Pape4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1920, it . t t ' a. i . OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Published Every Friday. E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon City. Oregon. Tost office as second-class matter. Subscription Rates: One year.. .$1.60 - .75 f Six Months Trial Subscription, Two Months. .25' Subscribers vrtll find the date or ex- plration stamped on their papers fob lowln their name. If last payment U, not credited, kindly notify us, and, the matter will Teceive our attention I Advertising Kates on application. ( BURLAP SACKS ONLY CLOTHES FOR CHILDREN The Clackamas county headquart ers of the Children's Relief Drive was. opened Tuesday at the Commercial Club parlors with Miss Elba Erickson as assistant secretary. Plans are now being rushed through for the final organization of the county's campaign which begins Sunday, De cember 19. The county la being divid ed into seven districts correspond in g to the seven banking districts, wltii a chairman for each district, and each school district of the county will be assigned to one of these larger divis ions. J. Christy Wilson, brother of Don iison of this city, has been In the Near East for the past two years as a missionary and many letters from him describe the appalling condition of the children in that part of the world. According to Mr. Wilson, these sta-ving children will stand in line for hours for sonietMng to eat. and even in severe weather have no more clothing than a burlap sack with hole cut in them for the beadl and arms. Herbert Hoover has appealed to the generous hearted people of the nation to meet the emergency of Europe's starring child life and points out that "'$10 will buy the life of a child until next harvest." Clackamas county's Quota is $6000 the lives of 600 children. ESSAY CONTEST WILL ATTRACT JlAil 1 Ul lLO' County School Superintendent Ved der has just received instructions from J. A. Churchill superintendent Of public instruction for Oregon, that the Oregon Committee ol the Europ ean Relief Council . has planned an Essay Contest for the schools of Ore gon. The title of the essay is, "What Will be America's Answer to the Cry of Europe's Starring Children V .; The contest is limited to the chiM ren of the eighth grade and .high school, whose ages range from thir teen, to eighteen. There will be no prizes, simply first, second and third honors. Superintendent Vedder will select the three best essays in Clack amas county and forward them to the state committee. These essays should be in the bands of the county superintendent before December 23rd. FORMER OREGON CITY WOMAN IS BADLY INJURED Mrs. Emma Flagler, of this city, was called to Sellwood Saturday even to the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. George Livers, who was run down by an automobile and seriously injured. Mrs. Livers, accompanied by ber small son, Donald, was crossing the street in Sellwood when a passing auto struck Mra Livers, throwing her to the pavement with terific force, and cutting her badly about the head and arms. She struck the curb as she fell, and she was removed to an emergency hospital, the physicians found it necessary to take nine stitches In her head and six stitchea In her arm. The young son escaped without injury, and was on the opposite side of the mother when the accident occurred. Mrs. Livers is well known in this city, and was formerly Miss Olive Flagler. SHRINKAGE IS ENORMOUS ON LAST CROP WASHINGTON', Dec. 14. Shrink age of values of the country s farm crops has placed their total worth this year at almost $5,000,000,000 less than last year, although the 1920 har vest was one of the most abundant in the nation's history with half a dozen breaking records. LIGHT FREEZE, SNOW AND RAIN FOR THIS CITY Monday evening,' the first lighi freeze of the season took place and the thin covering of ice on the walks and steps leading to the hill section about midnight made slippery walk ing for late pedestrians. According to the weather man, another storm is predicted for this week, which will Include rain, sleet and other climatic "sensations" for this tlme of the year MAN SAVES FOR FUNERAL; MONEY BAD ELKHART, Ind., Dec. 11. Money laid away 16 years ago by Walter Moody for his funeral expenses was found by bankers to be counterfeit today after it bad been spent to meet turial costs for the man, who died a week ago. Th widow muit make good the loss. ' RINGLING BROS. , SELL OUT TO DENVER FllWil The following press notice was furnished the Enterprise by Chas. Lyon, whose brother In the east us a ,,Ws accent for the lug show circuit, n(1 forwar,.,(l this notice to Mr , ttor ot nowa. f .lMnotin' The famous name of Wnltn. I may disappear ironi me circus worm. for the great tented show for mor1 j than two score years that bore that tttl? has been purchased. together with four others, by H. II. Tammon and F. G. Ponfila of ivnvcr. Theshows included in the deal that is believed to be one of the largest in the history of the circus business are: Sells-Floto, Ringltng, Barnum & Bai ley, John Robinson. How's London and Yankee Robinson. Some 4I years ago Augnst Ringlinr. Sr., had a harness shop on the main street of Rice Ivake. He had seven sons, All of them played in the Rice lake town band. When in their "teens." five of the boys started out from here with a carnival company, having music, acrobatic stunts and athletic tumbling. Soon afterwards they collected together as their men agerie a few bears, wildcats and other animals, all obtained form the woods of northern Wisconsin and northern ! ytnnesota. Success greeted the brothers from the start, and soon they ventured into the circus business on a large scale and established the world tamed Ringling Brothers' cir cus. Of the seven brothers, only Charl es and John are alive. None of the five who are dead reached the age of 20 years. j REDMEN ELECT OFFICERS FOR COMING YEAR Improved Order of Redmen. Wach eno Tribe, No. 13. met at the Moose hall Wednesday evening and elected) the following officers: j Sachen Harry Seller: Sr. Sag3 i more "Tip" O'Neil; Jr. Sagamore! Edw. W. Eby: Profit. Milton Noble; Collector of Wannum L. A. Noble. ; r; KeT ot VarnPum. Christ naruuau. fcwpr: m rwiims r rancis Kroll; Great Sachen, E. M. Wells, of Corvallis:' Great Sr. Sagamore, D. E. Frost; Great Jr., Sagamore, R. T Fisher, of Portland; Past Great Sach en, Richley, of Portland, was in at tendance and gave Interesting talks for the good of C;e order. Refresh ments were served later in the ban quet room. Million Wanted for Prohibition Law WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. Expendh ture of $1,000,000 during the next three years in safeguarding prohibi tion, extending the "blue laws" and amending the federal constitution so the United States will be designates a "Christian nation" is proposed by the international reform bureau. Wilbur F. Crafts, its ruperintend ent, told this to the opening session of a conference here today. Ponzi Begins To Serve Out Sentence PLYMOUTH, Mass. Dec. 1 I. Charles Ponzi today waned serving his sentence of. five years for fraud. He obtained millions of dollars from thousands of persons from all over the United States, and was at one time considered a financial wizard MEAT PRICES DROP TO VERY LOW FIGURE CHICAGO, Dec. 11. Wholesale prices of fresh meat cuts, both beef and pork, reached the low levels of the pre-war period with the close of business this week, Armour & Co. an nounced today. i . , Fabric Tires As Good J As Cords, Reported While the popularity of the cord tire is sweeping rapidly forward among mMorists, fully seventy per cent of the cars, of the country, consti tuting the "small car" class, still ride on fabric tires. The manufacture ot cords has been confined largely thus far to the larger sizes, and the gTeat mass of the small cars are still equip ped with fabrics of the clincher type. The light weight of these cars makes it possible for the fabric tire to give mileage quite as Imnressive in their way as the records rolled up by ther more celebrated competitors, the cord tires. A letter received by the United States Tire Company from G. Euritt of Churville, Wa stated: "It may interest you to know tat I have been driving a small car for five years, equipped originally with United States fabric tires. One of the original tires is still in use without a break in it. Two others of the original tires have only recently heen retreaded. UNCLE SAM TO PUT ON 30,000 EXTRA CLERKS WASHINGTON, v Dec. 10. Thirty thousand extra mail carriers, clerks and belpe-s now are beginning night and day shifts to handle the biggest Christmas mail rush in the history of the postofflce. ASKS FOR DIVORCE Elma C. Tu-ner entered suit for divorce here Friday from William H. Turner. The couple was married in Ohio, Oct. 7, 1912, and the plaintiff lives in Clackamas county. Bhe charg es her husband with cruel and In human treatment An Appeal to the American People f pilREE and one half million children In Eastern arid Central Europe have no alternative to disaster between now and not harvest ex cept American aid. Kor month these most helpless eunVrors In tbo track of war have been admitted to American feedlng-statlons only If tragically undernourished, and have received American ive-Wj; M .N.II If desrately thivutened by death from disease. One 8 cent hot American meal todny has saved a thousand live. Winter Is closing down. The money of man nations H valueless out side their own boundaries. Economic and crop conditions make famine, with Its terrible train of diseases, a certain visitor until nexulmnetf. Inev ltabl the helpless children will suffer most. No child can grow to health and sanity on the pitiful makeshifts for food with which millions ,.f Krvi pen adults must content themselves this winter, u is obvious that te -remedy can come only from outside. America save,! fl.tlOO.000 European children winter before last. Nor mal recuperation out the need nearly In half last year, but unusual tlons have resulted In scant shrinkage of child destitution during the V'ITi J"St ,,MSt- Th PM,W, of A",prll' ntuat tu.w decide whether S.wXrtH) of those charges, la acute distress, shall beln to be turned nwnv in January from more than 17.000 asylums, hospitals, clinics and foedlne s tatlous deiuleni on American support. There would be no tragedy In history so sweeping or so destructive of those who can deserve no evil. The undersigned organisations, working among every race and freed, many engaged as In other forms of rvller. agree unanimously that the pllkht of these helpless children should have complete priority in over seas charity until the situation la met. This Is an Issue without polities w.rim nCh"J 0, ""J thtf M fr medical service that . seek, will relieve only the critical ca-. The m.xtlcal supplies 1 , fc ? vrnnM, n'l comraunltlea aided ftrmh two dob Ian la the form of transportation, rt-nt. labor, clerical hel,., cash contrl butlons and such food suppllea as art locally obiulnabl. ner TV "! lhn ,n '" "rtlw She ha. oeNer had a more poignant call than this. Contribution., si,id be turZl over ,o th 1( amm wllU.b M oow ror,,,; 1 2 siriScTtT1 , Un Treasuri,r- T'Ss; EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL Harbart Haovar, Chairman Comprlalngi American Relief Administration, by lir Rt,'K:id l Amertoan K.-.1 Cross, bv Uvinsatoa Karrand. ("halrr.'.an Ameru-an Friamia' Srrvlca Committer iQuakersl. by Kufua U. Joni, Charman Jewiart Joint Distribution Commute, by Kelt 41. arburs Chairman BREEZY BRIEFS FROM MOLALLA Interesting News Items Taken From The Pioneer M. J. Cockreil was, in Oregon City Tuesday on business. Mrs. Courter is very ill at her home. She was stricken Sunday. It is not thought that she is in a dangerous condition. Ed. Olds was in town Wednesday Mr. Olds has the contract for build ing the Dickey Prairie bridge. Work of construction will commence the first of the week. I. M. Toliver and family went to Portland last Sunday where they visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Gregory were Portland visitors Saturday and Sunday. Victor Dickey of Portland spent a couple of days this week visiting his parents Mr .and Mrs. Raymond Dick ey. The Electric Comedy Company played thoe nights la good sized audiences in the Band Auditorium, this week. Cecil Roberts preached at the morning services at the Church of Christ in the morning and at the Wild Cat school house in the after noon last Sunday. Mrs. F-ed Barnes, of Portland Is visiting at the Knapp home for a couple of weeks. Several of the Shoemaker family have been sick for the past week. The doctor pronounced the malady a mild form of flu. Rev. R. P. Williams preached at Lentz last Sunday morning returning to Molalla in time to preach at the evening service at the Church of Christ WILSONVILLE FARMERS TO MEET DEC. 15 On next Wednesday evening, a meeting wll ltake place at the Odd fellows hall In Wilsonville, when fanners of that neighborhood will dis cuss the work of the County Farm Bureau association du"lng the past year. Several speakers of note will address the gathering, and R. O. Scott, county agent,' and Miss Marie Snedeker, county club leader will be present. Following this date, another meet ing will take place at Happy Valley, Clackamas county, in the school house, and the main topic will be "Needs of the Community for the Coming Year." The date has been set for Thu-sday evening, Dec, 16. 13 TRY THEIR LUCK AGAIN AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 13. Thirteen couples cast superstition to the winds today and were married In Vancouver. It is not uncommon for the thirteenth of any month to pass without a wedding here, but today broke all records, save one, for coup les being married on that day. It was significant that ten of the 13 brides today had been brides, before and ad mitted it. Paper Company at Spokane to Enlarge SPOiCANE, Wach., Dec. 13. An nouncement of additions to the plant and equipment of the Inland Empire Paper company, to cost between $85,1 000 and $100,000, was tmde by W. A. Brazeau, secretary and manager. The capacity or the plant will be Increas ed 25 -per cent, to produce dally 90 tons of sulphide or wood pulp. Fnnklln K. Lana. Traaturar re1rl Council of Chim-hea of Christ l America, by Arthur J rtrown Kr.',.or Columbua ' by James A. S. Miller left Friday for Sun Fraa ciisco and Los Angle whe-e he will spend the winter. He made tho trip by boat from Portland to San Fran cisco. A. E. Weber, who has recently purchased the Tmllinger hotel re cently brought in a truck load of new furniture this week. Mr. Weber I going to make a very attractive place of his hotel. W. O. Brown bought a Fairbanks Moors e light plant from George Blatchford this week. This Is a new system which haa been on the market but a short time. There has been a g-eat number sold. It is very simple cheap and the enfrfn, can ho used for other wtrk. Mr. Blatchford has nuinv prospective sale for plants. Arthur Kayler. of Clackamas, was transacting business in Molalla last Tuesday. The Odd Fellows lodge of Molalla will hold a benefit dance next Sat urday night. December 11th. Music will be furnished by Ttr. Thompsons popular orchestra, of Portland. A largo crowd is expected to be In at tendance.. The high whool basket ball team will Play the fist game of this sea son next Saturday when they will meet the fast Mount Angel College team, at Mount Angel. A week from Saturday thee teams will meet at the Molalla band auditorium in the afternoon. L A. Shaver will get, next week, the first car load of eastern corn ever shipped Into Molalla. PICTURE MEN CAUSE TROUBLE ON THE HILL Two rae.n, taking orders for en larged pictures, made themselves of fensive to several women residents on the hill section Monday after noon, by obtruding themselves upon the thresholds of homes where not wanted. One lady reported to the chief of pollcft that one of the men, after being denied admittance to the home, crowded her out of the door, way and came in anyway, In spite of her efforts to keep him out with as sertions that she was not interested In hi wares or products. Both men seem to be of a very bold type, and will be watched by the city officials from now on. MONEY IN BANKING It would be a pleasure to give credit where credit is certainly due lor this letter; but it came to the editor's de&k with ony the notation "Clipped from a house organ." "A bank in New Jersey ran this advertisement in a local paper: "Wanted--a Clerk. Must lw expcil enced in foreign exchange. Salary $10.00 a week." And this is one of the replies: "Dear Bank: I would respectfully apply for the position you offer. 1 am an expert in foreign exchange, In all branches. In addition I converse fluently In Gum Arabic, Gorgonzola, Zola and Billingsgate. I write short land, longhand, left hand and write hand. I can supply my own type writer If necessary, and I may men tion that I typewrite half an hour In ten minutes, the record. I would be willing also to let you have the serv Ive, gratis, of my large family cf boys, and If agreeable to you, my wife would be pleased to clean your office regularly without extra charge. The cost of postago for your answer to this application can be deducted from my salary. Please note, that Is you have a back yard, I would make bricks in my spar time. "Awaiting an early reply, I remain "The 42nLH REED TAKES DEBATE PRIZE OVER AGGIES Koo colloRo was today unnoulued stale champion in rfolmto us a result of Friday dual victory in the Ore gon triangular ttohato Icmruo, Rood negative- l afflrmutlvo teams, do touted tho iditto university and Oro ptn Aeries In hard fought contests at Portland and Euireno. The Wcio los nro new butt-els for Coach Goorno 1 Koehn of tho Rood history depart meilt, who hits not lost n debate in six years of ooachliw, Th,, question was SootU n US of the Merchant Marino act of l!2i, which has been subjected of heated tt'K'l ment lu Pacific shipping circles. The I'.eed debaters have been Invited to present their argument before the Portland Chamber of Commerve. Koe Is now negotiating with th. University ot Montana and Harvard for debutes lit the spring. Billion Dollars is Lost on Prohibition WASH! NinOV, Hoe. U.-Tho treasury department estimate that "ryorp. than a billion dollars" Is out standing In unpaid tuxes beemmn of the 'government's Inability to audit the return. Hr. Thomas S, sti.iin of the treasury s'off, toiitf.od today at hea-ing on taxation before tho house ways and fueatM cummltto", Hoouuse of the complex nature, of present rovenuo laws, Dr. Adam added, the Internal revenue bureau ha biH-n umihto to complete the checking up of tax returns fur 1917. Hw saw no immediate hope of making tho audit ott-rent with tho tax re turns filed. WANT STATE FaVIR- - STOCK n SHOW MERGER SALEM. Or.. Doe, 14 -It was an nounced today that a bill Is belu drafted by a member of tho Mult nomah county delegation in tho stat-j legislature providing for consolida tion of the Oregon Mate fair and the Pacific International Livestock ( ex position. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that lh un derslgned has been appointed admin Istratrlx of the estate of George Beach, deceased. All persons hav tug clalrxs against said estate are hereby notified to present the saino with proper vouchers, duly certified according to luw, at tho office of Urownell k Slovors, at Oregon City. Clackamas County, O-egon. within six months of tho date of the publi cation of this notice. Dated, Friday, November JO, 1920. A LICK C. BOWERS. Administratrix. BKOWNRLL A SIBVEK3. Attorneys for Admlnuttralrlx. Oregon City, Oregon ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned has bee appointed admin istrator of the estate of Gnorge II. Kelly, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified" to present the same with proper vouchers, dnly cortlflod aecordlng to law, at the office of Urownell & Stevens, Rt Oregon City. Clackamas County, Oregon, within s(x months of the dato of tho pabll cation of this notice. Dated, Friday, Novwmber 2fi, 1920. FELIX A. JONES. Admlnsirator. BROWNELL & SIEVEH3. Attorneys for Admlnstrator. Oregon City, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the Matter or the Estate of Morris Riley, deceased. Notice is hereby iglven that tie undersigned Executrix of the Estate of Morris Riley, deceased, has filed her final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Clackamas, in the above Estate, and the County Judge has set Mon day, December 13. 1920 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In the County Court room in the Court house at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon a. the time and place for hearing of objections to the said final account and for settlement thereof, ' Date of First Publication, Novem ber 12, 1920. ELIA COOK, Execattrx. BROWNELL t SIBVER3, Attorneys for executrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Laban Mauld lng, deceased. All persons having callm against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly oertlflod ac cording to law, at the office of Brown ell A Sievers, at Oregon City, Clacka menths of the date of the publication of this notice. Dated, Friday, November, 12, 1920. EUGENE MAULDINO. Administrator. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for Administrators, 8UMMON8. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. L H. Klrchem, Plaintiff, Ti, - Edgar Horner, Amos Millard, Ne braska Bridge Supply & Lumber Co., a corporation, Defendants. To Edgar Horner, above named de fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon: Ton are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in tho above entitled suit on or before the expiration of tlx weeks from the date of first publica tion ot this summons, which date of expiration la fixed by order of above entitled Court Monday, January 3, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY D. G Latouiibttb, rresMrnt F. J. Miykr, Cashim The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, JHi.OOO.lK) Transacts Cicncral Hankinn Husinr-i Open from 9 A. M. Id 3 V, M. 1921, and If you so fnfi to appear and answer, plaintiff wilt apply to the Court for tho rolclf prayed tor lit his complaint, to-wlt: For tho foreclosure ot a certain chattel mortgage dated AuKimt IS, 1!M7. for $1 loo no and re corded in Vol. 11 page 4'.!il Chattel Mortgage Records of laid County and State, on which $00.00 has boon paid, and one certain Chattel Mortgage tor $032.00 dated March 8, 1920, ami re corded tu Vol. 13, page U5 Chattel Mortgage Records of said County uud Suite, on which $200 00 ha been paid and for $150.00 attorney's fees and costs heroin, which said mortgage coyer and are a lien upon the follow lug described personal property In Clackamas County, Oregou, ta-wlt: One 12x15 Russell engluo complete with fittings; ono Russell Holler com plete with steam pump, smokestack and fittings; otto Power 1'lutior com plete, with knives, bolts, blower, etc.; on No. 8 Russoll Saw rig with ono fifty inch saw and one forty-eight Inch saw and fod works; one carriage, tour head blocks and set works; one friction log turner; one log haul; ona slab car and truck; one cut-ott law frame and 24 Inch cut oft saw; fa lumber truck; five line shafts vita pulleys and bolts; all mlscotlanoous tools, belts, gear and scraps. Also one 11x1$ Russoll Automatic Governor Englno No. 16058. And tor such other and further re lief as to this Court seems moot and equitable. , This Summons ts published by order of the Honorable J. U. Cumpb dl, Judge of tho above entitled Court, which order Is dated Noromber IS, 1920, First publication November 19, 1920. Lust publication December SI, 1920. O. D. EBY, Attorney for plalittllf. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County of Cluck mas. T. It. Hesidcn, Plaintiff, vs. Mildred I louden. Defendant. To Mildred iloadett. defendant: In tho name of the 5tato of Or gon you are hereby required t0 ap pear and answer the complaint fllea against you In tho above entitled suit on nr before the 3rd day of Dectunber, 1920, said date being mr than l weeks from the date of first publica tion of thl summons, and U you fall to snswe- atd complaint, for warn thereof plaln'.lff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed fo rln bin complaint, to-wlt: for a loe-e dU solving the bond of matrimony here tofore existing between the plaintiff and granting a decree of divorce and for ucn other and further relief a the Court shall deem moot to grant. This summons Is served upon you by order of the Honorable J, V. Camp bell. Judge t if the above entitle. Court, made and entered on tho 2 1 at day of October. 1920. directing that such publication be made In the Ore gon City Enterprise, onco a week for sit uceoitve weeks, the first publl cation thereof, belnj th 2Jnd day of October. 1920, and the lat publica tion thereof lelng the 3rd day of De cember, 1920. C. II. PIOOOTT. Attorney for Plaintiff. 226 Jefferson St., Portland. Oregun SUMMONS In th Justice's Court for District Number 13 Clackamas County, State of Oregon. Paul R. Meinlg. Plaintiff, vs. Oeorge Mather, Defendant. To George Mather the above gamed defendant: In the name of the State f Oregon you are hereby required to appt aid answer the complaint file against you In th above entitled suit on the 4th day f December, 1920, which Is more than six weeks from the date of the first publication ot this summons, and If yen fall to so appear and answer the said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a judgment against you for the sum of $33.25 and nig costs sna disburse ments herein; also a judgment order that certain personal property now held under attachment by th Deputy Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. In said District 13, to be soli" to satleT) said Judgment and costs and disburse ments and accuririg costs. Thl summons Is published In pm nuance to an order for service there of upon you by publication,- dated October 20th, 1920 made by lienor able J. M. C. Miller, Justice of the Peace for District number IS. Clscs amas County, Oregon, dl'ectlng that this summons be published once a week for six consecutive weeks. Date of first publication October 22nd, 1920. Date of last publication Deeember Rrd, 12. C. D. PURCBLL, , ' Attorney for th Plaintiff. My postofflce address is Saady, Or SHERIFF'S SALE In the Clrcalt Court of the State of Oregnn, for the County of Clacka mas. Entncada Stat Bank, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. W. Cj Repass, Florence Repass and O. W. Messelhlsen, Defendants State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 21st day of October 1920, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 15th day of October 1920, In favor of Bstacada State Bank, a corporation, Plaintiff, and against W. C. Repass, Florence Repass and O W. Messelhlsen, Defendants, for the sum of $324.65, with Interest thereon at 'the rate of six per cent per annum from the th day of Aplrl 1S20, and the futrher sum of $30.04, a attor ney's fe. aad the further earn f C. D. D. C. LATOURETTt Attorney Miw Commercial, Itcul Klut and 1'rolmte our HtiwUltles. of fee In First National Punk Hldg., Oregon t'liy, Oregon. 0. O. CUV Attorney t La Motiey loanfd, abtrlrnct furnish ed, Satnl title eKiimUii'd, estate settled, nenernl Iw hulnea Over Dnk of Oregon City. William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND A HAMMOND Attornye-t-Lw Abstract, Real Estate, Loans, limur ance. OREGON CITT, OtlKOON Pacific Phon It Horn Phone A $71 Phone 405 WM. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens lllitg, Oregou City, Or. J J'.l 00 cents ami dUburmiiiouU, luiit tho cont of and upit this writ, i-uiii-timndiiiR mo tu liuiko sale of the ful lovvliig described r'I property, situ ntn in tho County of Clackamas, ufalo of Oregon, to-wlt: Ut number Knur (4) in Block mim-ber'-d Eighteen (1S of tli original Towuiilte of Entiiciitlii ,1'liukuniiis County, Oregon, according to the duly recorded map nd plat B nhowrt and designated .by the Itmnrila of said town, County and State; aul lot numbered Three (31 and Knur (I) of Block numbered Twenty three (23) of First Addition to Unito-nda. Ore gon, accord line to the duly recorded map and plat as shown nnd designat ed by the records of uttld town, County and State. Now, therefore, by virtue of said el ocution, judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Ssturday, the llth day of December liCO; at Pie y hour of 10 o'colrk A. M , nt the front d'Vir of the County Court House In tho City of Oregon City. In said County and Sttrte. suit at public miction, sub Ject to redemption, to the higher btd l-r. f- V.. S gold roln ch in band, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or cither of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or lne had In or to the above doicrlbrd r"rtl pro !-ty or any part thereof, to tsry said execution. Judgment uroW, d- n Intnreet, cot!i and all accruing costs. W. J. WJl.HON, Sheriff of Clnckitmn County, Oregon. B. C. Ilackntt, Iputy Dated, Oregon City, Ore., November 12th 1920 SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of th State f Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. N. W. Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Charle II. Duffy, administrator of th Estate of Martin T. Dsffy, deceased, Charles B. Duffy, Jobs O Duffy. Luke P. Duffy and Patrick F. Dnffy, Defendants. State of Oregon, oCunty of Clackn nius, as- By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, dnly Issued out of and under tb ei of the nbove entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duty directed and dated the 29lh day of October 1920, npon a Judgment rendered and entered In enUl court on the 2th dsy of October 1920, In favor of N. W. Jones plaintiff, and agnlnst Charles n. Duffy, admin istrator of the Estate of Martin T. Duffy, Chnrle n, lurfy, Joh (1, Duf fy, Lnke P. Duffy and Patrick K. Duf fy, Defendants, for the sum of $2, 500.00, with Interest thereon at tho rate of eight percent per annum from the 24th day of April 1917, and the Turther sum of $200 00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $14.90 cost and disbursements, and the cost of and upon this wlrt, eomnuindlng me to make snle of the following d crllied real property, situate In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt: Its number thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) and the Southerly one. half (S, V4) of lot number fifteen (15) Arcadia, said Southerly onehalf (t) of said lot fifteen (15) being describ ed ar, bciglEBlng at the Houthwest (S. IV.) tJtnor of isiU lot fifteen (IK) nd I xlmltMvl (N. W.) corner of Jot fourteen (14), thence Northerly on the line of the County Rond, fifty (50) feet, thence KaeUrly parallel to the line between lots fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), fifty (50) feet there from to the 8. P. R,. R. line; thence southerly along the rlglitof-way of said railroad, fifty (50) feet to the Southeast (S. E ) corner of said kit fifteen (15) to the piece of beginning. Now, therefore, by Tlrtue of snitf execution, Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the com mand of said writ, I will, on Satur day, the llth day of December 1920: at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, In said County and State, sell at public nuc tlon, subject to redemption, to the highest btdded, for U, S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named do fendnnts or either of them, hud on the date of the mortgage herein or ninr.e had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satis fy said execution, Judgment order, doc-ee, Interest, costs and all nccrn Ing costs. W. J. WILSON, . STierlff of Clackamas Ctounty .Oregon. By B. C. Haekstt, Deputy. Dated, Oregon CRy Ore., November 13th, 1924 ,