Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 10, 1920, Page Page 5, Image 5

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One of Iho tint Christ ma bozo tu
be ahlpped (rum thin city wu sunt
this wmk to a former Oregon C'lly
young num. Frank IUKKr, mm of Mr.
mid Mr. II. J. IIIkkt, wtio In at
Rraebum, Alaska, white he lit in
gaged In busnlc. In on of the box
e km Slil pound of selected choco
late and In another box 60 pound of
pnnnut. Frank la tpm:lnlly torn! of
sweets and nut, and hU parents d
Hiring to make him happy on Christ
inn day, have urn On their purchases
early ami shipped them north In g""
time. The eiir charge on the
Christmas gift won B.
N. Jamlwm, who wu several yar
go tester for lh Cluekania County
Cow Teetnr Am-lntlon, wm In Or
Pn City Mondny, where ho was the
KUot of County Aisnt II. 0. Rcott.
Mr JnmliMin will rot urn to hi horn
near KntVHt (h-ove today. ' lln I nijw
engaged In the prune Imluxtry, hav
Inn a Vcre fnrm, much of which him
boon planted to prune. Owlnit to th
continued ruin during tlm prune har
vesting mnon many prune were
damagd to mull nn extent thnt It
puV! A l to tho grower, Ha hn
luritn drier on hi fnrm nnd hi
drlml fruit ha received n hi demand
Mr. R. I Howe, after vWMng for
t fpw day In thl rlty a ruet of
rnlmlrH. left Kunday evening for
Portland, where h visited her eou
ln. M-. J M. rtoblnon, mid Tuesday
evening iilm wilt nv fur Seniilde
Oregon where h1h will remain for a
few week vlsjttng hr mother, Mr
J. l Rotes, before returning to her
home at MoHlur, Orepvn. Thl I the
first time Mr. llow. ha vllied Ore
Word was recolvad In thl city Bat-1 Mr. and Mr. Weley Lony, of
urday afternoon of th arrival of a WW bum, arrived Id Oregon City
ton txim to Mr. and Mr. N. K. Char. Tuesday afternoon and are spendta-
man at wiiiou. uaiir. i ne nine rei- ft fwW dmfi lt th, bome of county
low. who weigh ton pound, arrived RBCOrdBl. bprt Noe, of Gladstone,
at the home of Mr. Cbarman's par M, . ... 0.rnnU
Mr. Noe. Before returning to their
enla, Mr. and Mr. Ruwhtel, whore
mr., Mr. Channan wa formerly of " , " ",D w
i, i. n w i..... la in p.Artu...! 1 1 urtland.
thl city, whoo honm I In I'ortland.
but hit honn employnd a englnenr
for the Crown Wtllamotta 1'aper
Company wt Truckm, Calif, durlna
the aummer rmmth.
Mr. Ifarvity DouiclaM, of Canby,
aixompanlod by bor on, loult, were
In OnK'n City Tuonday. While hero
they vlaltod the fomair" on, Cheat
C'harM linker, ,f thl city, ha re-"r operator for the Stat
turnwl from Caru, where he went ""omre.
to attend a family reunion In honr
of tha 80th birthday annlveraary of Mr- "J Mr' unumgarion nuve ar-
liU mother. Mr. II. Haknr. which tmik rn ln w"t Ulnn rrom ln
place Wedneaday. Among other. ere tney are viaiiin mnir oaugn
wer Mr. I"!. A. Canilda. of Caru : Rooiiormeier. ano lam
lm ltaker. of Oreiron Cltr: Mr. They will remain at Wet Linn
Jnnl ll.l..n. of Ralnm. ln nouuay.
nnrka. .n of Mr. and Mr. r- ry uren, or wwi wnn,
V. R. Ilurka. who hu. been In the Ore- e'co.npanlod by her' daughter, M'
M.n rn hMHiti.1 wiim-n ha w uuuiy, a nuree or tne ht vinceni
oirated upon for appendlcltt. ha hoapttal, IVrtlandi will loare aoon
Improved ao that he wa able to be for a vlalt with relative ln tha Ea.
taken to hi homo Saturday morn
ing. The lad wa operated upon Mr. Wlman accompanied byMU
alxmt two month ago. and hi con- Moaernayer, of Newberg, were In
dltlon wa aorloua for vaveral week. Oregon City on bunlnnm Monday and
Mr. and Mr Ivan J. OwnDey
lormeriy of inu c"y. now i ron-i .mn ,h. rw,ni ru vinitor.
land, are rejoicing over the arrival Mondtty wprB Mr and Mrg Otto I'et-
m .. ai. at. -I
araon, whoae home I at Stafford
They were accompanied by Ml Ht
ty Nemec.
of a dauKhter. Bhe wa born at tbe
hoi of Mr. Ownbey mother, Mr.
Dul'oau, of Tu'oma, Wanh., Novem
ber 2Ui and la honored with the
name of Dorothy May. Bhe welgha
anven pound.
Mr. and Mr. Hoe, of I'ortliind
hav purchimcd the furm of K. Bom
bard, altuutt-d about threw and one-
half mll' outluat of Oregon
Ml Irene Hanny, of Portland
pent Sunday In Oreicon City, where
he vlcJted her parent, Mr. and Mr.
J. H. Hanny.
(Dy Kan Cochran.)
One of tho n)t enjoyablt club
partle of the week wan at the home
of Mr. E. P- lUnda Ttiurvduy after
noon, when the wa hutea for the
Thursday Afternoon Auction lirldgi
Club. AUtlng Mr: Hands In aerv
Ing dellclou rtfroabini-nt during tb
afternoon were her couMn, Mr, i. P.
Lovett, Mr. Oeorge Swaiford and
Master Marcua Itands.
Card were enjoyed during the
afternoon, when prize to member
wont to Mr. E. A. Chapman and Mr.
1 4. U I'lcken, and the guet prize
waa captured by Mr. William Tipton.
Iirlght colored polnaotlla blomiotn
and ferns were arrayed raoi .irtiwl-
tally In the reception hall and other
room of the Rands borne.
Mr. J. R. Humphrys will be the
boitea for the club at her home
at tbe next meeting, which will be ln
two week.
Attending were Mr. E. A. Chap
man, Mr. J. P. Lovett. Mr. J. H.
Walker, Mr. C- D. Latourwtte, Mr. L.
U Pickens, Mr. Autln Huycke, Mr.
Frank YoUng, Mr. B. E. Urodle, Mr
W. E. Pratt, Mra. J. R. Humphry.
Mr. IL E. Hendry, Mr M. D. Ut
ouretbe, Mra, Ttieodore W. Clark,
Mr. U U Porter, Mm. William Tip
ton, Mr. George Swafford, Mr. Uvy
Ktlpp and Mr. L. A. MorrU
Ilenjamln Hayhurnt. local manaRei
Mr. lu.nibard will iniikM morovemenU of mo rncinc teicpnono company
on the place amounting to aJamt who hn b-n 111 for veral week. 1h
13000. and expect to take posves- Improving.
Nlon In the curly spring.
Mort Cockrell, formerly connected
U ('. Uvermoro, of Pendleton, ar- with tho Huntley Drug Company In
m.n fit fur a num Mr of years ana rived in urogon t;ny rriuay even- mis cny, now ngugea n me aurg
noted many change since her former tug. where he 1 vUltlng at the borne I bualneaa at Molalla, waa ln Oregon
)s)l. or Mr. ana mr. k. r. kiiiou, par- iity mesiay
- enta of Mr. I.ivermore, Tho latter
Mr Itoba Ixa-katuder mother of " lwl'n "' for about three weeki, Thad Stlpp, of Liberal, brother of
Mr. Waller Dennett, of this city, hn ""id will return with her buWmnd yVy stlpp, 0f thl city, wu lu Ore
arrived In Oregon C'lly from New "bout Wednesday. g,a city on business Monduy. While
York, where sha I to remain for tbe
winter. Mr. Doekslndor, who vlaltod
at thn Dennett homo about two year
u. remaining hern for two year.
may decide to make Oregon City her
future home.
ileorge Hlclnbotham, one of tho
well known pioneer of Clackamas
here be vlnili-d hi brother.
Amonu thoae to transact business
county, wlumo home Is at Uwllund, () t)rt((,on ry Tum)ay mornlng wait
... i. u I,..,. IVl.lnv 11.. whM BPI Itll Itll fl. I
- - f rant Miiintiouor
She made many friend "7 " uBnier. air. joon nugu- CBrv,,r,
whoxe borne Is at
while here on her previous trip. one
enrouto aho visited at Tuntlro.
ri.l.Wtfit III utu.i ..t M Inni-noiillM mid
fr...,u .n,i neUland. were In Oregon City Sat-
tUUHMl ,,... ..
Mr. and Mr. II. H. Stewart, of
urday. Tliy canu. hero to meet Mr.
and Mr. Arthur Currle, of Portland.
who are spending the weekend at
the Stewart home.
Nathan Harvey was among
Orep.on City vlxltors Monday,
homo is at Ardenwald.
R. Y. Appleby, whose borne la at
Wllwauklo, wa an Oregon City via
lior Tuesday.
ago, which have always been most en
joyable events.
The committee appointed to take
charge of the affair L composed of
Mrs. Charles prlester, Mrs- Jame
Dawson, Mrs. Thomas Warner, Mrs.
Robert Ooodfellow and Mrs. Frank
T. Harlow.
Mrs. W. II. Donney entertained at
her home November 30th In honor of
her mother, Mrs. G. C. Armstrong, of
Redland, whose 76th birthday anni
versary occurred Thanksgiving day.
The affair was a mot enjoyable
occasion, and was In tbe form of a
surprise party, Mrs. Armstrong not
aware of what waa In store for ber
until arriving at the Donney home,
which was prettily docorated with
fern and other greenery and cut
flowers. Many beautiful flower and
gifts found their way to the Donney
home, and one of the event of tha
day was tbe elaborate luncheon serv
ed. The afternoon was apent In
Places were laid for Mesdames
Armstrong, Hendrexion, Schwartz,
Polehn, Allen, Hlnkle, Stewart, Goes,
Lewi. Rose, Hlnkle, Criter, Sholtz,
Donney, Mis Jessie Little, Annie
Ktewart, Edna Donney and Daby
Mrs. Armstrong t one of the prom
inent residents of that section of the
county, and ber many friend attend
Ing the party given In honor wished
her many more happy occasions of
that on November 30th.
The dinner served by members of
the Congregation church In the
church parlor Wednesday evening
was largely attended, and a most de
licious repast waa prepared and serv
ed by the women.
The table were decorated with cut
flower for the occasion.
For the pleasure of those attending
Mr. John Crawford and Jame Chinn
sang a number of popular selections,
with Mra. chinn pruildlag at the
Iter. Sullen and wife, of Portland,
were among tho guests, the former
giving an address during the evening.
Marlon Clark, whoae home Is at
Miss Maude Joyw, of Everette,
Wash,, who has been In Oregon City.
. . . i . t. . . .t II...
wiwre ne nn w.o guem !... . ColeMcKlroy and slater, Mia
Raymond Fuaon, left for her homo ... . ,,,,, vMii
Monday evening. Ml Joyce arrived M)H(( MrMroy I an mcompllsheo Marshfleld. I reglBterod at the Elect
nere a iew nay ago ,-.,..., " vlotnHtt am, hlu, tn i,pari )Pf,ire Lrlc
Mr. Raymond, Fuaon. after visiting , 0 (, BUdl,.nPe sh ,
her aunt. Mr. Fuson visited Her nun- m,,uii,r of tho orpheuin orchestra. Umla Funk, of Kedland, who U ouc
band, who hu ben conducting a con of the prominent farmer of that sec-
t.t for the linker Herald and tud yaer, of Redland. was Son, wa hero Tuesday.
or1nted with Jame jolinon. nmn ,,. ti,8 Oregon City visitor Si
formerly of the Morning Enterprise. UrdHyi John Yandll. of Dull Run. waa In
Orecon City Tuesday.
Her. W M. tluneri. formerly tatorl Among Oregon City visitor
of the Methodlut church of this city, I Saturday waa A rpiticrov. His Among those to transact buslneFa
now residing In Halem wits in Oregon home Is near llolcomb, and has re- here Tueaday wa R. Froman.
City Saturday evening on hi way toU-ently relumed from a business trip
iwik r:riv uhern ho erf elated at to laHima, un.
the. service Sunday. Rev. Gilbert isj
uirlntendent of the Salem District J
of the Methoillsl chu-ch, with head
quarters l Salem.
William Stubbe, of Fiitaeada,
here Tuesday.
Mr. A. F. Jack, who recently un-
dorwent a surgical operation at the
UkhI Sumaialun hispllal ln Port
land, la rapidly Improving. She Is
un.. Alle Iilermann left Friday now able to bo In a wheel chair, and
. . . 1 Avi.tAl. t .i Miiurn A kiln t..tmo In ihnf . t. . .
for Vancouver, wash., wnere ane nas "i ' lu rrom Tacoma, asn., iwonuay.
acnepteiV a position with tho Van near ruiure. v ni.e m m i"uiuuun
R. F. Schulte. of Sublimity, was
here Monday and Tuesday.
jy. I Jones, arrived in Oregon City
couver laundry. Wnlle ln that rlty Mm. Jack has been visited by her
-h will make her homo with her many jr.eou worn u.rK
slater. Mr. J. It Calne. formerly of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vlnderahe, or
Reaver Creek. w-e Oregon City vis
itor Saturday.
Oregon City.
Mm. W. It. Mott, of Salem, after
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. 8
V. Francis, of this city, Bnd her sis
ter, Mra. Charles Ixgler, of ClladHtono,
returned to her home Sunday evening
While hero Mrs. Mott attended sever
ai aoclal functions, among these be
Ing the golden wedding of Mr. and
Mr Chnrlw, Moran. ot tlinutuone.
Mrs. J. E- Moomaw, of Hubbard,
was In Oregon City Friday. Wbt'e
here she waa a guest of Mrs. C. O.
Dryden, of ThlrtoentJi and Center
streets. Mrs. Moomaw was accom
panied by ber busbnnd and little dan
Blier. MT, Moomaw pYocoenou to , .nd Mr8. charlo C. Dabcock
Portland on business, returning m ,nd othor Natives returned to their
The Rebeknh Club will give , silver
tea at the home of Mrs. John E. Sur-
fus at Sixth and Center streets tb'i
the evening.
home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mra. C. It. Hunnlngton,
who have been visiting ln Medford.
will return to Oregon City the first
of the week, whore they are to re
sume their residence Mr. Dunning
The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Dlount, of Cladstone, was the scene
of a merry gathering Sunday, when
the second wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosher, of Beaver
Creek, was observed. The wedding
anniversary occurred on November
30th, but ln order to have all relatives
attending, the arfalr was celebrated
Sunday. Mr. Mosher was formerly
Mis Dlowden Thomas, of Beaver
Creek, well known here.
Yellow chrysanthemum were used
most effectively among the house dec
orations, and Uie table was centcreo
with these yellow blossoms inter
mingled with dainty femsw
Places were laid for Mr. and Mra,
D. M. Lloyd, Miss Delias Blount and
Frank Dlount. of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. Abel Thomas, Mr. Bennett,
Mrs. Rieh, Margaret, William " and
Ivan Thomas, all of Beaver Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blount and daugh
ter, Helen.
Auction whist was enjoyed by mem
bers of the Tuesday Night WhJt
Club at the borne of Mr. and Mra. M.
D. L&tourette Tuesday evening, whe.n
Mrs. II. S. Mount wa awarded the
handsome towel as ladies' prize, and
Dr. Austin Huycke winning the
gentleman's prize, which was a $2. CO
gold piece.
Delicious refreshments were en
Joyed during the evening, when Mr
j Latourette was a-sslbted ln serving by
oer miner, alias ueswe fauuon.
Carnations, rosea and chrysanthe
mums artistically arranged formed
the house decorations.
Attending were Dr. and Mrs. V
Mount, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Jones, Dr
and Mrs. Clyde Mount, Mr. and Mrs.
E. B. Brodle, Dr. and Mrs. Austin
Huycke, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Rands,
Dr. and Mrs. L. A Morris, Mr. and
Mrs. Eter A. Chapman, Dr. and Mrs.
William KrassiB. Mr. and Mrs. L. L,
Porter, Mr. and Mra. Georee H. Tracy,
Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, Mrs
C. D. Latourette, Mrs- Bertha Adimp.
Mrs. Hattle Daulton, Miss Bessie
Daulton and Miss Helen Daulton.
Mary C. Tlmmerman fllc-d suit for
divorce Monday against Jullu Tlm
mnrman alleclnjr cruel and inhuman
ton was formerly connected with the ,refttmpnt )n the complaint. The
couple was married at Lyon, Ore-
Mr nnrt Un. Smith Tumor, Mr
M. I a Sharp and Harold Sharp, of WU
aonvllln. wero Oregon City visitors
Monday, having come here on bust 0rpRon Clty Cwdl Markc.t.
nees. Mrs. Miarp orouaui
handsome articles of her own handl- Mrr King and Mrs. Frank Smith,
work to bo placed on sale here. Mrs.0f ignn, were In Oregon City Friday.
Sharn also visited friends before re-iM--, King visited Mrs. C. W. Rugby,
turning to ber home. of thla city, and Mrs. Smith visited In
'i Portland before returning to tneir
Attorney T. 3. Meindl, accompanied home.
- . ...i -
by his sons, of I'ortland, spent tne
week-end at tne I,ar.oilfl rann i in Mine) viona ueu niiiiniii, oc
lliibt lira Meindl 1 m cnarge or me orants Pass, after spending a rew
farm, the fanlly visiting her the week- days also Thanksgiving In this city
end. Mr. and Mr. Meindl s son are as a Kuest of Miss Dorotny Marrora,
tnrtin the Portland schools. has returned to Salem. She Is a
student of tne state universny.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray weian, oi mis
t.wi.inD tho eoneratulatton
' .i.. ..,i.i . rtniirhter hornl Oregon Agricultural College who
over urn m ... - - I. .., w, r
in this city Monday, December 6tti. i pern Tiiiia
Lucille Joonette la th, name honor-J Mrs. F. Wleyeslek. and other relati
Ing the little one. and her weight U ,
olght pounds.
Mrs. Jlihn Aden and daughter, Mlis hi second year's work at the lnstl-
Mlss Geneva Young was a charm
Ing hoatess at her home the first of
the week, i--v i ghe entertained ln
honor of Mrs. I C. Llvermore, of
Pendleton, who was formerly Miss
Vada Elliott, of this city, and who is
visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
r. Elliott.
Cards were enjoyed during the
afternoon, when the prizes, corsage
bouquets of violets,- were presented
M-a. Llvermore and Mrs. M. A. Elliott
After several hours were devoted
to cards and music, a luncheon was
served by the hostess.
The Young home waa artistically
decorated with Oregon grape, potted
ferns and yellow chrysanthemums.
Attending were Mrs. Charles Bol
linger, Mra Delias Armstrong, Mrs
Ralph Green. Mrs. M. A. Elliott, Mrs
Charles Legler, Mrs. J. D. Olson, Miss
Edith Priebe, of Portland; Miss
Bertha Priebe, Miss Nellie Caufield, ot
this city; Mrs. L. C. Llvermore and
Miss Geneva Young.
Several other social affairs are be
ing planned in honor of Mrs. Liver
more before her departure for her
Jane Ice, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
J. Ice, was a charming little hostess
at the borne of her parents on
(Seventh and, Cen(ter Bt-ets When
she entertained a number of little
friends ln honor of her seventh birth
day anniversary..
Games and music were features of
tbe day. after which refres-imenia
were served. The table waa centered
with a birthday cake adorned with
lighted candles to mark the note of
birthday anniversary the tot has cele
brated. Mother Goose place cards
marked each place, and souvenirs
were presented to each guest
Pretty glfta were presented to Misaj
Jane ln honor of this occasion. j
The color scheme of the house dec -
orations was yellow and green. Chry
santhemums and Oregon ferns were
used most effectively.
Attending were Katherlne Barry,
Lewis Barry, Mildred Roake, Mary
Roake, Helen Hartman, William
Meissner, Barbara Welsh, Marion
Pope, Patricia Jewell, Dorothy Nobel,
Marjory Nobel, Eler Bernier, Willard
Dernier, Charlotte Martin, Betty Mar
tin, William Ice, Alice McNeil, Jack
Bollinger, Helen Blount, Merle Garret
son, Bobby Garretson, Jane Ice, "Fox"
Ice, "Goldie" Ice, the two latter pets
of the little hostess, who enjoyed the
festivities of the children.
gon. Nov. ZS, J90&. rnree minor
children are Involved which the moth
er asks the custody of.
When Run-Down
Ieslle Wlevealok, student of
v.- I
Myrtle, accompnnled by the former's
son-in-law, Fred Wagner, of Wllmon-
Tlllo, were In OroRon City Monday,
whore they transacted buslnoss.
tutlon. Wlevslek was In the marine
service during the world war.
Mrs. Oeorge Uzelle, of Portland
who mot with an automobile accident
aeveral years ago, causing her bus-
Mr. and Mra. Arthur Eugene Thorn
as are the happy parents of a dau
Rhter borrt November ' 22. Their
home Is near Oswego.
Anacortes, Wafh. "I had or
gsnie trouble for a long time. I
suffered from backache and those
heavy bearing paint, and my blood
was in bad condition. I had no ar
of I petite And was generally run-down,
Mr. nnd Mr. Stanifln. Lande,
band's doath, 1 much Improved, and J Oregon City, route 6, are receiving I used Dr. IMerce's Favorite Pre-
I now making her home in l oruana i congratulations over the arrival of a scription in connection with the
..I daughter, born November 28. , 'Golden Medical Discovery and Dr.
Mrs. ii F. way and little cn.m ieu Tw'a lWnnr. Pellet, and waa
Wednesday ovenlma for California, Miss Hazel Brundoll. of Portland. L.,r,ii ,.,i t rtnm.
where they win ,pnd several weeks aftPr siting Mrs. Anneta Hass, of mend Dr.' Pierce's medicines to aU
minims muium m i Fniirtecntn ana uenier sireeis. re j. n.. . vnnc
: , . . . 0 . .. my inenas. nins. a. aouc,
vuiuru iu ..... 1- C.,,.. nui;.,sru
visiting tho
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Dolkar, were Mrs. P. C. Howard, of Portland. Send Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel,
here Monday, whore they came on arrived In Oregon City Saturday af- Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial package
business. temoon. where he Is apendlng Sun- of Favorite Prescrintion Tablets
day with her brother, George Pepper.
Good looks in woman do not
B. R. Gregory, of Greenwood, was
among the Oregon City visitors Mon
day, coming! here on business.
A W. Bat, of Beaver Creek, prom fcnend uDon a. but upon health
Inent resident of that place, tran- You never bo a eood-looking
- iMm.Vii nf TiArtftw. j. " woman wuo is weait. ruii-uuwu,
m ID. AUBiru w I UruETi 1 I -w . T-W !
was In Oregon City Monday, having Ut. nerce s ravonie rrescrip-
been called to Beaver Creek by the Mrs. O. Schneider, of Redland, was on We DCSt women I wmc
death of her mother, Mrs. Eliiabethl among thoee to transact buslneaehere there 13. It 18 50 years old, and
Jones, who died Monday morning Saturday. . lt BR tesuhes to its gooduosn.
Little Mildred Legler wore a dainty
frock of pale blue voile embroidered
with rosebud.
Following the ceremony refresh
ments were served. Serving were
Mrs. Grace Ely, daughter of Mr. and
Mr. Moran, Mrs. Bert Taber, Mr
Charles Legler, Mra Charles Dickey,
Mrs. Ellen Eadea, Mrs. M. McOcehan
and Mrs. Gilbert Noe.
The Interior of the Moran home
was beautifully decorated, when yel
low chrysanthemums and fema were
used. Many golden colored blossoms
were sent a gjrt to Mr. and Mrs.
Moran In honor of their golden wed-
inl anniversary wn with thee.
carnation were used most effectively
In the house decoration. Many hand
some gifts were also received by the
Among the gifts waa a bandsome
bouquet of red and white carnations
from Mr. Moran's old homo, Franklin,
Indiana, the flower being in perfect
condition upon their arrival here.
Mr. and Mrs. Moran entertained
many friends during tbe afternoon.
Among those attending were: Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Dickey, Mr. and Mrs.
George V. Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Ely, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mum power.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Walker, Mr. and
Mr O. P. Roche. Mr. and Mm. E. H
Grant, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Marrs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Forshner, Mr. and
Mrs. C Schuebel, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Clyde, Mr. and Mra. Bert Taber, Mr,
and Mrs. N. H. Taber, Mesdames
Minda E. Church, M. Rivers, W. J
Rowan, W. L. Amen, T. 8. Rawlins
Grace Whltcomb, Paul Muke, Mildred
M. Stafford, Margaret Cavanaugh, L.!
A. Marshal, J. D. McFarlane, Margaret
S. Beattle, Cbris Grazier, Lucile
Meyers, Wm. Peters, Hannah Brown.
G. C. Fields, A. M. Porter, Clarenoe
Grant, G. A. Bergren, C. D. Legler, R.
S. Solomon, Verna Sears, Ellen R
Eada, Margaret Gardner, Ella Davb).
Craig, Elizabeth Hulburt, Victor L
Roche, S. V. Francis, William Royo
Mott. of Salem, M. McGeehan, Mabille
T. Grber, of Portland; Frank Mir
anda, H. H. Hulburt, F. M. Tosier, S.
E. Hathaway, M A. Dauchy, E. Har
rington; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Butler,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Noe, Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander Gill, Dr. Keeney Ferris.
Rev. W. N. Ferris, W. S- Moak, of
Portland; F. A. Miles, Mr. White, Mr.
Hulburt, Mary Margrail, Mrs. W C.
Green, Dr. M. C Strickland, Lillian
Gillett, Ernestine and Dorothy Dickey,
Stanford Ely.
Mr. and Mrs- Moran's marriage 50
years ago took place at Oskaloosa
Iowa, ln 1870. They came to Oregon
in issi, maKing tneir nome on a
farm for ten years, after which they
moved to Oregon City, and for a num
ber of years have made their home at
Glen Echo and now at Gladstone.
A singular coincidence is noted
by Mr. and Mra. Moran. They have
made their home at three different
places before moving to Gladstone,
and at each ot the places they have
spent ten years. They are looking
forward to the time of spending ten,
years more at Gladstone, where they'
have made their home for tbe past
six months.
Mr. and Mrs. Moran have three chil
dren, Mrs. Millard Gillett, of Seattle,
Wash.; Mra. Grace Eby, of Oregon
City, and Mahlon Moran, ot Tacoma
They have many friends In Clackama
county, who extended their congratu
lations on the day of the wedding an
niversary. Many messages found their
way to the home of the Moran family
from these at a distance who were un
able to be present on this occasion.
The engagement ot Mlna Haiel 11.
Brundell. popular Portland girl, and
Orvt'le Hal. Junior member of th
firm of Hall Son of Orenon CUf.
has been announced. The wedding
will take place soon.
Derthlck Club members were en
tertained at the home of Mr. L. I
Porter at West Una Friday afternoou.
with Mrs. Porter and Mr. L, U
Pickens as hostesses.
As the French music has been taken
up for study by the members, thl
was continued during tho afternoon,
with Mr. Raymond Caufield rlvtn
an Interesting reading on the subject.
Mr. L A. Henderson gave a num
ber of piano selections by French
composers. Her program consisted of
Caprice" from Alceste; "Gavotte"
from "Iphlgenle"; "Andante" from
"Orsea", by Gluck. Each number ws
gven In a most capable manner an
thoroughly enjoyed by thoee ln at
tendance. Arrangements were made for the
holding of the next meeting at tha
conclusion of the afternoon's program
This will be held during the holidays,
Friday, December 31st, at the home of
Mrs. Nleta Barlow Lawrence on
Twelfth and Washington streets, with
Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. E. R B rod to
as hostesses.
(Dainty refreshments were served
by Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Pickens.
The Porter home waa artistically
decorated for the occasion.
Attending were Mlwa Muriel
Stevens, Mrs. C. O. T. Williams, Mre.
Matilda Charman. Mrs. J. K. Hedges,
Mrs. Theodore Osmond, Mrs. John
F. RlgJey, Mrs. John F. Clark, Mrs. U
Adamp, Mrs. Raymond Caufield, Mra.
L. A. Henderson, Mrs. S. O. Dillman,
Mrs. J. W. Moffatt, Mrs. R. c Canon,
Mrs. J. B, Hickman, Mr. NMa Bar
low Lawrence, Mrs. E. E. Hrodle, Mra.
William Krarelf?. Mrs. C. G. Miller,
Mrs. Pickens and Mrs. Porter.
Mrs. J. D. Olson, formerly Mtea
Eva AUdredge ot tula city, now of
Portland, entertained at her home on
JIawthome Avenue Friday evening for
the pleasure of Mrs. U C. Lirermore,
of Pendleton, who was Miss vida El
lint, of this city, before her marriage.
Friends of Mra. Llvermore were bid
den to the affair an enjoyed the eve
ning cards. Delicious lunch was
w-rved during the evenlar by tha host
eaa and unique cards marked; the
places of each guest Tbe rooms ot
the Olson home were prettily df ctr
eied. Those making the trip from this
city ,.d Glad-.r- -it nut'm
bile, returning here at 1:30, after hav
ing a most delightful time.
The guests were Mrs. Ralph Green,
Mrs. M. A. Elliott, Mrs. Delias Arms
strong, Mrs. Charles Bollinger, Miss
Nell Caufield, Miss Geneva Yoang,
Miss Ruth Elliott, of tUs city; JLtra!
Charles Legler, of Glad if one; Mrs.
Thomas Myers, of Portland
The basaar given by the Ladles
Aid Society of Twilight at Twilight
hall Friday, Decembo: 3rd, was a de
eded success. Booths were arranged
about the room, whore were placed
on sale fancy articles, candy and a fish
A neat sum was made by the mem
bers in giving the affair.
The following were in change of
Fancy articles Mrs. Bentley
Mrs. Dodge.
Refreshments Mrs. Kelland
Mrs. Miller.
Exchange table Mrs. Meindl
Flah pond Miss Flora Frlck
Mrs. E. Frlck.
Candy Mlsa Florence Bentley
and Miss Gibson.
The regular Bemi-monthly meeting
of the Maple Lane Improvement Club
waa held at the horn of Mrs. F. E.
Parker, 620 11th street on Wednesday
afternoon. The meeting was in the
form of a miscellaneous shower for
Mrs- Frank Lee, nee Frances Smith,
who very recently became the bride of
Frank Lee, of Sllverton.
Mrs. Lee attend tbe local high
school and later completed a course
In nursing at the Good Samaritan
hospital. Since graduating she has
been engaged as a special nurse In
an Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat hos
pital in Portland.
Delicious retreshmeuts were served
by the hostess assisted by Mrs. John
Parker, to the following guests, Mrs.
William Eggtman and baby, Cleora,
Mrs. George Mlghella, Mrs Fletcher
Mighells, Mrs. A. Splinter, Mrs. A.
Taylor, Mrs. IL A. Heater, Mrs. N.
Horton, Mra- Charles Swallow, Mrs.
A. J. Lewis, Mrs. F. J. Alldredge,
Quevene Alldredge, Mrs. Delbert
Hart, of Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs. R.
Rumery, Mrs. Frank Lee, of Slverton;
Mrs. Charles Rosecrans, Mrs. John
Parker, Mrs. Ruth Boylan, Mrs. G.
Pagankopf and Mrs. George Brown.
Emery Dye, of this city, was among
those entertained at a social function
ln Portland Thanksgiving week, when
he attended a dinner dance in Port
land. Among those attending the af
fair were several of Mr. Dye's friends
who were with a traveling company
appearing at the Heillg, one of whom
was a heroine of the play, while an
other was a solo dancer. This Is the
first time Mr- Dye has met these ac
complished performers for some time,
and the affair given by members of
the company and with several Port
land friends of the Oregon City at
torney, was a most enjoyable occa
Mrs. George Rakel was hostess for
the Neighbors of Woodcraft Needle
Club at her home at Canemah Tues
day, which proved one of the most
enjoyable events held by the club.
Members engaged lu forming patches
tor a quilt to be presented to the new
home of the 'Woodmen of the World.
An appetizing dinner was served at
12 o'clock, when Mrs. Rakel was as
sisted In serving by several members
of the organization.
Attending were Mrs. J. L. Waldron
Mrs. J. K. Morris, Mrs. A. F. Parker,
Mrs. William Rakel, Mrs. Mary Caro
thers, Mrs- August Rakel, Mra John
Kent, Mr. Richard Freytag, Mrs. F.
B. Albright, Mrs. Lawrence Mautz,
Mra. Feter Wlnkel, Miss Clara
Wlnkel, Mra. William Krasslg and Mrs
George Rakel.
The next meeting of the club will
be held ln January.
At a meeting of the St Paul's Guild
of the St. Paul's Episcopal church
held Thursday afternoon at the parish
house, plans' were made for an
Epiphany party to be given at the
parish house January 6th. At this
time the annual pariah meeting Is
held for members of the church.
It was decided to hare a party aim
liar to those given a number ot years
Abemethy Grange Work Club met
at the grange hall at Parkplace Thurs
day when arrangements for the annu
al bazaar were completed. This will
be held Sturday, December 11th at
the grange hall-
Mrs. Matt Rivers, who la chariman
of the committee giving the affair has
appointed the following committees
ApronsrMrs. Dora Burns and Mrs,
Maude Glass. j
Candy Mrs. R. Wenger and Mlsa
Agatha Keely.
Fancy Articles Mrs. Frank Bernier
and Mlsa Esther Moore,
Elephant Booth Mrs. C. Schuebel
and Mrs. Bertha Keely.
Dinner Mre. John Kent, Mrs.
Harry Moore, Mrs, Matt Rivers, Mrs.
K. C. Felth.
Dinner, which will be served from
6 o'clock, will be followed by dancing.
The proceeds of the affair will be
applied on the piano fund.
Mr. and Mrs. A C. HuEhe. of
Gladstone, entertained Sunday. in
honor of Mr. and Mrs- H. H. Hughes,
and granddaughter. Miss Ida Phelps,'
of Oregon City, Sam Hughes a
brother from Salem; Mrs. Mavmie
Peck, an aunt, from Turner, Oregon,
and Mrs Maryanne Burlingame, a
cousin, from Pomeroy, Wash.
A number of pictures were taken
in group form. Music was a featnra
of the day. and a most deluthtful
1 unci eon was served at noon and
dinner in the evening.
Mrs. Peck ana Mrs. Burlingame
Vre been guests of A C. Hughes' eis
ter, Mary Hughes, for some time.
Oregon City will have its first taxi
service beginning today, and cars
will be available at all hours for thea
tre parties or otherwise. The service
has been instituted by the Pacifk
Garage, and Mort Parks, formerly In
the Garage business here, will have
charge of the taxis.
Included in the service will be sev
eral Ford sedans for the convenience
of parties or inclement weather, and
all trains arriving at the Bouthern
Pacific depot will be met by a taxi
. ; I
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moran cele
brated their golden wedding anniver
sary at their home at Gladstone Wed
nesday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock,
when many of their friends were In
vited to witness the "marriage" cere
mony, which was performed by.J. R.
Butler, an old time friend of the fam
ily, and a veteran of the war ot '61.
Preceding the marriage ceremony
Mrs. M. F. Walker, of Glen Echo sang
Impressively "I Love You Truly."
Mrs. Butler was the accompanist
and also played the weddnlg march.
Little Mildred Legler, of Gladstone,
daughter of Mr. and Mr. Charles Leg
ler, acted as flower girl ind scattered
tiny golden blossoms from a basket as
she entered the room. Lohengrnl's
Wedding march wa rendered. Follow
ing came the matrons ot honor, Mrs,
Joseph Gerber, of Portland; Mrs. W.
B. Mott, of Salem; Mrs. Ellen Eades
of Gladstone, and Mlsa Lillian Gillett,
of Oregon City, bride's maid, then the
"bridegroom" and his "bride."
Mrs. Moran wore a becoming gown
of black silk and white flschu. Her
corsage bouquet was of golden color
ed chrysanthemums. She also wore a
tiny spray of orange blossoms that
was worn on her wedding day fifty
years ago.
The matrons ot honor and bride's
maid, carried shower bouquets of yel
low chrysanthemums.
The bazaar given by the King's
Daughters ot the St Paul's Episcopal
church at the parish house Saturday
afternoon and evening was one of the
moet successful ever given by the or
Handsomely made articles were dis
played in prettily decorated booths,
and preaided over by members of the
society. Never before was there a
larger and more beautiful display of
fancy and useful articles of the soclty
than on this occasion. Members had
worked diligently for the past year in
preparing for the event, and their ef
forts well repaid them, for there wa
a demand for the goods. The proceds
amounted to a neat sum.
During the evening Judge Grant B.
Dimick, auctioned a quilt, and proved
to be one of the main attractions, for
the Judge has a "nack" of bringing
In the "shekels" for an affair like this.
His "spiellingJ caused much merri
ment among the large throng attend
ing, and he was given a big ovation
at the conclusion of his "spiel."
From 6 to 7 o'clock the Girls
Friendly Society of America under the
supervision of Mrs- J. J. Tobln, served
a delicious dinner, which was well
patronized. Mrs. Tobln and the girls
had the dinner well arranged, and
they served their guests ln a most
charming manner.
Contest ot the will of the late Mrs.
Rachael Phillips, who died last spring
In West Linn, has been set for Wed
nesday ot this week before Probate
Judge Anderson- Mrs. Phillips left
an estate valued at $28,000, and be
queathed it all to the First Baptist
church of Oregon City, the Old Folks
Home of Salem, and to the Monmouth
Normal school equally, and named
William M. Stone as her executor..
She failed to mention any of her rel
atives; and Mrs. Rebecca Tnrney, her
sister, filed proceedings to Invali
date the witt. Four other sisters and
brothers reside in the Hast. Mr.
Turney is represented by District At
torney Hedges. The attorney for the
executor is Livy Stipp.
greetings sent by legion
head to French commander
New York, Dec 8. F. W. Galhralth,
Jr., national commander of the Ameri
can Legion has cabled the greetings
of the Legion to Charleee Bertrand,
of France, president of the Inter
national Conncll of Veterans Associ
ations, recently formed in Paris. Tea
nations are represented on the oun
cil. Cabot Ward, of the America!
Legion, is vice president Mr. Gal
braith ia one of the originators of
the movement for a veterans "league
of nation a"
Guy H. Pace, deputy county clerk,
has Just received a medal awarded
for dlstlngushed service in the 17. 8.
Marine Corps during tbe world war.
Mr. Pace enlisted as a private Decem
ber 20, 1917, and waa discharged
January ?a, 1919. The medal &
bronze and Is a handaome lekea. -