Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 03, 1920, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Pacre 7
County Court
VoorhUs 23 94; A Biuiurlne 115.96; , Fef-miUKhty Co 137.00; Ore City Sand
District No. I-W. Coun.HI $54.00
W II llabcrluth $2.65; Mllwiiuklo Gr
uc $12.00; A N Ourrney $1.60; Stand
Hid Oil C $72.0'.i; 8. L Mulliin $ 15.00
1. Lamp $104 79; Bu.lmjii I94.H1J
bchuld Bros $414.45; Wrkpliica Bhop
115.00; 1) Mnulw 1107.82; C. K llultln
$14.00; Wm Hiimrt 13198 John HHilnlil
$55.93; J Jlnwklns I11D.HG; W A
Counclll 9114.77; K lHiwIo 1370.50;
Pttor Hcliuld 1232.89; C lavln $83.00;
Stanley (itliHun 1121.28; 8 L Mullmi
$49.22; K Hpooner f 125.1 H; O 1'
Koflh,' 175.87; J 8 Illulr 121.94; H F
Sarlpture )3.35; Hogg Bros $4.60;
DISTRICT NO. 2 -Count Culvert A
Fluin Co 139.90; J P Cook $40 41; 11
Whltlea 124.09; Clint Hargan $27.44;
Andrew Hum-lit $24 09; Kd Puylwt
$24 09; ( Davidson $24.07; It DkIiihIi
mult $27.44; Wm Scw.jII 124.70; Paul
Klt'Klwin $24 69; F WhlUn $37.42;
WhlUt'ti Horse $16,44; II Purpart
$20.20; F Ralcy $13 47; John Ralcy
$1422; II. llorlund $899; F Iluuun
$S99; John Wagley $199; Thomas
Tumor $3 99; John Mosor $6.99; Gt-o
Mosor $6 99; Kd Host-r $3,99: Deward
Undue $6 99; Hum Mourn- $13.47; llobt
Wull $3.99; 8tiUln";kr $10.48; Geo
StClalr $3.99; Bruno Struvo $46.80;
llitrry Jost $83.89; Cil.-n Ilnkor $52.42;
A A Wood $9.47; Itw-d Graham $5 98;
N 0 Bay $7.98; Uuyd Jon $69.90;
Henry lUtlsnt-r $2097; A M Heater
$7.98; 8 Kdmlnston $43.18; K Burt hoi
iiiow $1 99; tiro Murray $17.47; Frnnk
Rogers Mat linker $17.47; Roy linker
$13.98; C C Uwk $15 96; Geo Wail
$10 48; lUy Hackvr $3 49; llmry Wtl
Hums $29 94;
DISTRICT NO. 3 -Jui-I and Krl $13.
30; Dally Staga and Trur-k Service
$81.50; Krnnk Bunch $11 45; Paul it
Melulg $26.03; Stewurt Bros Co $14 43
(Special Sandy Uarago $40.00); Con
cinta Pipe Ca $1813; Coast Curvert
& Flume $207.67; J. C Elliott & Co
$135; (It 8 Kmltli $55.10 Special);
C W Bchuld & Bon $226.80; W H
Douglas $17.97; W 11 Douglas $11.25
Geo Judd $1 69; Frd ivifinon $11 46;
Herman Solbert $1122; Jo Papuan
$3 99: W (Wiugw $10.48; W Ganger
$13.47; Oren Ganger $897; A II KlInK
lor $13 71: L E Keliher $4.49; T Ho-
gan $20.20; A C Thomas $29 44; Jake!
lK-Young $1125; Hogvr DeYoung $14.
J J Eisner $40.41; Nettie Cotmett $38.
44; Everett Uwder $34 95; Geo Wllk
inw.n $27 93; H Paulson $43 42; W K
Wheeler $23 97; J W Wheeler $23 97;
C J Tekberg $38.69; O K Utfiille $95.
81; Hub Matlmm $40 83; Pete Sthuld
$ll37;Ikl ltan $48 90; H II Udell
$4 50; John TUHclur $19.95; H Hied
nnteln $1596; Sam Co $1000; W.
W iKniKlftM $39 95; Dnvld Mocker 4l0;
11 W Kniina $4 50;
DISTUICT No. 4-Jarl &. Jnrl $17.70
II 11 Johmion $6 45; Jolmrud Ounder
wm Lumber Co. $46 51; Turn Hynn $2 -45;
Ccirl J. Ilnnnon $13.47; Cnrl John
on $17.95; Kellx Citrlm.n $997; J W
Ackerson $5 98; John C Miller $81.84;
M W Juhnmin $45 88; M I. Juhmton
$25.68; Hurry Miller Frnnk ltobertmm
$34 95; O L Jpwett $4 99; Kidney Mill
or $44 38; K Andrewi $22 44; J O
Smith $1097: II Andrew $14 96; Wm
llrlHtow $5093; J It Pal hut $17.47 John
Moore $2097, Special; II. Joyner $3.98
Uoy Miuwoll $2 99; Peter Hulil $1 49;
('hail Mathueft $4.48 C A Johntm $15 -95;
Fred Llnmi $1 99; Harold Woimler
$16.95; U F Walker $16.95; J 1) Hub
erlitoii $23.94; W K Schoolcraft $1296
F.rneHt Duu $17.95; A HnwkinH $3.99
W W Wftdu $29.94; L M Yocum $29.
97; P II Hnttln $5.98; Cit iHincun $52.
43 W K Corbln $20.97; J Mlchal $26.
21 L P AliiiAteon $19,22; Harry Allen
$12.23; K T in via $13.98;
DISTRICT No. 5 F Madden & Co
$8.85; W K Cromer $114.40; Dnva Wil
liam $142.35; Count Culvert & Flume
$61.37; C W Bchuld & Son $86.40; L
Waltach $35.95; Henry Swalea $2.49;
a II Trotter $37.42; Gun Lanch $3.99;
Alio Hovey $23.94; Lew Kohl $74.89;
John Shopp $7.98; Henry Cromer $8.
98; Henry Hubert $7.98; W Clonnor
$47.88; John Schuttlo $7.98; Henry
Cromer 98.78; Henry Hubert $29.92;
C Aerne $19.92; Henry Young $33.93;
Ely Swaloi $50.87; G Birahom $39.90;
T. Montnl $40.89; John Bchopp $32 91;
J. Aernl $39.90; John Rohm $46.38; Gum
Unch $3.99; Herb FouU $7.98; Elmer
SwaloB $11.97; Fred Itelbhoff $15.97;
Dave Wlllliimn $423.33; W E Cromer
$304.39; E Aernl $31.96; W Hegen
burger 29.96; A 8chopp $3.99; Frank
Millard $122.82; John Ityors $35.91;
Arthur Vandomclun $35.91; John Stoe
rior $25.93; Carl I'cternon $25.93; Geo
Perry $34.91; L Vandomelen $31.92;
M Schlonherg $41.94; Oral Stormer
$38145; J. F. Morgor $29.70; F Erlck
non $36.69; E Flckona $38.44;
DISTRICT No. 6-Orcgon City Sand
& Gravol $4.00; Standard Oil Co. $6.
80; Carl Staats $10.00;
DISTRICT No. 7 Beaver Creek C
Exchange. $21.50; J. Caeterllne $1.75;
Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co $18.00;
Owen Parry $18.00; Skldmore Mill Co
$420.00; Martin Bros $19.20; Robert
Rutherford $25.00; F C Culberson $66.
80; Wm E Knts $3.35; W V Southern
Ry Co $19.80; Coant Culvert & Flume
$3.76; Ralph Gorden $3.99; R Jackson
$3.99; August Martin $5.49; E G Jonen
$3.99; 8 II Rout $17.97; S H Rout Jr
$7.98; Wilbur Mohlandor $15.96; Earl
fihappnlrd ,$13.96; L TrafUm $6.98;
Fred Kamrath $5.98; Ernest Kumrath
$10.48; R E Edwards $13.98; Henry
Steiner $14.99; W P Daniels $19.07;
Otto Moehnke $20.16; Owen Terry $38.
69; J B Harris $6.99; D Hnrrlg $22.71;
John It Young $22.71; A L Montz $5.
24; Goo Howard $15.72; Eric Fisher
$48.93; Herman FlHhnr $31.43; Walter
Fisher $31.43; Harry Parry $21.94; V
Dag-man $21.94; Tom Meyrloh $17.95;
David Meyrich $17.95; H Watts $3.99;
Max Rench $20.20; II E Gibson $7.98;
A Parry $17.95; Bill Parry $17.95;
ie $44.90; E James $39.90; A C Wan
ner $38.90; W B Lawton $59.85: C T
Thomas $47.14; L Matoon $50.87;
DISTRICT No. 8 Oregon City Sand
& Gravel Co $231.00; f '
DISTRICT No. 9 Slyter ft Erlcknon
$6.40; E Itschner $17.15; Julius P Hult
$565.96; Glen Larking $12.60; Glen
Larklns $6.00; W. J E Vlck $18.00; E
Itactmer $5.95: J A Wall $39.88; G J
Freldrich Mill $37.48; E L Palfrey $29.
94 ;G eo Groshong $3.99; A Sackett
$8.99; Homer Williams $5.98; Oscar
J Wlnlund $5.98: Phillip Cvon $11.97;
(loo 8oo!t $23.94; J E SwlUer $399;
It R Hwltser $7.98; Prod Helmlg 83.99;
Ixe lowland $3.99; J T Um $5.49;
J M llaer $199; Alf Daniolmiri $26 94;
A J Hiafraniwn $8.98,1 K AnplmiA $13.
47; Nels Lundiimik $22.45;- Aimer
l.uiKlmnrk $17.96; John Wall $1996;
M M Nelson $15 93; Chan IlergHlrom
$14.21; K Adolfnon $3 99; Harry Gray
$6.98; Frnnk Jones $2.40; M A Taut
font & Team $4,49; Tam of At A
Taulfent $3.49; A Tnulfwit $3 99; Her
man Chlndai en $7.49; Gorg lloffntet
tor $7.49; Ijrn Mlelunnen $3.99; M.
1) Chlmltiren $13.47; Willi Blaudln-
gor T 24; It J RiiNinll $5.24; 1 L Iktyer
$8.98; Alu Hark $2020; M Knegg $67.
35; John Wall $9 98;
Itnrdwnr & Imu C-o $4 60; WIll Kny-
dor Co. $6.75; A L Yoder $130.67 Itock
reek I. inlir Co $23.00; Harvey Jackson
$26.92; Wuyno Jaekntm $5.98; C F
Jackson $19.46: Hud Jackson $5.98:
W P Nloholiton $6 99; Carl Cat 1mm $13
98; L N Jones $6 99; I I) Urklnn $6.-
99; John Thin luun $8.49; Horninn
Plepka $24.95; Wins Plepk $11.97; Al
lium Johnnon $41.94; Will Idea $39.95;
Fred Many $39.95; Juke. Kraft $39.95;
Finest UuriBlit $3196; John Evans
$15.98; Dewey llurlght $1197; Clar
em;e Marks $2.49; Ab 'ol $04.94; Al
Phelps $15.96; Ahbn Jiftmaon $17.45;
John Pavel.ls $39 95; Mat PavuInU
$19.95; Mat Parelels Jr $19.95; Abb
llelvy $19.95; Harney Ilolvy $19.95;
Carl Kelher $13 98; Gourde Bether $3.
98; Roy Chubb $26.21; Cluu Morrln
$22.72; 8lro Crlnnii $6.99; Rudolf
$22 45; Georgfl Kehiex $5 99; Arthur
McKlmiter $3 49; Henry Knooel $13.
98; RPKCIAL 1UHD No. 2-E I Duponl
lHtMours & tU $2 40; Peter Moller
$8.97; A E Cralne $4.48; AbtK) Peters
$5.99; Walter Schllckelaer $1198; A
W Kruse $10.09; C D Kruwe $5.98; II
D KruHe $16 09;
ture $1 50: Bund Oil Co $15.25; F B
Mallory Co $21.50; Concrete plp Co
$14.62; C W Scliuld & Sons $162 90; ;
Albert Killen $62 91f Fred Wagner $52
.42; C Ruther $55.92; P Ilanglam $59 -41;
LI. Cliffen $41.94; J Hosenaw $10
.48; A llawalh $34.95; T Milan $31.45
H W Ilnncb $13.88; I. II Griffon $20
95; E R Brook $47.14; M H Wheeler
$35.68; J A lmet $29 94; T Sullon $14.
97; T Campion $9 98; J Duffy $14 97;
It Andernan 127.69: O luly $15.98; B
Mntloon $35.61: G E LSalle. $26.58;
Pete Schuld $9.97; Kd Dave $14.34;
Co $6.25; Parkplaee Shop $13.90; Mrs.
Gustav Finhcl.er $30.15; G L Eaden
$64 00; Park place Shop $13.90; W E
Cromer $35 00; Hattan A. Mumpower
$072.25: O Fischer $20.10; Davo Will
iams $452 25; D Williams $02.46; W
K Cromer $27.99; O Fischer $29.96; j
J II New Kirk $2.99; Henry Cromer
$8 98; Lew Koahl $74.91; Ely Swales
$3.99; G L Eaden $2.49; C L Ilearn
$11.47; G B Trotter, $12.41; Olio Hov
ey $7.98;
SPECIAL ROADS No. 6-Alllson Al
len $3.99; Ilkk Hlnklo $1122; II Jen
sen $6.98; Henry Fisher $13.96; Irvln
Sterns $3.99; Otto Ponton $5.24; Joe
8peea $11.97; Win BraaU $61.39; A E
Johnson $31.43; J Hulate $13.96; Hen
ry Schwarts $9.97; Norman Fisher
$19.95; John Simtz $31.43; Carl Staats
$41.38; 11. Wynno $34 90; Oscar H
Slelnke $27.93; Alfred Stelnke $27.93;
Hartley Johnnon $29.92; Emit Ijirson
$48 86; W. B. Ilonney $33 21; W B
Bonney. $13.99; John Hollenshed $15.
96; Enar Johnson $11.97; John Stew
art $36.89; Gotlleb Anacher $11.97;
Creek Cooperative Co. $5600; II. J
Skldmore $2194; Robert Rutherford
$80.82; Fred Ifiikson $39.90; S O Isak
mm 149.87: O McVey $20 97; Ben
Ahey $7.98: John Buchman $7.98; Geo
Buehman $1.49; Tom Tack $19.95;
Iva McVay $38.44: Joe Schmidt $38.44
E J Swank $40.44; Ale Nelson $38.
44; Robert Stein $24.80; James McVey
$9 97; L J Skldmore $21.94; Ira McVey
$31.95; W. P. Robblns $19.95; Earl
Meeker $21.!4; B IUmbo $34.95; F
Nlchlos $27.96: E A Stewart $27.96;
T J Wlrts $4191; D Mc'.ntyre 1107.
82; T C CulbertHon $32.44; Fred Brun
ner $56.85; Will Swank $21.94; Will
Rutherford $43.89; Nat Scrlbner $105.
20; Roy Helm $19.95; II E Robs $70.
82; O Effinberger $15.96; Will Schmld
$19.95; R Emanuel $5.96; Oliver Leek
$3.99; Glen Mayfleld $1197; L Mud
gett $15.96; August Martin $78.85; Da
vid Rutherford $48.93; James O Skld
more $112.42; Bert Loeaon $31.42;
Will Martin $33.41;
SPECIAL R0AD3 No. 10-W Bill
com $23.00; B Jackson $7.98; C E Mil
ler $62.89; G E Wyland $25.45; Mike
Herbaugh $22.94; Ernest Guddard $3.
99; Frits Stegiiuum $12.23; Leon Judd
$3.49; C G Hoffmann $7.05; Canby Hd
Co 116.00; '., II Prey $11.,!4; FitU Steg-
mann 25.00;
E D King $704.60; R F Watts $54.95;
Andrew Nelson $61.16: John L Lien-
hart $24.46; C F Straw $20.97: W II
Wolf $43.68; W L Livingston $48.93;
Harry Worndahl $31.45; Vollna Big
gins $27.93; Charlie Biggins 131.45;
Ole Skei $10.48; Arthur Olcson $8.73;
Martin Rostvold $13.98; Oscar Rye $41
.94; Hans Nelson $31.45; R II Lima
$10.48; Emll Ellasson $3.49; Pete An
derson $0.48; J. Hylan $41.94; Alf Liv
ingston $24.46; Stanley Livingston
$3.99; O. O Hoffman $3.10;
Herman Schemer $7.98; Bill Jackson1
$1.99; Rufus Kraxbereger $3.49; Her
man Harms $3.49;
mlcliael $2.20; E P King $235.30; R
F Watts $13.47; Andrew Nelson $13.
98; W II Wolf $13.98; W L Livingston
$13.98; Vollna Rlgglns $7.98; Hans
Nulson $13.98; J Haglan $13.98; W H
Burket $13.98; II Nice $16.77; Andrew
Thyker $10.48;' Steve Day $5.48; J-P
Bartlea $28.30; S F Scripture $10.00;
DISTRICT No. 17 Standard Oil Co
$4767.43; City of West Linn $3473.91;
City of Oswego $521.99; City of Mil
waukie $869.47; GladMone $558.17; Ci
ty of Sandy $95.49; City of Estacada
$284.39; Canby $511.09; Barlow $53.71
Molalla $337.68; Ore City Foundry Co
$7.60; Hodfton Feenaugbty $180.64;
Good Roads Mach Co $250.00; II R
Zimmerman $1.00; Howard-Cooper Co
$68.40; James A C Talt Co $26.25;' E
Itchner $17.60; Ore City Retreading
and Vulo Wks $4.96; R R Poppleton
$7.15; Boring Garage $2.33; llodson-
$3.00; Louise Evans $6.00; Adam Many
K Wheeler $01.95; 3 00; W A Hedges js.zo; Max Telford
nr. to.uu; j w v,aroiner to.uu; Mae
C Raekel $6.00: Mary A Harvey $6.00;
Jessie L May $6.00; W B Stokes $5.00;
(Continued on page 8)
and Uravol Co $31.35; Chltoott Motor
Co. $37.56; lloneyman Ildw Co $23 80;
Frnnk Bunch $3.15; Smith & Watson
Iron Wks $11.25; Olson's (iarngo and
Auto Burn $17.00; J 1 Cas T M Co.,
$5,62; Oswego Ijiko Water and Power
Co $39 60; R S Smith $5 44; Csrlton
& IUmenkrans Co $2.24; II Bolton $2.
45; Kdllh Armstrong $38.71; Huntley
Drug Co $2.90; A J WeUnore $69.30;
8 F Scripture $0.50; Naomi L Arm
strung; $124.69; Abbn Johnnon $10.60;
Ore C Enterprise $8.50; Young Garage
$23 06; W M Nolan 451.60; E R Kill
gallon $.16.98; Iluttervllle Garage $25;
Miller Parker Co $23.20; A ilenrlch
$118.93; Hesse Martin Iron Works $40.
61; Big River Lumber Power $16.38;
Frank Ilusch $1.50; CapltoJ Garage
$90.35; Stand Oil .$74.79; Canby Hdw
& Imp Co $0 30; United Stales Rubber
Co $14.69; Chllcott Motor Co $7.60;
Hogg Bros $10.73; Joe Resell $85.47;
Coast Culvert & Flume $32.70; 8 F
Scripture $6.00; Ore City Auto Co $15.
89; W Waldorf $8.00; W H Worden
Co $27.00; II C Compton $227.47;
Etenstroin Bros $487.50; 8 F Scrip
ture $3.25; Paul Duda $8.00; K R Kll-
gallon $59.78; 8 E Bakor $4.49; E It
cher $205.42; P It L & P Co $86.70;
Cascodo Garage $6 55; Capitol Garage
$135 69: C W Schuld $11.70; M L Craw
ford $52 90; Claud Henrlcl $37.42 Wal
ter Henrlcl $4.99; C A Mann $7.00;
J K Llvesay $2.00; C R Llvesay $2.00;
D Tanler $698; R M Miller $3.99; M
II Wheeler $8.25; J A Imel $7.48; Rosa
Andemon$7.48; John Duly $7.48; Tom
Sutton $7 48; Geo Duly $11.98; L W
Daveles $6.19; A C Warner $3.99; W
B. Ijuwton $5.49; L Matoon $3.99; T
C Thomas $4.49; C E Swick $22.75;
E C Swick $16.00; O Cantrlll $3.00;
D A D Hungnte $1.99; Joe Feyer $3.99
W II Stelnlnger $5.49; H J Rastall $3.
49; W 8 Corbett $104.82; Otto Striker
$89.82; Dick Striker $116 82; J T Imel
167.36: Tom Sutton $34.93; Roso An
derson $24 95; W
C J Ikberg $23.97; J. W Wheeler
$29.97; John Duly $9.98; Tom Comp
ton $9!98; Albert Killen $05.92; Fred
Wagner $05.92; Cnrl Ruther $55.92;
Peter Hauglum $55.92; L L Griffon
$47.82; A Hawath $17.42; T B Billon
$10.43 W H Banche $13.98; A Baum
back $34 95; E It Brook $44.90; C W
Kruse $21.69; II D Kruso $6.35; R W
Zimmerman $26.00; II R Zimmerman
$32.60; H. W. Zimmerman $22.50; V
Skinner $14 00; C. F. Zelgler $3.60; II
Deets $8.05; II II I'dell $4.50; O C
KletKCh $20.00; H Engel $898: W
Crietsor $24 46; II Anthony $13.96; M
Snnber $3 49; F M Hendricksen $4.10;
Frank Busch $3.25; Bert II Finch
$8.95; Clear Creek Lumber Co $244.95;
8 F Scripture $5.10 8tefanl Lumber
Co 109.14: M O Sprague 17.00; Molalla
Garage $15.50; Clear Creek Lumber
Co $113.80; John A Rooming's Puns
Co $15.14; Willamette River lumber
Co $116.11; Frank Busch $31.30; Stan
dard Oil Co $15.25; Bruns Lumber Co
$129.06; J CaMerllne $71.48; C F Al
len $21.00; Oregon City Sand ft Gra
vel Co $18.00; P R L & P Co $2.05;
N A Say $50.00; G J Hardy $140.60;
R F Watts 18.98: Rendlemnn ft Klin
ker $63.95; Bert II Finch $3.00; Fred
Ltns $8.98: A H Llns $3.99; E C Guber
$6 99; W II Una $3 99; C E Llns $1.99
L W Davles $35.92; A C Warner $19.
95; E James $32.95; L Mntton $5.98;
T C Thomas $38.16; H Ostorne $3.99;
1) II Thomas $3.99; John Heft $55.92;
Alvin Heft $39.92; 8 Nash $29.94; E
Nash $29.92; R Cautrll $29.94; Jesn
Cntrlll $29.94; G Cantrlll $29.94; O
Hartzler $17.46; 8 Nash $49.90; E
Nash $49.90; R Coutrel $29.94; J Cou-
rtll $29.94; G Cautrll $29.94; A Heft I
$29.94; John Heft $97.86; Alvin Heft
$24.95; Roy Rogers $127.24; Stenstrom
Bros. $220.00; J P Cook $13.47; Chas
Hargan $14.97; II Whltten $22.45; P
Rlegelman $17.96; R Delashmutt $19.
96; II Stanstrom $8.98; F Whitten
$19.86; Andrew Sanches $17.96; F
Whltten's $11.96; Orln Davidson $9.48;
Ed Puytoart $24.69; Wm Sewell $10.48
II Borland $8.99; H-Puyleart $4.49: F
Ralcy $4.49; F Luymbreak $4.49; Wm.
Oldenstat $4.49; Carl Foultner $4.49;
Jasper Likes $12.47; W S Schults $12.-
No. 1
F M Hendricksen $9.60; Frank
Busch $4.70; Geo J Case $2.20; Canby
Hardware ft Implement Co $0.65; H
II Chlndgren $15.00; Howard Cooper
Corporation $102.13; Clyde Equipment
Co $17.50; Lee Adklns $3.00; Marchall
Wells Co $2.65; J 1 Case I M Company
$39.85; L O Nightengale $10.65; Glenn,
Larklns $30.00 W J Vlck $45.00; A. R.
Silas $2.00; Kaspar Zenger $25.00; A
E Hoff $17.00; C A Wallace $106.24;
G A Wallace $7.06; D. R. Dimtck $1.67
Hattne-Hauler Bros $7.60; A Helnrich
$20.23; E Itschner $297.02; A J Wet
more L327.23; A Helnrich $222.23; M
D Chlndgren $9.98; D R Dlmick $125.
79; George Koehler $101.83; J W Gar
ret $92.31; Wm Clauuon $8.98; J D
French $4.49; Oren Adklns $95.88; C
A Wallace $161.73; Earl Starks $131.
76; Ed Anderson $116.01; O F Kllnger
$87.65; W B Coffee, $94.29; E Itsch
ner $7.47;
No. 2
J I Case T M Co Inc $8.00; A Wolf
$84.40; Bruns Lumber Co $195.35; J
R Melnlg $110.78; Coast Culvert ft
Flume Co $824.90; B J Casterllne $12.
29; J R Maroney $107.05; Tom KubiU
$77.34; Carl Mendland $113.85; Harry
Dickies $39.95; G Stuck! $24.95; Aug.
Hornecker $77.34; W Carrow $98.83;
Bert Dockery $59.88; Harry Reea $58.
63; George Vickels $50.51; Gottfried
Stuckl $39.92; J F Dockery $42.17; G
AUgeier $61.74; Guss Klne $31.80; P
B Gray $27.44: Henry . Raderbush
$38.95; Ernest Wendland $15.58; R A
Chown $26.96; Ed GIeh $12.47; O C
Maroney $4.99; Gus Johnson $24.91;
R Peterson $17.61; John Burgeeon
$17.61; Carl Olson $17.61; Victor Wah
Istrom $17.61; Walter Henrlcl $72.74;
Claud Henrlcl $75.48; Albert Bcheer
$66.11; M L Crawford $3.23; Alertb
Scheer $9.37; M L Crawford $89.24; G
E LaSalle $83.97; Glen Cantril $5.49;
No. 4
Stenstrom Bros $375.00; Wm Sewell
$49.41; R Delashmutt $47.40; Orln
Davidson $21.23; Chas Hargan $32.43;
Paul Rlegleman $42.65; H Whltten
$42.65; HPuyleart $42.65; Ed Puyleart
$38.16; Andrew Senches $42.65; F
Ralcy $40.41; F Whltten $42.41; John
Wanker $29.18; F Whltten $28.40; J
Ralcy $53.90; F Puymbrook $24.69; W
Oldenstadt $17.96; Carl Foultner $17..
96; C Ackerson $17.96; C C Sohroeder
$72.72; Lold Walker $12.23; H M Bor
land $13.98; Henry Koch $12.23; C
Koch $6.98; Win Oldenstadt $3.99; 11
Schroeder $2.99; A W Borland $30 92;
A H Borland $6137; C D Ackerson
$19.85; John Rlcy $3.89; M Ollldge
$10.49; f
Expenditures for Month of October
Election . ,
I D Taylor $6.40; II II Hardy $6 00;
M II Meyers $6 .00; Alierd I Add $6.00;
John G Prlngle $6.00; E. R. Leek $6;
Otto Melndl $4.00; D. F LrFevre $11 40
T II Blenche $9 00; A Glover $600;
Ortley Plimpton $9.00; J F Lymp $9.00
Arthur V SJokoe $9.00; School Dt.
123 $5.00; George Forman $8.40; Chas
H Bartlemay $8.00; J H Kinney $6.00;
Nellie U Singleton $6.00; Leandor
liartl.way $6.00; R W White $6.00;
C F Zlegler $8 40; O M Ausve $6.00;
D Bhepard $6.00; Co 8 Berg $6.00;
R W Zimmerman $6 00; H R Zimmer
man $6.00; Mrs. W 8 Tuli.$5.00; U
Bolilander $7.20; W P Daniels $600;
Abel Thomas $6.00; A A Gross $6.00;
II Mosher $8.00; Mary Indergan $6;
W E Jones $600; Griffiths Roberts
$8.00; Fred Kamarth $6.00; Hugo Han
sen $6.00; L J Durry $6.00; R E Ed
wards $6.00; Fred Bohlander $6.00;
Beacon Heights, Halt Co $5.00; W R
Telford $9.00; Johi; Meyer $6.00; M
It Wheeler $6 00; H L Hall $6.00; V
Maulding $8.00; O W Boring $3.00;
I O O F (Boring) $0 00; Joseph Vaer
etti $12.00; Geo O Gibson $6.00; Don
ald Allen $9.00; Chas Larsen $6.00;
Ralph Ganger $6.00; Carolina Vaeretta
$6.00; W C Kendall $7.80; E C Schull
$6.00; J Lee Ekerson $3.00; C N Wait
$3.00; R J Garrett $600; Clarence L
Eld $6.00; Ida B Knight $3.00; Eliza
beth White $3.00; City of Canby $5.00;
J F Patch $6.00; Geo Koehler $7.80;
E It Dlmick $6.00; Grace L Patch $6.00
O W Krueger $6.00; Wm Beeson $6.00
W II Bair $5.00; W 11 Lucke $12.80;
II C Gllmore $6.00; J P Dalzer $6.00;
O F Frvntrens $6.00; Sade M Lucke
i?n tin 1
200 J)0
Stenographer .
As men and chalnrnen
Mileage . . ,
' Assessor
Salary ...' ,
Chief deputy
Second deputy
Third deputy .,
Field deputies
Farm Data (1919L)
Extending tax roll ..
SUmps and travel 60.00
- 1200.00
. 1020.00
2500 00
Office Supplies
Assessment and tas rolL.
Assessment blanks .......
Tax rate sheets , ..
Total 1
Suppfle . ,
Adding machine
Eighth grade exam,
Teacher's exam.
Institute fund 500.00
.. 400.00
.. 350.00
.. 120.00
Health Officer
Salary ; ;.
Fumigation and ei,
...:...$ 700.00
. $1440.00
Traveling ex.
Postage, express
Scheol Superintendent
Supt's salary
Traveling ex.
Estimated expenses..
$ 700.00
Court House
Toilet paper, eta
Mops, lawn hose, etc...
Oils and disinfectant-
Locks, repairs
Ice .
Estimated amount of funds neces
sary to maintain the various offices,
courts and schools of the county, to
gether with the estimated amounts tor
State tax and maintenance of roads
and bridges. '
Circuit Court
Estimated expense. $5000.00
County Court
Salary of County Judge $1600.00
County Commissioners 2000.00
Stamps and stationery
Justice Courts
Estimated Expense
Juvenile Court
Estimated Expense
Sheriff's Office
Sheriff's salary
Chief Deputy
Extra Deputy ,
Inves. crime, auto hire
Phones ..-.
Board of prisoners
Plumbing .
..$ 350.00
- 1000.00
.. 75.00
- 87.00
- 60.00
- 75.00
.$3642 00
Registration . and elections..$ 6000.00
...$ 900.00
- 12Q0.0O
- 120.00
Widow's Pensions
Care of Poor ..
Cattle Indemnity
Indigent Soldier
Jail ;
Scalp Bounty
Tax relfete
Printing and adv.
State and county fairs
Sealer of weights
Lxperting books
Insurance (fire)
Fire Patrol
Accident Insurance
Traffic officer and exp.
int. on warrants
For purpose of buying poor
if arm
Int. on bridge bonds .
Tax Department
Chief Deputy's salary
Second deputy .j
One clerk
Three clerks 3 months, spring
collection !
One clerk, 6 months
One clerk, 2 months fall collec-
Overtime . -
Office Supplies
3 cash books at $90.00
2 recap, books at $4.00 .
25 turnover sheets
$ 270.00
- 15.00
21000 tax statements at S21.00
per M 440.00
Postage stamps 400.00
Post cards, personal notices of
Del 30.00
Red. Certf. books 60.00
Pens, nencils. ink. erasers.
. carbon DaDer 40.00
1 typewriter (give old one in
trade) 60.00
Office fixtures, rebuild tables 40.00
Total Expense
Clerk's Office
Clerk's salary
Chief Deputy .
Jlecord covers and machine re-
oaira ...-
Record Books Circuit Court
Judgment Docket, Register,
Journal I6O.011
County Court:
Letters Testamentary, Admin
istration, Bond Record, In
sane Record, Widow's Pen
sion Record 250.00
Commissioner's Court
Journal, Warrant Exhibit Rec.
Claim blanks and warrants tsu.uv
Marriage Record 55.60
General Ledger ' 55.00
Dog Collars and Licenses 240.00
Steel file unit lor vault. 210 60
Machine operator
Stationery, supplies,
and box rent
.. 1080.00
' 35.00
1000 00
12000 00
Total County General $143,704.00
Estimated Receipts
From sources other than taxation-
Clerk 110000.00
E3TACADA, Dec. 1. Douglas Drill
visited friends at this place the latter
part of last week, returning to his
home in Portland Saturday.
Bills are out announcing a dance at
tbe Estacada pavilion Saturday night I
December 3.
Mrs. Lena 'L'nderjvood and nieces
the Misses Catherine and Violet Walk
er, visited Portland Saturday.
There was a family reunion at tho
W. VV. Dillon home in Portland on
Thanksgiving day. Mrs. IS. W. Dillon
Mr. Dillon's mother and sisters, Misses
Anna, Gertrude and Ruth of Estaca,
were there, also Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dil
lon of Portland.
Joe DeMoy, Albert Llchthorn, Carl
Klmmel and Kussel Reed, all O. A. C.
boys, spent Thanksgiving at their re
spective homes In Estacada.
Miss Dora Curren was home from
O. A. C. to spend Thanksgiving.
Miss Thelma Hay was here from
Fortland this week visiting her young
Dr. L. A. Wells and wife entertained
the doctor's mother from Portland on
Thanksgiving day.
The local order of Odd Fellows had
prepared a lunch of hot dogs, bread
and coffee, to be consumed atfer their
meeting Saturday night, but the Re
bekahs decided that this kind of a
lunch was hardly the right thing, how
ever dainty it was, and so fifty strong
they quietly took charge of the dining
l.all and when their brothers marched
in to their least, there a splendid sup
per all spread upon the tables, con
ironiea mem. inn surprise was a
happy one.
The United Artisans had an im
promptu dance at the Estacada hotel
Saturday night.
Foreman Crane of the News office,
took a trip to Welches to look after
property interests, the latter part of
last week.
The Clear Creek Lumber Co's mill,
located on Clear Creek about six miles
from Estacada, was entirely destroyed
by fire this morning. The loss Is not
estimated but there was some Insur
ance. Origin of the fire unknown.
A specially good program has been
prepared for the Parent-Teachers' As
sociation which meets at the hign
school on Tuesday evening, December
Dr. and Mrs. R. Morse spent Thanks
giving with Portland relatives.
Mrs. A. E. Sparks, who has been vis
iting relatives In Iowa and Nebraska
ror about two months, is expected
home this week.
Ken Bartlett was home from Eu
gene this week.
The Thanksgiving union services at
tne nign scnool were rarely well at
SAN FRANCISCO, Doc. 1.Fe!erol
grand Jury Indictments against 10
persons In an allegrd liquor seiltnn
conspiracy, removed trdny fmm thJ
ferret ftlft. revealed charge that Mrs,
Glad K. Warburton, formerly aetln
federal prohibition director, had con
spired to violate the prohibition law,
and that John D. Costello, secretary to
United State Senator Pbelan, had
toW Harry Marquard, restaurant own
er, to set aside from the profits of his
liquor sales 10 per cent for the "de
mocratic election fund."
Duririjr Mrs. Warbnrton's tenn-e of
nine days, according to the indict
rnent. 124 barrels of whiskey wnsi Il
legally withdrawn from bonded ware
houses. She was accused of approv
ing feloniously a permit for the with
drawal of 20 of the ba-rels. Costello
was charged with haTln promised
Marquard protection from federal au
thorities ,having told them to go
ahead and sell liquor, and having ad
vised him to stop selling temporarily
because a raid was imminent
Thompson on West
Linn High Program
The Union high school of West
Linn will give a public program in the
auditorium Friday evening, Decemr
ber 3, at 8 o'clock, when Edward Ab
ner Thompson, of Boston, Mass., will
give an Interpretative dramatic pro
gram entitled "The Melodrama of
The; fetudVmia are melting tickets
for the affair, and the proceeds will
be turned over to the high school
student body treasury.
Justice court
6T0 U. S. Land sales
25:'e U S. Forest rentals..-
Motor vehicle fund
Int. on Dep.
Total receipts
Net County General
Roads and
District and General
and 307c)
State tax
$ 65.000.00
116,600 00
State Special Exempt
Market roads exempt-
$ 97,000.00
Farm Loans Preferred
leaver Bldg, Oregon
for dead cows and down and out
horses. Will call any whsre. Pnow
Milwaukee 6-J.
TO EXCHANGE 8-room House ana
quarter block in Newberg lor acre
age in Clackamas county. Address,
Nash, the auctioneer. Newberg, Ore. ,
ISTRATOR Joseph W. Farrar estate
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministrator ol the estate of Joseph
W Farrar, deceased, by the County
fVuirt of the State of Oregon lor
tended and the program carried out Clackamas County and that letters of
q o a Ar A-tcAst TV, 1 It s ' 1 1 x. J 1 4 I
oj i aamiaiBirauuu nave utwu uui tooucu
Total r $127,000.00
High school tax levied on
all property not in high
school districts $55,000.00
Notice is hereby given that a tax
payers meeting will be held at tMo
Court House at Oregon City, Oregon,
on December 2Sth, 1920 at 10 o'clock
A. M. for the purpose of discussing the
above estimates with the County
Court as by law provided.
Done at Oregon City this 1st day
of December, 1920.
Total Expense $S014.OO
Estimated receipts $10,000.00
Salary of Recorder $1500.00
Chief deputy .. 1200.00
Machine operator 1020.00
Macjitne operator xuu.uu
Extra help 150.00
Total $4S90.00
5 blank deed records 200.00
5 .blank mortgage records .200.00
One form mortgage record f 62.00
Envelopes and letters ..
Blank forms
Pens, pencils, etc.
Misc. office supplies.......
Typewriter ribbons
Repairing typewriters
Repairing index covers
Adding machine
Recorders bond
Total ... . $1122.00
Total Expense $6012.00
Estimated receipts $7000.00
Treasurer's Office
Salary $1500.00
Chief deputy
- 1200.00
Premium on treas. bond..
.Dep. bond
Burglar Ins.
Stamps, Ink, etc.
Registers, Led. Jour..
Gent Fund Bal. on hand
Assistant ..
Tillamook Dairymen
Aroused Over Rates
TILLAMOOK. Or., Dec. 1 Tho
lumber and dairy Interests of Tilla
mook counly have combined In a
vigorous campaign to obtain common
point rates for the county. It is
charged that Tillamook is taxed $200
more per car between certain pAints
than Astoria and other terminals on
an equal hauling basis.
The campaign has been informally
discussed for some time, but was
launched formally this week when
the matter was put in the hands of
the chamber of commerce. The cham
ber will be the working unit In wpich
all efforts of the various interests
will be centralised.
"Tillamook county, if Justly entitled
to common point rates, should not
discriminated against," declared F.
C. Baker, president of the 'chamber
of commerce, "at least to the extent
of $200 a car on freight between
given points.
"To remove this discrimination it
Is planned to take the matter up be
fore1 the . interstate! commerce com'
mission at Washington and demand
A ' committee composed of Carl
Hoberlach, secretary of the Tilla
mook County Creamery association;
F. C. Baker, president of the chamber
of commOTce; R. B. Miller, mayor-
elect; Moulton A. Harris and F-W.
Talbott, representing the city, and
George Watt of the Brighton Mills
company, has inaugurated the cam'
palgn by presenting the proposals to
the county court
as advertised. There were talks
Mrs. T. A. Reagan, Mrs. Ida Holder
and Prof. Burns, all very lnterestine.
Rev. J. F. Dunlop was still too 111
to take care of the services at the
M. E. church last Sunday, and the
preaching services were dispensed
with. Someone will fill the pulpit
next Sunday if the reverened gentle
man is too ill to preach.
V. W. Hausen who with Miss Betty
Wise has been conducting a restau
rant on Broadway for some time, has
leased the Estacada hotel, possession
to be taken on or before the first of
January. The hotel, which belongs to
the P. R. L. & P. Co., has been oc
cupied by the E. E. Saling family for
two or three years and most of the
time only rooms could be secured
mere, tfte dining room, beine' rlnsAit
Mr. Hauser will rive meals unrt nn
doubt the change will he quite a bene
fit on account of summer visitors who
preferred to eat where they roomed.
The Carey Real Estate company re
ports the sale of two 5-acre tracts of
the Look6ut acreage to John Miller of
Portland. Also F. MM. Baker pur
chased four lots In. Terrace Addition.
The Community club meeting last
Friday night was well attended and
matters of Importance to the town and
community were discussed. J. W.
Reed reported that the state had de
cided to put in a fish hatchery on the
creeks in the vicinity of the Country
club grounds, a part of the land suit
able for such purposes, having already
been purchased. J. W. Brewer, field
secretary ot trie State Chamber of
Commerce, was present and gave an
interesting talk.
MC and Mrs. M. E. Williams, of
Gresham, were Thanksgiving guests
at tne home of U. S. Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heyman had as
house guests last week Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Heavens and Clyde Heavens.
their son, Mrs. C. H. Mitchell and
Mrs. Anna Park, all of Portland. They
returned home Sunday evening, ac
companied by Mrs. Heylman.
A. Haidlan and wife, Miss Gladys
Stamp and Mrs. G. H. Lichthorn ac
companied Albert Lichthorn to Port
land Sunday evening where he took
the train for Corvallis. He Is attend
ing t'ie O. A. C. The rest of the party
attended a show and had their sup
per in Portland, before , returning
Mr. and Mrs- Robert Moore of
Gladstone and Bert page and wife of
Bull Run wer here to spend Thanks
giving at the home of their parents,
Mr .and Mrs. John Page.
Loran Ellis of Portland ate Thanks
giving dinner with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ellis of the Cash Store.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cary and little
daughter and Mrs. Cary's mother, Mrs.
N. B. Ecker ate turkey at the home
bf Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Boj-fes In Port
land" Thanksgiving day.
to him as such administrator. All per
sons having claims or demands
against said estate are harehy requlr.'
ed to present the same with the pro
per vouchers to the undersigned ad
ministrator at the office of the Couu
ty Clerk, in Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice. Claims
may also be presented to the admin
istrator personally at his office, 730
Chamber of Commerce Building, Port
land, Oregon.
Dater at Oregon City, Oregon, this
22nd day of November, 1920.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this
26th, 1920.
Date of first publication November
26th, 1920.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for the County of Clacka
1 mas.
Maude Horst, Plaintiff,
Claude W. Horst, Defendant.
To Claude W. Horst, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are herby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit, on or
before the l4th day ot January, 1921.
and if you fall to appear and answer
said complaint, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will take default against you,
and apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: '
that the marriage contract heretofore
and now exisiting between the plain
tiff and defendant be dissolved and
held for naught, and that the plain
tiff herein be awarded an absolute
decree of divorce from defendant, and
that her former name Maude Van
Nortwlck be restored to her, and for
such other and further relief as to '
the Court may seem meet and equit
able. 4Thls summons Is served upon you
by publication In the Oregon City En
terprise for fiix successive weeks,
pursuant to an order made by tbe
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of'
the above entitled Court, on the 26th
day of November, 1920.
Date of first publication, December.
3rd, 1920.
Data of last publication January
14th, 1921.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
511 Corbett Building, Portland, Ore,
The county court "cided to
permanently close the Suspension
bridge two hours each day during
the busiest hours of traffic, owing to
the weakened condition of the struo
tutre. PedeBtfriari- wfll bw allowed
upon the bridge as usual, but vehicle
traffic will be suspended from the
hours of 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock in the
morning and from 8:30 to 4:30
o'clock in the afternoon. ,
In the County Court of the State or
Oregon, For Clackamas County. '
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned Howard H. Holland ha
teen appointed administrator of the
Estate of Wellington If. Burt, de
ceased by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Clackamas Coun
ty, and has qualified. All persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same,
with proper vouchers and duly veri
fied as by law required, to the under
signed at the Bank of Oregon City,
Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published Decern
ber 3, 1920.
Date of last publication Dee. 3l&