nanv 150.48: Dicken A Co $8.80; J P Bartles $2.05; Frank Busch $6.25; Stenstrom Bros $106.25; Sandy Har ness Shop $4.95; Olson Garage & Auto Barn $10.00; Standard Oil Co $239.85, Willamette River Lumber Co $21.69; $13.72; Gottfried Stuck! X43.6t; lui Gieree $3.99: Theo H Fisher -.9; Carl Krebs $7.98; Henry Hermann $11.97; Herman Krebs $14.46; F C Lohrman $31.45; Market Roads No. 3 H H Udell $5.40; Henry Kamp 4..uo; &anay Garage, Carriage A Shoeing Shop $9.60; Market Roads No 4 Stenstrom Bros $4.60; W F Haberlach $27.97; G H Miller $13.25; Hogg Bros $107.75; J C Bayer $14.71; Raymond Buschman $24.20; C D Adkerson $45.89; John Ralnv $68.88: A H Borland $19.95; Wm Sewell $53.53; R DeLashmutt $51.14; Andrew Sanches $58.63; F Raiov 417 14- Puvmbrock $38.16: H Whltten $42.65; Ed Puyleart $35.92 Paul Rlegleman ... 38.16; Carl Faultner i9oi. w Whltten $47.40: Chas. Har- gan, $40.41; Whltten. $25.50; H Stand strom $26.94; GENERAL FUND ELECTIONS R J Bruce $7.00: W A Dixon $4.00; A A Webster i.uo; u a TnvW M M): H A Burbank $3.00; C H Counsell $3.00; P G Harlow $3.00; Wm Kleb $3.00; School Dist 29 $5.00; Huntley Drug Co $16.00; J M Warnock $2.00; Hogg Bros $7.50; Jones Drug Co $28.50; Mary E Lucas $69.00; E E Teepie $9.00; Delia Green $9.00; J V Harless $200.00; Frederick B Peck $3; G H Pace $24.65; Marie Roche $44.60; MaiXa liVledrich 110.67: A U Miner $45.45; Mary E Lucas $5.10; SHERIFF Huntley Drug Co $0.60; V H Dunton $3.60; H H Hughes $71; Miller-Parker Co $2.10; Jones Drug Co $1.60; F E Lowe $11.00; J C Loun dree $3.00; W J Wilson $20.00; CLERK Huntley Drug Co $5.45; County Clerk $9.00; RECORDER Huntley Drug Co $1.0, County Recorder $14.90; Jones Drug Co $1.00: Edythe M Noe $7.60; TREASURER Huntley Drug Co $1.60; Jones Drug Co $140; Alice Dwiggens $20.82; ASSESSOR Huntley Drug Co $1.60 Gertie Wlllson $24.48; Urcil Arm strong $5886; W B Cook $9.20; I COUNTY COURT W F Harris $90; IW W Proctor $80.00; H S Anderson $4.00; R W Hoyt $2S.0r Howell $1.70; W F Schooley $1.70; J E Dor Collars and Licenses. Jack $1.70: W W Myers $1.70; Dr. O 8teel file unit lor vault A Welch $1.70; Denny Shannon $1.70; Ed Surfus $1.70; Wm Welsmandle $L 70; Dr H 8 Mount $1.70; E L John son $53.10; SURVEYOR Huntley Drug Co $4.- .25; J G Deehazer $9.50; H H Johnson Machine operator $44.87; Paul Dunn $50.80; Roy Riding Machine operator 110.00: R F Watta $6.00; Chas Simm- Extra help ons $32.00; D T Msldrum $167.00; INSANE W C McNlel $2.60; H H Hughes $12X0; Dr Guy Mount $5.00; Dr M C Strickland $10.00; Walter E Hempstead $5.00; SUPT OF SCHOOLS Brenton Ved- der $22.52; Mrs. Agnes M Buckley $50.66; BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. Orel WelBh $17.50; H D Aden $1.25; W B Perry $9.75; R O MoCall $4.25; Geo. J Case $7.00; Dr H A Dedman $5.25; Dr Alfred Williams $2.75; Dr O A Welsh $67.50; INDIGENT SOLDIER Clara J Smith $10.00: JAIL Brunswick Hotel ft Restau- Estimated receipts rant $18.20; Sheriff of Mult Co $18.00; Price Bros Dept Store $2.20; L L Pickens $1.00; JUVENILE COURT H H Hughes $11.50; Mlnda E Church $64.36; TAX RE. Henry Meyer $31.15; Blanche E Griffith $4.71; E Pearson $3.42; PRINTING A ADV. Molalla Pio neer $11.25; Ore City Enterprise $115. 65; SEALER J F Jones $31.75; TAX DEPT. Huntley Drug Co $1.50 F R L A P Co $11.00; Evelyn Harding $2.25: Jones Drug Co $2.65; Jess Hy att $50.40; Alice McKinnon $85.00; Ore City Enterprise $13.25; PROHIBITION H H Hughes $35. POOR Wm Danforth $10.00; Boys ft Girls Aid Society $10.00; David E Jones (Tom Jones) $5.00; Dock & Mosier $14.00; Mrs. G. W. Thompson $10.00; S E Card (Michael Boyl) $8. 00; Mrs. N E Taylor (Mrs. S Booher $14.00; Wm Dickelman $25.00; John A Wrm Beers $30.00; Mrs. Elixabeth Saunders $5.00; Mary Lock $10.00; Anna Weterlin $10.00; Maud Williams $20.00; Geo T Newsome $15.00; An drew Lund $15.00; Dennis Donovan (Dick Meyers A Jerome Hamilton) $50.00; J G Wake $7.00; W J Woods 112.00: Jack Hamilton $15.00: Ole Jos- endall 110.00: Mrs. Sarah Solomon Adding machine $15.00; W Hitchman (John Morris) $25.00; C W Neaglie (Pat Smith) $25. Mrs. Lillian M Johnston $15.00; Tony Miller $15.00; Walter Howland $30.00 Mrs. Martha Castile $30.00; Mrs. S Beckman. $25.00; Ben Landis 120.00; Fred Wyder $12:00; David A Chas Fumigation and ex. Linderen (M C Glover) $20.00; Fred Matheson (Mrs. Fred Himler) $30. 438.00 65.50 6600 240.00 210 (0 $S014.0O $ 10,000.00 .$1500.00 1200.00 1020.00 1020.00 150.00 .$4890.00 . 200.00 200.00 62.00 60.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 120.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 350.00 10.00 .$1122.00 .$6012.00 .$7000.00 .$1500.00 . 1200.00 225.00 20.00 45.00 250.00 400.00 - Total ' $3640.00 Geo. Fund BaL on hand $12,000.00 Surveyor Salary Assistant Stenographer Ax men and chainmen Mileage I Stationery $1680.00 . 900.00 . 120.00 . 500.00 . 300.00 . 200.00 MONEY TO LOAN Fans Laaas U referred PAUL C FISCHER Imw lids, OrsfM City DSAD HOK8E3 TAKEN Cask said for dead cows and dowa aad t horse. Will call aaywbera nunc Milwaikle ItsJ. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Clackamas County. George W. Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Annie Jones, Defendant To Annie Jones the above named de fendant: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon. In the above entitlea suit, within six weeks from Che date of the first publication of this notice, and If you, fall so Co appear and , answer for want thereof, plaintiff wfll apply to the Court for the relief pray ed for In the complaint, which te that the marriage now existin hw--you and the plaintiff, he forever dis solved. Thi summon is i erred upon you by publication, by order ot the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order it dated December 6. 1920, and the time prescribed In said order for this pubH cation, is that the same h published one a week for six " coneecuuve weeks, and also that you appear here in, within six weeks from th date of the first publication thereof. Te date Total Assessor Salary , Chief deputy Second deputy Third deputy , Field deputies Farm Data (1919L). Extending tax roll Stamps and travel Office Supplies Assessment and tax roll Assessment blanks Tax rate sheets Bond .$3700.00 .$1500.00 1200.00 1020.00 1020.00 2500.00 600.00 600.00 50.00 60.00 750.00 300.00 100.00 . 18.00 of the first publication, of this sum mons Is December 10, 1920 and th last date of publication is January , 192L PRANK SCHTJDGEU Attornye for Plaintiff, Post Office Addreee, 710 OCh amber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon, Total Supplies Eighth grade exam. . Teacher's exam. Institute fund .$9708.00 400.00 350.00 120.00 6000 500.00 Total Salary Health Officer .$6465.00 ..$ 700.00 740.00 Total .$1440.00 Mrs. E M Homer (Dr R G McCall) 7 -.50; Mr Carsly (Parkplace Store) xio Ben Landis (W B Eddy) $7.75; Mich ael Boyle (Wallace Telford) $12.00; Tony Miller (Myers Bros) $4.50; Mrs Granquest (A B Buckles) $10.00; Jas Russell (Huntley Drug Co) $1.86; T J Spain (Sayles Grocery Store) $8.00; Mr Cansley (Wm Knopp) $8.00; Wait er Bradnt (Digging grave for unknown man) $6.00; Huntley Drug Co $11.70; Mrs. Lang (A C Erickson & Co) $12 63; Wm Hitchman (Boarding Seahorn $12.50; Crarsby family (J H Fromyer $25.00; Mrs Ben Eby (Boarding Ver ney Neff) $20.00; Mrs. Ona Stevens (Boardln gAug Johnson) $25.00; Wm Matheson (Penny Store) $2.49; House Rent for John Bears $6.40; House rent for Wm Dickelman $9.50; Walter E Hempstead services rendered county Coroner Estimated expenses $ 700.00 School Superintendent Traveling ex eoo.w Postage, express iia.w Supt's salary $1400.00 Traveling ex. : Stenographer Supervisor Supplies Adding Machine . 8th Grade Exam. Teachers' Exam. Institute Fund 300.00 1020.00 1440.00 400.00 350.00 120.00 60.00 500.00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY ADMIN ISTRATOR Joseph W. Farrar estate Notice is hereby given that tne un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate ot JosepB W Farrar, deceased, by the Coanty -Court of the State of Oregon tor Clackamas County and that letters of administration have been duly issue to him as such administrator. All per sona having claims or demands against said estate are hereby requtr ed to present the same wtth the pro per vouchers to the undemgnea ad ministrator at the offise of the Coun ty Clerk, in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, within six xoonths from the date of this notice. Claims may also be presented to the adaUn istrator personally at his office, 730 Chamber of Commerce Building, Port land, Oregon. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, thh 22nd day of November, 1920- LORIN6 K. ADAMS, . Administrator. Date ot first pablkation November 2(th. 1920. Date of last publication, Deceatber 24, 1920. Total, 6465.00 Estimated Insana expense Court House poor $24.50; Ore City Hosp for care of Water county poor $244.00; Janitor Fuel Toilet paper, eta CLACKAMAS COUNTY BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1921. Estimated amount of funds neces sary to maintain tne various on ices, courts and schools of the county, to gether with the estimated amounts lor State tax and maintenance ot roads and bridges. Circuit Court Estimated expense. County Court Salary of County Judge County Commissioners SUmps and stationery Mops, lawn hose, etc Oils and disinfectant Locks, repairs Glass : Ice Plumbing - Lamps Telephones Miscellaneous $ 350.00 ..$1320.00 . 1000.00 . 75.00 87.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 25.00 10.00 60.00 ... 75.00 600.00 60.00 Total Registration and $5000.00 widow's Pensions Care of Poor $1600.00 . 2500.00 . 100.0 Cattle Indemnity Indigent Soldier - Jail Total $4200.00 Justice Courts Estimated Expense $1600.00 Juvenile Court Estimated Expense $ 900.00 Sheriff's Office Sheriff's salary Chief Deputy Extra Deputy Inves. crime, auto hire Stamps Phones Board ot prisoners Stationery .$2100.00 1200.00 900.00 1200.00 - 120.00 1 60.00 - 240.00 - 100.00 Scalp Bounty Tax rebate Printing and adv, State and county fairs. Sealer of weights Expertlng books . Insurance (lire) Fire Patrol ; Damages Accident Insurance Traffic officer and exp. . Int on warrants For purpose ot buying farm poor Total Int on bridge bonds $5910.00 Total County Gene SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County f Clacka mas. Maude Horst, Plaintiff, vs. Claude W. Horst, Defendant. To Claude W. Horst, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are herby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yoa In the above entitled suit, on of before the 14th day ot January, 1921. and it you fail to appear and answer efttd complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take default against yoa, and apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wits that the marriage contract heretofore and now exisitingt between the plaia tlft and defendant be dissolved and held tor naught, and that the plain tiff herein be awarded an absolute decree of divorce from defendant, and that her former name Maude Van Nortwick be restored to her, and for such other and further relief gs to the Court may seem meet and equit able. This summons is served upon yes) by publication in the Oregon City b terprise for six suceesslTe weeks. pursuant to an order made by th Honorable J. U. Campbell, Jadg of the above entitled Court, ra the litis day of November, 1920. Date of first publication, Desembef 3rd, 1920. . Date of last publication Jaauary 14th, mi. . JOSfcJH, HANWY ft UTFUmMUD, Attorneys tor Plaintiff. $143,704.00 611 Corbett Building, Portland, Or, $3642 00 elections....$ 6000.00 12000.00 15000.00 300.00 500.00 250.00 300.00 150.00 . 1000 00 . 1000.00 . 420.00 .. 600.00 . 500.00 . 350.00 . 1500.00 6000.00 .. 2100.00 12000 00 10000.00 6875.00 ut iaaauw a.-