Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 10, 1920, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Cmtci1c Frm AB Orr th
Tk Past Week
Blacksburg Comes
to Red Cross Aid
MACKSniTRG, Dec. 6. Those
superlatively wise people who can pre
dict, to a certainty even at this eargr
date what sort of a winter is before
us, have. In this ubiquity, found our
region. Some of them are optimistic,
and some are reverse. Those of the
latter class are telling us that the un
usually rainy FaU is kut a forecast of
what the Winter i to be and that we
may expect no let-up to the downnout
tiU May 1921, while a cheerful opti
mist reminds ua that a decade ago, t
e. In the Winter of 1910-1911 the rainy
autumn was followed by a season of
exceptional brightness, the month of
Frebruary passing without a slngl
rainy day, the soli becoming so dry
that large tracts of potatoes were
planted before the first of March.
, While most of the distant workers
-who came home for Thanksgiving re
turned immediately after the day was
over, a few remainder for the rest of
the week.
Rev. Fr. Lucas with bis wife, for
merly Mlsa Louisa Heln, came to
spend the day with Mrs. Lucas's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Heins. Mr.
Lucas went home for the Sunday serv
ices at his two parishes, Chehalis and
Centralis, Wash. Hia wife remained
for a week's visit returning home on
Friday, December 3.
The Misses Rachel and Pearl Miller,
both employed in Portland came home
for the day but returned on Thanks
giving evening. '
busy and pelasant session on Thurs
day last at the home of Mrs. Fretonne
and Is to meet December 18 with Mrs.
Pot eat x Jr.,
The Red Cross Drive In school di
tricts of Macksburg and of Eby t&
The sale of Christmas seals Is still
In progress, th school children are
rorking with a teal and perseverance
that in the rain and consequently bad
condition of the roads, merit hearty
Clarkes News
CLARK ES, Dec. 7.7 Arthur Horn
shuh and family were to Portland last
Sunday and Monday on a visit
Roger Lambert and bis cousin are
working for Moehnke Bros, sawmill.
Miss Irmalee Moehnke, of Beaver
Creek, visited Miss Catherine
Moehnke over Sunday.
Walter Lee from aVncouver, went
through Clarkes to Colton last Sunday
David Lee from Madras, Oregon,
Is visiting his brother, Clarence Lee
and family for a short time.
Roger LamV'rt came bac(k from
Salem last week and his cousin ac
companied him.
Claude Bottemlller is hauling plank
on the road with Moehnke Bros, truck.
Wesley Llndau Is sawing wood for
Mr. Brooks.
W. H. Wettlaufer was to Oregon
City last week.
Arthur Hornshuh butchered a ho&
last week. 1
They finished rocking toe piece of
road and started to plank last Satur
day It will take about two weeks to
finish planking. The road Eure will be
fine after It Is done once.
.W. H. Bottemlller was In Milwaukie
over Sunday to visit his mother andi
sister, Mrs. G. Keller and family.
Claude Bottemlller and Carl Buche
motored to Portland last week.
Miss Mary Bottemlller came home
a week ago last Saturday after a nice
visit In Oregon City.
The Clarkes school Is planning to
have a Chrsitmas tree on Friday night
December 24, and the German church
one on Saturday night December 25th
and they 'want every body to come to
Arthur Hornshuh narrowly escaped
being seroiusly Injured last Tuesday.
He was working on the rock crusher
when a set screw caught the sleev of
his coat, bruising him him quite badly.
He was fortunate In having no bones
broken. ;
Ed Hornshuh, after spending sever
al months in California, is visiting
bis son, Arthur Hornshuh, and daugh
ter, Rrsulah Derrick,. and their families.
Mrs. Michael Moehnke has returned
to her home In Shubel, after visiting a
week with her daughter, Mrs. William
Moehnke, and family.
Rev. Ware will hold services at the
church next Sunday.
The community is pleased at the
progress of road work.
CLARKES, Dec. 8. Southwick's
mill is closed until the first of the
year, as new machinery is being in
stalled for & lath and broom handle
Mountain Road News
MOtlVTAIX ROAD. Dec. 6. Every
one In this vicinity Is preparing for
a Merry Christmas this year.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser spent
Sunday in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tiedman and
children visited-relatives here Friday
Mrs. J. Bdrnert visited Mrs. John
Hell berg Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson motored to
Portland Saturday.
Mrs. Cloe Kelenofer Is visiting rela
tives at Gladstone.
Mlsci Agnes Bernert visited her sis
ter Mrs. R. Criester Sunday.
Mrs. Bercly spent Sunday afternoon
with Mrs. L. Koellermeler.
The Canby ferry Is not running now
on account of high water.
Girls' Society Help
1 in Red Cross Work
The Girls' Friendly Society of
America re ashlsting in the Red
Cross annual roll call, which Is now
on, and will be continued until all
sections of the county have been can-vaftsexL
County Telliaif of lmproTreenta and Local Happening During
Your Subacripton Will RceTe Prosnpt Attention.
Dodge Roads Being
Rapidly Repaired
DODGE, Dec. 6. M. Tedersen took
load of dressed hogs to Estacada on
The road work Is progressing favor-
ably with the voluuteer work. They
are now repairing the Keller hill
which has been in very bad condition.
Mlsa Rosa B. Ten Eyck and Mis
Mabel Keller spent Saturday in Port
land. Walter Alt from Flrwood spent the
week end at the G. W. Keller home,
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ksake spent
Wednesday In Portland.
M. Pederson was a Portland vtsito.
on Saturday.
Clarence Jubb Is still studying th
eccentricities of the Ford, so that on
his next visit to Portland, he won't
have to get out and crank It every
fifty yards. He intends to make the
next trip In the day light, having ex
perienced much trouble with the head
light, not to mention the tail light.
D. Horner and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Horner and family made a trip to
Estacada on Monday.
Great consternation reigned in this
uistrict last Monday evening, as to the
whereabouts of the chief engineer of
the road crew. A general alarm was
given, searching parties sent out, and!
after much excitement and worry, he
was finally located at the G. W. Keller
Minister to Lecture
on Alpine Experience
CLACKAMAS, Dec. S. Electrli
lights were turned on Monday night
for the first time in Clackamas.
The Community Club will give the
play "Perplexing Situation" at I. 0. O.
P. hall Saturday evening, December
11. Proceeds to go to community
piano fund.
Rev. A. R. Snider will deliver his
lecture. "Lost on the summit of the
Alps, during a snow storm" which was
a personal experience of Rev. Snider'
at the Congregational church next
Sunday evening, December 12 at ":45.
Lad Hill News
LAD HILL, Dec. 8. A crew of
about fifteen men got busy a week
ago Saturday and cut a new road forj
the Newberg mail carrier. Mr. Han
ville. The road which he had to travel
is nearly impassible, it was newly
graded last summer and so much rain
has prevented the work of hauling
rock to be continued.
Lad Hill was represented at the
road meeting held at Pleasant Hill
last Saturday to vote a special road
tax. A ten mill tax was voted, and
$200 was allowed to fix the hill by
the club house. $1000 for road from
Fred St. Clair's to Sherwood and $10k.
for the road that connect with the
Newberg-Butteville road to Wilson
Mrs. S. S. Parrott spent last Sun
day visiting her mother, Mrs. H. N.
Baker in Fern wood. j
The Commercial Club met last,
Saturday at the regular meeting ana
plans were made to have a C'nristmaB
tree and program. The tree will be
lighted with electric lights If possible.
The masquerade dance was well at
tended. Supper was served to on
hundred people.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith and daugh
ter. Alice, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith
and son, Howard, and Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Parrish of Fernwood spent
Thanksgiving with their parens, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Smith.
Percy KIser was a Portland visitor
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parrott and son
Lewis, took Thanksgiving dinner at
1 f rn S K PalTOtt.
home of their son, S. S. Parrott.
Mr. Johnson finished painting the
club house before Thanksgiving and
it does looks fine.
Lillie Hacker was given a surprise
party Saturday afternoon when 21
of her schoolmates gathered at her
home, It being her eleventh birthday.
Games were played after which re
freshments were served at three
o'clock. She received many nice
presents,. Those present were Alice
St. Clair, Melba Tautrest, Mae tour-
ser, rean noDons, mi.u
Delia Riser, Alcie Smith, Daisy riacn
er, Violet Hacker. LIHie Hacker, Car
rie Shalne, Roy Riser, Doris St Clair,
Roy Roberts, Alex Steward, Howard
Smith, Melvin Tautrest, r,mesi ra.r
rr,t rhster Parrott, Earl Parrott,
Donald Ward. Mrs. S. S. Parrott and
Mrs. C. A. Allen and little son, Oliver.
Eagle Creek Notes
EAGLE CREEK, Dec. 8. Mr. and
Mm Walter Douglass were Oregon
City visitors last Wednesday.
Mn. R. B. Gibson, who a short
time ago underwent an operation for
aowmdicitis at the Sellwood hospital,
returned home on Sunday, and Is get
ting along nicely.
R. B. Gibson made a trip to Oregon
City last Wednesday.
R. Munger and children Clyde ano
Charlotte, went to Kendall on a visit
Mrs. R. S. Clark waft the Teceipl-
ent of pleasant calls from Mrs. Rosa
R-?ker. Mrs. Katie Douglass and Mr.
"4 Mrs. Murphy Sunday afternoon
A Undue Tnht eactt Cttrj
Ton m Tvun m ww u
WwMnsinav mta0 JfcmeMhe
Kkntrh of M-h d&ML ItwilM.
Mjpptmr JWUftei aa4 CtaMte
ttii ibwtmT ff emcit. Basiastt
R UtmJK 9 Is
Oregon City Lodge
To Visit Estaeada
ESTACADA. Dec, 7. Horn At the
Ijovelace hospital, on December "th,
a 11 pound son to Mr. and Mrs. Hen
Janiin Clark of Viola.
C. E. Linn and family are here visit
ing relatives. They came from
j Stephenson, Wash., where they burn
1 ed out Their house bunted with the
entire contents.
The addition to the Cascade Garage
Is about completed and ready for oc
cupancy, Estaoada Is to have, a wood ane
fuel yi- The buildings are now be
ing erected on Zobrls.t street, across
from IT. S. Morgan's residence.
The Odd Fellows here are expect-
tag a number of brother Odd Fellows
from Oregon City Saturday night, and
the Rebekahs of that place have also
sent word that they would accompany
the visitors. A big time Is expected.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cary motored
to Portland Monday on special busi
ness. Mrs. A. E. Sparks returned from an
extended visit in Iowa and NWaska,
last Tuesday. The brother whom she
went especially to see on account of
his illness, pased away the 29th of last
month. Mr. Sparks went to Portland
with his car to meet her.
J. W. Mororw. a fornwr resident of
this town but now of Portland, was
he-e last Saturday looking after pro
perty interests.
The dance at the pavilion last Sat
urday night was well attended and
those who were there report a good
The E. E. Saling family, who hav
been living in the Estacada Hotel for
some time, have rented the rooms
over the Peoples' Store. The hotel
being leased to V. G. Hauser who
takes chnrtre the first of the year or
sooner, will cause several families
that have been having housekeeping
rooms there, to seek a residence
some other place.
On next Tuesday, December 14, the
Parent-Teachers association will hold
a very important meetlne in the hlph
school auditorium at 7:30 p. m. Mrs.
Sadie R. Dunhar will be her from
Portland to speak on the topic of
"Child Welfare." There will b spec
ial music and Prof. Burns will con
duct the "Round Table."
The bazaar given by the T-adles Aid
of the Christian church last Saturday
in Odd Fellow's hall, was well patron
ized and the ladies about sold out all
their aprons and fancy artlces. The
lunch at noon was a popular place for
the business men as well as others
and the social part of the bazaar wa
releasing to all who visited the entei
prsie. Something over a hundred dol
lars was realized from the bars-.
Rev. J. O. Staats. of Oregon City
officiated at the Christian church here
last Sunday, preaching both morning
and evening.
' Prof. F. E. Burns and Pon, Fred
erirk, were Portland visitors last Sat
urday. The local W. C. T. V. met at the
home of Mrs. W. A. Ingles Thursday.
The Knights, of Pythias, met at
Knapp hall Tuesday evening and elec
ted the following officers for the en
suing; year:
S. D. Simons, chanceller command
er; Dave Anderson, vice-chancelor;
H. A. Sbandy, prelate; Otto Erlckson,
master of work; E. F. Johnson, keeper
of records and seal; Harry Peckover,
master of finance; G. F. Johnson,
master exchequer; Mr. Grant, mast
a -ma- riarnre Y.. limner, in
' ' Igaac( p,,, outgide
! . rrr
s-uard: A. M. White. W. R. Griffitn
and Isaac Purciful, trustees.
Ten new applications for member
ship were filed and two re-instato
ments. The order now has a mem
bership of about 100 members. The
meetings are held on Tuesday even
lngs of each week.
E. L. Baker, Alison Baker and
Emily L. Bowman, who asked damag
es from Clackamas county amounting
to about $26,800 for alleged damage
to their property by the building of
the Carrol road, have appealed the
case to the circuit court here.
After their claims were presented,
the county court. reduced the euai to
the original estimate offered by the
county viewers, and would not allow
the several sums asked above the
first estimate.
The road in question is near what
Is known as the Carrol district and
will cover a distance of about threes
miles running through the farms of
the above named people. The origin
al settlement offered by the county
court was: Allison Raker, $470; E,
L. Baker. $400; Emily L. Bowman
Subscriber Sends In
Remedy for Burns
DEAR Editor Please publish this
In the paper. I see in the paper that
people that have the misfortune to
scald or bum themselves would like to
know a remedy that heals and re
leaves the suffering.
Remedy for burns and scalds.
Take white oak bark and cook a tea
of it and when cool, saturate a cloth
it. it and apply on burned parts. It
never falls, It takes the burn out, and
heals and gives relief instantly.
Mrs. J. P. F.
Gladstone News
The iAdiea Aid Society of the
Christian church tunt at the home of
Mrs. (Graity Olds Wednesday after
noon. After a business meeting re
freshments were served at 24 mom.
bers. Plans were made for th
bsjsaar to be held Friday. Dec. 10th.
Chairmen for the various committees
and booths appointed were: Mrs, F.
It. Edwards, aprons; Nina Hollowoll,
fancy work; Mrs. Blount, kitchen; ).
M. Hollowell, men's department.
The missionary meeting Wednesday
will be iu the form of a shower for
the baiaar-
Mr. and Mrs, C. Frost received
word of the arrival of a 9 lb. grand
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frost,
parents of the little one are weti
known here and reside at Iroquois
FsJJf, Ontario, the taby has been
Riven the name of Dorothy Jane.
Mrs. Will Schooley has returnee
after a week's visit in Corvallia with
her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wheeler en
tertained at dinner Wednesday for the
pleasure of their brother, Bert Strick
land of Fowll. Oregon. Covers were
laid for Mrs L H, Strickland. Mrs.
Clarenco Frost, Rev. and Mrs. F. It.
Clay, Rev. Hilton of Itoseberg, Mr.
and Mrs. 11. Wheeler.
Word has been received of the
marriage of Olive Hylnuin, of Madras,
Oregon, and S. M. Marston of Gresh
am. Mr. Marston is well known here,
having lived near Clackamas and at
tended the Parkploce school which
was then a high school. He Is the
nephew of Edw. W. Kby, of Glad
E. W. Eby and son Jack arc spend
ing the week end with his. parents,
S. M- Eby. of Vancouver, Wash.
Clifford TaTt Is quite ill at his home
on Durmouth, with tonsllitta.
Mr. and Mrs, Shearer havxo com-
pteil d thej- M'W homt near Uhelr
green houses and are Installing gas
heaters. They entertained Thanks
giving Mr. Taft and daughter, Mlsa
Mr. and Mrs. Will Block, of Port
land, were t Mo house pnests of Mr.
and Mrs. Chaa. Lrgler Thursday and
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Bruder, of
Sakn are pending Oie weekend
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Oren Weddel.
Miss SVJ'.ey Swallow, a teachei
at Molalia. and Miss Myrta Swallow.
of Reed college, spent the week-end
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
F. Swallow.
Ruth oung entertained at her
home Friday evening. Games and
music were enjoyed and delicious re
feshments served. Those enjoying
the evening were Dorothy Shearer,
Irma Roch, Goldla Smith, Nelta Drap
er, Mildred McMIIlen. Elmer Garrl
son. Dennis, Kldby.- .kick Graw, Jack
Hempstead and Gmr-ge Patterson.
Ta miiT mrt tit tha llttl Alois
.public th Tulettda cuitom and
faatlvltla at ill hara thalr baglnalnf
avaral wtaka bafora Oirlatmaa.
Markat and fairs ara bald la vll
Ufaa aad citiaa. Old tradltiona pra
erlba tha purchaalns of praaaala
for tha ehlldran on pacambar . It
la aa avant of utmost Importance to
11 younrtrs. In soma dtatrlcta
alat NlchoUa. whaaa aaalvaraarr
tba day i, irada arena to pareaa.
la aa attlra vary similar U that of
tha Americas Bunt Clau, senerallr
arrylng a big bar filled with applee,
prunes, nuta and home-made cookie
which he distributes among the chil
dren who have been obedient during
the year.
Tha next and In modern day the
moat Important feetlve day of th
whole Tule season la Christmas Day.
History relates that It was only In
the year 164 B. C. that the Homan
Bishop Llberlu dealsnated tm
ber Ilth aa tha birthday of Chrlt,
aa the Romans retarded this partic
ular day aa the birthday of the Sun,
and a they were furthermore dealr
ous of jiving a mor religious Im
portance to two Roman festivals
which also fell due In the ame per
iod. With the observation of Christ
mas Day the Chrletklndlt, described
aa "a lovely antel with wings, rad
ually Urted to take old Santa
?laca in many sections of Bwltter
and. Chrlatklndll, th Christ Child.
Is said to come from the Far North
and always bring- a wonderful
Christmas tree, decorated with all
the g-lltterlnf thin- associated w th
fairyland and heavily laden with
manifold sift.
Tha peasants of certain section
ef the country ar still fervent be
lievers In myatlc power and auper
. natural occurrence which ancient
tradition have reported to be pre
valent during Christmas time.
If you want for Instance to rind
ut how the weather will be during
th t nl nn Chrlstmss Eve
I an onios In half: peel vtl twelve lay
era, set fee fee awwtk, ass IU th
si non nz TMA
Three Clackamas county couples
re Involved In dlvforee ttutls tiled
here Monday,
Marie G. Woodcox aK a divorce
from Albln Woodcox, alleging non
support lu her complaint. She also'
says that hor husband threw a pie at
her last October". Throe minor child
ren are Involved, which the wife a--k
the custody of and also asks for $15
for the maintenance of the children
and $15 for herself ntosHhly, from the
JotMe D. IdcMatn accuses William
It. McMatn of cruel and Inhuman
treatment and auks tor a divorce.
Three children of the couple are want
ed by the plaintiff who asks for a
Vaughn saw and a Republic truck
owned by the husband.
Quasi McConnlck Vougan. entered
suit for divorce from Luther l Doug
an, alleging cruel and Inhuman treat-
menut She also ask t he n court for
the custody of two' minor, and also
for the following sums of money
from the husband: $100 per month for
two years beginning, next January;
$183.33 monthly for the following
four years; $100 per month after that
until one of the children becomes of
age; also a clear title to their home
In l4ke Grove.
Boy McCormlck won by the foul
route over Battling lvlnsky Wednes
day night at the MUwaukle arena.
with tho bout Just half over, both
men going strong and the crowd ex
pei-tant. When the boll rang for th
sixth chapter, the Battler planted
stiff one In McComtlck's groin, and
the Irish lad stnggcred and fell to
the floor In pain. Referee Ixmtltt
promptly gave the fight to McCor
mlck, who was examined by two
physicians, and they agreed on the
foul blow, while Ievlnkv derlnlmed
from the 'center of the ring to thn
waiting throng that the. blow wan un
Intentional. It was. a disappointed
bunch of fans that filed put In'-.
Harlan Bunker, a young giant from
San Francisco, took tht semifinal
from Joe Bonds, an old timer from
Tacoma, Bonds was out -fought from
the stnrt and his second threw up thr
towel In the fourth.
Fronklo Murphy, of Denver, wm
Riven a well earned decision over
Uoyd 'Madden of Seattle at thn end
of a fast six round go. Madden was
game and took a lot of punishment,
but the Denver boy wns too xtrong
for him.
Kid IVmpsoy scored nothr knck
out in the second round over BIllV
Purrtr, and a colored lad answering
to the nnme of Taylor was wa-dfd
thn decision over a white unknown.
with aalt. Tiiam p
These nttellnge
which contain samp aalt II
morning pradlct rainy waal
aalt the sail
ther fer
the respective month.
Tousf people who are anxloua to
learn something about their matri
monial proapecte are advlaed t
(risk three times from Bine dirfareal
fountains, when the church bell ar
ringing on Christmas give and thef
will then behold their future mate
atandlng at the church door. Ob
serving thle particular custom Is. of
course, quite possible I Bwltser
land, where public fountains ar
found everywhere.
If you are courageous enough te
consult the oracle aa to the length
of time which le still allotted to you
on earth, take your Bible on Christ
mas Kve and the first Psalm which
atrlkea your aye contalne In staasae
the number of years which you are
yet given te live.
To safegaard your chickens from
all animals of prey, another old cus
tom advises you to clip their wlnge
between 11 P M. and midnight oa
Christmas Eve.
Children bora on Chrletmss Day
can see gheete and are able to tell
your fortune. Water eaa be ohaaged
late wine and If yon are aom sort
of aa adept la the mysterleue art
of msgls, yoi are at that time able
te aafegufrd yourself agalnet all
bodily Injuries. If farmere will fer
tilise the eoll er tie a band of straw
arouad the trunks of their fruit
treee during Christmas week, the
eame will bear special quaatitles of
fruit for the nest seaaon.
On Chrlatma Eve, for brief
hour, the dumb beast ar aald t
be able to converse In human laag- -
x,omo lira to ciiokiii
uns;e, but mlsfortnns I
a predicted for
tne Inquleltlve '
himself to listen
ho takes It upon
And when the happy Christmas
days ar over there comas New
Year's Kve with It lolly aoclat and ,
fimlly gatherlnge and Its marvelmis
1y effective rlnglng-la of the Nw
Tear, when all the church bell
through! the land ar lifting p '
their t lev keif aa Sour. I
uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmniiiiiiiiiiiiimimu muiniiiiitu
3 - 1 "" "-""" 3
I Little Happenings of Interest Selected f
From The Observer
tti.mwifi j& iium Imv.i iitii.niul the
Fry Blacksmith shop whery they will
do all kinds f :-M'lng, homenhoe-
tug and general wotk lu their line.
They will nlo do automobll') work
and woodwork.
A. 1). Yivtmi was clven u surprise'
party Sunday, on hl tltlth birthday,
when a number of hla relative ami
friends aseombled at hi Sast Uutte
ville home. The guests all brought
well filled lunch baskets for a thor-
oughly enjoyed dinner. Those pres
ent were: Mr, and Mr, w. II. Mon
roe and family, Mr. and Mr. A. A.
frlseli and fmully, Mr. and Mr, J.
II. Swan, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Peterson,
Mr Mullor, Mrs. Poltrka and family.
Mrs. Wright, Mrs. le, Mr, llogue.
and Mrs. Ashmenall of lor!land;
and Mr. and Mr. Fred Yergen, Mr.
and Mrs, Geo. W. Yergen. Mr. and
Mrs. A. 1. Yergen, Mr. and Mr. Gleu
Yergen, Mr- and Mr. Hay Yergen.
Mis Norma Yergen. and Jane Yer
gen. IMI Yergen, Norman A. Deltiert,
and Phillip Yergen.
O. A. Kunkea recently purchased
the place near Hubbard owned by
Mrs. Adam M In tiler. He ha taken
Mr. and Mr. Al Uren, who have
boon visiting their daughter Mr. 1).
8. Miller, spent few day In Port
land the lnst week.
A. W. Roll Utft Sunday for a Mtay at
the Hot Springs where he hope to
cure the rheumatism from wnica ne
him lim.n stifTitrlnir for several weeks.
Mr. and Mr. J. W. Sadler and lltlte
daughter lVggy were dinner suesle
Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr
and Mr. Frank Seltlemelr of Wood
F G. Peter till week sent several
puckage of food article to relative
In t'.orniuny. The packages contained
various foods, llko rice and coffee,
etc. Sending: the actual food Is pre
fered to the sending of money be
cause .such food product are not
plentiful In Germany.
Complete line of Drug, etc., at
Moore's, Woodlmrn. Mall your ord
Sherman Clay piano at Moore's
Drug Store. Woodtmm.
Additional members who have Join
ed the Aurora Red Cross Auxiliary
are Mrs. Henrietta Will, A. II. Will,
Mrs. George WJtntter. Mrs. II,
Abrams, George Wurster and A. C.
R 11. Crlsi bus been 111 from the
effect of exerting hlinie'lf too much,
after his return from Portland where
he was operated upon for appendicitis.
Tho wo"k of Inflating an automobile
tire proved too severe, and he hnt
Mrs. Jones Funeral
Held at Beaver Creek
Funeral service over the remain
of Mr. Mary L'lixuboth Jouea, of
P.enver Creek, wero held at the
Welsh church at Heaver Creek Wed
nesday morning nt 11 o'clock. The
church wns filled to capacity with
the many friends tit the family, a
Mrs Jones was well known In that
section of the county, where she re
lded tunny years
Rev. irlffltti, punlor of the Welsh
church In Portland, and an old friend
of tho family; officiated; only cloe
friends acted a pullbearers.
The remains were Interred in the
family lot In tho Curtis cemetery and
laid to rest beside those of her hus
band, David K. Jones, who died three
year ago at Heaver Creek. The grave
was completely covered with bounti
ful flowers.
Hrady & DeMoas, of this city, had
charge of the funeral arrangement
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Luca County, h.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he I senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In
tho City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that Raid firm will pay
the. sum of ONB HUNDRED DOt,
LARS for each and every caB of Ca
tarrh that cannot bo cured by the une
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my prentice, this Cth day of De
cember, A. D., 1880.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken
Internally and acts through the Hlood
on thp Mucous Surfaces of the Sy
turn. Send for testimonials, frfe.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggist. 7!c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation
"In Every Respect
says the Good Judge
W-B CUT is a long fine
been unable to do anything since,
lonils C. King, who was hero lusl
week from Castle Hock, Washington,
lived here few years ago when hi
stepfather Hurry Dufuer was hero In
tho tmkery IminIih-, Mr, and Mr.
Dufner are divorced and both are mar
ried agaln - Mr. I turner to an en
gineer In Tuomna and Mr, Dufimr to
a California woman. Mr. King uy
both his brothers (who lived here)
are married and live In Tacoiua,
Ixmla King U rngtqrod in contracting
and building.
The Aurorn Hank recently shipped
about $2&0 worth of pennies to Port
laud. They had all been received In
the ordinary course of bunlne In
the last few month. A few year
about tho only place pennies wore
found wa at the post officeand on
ly a few there. Hut now they are In
dally use In about every place of
buslncn. which Indicate, this) thn
west I slowly but surely approaching
the rum torn basis of doing buliiv.
Ralph Colvln lells the .prlne Mory
of a hen at the Colvln farm thut In Id
a net of eggs to the number of an
even 4 doen. And he I not certain
that she did tart another next of
eipinl proportion. Ncit!
John Hugh, 8r . who fell and frac
tured hi hip about two week ago.
It reported to b muHliig good pro
press toward recovery, Many frb-nd
here will be pleast-d to know tltut he
I doing well.
Mr. and Mr. U C. King and Utile
stin of Catle Hock WiiKhlngtou mum
lust week to vlult Mr. Ida Miller.
Mr, Kliii returned to Caxtlo Keek
Sunday, but Mr. King and son re
limliicd until yesterday.
Hubbard will bold Its annual city
election Monday, December . to elect
a imiyor, a treasurer ami four council
men, Hubbard ban never changed
It elmrter to comply with the state
election law which require ult city
election be held Ulm the suliin ditto
at the stiite und county election.
Complete line of lirtiK. etc, at
Mooroe, WiMidburn. Mull your or
der. Albert Shlinmln was a buslnea vln
lior In Portland Monday
Mr. Jack Vaudeleur and children
spent Beverol day In Portland th
p.lHt-week Vlrtltlng frleliiK
The Woman's Improvement Cluh of
Hubbard ha voted to Join the state
IVdo-ntlon of Women' Club.
Mr. and Mr. J. Column Mark of
Murks prulrle were among tlume
tmntartlng buitlne here .Saturday?
Mr and Mr. Klmr Smttcke- enter
tained thn Ottnwny und o'rtman fam
ine at dinner Thanksgiving Day.
Southern Pacific company he been
compelled to lay off approximately
2000 men In Its mechanical depart
ment In tho lout two months as a re
unit of bualneH adjustments and th
progress being made on repair work
left over from the war, It was official
ly announced from tho company's of.
flees hero today.
League Fails to
Adopt Artiele 10
fiENEVA, Dec. 8. Consideration of
an amendment to the covenant ef the
league of nations, which would eltuib
nato article 10, hat been potttponcd by
the assembly of th league of mil Ions
until the next meeting.
Thl amendment, which was poei
poned by C. J. Dohorty, a member 01
the Canudlan dolefralJon, Jm boon
referred to a committee which hnn
been Instructed to submit a report
to the neit Heselon of tho assembly. A
special committee would take them
under consideration. This motion was
adopted by the assembly.
Argentina' amendment to the cove
nant of tho league of nation, rejec
tion of which caused the delegation
of thut country to leave the assembly
Saturdny morning, ha been referred
to the assembly for consideration nt
Its, next meeting. Honorlo Pueyrre
don, head of the Argentine) mls'ilnn
told the Aesoc.lnted P-es today that
Mi do'efratlfin would leave for Pnrlt
Wednesday or Thursday.
You get more genuine chew
ing satisfaction from the Real
Tobacco Chew than you ever
got from the ordinary kind!
The good tobacco taste
lasts so long a small chew
of this class of tobacco lasts
much longer than a big chew
of the old kind. That's why
it costs less to use.
Any man who has used both
kinds will tell you that.
Put up in two styles
- cut tobacco
CUT is a short-cut tobacco