Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 17, 1920, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Paga 5
Tho lmwiur given nt tha paiUi
limine by Urn .M, i;. church at Ninth
Mini Muln street Friday w, larguly
intended, mill will continue today.
Many fancy article wr disposed of
Hiul worn iirliidliiilly arranged In
prettily Hindu tiixitiiii, Aui'tii tlx)
HKiMt popular twoth wit Hint uf dolb
presided over by Mr, liny Cm, mm
apron Imoili, At the latter Initio went
Mm, W, K. nipteiid, Mm. Kldliy
nuil Mr Uiughry, wiill" Mrs, J, K,
Jack Hiul Mr. UnoriMi 0 borne had
charge of the funey article, Mr, J.
H, liowlumi 1m chairman of tho com
mittee having charge,
WASHINGTON, Dtirt. 11 Th ftn
t lulu today adopted tho agriculture
committee resolution directing the
rwvitj of the war finance rorpotur
Hon mt it mniiimr of affording re
linf to fiirmo n.
Th second section of dm renjjlu
I Ion, wlili h as Introduced would have
directed the pxU'iiHimi of liberal ered
its (o funnel by tho 'federal reserve
nyKlmti, was amended to make tha do-all-ability
of mo li a counte only an ex
pri'NHlim of opinion of tlio congre.
Tim amendment nnikliig tho change
of (lo auction of the, resolution relat
ing to the fodu-nl i"i-rvi syatem wi
proposed by Senator Norri. repub
lican, Nebraska, and wa accepted by
A vote, of 47 to IB.
A. A. Spahglor, of Hpangler Station,
wan among thone to transact busliiosa
bur Monday. .
Norwood K, Chtirmnn, roevntly re
turning tu Portland from Tiuekeo and
Wllleta, Cftlir., wu In Orison City
Sunday, whore he vInIUhI relative,
Mr, Clmrmnn, who I emplnyod In tint
engineering department of the Crown
WllliumUlo Paper company with
headquarters In I'orllund, In n form
er Oregon t Tit y young innn. Ho hut
foiMin employed hi Tnii'ki'M, Calif,,
since early munmer civil englnei'i
for tho paper company, Mrs, char I
mini and children. Jeanetto nud In
fant mm, Richard Gordon.- who r at
Willi!, nt tho home of Mm. Cliur
itian'a parent, will return tu Oregon
about February Int. '
Hurry Ulfketi, who r'prjiHt Mr
GnldhrK, whohaal Jiidrclittnt of
I'oUund. wim In (i'iKiii (Ml y Mim
dsiy arnuiitlntf wlilt Oio Uriuly Mnr
cunlllii rumpaiiy In Htinplylnit llm
atorn with unniMtut Chrlnimita mip
Ui-n. AintiDK iliin will b Hrtli'htikcn
that hvs jum unlvn.i in th Tort
land mark ota, and Mr. Urmty In t"
rIvu tho Mojil (if Oregon City a
lrnitt by addliiK thoae to hln Htoek for
th. holidy Hi'iinon. Thin I the first
tlmo th Iim-hI merchant hna cnrrlcd
thorn in Ktock,
Tho ronmliia of Mr. Frank lowl
Iiik, who died Hiidd'-nly In Wyoiiiln
whlln on hrr wuy to Fort Worth.
Texan, airlvi-d In On-Kon City Tuuh
dwy aftnniooii, Kuncrul rvlca will
Ihj held In this city und ftlao at Hoavm
Crm-k, wlicri, Mr. Howling lum many
fi Und. Tho rvlc' at tho chupi:
of ltrudv & l)Moaa will bo U
ThuiBdHy at 10:110 o'clock, and at the
i'cuvcr Creek (iiriuan coiieroKuuoiv
mI ehurrli, known tho Ton O'clock
church, at 1 o'clock. Inlcriiimit will
bo In Hwavor ('rmtk enmliiry.
Mr. Wlauman, of Newborg, la In
()ici;on City. Hho la accompanied hi
MIims Mayor.
Halph llurdy, of Mulalla, wan amona
lhor to vlidt Oregon City Snlu'ilfty
and Hiinday,
Mr, and Mr, L, li. Wfcltted, of I.u
(Srnndo, Oregon, aro reentered at the
.1. It. Schoi'ht, of Ihirllngton, NV
hraaka. wan among Uiomo i traima'l
bimliicaif hern Monday.
Mm. Fncli, whc roalibta nuar
Mnplu lAxnv, wan In Oregon City Moll
Mm, K. Krtgwlea and a'n, Wesley,
of (iieeliwood, worij Oregon City vl
Itom Monday.
Thniitaa Anderaon, Mficrotnry of th'
Clear Creek Cnnnury, waa among
tho Oregon City vlnltora Monday,
Ir. and Mra. Kao Norrla, of Hend.
Oregon, who hav been In Oregon
City, when they have been vImIHuk
at lh.j home of tho fo-tuor'g pareiitu,
Dr. and Mra. J. W. Norrla, of I'rom
end.i Avemio, left for their homo
Monday evening, lr. N'orrla received
medleiil troatiiomt In Portland for
aovoral weeks, and before returning
to Heiid recujienitwl hero for a few
day a. Hue nn h prafera the anow
at IWitd to Oregon City rain, and la
elm main remion ho hna taken hi de
parturo this week.
J. M. Knit, of Klamath Falla, Ore
Ron, waa an Oregon City vlaltor Sun
day and Monday.
Mra. Moehnkn, of Heaver Crook,
wna In Oregon City Monday,
Will Jackfom. of Molalla, waa trah-
aactlng biialii" here Monday.
Among Oregon City ImalneM t!h
liora T'tnadav waa C. II. Helon, of
Among thoso) vlHtting 0-gon City
Twwlny afterno-m waa Mra. King
wlmao home It at Iman.
Mm F-itnk Malln and ilaughtara.
Jvriihy and Juuiott, ,f Powell
Illver, H, C, who have hefn In thl
city, where they linva bwn gueu at
tha homo of Mr. and Mm. Henry flin
nlngnen. hnv rotttrnnd to tholr hoina.
Thay nlao vlaliotl at I tie home of Mr.
and Mr. Hubert UwoMI, r.f Klhid
dtono. Mr. rtiinaHl In a brother of
M rt. MaxJIn. MHa Dorolhy haa Junt
graduated from tha dental college) at
IWmvor, Colorado, and waa met In
lortland by her moiher and alater.
In a letter to Mr .and Mrs. John H,
Walker fmnin hta diiughtor, Min
IjiuInh, which wa rwidvoil Saturday
morning, tella of hr lmprovniiiimt
from thu aurglcat otiuratlou for ap
pendicitla at Sr Luko'a tioapllal.
MU Wlkr pxpeita to return to
tfregon City about f'ldinmry lit. Ho
foro returning horo, and aa anon aa
aha complete her atudlea In dancing,
aha will vlalt frtenda In Now York.
Mra, Sadlii May IxgU'i, who hna
been nt Vancouver, Waah,, where aha
hra biien apendlng tho weekend an
meat of .tier aunt, haa returned to
Oregon City. M-a. lugua waa ac
companied hy her mother, whim
hom l nt MiMlnnvlllo. who haa
l.emi vlHttlng here. While, at Van
couver Mra. lingua waa tha guesit of
honor til a party given at the home
of tier aunt.
Mr. and Mr. I K. Hentley and
threw children, who have been raald-
Inr at Twilight, have aold their home
and will taka up their reMldenca in
Portland. Mr. Bentlcy revived 112,
0110 for tha property. He ha property
Interest In Portland, recently pur
chasing there.
Mr. and Mra. Chaw P. Kvon and
daughter, t!rpat and lh fornmr'a
lltlla granddaughter, "lllll)-, who
havi heon travel lug In tha oaat and
aonth, ntn' early aumnior, have ra
mmed to Oregon City to inako their
homo. They hav taken up their re
Idencf on Water aireot, where Mr.
I.S"nn baa opened a aceiilc atudlo, hav
ing had experience ns a landHcapa
Ivan Froat, aon of Mr. and Mra. D.
E. Frost, of Caneinah. arrived In Ora
gon City Monday, where ha will en
joy the holiday at tha Frost homo.
He waa formerly connected w ltn me
Western Union Telog-aph Company
of thla city, and now holding a alml-l
lar poaltloti ut I'.end, Oregon.
Ceorr, ArmBtrong, of Kedland, vis
ited Oregon City Tuesday.
E. U Palfrey, of Molalla, wa here
on Friday,
William Vlck, of Llbiral. waa an
Oregon City vlltor Friday.
W. W. Vaughan waa In Oregon
City Friday. Hia homo la at Molalla
Hev. Snyder, of Portland, waa
Oregon City on business Tuesday.
(I V
William Ktouver, one of th ld time
reatdonta of Clmkamaa county, and
who haa mado hla liomu In Oregon
City for H year celebrated hia 8lt
birthday annlveraary at. lm home on
Twelfth and Monroe nt-wtta Sunday
afternoon, when a few of tho Intlmntfi
friends of tha family partook of a din.
nr, which waa aervi-d at t :?.). Te
laid' decoration wet artistically ar
ranged and :o-rortpoded with thoso
of tho dining and H-ing room. Car-
natlona, chryanntberniima and ferna
were lifted, many flower of which
were sent to th home by friend In
mnor of the occnahm. Other gift
wore presented to Mr. Ktoever and
Uttr and meaaage of congratula
tory Datura we'e aeni from a distance,
Many frlenda called durum t" alter-
noon to txumd their congratulation
and lHt wlahea.
Mri U A. Nobel alo celebrated her
blrthdav atinlvcrary at the same
Thore partaking of the dinner were
Mr. and Mra. I A. Noted, Mr. and Mr.
P. O. Wlnkol, Mr, and Mr. Gun
Kchnoer Mr. and Mr. Chrla Hartman
and daughter. Helen, Mrs. Hchultz, Mr.
and Mra. Theodore Strohmeyer, Rev.
and Mra. Wllllarn Knxberger, Mr.
and Mra. John VIgellua, Mlsa Clara
Wlnkel, Mr, and Mr. Dumbach and
children, Amelia and Gu, Harold
Wlnkel, Mr. and Mr. Stoeve-
Mr. stoerer came to the United
State when a young man of 20 year
fl-at nettling in the Fast. He started
for Oregon from Chicago, 111., took up
a homestead of 160 acres near what
la now Carver. Ilentdea improving
hln homcHtead he helped to build
Baker' bridge at that place. Aftot
taking nphla residence here he engag
ed in building, and was among thoae to
help erect the court house.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Moore, Pioneers,
Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary
r --''; -I
f l. rZ-, I , .?, J -
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1 . t -- J --f -:
' . - - - $ x
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Nfe ' vMf
prtvym a bthdny aisrp-1'So p:irtr
Thursday evening - by a group oi
frk-ndt composed of Mrs. Itogan, Mr.
and Mra. William Ostium, Mrs. Matt
Martin, Mrs, If. D. Met Arty, Mr. ami
Mm. Eilia Jone, Mr. ami Mra. John
l-owry. Mr. and Mr. August Chrlstei
aen, Mr. and Mra. K. McUrty, Mart
Ixiwry, Kenneth Molwty, Mr. and
Mrs. B. O. Johnaon, Mparts, tieorgo,
Frank and Lawrence Doty.
The evening wag gpent la dancing,
mufie and card.
Appetizing refershmenta we erv.
e l. A most delightful time wan had.
Friends of the hostess presenled hor
with a bi'tiutlful ret of dasaert spoona.
The JUjcurity Reneflt awioc Int.ion
met at the Mooae Hall Monday evo
tilng. Aiwliant , District Manag-ir
Crown, of Portland waa to attendance
and gave an addrasw. llefrehimnis
were served by Captain Green and
team, which walked away with 33
pointa. although the opposing team
nndor Captain Howell enrried away 27,
The solden wedding of Mr. and A delicious repast wa aerved In the
M-a. Frank aioore, prominent rest- cnurcn pano.-s uurmg me rvtuuus.
dents of Oregon City, was celebrated Mr. and. Mrs. Moore, who have cele
at the First Presbyterian church Tuea-j brat ed their fiftieth anniversary of
dav evening, December th, when! their mar.-iage at Oregon City were
member of the church, Meade Poat ma-ried In Kiver Fall. Wiaconain, on
So. 2, G. A. R., Women's Relief Corps! Decembr 7thIS70. Mr. Moore is on
and Daughters of. American Revolu-j of the oldeet and best known printers
tion and a fw other friends of Mr (in the United tSatea. He commence.!
and Mr. Moore took them by Bur-! work on the 8t. Paul Pioneer Press on
prise. An automobile was Bent to thej the 17th day of April, . 1S3. He work
Moore home by one of the friends of jed almost continuouly on that paper
tho family, who Invited them to for fifty-one years. For over forty
enjoy a ride. At that mutant the former; years he wai foreman and supe.nn.
K. I). Old, of Oak Grove, warn in
Oregon City on Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Howard M. Kcclea, of Canby,
waa an Oregon City visitor.
Mrs. tlua Freeman, of Wen Unn,
la very ill at her homo.
0. Schneider, of Itedland, was
Oregon City on business Tuesday.
Frank W, W. Vaughan. of Molalla,
waa in O-egon CUy Tuesday.
Mrs. James Johnaon, who hna been
upending: seveml week In McMinn
vlllo, a guet of her parents. Mr. and
Mr. K. Northup, and other relative,
returned to Oregon City a few day
j tri. for a brief stay. She will return
to McMinnvlllis Thursday.
W, A. 3tiintly, who was Injured
several week ago when he waa
struck by an automobile while on hi
way tf 'Oregon 'City, waa abtio to
leave hi bed at the Oregon City
hospital Friday. It will be some
time before Mr. Huntley will return
to M home In Portlund. The ac
cident occtfTed In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs, Chaa. Patea, who ar
rived from Santa Maria, Cal., Friday
to vldlt relative In Canby for a
month accompanied by Judge and Mrs
C, N". Walt and Mrs. Chas. Bate, Sr..
of Canby. vlntted Mr and Mrs. A. J.
Has of this city. Tuasday.
Fred Stolnor. of Heaver Creek, Is
one of the champion turnip growers
of Clackamas, county. Displayed lh
tho office of County Agent Ittchard
Scott, opposite the court houe 1 a
fair sample of turnips thitt Is grow
ing on the Stelner farm. Onp of the
turnips weighs 21 1-3 pounds and
measures In circumference 36 Inches.
Frank P. Wilson, of Itogan, was
among thoo to transact business
here Monday afternoon,
George Puck, formerly engaged In
farming and atockralnlng In Clackn
mas county, now following the same
occupation nt Yamhill, Oregon, wn
In O-egon City Sunday, where h via
tied friend. Among these were Mr.
rnd Mrs, D. W. James. Mrs. Buck
I enjoying her vitdt with relatives
In the Knt, where alio haa been fo
several week a.
Mrs, Fred Stelner, of Forest Grove
accompanied by her aon, l.aVern, who
hav been at Gladstone, where they
hav been visiting the fivrme-'s par
enta. Mr .and Mr. John Kent, left
for their home Sunday.
Hums Brltton, of Willamette, a
member of U. 8. N. R, F left Satur
day for a three months cruise 1 to
South America. Mr. Brltton will sail
from Bremerton navy yards.
Among the Oregon City visitors
Sunday and Monday waa George
Gregory. Mr. Gregory la the "well
known teasel grower of Clackamas
Sheriff Prleslite, of Peare, N. D-,
arrived In this city Thursday armed
with a warrant from North Dakota,
and honored by Governor Olcott , for
the arrest of one M. A. Pydlskte,
charged with grand larceny. The
sheriff from the twin state got hold
of the wrong man, and after Constable
F'ortune had straightened matters out,
the sheriff asked Fortune for assist
ance. Fortune, upon being given a
description of the man wanted, start
ed out for the mills In West Linn to
look things over. About 30 minutes
later, he telephoned the sheriff, who
was In the Electric hotel waiting, that
he had his man,
Pydlakie and Sheriff Prleslite took
the evening train for Portland, and
will leave thla morning tor North
Dakota. Pydlakie has a family at
West Linn and has worked In the
mills there for a number of month,
coming here from Peare, N. D.
The masque ball given at the Wll i
sonville A. O V. W. hall under the
auspices of theSTualatin Grange No. 11,
was one of the most succesnful social
events ever glvem In that section of
the county. There were 2"0 In attend
am, many of whom donned the
masque and fancy costume and took
an active part in the merriment.
The Victory orchestra composed of
four pieces furnished the music.
Among those taking part in the or
chestra were Misses Ethel and Agnes
Peters and Arthur Vincent.
The following were awarded prizes:
Mrs. Jack Uerman.best dresaed lady;
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turner and son,
Howard, most original costume; Mis
Ixila Turner, best negresa: Miss
Camille Slyter, Tama Yama girl; Mrs.
C. II. Uosenlreter, beat harvest hand;
Miss Edith Peters, best fairy; Mis
Dorris McTimnioud, Goddess of
LilM'rty; M-m. FVed Schemer. bt
flower filrl; Mrs. E. L. Sharp, best
Indian girl; Mias Anna Macktay, best
milk maid; Gus Kiser, best Indian;
Miss Esther Kastler. best Chinaman;
Miss Martha Jaeger, best old maid. I
Prizes were awarded by the grange.
I. J. Thornton. Mrs. K. W. Dill. H. D.
Aden, Clackamas County News,
Farmers' Bank. J. R. Peters, Farmers'
Mercantile Company, Wiedemann
Brothers, Oldhann Truck Company,
Clear Creek Creamery, Oregon City
Enterprise, X. W. Young, the "fisherman."
Lunch was served following the
prize march and unmasking.
newspaper man was "wise", and be
lieved there was something In store
for himself and his wife at the church,
where they have been active members
since arriving in Oregon City. After
arriving at the church parlors the
couple met a sea of faces, who had
gaihwed the- to help them ctle-j
urate the occasion.
The church parlors were beautifully
decorated with palms, ferns and chry
santhemums, artistically arranged by
several women of the church. A de
lightful program was planned and
carried out during the evening, and
addresses were made by N. W. Bow-
land, J. K. Roman and J. T. Butler.
commander of Meade Post No. 2, G. A.
R. of which organization Mr. Moore
is an active member and past commander.
One of the features of the evening
was the "marriage ceremony"" per
formed by Rev. H. G. Edgar, pastor of
the Presbyterian church, which caus
ed much amusement. Preceding the
"marriage" ceremony a trio composed
of Mesdames W. C. Green, Arthur G
tendent of the composing room.
The departments of the paper gave
him a banquet when he had completed
fifty years" service, and when he retir
ed from active work about a year at er
wards the employes of the composing
room very generously rememnerea
him, and they have continued remem
bering him every year since he has
been in Oregon.
In the fall of 1905 Mr. and Mra.
Moore and daughters. Miss Alma
and Miss Florence, moved to Port
land, and In the following spring mov
ed to Oregon City, where they have
since resided.
Mrs. Moore has always been active
in church work, both in St. Paul and
Oregon City. She has several rela.
tlves now living In Oregon, .who weie
present when she was married.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore have kept a
record at their home in Oregon City
as to the number of callers from East
ern points since residing here, and
these number 154.
Mr. Moore is past commander "of
the Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R. of thu
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Fox entertained
the Red Cro-48 Sunday School cla-is
of the Christian church at their home
in Gladstone Friday evenings Mr.
T, B, Edwards is teacher of the clas
and assisted the iioetess in serving
delicious refreshments., - ,
Present were Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
Fox, Mrs. T. B. Ed wards, Veatrice and
Vivian Ranch, Ijeona, Dorothy ant.
Claudlne Fox, Verna Sears, Dorta
Smith, Eunice Jones, Dorothy and
Mildred Tyier, Matilda , Haywarci,
Hellene Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. August Bolle enter
tained Sunday at their home on the
Clackamas Mr. and Mrs. A. Gustavo
son and daughters, Ellen and Alice,
Mr. and Mrs. O. Johnson and d.iugh.
ter. Margaret, of Portland, Henry
Pjufle and daughter. Miss JSUa, of
White Salmon, Wash.
Rev. and Mrs. F, B. Clay entertained
the young people of the Christian
Endeavor at their home on Darmouth
street, Gladstone, Thursday evening.
Miss Clara Tate read the constitution
and a number of new members were
The following officers for the year
were elected, president, Mrs. Millie
ian; vice-presiaeni, Helen carpenter;
treasurer. Clara Tate; secretary,
Prances Yearger; assistant secretary,.
Clifford Taft After a short business
meeting games and music were enjoyed.
Beattle and D. J. Martin sang most city, and has always taken a most
Mrs. Fred Burns, of Llboral, was
among the Oregon City visitors Mon
day, coming here to do her Christmas
Roy Buchanan and A. Reverman,
of lVmieroy, Wash., arrived In Ore
gon City Monday evening for a few
days' visit.
A delegation of Oregon City Odd
Fellows made the trip to Estacada
in a chartered car Saturday evening
for the purpose of visiting the Esta
cada lodge.
Mr. and Mra. Smith Turner and
Mr. R. L. Sharp, of Stafford motored
to Oregon City Friday. While mak
ing the trip they found the roads In
poor condition In places.
Attorney E. W. Bartlott and aon,
Kenneth, of Estacada, were hero Fri
day. Mr. Bnrtlett came to Oregon
City on legal busines. ,
Among the Oregon City visitors
Prldav wa C. A. Freeman, whose
home Is. at Colton.
C. O. Millard and brother, Harry,
residing near Milwaukle. were In
Oregon City Tuesday. Harry Millard
left Tuesday evening for California,
where ho will spend the remainder
of the winter.
The Ladies' Aid Society of Twilight
will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred
J. Moindl Friday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. The afternoon will be de
voted to needlework.
Miss Wilson, of Canby, was In Ore
gon City Tuesday. She Is now em
ployed in Portland, and was on her
iy home to spena tne aay wnn relatives.
Mt Clara Amelia Iiettemaier, 21,
and Lewis Thomas Forward, 20, both
of Oregon City, secured a marriage
license here Saturday.
The City of Oregon CUy haa enter
ed sutt to quiet title to block 145.
which ha been In the possession of
the city for a number of years.
Lucy J. Graboel enterted s,ult for
divorce here ngainBt F. W. Grabeel
on the charge of desertion. They
were married in Kentucky, December,
1883. Two children resulted from the
marriage, and the plaintiff asks for
the custody of them. She lives In
this county.
Theodore Stelnhllher, of Hazella,
promnlent farmer of that section, was
an Oregon City visitor Friday.
Charles Rider, whose farm la locat
ed at Greenwood, wa In this city on
.business Friday.
Frank M. Irwin, of Horlirg, was
among- those to transact business In
Oregon City Friday,
Mrs. P. A. Hurdon, of Gladstone,
who haa been very 111 for Botne time,
la Improving.
WllUam Schatz, of Stafford, wa
among the Oregon City visitors Friday.
Frd Undau. who reside near
Clarkes, waa In this city Friday.
Mm Agnes Silver, of Vancouver,
Wash., wWo has been, vlsltlnjr her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cham
bers, of West Linn, and other rel
atives, has returned to her home.
Mrs. Grant White was among those
to visit Oregon City Tuesday, Mra.
Whiu Is the bookkeeper for the
White garage at Canby.
Mrs. E. Truscott, of Jennings
Ix)dge, waa In Oregon City on Tuea
day. Mrs. Truscott formerly resided
in Oregon City.
MIsb Reve Everhart visited friends
in Oregon City Monday, having ac
companied her father, W. W. Ever
J. Balz, of Beaver Creek,
among those to visit Oregon
W. W. Elklns, of Molalla, was in Tuosday,
thla city on business Friday afternoon
Thomas Pregard, whose home If at
Colton, was in this city Friday.
F. Martin, of Vulcan Alta, Canada,
accompanied by hia wife, are regist
ered at the Electric.
. Claude Mauldlng has filed a petl
tlon with the county court asking to
be appointed guardian over one Clin
ton Mauldlng and estate.
I J. Hlcka entered suit to fore
close a mortgage given by W. B. Halm
and wife and A. Geslasom In the clr
cult court here Friday. The case in
volveg the sum of $300, in the form
of a note executed by the defendenta
in 1913.
Gottlieb Fredlckef, 44 (Oresham
and Lea E. Holgate, 49, Troutdale, se
cured a marriage license at Vancou
ver, Wash., Wednesday.
The annual meeting of the Meade
Post No. 2, G. A. R., waa held at the
home of E. B. Grant of Meldrum Wed-
Attending were members of the
drum corps, which furnished a num
ber of patriotic selections and old
war time tunes.
Comrade J. A. Roman read several
Inte-esting letters that were written
by himself while on the firing line
when fighting for his country during
the Civil War. These were written
in North Carolina during the winter
of 1865.
A number of the old comrades told
of some of their exciting experiences
while engaged in fighting during the
Civil war and were of great Interest
while some were amusing.
Comrade Frank Moore read an orig
inal poem, which is as follows:
We are twenty to-day, twenty to-day,
And are feeling as fresh as the flow
ers of May. I
While our hairs have become whit
ened and our visions obscure,
Our memory is aa keen as in the days
of yore.
The comrade over there who plays on
the fife .
Surely lives an enjoyable lite.
And the comrade down there who
handles the drum
Thinks life's Journey has only begun.
And there'a another comrade who ap
peara very sage,
Would act kind of saucy if you asked
him hia age.
And the comrade now sitting close by
my side.
Feara not the passing of time of the
Life is what you make it, cheerful
and gay,
Or sad and disconsolate, whicheve
you may.
Yes, we are boys, playing the fife
and the drum,
Fearing not the time when we are
bidden to come.
We shall always be youthful, laugh
ing and gay,
Till the last dear companion has
been summoned away.
We are twenty to-day, twenty to-day,
And are cemented together till judg
ment day.
And when the fife, and the drum have
lost all their Joys,
Dear Father, take care of thy child
ren the BOYS.
A delicious chicken dinner was
eerved to the following comrades: J.
T. Butler, W. M. McClellan. T. M. Kel
logg. Joe Chase, E. B. Grant, John
Kelly, W. H. Brook, J. C. Vaughn, H,
S. Clyde, J. A. Roman, Frank Moore,
Mrs. Butler was assisted by Mra,
J. T. Butler, Mrs. H. S. Clyde and
Mra. I Sewell.
impressively "When You and I Were
Young Maggie" and "Silver Threads
Among the Gold." and Frank Alldredge
rendered "Fifty Years Ago' and re
ceived an ovation, aa did also Rev.
Edgar who read the "marriage" cere
mony of his own composition.
Da-lcg the evening an orchestra ren
dered "The Golden WeddingT', "By
The Brook" and 'The End of A Per
fect Day", which were thoroughly en
During the evening Mr. Mooer gave
the following poem of his own compo
sition, which was well received:
Fifty Years ago today we started
out together.
Fifty years of wedded bliss without
a thought to sever.
No darkened clouds have crossed
our paths.
No storms have we encountered.
From pastures green to the golden
sheaf we'd
Like our days recounted.
Wondrous changes have occurred
since on life's boat we started.
Many are the friends we've made
and many have departed.
Though advancing age has dimmed
our eyes
Our hearts are aa young as ever.
Firmly, we have kept the vow
That bound them close together.
Oscar Judd, 21, and Anna Bladell
18, of Eagle Creek, secured a mar-
Iriage license from the county clerk
And while our time has not been
spent Inpent
In quest of wordly gain.
We hope it may be said of us
'They did not live in vain."
Turn back the clock dear Father
Time two score years and ten
Feed us upon the bloom of youth
and make us young again.
The best wishes and congratulations
were extended the couple during the
evening, and during the day handsome
gifts and flowers found their way to
the Moore home, as well as congratu
latory letters and telegrams f-om the
East, where they formerly resided.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore received hand
some gifts Saturday morning trom the
composing room of ihe Pioneer Press,
t'e former re:eivng gil'd cuff lh'ks
r);auUfully engraved: while Mrs.
Moore's gift is a gold pin.
prominent part in patriotic affairs.
Since coming here he and his wife have
made a host of friends who have ex
tended their hearty congratulations on
their fiftieth wedding annlversa-y. -
Refreshment were served follow
ing the program.
Among those attending the recep
tion were Mrs. Rodney Gooding, Mr.
and M-s. H. S. Clyde, Mrs. J. Edgai
Wells, Mrs. G. D. Martin, Mr. and
Mrs. A. G. Beattle, Mr. and Mrs. C-
Schuebel, N. W. Rowland. Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Woodward, Hazel Jean and
Helen Woodward, Mrs. Minnie Dono
van, Mrs. Henry Hennlng-
sen, Jessie Allen, Mm G. L. Cox,
Mrs. Matilda Hadley, Mrs. James
Shannon, Mises Emma Roman, Miss
Hattie Roman, Mr. and Mrs. J. T
Butler, Dorothy Ely, Annalou Meyers,
Mrs. Etta Walker, Mrs. Alma Good
Mrs. N. M. Alldredge, Mr. and Mrs
Charles E. Burns, Miss Valeria
Meyer, Miss Ruth Miller, Mrs. W. M.
Yonce, Ms. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs
C. H. Dye. Ed. Brown, Mr. and Mrs,
G. J. Eberly. Mrs. J. K. Morris, Miss
Gertrude Humphrey, Mrs. H. S. Ander
son, Mrs. David Williams, Mr. and
Mra. Duane Ely. Mrs. G. W. Boylat,
Mr. and Mrs. O. A Pace, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Alldredge, Harriet Mc-
Causland, Quevene Alldredge, Mr. and
Mrs. N. W. Rowland, Mis3 Frankie
Rowland, Pauline Pace, Peth Brown,
Sophia Chandler, Dr. and Mrs. Harry
W. Paine, Miss Alma Moore, Miss
Florence Moore. Ida White, Clemmie
Wood, Lucy H. Hammond. Elmer E.
Hammond, Mrs. E. L. Shaw, Mrs
George C. Brownell, Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Wilson, Mrs. Ellen Jones. Mr3.
Helen Swan, Mrs. Minda E. Church,
Mrs. F. E. Albright, Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Green, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Meyer,
Mrs. J. R. Hickman, Mrs. Elizabeth
Glover, J. A. Roman, Elolse C. Ely,
Miss Gertrude Hamilton, Mlsa Elinor
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Me
Geehan, Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ely.
Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Edgar, Marvin
Hickman, Miss Christine Brakel, John
J. Egr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Milter,
Mrs. W. A. Long, Miss Ruby Long.
Mrs. Jane A. Crawford, Mary M.
Edgar and Helen Edgar.
The employes of the Crown Willam
ette company are planning on having '
a big ball Christmas night at the West
Linn halL
The hall will be elaboratey decorat
ed with evergreens and Christmas
bells, appropriate for the season.
A committee is to be appointed this
week to make the necessary arrange
ments for the affair.,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henningsen en
tertained at dinner at their home last
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James Hollowell,
of Portland; Andy Olson, of Minne.
sota, and Miss Ethel Recker, of Al
The table was, daintly centered with,
whit carnations and aspragus ferns.
Following the dinner the member
of the dinner party attended the Mem
orial service of the Elk's Lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rotter recent
ly entertained in honor of their daugh
ter. Miss Louise, at their home oa
Eleventh and Monroe streets.
Cut flowers and ferns were used in
the decorative scheme of the Rotter
Games and music were among the
features of the evening, followed by
, Attending were Theras Bochold,
Dorothy Draper, Catherine Hermann,
Anna Serres, Thelma Moore, Blanche,
Barry, Luclle Llmbocker, Catherine
Gerber, Louise Rotter, Walter Nathe,
John Tobin, Sylvester Haas, John
Michels, Bernard Hermann, Edmund
Rissberger, Jamee Brady. Michael
Long, Gregory Gerber.
The girls' and boys' glee clubs of
the West Linn high school will give
an entertainment in tie high school
building at West Linn December 17th
and an elaborate progrm is being p-ranged.
Miss Jane Lindsay is in charge of
the glee club work, and there are 33
members of the girls' club and 20 in
the boys' club. .
One hundred families can be placed ,
on 40 to 80 acre tracts of land In the
Ochbco project in Cjerjral Oregon,
according to information received,
Monday from Prdneville by the Ore
gon State Chamber of Commerce.
Thia land is all irrigated, in cultiva
tion and ready for settlement, accord
ing to the message.
proprtate for Christmas and is a real
treat to music lovers.
The choir will be assisted by Star
soloists from the Grand Opera Com
pany, Portland, aa well as local tal
ent . The Star soloists are Elolse
Hall Cook, Soprano, and Mary Adele
Vann, Contralto. Other special parts
will be sung by Arthur - Cook and
Blaine Cole, of Portland, Garlana
Holowell, J. E. Chtnn, Lyman Wax
nock, Dorothy Terrlll and Naomi
Armstrong, of this city.
This cantata is under the direction
of Mary Adele Vann and promises to
be one of the best ever given in this
Thompson, Mrs. F. P. Nelson, Mrs.
William Hammond, Mrs. R. M. Mc
Getchie, Mrs. M. E. Turner and Mrs
V. O. Gault.
The Choir of the First Baptist
Church will give an -evening of song
on December 22nd presenting1 the
Messiah's Advent This will be ap-
The members of the Euterpean club
held a most delightful meeting Sat
urday afternoon with Mra. V. O. Gault
at her home in Rose City Park, Port
A dellclousi luncheon was served by
the hostess at 1:30, after which the
members took up the study of "Early
Art" and the work of Michael Angelo.
The national anthem of each allied
nation was sung by Mrs. M. , E.
Turner and Mra. R. M. McGetchie, ac
companied, by Mrs. Frank Miranda.
"Star Spangled Banner," our national
anthem, was sung by all.
The Irish question was ably discuss
ed by Mrs. A. F. Parker and Mrs. T.
E, Gault.
The discussions were preceded by
an interesting resume of Irish history
given by Mm P. P. Nelson.
Those present were Mrs. A. P.
Parker, Mrs. Beth Paddock, Mrs. T
E. Gault. Mrs. F. Miranda, Mrs. M. E.
Wacheno Council Degree of Poco-
hontas held a business and social
meeting at Knapp's hall Friday eve
ning. After the nomination of officers
new members were initiated into the
order. Refreshments and a general
social time were enjoyed.
Those making the evening a success
were Edward W. Lavier, Frances Kroll
and Harry Seller.
The following officers were elect
ed: Mrs. Mina Wenger, Pocohontas:
Mattie Hadley, Wrlnona; Ethel Frost
keeper of records; Zelda Cox, collec
tor of wampum; Corrlne Henningsen
keeper of wampum; Edward Lavh-
powhatton; Daisy Lavier, prophetess,
Daisy Lavier and Mable Christensen
are the trustees.
The next meeting will he held Jan
uary 14th.
The Women's Auxiliary of the
American Legion will meet in the
Women's parlor of the Moose Hall
Monday evening. This organization
although' still in its infancy, is prov
ing a worthy factor of the Legion, tak
ing as its aim to help ex-soldiers and
their families and to promote patrio
The officers for the ensuing year
are Mrs. David Caufield, President
Miss Evelyn Harding, Vive-President
Miss Mary Mitchell, Treasurer and
Mrs. Grace M. Eby, Secretary.
Mrs. Frank Doty, of Bolton, was
Three freight cars jumped the
track .near Grants Pass Tuesday af
ternoon, which delayed all north
bound trains somewhat on the South
ern Pacific line. The company alsw
reports three foot of water over its '
track near CoqulHe due to back
water from the Coquille river. '
Two Delegates Are
Chosen at Meeting
Mrs. Minnie Altaian, of Jennings
Lodge, and Miss Emily Shaw, of West
Linn, will have the honor to repre-
sent Clackamas county at the nexl
state teachers association meet to be
held at Portland. The above women
were selected at the recent asuochv
tion mjeet held here last Saturday af
ternoon by the teachers organization
of this county.
Elks to Give Dance
on Thursday, Dec. 23
The Elks of Oregon City will give
another dance in the local temple on
Thursday evening, Dec. 23. ,Thl will
be the fourth affair given by the
Brothers since the new floor waa laid
at a cost of $1800. Elks and tic!?
families and friends are expected.