Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 10, 1920, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Pukttotw IvWy Friday.
E. C BMODIE, lei Ur ewel FHifcUehw.
EMr4 at Orera City, Ort. Pet
tTlCt M MWtllHI Brttw.
ufcrttJa Rm:
Bia Uulkl .Tl
Trial Sutseriatio, Twi Motlka .$
fafcsortMrs will lf tit oai i
ptratton iud their p9rt toi
ItwUf thtlr matt. II laat ferment U
ot eiedited. klily Mtlfy at, and
lb auater will r Irt car atteatle
TiTrttrtB Bate n ataUeaUea.
Twenty more road district In
Clackam&t county have voted an ad
ditional road tax for the year 1920,
and the amounts run all lh way
from five to ten mills. Districts
which have held meetings recently
and voted additional tax, are as fol
lows: District No. 266 mills; to be spent
on the following roads: Marion road.
$397; Middle road, 1298.50; MeCabe
road. $49.75; Harris road, $29.S5;
Dougla road, $19.90.
District No. 275 mills; money to
be spent on cut and grades from
Hammond's house to Stukis place.
District No. 2910 mills; 15 per
cent on Judd road; 40 per cent south
and east of school house; 15 per cent
west school house; 20 per cent Don
ahue road; 10 per cent on Fosberg
District No. S4 10 mills; money .to
be spent on roads In district
District No. 3710 mills; Matoon
road, $750; John Fiken road, $928;
Oregon City to Viola, $375; . Crane
Hill, $928: Crosan Hill, $375; J. M.
Harden road, $375.
District No. 38 5 mills; on roads
in district this vote stood 20 to 29
with chairman's vote deciding in
favor of the tax.
District No. 3910 mille; Estacada
line to Tbos. Yociim's, $500; Bawllns
to Cook place. $1000; Davis to Wilcox
place, $$00; Porter district road, $900:
from Dr. Palmeeter's south, $500;
Krteghbaum and Huxley roads; $250,
from Tracy place south, $300; from
Yocum's east, $500; Yocum main road
$500; Pinkleys towards Estacada,
District No. 4010 mills; 30 per
cent on S. A S. club house to Thomas
place; 35 per cent from Horders on;
27 per cent from Clausen place; 10
per cent on Kaufman road.
District No. 4110 mills; to be
spent on roads in the district.
District No. 4310 mills; 20 per
cent on Seth Austin road; 20 pei
cent on Ramsey road; 20 per cent on
Meadowbrook road; 20 per cent on
Johnson road; 10 per cent on Hck
road; 10 per cent on Shaffer-Dickey
brdige road.
Districf No. 465 mills; Mill
Creek road, $550; Nock's corner to
Canby, $700; Canby road, $300; Sult
on's corner to Pacific Hy, $150;
Barns Hill road. $75; Eany to A.
B-ickson's corner, $305.
District No. 4S 10 mills, spent on
roada In district
District No. 5110 mills; on five
roads out of Marquam.
District No. 610 mills; 65 per
cent on Sandy Dodge road; 35 per
cent south on City Hall road.
Dist-ict No. 1210 mills; spent on
roads In district
District No. 1410 mills; Krus
Cooper road, $100; from Boeckman's
west $100; Kruse Creek road, $1200;
road between 1 and 15, $250; Barnes
road, $100; Thompson-Sharp road,
$500; Peters road, $500; Scholtx
Nemlc road, $500; Francis road, $200;
Meridain road, $800. !
District No. 178 mills; roads in
District No. 2310 mills; 23 per
cent Badford road; 32 per cent Paul
Dunn road; 45 per cent Oregon City
District No. 2410 mills; roads in
District No. 2010 mills; Cutt-off
road, $500; Foster road, $1300; Rock
Creek road, $900; Sunnyside road,
$550; Henrlch Toad $200; Oregon,
City road, $300. '
It is rumored that protest will be
offered to the city council at its neit
meeting in regard to the dirty condi
tion of Main street. Several busi
ness men allege that a number of
auto accidents have occurred during
the past few days on account of the
slippery condition of the raa'.n busl
nesa thoroughfare and that mud and
slime in some places is over an inch
The city ordinance regarding the
cleaning of the street provides that
one man shall be employed at $120
per month, and two men at $90 per
month, to wash and clean up Main
etreet when needed, and that the lat
ter two men are und the supervis
Ion of the mayor.
Thien Case Threshed
Out in Court Here
The divorce case of Thien vs. Thien
took up the greater part of the day
in the circuit court here Thursday.
Wm. Thien entered suit for a divorce
against Minnie M. Thien last August,
and the wife entered counter com
plaint Two minor children were in
volved, and both parents asked for
the custody of the children. Judge
Campbell awarded the children to an
aunt, and gave the divorce to Mrs.
Thien, with the understanding that
he pay $5 per month and the husband
pay $30 per month towards the main
tenance of the children. The couple
reside near Oswege( Judge Hayes
was the attorney for Thien and Dai
Halarkey of Portland, for Mrs. Thien.
A County Federation of Women's
Cluht was. organised on Thursday
afternoon at the Commercial Club
parlors with 26 delegates represent
ing various activities of organised
women at Oregon City, Oak Grove,
Milwaukie, Oswego, Ikplaoe, Clack'
amas. West Linn, New Era, Wilson-
vtlle, Meldrum, Concord, and other
sections of the county. With some
changes the constitution and by-law
of Marlon and Yamhill counties was
Special social, educational
civic work of the various
munilles ably presented by
M. C. Young of Wilsonvtlle,
Iatha Marx, of Milwaukie;
Mrs. Mrs.
Elisabeth Matthews, of Oak Grove;
Mrs. Elisabeth E. Fetttnger, ot
Oswego; Mrs. Curtia Dodds, of New
Era; Mrs. J. J. Tobin, of Oregon
Mrs. Lucy Trabue, of Clackamas;
Mrs. L E. Pope, of Parkplace: Mrs.
W. T. Phillips of Concord; Mrs. J. B.
Lewthwaite, of West Linn, and oth
ers. For the first time women of
Clackamas county began to really
get acquainted and further meetings
are planned for the future. Mrs. Eva
Emery Dye was elected county presi
dent and Mrs. William Brown secre
tary of the new federation.
Reports from the various sections
would make racy reading, the school
and other civic work at Wllsonville,
the difficulties the Oswego women
have In coming to Oregon City even
to pay their taxes, much less to trade,
all for lack of a jitney; the need ot
access to a county library reported
from every section; Mrs. Lucy Tra
bue reported Clackaas preeminently
a woman's town, with Miss Agnes
Mar.her, station agent; Miss Echel
Foster, post mistress: Mrs. Mabel
Clark notary public; Mrs. Anna Horn-
berger, confectionary store;1 Mrs.
Susie Herrington, Hotel Clackamas;
Mrs. Lena Straight Workman's
Home; Mr. Lily Haberlach, grocer:
Mrs. A. Mather, secretary of the com
munity club, Clackamas Cemetery
Association and Rebecca Lodge;
Mrs. Emma Jones, director Clacka
mas dramatic club; Mrs. O'Connor.
Miss Mabel Smith and Miss Hazel
Morley, teachers of the public school ;
Mrs. Delia Johnson, city laundry;
Mr& Starts, president Congregational
aid society.
No wonder the women of Clacka
mas county are going to federate
They need to.
It was decided to have no dues and
to take hi all women's organization?
working for the good of the county.
Aurora Gtizens Want
Action From Court
AURORA. Dec. 2. A petition has
been circulated in the Union Hill
road district asking the county court
of Clackamas county to appoint Joe
Resch as road supervisor in that dis
trict It la understood that the pre
sent supervisor, Fred Sohn, is not a
candidate for re-appointment. It b
also said that the taxpayers of the
district are disappointed that the
court has not allowed the money on
hand to be used to gravel the roads
of the district, and will u-ge that act
ion be taken at once to use the funds
A saw mill , belonging to the Clear
Creek Lumber Company, was destroy
ed by fire at Estacada some time dur
ing Tuesday night The night watch
man punched in his time at 11:30
o'clock and a half hour later the mill
was in flames- The fire started from
the engine room, and some insurance
was carried on the property.
Effect of Columbia basin rate de
Yields to Portland richest wheat-p-oducing
territory of the Inland Em
pire. Establishes a 90-cent rate for Port
land as contrasted with $1 haul to
Seattle, Tacoina and Astoria.
Ratifies, the contention that the
Columbia river water grade is most
economical haul.
Creates a differential In wheat rate,
all other commodities corresponding,
cf 2 cents for each 100 pounda In
favor of Portland.
Adds immeasurably to prestige and
prosperity of Portland as port and dis
tributing center.
Makes certain that all export g-ain
shipments, as well as other eiport
commodities, will roll down vwater
grade to the sea via Portland.
Ends decisively, the discriminatory
northwestern rates that have throt
tled the commercial development of
Family Successful
in Dairy Business
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Durrell, who are
engaged in dairying at Mount Pleas
ant, started in the dairy business
in Oregon City with one cow about
two years ago, the cow supplying five
patrons besides the Durrell family
Mr. Durrell believing that there
was a good demand for milk, he and
his wife decided to enter the business
on a larger scale. They rented the
Dtllman fajrm at Mounjt Pleasant,
where they added more cows to their
herd. Later, they leased the place at
Mount Pleasant; consisting of over
40 acresv planting some of the ground
to feed, and the remainder for pastur
age. Now they own 25 head of cows,
of the Jersey, Holsteln and Guernsey
breed, and have increased their busi
ness to about 40 customers.
The Durrels have purchased; an
automobile truck to deliver milk In
Oregon City,
Mrs. William Stoever. of Twelfth
and Monroe itrveus city, suffered
severe bruises about the arms .aud
body Friday evening, when she fell
the. full length of a stairway to the
sidewalk near her residence. Mrs.
Stoever's Injuries, although not critic
al, are keeping nor confined to her
honte. She has been a resident of
Clackamas county for the past 43
years and Is well known.
At the Oswo city election held
Monday, the following officials were
A. C. Hess, mayor.
Mat Didiun, Will Boyd. Ed. Wank
er. Will BIckner, Phillip Pollard and
Tom Fox, councllmen. t
D. D. Pox, recorder.
Chas. BIckner, treasurer.
Chas. Dldxun, marshall.
Christ Fell was arrested Thursday
afternoon charged with attempting tu
do bodily harm to the person of Peter
Blumn. The Varrant was served by
Constable Fortune ,and Foil was al
lowed his freedom on his own re
cognizance. The trial will come up
before Judge Stipp Saturday morning
In the Justice court. Both partly
live at Beaver Creek, and the case is
the result over a disagreement be
tween the two men over tresspassing.
Mrs. Ralph Parker
buffers Broken Arm
Mrs. Ralph Parker, of this city,
fell to the floor of her apartments in
In the Busch building Wednesday af
ternoon and broke her right arm. Dr.
Mount was called and set the brok
en bone. Mrs. Parker is reported to
be resting easily.
GROOM, 73,
Harvey G. Parker, ged " 73, and
Clara Belle Scott, aged CI, secured
a marriage license from County Clerk
Miller here today. The couple live
In Clackamas county.
CHICAGO, Dec. 2. Suggestions of
possible coming shortage, of thread
supplies in the United State accom
panied a buying scare today In the
wheat pit on exchange. Prices ran
up 11 cents a bushel for March de
livery, the principal future contract
traded In at present
Latourette Honored
BytheY.M.C. A.
Dr. Kenneth Latourette, son of Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Latourette, of this
city, who is an instructor in Denison
University, Ohio, will bo a delegate
to the international conference of the
Y. M. C. A. The conference will be
at Glascow, Scotland and Dr. Latour
ette will sail from New York Decem
ber 23, and expects to return to the
United States about January 23.
Dr. Latourette spent his summer
vacation here with his parents and
other relatives, resuming his position
with the University of Ohio in Sept
Voters of the Aurora school district
by a vote of 69 to 45, have disapprov
ed the proposal to retire the high
school bonds voted last May. It was
p-oposed to use the funds obtained
ffom the 8a,e of th" nds to retire
them, and not build the high school
for which the bonds were originally
More than a hundred million dol
lars are lost In Oregon and other
states by failure to use economically
the corn stover and straw from which
the seed crops were taken. Use of
these by-p-oducts as feed and bed
ding for livestock would increase the
profits of fanning, nays the O. A. C.
farm management department. About
one-third of all straw grown in (he
country is used to a disadvantage
either by burning or plowing under
directly. Its best use is through live
stockdairy cows and heifers, and
sheep, especially.
Malnutrition of children is mone
pronounced in the upper than in the
lower grades of the Corvallls schools.
The girls of the upper grades are
more underweight than the boys, and
the boys are more eager to correct
the faults than the girls. Joint ef
forts of child, mother, and nutrition
advisor are essential to successful
correction O. A. C child welfare.
Storm May Hit
Oregon State Soon
Storm warnings were sent out from
the Portland office early this morn
ing! and by 7 o'clock danger signals
were flying all along the Oregon and
Washington coasts.
A Family Appeal to Santa
Iw4 CfcrtlM
lVar Sauta, bring a dolly
With great big, dreamy eyes;
That gvVs to aleep and wake again
And laugh and atn ami cries.
And bring gome pretty droaat,
A folding gO;irt too
An extra pair of . slippers
All shiny, nice and new.
Some candy, nuts and oranges,
A bird that flaps Its wings.
A little toy piano, a violin with
Dear Santa, been very good.
At least I've tried and tried.
So please leave me these pretty
And 111 be satisfied.
Dear Santa, bring m peaceful rest;
Bring harmony and Joy,
Bring ni the wisdom and the love
To teach my girl and boy.
Bring me my neighbor's sympathy
When troubles con my way;
Bring me the patience to endure
My trials day by day.
Bring me the will and strength to meat
Each storm as it occurs.
And Santa also bring to me
A coat of beaver furs.
Dear Santa, bring me civic pride;
Bring nie some friends who're true;
Bring me the strength and skill to do
The beet that I can do.
Give me the kindness to forgive
The men who Injure me:
Give me a rod, a dog. a gun;
The "Flag that makes you free."
Briug m the songs of brooks ano
Bring me the breath of spring;
And Santa, brings a barrel of ca-sh
To pay for everything.
COPENHAGEN. Dec. T. Announce
ment has been made that the Nobel
peace prize will be conferred on
President Wilson of the United Stat
es December 10.
An auto truck, loadoj with flour
on the way to Portland, crashed over
the embankmmeni on the highway
between this city and Nw Era Mon
day and the driver of the machine
was severally shaken up and bruised
about the body.
The driver of the truck, in attempt
ing to give room to an oncoming
laundry Jitney, drove too close to the
embankmment, and the heavy mach
ine fell Into the deep ditch near Pulp
Siding. The driver was picked up
by a crew of construction men on
road work, and after being revived,
was sent to his home by train. The
truck la still in the ditch.
A few of the high lights In Presj
dent Wilson's message to congress
Tuesday :
' 1. Passage of a budget bill to
stabilize the government's finances.
2. Strictest economy In govern
mental expenditures In order that
the burden of taxation be lightened
and the national debt decreased.
3. Revision of simplification sys
tem, which he declared has become
"an Immediate necessity."
4. Adequate provision for disabled
soldiers and sailors.
5. The granting of a loan to the
"struggling government of Armenia."
6. Granting to the Philippines
their independence, "ns 'tlvey have
succeeded In maintaining a stable
Suit was broiurM In! tha circuit
court here Monday by I. T. Desmond
actalnst C. E. Zeek to recover the
possession of a piece of land known
as the Desmond farm, located in
Clackamas county. Desmond alleges
that Zeek rented the farm for a num
ber of yea-s at $300 per year, and
that Zek has not paid the rent for
the past year.
OF ONLY $100
VANCOUVER. Wash., Dec. 7.
riurglars broke Into the Bank of Hat
tleground, a few miles from this city,
some time during the night, but got
little loot In retu-n for their work.
The loss Is estimated at probably Io:-t
tnan iuu.
Powdered lead arsenate l usually
better than the paste forms. If the
Ufler 1 Is remote from the place of
manufacture the paste Is very likely
to have been partly dried out or froz
en before it is usl. A solution of 1
pound of acid lead arsenate to 400
gallons of water proved effective in
killing small tent caterpillars. O. A.
C. farm chemistry.
Henry O. Gans, of Clackamas coun
ty, has entered suit for divorce
against Mildred Gans here. Plaintiff
Is a discharged marine, and alleges
that his wife had deserted him. The
couple was married at Vancouver,
Aug. 2, 1918. ,
Portland Police Are
Due for Shake-up
Changoa aunounced and Impending
In Uureau of IVlioe.
Mrs. !,ola Q, Haldwtn, who had
chamee of the women's protective divi
sion for years, and who has been ah
sent on leave doing special govern
mental work since, February, 1918,
win return to her ctly position won.
Mrs. O. F. Frankel, prominent club
woman, who haa been In charge, will
remain as an assistant
Mayor Hnker will give Mrs. (tntdwln
absolutely authority, be snys, and will
hold her responsible for results. A
reduction in personnel U predicted.
Mayor Hakor announces he will
muke thorough study of the folic
yatem In vogue In Herkley, Cal., and
probably adopt It here, revolution It Ing
the local bureau.
Chief Jenkins announce plan of
holding reliefs responsible for moral
work la so satisfactory ha may
abolish east side station.
Arthur Paugh entered suit for
damages for the sum of 12350 against
Archie Hullls and Jane Doe Hullls In
the circuit court here Friday. Haugh
allege that he rented a house In
Heaver Creek from A. Havlll and
wife, and that while he was gone to
another city, his wife locked up the
home and came to ste him. He allege.)
that whlln he and his wife wore gom.
Ilutlla and wife moved Into the bourn',
and stored the furniture belonging to
him on the front porrh. He nllegcs
thut this made his wife very III and
In consequence ask for Judgment
against llulll and wife for the sum
of $2250 and costs of the case.
Irene Maxwell, resident, of this
county, entered suit for divorce her
against Jesse Maswoll Monday, 1
lglng cruel and inhuman treatment
In her complaint. The couple was
married In California Oct, to, 1911.
One minor child Is involved, which
plaintiff aks the court for the cus
tody of.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of George
Peach, decerned. All person hav
Ing claims against said estate are
hereby notified to preannt the sumo
with proper vouchers, duly Certified
according to law. at the office of
Ilrownell & Slevers, Ht Oregon City.
Clackamas County, Oregon, within
six months of the date of the publi
cation of this notice.
Dated. Friday, November 26. 1920.
Attorneys for Administratrix.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
derslgned has bees appointed admin-j
letrator of the estate of George 11.
Kelly, "deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate ni'o
hereby notified to present tho same
with proper vouchers, duly certified
according to law, at the office of
i'.rownoll A Blovers, at Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, within
six months of the date of the publi
cation of this notice.
Dated, Friday, November 26, 1920.
Ad ml n st ra tor.
Attorneys for Admlnstrator.
Oregon City, Oregen.
In the Matter of the Estate
Morris Riley, deceased.
Notice is hnrebjy given that the
undersigned Executrix of the Estate
of Morris Riley, deceased, has filed
her final account in the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for the Coun
ty of Clackamas, in the above Bstate,
and the County Judge has set Mon
day, December 13, 1920 at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M., in the County Court
room In the Court house at Oregon
City, Clackamas County, Oregon as
the time and place for hearing of
objections to the said final accoant
and for settlement thereof.
Date of First Publication, Novem
ber 12, 1920.
Attorneys for executrix.
"Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Laban Mauld
lng, deceased. All persons having
cal lms against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same with
proper vouchors, duly certified ac
cording to law, at the office of Brown
ell A Slevers, at Oregon City, Clacka
months of the date of the publication
of this notice.
Dated, Friday. November, 12, 1920.
Attorneys for Administrators.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
U II. Klrchem, Plaintiff,
Edgar Horner, Amos Millard, Ne
braska Bridge Supply A Lumber
Co., a corporation, Defendants,
To Edgar Horner, above named de
fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon:
Ton are hereby required to appear
and answer the Complaint filed
against you in tho above entitled suit
on or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of first publica
tion of this ssmmons, which date ot
expiration Is fixed by order of above
entitled Court as Monday, January ,
D, C La to u itt I, FrwMUM F. J, If it it. CabJ
The Fint National Bnk
f Orttgoa City, Ottgon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
TraAMfti a General Banking BuaiitcM Ofn Irani f A. M. t 3 P. M.
1911, and it you to tall to appear and
answer, plaintiff will apply to the
Court tor tha retolf prayed tor In his
complaint, to-wit: For the foreclosure
ot a certain chattel mortgage dated
August 18, 1917, for $uoono and re
corded In Vol. 11 page 43 Chattel
Mortgage Records ot said County aud
Stats, on which $400.00 has been paid,
and on certain Chattel Mortgage for
$83100 dated March I, 1930. and re
corded In Vol. IS, page 14ft Chattel
Mortgage Record! ot said County and
Slate, on which $200.00 ha boon paid
and tor $150.00 attorney's foes and
costs herein, which said mortgages
cover and are a lieu Upon the follow
lug described personal property In
Clackamas County, Oregon, tc-wlt:
On 11x15 Russell engine complete
with fittings; one Kusaell Holler com
plete with steam pump, smokestack
and fittings; ono Powers Planer com
plete with knives, belts, blower, etc.;
one No. I Russell Saw rig with one
fifty Inch saw and one forty-eight Inch
aw and feed works; one carriage,
four head blocks and sot works; on
friction log turner; one log haul; one
lab car and truck; one cutoS taw
frame and 14 Inch cutoff saw
lumber truck; five line shafts wita
pulleys and belts; all mlscellaneoui
tools, belts, gears and scraps.
Also one 11x15 Russell Automatlo
Governor Engine No. 10J8.
And tor such other and further re
lief as to this Court seems meet and
equitable. ,
This Summons Is published by order
of the Honorable J. U. Campboll,
Judge ot the above entitled Court,
which order Is dated Novomber 18,
First publication November 19, 1920.
Last publication December $1, 1920.
O. D. EllV.
Attorney for plajntlff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for tho County of Clacka
T. R. loln. Plaintiff,
Mildred Iteaden, IWendant.
To Mltdrvd I louden, dufendant:
In the name of the State of Or
Ron you ure hereby required I ap
pear and answer the complaint flb'a
Hpulnst yott in the above untitled suit
on or before the 3rd clay of Deciimber,
1 3-0. nhl dite being more thun sl
weeks from the date of flrxt publica
tion of thin summons, and If you full
to answe- suld complaint, for wnni
thereof plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed fo rln hli
coin plaint, to-wlt: for a decere din
solving the bonds of mutrlmony here
tofore existing between the plaintiff
and granting a decree of divorce and
for sucn other and further relief ai
the Court shall deiu meet to grant.
Thla uumiwirt I ru A ttrvi-n u.mi!
by order of the Honorable J. IT. ('nini
bell. Judge of the above etitltl'Vl
Court, made and entered on the 21 it
dny of Onober. 1920, directing that
such publication be made In (he Ore
gon City Enterprise, once a week for
six Inrresslve weeks, the fl-st publi
cation therwf, being the 22nd day of
October, 1920. and the !t publica
tion thereof lelng the 3rd day of De
cember, 1920.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
226 Jefferson St, Portland, Oregon
In the Justice's Court for Dlvtrlcl
Number 13. Clackamas County,
State of Oregon.
Paul R. Mvlnlg, Plaintiff,
George Mather, Defendant
To George Mather the abort named
In the name of the State ef Oregoa
you are hereby required to appear
and anewer the complaint fUee
against you In the above entitled suit
on the 4th day f December. 1920,
which It more than sit weeks from
the date of the first publication' ot
this summons, and If yea fall to so
appear and answer the said complaint,
for want thereof the plaintiff wilt take
a Judgment against you for the sum
of $33.31 and hl costs and disburse
ments herein; also a Judgment order
that certain pe-sonal property now
held under attachment by the Ieputj
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregoa.
in said District 13, to be sold to Mitlof)
aid Judgment and costs and disburse
mentt and securing cottt.
Thlt summons 1b published In put
suance to an order for service there
of upon you by publication, dated
October 20th, 1920 made by Honon
able J. M. C. Miller, Justice of tha
Peace for District number 13. Clack
amas County, Oregon, dl'ecttng that
this summons be published ones t
week for six conscutlve weeks.
Date Of first publication October
22nd, 1920.
Date of last pnbllcaflos Dreember
Ird, 192.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
My postofflre address Is Saady, Ore
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Ettacada State Bank, a corporation,
W. C. Repass, Florence Repass and
O. W. Messelhlsen, Defendant!
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, sn-
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and nnder the seal of the above
entitled court, In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 21st day of October 1920, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered in
said court on the 15th day of October
1920, In favor of Betacada State Dank,
a corporation, Plaintiff, and against
W. C. Repass, Florence Repass and 0
W, Messelhlsen, Defendants, for the
sum of $334.85, with Interest thereon
t the rate of six per cent per annum
from the 8th day of Apirl 1920, and
the fntrher sum of $50 W, as attor
aey"t fve, aid the further earn ef
Oetutjerctal, Heal Betate and
PreWle eur leesiartlee. Ot
eee la First Hetleeel Bank
ItUa., Oregea City, Oregusv
O. . IIY
Meawy teeeed, ktlraeU turalsb
e U title eaeeBlaed. eeUtee
eltled, teeereJ law bes4a eee
Over feeli ef ea CNy.
William HMe4l
rtittte L. NeNtmene)
AKatoaela, Ileal Betata, Lin. Imo
PweWe reM 11 Bmm Mm A 171
rteac 441
fitevens Bldf ., Orege City, Ore.
$:'9 00 routs and dtboremnU, aad
the i-oHtt of and upon thlt writ, com
mand lug mo to muke sale of the fol
lowing described real property, lt
ate In the County of Clackamas, stuto
of Oregon, towlt:
lt numbar Four (4) In Block num
bered Eighteen (IS) of the orlKlual
Tow unite of Estitcnda .('lnckiimn
County, Oregon, according to tho duly
recorded map and plut as shown and
designated by the Records of Haiti
town, County and Slate; and lots
numbered Three (31 and Four (4) of
Muck numbered Twenty three (23)
ot First Addition to ltnrad, On.
gim, according to th duly recorded
limn utiil pint a shown mid designat
ed by the records of said town, County
and Slain.
Now, therefore, by vlrtun of suld
ecutloii, Judgment order and derm
and In compliance with the command
of Willi writ, I will, on Saturday, the
1Mb day of December 1920: at tHo
hour of 10 o'colck A. M . at the front
dixr of the County Court House In the
City .if Oregon City. In said County
and Ktnto. sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for lT, H, gold coin raith in
hand, nil the right, title and Interest
which the within named defendant
or either of them, had on the date of
the mortuiiKe herein or since had In
or to the above d"'crlbd ven pro
pe-ty or any part thereof, to satisfy
said execution. Judgment order, de
cree, Uiteredt, coete and all accruing
W, J W It .HON.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
K. C. ! racket t. Deputy,
tie ted. Oregon City, Ore., Novomber
12th 1920.
In the Circuit Court of the State ef
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
nun. N. W. Jones, Plaintiff,
Chariot II. Duffy, administrator ef th
KsUtc of Martin T. Ihiffy. deceased.
Charles B. Duffy, John 0. Duffy,
Luke P. imffy and Patrick F. Dsffy.
State of Oregon, oC'unty of Clacka
mas, sa
lly vlnjue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued
out of and under the seal of the abov
entitled court, In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and datod
the 29th day of October 1920, upon u
Judgment rendered knd entered la
said court on the 2!h day of October
1920, In favor of N. W. Jones Plaintiff,
and against Charles B. Duffy, admin
istrator of the Batata of Martin t.
Duffy, Charles R. Iuffy, Joha O. Duf
fy. I. like P. Duffy and Patrick F. Duf
fy, Defendants, for the sum of $!,
fiOO.00, with Interest thereon at the
rate of eight percent per annsm from
the 24th day of April 1917, and the
further sum of $200.00, at attorney's
fee, and the further sum of $14.9
costs and disbursements, and the cost
of and upon this wlrt, commanding
me to make Mile of the following des
cribed real property, sltaate in the
county of Clackamas, state of Oregon,
Irfits hnmbe- thirteen (13) and
fourteen (14) and the Southerly o'ie
half (S, &) of lot number fifteen (IB)
Arcadia, nald Southerly one-half (V4)
of mild lot fifteen (15) being denerll)
ed ar, boglcalng at the Southwest (K.
V.) ewe of taid lot fifteen (li)
ra fkl kAirtt (N. IV.) corner of
lot fourteen (14), thence Northerly
on the line of the County Road, fifty
(GO) feet, thence Rasterly parallel to
the lino between lots foarteen (14)
and fifteen (15), fifty (10) feet there
from to the R. P. R. R. Pne; thence
southerly along th right-of-way or
said railroad, fifty (50) feet to the
Southeast (S. B.) corner of said lot
NfWn (15) to the place of beginning.
Now, therefore, by virtae of said
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the com
mand of said writ, I will, on Satur
day, the 11th day of December 1920;
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. V , at the
front door of the County Court House
In the City of Oregon City, In enld
County and State, sell at public am
tion, subject to redomptlon, to the
highest btdded, for U. S. gold coin
cash in hand, all the right, title 011
Interest which the within named de
fendants or either of them, had on the
date of the mortgage herein or since
had In or to the above described real
property or any part thereof, to satis
fy said execution, Judgment order,
decree, Interest, costs and all accru
ing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas Oonnfy .Oregoa.
By B. C. Haekttt, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., November
12th, 1924