If Pap 6 OREGON CrrV ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1920. s MILWAUKIE AND NORTHERN CLACKAMAS OSWEGO, Dec. IS. Mrs. Orval Davidson, who hu bwn quite tick tor the past two weeks, with typhoid ferer, It bow on the mending side once more. Mr. Yaunce, of Portland, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. J arisen over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Zimmerman and parents hate Jut arrived from Colorado, driving through with their car. They expect to spend the winter in Oswego where Mr. Zimmerman is working at present John lWy. who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Flora Jariach, the past week has gone to Molalla tor a few days, he then expects to go back to to coast. Kr. and Mrs. 'Alfred Thomae ot South Oswego are rejoicing over a baby girl born a week ago last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. OH Williams are the proud parents ot a baby girl born De coaber 8. ' The Ladies' Aid KTe hot lunch tor the school children on Thursday, which was quite a success. Vegetable stew, cornstarch pudding and cocoa were served. The Women of the Woodcraft met at the I. O. O. F. hall Wednesday eve- Jennings Lodge News i JENNINGS LODGE, Dec. 1 An interesting visit to the R. E. Butler poultry ranch was recently taken by y dorrtfcpondent. Mr. lAxtler has given up hia work on the polio force in Potrland and is no wedvoting hU entire time to poultry raising assisted by Mr. Anderson, his father-in-law, who courteously shows the visitors about the place. Last year Mr. Sutler specialised in 'selling baby chicks, but this year will raise pullets from the time they are baby chicks until they are ready to lay . The eggs fo rhatchlng purposes are from 2800 IJ,ghoms and iM) IlUtHee Barred rocks "S per cent of the latter are allng now. During the month ot November a pen of these birds won first place laying 132 to the credit ot five hens, or an average ot 16 and a fraction for the SO days at the Puyal lup. Wash., egg laying contest A second prise wa salso awarded Mr. Butler on a pen of five which aver aged 229 egg in the year. The pupils of the Sunday School are rehearsing for their exercises for ChrlsUm A program and tee will be the featus ot the affair. The annual bazaar held at the Ing, with rood attendance. They Grace church, given under the aus inittated one candlddate after which pices 0f th Grace Guild was a de an oyster snpper was served. A good ci&eA success. Altho the weather was time was had by ail attending. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cook have return ed from the coast where they have been for the past few weeks on a va cation. Dr. R oa Iter who has been in Salem tor the Put 'ew months, was a visitor ot Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Monk. Dr. Roslter expects to leave soon for Cali fornia, whe he will spend the holidays. Inclement nearly all the articles were disposed of at a good price. The grab bag attracted the children's attention and Mrs. Booth was soon ou t of "grabs. Hetni and his 67 varieties had nothing on Mrs Jones and her supply of canned goods. The dolls booth and the fancy work and apron booth claimed the attention of a great manv who came to supply their all nlipl.tm,, hoab TIMa bOOthS m . . . . ..... 3liu uvuo. "-7 " Mrs. Miu wno nag oeen real sick is . r,.rv . well uoiicu o uuu w; - " bow able to be about again. Mrs. Grant White of Canby, was in Oswego on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tales enter tabled at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Olson and George Lemfick of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Underwood, of Portland, were visiting Mrs. Under wood's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson, Sunday. Ernest Nelson. David Nelson and Letcher Nelson returned from Oak' Point Wash,, Monday, where Ernest Nelson had a number of men helping him survey. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nelson enter tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Alferd Schnider, ot FedlamL were visiting relatives In South Oawego Monday and Tuesdsy. Mrs. Marion McXett formerly Miss Marion Atwater of Oswego, was united In marriage to Mr. Norton of Los Angeles on Thanksgiving day. Bute of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner ot the firm of F. J. Cheney ft Co, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONB HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured bv the use Y HALL'S CATARRH MEDICTNB. FRANK J. CHENET. Sworn to before me and subscribed hi my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D., 1886. A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Ha11' Catarrh Medicine in taken internally and acts through the Blood on th Mucmw Surfaces of the Sys tem. Send for testimonial, free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo. O. Sold bv all drunrlsts. 7?o. Hall's Family Pills for constipation a the cafateria supper which provid ed good "eats' to all, was spelndidly planned and all served in a pleasant way. Grouping about the tables we noticed Mies Lois Thayer, Mr. and Mrs. William Jacobs. Miss Booth, ot Portland. Mrs. Covert of Estacada, all former residents. About $175.00 was taken in. The orgular meeting of the GuUd will be held at the home of Mrs, Roberts on Wednesday of this week. Mr Covert of Estacada is spend ing the week with Mrs. Ella Me Hargue and has been the inspiration of a number ot Informal affairs. Mrs. Kitchen gave a prettily appointed luncheon on Monday noon, to which were bidden Mrs. C- Waterbouse. Mrs. McHsrgue and Miss Weinman and the honored guest Mr. and Mrs. Jones entertained at dinner on Sunday for Mrs. Covert While Mr. and Mrs. Lambert and Mr. and Mrs. W. I. BUnestone each entertained for Mrs. Covert, who depatred on Wednesday for her home. Mrs. John Jennings is seriously ill again and a nurse Is in attend ance all the time. Mrs. Jennie Butt ot uregon uuy visited with Mrs. Geo. Maple on Tues day. Mrs. Harry Burco and babies spent part of last week at at the home otj her mother Mrs. Phillips in Portland. Mrs. Mason of Maine, has been a recent guest at the Swart home. Mrs. Mason was accompanied to The Dal les by Mrs. Swart where they visited for two days. Previous to the visi tor departure for California Mea dames Carl Smith, Geo-ge Williams and Kitchen, also of Maine were asked in informally to meet Mrs. Mason. ' Over $40 of Red Cross Christmas stamps were sold by the pupils of the' Jennings- Lodge school. Six pins were awarded to each room to the ones selling tte most stamps. Wo understand that eleven boys and one girl won the prties. Walter Rockner on his return trip from Wheeler, Oergon to Inglewood, California, stopped off and visited with Mrs. Laura Newell. Mrs. Oltv Ford and her mother, Mrs. Newill weds among the many visitors at the Poultry show on Tues day. The regular meeting ot the Grace Guild was held at the home ot Mrs. H. Roberts on Wednesday. While It was a very informal affair proved to be a very enjoyable one. The de votional exercise were led by Mrs. Smith. At ta business meeting re ports of baiaar committees proved of Interest, as SIS0 was realised. The society "wtll pledge J200 to the com munity church budget. Mrs. Water house Is to supply the flowers for the church services this month. The teas will be given by the members alphabetically. Mrs. licy Allen being our next hostess the 1st Wednesday In January. Mrs. Je-ry Madden and Mrs. Babler were the new members who are to work with the society this yea. Current events were given a "My Old Fashioned Mother" was dis cussed after the reading of one ot the Nose Dives and Tall Spins appear ing In a recent issue of Enterprise bv one of our own Jennings Lodge men W. W. Wood beck, which led up to the discussion tno-e freely. Somv expressed their views, that, the mothers are not doing their part while others think that the uniform drees fo? the high school pupils would do much to bring about different con ditions in dress In our girls of the teen age. Three of the little children ot NtcX Humphreys ae ill at thetr home. The Hlgglngs family are out of quarantine and the quarantine will be lifted from the Geo. Gardner home oa Friday of this week. tor dlptheria were finished are back In school again, having ftnlshed the test satlfactorlly to tue health offi cer. Dr. Lawton. The Boring tehool are busy under the direction of the principal. Prof. Maulding,' in preparing a splendid Christmas porgram which will be held on the 23. The Boring S. S. wtll also gtv a Christmas program and have a Xmas tree at the church. Mrs. Ten Eyck and Miss Myers hktve their Xmas programs started and Miss Crura will probably lend aa slstance from children In her room, John MoUel makes his way down to high school front near Flcwood these days on his motor cycle. Mlsa Solby of the Firwood school Is busy with preparations for a Christmas program and tree which V1U be glaen at the school house on Friday afternoon, December 24. STEEL CBIPANY WILL OPPOSE UNION I ABOR NEW YORK. Dec 15. The Bethle hem Steel corpoartion will refuse to sell fabricated steel to builders and contractors In the New York and Philadelphia districts for buildings to be erected on a closed shop basis. This policy was disclosed by Eu gene G. Grace, president of the cor poratlon, who testified today before the Joint legislative committee In vestigating the alleged '"building trust" replying to charges that his corporation was sponsoring the "open shop" movement by withholding steel from builders employing only union men. SANDY (Continued from page 2) Phones: Bellwood 697. Automatic 21362 John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dDealers In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON Schools Are Busy Preparing for Xmas Salary Increases Are Objected to SANDY, Dec 16. At the grange meeting Saturday th annual officers were elected as follows: Master, J. G. DeShaier; Chaplain. Mrs. It A. Chown; Overseer, Mrs. Henry ferret ; Lecturer, Mrs. J. M. C. Miller; Secre tary. James Doll; Treasurer, A J. Morrison; Steward, Thomas Hagan; Asslatsnt Steward. Ed. Uttlepage; Gate Keeper, Will Bell; Ceres, Mrs. Thomas Hagan; v Flora, Mrs. J. Q. Le bnaxer: I'omona, Caroline Chown; Lady Assistant Steward, Mrs. A. C. Thomas. Caroline Chown was initi ated In the fourth degree. A dell clous chicken dinner was served (all Grangers are fine cooks!) and a pro gram was given In the afternoon; ong. Miss Selby and Carol luo Chown; recitation. Mabel Bottjer: song. Caorllne Chown, Alta and Flor ence De Shaier; recitation. Selma Hagan. "A good time" was the verdict of ail present and an invitation la extended to the public to come to the afternoon sessions, the regular meet 1ag being held on the second Satur day of every month. The following resolution was pass ed by the Sandy Grange on Saturday, December 11. "Resolved. That ow ing to the depressed prices ot all farm products, and the reduction ot wages in all lines of labor. We, a members of Sandy Grange No. 393 condemn the effort that Is being put forth to Increase the salary of any state official, at the present trme. ' Some talks along school lines were also given, and the day was profitably spent for all present. J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-1599 Montgomery and Fifth Portland Drugs, Prescriptions, Druggist Sundries, Vetinary Remedies Fancy Stationery and Choice Candies. At your home drug store. THE PERRY PHARMACY Mlrwaukls, Oregon W. B. Perry, Prop. First State Bank of Hi waukie "YOUR HOME BANK" Conducts a General Banking Business 4 per cent interest oa Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED SANDY. Dec 16. The student body of the Sandy High School have been making elaborate preparation for a costume play called "A Queer Christmas" to be given at S o'clock at the I. O. 0. F. hall, December 22. At the same time there will be candy an. I various a 'tides suitable for Christ mas gifts, for sale. The articles have been made by the girls of the High School Sewing Club. Everyone is In vited to come and bring the children They will enjoy Santa Claus. The proceeds will be used for things needed in the High School. It has been decided to change the place of the high school p-ogram and bazaar from the school house to the Odd Fellow's ball, since t.ie aa nonucement was published last week. Remember the time, 8 o clock In the evening! The girls are so energetic, have worked so bard and are such a "nice lot of girls anyway that they deserve liberal patronage." There will be a fish pond at the Clrl's bazaar, what fun it Is to "fish" especially when the boys bait the iiook. be they old "boys" or young one's! Richard Maronay has been selling Xmas Red C 'oss seals very energeti cally under the direction of Mrs. Ten Eyck and is glad to have sold the most, though Arthur Frace la a close second. All the Frace children were out of school the first of the week. Hazel Beers stayed out of high school on Monday to be a "big sister" to little Lois whdle her mother went to Portland for the day. The Girls Sewing Club met with Mies Barton last week and had a hap py and profitable evening sewing for the big bazaar next Tuesday night. Some fine compliments are being passed over the work the girls are do ing, and it seems they are turning out excellent products of the needle There were ten present, and Miss Barton srved ice cream and cake. Lewis Murray did not return for his high school work on Monday, so ft Is supposed his throat tests were not finished. Gertrude and Alfred Melnig will be home from the O. A. C. on Friday eve nlng to spend Xmas vacation. The Dixon girls walked as far an the Walter Krebs place, then made their home trip for the week end In comfort Returning they made the t-lp through in a car, after being stalled three times. Roy Lilly is down form the head works and has been about town tot several days. ii our Sanay young folks get through their "exams' in tl-e tev ae all supposed to be home this week, as the vacation at the O. A. C. Is ex pected to begin the 17th. Tnat wtll give them a nice bit of time to get ready for Xmas. Miss Myers and Miss Crum had to spend Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day of this week taking examinations at Oregon City. Miss Vera Mlxter Is substitute teacher for Miss Cram in the primary grades while she is away at Oregon City for three days. Most of the pupils who were order ed to stay out ot school until tests Land Development May be Taken Up SANDY, Dec 16 A business man from over In Washington was In town dulmg the week who was talk ing the development ot logged off lands as a coming Industry In the Northest At present he and some associates are planning to buy ten thousand acres from milling com panies in Washington, having it cleared and then, sell It oft In small facts for homes and small mill farms. There Is no city In the north west that has such a small producing country around It as Seattle, and prices are still high there .though times are very dull, and the open In of this land may help local condi tions there. Portland is growing, and is destined to need greater produc tion all the time, and the logged off land in Oregon must be considered as the country fills up. Sandy wilt not have saw mills many years to keep the hum of industry heard In these parts, and It behooves us to look forward toward a move of somo kind to get more acreage here fo: farming and berry planting and the like. Long sighted vision should be used now! Wheat is still being held by the famers over in the Spokane country acco'dlng to a visitor who was hero this week; though It Is predicted lit tie will be gained by so doing. Potatoes are being held, also, for higher prices around here, as well as for a market! Sany Council Puts on Health Officer SANDY, Dec. 16. Probably the last Council meeting under the direction of otr present Mayor, Blanchto K. Shelley, was held one night last week. With Mayor Shelley's retire ment, the time of Mrs R. T. Esson and B. E. Sykes as Councllmen, ex pi ea also. Mayor Shelley, as with other mayors of small towns, has had small funds with which to work, and no great things can be accomplished without some expenditures. Futher more, no great things can be done in a small locality without a spirit ot unity, and when each citizen feels a personal interest in how his town looks, In what It needs, and helps to study It's needs, and feel a pride In what strangers think as they come in, or pans, through, then a mayor and his helpers can really get down to business and do things worth while. In the hlghe rsense all ot humanity Is Just one family why not olok out for the general needs ot a town as well as merely one's own family needs! The City Council at it's last meet ing apopinted Dr. H. B. Lawton as ctiy Health Officer, and his duties have already begun, Much will be ex pected from the doctor. Last winter thee were mild cases of scarlet fever In town and In the school most of the winter, This year a very slight form) of dlptheria began, but nw it Is soon to be a thing of the past and over two dosen colored lights will b used on the t-ve, Everyone la In vited to attemsjthese exprolne There will also be preaching services at the church Christmas morning, by the paetor, Rev. Dobberful. Through some mistake the report of a surprsle party on Frieda lHtber ful did not appear In last week s Is sue. Miss Martha Hoffman waa In Port alnd last week visiting and shopping and having a general good time. Mrs, Duke and Cecil Duke were down on lnat Sunday filling a dinner engagement mx Schmtts was out home from Wencel and Ketscker mill to spend the week nd. "Peggy", Mrs. Henry Kamp's pet prise Rhode Island alx year old hen Is la)ing an egg every day and seems happy in donlg so from the way she cackles. Some hen a heap younger are not cackling at all. "IUll" Peterson had hard luck and broke his truck springs Friday and went to Portland for new ones He la hauling plank on the market road be tween Firwood and Sandy, from the Sandy Lumber Company nlll. There wa another big dance at the Prlghtwood hall Saturday night. The boys are going to have these dances eery Saturday night except Sandy dance nights. It is said to be a good thing Melvln Smith la "Slim", because there Is so much parcel post mall piled up In his car he can hardly see out. Mr. and Mrs, Iawrence Saunderson, well known In Sandy, have a new ar rival In their California home and they call her "llornadlno Gale." Mm Saunderson la a sister of Mrs. "Jim"' Dixon. Second hand Dodge and roru at a bargain. Cash or terms. AIno a new Paby Orand Chevrolet for your Inspection at Smith's parage. Adv. A. E. Hengsllr of Oreahaui. who formerly lived on the place now own ed by 11. H. Watklna was In town last wxk and "swapped" his "l.tole" to n s Smith for a real car. so now will "Dodge" the highways and by ways. Herman Miller has been working Uk a beaver the past week tacking beaver board on the walls of the Hoff man house that is being rushed to completion. Mr. Hoffman has been carpentering on the Job himself, and says he was a wood butcher before he ever cut pork chops! W. A. Proctor has had a fine new garage built during the Pt week which Is large enough for a couple of cars. With plank on the road as far as Walter Kreb's place coming this way some folks are beginning to look for better days of drlvln. Alton Phelps waa over a few days J ago from the head works getting his horses snoa. ite is jusi nniuin nv his packing, taking up only a tew supplies as the snow Is too deep lot work now and the camp will clone down for the winter at once, but Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Walls wtll stay throueh the winter. Martin Mlckelsen has been laying off a portion of the week for two rea sons; he hsd a slight trouble removed from the back of his neck and while waiting for that to heal got out of atove wood and flourished his ax so energetically that he struck himself on the top of the head, and If be had been using the other ax, he would not be alive to tell the tale. R. 8. Smith has sold his blarksmtlh nhop to C. L. Shaw who will run thi business In the Perret building, and Smith will 'tore cars In the building on the corner by his Rrage. Joel Jarl and Vernie are not fann ing much now their chief occupation Is batching and reading the Enterprise Mr. Jarl sulmcribed during the re cent "drive", and his wife hurried up tow "suba" from Southe-n Cal., when she heard of the big offer thinking she would surpris Mm and she did! Four copies between them ought to be enough. Henry Perret is an Industrious man he Is up working on the new buck porch before the dawn of day these sleepy mornings! Marshall Davl, our photographer, has his skylight replaced by the help of OeorRe Maronay. The high flying wind picked it up during the storm caring little for the damage It wrought. Mr. Templeton who recently arriv ed from Idaho Is located on the C L. Hanson place between Sandy and Firwood. W. A. Proctor was down at Oregon City last week again on road busln"" Court will not be In session at Ore eon City snaln till the first of the year, as Judge Campbell has taken n vacation. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Clark of Cherry vllle who have been In Nampn, Idaho at the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Stofcr, returned home last week. When the Clarks reached Camas, Wash., on their return Mrs. Clark was not well so they ermalned there for awhile John Straus, who knows every nook Mr. Gladys danger and little baby dauithter we -o at the home ot Mrs. itlaniw's mother. Mrs. W. J. Mitchell during last weok. Miss Mollle Mitchell was out from Otvgon City to spend the wovk enu wltn ner mother, also. Mr. and M-s. Aiwunt Hoernlcke had aa their ruohU at dinner on last Fri day evening Mrs. Pavt Douglas ot Cherry v 111. Marshall Davis and Mr. and Mrs, John Maronay and son. Mrs, K. I Power waa a Portland giient last week for a few days which oho spent wtth her daughter and huitlMtnd and little granddaughter. Little Qretchen ram out to star until Chrlsmas, and after the holiday fes tivities are over at the Powers home h will return to Portland with her mother. Mr. ICason and Ronnie, Mrs. Miller and Mr. Haas who were visiting In town from th Inland Kin p Irs country spent tho afternoon at the horn ol Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scales on Sunday, remaining and having a perfectly fine Mm. Sunday was an exceptionally dull dark day. but the shortest day of the year will soon ba Pt. Mrs. S. W. Allen went Into Portland last Friday on a visiting and shopping trip, and Mr. Allen returned with her on Saturday to remain over Sunday. Mr, and Mm. tleorge Perret and lit tie ones ana Mrs, Miller wer in Port land one day during the week and had a ploasant outing. John Hurmelater went to Portland last week to try to locate some work. somewhr. but the roport l that Portland is a poor place to seek em ployment now. Among thott who were In the city last week were M-, and Mrs. Farnk Christiansen. George Wolf aud I K. Hoffman. I he Keerhel family went down to Portland for the week end returning to the mountains on Sunday. ilrant Jonsrud. of Kelso, was haul ing wood Into Sandy on Monday Sundy Is something of a wood con sumo these days. it. Nelson was In town Saturday nJ -..II . . . . ., u muu hb nan 10 gei ousy nxiug up irnce aince tn0 storm cut up so many capors. There were fuur down trees across the road near the Nelson noma. "II expected to find snow In Sandy. airs. Knighton ia getting better now, her friends and relatives will be (lad to hear. . c. frace nas ben very minor. hl the past week, since he had an operation on ms noao. A piece of cone was removed. Mrs. Coleman and El rod are getting on nicely, the dlptheria being of the usual light type, but the quarantine was neceeaary. Mr. Coleman la ntak In food as "nu-ae". though he will be gld when the "green" poster Is removed. Tor a mountaineer of the true type loves freedom. There ar no now cases of dlptheria at present and yet each week for the past three there has ben a new cam reported Just after the week news was mailed, but the prospect Is that the disease U soon to be stamped out here Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Elliott am elated over the arrival of baby WII fred Zone, the sto-k arriving at 11; 30 on the night of Deoembe 10. (Frldayi wiw tue ten pound "package", which was not far from being a Santa Claus preaunt. Mm. Elliott expected her mother her last week but she hu been 111 and cannot come until strong er, Santa Claus Is a busy old fellow these days, great sacks of mall are coming down form Ctierryvllle and the postmliater la fairly swamped at times, but the real rush will probably be on later. Mr. and Mrs. Purcell wore In Port land several days last week going about the big shops ftolocting their Christmas prewmts and also visited relatives and had a good time. The Sandy stae Is taking a round about Journoy these days to gut to I'-oring iih the road by Kelso is too bad to travel if there Is another way round, even though It bn farther. Tho Plpasunt Home-GIJIIs route la the stnge highway now. There was a patry nt the Platt Wiser refreshment pnrlors ono night iust week, a number of tho town folk dropping in. Mrs, Frank Smith and (loorgo Hoe's furnished music for the pleasant occasjon, and sandwiches, pliklcs, mlnco plo and coffoe were served. TJioso VtUe "afrulrs" wjll probably be held now and then. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Proctor and Mrs. Geo-ge Beers were all day shop pers In the great metroplls on lust Monday. At the aeealon of the Rebekah lodge on Thursday night of last week tho following; officers were elected for the next term; Mary Jadwln, Noble Ound; Marguerite Kelln, vlco grand; Sylsoster Hall, Secretary; Vera Mlxter, Treasurer. These new offi cers will bo Installed about the first of the first of the year. A feast was spread and all were merry at the banquet table during this "fraternal "venlng. The following officers were elected In the Odd Fellows lodge at a rocent session: Melvln Smith, Noble Orand; 8ANDY BRIEFS SANDY, Deo. 15. The splendid Christmas program which Is under preparation now will be given at the Lutheran church on Friday evening, December 24 at 7 o'clock. The entire program will be in English, and there will be songs recitations and various Interesting selections by the children, also there will be selections given by the choir, consisting 'of octettes, and there will be a beautiful Christmas tree which will look like a deram ot and canny of this end or tne county gyivester Hall, vice-grand; A. C. sent his renewal for the Enterprlso Baumback, Secretary; Otto Melnig, last week, Mr. Straus does not loso Treasurer. fairyland to the children, for electric HhU have been placed in the church lege worth while, lnte-est in this community. Anton Mlckelsen was down from Brlghtwood a few day ago and tar rled awhllo looking after business af fairs. Margaret Klein and Isabel O-ay were down In the city hurrying about to locate Santa Claus one day last week. Mr. Ogden of Marmot spent a night at the Sandy hotel recently rather than try to make the road home. Mrs. S. W. Allen ig hoping to be able to move Into the Hoffman house In another week, and tho Sharnke's will then be glad to iget Into their new possession. A number of Bull Run folks man aged to get over to lodge the other night and Judging from reports every one felt the evening worth while. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dahrens and Mrs. Gus Dahrens all went to the city a day last week and Mr. Dah-ens made application for his final citizen ship papers while there. It will not be a great Wh!le until he will be a J child of Uncle Sam, which ia a privi- Mr. and Mrs. It 8. EXldy and daugh ter Lulu Eddy were Invited to the LennarU home last Sunday to dinner, but declined because Mrs. Eddy did not want to leave her S. S. cIbhr, so they drove down for the afternoon Instead and had a very pleasant time, George and Oscar Ounderson of Sandy lid go were over to the song service on Sunday night, despite the storm. Shingles were blow off the roof of the E. L. Power ranch house last Fri day night when the wind was out on It's big: frolic. One farmer near here said recently that It was "hard lines" to pay such enormous price for seed as was neces sary last spring and then have no market this rail! The Ountenbeln place at Boring waa sold by Oeorga Beers last week to John Thompson of Portland who erpects to move out at once. There are twenty ac-es In the place. The Blttne r Spool Mill Co. has bought the hard wood timber that belonr-d to the chair company tha went into bankruptcy. George Beers made the transfer. Tne uit titer mill Is turning out a roat deal ot work. There were two highway engineers out thi way a few usys ago luuaiug around, and lha supposition la that cont acts will be forthcoming soon after the first of the year. There are some fnrs over the Sandy ridge way that would U to have electricity, provldmn It " not too expensive to vt the Installment mad. There was not a very large attend ance at the picture show on Saturday night, when the movie man makes his wvekly pllglrmage out here so ha has a mind to stop coming If there are not mo-e "fans' out this week. The P. It l P. Co. iuddimly tele phoned for alt work to slop at the flume near Bull Hun last week, al though the winter's work had all bo laid out The labor thus employed has a feeling that when work U re sumed wacwa will be cut. A house at Raford'a corner on tne bluff rd la being put up in whlcB the country road machinery used out this way will be alored, At preeent the caterpillar and graders are stored at C. D. Puroell's barn. : Alt of Sandy's business housee are looking like a big welcome Is extend ed to Santa Claus. Tha decorations are very attractive. Carl linger spent three weeks Itt the city working recently, aiia may decide to rent his place nuxt spiiug and move Into Portland, though hi plans a-e not settled yet. Geo. Fllnn waa down from the camp (the former Iteechel mill) for a few days the last of the week. Krnent . Hart la handling ties up there with teems and truck, aud they are being floated down the river. Fanners have brought the price ut mill run down considerably by refus ing to pay the price, and grinding up oats, a home product, and reeding that Instead, so It Is stated. Max Woenche Is still In the Emanuol hospital at lVrtland but keeps about the same, not Improving. Max and hi family surely deserve the sympathy of all of hi neighbors and Mends. Henry Kamp got out lor the first time for a week on Monday, having had a ve-y painful time of It alnce his fall while putting on a load of hay at Shaw's blacksmith shop. The hooks pulled out and he fell on a presto light tank, backwards, and must have cracked a rib and bruised himself Internally. Coughing and snoeilng still have to be tabooed. The latest report Is that Mrs. Knighton la still confined to her bed, which Is to be greatly ergretted. A marriage license for Arthur Caven or Marmot and Mis Hunt was Issued at Vancouver, recently. The sympathy or the entire country around here Is extended to Mr. and Mm. C. U Henson who lost tbetr lit tle baby daughter, at the age or only eight days. The little ont waa so wel comed Into tbetr home, and their loss Is very hard to bear. Mr. and Mrs. !!nson went through town yesterday to Zlg Zag. which I Mm. Hnnson's first trip out since the baby came. Mlsa Carrie O reason or Boring who has been away at work for the past month returned home a few days ago. Mis 7-elma Mclaujthlln of Port land was a recent visitor at the W. K. Child home at Bolrng. A new barber shop has JuM been opened at Poring and Is doing a fair business. A pool table was also In stalled. They ssy there "Is plenty of snow up In the mountains" and It almost snowed here but live weather man changed his mind after throwing a few flakes around. Tax payers around here should re mombor that on IecenUier 2S thers will be a meeting of county tax pay ers at Oregon City and the budget for the yenr will be dlscussml. A move ment Is under consideration for ar- ranging with the Multnomah Co. Com-mlsslono-s for the enre of our poor, Instead of putting up a new build ing,, which would cost at least ten thousand dollars. It Is claimed thst the greater tho number of "boarders" the less the expense, and many are favoring the plan of uniting with Multnomah County and, paying our propo-tlon for cuch Inmate we would send there would undoubtedly bo an economical procedure, especially when material and labor aro still so high. Mrs. Bonott, president of the Par-ent-Twichor's Association announces the next meeting will bn held on the last Friday evening of the month at 8 o'clock at the City Hall to finish the appointment of committees and outline work for tho year. Some sug gested extending the mooting into a Watch Night party, but no definite action was taken. A largo atten dance Is desired everybody come! The Oregon Chamber of Commerce has Invited th0 Sandy branch of the Development Iaguo to ivind dplo nates to the annual meeting In Port land, and Paul Melnig and Kd. Hart, president of the League, will probably attend. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Sinclair stay ed over night with the Chown family one night lait week. They cams over to pack up their things whclh will be shipped over to Eastern Ore gon as soon as the roads ae In bet ter shape. They will remain In the Juniper Flat country this winter, any way, as Mrs. Sinclair Is so much bet ter there. Last Friday night there was an ex ceptionally hard wind storm In this part of the county .almost every neighborhood receiving It's share of the gaie. Trees fell In every sec tion, thundorlng down every little while; fences were broken on nearly all tlnfbered sections, old mill build ings razed, and some logging camps had to close down until the "strays" could be sawed up and put out of the way. Mr. Wilson found seven logs serosa the road when be carried the mail over the Marmot way on Satur day. It has been many years since there was such a hard windstorm. Rain was the accompanlmont nature furnished while the storm was en. Monday night It cleared up after a variety of weather all day, rain, hall, snow, and old "Jack" brought a free, up In the night .and Monday waa the first sun-day tor a long time.