Paps 6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1 920. RTHERN CLACKAMAS MILWAUKIE & NO Oak Grove Votes Special Road Taxj OAK GROVE, Dec. 2. John M. Oi ler and family of Salem spent Thanks giving with J. II. Riley and family. Mrs. V. G. Heuvie was the dinner guest of Mrs. Geo. Staysa in Portland Thanksgiving. Mrs. U, McKenon and son spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. MilHn John son of .Boring. School convened Monday after tho usual Thanksgiving vacation. Tho Social Service Club met last Thufsday. with- Mix Lyra Waron, near RieJey and. after the business session an interesting program mas enjoyed. Two ladies wr admitted to membership. Mtss Vera Ifollen came home from Portland for Thanksgiving and the week end. The road d 1st riots formerly "S and 47 were well represented at a meet ing held Saturday night at Oak Grove school when a 10 mill special tax was levied. If. G. Starkweather presided and J. Dean Butler acted as secretary Mrs- R, R. Davenport Is convalesc ing solwly. J 1:.B!,la:n.,cft t0.T:n1: tho winter in Los Angeles and Mrs. Pollaa has gone to visit her mothe at Ellensburg, Wash. G !S!N RE i. CALGARY, Canada, Dec. 1. Rep- rserj:ing more .Uian. S6.0i0 sljare holders in the three prairie provinces, the delegates to the United Grain Growers' convention Saturday after noon .unanimously endorsed the pro Agriculture for the creation of a farm ers co-operative pool to handle the wheat crop of 1921 and'future years. The Saskatchewan Co-Operative Ele vator company at a meeting in Regina on Wednesday of this week carried a similar resolution. The Saskatchewan company has upward of 22,000 share holders and the total number of share holders whose representatives have endorsed the scheme are therefore approximately sixty thousand. The committee of the Canadian Council of .Agriculture who drafted the pro posal estimated that with 75,000 con tract holders, representing eight and o balf million acres of wheat land, this gigantic undertaking coul be leunched successfully. The U. F. A. secretaries who endorsed the coun ell's plan this week are representa tives of a great body, of farmers of these two companies and non-members. Apparantly, therefore, if the tig convention held this week reflects the. opinion of the fanners of the west, as may be assumed, the Canadian Coun cil of Agriculture may now feel con fident in proceeding with the details of their scheme. 3Iany Hunters Off to Find Oil Wells EDMONTON, Ontario, Dec. 1. more proud of every child than he. The first of the overland oil hunters ; Rose and Ivy home from their schools have started on their way to the j whe-e they give excellent satisfaction Graat Slave Lake and Fort Norman. ! as teachers, Lillie came out from Re?l They are Dan Darough, A. H. Schura- j College where she is making her or, Tony Neis and J. A. M. Rankin, all ; fine scores, Glenn coming, with her of them experienced northerners, anlj from Portland where he is in Waeh they left Thursday on an A. & G. W. Ington High, Jennie and Cora hurried train for Fort McMurray which also1 up from the Oregon "U", George the took winter mail for the far north, j prosperous farmer, and his wife, Phones: . Sellwood 597. Automatic 21363 John P. Miller, Mgr. East Side Mill & Lumber Company Manufacturers an dDealers In . Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Mouldings Mill Foot of Spokane Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON J P. FINLEY & SON Perfect Funeral Service Telephone Main 9 A-J599 Drugs, Prescriptions, Druggist Sundries, Vetinary Remedies Fancy Stationery and Choice Candies. At your home drug store. THE PERRY PHARMACY Mllwaukle, Oregon W. B. Perry, Prop. First State BankorMiwaulde ."YOUR HOME BANK" Conducts a General Banking Business ' 4 percent, interest on Savings. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED ! -m I SANDY DEPARTMENT MRS. J. M. C MILLER Correspondent Sandy Schools Give I Pilgrim Dav Program SANDY. IV 1 A big rivsram given last Wednesday at the. school house In honor of Thanksgiving dav and also the landing of the Pilgrims at Hymouth. 300 years ago. The grade and high sthool united forces in pre paring the program which was as (A lows: "The Kittle Pilgrims," Srd and 4th grades, Scene 1, England, Scene 2 Holland. Seem. 3, Amet-va; "t.INtc Hollanders." 3rd and 4th grades; Sons, Kight girls; Dialogue; Song. "Katrina", by Udyd Mayhem; Thanksgiving Talk, by Hazel Ber Reading "A Pianny Duet." by Ruby lVdd n costume; 'Dam-? of the Wild Flowers", a piano solo toy FHeda Dohberful; Song by "th and St ri grades, "The Golden Dream .Boat"; I". , J ; .. . . . !-,., : Turkey' by Florence Toller. After the program concluded the school rupils wer dismissed and part program were repeated for the pa trons of the school who were invited to come at two o'clock, there being no room large enough to accommo date both pupils and visitors. Arter the second installment of program was finished Mrs, Ten Eyck present ed the , matter of a Parent-Teacher's organization. A paper by Mrs. Robert Jonsrud of Kelso was read, retting forth the advantages to be gained by organiied effort, and lit erature from the Multnomah County Farent Teachers President was read. After quite a dsicu3?ion as to whether it was best to have a separ ate organization or have the worlc car ried on by committees appofcted un der the auspices of the Women's club, the majority decided to have a Parent Teacher election at once and Mrs. Ten Eyck acted as tem porary chairman. The following offi cers were elected; president, Mrs, Mrs. Cubits: vleie-president, Mrs. Dittert; secretary, Mrs. Velmick; treasurer, Mrs, Jack Burnett Mrs. Shaw was appointed to help Mrs. Mat tingly draw up a constitution and i ' laws. Friday, December 3, was ap pointed as the next meeting time, at two o'clock, in the school house. Happy Family Has Reunion At Marmot SANDY, Dec. 1. Among the big do ings of the week was the family re union on Thanksgiving at the R. A. Ten Eyck home at Marmot. This was the first time Mr. Ten Eyck could put down eleven plates for the eleven children, ranging in age from 33 to 12 years since Herry came home from France, and hers was a feeling only a mother can understand, as she saw them all gather around the table once again. Eleven" children no deaths, no sickness, all hearty and happy, all grown but two, all single but one: what a record! Mr. Ten Eytk feels he can "understand", and it would be hard to find a father Montgomery and Fifth Portland i who is teaching at Sandy, joined the other three boys who aiv still at home. Henry, the soldier tisimor. "Ed" the "standby", and .Miles the "liulo follow complied the list, though two visitors also had places at the table along with the proud,' "heads- of The household. Needless to say there was everything to eat anybody could want, and in the eve when the "chores" were all done a happy family gathered at the fireside and had siniUiiir. spcakim. readings, stories and 'u everything, with candy, nuts and sweet cider be tween acts till all at once father" dis covered It was two o'clock in the naming! GOOD PROGRAM GIVEN The 'fallowing ex"llon.t program was given Sunday night at tho M. E. church; with Mrs. George Perret at the organ: Voluntary; lkx blogy; Responsive reading; Hymn by choir and congregation; Recitation, "Sleepy Land," by Drusilla Miller; Anthem, "Thanksgiving', by a quar tette consisting of Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Esson. Dr. Sture and R. S. Smith: Reading. "Sunbeams" by Mrs. J. C. Duke; t?olo, VallHee," by Dr. Sture: Song. "Lullaby Land", Ruby Dodd and Hazel Beers; "Some Day", by the quartette choir; 'A eFw Paragraphs on Music", Mrs. Miller; anthem. "Come Thou Fount," by quartette; an nouncements, song by congregation. The next musical program will be u week from Sunday night, December 12. Everybody who loves music should come! SANDY LOCALS SANDY, Dec. I. The Scales family feasted a number of relatives as one of their ways of showing gratitude on the big day last week. Miss Marguerite Klein was manager of the cuisine and did herself proud , of course. Gathered around this glow ing fireside were Mrs, Scales' mother, Mrs. H. Blackhall, Miss Bella Black hall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bay and two children, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reed of Corbett and their daughter Bella and young sou, Mr and Mrs. Scales, oTmmy and Kenneth. Mis3 Klein and Anna Crow. The Reed family remained over night and at tended church in the opening with the. Scales family. Mr. Reed Is the big salmon fishery man at CorbetL Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Purcell went to the city on Thanksgiving morning, remaining with relatives until Sunday. The Charley Krebs and the Henry Herman families of Sandy-ridge and the Walter Krebs family spent Thanksgiving at the "Grandpa" Krebs home and they all had a very happy time together. There was a large- crowd at the Thanksgiving dance which was held oil Saturday nighf, especially with such roads to muddle through. Mrs. E. J. Mitchell had a big family dinner that was a happy event for all present on Thanksgiving ady .The guests lncludede Ned and Harry Mitchell who came home from the O. A. C. to be with their mother on the great day, Mr. and Mrs. Ganger, Sr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ganger of Bull Run, Miss Mollie Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Justin and little Muriel of Oregon City, and Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell of Sandy. Mrs. John Maroney had her turkey and every "fixin' " already on Thanks giving, fully expecting her father and mother out as the holiday was also Ifcr father's birthday, 'but lo! and behold the quarantine man was slip ping 'round in that Portland man's town and Lloyd was found to have diptheria germs in his system, al though he was not really ill. To have a feast and no guests takes the Joy out of life, so the neighbors were in vited al had legitimate excuses "Carl" dropped in and cf course was "hungry" so he was dispatched back to the ranch In a hurry and Mr. and Mrs. Powers and he soon returned in fine trim for the big dinner, so the hours sped merrily and the turkey folowed suit- .Mrs. Maroney also had as midnight supper guests on Saturday Mrs. Torn Hagan and Mrs. Powers and Carl Powers. The Nelson and Peterson families down the Powell valley way are th-5 proud possessor' of a new ptona which they purchased last week from stock on dsiplay in the Sandy bank building. Kenneth Scales is one of the hap piest youngsters In town since he ! sold 50 copies of the December Ladles' Home Journal and will get a j flash light as a "prize. . Monday was a good day and how 'trucks and teams flitted about! The hum of Industry is always inspiring. Mr. and Mrs. C. 71 Piatt recently had the pleasure of a visit from Cap tain and Mrs. Willis Piatt of Van couver Barracks. Captain Piatt is a brother of our new townsman, C. H. Plaitt. Mr M. E. ltf.verty, of Yakima, Wash., is spending some time here visiting her daughters, Mrs. Piatt and Mrs. Wiser. Mrs. Laverty is well known I nour county, having lived twenty years near Wilhoit Springs. Mrs. Piatt and Mrs. Wiser were born in Clackamas County so it is no won der they feel at home here, and every one holds out the glad hand to them. Mrs. Joe Lilly went up the Willam ette valley to spend the week end with relatives. Mrs. Bertha Parker came out to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her children and her mother, Mrs. Caron. Mr. Jones and Mr. Holman, workers at the Sandy Lumber Co, mill were down in our town last Saturday, Miss Lulu Eddy ii recovering from a severe cold which has been hang ing on for the past.wek or more. , Mrs. 8. W. Allen, is grateful to all the neighbors and friends who were so thoughtful during the' recent ill ness of the family. Sandy has a heart and it is usually In the right place. Polish cmidren Deeply Grateful for Saving Gift of Ameri H Holiday or play day" to ickool boys and girls k Poland mean marching In a procession and carrying m American flag. Because they reccam a daily meal of good hot Ameriraa food nt their noon recess, these childrea want to show their gratitude to their benefac tors, and so they laboriously make oar flag to carry In n public march. They have placed the stars In me wrong cor ner and they probably do not know the good old traditions about our thirteen colonies for which the stripes stand. Jack Scales left for Shepherd's springs l.u-t Saturday ami will spend a we-k or ten days at "hard drink." will revel in a spring water bath and recreate to his heart's content und then come home fueling like the "rn; Jack." no doubt. , Grandpa Kreos still keeps at-out yie' same, though he doe not seem to suf-, ler so severly. Most of tb time he lies quietly, but seldom rocogniaes ' anyone. . Mrs. Carl Aschoft w!io recently was In the t-ity having her tonsils removed Is home again and glad it is all ovr. ; Mrs. Jack Harnett has been among the ailing ones during the first of the week. She arrived a trifle laK but little i Rose Mary Kelaicker dkin't know . it was Thanksgiving on Thursday so she ( waited untill Saturday November 27 ; to make her appearance at the Henry Kelslcker home, and was accepted as a Thanksgiving present just the sam. j She weighed nine pounds. On the 15th, her little cousin Grace arrived at the Geo. Kelsicker homt. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. FMdy and thel daughter Lufu, and Rev. Earl Cotton were dinner gue&ts at the home of Mr. ' and Mrs. Martin U-nnartz on Thanks-j givnig duy and hud a perfectly fine ft-ed and delightful time. I Mrs. Viola Douglas and daughter liina gave a big Thanksgiving dinnu.' placing twenty five plates on thej table, and making twenty- five duly grateful. After all these guests feas;ting to the limit there was tur-j key left. Who wouldn't like to go to! the Douglas settlement, if such feeds ' are a habit there. All but two presetn wer relatives. The following were ' the favored one's: Mr. and Mrs. j Walte Douglas rfand family; Mr. anu ' Mrs. Roy Douglas and family; M. i and Mrs. Ed Douglass and family, Mr.! and Mrs. Will Douglas, Mr. and Mrs.! J. G. DeShazer and family. Will Bel! ' Clyde Munger, beldes the hosto-is, j Mrs. Viola Douglas and daughter, Mis I Bina Douglas. The party Inlgered till ! late In the day. j M. and Mrs. R. E- Esson went to , Portland last week to give thanks ; with Mrs. Esson's home folks, Mr. ' and Mrs. E. A. Gillbert who live at; Lents. They stayed over night and had a lovely time. I J. H. Clark, manager of the Aria"-' wanna hotel, and who used to be a I neighbor to Mr. and Mrs. John Mar-! onay was In town last week am: hunted up these good friends and j stayed all night to talk over old times. Tho Clarks formerly lived over In . the Waespie hill region. Mrs. Dave Douglas and sons were.' in town last Saturday and little Floyd, not yet four, deposited five dollars In the bank which he has been sav ing for two years and the little fellow could not be coaxed Into sp"-' penny of It, even for candy. Byj learning such thrift habits there Is j little danger " ' - will be a "hold up" man like many youths of today whose ungovernable greed for spending- ns making criminals out of a prat proposition of our our young men. The proclamation sent out by Gov ernor Olcott to be known as school week" from Dec. 5 to 11 ought to bring forth new Ideas as to how to start some move to get rational id' - Implanted in the minds of the counrv,l for the young men cannot get beyond control of both home and school un less there Is something wrong In the bringing up. Rev. Father Hogan, through whose efforts Mt. Michaels church was built in Sandy, and who has been located 1 here several years, has gone to al larger field of work at Beaverton.) Father Hogan has many friends here; who very much regret his leaving, j and many of his parishioners will miss his services as resident priest. Hlg genial cheer was 'catching", and be made friends. Mayor Shelley, her husband, "P. I'.", Jonnle and Joe, all went to Hood River to celebrate last week and have not yet returned. Too much turkey perhaps. Fred Wenceli and a brother who Is visiting him from the east were out here last week. An easterner can tie ;if v;K&:r- rv inn t : mm t ,.,.. , tiK...Jf hjnA . WI i. w ibot they are dear on she ourstiun of who u their friend. They hare gone mifliun of them In all parts of Poland, day after day and week after week since tbe Armictke to the kitchens of the American Relief lAdmkistratkxt European Chudrra'i Fund, and have been fed. They still face starvation without their daily ra tion of nourishing soap and cocoa, front the kitchens, but the araOa- bin to the European Children's Fund will furnish the cfnld feeding snv ition with aonplies only until January. not realty sh the wsit without tak ing nl our part of tlw country. Mrs. Ernest Aschoft a pleasant ludy frony-tho Marmot country, was in Sandy last Saturday. Mrs. Aschoff believes the things overyone cay.t about the -road conditions. Walter Krebs laughingly rvmutked nut hts tiimlly hud goue to ro.niand to spend the rest of his "fortune," the other day. They are evidently remembering the motto "shop early," Gus Duhrens worked nil day on Thanksgiving, as tha Dwyer men were so Industrious they preferred a day's wages to a duy's featting. Youthful nlmrods are polng forth armed for the "catch" but no unu-uml fish Btorles ure reported up to date, Mrs. 1 M. Wilson, mother of I Mayor Blanch Shelley tins gone over ' T(I1.,.......V ...I.- . . .. , . ! w i iimiiiuu w ii!r wue expt-M'ls 10 make her homo, having moved hr belonging a few days ago. The cheer of Mrs. Wilson, and "ler kindly manner will bo nilnsetl, us well ns her willingness to help others. She exptx'ts to dl nu-sing over there. Mayor (elwt) Junker wiis a Port land visitor this wek and while In the city looked uftor several commun ity Interests. Mr. and Mrs. George Perret had a pleasurable visit f'om relatives the past week end Mrs. and Miss Atcho son, Mrs. Ferret's mother and slxter. el so her a'int, were the gusts. Mrs. Jack Barnett, Mildred and Ruthle will bn In Portland for nwtitlo, and Marguerite will keep house for her father while thry are awny. Will B"ll spent his Thanksgiving us a guest over In the Douglas neighbor hood eating turkey and other good things. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dunn and Pert ton wee "thankful" at the home ol their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn. Warren WUkimons in staying or home for a mfonth or six w-cks nnil will then go back to work at Bull Run Lake. MaMrio Boltano killed a young beef last week and divided up with his neighbors. Melnlg's have been making all tho deliveries with the small truck that were possible, and have had to mako some mountain trips by team. A new tltree and a half ton truck Is a new possession at the Jonsrud Cunderson mill, Tho mill h:i b:jn idle for two or three weeks and It Is uncertain as to the date of starling work again. Paul Dunn bought the cow bolons Ing to Adolph Dahrens for John Dunn who has taken It to his place on the Wurf. Antone Jabs, is riding around In a flivver now. It seems everyone around JUST KIDS sui.tics- 3TJ f LEnnE see .WE &OT 1 16 noRE SCHOOL. DVS -Tine FIVE '-N- - J. 130 H0OR3 -TjlHES w IS TSOO rtiNum( DlDNT ADD ANVTHIHtt ) - TinES to IS m.8,000 SS.COHPS -TMtK ) JFCO. STA-TIM' IN OlDJA? ( GOOO OU VACA5M0N rinc - WE 0NL"r ( GOTTA APD PUNTY 41JG0T H68.00O MOKE StCOHD-, CI VHOOk! TAyN' IN MOSHf SfililL T WOMNtR mow Mrn S -f.P;i!ll VY1 1 ItlCKltl A FtVLEP. KIN.OlT I1' jllS J S L ,N 1fc8'000 "onps . Mosny ( Mm 3" ' 0 7l Mr 174 ! IWTERNATIONAL CARTOON CO.y; - "S l Food WW . J . .. v. '. i i . .. i y For the means to carry on tWe wrali after that date Herbert Hoower an peals hi American grncrosky. Vis; Hoover 1 diairmaa of the Kurnnean CbiUlren's FbikI, which is a Usmh of tiie American Krhrf Adiuinutratioe of which he is hew!. Tlie Fend gives on meat a day to a million children lu Poland and a million and a half in the Dahic States, Circho-Slovskia and Austria. The gift of $2Jj0O0,tX from the American people will mean the continuance of the child welfare work until next summer. Without lite gist Uhe chJUren will i town Is getting too swift for th old way of traveling. Tho Anton M;ilur were thankful they could have a quiet duy of rest on Mrs. Malar' s mother, Mrs. Heiumk spent a couple of days with her thU wok Ear Uitikin of Viola spent hl Thiinkr-glvlng vacation lit tlm home of Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Ten Eyck al their Marmot ranch home Geo. Wolf wua on the ulllntt lint ugatn lust Monday but got tile le-st of his Illness in a short time. Mr. and Mm. ' lloernlt ke misled having a thuukful lime at Grenhum hecuui.0 of being miserable with a hev'ie cold and sore throat, which was Juit the plutn old fushlon'-d kind and not dlptlieria. However, she and Mr. Iloernleko cooked ' themselves a nice dinner and bad u good time anyway. M,rs, lloerntcko wut to work nguiu In Melnlgs store the early put t of t'lls week. There will bo a hl danco at the new hall at Iltiglttwoutl on Saturday night for the pleiiro of the mill boys In particular. Mrs. Ntidxe" - - Mrs. Ostium tiro the sponsors for the (arty. Antono Mickelimh was down from ttie big mill at Biightwood on Mon day, looknlg around town ou business. The Alfred tloyt'g of Portland were out to their country home on tli'e bluff road Sunday for an outing. Mr. and Mrs. Juck Burnett and their little glis went down to Lent on Thanksgiving to eat dinner and have a perfectly good visit with Mrs Mildred Johnson, Mrs. Harnett's sis ter. Susun I'pdegrav", A- J. Morrison nnd Mrs. rpdegrnvo's young sun we'o In, town Thanksgiving day and had dinner after a strenuous drivo down In a hack; the vehicle almost over turning, and thn horses almost swim ming In tho mud, In places. They tied the round a-bout road hom, (via teh Burn) Sunday night. The problem of getting cream down from Driver Is a dtlTlcult. ono. Thw Dover folk were cullers at tho Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Perret ente'taln ed Mr. and Mrs, Henry P-rret and family nt a reputation T'lnnksglvine dinner, There was foul tu'key nnd all the trimmings that makes every one wish thp day came oftener. Mr. and Mrs, High of Carlton, Or. drove over to spend Thanksgiving Is M n. Lilly's brother. Joe Smith of Dover was called to Portland last week on legal business, and hi was accompanied by Mr. Sub ser. Birch and Wobb Roberts have com down from the- forest reserve where they hitVtt bll w uklng us the snow KOl too deep to HCcompll!! ntivtlilng ' t'lis. I'udotrrnvs nml Mo Welst helped einij oilier ill the well I'lKRtna busliivsn lust week vvlili ' I onutt tluit tiltts. bill a Hew well ft. deep, and Wolht has on 15 ft, on thi-l respective place. Really It U limit to n''iv why itliy.ttlOi Heed k under. t round fot -water Itiese daj'ii. , A party at tho Vdcll homo In Dover wits wvll attended on Haiiirday IllKht. It was a mi -pi l, i affair given In honor of Mill Alice I'dell. Giiinei and sing ing nnd refi'entiineiiti entertained (bo KUtvtt unill ttie wee ifimOl houis, Mr, Muntt and Air. Child, had a blow out ou tint way to !lu party so a hoti had to tie borrow ol a iouriiev ni t In to n lleliiilnii' iifler nil IllUc- tube, Inlt llnally the repulr was made and they piiicieded to i ho party nniviiiu at lieve-n o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Sensi--nlritner of ttio HttiU luivn koiio In vIhIi a week with thei- aunt. Mrs, Jidm BnriiieUier n with her motlu r, Mr. August Sett'i'kii In Sudy to stilt until mIki Is feeling better, the In having u xeUn with hr teetli and K-s to Portland every few wix kn to tier dentist, Dr. Julius Sture and Mrs, Hturo drove over Into nVshitii;tou to eat "druuntlUks" with the doctor's hninu folk''. Mrs. Sturu remained mull Sun day w lint Dr drove over and luniuht her home. Al Emily was lit town over Sunday nlglil and came to !h Sntiitny m tiliig muxlcnl pMKruin. Mr, ud Mrs J t". Duke nnd Cecil Dlllie vvciv Slipper rue"': lit t'le l'rt of Mr und Mts. 0 inper Junker on last Friday eveiileg. Heinle Junker wl! po ' j l.uit-ui in In a week or iv.o wllci v he ho; n po- iitl ti i-mihIhi d hint It the Hn ed Sar in t. It Is u Inrnit huHlti'-s nnd will bi a prt iltublo evp'rt'Mi'-e forjuir young townsman. Mrs. Wtn. tm !l. r 1 ! fie hrrd luck to rstll down R-d tui-i ; anil sever.';-, ;-".! .Vv t! f-i-;7" ; . :. round (ill tunmd up, which Intel fete wtltt her work, miturally. Joe Albet wm over from the Jirun mill last Monday iiIkIiI smpplnif, Mrs. I. Infield .slUter of Mrs. Caron'. bus gone to iier t Isltn at Wtld Cat for th winter, after spending a month or two In Por:li,nd. Mrs! Llmleld wjs t the big dnlica Sntunlay night. . Mrs, Snlftden nnd daughter, re!a lives of Mrs Cann who llvn nt (!ot. I rH. were also ut the dancn Satur day night. Little Dmsllltt Millar U at the b ililn of lw grstulpivn-nls airnln for an extended stay. Everyone living m luav,ir Cr'tk tieur Oregon City knows Mr. uud Mrs. (Mint Gordy and will be gln to hear they sre In Oregon ngntn . Thy ar rolng to tiend lbs winter, nnv-way, In Gnwliam, and may locate there. Mr, Snodgrass Is here from MolalU looking up son cedar ttmbnr with thn flnu Idea of starting a shlngltf mill In ciwo he can make satisfactory arungemnnm. Dave Douglus has been wnrkitig on the middle road and srys It will be. flnlnsh-d this week. It wn reported already that It was finished, The road referred lo Is f-om Cherryvllle o Flrvvood, presiimality. The Hruns saw mill Is working shout a half crw now and Is sawing some ties now, ns well ns lumber. A full crew may be put on when tho roads are repaired, John lliiiley has seventy f 1 v j hogo he Is feeding; qttilo a hog'ranc'i for a Ixicbelor. lie hns ftnlvted hiiiill'ig out six ton of whole corn lit tiewn at Park Rose, huullnr n loud buck after taking a truck loud of pro docts down from time to time. Mario lloltuno spoiled ri porfeclly good rubber shoe by running a rusty null Into his foot the other day. .lint a few days before ho said lie couldn't nl.ind It If ho felt any better h was In such perfect health. There have been several Morn road meetings during the pint vvi't-k. The Bull Run district voted ten mill special tux nnd -e-enni'-rded Geo, Ten Eyck for supervisor tlnli meeting Saturday. The t nttr.H dis trict also voted ten milL and Mr. Brook of Cot Tell wns the choice for mp'rvlsor. The Sumly road meeting wni held Saiardny night, a ti n mill i.tx "otcd and o.lhn Mnmnuv named d'aper''por. Kr-d Proctor wiih secro tury t i.'ii John taurVmiy, cliali man. Thtt rock crustier started worliing again on Mondny morning, the day was fair, and If only tho little ruin god would run away for n month the traveling might ho , helped out con siderably. There was a road meeting at Fir wood school house aHturday rt which a ttva mill tux was voted to bo spent cn the Hart road. Will llimholm was agii'i. tl;o choice for Mupe-vlscr.' A s'iiool'mofltlng wa aluo hdil nftor the road meeting adjourned rt which k special tax of eight mills vns voted. The rond district In No. 27, and tho school district No. r2, Thanksgiving nigh; was a friendly ere for the Sandy-rt .(tro folks vhon the SuckowBros. and Mrs. Dodd In-, vlted a number In to share tlm eve ning with them In a neighborhood dance and a delicious . midnight lunch. The merry folkm wore not weary of their amusements until the old clock pointed to 3 A. M., then "chores" were remombored un'd they all hurried for homo. Among those present we-e Mr. and Mrs. Frod Suokow, Richard and Milton. Mr. and Mrs. lLttlepnge and Ray, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira Flynn and Mrs. Plorce, BUtly Doctoi-y, the Zogg )0y, the Gherko brothers, Gunde-sort hoys and Wm. Miller, ifleo. Gunderson wiis the leader of the Rldgo orchestra that furnished tho music and Mr. Miller Played the concertino. Mrs. Daniel, son, Mrs. Dodd's daughter .also Doris, were out from Portland, and they and Ruby Dodd were also present. Mrs. Frank Smith and Floronee Toller managed the Post Office for a few days the post week. Scales' store baa a big assortment of Xmas goods. .Drop In before buy- ' Ing elsewhere. Special prices for the holidays. (Adv.) ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Suokow enter, tnlned ceveral people Rt dinner on ThankBglvIng, among whom were her sister Mrs. Uura Lursen of Portland, and Mr. Wiklmer and Will.