OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1920. P 5 LOCALS AND PERSONALS other atat, where they visited for th part six wtiki, wer la Oregon City Saturday, X and Mrs. Fuller again took chars ot their hotel. known at the Cottage ISutel at Canby Saturday evening. Mix MM Goldwnlth, teacher In the Kugen high school, Instructor ot A pretty wedding waa solemnised Himnlsh and French, after visiting her t the Lutheran church Wednesday ,,k Woj)(, whd la well and favor- PwnU- Mr nd Mr Jullu 0M' at 8 o clock, when Ml. Eliza- ahl? know. i I T Oreton cS where 'nlth. h, clljr' durln' hor Tb,nh ,"Uh Bu"-' c brW J.1' B0!?h JLiJ .i-'n!...!! twin, vacation, returned to Ku8-n of Frank P. Fu, of thl. city. The U mmniuilMil Jlk lh HrMViin I giving nit Mnrifiu turlriK Comoany aa nunaay evening, traveling salesman for nineteen year, Impressive ring ceremony waa per- formed by Jlev. Kr.xberger, paator, In Um W It Mull nf Riiloin formnrll I Ih. ni-aannpa nf aKuit fifl fi-lunda and and later purchased the tranaporta- MU( rnncj( of tb cllyi ar. relative, of the contracting partlea. rived here and la visiting her Aa Ijohenglrn'. Wedding March waa parnnla, Mr. and Mr a. 8. V. Francis, rendered by Miss Melon Andresen, tlon business from the late C. N. (Iroenman, ha decided that Oregon . 4 . I . ....... . . I .. - . .11 vii y a prui7 awa pi-e m.w ha. r(m. her to attend tha fcrldal nurtv mtttriwl.lht church lie naa awmw 10 eni uuihb , t,1lna- annlif,rrv (il I TV,. rl,1. ... t,. Ml.. M.rl Mr. and Mra Moran to be observed at Andresen, and the trot man wai Elzla Gladstone. I Fuge, brother of the bridegroom. The bride waa becomingly gowned again hern, and tin baaed the build Ing formerly occupied by Price llroth era on Beventh and Main streets, where he will operate a government u and Mrs. Cunnlnsham and dau-1 In tnlff nltrhf tilt. Iravaltn mi If with good, store. Mr. VVood will open the hUr Mr. Jone. of Albany, who :uP lrmming.. and he wore a hat atore or business Thursday mornlug. ,n cUy M of H m et and will b asslNed by August lUkel. U tornmt d,uhter, Mra. R. Had. of p)nk roebuda and UUea of the val- -" " r ley, and family, returned to weir jey run una or iommiii guvue "" ,.... a..n.u vnln. Thev Ddlill .. i..m.. ..ij m.. ina BnHfriirw, .. ..i,i- In Ororon CUV. I .- .... ...nil. .n4 l hl..v tI wearing apparel. A Jack appeared " ' "(Bir-a,- hnu. on Main alreet Tueaday. you could Mr. .... Bmmona. who baa tiwa L.,rf Lua. .hh iiih. ,.f .h. ..i. hcr Wood'e many trlwidi calling out dlng ,everm, month at Viola at ... ' T"i i. ft Bom ot n"r uni,'r' ro" The Interior of th church wa agalnr Nine yw B lJl 0 j. Unk.lit, haa gona to 8llv.rton. m,,, jorated with white and gon ( Hy for Portland, where he ha. whwe ,h, v,tmg Ber granddau- ow chry,anthemuma, fern, and palma. Following the marrlaga ceremony a alnce made hla home. ghter and family. Mr. and Mra. W. P. Jtawley and eon. Mra. Ithoda Watkini. of Portland. re.Blon (ot a rew of lhe tntlmau Wlllard P. Ilawlpy. Jr.. who lft here I u n Oregon CHy. having been aum- frtendw knd latiye. wai held at the eeveral wenaa ago on a moionng inp monnd Dy tne oeain 01 nor momer, i hom of Mr M(1 M William to California, are having a moat d Mra. J. C- Pace. Ilghtful time. Many Interesting placet have bn vlttd on the aecond trip. T. . Hankln., one Kruoger. the latter aliler of the brlda A buffet lunch waa aerved, when Mra. KruKr waa aaalatcd in aervlng by of the well although the former trip waa a moat known ploneen of Clackamaa county. wt U(lb Kraxberger. Mtoi Alice eveniruj one. Mmico nn again drd wnoee n;me ia ai vjiwim"", n,jrw,en( MUa Amelia viaiMHl, anu me lamuy ia now iuuiimh n mi inn hmhh iotioiim lh tout hum part of the elate In their automobllo, vlxltlng the large reiorti According to word received from the family Tudny morning. Bipy twll of the grand wethr, and have a number of motoring trip In view bo- fore atari Ing home. liuol, Mra. Blmar 1wk, Mra. William Lettenmter Attending were Rev. and Mra. Wll Central l'Oint bOCietV Ham Kraxberger, Mr. and Mr. Wll I 1 1 M lnp.11 Ml... MarlA ll.1iin m TT 1 1 Tl I"" v. .., ... . . 10 1101(1 1)12 DAZaar and Alice Andrewn. Mra. flchulti. Mr .eJ Jrm A II t man viorMf Wll llammm. Mtea Dora Btaehly. .Walter The Idlea' Aid Bocl.rfy of Central B,,,M ' ra.i. vs.. Mr. and Mr. Al Point will give a Uoaar at the Twl-k., '. -nA Mr. w. n. H Mr. and Mr. Ueorge Havlll. of Pea- light hall on lKcwmbr 3rd, and the K Bmeiia and Waller Krupger ver Ck. pawMid through Oregon program will commence at p. m. nni ni.rt tuiol. Mr. and Mr City Monday enrouta horn from 1-a Thla will be followed by the aale of , k nd gon Morrl. Mr. Orande, where they were gunata foi fancy article, candy and refresh-1 d Mrm, wmiam Lettenm?lor, Albert Thankiglvlng of Mr. and Mr. Harry menu. There will alao be a flab Pn1 1 nUoI. Jr., Emelta Buol Mter Ralph wyera. Mr. layer w iirmori7 ior Tne immmnrai oi ine puiii. I Xrlmblo, Mr. and Mra. Albert Ruol. uuHinei man ot inia cii7. anu u win -m luiiuwing win nave cuarsn. Mr .n . p. Im rnmembored that Mm. Myera met Flnh pond Mr. Horn Frlck ana I h11,iIMninr in with an accident about two month Mr E. Prick. bungalow on Ninth ago, whn ahe waa atruca ny an auio- t'amiy Min norenc iiwiuey ana mobile, and hor many frlonda of thin Imu Gllaon city and of Oladaton will be ploaaed Fancy Artlcltt Mr. Uentley to hear h In ntcoverlng. Other Mra Dodge, vlnltlng th Mytir home 'on Thank- lCufreHhmtiii MV- Kelland giving day were Mr. and Mr. Jay Mr. MlUur. Mym, the lattr fonnerly Ml Exchange Table Mr. F. J. Melndl and audi iitady lllount, of Qladatone, recently I nd Mra. VYhUey. marrying Mr. Jay Myer. K. lAForeat, who la well known In Oregon City, where he formerly re Id od. and eon of early Orgon Clt) plonecra, la In Portland on bulne In coiinm llon with the Amwican Rati Gomnany Sues for Property in Oswego ot the poatomce. having J D position for a numlwr of Mr- and Mr. Fuge have gone to their attractive bunnalow on Ninth and Pearl btreets, where they will be at home to tueir frlenda after December 1. The young couple were presented with many handsome gift. The bride, who In the second daugn ter of Mr. and Mr. Albert Duol, la an accomDtlnhed young woman, and fav orably known In Oregon City, where ahe ha resided lnce clhidnood. Mr. Fuge. who t the son of Mr. and Mr. Cla-k S.-Fuge, 1 an employe held tun vear. He well known In Oregon City. of the Mootehart Legloo waa a moat Lawrence, Mr. L. A. Moni, Mr. Wll- lucceaaful affair, both toclally and 1 11am Folger, Mr. Stuart Mitchell financially. I Mr. WUllam Tipton, Mr. Sophia Excellent mualc waa furnlubed by Moody, Mra Kent Moody, Mrs. Au a three-piece orchestra. tin Huycke, Mr. Frank Young, Mr The ball room wa prettily decorat- O. McKllllc&n, Mr. Theodore W. ds with the national colon, when mark, Mr. U E. Jone. flag and featoon of red, white and bli crepe paper were ued moat .l Mr. and Mr. B. K. Galllnger enter- foct'vely. Itanled In a most delightful manner Th commlltee having .charge of I at their hom Thankaglvlng afternoon the event wa composed of Mr when their guest were Mi. and .Mr. Paul ftuma, cbarlman; Mm. Rudolph Edgar Oalllngr, Jr., Mr. and Mr Wenger and Mr Al Cox. Ford Hcott and daughter, Jean, of thl cltr: Mr. and Mr. Llovd Armstronr. Announcement of the marriage of mIh Lorene Armstrotucot Auburn. Ml Ileulah uaywm ana Mr. John Wah., Mr. and Mr. Galllnger. Pamoacn have neen received in ure-i Cut tx and potted plan' wre gon City by relative and friend. mo.. tttcter In the Calllnzer The marriage iook pi;B at Nar.n hom vine, renn., uaiuraay, govern oer n . . a I .11. at me nome 01 ie onoe. rhantr P. P. E. O. met Tueadav at Mr. Dambach 1 well knuwo hcte. ,hn v rifirV ne i me oi mr. nn am. u. YVet Unn Dnmbach, of thl city. Aftor com- Following the regular business es- pletlng hi .tudle. In the Oregon City o Mr, WaiUro( cf 0ak Grove, high school, be took a courae and a) ,nterMtlnK tal)t cn Modern graduated at the Reed Collin In Port- Xmerteta Munic," explaining the land, where he wa one of the mort popular student. Ht lat'sr trek a special course at Columbia University, nd served In the army during the world war. After relvlng hla dis charge from the aorvlce lie left for the East, where lie ba been employ ed. causes of Us development and it re lation to modern tmlntmg and poetry, Mra. John F. Rlsley delighted the member by singing the following The nianket Song." "Incantation Up on , Sleeping Infant", "invocation to the Sun God' hy jrayer; -uanoe H.n.n frnm ah.naarl." Vitr CaAmHTI Mr. and Mr. Charles Moran have ' issued Invitations to their golden wedding to take place at their home! Mrs. Eva May and son, Thomas, at 01ad.tone Wednesday afternoon, entertained on Thanksgiving at a December 1, from two to flv,, o'clock- Thanksgiving dinner Their home was A ceremony will take place at i pT' " i.ii, I wUr sttU LUC1U UllisV 1UO urn 0C1OCK. I . i.. ,w. il Mr. and Mra. Moran are nromlnent oraieo lo curr""wl w,lu lue U""UB residents of Clacka: ia county, where ro""- took of a wedding dinner at the horn of the bride's mother. Th decorations of the Fried rlcli bom were most artistically arranged and beautiful, when yellow and white chrytanthemum were used la the dining room, and the living room was la lavender cbrjmanthemum and Oregon grape- Mr. F. J. Frledrtch, of Axtorla, planned and carried out the decorative scheme. Mr. and Mrs. Ralley left Thursday evening for their future home la San Francisco. Attending the reception were: Mi. and Mr John Lacey, Mrs. Marie Frledrifh, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Fried rich and children, F. J. Frledrtch, Jr, Anna Marie, Henrietta and Robert, of Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. E. C Gerbe and children, Ema, Edwin, Jr., and Virginia Ann, Miss Marie Frtedrtcti, Miss Satie Clancey and Mr. K. K. Felths. The bride, who haa been the motif for a number of social event given in honor of her marrlagfi. Is one ot the most popular girls of Clackamas county. For some time she wsa em ployed in the office of County Judge Anderson, and later with the Stand ard Oil Company of Parkplace. She wa an active member of the St John's Catholic church. M-. Ralley wa formerly connected with the Bundard Oil Company at Death Calls Mrs. Hattie Pace Monday Mrs. Hattie Pmc. wtf of John U Pace, and well known realdent of Oregon City, died at the family home at Twelfth and Jefferson streets Mon day morning at o'clock from Bright' disease. Mrs. Pace had been In poor health for the past year, but was only ton fined to her room for about twu days previous to her death, and which came as a shock to her relative and. many friends. Mrs. Pace was born at Relclt. Wis cousin, August, 1859, and later made ber home In Iowa and Minnesota. She moved with her family to Oregon City from Stillwater, Minn., !ourteeu years ago, where she has since res ided. Three months ago air. Pace returned here from a visit with re lative In Iowa, Wisconsin vu Minnesota. Deceased is survived by ber bu band, John Pace, of thl city; sis. daughters, and three sons, Mr. Edna Chinneck, of River Falls, Wisconsin; Mrs. Jessie Hill, of Portland; Mrs. Rhoda Watklns, of Portland; Mr. Kitty Thoen, of Gladstone; Miss Cynthia Pace, of San Francisco, (who they have a host of friends, and the! Dinner waa served at 2 o'clock. event I. being looked forward to with v'"0'- Cr much pleasure by those to whom In- WlllUm Mr. and Mrs. Virgil May .. v.. v and daughters. Evelyn, and Miss Tiiauune nr ihttu cjir,mcu, i - - ... , . i Koooia noscioie aua nuimx Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schoenborn 1 Uam r . m. tiiitilrtnr K"w at t tin If finm III I T.,Lrt,. .;! ,, J Mr. and Mr. William Robinson en- n.-.t dellghtfu' tl u aa. had. and tertotoed In a most delightf manner after the "husking" wa finished the t their country home at West Linn host and hostess served a delicious inauKBgiviugj uay, wucu a ujifu j,. I ous repast was served. The 'guests were Mr. and Mrs Fred A turkey dinner and e;thlng a r. u. ..i I that goe with it was served by Mr . ... v,,. pi, Robinson. The table was prettily Jones, and daughter. Dorothy. Mr. decorated with hiU Pj and Mrs. Frank Schoenborn and two anthemum. from he jtobtason gar- dausrhters. Mr. and Mrs. Albert oeu la lre'u Schoenborn and children, Donald and Orlfon ptLV- r . imn, Mm( vi,.i, vta nrtn Rnmemerto. At The sueats were Raymond Mont bert, Man' In and Nolan Schoenborn, Mrs. Augusta 8choenbom. Eomery. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ben nett, Mr. and Mrs. McClelland, Miss Ruth Robinson. A miscellaneous shower was extend-1 o,, tr-ern,P enter ed Mrs. lAwrence Draper, nee Anna u at home Thur8day at a McDonald, last Friday evening by a Xnantegiving dlnneH Mh and Mrs. number of her friends, when the bride mnk Baker and two chIidren 'and was presented wua many - Hoce Wllliams firfvafmrl hftra 1trAiLvt vpinr 1 Ami Parkplace. and is now associated In Mto Carlotta Pace, of thl, cUy; Joha a manufacturing business with bis paca of PortIand; Guy Pace dsput father in San Francisco. cerk and Oraydon Paco, of . .. w r. n " cltJT. A aged mother. Mr. C. ir. urn " VI. " n Pa f rvn.nn CH. nnMv lametteL entertained on Thanksgiv-1 . ra ' " t. w.. aJX, t ,hl Larty, of Bolton; William J. Matha. t;,; T . " rv.JT Martha and Kenneth McLarty of B reg,de &t wjbgter Iowa- ion, ana rri the) remaining sisters and brother rru'".w ' residln in California. . - ... I mi IIH.D r mi. m . imiuvci ih iny, wnea h ww P""" Royal Neighbor of America. hla hlrthilav unnlversarv. which oc curred o Thanksgiving day. TheHVfra VpflflPP 111 PS lit calia aririArf in tha Luble deCO rations. I Mr. and Mrs. Earle Walker, ot SnnsTflflft in HOfinital West Linn, entertained at dinner or. I JT Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker. Mr. Sophia Charman. Miss Marie Walker and Pierce valke-, and useful sjlfta. Dinner was served at 7 o'cloclCand During the evening Ice cream and remainder of the evening was de- The chicken aupper served by the The Oregon Iron and Steel com way RxprtM Company. Mr. i.aror-1 D1U1Y. entered suit here 'yewerday est Is suierlntndnt of the slock d Lalnst R. IL. snd Malml Robinson to r.iri Unserve, at the Congregational tmrtment, with headquarters at ej (0rrlose on a piece of property bought church November 23, was a financial i-xmon sireei, nan rTancisco. by the dfindttnU In Lake View Falls, people were served, probable that Mr. lAForest will visit osweno. The comDanv alleges thui some of his old time friends before the Davmcnts have not been made on There waa a. merry e-afherlng at the departing on hla way South to spend th property by the Robertson and borne of Mr. and Mrs. Bdward Bucholx l nrisima with IU lamuy. UK1 the court to either turn over th last Thurdav evening, when the Dirtn I iiroix.rtr In thnm or havn defendants I Aar unnlvrsr of their Son, Olive Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hood are mov maaw up ,j,e balance of the payments WRs observed by having a number of his friends spend the evening. Games and music were among4fpture8 ot the evening, and followed by refresh ments. ing their household effects to ths and per cent interest, nome mey Teceniiy purcuaaeu uu l weiun ana nwuintiuii inrci, u 11 t-. t-v . t". Is being thoroughly renovated. Tbi f irC JJCStrOVS 1 UI11P house wtee formerly the Lrorest C f Attending were Miss Mona Tobln. home, and later purchased by Mrs. 01311011 at USWCCO -,u,h tudl Miss Lillian Schwll. J. 1J. Robinson, of IMrtland. The i ..n, Mi.. Bertha Hood bungalow has been purchased iihWa mi. Gretchen Hartke. Mr. nre. wnirn nroae out in tne uswew - ... Tnhn.nn Sna ml . Vll lint inc, ' '"a . cake were served, Present were Mr. Wilbur Smith Mrs. Harold Latin, Mrs. Jones. Mrs, E. "G. Johnson. Mrs. Hogan, Mrs. K. McLarty. Mrs. McDonald, Mrs, Clapp, Miss Zelma McDonald. Miss Matilda Michel. ML-s Marie Mlchels. Miss Gladys W.-ight. Mrs. H. D. McLarty, voted to a social tima Yellow was the color scheme of the Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Vedder, prom inent), and well known resident ot Wnnrihtirn 1Im1 Saturday at tha St. Printice Wallace entertained a vi.o, fl,van wh number f his friends Wednesday M vdiAr aw-omnanipa h- rfan- evenlng at the home of his parent. ytVlui Slmmonsf of Mr. and Mr, j. wauace. ui v..iui- Woodburn, to Spokane several week stone. The affair waa In honor of ago to ?lglt another daughter, Mr, his cousin. Misses Llllie and Helen John Barger -and on w of her btone, of w oooDuro. denarture for her home in Wood- Tbe evening wa devoted to games . Bha mftJA . !..., nii fell. and music, after which lunch was k KaklD( ner hl SInce that ttoe served. she has been in the SL Luke's hoa- Attending were Misses Llllie snd .. . Helen Stone, Marie Harold, of Salem; Mr. Vedder wag ,B 0Wo 74 Cora Skiller and Vernice Baker of came t0 ta Portland; Ollle Aman. Edna Railing, lggl( mMng her home Bncs . v Ruth Nelson. Edna Lund, Dorrfs El -om. lis, John Stone and Lexer Skiller, ot sh ta .u bv the followinit Portland, Albert Servle, Lester chudren. Mr wlUard gimmons, ot Curens. Albert Lund, Marvin Aihs.wh,irn- r- m nniwn nr wood. Ambrose Gileepie, Emmet Jack- WoodDam; Mrs, Arthur Holmes, of son, Troy hoiomou, men AU1 - OT I Mount Angel; Brenton Vedder, (coun- ner home. The calendar committee of the Methodist church Is making prepara- are residing at the home of the former's mother. Mre. Draper, of decoraUons of the rooms of the Uer-, CIay Brlndel George Thom Ly nhoeinvnlntoamt of Clacka- son, irenuce ana treuu, "" ma) county) of Gladstone; Mrs. Wll Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McKmney, Mre. b . Wa8.. We5d. Georgia smcum. on vedder. of Bates. Grant county. Oregon. She is also survived by a Rev. and Mrs, Herbert trocaer naai m. . . mn , . . uuiuui ui ssj u. vi as tneir guesi on inuai uaJ band died several year. ago. Mr.wiiirj.,.. Brenton Vedder wa called to Mr. Bert Roake. Mr ana M . " I Spokane by the nines of hi moth- ter Koase aua laiuny t er and arrived before her death. veme ttoaKe ana on, air. uu u. i John Crawford and family, Mr. ana c , a.. Wright Mta on for the annual bazaar and mar Mn,l. lb IVrlket to be given December 10 and 11. V UlHUItlvvi a. ub V aB- Dorothy For the Preent Mr. and Mr. Draper ' wtoua boothS- These are as follows: Fancy work Mrs. J. E. Jack, Mrs. 'Tr' r.' o. . : -.C ' ,k. Geo. Osbum. Mrs. Alice Qulnn. imulWjJlCTOoiTO,.uc., m. arm0ntaMrs. W. affair was given. Hempstead, Mrs. Kldby, Mrs. Lowry. Handkerchiefs and Dolls Mrs. it. by Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Heard, and will be occupied by Mr and Mrs. Wll- Pumpn station late Monday night Clyde ...m Moore.nhe latter granddaughter completely destroyed tho plant and l,. of Mr. and Mr. Heard. burned tha building to the ground. and Willi. Bucholx Mr. and ' 1nA.v nuuinirn ..tl(,n. .M tM,,ir a and Willi tlUtUOII. mr. ra H. U rftttemon, formerly of thin scarcity of pure wMer, 8id it will beMr cnol rlty, who still has projwrty Interest evra days before Urn new plant vn n niniha CnViiihnl with nil ..... I ...in ii i e. r, umiucii v "iv,i " ' here, wa among tno.e to visit ure- w... oe Vuv . . uvn inH. children and grandchildren, gon City Monday. Mr. and Mr. Pal- The fire orl gin. ted from an electric J t aI, ot this lanou ;- iuuriiik uwir uuiuj m . - .i.- lnpludln a few friends e Carver, where thoy are operating a t the time of the conflagration. The " lh Mooge farm on a .mail scale. A. Mr. Pat- pumplngj ..ajtion belongel to the kB L " 1 ball, terson first made his horn on a farm Oswego Lake Light & Power corn- near there 60 year. .go. say. It Is I try. and the tank eoptalnfld 24 Just like home In that section, and hours water supply. prefers It to city life. GRESHAM ATTORNEY MARRIES which waa rented for the occasion. Recitations, songs, cards, and dancing Including a big turkey dinner, form ed the natural features of the day. The followtng children, grandcnii- dren and flrends were present: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glnther and Mr. anu Mrs. j. r. Wl, parent- oi i m OREGON CITY FRIDAY n ... a 1. F ri v . ..ft I STL : C M an attorney ot Gresh- chlen. Wdall, Marlon. Rooald. . ,,".... am. and Jane E. Deerln were united Ivan. Byron. Elaine. lone, uayioru weess .lay ai manian.ia, iiuamuua. . , i. m .. ;...: .- owt ir f ihla. clt; at the residence ot Mr. and Mr.. J. Mr. and Mr. Chris Grasler and cnu F. Splger on Madison street, Oregon dren, Leonard, Eldred'and Arden, of Citv. on Frldav afternoon. Nov. 26 t r.idiinn Dr. and Mrs. wuiara 8:00 o'clock. They left for tholr Benawa. of Gladstone; Mr. and Mrs, home In Gresh am soon after the Martin Nielsen and son, Elbert, of Oregon. They are to occupy a cot tage, and are looking forward to hav Ing a most delightful outing. Mr. and Mrs. Cook made their home at that resort five months, about two year ago. ceremony. Earl and Kldora Lanklns, formerly of thl. city, now assisting their fath er, E. J. Lanklns In farming at Viola. were In Oregon City Tuesday. They were on their way to Portland, where I Kldon entered the Knights of Pythias Ixidge, being Initiated Into the order! with a large class. Earl tank Ins has been a member of the order for some time. When Run-Down Miss Cynthia Pace, who haa been employed as stenographer In San Francisco, since resigning her posi tion here, arrived In Oregon City Monday evening. Miss Pace was call ed to her home by the lllnes. and death of her mother, Mrs.,J. C. Pace, but arrived too lute, her mother h.v- Ing) pawed away Monday morning. xr. ,nj uk v T. XT anu entertained ... .ZZ .T,h home B. Cox, Mr.. Colklne. lw ' rv. " . nna, wa. RugS.nd Jullt-Mrs. luwinofti-i.b J i - served The rooms of the Mass home were prettily decorated with yellow chry santhemuras, and the table decora tions corresponded Attending were Mr. and Mrs. C. I Landsverk. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Mass, Ernest Mass. Jr., Howard Mass, of Hollings- worth. White elephant Mrs. Splger, Mrs. Edna Walker. Candy Mrs. Therour, Mrs. May- ville. Grab bag and fish pond Mrs. Lot tie Crawford. Parcel Post packages Mrs. John Passes Sunday Captain Thomas, a capitalist Seattle, who has large Interests of ml Anacortes, Wash. "I had or game trouble for a long time. I fisheries, in Alaska, wa. In this city Buffered fn)m backache md nunony wnere ne " heaw boar i no- naina and mv hnrA hnmA f Mr. and Mrs. John F. Clark. neaV Dearmjr i na, ana my Diooa Mr. Thomas Is an old time friend of was in bad condiUon. 1 had no ap Attorney Clark, and was accompanied rUte and was generaUy run-down, here by hi. daughter, Mis Margaret I used Dr. Pierce s Favorite Pre- scription in connection with the Earl Eby, of Spokane. Wash., after 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Dr. visiting hi. father, Attorney F. O.l Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and was Eby, of this city a few days, left for completely cured. I always recom- Eugene, where he ha. gone on busi mend Dr. Pierce's medicines to all ness. While there he will visit his my friends." MRS. A. REESE, couBin, Marvm coy, Biuaem or me General Delivery. I'lllllDlb Ul V 1 , in,, uut ui.jr I irxT. , ,,.., .ni hn.inaa. Send Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, . Buffalo, N. Y.,,10c for trial package Mis. LHUan Harris, student of the of Favorite Prescription Tablets Oi-Arnn Arrlenltiiral Pnllmre. Iiai twven I a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Good looks in woman do not A. L. Beetle during her Thanksgiving depend UDon ace. but upon health. vacation. She will return to the col l You never see & good-looking lege toaay, ana win accompany miss w0man who is weak, run-down. ."Margaret Beetle aa far a Albany this j)r pjerce'g- Favorite Prescrip eveninr. I i. i. i,., -... - I ,JUU 'tUa 5BII HVU1CU WIUIV Dr. and Mr. John, Fuller, recently er. is. It is 50 years old, and returning from New York, Ohio .nd' asctesUfies to Ita goodnesa. Pnrtinnrt: Mr. and Mra Fraak Schoen born and children, Beverly and Maureen, of this city; Mr. and Mrs. Francis McGahuey, ot this city; Mr. and Mrs Raymond Glnther and daugfr ter. Gertrude, of Portland; Mrs. AugUBta Schoenborn, mother of Frank Schoertborn, of thia cny; r. ana Mrs. Clarence MtaGahuey ana cnu dren. Lola, Grant and Hasel, ot this city; MT. Emma McUahuey, oi mis cltv. Two daughters of Mr- uinmer were unable to be present These were Miss Rose Glnther, of Washington, u. C and Mrs. Bertha Johnson, who with her husband, Sergeant Henry Johnson, ot the Regular Army, are in the Panama Canal -one. E. F. Glnther may be called a pio neer of this county, having come here from Ashland. Pa,. In 1879 ana nas resided In Shubel ever since. Like others of that early day he went into the wilderness and with his wire ana children who were able to help, liter ally hewed a tarm out of that neftvy timber country. Mr. Glnther U past 70 year, but still runs his own farm and enjoy, life with as mucn vigor as most men of 50. , America was sung by all as me ap propriate closing exercise. Mr. and Mrs. EX Brodie enter tained at a family reunion at their home Thanksgiving afternoon. The decorative scheme ot the room, and table were most unique and attractive, yellow and white be- in- the color, used. Mr. and Mrs. Brodie had a. weir tuesta Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hard Inc. Mr. Mary Barlow, Mr. Nleta Barlow Iwrence, Mis. Evelyn Hard ing, Lloyd Harding, George and Madelon Brodie, of thl. city; Mr. and Mm Carlton B. Harding, of Portalnd. The ball given Wednesday evening at the Moose hall under the auspices .. J W ..j Urn WoIIopaI EKT. ...C"n7r: ;a Cook food sale-Mrs. R. H. Tabor. I Mrs Mat toon. m- a p Prker entertained Mon- The following committees' win have .1 v' , .ia. or fr M charge of the baiaar and market to Whltcomb. who left a few days ago be given under the auspice, of Oie for Lo. Angeles. Calif., for the winter. Ladles' Aid Society of the yterian During the afternoon refreshments church at the church Wednesday were served to the following guests: afternoon at 2 tfcloct M.rtam Richard Freytag. Grant Paper sale-Mrs. John Collie. Mrs. Olds Frank Nelson. F. A. Burdon, Frank Alldredge and Mrs ' viMnr rjanit A. I Green. i. "T..V. Vvnaa Moxkeh-Mrs. Elteabeth Glover. A. Pace. Mrs. A. McDonald, Kaipn jHqvteic"j, itiu, , . - - . . ,r ir uniKapt and M I Mrs. O. D. toy. V: Anrons-Mrs. W. C. Green, Mrs. H. D"C0'U- q. Mgar, Mrs. F. E. Albright. Mr. nr. mih. s V Frsncla of Ore-1 Chandler. articles Mrs. G. L. Cox. Dr and Mrs: V. U Rocho. ot Port- Mrs. J. K. Morris. Mrs. M. McGeehaa, land were guest of Dr. and Mrs. Mott Mr. J. v. uraper. , in Salem Thanksgiving week. "White Elephant' booth-Mrs, . Rlntoul. Mr and Mrs. Harry Wollrlch. of Candy Mrs- Mamie Bartges. who Laurelhurst. but formerly of Glad- will be assisted by Mrs. H. G. Edgar s stone, entertanied in a most delight- Sunday school class. ful manner Thursday with a dinner - party. Mr. and Mrs. Geary Brown were The dining room was 'very prettily dinner guests Thanksgiving at. the decorated In brown and yellow home of Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. tulle streamers, the center piece was anfj Mrs. Sam Myersv dainty yellow dwarf chrysanthemums. ... Dancing and caras were enjoyeai une or we preiuosi "- during the evening. dings solemnized in mis cny Place cards snd ravors were piacea place a ine ot- JOUUB tr.- Mr and Mrs. Chas. Legler. of church Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. Gladstone Mr. and Mrs. Paul Legler. when Mis. Anna J. Friedrich. young- m.j.nn, M-. and Mrs. Paul Leg- est daughter of Mrs. Marie rTieunc-u, ler of Hillsboro Mrs. W. F. Alexander, 0f Parkplace, became the bride of of San Francisco Misses Lillian fill- Walter Richard Bailey, ot San Fran- lette and Gertrude Hamilton, or ore- cisco. The ring ceremony was pei- gon City Mildred Legler. Mildred formed by Monslgnor Hillebrand, In Wollrlch, Margaret Rochle, Ralph and the presence of a large number of Arthur WoolrU h and Mr. and Mrs. friend, and relative, of 'the contract Harry Wollrlch. ing parti. . As the bridal party entered the The King's Daughters of the St. church Mlse- Satie Clancy playeo Paul's church met at the parish house "lohengrtnb Wedding March." Dui- Monday for an all day meeting and on mg the service Miss Marie Frledrtch, Friday afternoon. Needlework was re- B8ter of the bride sang, most lmpres- sumed for the bazaar to be held Do- Btvey "Ave Maria" from Luzzl ana cember 4. The last meeting previous 0ra Pro Me" was sung by Mis to holding the bazaar will be at the Mariei Frledricb) and Mlsa Anna home of Mra William Kraasig Wed- Mlchela, both voices blending beauti- nesday afternoon, when the fancy funy. Mis. Clancy was the accom- articles that are .till unfinished will panist. be completed. Many handsome artl- The bride, who i a most attractive clea have been made by the members looking young woman, was becoming of the .oclety during the past year to y gowned in a dark brown traveling be placed on aale. suit and a large brown picture hat. Vmm r. to 7 o'clock the Girls' Her corsatre bouquet waa rosebuds. Friendly Society ot 'America, under The matron of honor was Mrs. Jack the direction of Mr. J. J. Tobln, will Tacy, 0f this city, slater of the brlde-innai- in the nalrsh house. inum were navr blue and her Attending the meeting Monday and corsage bouquet waa carnations. TTVtdav were Mra. J. P. Lovett. Mrs.l The best man was Dr. Fredrick J A. C. Warner. Mr.. H. S. Mount. Mrs.l Friedrich, ot Astoria, brother of the William Krasslg. Mra E. A. Chapman, I bride. Mrs? E. P. Rands, Mrs. Neal Sullivan,! At the concrusion of the marriage Mrs. E. E. Brodie, Mr. A. u Beatle. ceremony the bridal party ana rei jonu urawiora lam.., - .t x7 tpt Mrs. Albert Roake, Mrs. Julia Hu- WeU KnOWll WOmail kell, Charre Chandler, of this city, Mrs. Eleanor Palmer and daughter, Miss Palmer, of Portland, and Miss Sybil Roake, of Los Angeles, Calif. The rooms of the Crocker home Mrs. Christina Sewart died at the wete prettily decorated for the oc- home of her daughter, Mre. Rebecctt casion. I White, of Gladstone, Sunday evening after a brief illness. The marriage of Miss Mattiaa Kit-i Mrs. Sewart was born in German enour and Mr. Axel A. Larson was go. years ago and came to Gladstone- solemnized at the home ot tne oriae s durinK the year 1919 from WUconstn, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ritenour neai where she had been making her home RedlandJ Thanksgiving day. uniy ner jaugMer.' relative, of the contracting paruet Deceased is iarvtved by her daugh- attended. ter and a son, the latter residing ia Following the marriage ceremony. Wisconsin. which waa performed by Rev. Her- . . . t I w2ST' Taylor Sues Lillis Mr. and Mrs. Larson leu ior iaeir - ?f O i . future home at Deep Creek. Wash. I Of $4 tO Oil LiOIltraCt Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams had as their gueeu to "Chu Chin Chow" at A. J. Taylor has started suit here WILL OPEN ON MAIN STREET eg, IS, of Oswego, secured a marriage Mra. James Cary, Mrs. Nleta Barlow tives with a few intimate friends par- license here yesterday. the Heilig In Portland Friday eve to recover ,478 a. judgment against ine Mrs Theodore W. Clark, M!s Ben Lilli of Concord station, which Vara Caufield and Miss Nan Cochran. Taylor alleges ia due him for build- Amon others from this city at-ling additional improvements to tha tendlne durine the week were Mr. ana Lillis home. Plaintiff contends that Mrs. A- C. Howland, Mr. ana Mrs. m. ne enierea mio a contract wun lama D. Latourette, Mr. and Mra. L. &to build a home for him lor the sum Jones, Miss Gertie Wilson. Mra. Anna of $1600 and that after he had started M. Phillips and Miss Aiene rnimps, wor on me uweuing, a.uiis maae F. C. Charman, Miss Lou coenran, cuanges m me pians ana agreea to Mrs. C B Wilson. Pay 478 aaautonal for the work. Mr and Mrs. G. A. . Harding, Mr. layior asss for a judgment ot this and Mrs. E. E. Brodie, Mrs. Nietal sum and cost, of the case. Miss Erna Pet- told. Lloyd Harding, Mr. and Mr GROCERY U A. NOOei, JMUlon nuuei. Bazaar Activities in Giurches Attract ii'iiv nf rnTlaTmafi. I ' " n 1LU LUQ nuyilvii v ' - at j i, tAe.W!Q iLSr ,5 9" y manufacturing company. who u ""'" k m f. V na returned and will open up a ro- i y business at 617 Main slfreV I. " "Z..JZZ;: r. tn building. Mr. Wood, tor ue.ou8, IB ' "rat 106 PM' eiht Ter as "tnS Ing events with much Interest. Portland, hut will mnv i rir-,n m.. .J . i . , hav. hUAII VIVAn I ' " - - U.. .K- a Aar rl,,h A th. TOTI. V'"' " w uy lu 0Wu.u 7 eery, which will open Thursdav morn- trreKational church on the Zith,wnen . every arvicie was uiwnu m uu i brought a neat sum for the treasury of the organization. The second to be given will be that of the Presbvtarian church this after noon at 2 o'clock by the Ladles Aid society. On December 3rd the Ladies Aid society of Twilight will give a Election or orncer. or the Rebekah bazaar and program, in the Twillghi lodge of the I. 0. O. F., took place hall at 8 a m. December 4th tne rnaay evening, and are as follows: King's Daughter, of the Episcopal Mrs. Izetta Albright, noble grand; church will give a bazaar at the mr-iMiss Harriet Phipps, vice-grand: Mr. Hi house when dinner will be served May fonce, recording secretary; Mre. by the Girls' Friendly Society i Lizzie Ftnnigan, treasurer; Mrs. Ora 6:30 d. m. The Calendar committee uraper, financial secretary. of the Methodist church wtl -' j Preceding the meeting, which will bazaar Decemhor 10th and llt dlbe held on December 10, a dinner the women of the Catholic church will be served from 6 to 7 o'clock. and which will be followed by the re gular business session. At till, time there will be several candidates in itiated. At Friday evening', meeting it waa decided to unite with the I O. O. P. Lodge and charter aa electric ear to make a fraternal visit to tie Ssta cada order on Saturday evening, E ember 11. Rebekah Lodge Elects Officers will give their bazaar at McLoughlln v rwember 11th. They will also serve dinner. MARRIED David Hurst Lecher, 29, of Enlc, Pa., and Miss BMsabeth Msdora Hsln-