FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1920. MILWAUKEE & NORTHERN CLACKAMAS Pape6 Milwaukie News Mr. Sara Wsio bought a farm on Lake Road from Mr- David Penni. The Episcopal Church is giving a bup per and bazaar Dec 3rd at the Grange Hall. The price of the sup per Is 50 cents. Mis Gilbertson. teacher of the first grade at Milwaukee grammar school, was absent from school Tues day. Bessie Sharrow acted as her substitute. The biology class is planning on having, sometime before Christmas, some very Interesting reports on the cause, treatments, Symplons and the prevention of the spreading of diff erent diseases. A pood deal of refer ence work Is being done concerning these reports. The Senior English class has near ly finished the study of "The Rise of Silas Lapham," by William IVxtn Howells. They find some Tery Inter esting points for discussion in this realistic novel. The Junior English class has fin ished Its second classic which is Sbakespearea drama, "The Twelfth Night." The Sohpomore English class is just starting "Ivanhoe." George C. Hazel ton Is building a heme at Evergreen. Mr. Prank Hazelton Is visiting with the family. The members of the French class es hare established a table for them selves in the cafeteria at which French only Is spoken. The Senior girts are giving a leap year party Friday night Dec, J at the home of Edwin Tapfer. The Sophomore class is planning to ge. arm bands with the class numer als on them, and to carry canes de corated with maroon and gold pen nants. The Sophomores are also planning a party for the evening of Dec 17th. The sophomores had a meeting to elect a new President to take the place of Claude Stewart, who has left school. They elected Raymon Nash to fill the office. i A basket ball game between the Freshmen boys and the g-amniar school boys U to take place as sooni as it can be arranged. The Freshmen girls expect to or ganize a basket ball team an dthey ex pect to have a 5 inch green letter for the front of their middies. The bov-i rlso will have letters which will be a 6 Inch green F. Social Service Club Hears Forestry Talk OAK GROVE. Dec. 8. The Oak Orove Milwaukie Social Service club gave a luncheon Thursday In the grange hall at Milwaukie. The ar rangements were In charge of the so cial committee, with Mrs. Lou Rob erts chairman, assisted by Mrs. Vietta Miller and Mrs. Ann Palmblad. Lunch eon was served at 1 o'clock at 1 o'clock. The program Included a talk by A. G. Jackson. United States forest examiner with the forestry service, on "Oregon's National Forests," and musical numbers. The many friends and patrons of the Oak Grove Post Office regret the Indisposition of Postmaster V. O. Benvle who Is confined to her home nt the present time, but hopes to be out soon. Mrs. R, R. Davenport is improved so much in health that she has gone to Portland to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. Smith. The Parent-Teachers association will give dinner at the school house Friday evening. Phones: Sellwood 597. Automatic 21J6J John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dDealers In Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Moulding Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 Montgomery and Fifth A-1599 Portland Drugs, Prescriptions, Druggist Sundries, Vetinary Remedies Fancy Stationery and Choice Candies. At your home drug store. THE PERRY PHARMACY Milwaukie, Oregon First State Bank of Mi vaukie "YOUR HOME EAHK" Conducts a General Banking Business 4 per cent, interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED Many Social Events Are Held at Oswego OSWEGO. Dec. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaubel entertained Mr. ami Mrs. Pete Clift. Earl Sohsubel, Frank Sc.hau.bel and Miss Alien Schaubel, at dinner Thursday. Thanksgiving day was enjoyed very much at C. H. Rosentreter, home. Din ner was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs, John Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Qua Kiser ana daughter Reatha Kiser, John Conway, Jr., Harold Conway, Fred Rosentreter, Mr. and Mra. Charles Rosentreter and son, Roderick. Mr. and Mrs. John Erlokson were entertanied at dinner Wednesday. It being their 40th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. William Reiner, spent the week end at Yamhill, with Mr. Reiners folks. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kiser and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosentreter and some friends motored to WHsonviUe Thurs day, when they attended a mask ball. They were very much surprised when thev walked off with two of the prises Mrs. Charles Rosentreter received the sixth prise, as the best farmer, and Gus Kiser was given the prize as tha dressed Indian man. while Miss Esther Kessler received the tenth prize for the best Chinese costume Misa Esther Erickson spent the holidays at home with her parents. Oscar Whitten, of Altoona, spent a few days with relatives In Oswego this week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Larson and chil dren visited Mrs. Larson's brother at Mulino over the week end. Mr. Larson was home from Altoona for the holi days. Mr. and Mra. Frank Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Tet Emmott, and Geo. Bul lock were in Oregon City on busi ness Monday. Miss Elisabeth Haines, has been very sick at the Oregon City, hospital. Mr. and Mrs Oliver Worrhingtoivand son. Claude, spent Sunday with rela tives In Oswego. After spending an enjoyable evo. nlng at the dance Wednesday Mrs. Charles Rosentreter, gave a supper which was enjoyed by the following friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kiser. and Arrhtcr Mentha. Miss Blanch Hawk, Chic Baker. Tom Bake-, Elmer Todd, Emmet Baker, Fred Young and Mr. and Mrs. Rosentreter. 'Misa Bertha Worthington was on the Red Cross drive, this week and did exceedingly well. M-s. Otto Larson entertained at dinner on Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waldorf and two children ot Mulino, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Waldorf, and son. Glen Waldorf, of Oswego, and Mrs. DiUen and Mrs, Waldorf of California. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Worthington of Tualatin visited relatives In Os wego Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Monk and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roley and daughter Genevieve, spent Thanksgiving with Willie Monk and wife or oPrtland. Mrs. J. T. Bullock, of Eugene, who has been staying with Mrs. Geo. Bul lock the past two weeks, while her husband has been In the hospital has now returned to Salem to visit her parents. John Brady and Clarence Dotey, ot Oregon City were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Worthington this week. Mr. and Mra Lennie Halliman who recently bought a farm at Redland, gave a party Saturday night. Friends motored out from Portland, Oregon City and Oswego. The evening was spent in dancing and music and a splendid lunch was served. Mr. Woodward who has been serl- W. B. Perry, Prop. ously ill ia much Improved Ibis week. Kd Davis of liiignton, Oregon, u. back to liswtjto for a twon time. Mis. Frauds Going and daughter, JiUi wo h.oo boeu vUiimg reiaine nere, departed for their home lu Bet .uiKiiiUu, Vedueday. Dena Uebekau lxHige initialed a class ot tour last Friday evening. Alter which retreslmieuia were s,eri eu. and a social time enjoyed. Henry G. Guns who has been in the uavy tor six years, Is visiting at the home of uls pareuts. He ixpects to spend Christmas with friends and rel atives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis had for their guests at Thanksgiving dilute.", Arthur McVey, Frank Clark and Harry Atwater. Mr. and Mrs. William Hyslip spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Austin. Mr. and Mrs.j Hale Siglor are back home after an extended visit with Mrs. Sigler's mother at Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Hluuock had as their guests for Thanksgiving dtu- ner Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kmmott au I two daughters Marion and Kthel, Mr and Mrs. Oliver Worthington and sou Claude of Portland. Millie Worthing ton- and his friend, Miss Gusle Wilson, also of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Rube Confer enter talned at dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halliman and son, Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walling and daughter, Mary Adell, of Redland and Miss Fern James also Miss Muriel Samson of Portland all enjoyed a very pleasant time. Oswego Lodge 93 I. O. O. F. elected officers Monday evening as follows. Noble Grand. Henry Yates: Vice- Grand, Johnte Cox; Secretary, Dewura Fox and Treasurer, IWUlam Poyd. The city election was held Monday A mayor, sax councllmen, treasurer, marshal, recorder and two- measures were voted upon. The Dorcas society of the Congrega tional church, gave a bazaar on FTi day afternoon and evening of Decem ber 3rd. In the I. O. O. F. hall which was well attended and a g-eat success both financially and otherwise owing to the the fact everything was well carried out, and everyone well pleased with their purchases. Two beautiful quilts were sold to one party and many beautiful handmade articles were sold. A substantial and very appetizing dinner was served from fire thirty until eight o'clock in the evening. Only a few articles were left which were then auctioned off. Mi. McVey making a very good auctioneer Many Jars of fruit and vegetables were nearly given away. The net proceeds amounted to one hundred and fifty four dollars and thirty eigtu cents. The members of the Dorcaf have need to feel proud of their ef forts. Nothing was sold on chance eTerything was priced according to its value. And they wish to thank everyone that assisted In making the affair a success. Mr. and Mra Fred Gilmore spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. Pickens of St. Johns. Arthur McClare of Alaska is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Lewis for a few days. Dena Rebekah Lodge No. 71 Initi ated four candidates on their regular meeting night Friday, November 23. The Lodge put the work on with the new drill team of which Brother Wil liam Boyd is the captain. Miss Lula Dale from Iva Rebekah Lodge No. 101 of Sootts Mills was present. The officers elected the same night were Noble Grand, Mary Pymbruck; Vice- Grand, Florence Brembaugh; Secre tary, Mary Blckner; Financier, Lizzie Davis; Treasurer, Mrs. Jessie Dyer After lodge games' wer played and a delicious supper was served. There was a large attendance in spite of thi bad weather. Miss Iva Stanley of Dalles, Oregon, and Miss Edna Morrison of Portland spent a few days 'with Mrs. A. C. Good. Mrs. Charles Blckner has been con fined to her home a few dayg with an acute attack of tonsllitls at the pres ent time. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cook are spend ing a few weeks at the coast. Tse Oswego Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. Wesling. Misa Reed of oPrtland gave several readings which were very interesting after which a most refreshing lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Monk of Port land spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Monk. - Miss Louisa Rleer is on the sick lira having chills and ague. John Bagby who has spent several weeks at the coast Is now teh gust of his stater, Mrs. Flora Jerisch. Mr. and Mrs. John Schnellar of Portland, spent Sunday with Mr, Schnellar's mother, and sister, Mrs, Ted Tinker. Mrs. Iferbe-t Nixon has been real sick with neuralgia for the past few days. Altar Society had their silver tea t.t the home of Mrs. Herman Schaubel on Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson have moved to Portland for the win ter Mrs. Joe Schauble has gone to Wil lamette to stay with her daughter for a few weeks. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Tom Fox on -Thursday afternoon. It was decided to have dinner for the school children on the following Thursday at the I. O. O. F. hall. Mrs. Amy Swank of Highland, Dead Mrs. Amy Swank, of Highland, dlel at her home Wednesday evening, at the age of 46 years, 10 months and 19. days. The funeral services are to be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at WigWanif, with interment In the Canby cemetery. CANADA STILL I : ' 'ee fjk 'H W Sty ''(,' r: : nv MM W U : v; : ;VOM $c-f Lu&i I Ktfc& v t4 ,: - ' ll f mp; r ir V Albert mith anp hut J v White. Peer U & tc albert s mith amp hit 4 White. Peer 1 Although thousand of moose, tdear, bear and cariboo have been killed in Canada during the past Tew yean, biff game is still plenti Svl throughout the Dominion. Many fine moose heads are secured every -11 in Nora Scotia and New Brunswick by hooters from the United States, but guides, game wmrdeu and unison Bay Com pany trtppere estimate that the Mtnrml Increase cceeds the kflL Last season Sam Smith and his boa Albert ted a party of sixty IndJaaa hunters front Port Wayne to the big game section of Maine loot the Canadian Falfle. Each Big Bazaar Opens At Jennniirs Lodge JEN-NIXGS I.OPGR. Dec. S.-The j Christmas bazaar given by the Guild has been absorbing a large amount of attention of tUo matrons of this place and on Friday the annual event will take placp. The display of arttcl has mo-e met the exi'rtatlons of those in charge and the supper1 committee have unusual pontors an nouncing! the hill of fare which In-! eludes rhlrk-n. Mlads, pics and other toothsome daintleft. The proceeds are for the community church. Rev. A. R Snider In keeping with the Pilgrim Fathers spoke on Chris tian Heritage on the Sunday morning service at Grave church. Rev. Snider is an able speaker and a fact which should be mo-e fully appreciated by the community In general. Rev. Snider has accertd a call to remain with Ub during another year. Mrs. Pertha Hart departed for Spokane on Sunday morning being summoned to the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Fern Flnsand, who is ill with appendicitis. A. Parker, postmaster. Is seriously ill at his home at this place. Will Booth has purchased an acri on the Wm. Jennings tract on Hull Ave. and will build. The house to be completed by spring. Many Improvements have been made on Mr. Pollock's cottage on now reside in Oregon City will take possession about April 1st. G. K. Ohsfeldt of Portland, was a business caller at Jennings Lodge on Tuesday. Mr, Ohsfeldt is sales agent for the Columbia Wall Board, which 1s manufactured In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Holloway entertained on Monday night with a dinner in honor of their sister, Miss Florence Holloway's birthday anniversary. Covers we-e laid for eleven at the handsomely anpolntcd table. Mr. and Mrs. Finch entertained a few of their former Iowa friends at tea on Sunday at their home on the river. Mr. and M-s. Claire Martle enter tained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hen nls, newly weds, whose marriage took place a few weeks afco. The school children have done nobly well In selling the Red Cross Christ mas stamps and are getting ready for a piny and Christmas pa-ty before the close of the school at the holiday time. The winners of the pins for selling the most seals will be an nounced later. Miss Martin was a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Emmons over the. week end. Mrs- W. W. Wonilvek wa a recent vHtor in YHnco'.vo". ! hark-s Redmond photoernplier and poser was out on Saturday let-kiiiR after his holiday orders. Mr nnd Mr Redmond havt recently rf.turna ;rom Klamath Falls and vlclnuy a 110 Mrs. Redmond W-i the) aflornoon wit Mrs. John Jennings. Miss Ruth Oswald of Gladb'.in,! and MIph Klizabeth Bruechert of Portia nrt were weekend visitors at the Meade Kennedy home. JENNINGS LODGE, Dec. 7 What promises to be one of the largest and most Interesting bazaar ever held at this place lias been announced for Friday December 10th at the church. The bazaar Is to be given by the women of the Guild of which Mrs. H. Roberts Is president and Mrfl. B. Pearson, chairman of the work com mittee. The sale will begin at 4 P. M. on THE BIG CAME HUNTER'S PARADISE member of the party so promptly got hia allotment of game allowed by law that the hunters returned home tsa days earlier than they in tended. Albert Smith had the rare fortune to shoot a white deer, a fine bock with well grown antlers. In Canada the range of sport is a wide one. There are moose, carl boa, deer and black bear m Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Hon Scotia, and in the Canadian Rnckiee there are mountain sheep and goats, RTisaly, brown and black bear, noose, caribou, deet, wol verine and mountain bona. The boil mooes wf Mews Soods. Friday. At :30 a cafuterla supper will be served with Mrs. W.W. Wood Wk presiding. IUt able assistants nru Mesdatues IMer, Rllntstone, Ken nedy, Tnncott, Williams and Nelson. The various booths will be In charge of tho following women: Apron, MuUIh and fumy work, Mesdauu Al len, Pearson, Mortis and llnle; andy and cookies, Mrs. Arthur Smith; Dolls, Mrs. Grout; Vegetables and fruit, Mr. Jones; Fish pond. Mrs. WW. Booth; Cashier, Mrs. B. M.j Hart. On Wednesday afternoon the Guild met at the tieim of Mrs. Pearson ofl Medlrum Ave. and finished the low ing for the coming salt). About 20 ladles were present, and a largo cuke was rewarded to Mrs. Arthur Smith In the contest. On W'ednenduy, Decem ber Mh. a business meeting will be held at the church. All members are urged to bo pre.ierit. A very dellghtlul aff.ilr socially, was a luncheon planned for Mrs. I)wy on Wednesday at the noru hour a"d the l.idles quilted tor the honored matron In the afternoon. Mesdames Emmons, W. H. Kelly, Truscott R. Thompson, W. Clemens. Frank Lambert attended and report a Jolly ltme, Regret B were sent from those who had made previous plans to ntterd (We Guild which m-t on the same a'ternoon. Mr Mahle Pierce and ko-i Teddy will go to Spokane on Thursday to renaln until spring, and to be with he dauchter, Mrs. Hugh Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hurco are en tertaining the letter's brother Mr. Phillips and wife from Seattle nnd on Thanksgiving day motored to St, Helens, accompanied by their mother, Mrs. Klla Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Finch of Now Hamp ton, Iowla, have leased the Pierce home on the Willamette and will be at home to their friends after Decem ber 1st. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Thompson are disposing of their propetry Interests and are leaving soon for California. Mr.and Mrs. Butler have visited fn Seattle. Mrs. Butler returning on Sat urday. JUST KIDS The fortunes r FICHTIN& FRED CEtlERAL VIUA SENT FOR HIM CHOV7 WOOO I -..ll-..,, J b BtEN - - 4 ... it' u ! 'ljjjj' ''l l(l' f I iNTF.RNATIONAL CARTOON CO., t New Brunswick and Que bee arw noted for their slse, and a wounded mooe charging the hunter will rire him all the thrills he wants. 1 In the Canadian Rockies "Ol4 Silver Tip," the solitary gristly,1 charges down hill like an sraL anche, bat the expert hunter know how to itop him before he gets near. Two of the prised head easily procured is the Canadian Rockies are those of the mounts! sheep and mountain goat Both' are wary and wonderful elhnbwra as well, hot the hunter with goodj lege and good wind can get a aho as them, J Mr. nml Mrs. Mourn have d-H-idad to locule In California and departed for he sunny south some tlinu ago. They are offering their pretty lit tit bunga low on Roetho Ave. for mile tit a very rnihonuble figure. Mr, lleli'im H'-mle and daughter, Hetty, will ppoui liisnksKlving t)y In California and will 1m joined by Mr. Reade at the holiday time. Mm. I.U-rtha Hurt has been failed upon to nsmrn the loss of her brother pusw'd away this wm-k at hU liome in Mlchlgnn. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Morse of Port laud entertained a number of friends on Tlmnkfijlvliig night ut their homo In Irvlngton. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dill of Mii-hfleld, Ore rn; Mr. nnd Mrs. -Silas Scripture, of Oregon City; Dr. Junies Scrlpturf, of Clarksvllle, Iowa; Mr, nnd M 'H. Ther on Finch and Miss Dorothy Finch, of New Hampton, Iowa; Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Maple and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts and children, ofthls place; Mrs. Bess llruechiirt, Misses Wiltna and ElUii both and William Druechert and Mrs. Flora Dill, of Portlund were those who enjoyed the music, games and delicious ref.-eshments. A special school meeting him been called for December 13th at 8 P. M. to vote mi the years budget, owing to a mistake being made In the budget itt the annual meeting. A wedding which came an a sur prise to her schoolmates here was the tnarrlaire of Mablo Hoppe to Mr. Hen nls, of Turner, the wedding faking at the hotii" of the groom at Turner, Oreron. The couple will r? Mde In Portland, whe Mr. Dentils j Is employed In a garage. li ttle announcement cards were re cently received by the Uxlge friends, t' Dlns; of the arrival of a baby son at, the home of Mr. and M"s. C. A. Curt In. Tli little ono has been christened Clyde Alfred, after his daddy. Scales' store has a big assortment of Xmns goods. Drop In before buy ing elsnwhcrm Special prices for the holidays. (Adv.) of War. By Ad Carter FON5T0N THAT MOTHER JOS AN WE 5 GOTTA t J fj1 AY SiR!U p'JZJ - ALU RIGHT ff. MM l a in 1 BONUS BILL TO BE SHELVED IS LATEST REPORT WASHINGTON, 1hc, 8, - From nll nblo soun-es It wits ascertained today Hint Hi" neimlii will take the t'tsHin sllilllty of snyltiH there Mi nil be no ciikIi bonus irnnt-d olillera of the world wnr ut this session uf coiig 'i. The seiinte finance rommltteo, deep, ly Impressed by the report of !Wr tary of the Treasury Houston, will inert Nome time next week e.t finitely nheiva the otdlr bonus btu which passed Iho house In the lust tension of coiiRross. In thii pmsont stttto of the coutif v' finances. In the view of retiitle lend ers, the trensury must not be asked to stand any lnrqo grunt of public funds that cull postl)ly be avoided, Protot come from everywhere for reduction In Utcn, the lendce sny, while the burdens already nmilllied by the gtiverninent are so dirge thai any relief looks difficult of uivom. pllnhment To ndd nnoilnr billion dollars ot more for thnsh bonus fyr the sol diers lit this time, It Is in Id would cuutin iM-rlous complications, Thlswlli not be done, It Is explained, In any spirit of uppoitltlon to the war vet erans' demands, but bemuse present necessities make the crust est meas ure of economy Imperative. FORUM OF THE PEOPLE OUKHiON CITV, Or., lo. 3.--Kl. Itor of the Kutcrprlse.) Duo to an attempt upon the part of Dr. H. a Mount to try to discredit my dttmnos. Is upon the cause of death of AM snder lHFord who was recently shot while resisting arrest, I sin forced through self defense to piihlliiy slate In the papers why he either through gross mlMreprenentulton or gross Ignorance has under oath made state ments which are Impossible. That the man died from a confluent pneumonia of the type similar to that found In pneumonia following "flu," was snd still Is my cllnlctil diagnosis. This diagnosis I concurred In by the two other physlctuiis nnd u 'neons whom I cnlbni Into consultation on the case mid statements from them can b obtained If necessary. Kvery physician and surgeon Itt Oregon City nnd Portland with whom I have talk ed regarding the esse hs concurred in my belief and against the possibil ity of death being duo to Septic Perl lonltM (tllood poisoning). Dr. 11. H. Mount has disregarded Mudlcni Kthlcs and IWosWoaai Courtesy In trying to discredit me. Upon the dny of iho luuuost he In- luted that all luforimttlon be obtain ed was confldontlnl and his work w.1.1 done at the request of DeFord s rel atives. Hut. upon promise of coron er that an autopsy fee would bo U, K'd Into the county cout for him, b willingly testified that death was due to fieptlc Peritonitis. The man died 31 hours ufier he was shot and his temperature was never above l9 degrees Fahr., and then on ly the first two times taken lifter nd mission to hospital. Thereafter his temperature was 9H.8 degrees Fahr., normal. The first lesson taught me (and probably mot phytilo1;ms and surgeons) In Surgery nt Medical School wag thnt even the most virul ent of septic condition could and would not caifse death of pu,t louts until generally 6 or 6 dnyj after wards and never under any cl"cum stances before 2 or 3 days following infection and then only ufter a more or less prolonged fever. Ask your family phyHltian about It Suffice It to say that nil the physl clans and Surgeon practicing and living In Oregon City, outside of Mount office have ln a signed statement protesting against the county court pnylng nn autopsy feo of $25 to Dr. It. S. Mount for such testimony when said autopsy was not ordered by a county official) stated that "No person ever succumbs to a septic condition as soon an 31 hours ufter the Infection nnd then only after a more or less prolonged abnormal rls In temperature or fnvnr", ICven granting thnt the bullet pass ed through the portions of hl body that Dr. Mount states (although I doubt It) I will accept a challenge to meet him before any representative group of people or Medical flroup or Society or Medical Examining Ilonrd upon the possibility of the mnn dying from Septic Peritonitis (lllood poison ing) within 31 hour with a normal temperature. DR. O. A. WKDSH. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, For Clackamas County. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Howard H. Holland has loon appointed administrator of the Kstate of WMllnKton R, Ilurt, d eawd by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for ClnekiimnH Coun ty, and has qualified. All persons having dalms against said eslate are hereby notified to present the snm'o, with proper vouchers and duly veri fied ns by law required, to the undot signed nt the Hank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published Decent ber 3, 1920. Date of last publication Dec. 81, 1920. HOWARD H. HOU,AND, Administrator.