Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 03, 1920, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Con espondence From All Over the
The Past Week
RED-LAND, Dec. 1. The road meet
ing held at Fir Grove school house,
-was well attended, and a special 10
mill tax vas voted for roads ia this
Mrs. Wm. Bomfey ha invited a few
neighbors and old Mends in to cele
brate her mother's TSth birthday.
Trs- A. U Allen spent the week
end at her son's in Mulino.
J. B. Stewart and wife are visiting
at A. L. Allen's. Mr. Stewart has sold
his property at Salem and is now
looking tor a new location.
There are lots of spuds still In the
rround, as it is to wet to dig them.
The people gave Mrs. Waumbaugh
a Thanksgiving offering. There was
over $100 raised In, money, vegetables
and fruit, some did not know about it
and they need not teel slighted as
Xmas is coming. Mrs. Waumbaugh
will not be strong enough to resume
the route for some months yet.
Grange Dance at
Wilsonville Pays
WILSONVIUJ2,. Dec 1 Mir. and
Mrs. M. C. Young and family, speut
Thanksgiving day in Portland, with
A special road tax of ten mills was
voted at Pleasant Hill, last Saturday.
M. C. Young, P. Riser and F. Krueger .
were appointed on the road committee I
Mrs. Becker, a member of the Port
land W. R. C, presented a flag to
the WHsonville school on Friday eve
ning, November 19, at a district su
per, given in the school-house, on that
date. Dorrls Young re ponded for the
local school
Mr- and Mrs. Alison Baker spent
the week end, in Portland with rela
tives. -
Mrs. James Angus and her niece
and little son, visited the Angus fam
ily duringube Thanksgiving holidays.
Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Becker were
guests of Mr, and Mrs. M. C Young
on Friday and Saturday.
Miss Claire Say, who is teaching
school, at St. Helens, was home for
the week-end.
Mrs, Gardiner, secretary of the Red
Cross of Clackamas couDty, was in
Wilsonvtlle on Tuesday evening, get
ting memberships for 1921
Dr. Huddlestone's sermon at the M
E. church, was greatly enjoyed by all
who heard him.
Rev. Barber, of Portland, has been
supplying the pulpit at Hood View,
and shaking hands with his many
old time frlendsv
Quite a number of new members
were taken into the I. 0. O. F. lodge
on last aSturday evening.
Robert Graham, Jack Angus, N. O
Sav and A. A. Wood, attended the
Masonic lodge at Newherg, on Satur
day evening.
Mrs. Becker presented a flag to the
school at Corral Creek, on last Fri
day evening. The teacher. Miss Rob
bnis, responded in a graceful man
ner, accepting the flag for the school.
Mrs. J. W. Thornton is still very
The Rebekah club and Ladles' Aid
swelled their treasuries to about
sixty dollars for each society by their
supper and bazaar held on last Tues
day evening, at the I. O. Q. F. hall.
The dance' given by th Tualatin
Grange, on Thanksgiving night was
well attended, and was a success fin
ancially as over two hundred and
fifty dollars were taken in. Prizes
were awarded, and a splendid time
was had by all who attended.
Inez Seely spent the Thanksgiving
holidays, at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira, Seely.
Hof f Roads Are In
Impassable Shape
HOFF, Dec. 1. The road work in
Clarkes ia progressing nicely. It is
still almost Impossible to make the
trip to Oregon City, but we hope to
to through on good roads in less than
tw weeks. ,
Thanksgiving took many of the peo
ple to different places. Mrs. David
MoeOinfce, formerly of Clarkes but
now of Maple Lane, celebrated
Thanksgiving by having a family re
union. Mrs. Walter Hornshuh of the
same place gave a large family dinner
Mm Michael Moehnke Is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. William Moehnke,
of Clarkes.
Dodge News
DODGE, Dec. 1. There was a fine
attendance at the Sunday School Sun
day. Miss Rosa B. Ten Eyck spent the
Thanksgiving holidays at her home at
Mr. "and Mrs. Harold Horner and
little daughter Kathleen and Mr. ana
Mrs. Sherman Kilgore and little
daughter, Helen, spent Thanksgiving
with the Fred Horner family.
A special school meeting wag belt
In the Dodge chool house on Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horner and
Earl Lankins spent Sunday evening
at the Fred Horner home.
The Kaake and Jubb mill has been
shut down for a few days on account
of the bad roads.
Kaake and Jubb are moving the
rock crusher from Redland to Dodge
and will set It up at the top of tho
Keller hill.
Mr. Colson from Idaho Is viatiing
his son Charles Colson.
County Tellinig of Improvement tutd Local Mappings Duting
Your SuWripton Will Receive Prompt Attention.
Tliresliiim Outfit
Burned at Needy ,
NEEDY. Dec. 1 The large straw,
barn and thrashing machine shed be
longing to Paul J Schneider of Needy ;
was totally destroyed by fire Sunday,
afternoon. A 30 in. Advancegraln
seporator, new wagon and water tank !
with pump, suction and discharge
hose also a lot of hay and straw were
burned. , i
With the quick response of neigh-
bora, one threshing machine was
George Notes
GEORGE, Dec. l.-Mrs. R. S.i'thelr families when they lived la
Chanev visited relatives In Portland ! Pwt o eni hls son t0 -Mr- 0rant 10
last week. jtuilsh his grammar grade work. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruhl visited the lat- Hollingswonh says that he received
ter'si mother, Mrs, S. Mueller, In Port
land last Thursday.
A number of the George people
hauled some potatoes to Estacada last
Mr. and Mrs. John Bounds and
daughters, Mabel and Ethel, of Mu
lino, and Mrs. R. Snyder and son,
Robert, of Estacada, visited Mrs.
Bounds and Mrs. Snyder's ssiter, Mrs.
T. Harders at George last Sunday.
Mrs. Leo. Rath returned home last
Sunday from Sandy-ridge where she
has been visiting hr father and broth
er, Mr. Widmer and son, Will.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Weisenfluh visited
Mr. and Mrs. W Held, last Sunday
Mr and Mrs. Julius Paulsen 'spent
Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs
Adolph Miller.
Mrs. Henry Johnson returned home
last Sunday from Portland where she
has been visiting her mother who has
Just arrived here from Germany.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith visited
W. Held and wife op Thanksgiving
Pearl Johnson and son. Victor, are
.visiting her mother, Mrs. Whitfield,
at King's Valley. ,
J. F. Glllmore of St Johns, visited
with his wife and daughter at George
last Sunday.
StSafford News
STAFFORD, Dec 1 Lula Schroea
er has been ill for a few days, she
Is Improving but Is not able to come
to school yet.
The Stafford school is going to give
a basket social on the tenth of Decem
ber. Everybody is invited. They are
going to have a splendid program.
The program as follows: a dialogue.
by Charles Tledman, Verle Hays
timer settle and Ernest uaner; a
dialogue, by Lois Hargan, Mable Old
ham, Ruth Elligsen, Nat Frenzel,
Christina Delker, Marie Koch ana
Lydia Delier, and another by Harold
Moeer, Harvey Wolfe, Lottie Notdurft
and Rosie Schober; a recftation by
Ellis Phillips and one by Ralph
Phillips and a song or two by the pu
pils. They haven't decided what they
are going to do with the money yet.
We had a little lightening here Fri
day night. ! The last few days we
have had quite a, bit of rain.
N. S. Oldham's brother, come to cui
wood for Mr. Oldham. This winter,
be has moved into the F. L. Baker's
little green house.
Mountain Road "News
one of this community is enjoying the
good weather.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser enter
tained a number of friends Thanks
giving. Mrs. Hodge who was visiting her
daughter at Birkenfeld returned hom
last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson spent
Thanksgiving at Deer Island with
their relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crelster
spent Thanksgiving with their rela.
tives here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Farquakson spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs- Chas.
A few of the people from here at
tended the masquerade dance at WH
sonville Thanksgiving evening.
Miss Sylvia Hodge and Marlon
Wheeler of oPrtland spent Thanks
giving with the former's relatives at
Mountain Road.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Rypezynski enter
tained a number of their relatives
Kelso Notes
KELSO, Nov. 30. A social was
held at the sc-hool-house on Friday
evening for the benefit of the Red
Cross. In spite of the stormy eve
ning there was a fairsized crowd that
enjoyed a jolly good time. The pro-
ceeds were 113.30. Altogether $25.3
ban been raised to date for the Red
Cross in this, district.
The Jonsrud-Gunderson Lumber Co.
has purchased a Vk ton truck for de
livering lumber.
At the road meeting at Cottrell,
forty-five per cent was apportioned
to the Oregon City road, thirty-two
per cent for the Revenue road and
twenty-three per cent for the Radford
Services will be held at the school-
house Sunday afternoon, December
6, at 3 P. M., by the Rev. Earl Cot
ton. Astoria Policemen in
Trouble Over Booze
Astoria police were Indirectly
charged with appropriating 18 cases
of Canadian bonded Scotch whiskey
for their own use In the federal court
this morning during thet of Henrv
Hill, fisherman. Hill pleaded guilty
to bringing 22 cases of whiskey Into
the port at Astoria and was fined
500, the maximum penalty under the
law for first offense.
Mr8, Dora B. Badger.
ELK PRAIRIE, Pec. 1. Joseph
Grant of Beatrice, Nebraska, arrived
at Elk Prairie, last Saturday. It t
understood that Mr. Grant will teaca
the Elk Prairie school, which isMuo
I latest in the county to begin owing
to the difficulties starting a new
I school. Mr. Grant was a personal
friend of Messrs. Hollingsworth and
part of his education while attending
a school taught by Mr. Grant's autu,
lu Nebraska.
While Mr. Grant was on his way to
Elk Prairie he met Richard Joplln.
Tom and A. . Hollingsworth who wer
on their way to Molalla to attend the
election for good roads which was
held at Airy nKoll. the home of K. 9.
Herman of Molalla. While at the
meeting, Messrs. Hollingsworth met
Aaron Sacket a pioneer of Oregon
Mr. Sacket enjoyed the visit very
much aa he accidently learned thpt
the olllngsworth brothers were well
acquainted wtih Mr. Sacket's brother
in California.
Steve Fisher who had been quite
sick, waa unable to attend the road
meeting as he had hoped to do.
D. W. Badger and wife were among
those who attended the road meeting
Messrs. Tom and Daje Hollings
worth have been hauling supplies from
Molalla. -
Mr. Michley is also hauling sup
plies from oMIalla. Mr. Michley has
rented a place In Molalla and will
come to the valley for the remainder
of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Michley
have an infant son and feel that it
will be better to be in the valley till
warmer weather.
D- W. Badger had an experience oue
evening last week near Molalla. where
he and hla family are spending the
winter, which he does not care to re
peat: Mr. "Badger had a ligth load ot
fir limbs on his wagon to take home
for wood, when one of his horses slip
ped off from t small bridge without a
moment's warning. After cutting the
harness to free the animal, as it had
drifted under the bridge so that It
was held, Mr. Badger had to run ior
some distance to get a rope which he
had bought the day before. The ani
mal fairly begged with his voice for
help but seemed to have faith that
his master would save him. After
half an hour's bath the horse was
again up on land, seemingly as well
as if nothing had happened. Tho
wagon had struck the edge of the
bridge, and as the bridge was slippery
it took the animal off his feet through
no fault of his. There was no guard
rail on the bridge
Mr. Sloate who recently returned
from Bear Creek Logging Camp Is at
so hauling supplies to his homestead.
Mr. faloate is intending to clear a
iaro-r rp9 nf hia rtAim tht wnitor
Messrs. Scherman were also Molal
la visitors recently. They have bought
a team from Victor Dunton and are
Imp-oving their place. They are do
ing some work near the present roan
way which looks as if they intended
tos traighten the road at that point.
That would certainly be much better
both for the traveling public and also
for the place.
Miss Catherine Swope, who has
been studying to become a trained
nu-se, In one of the Portland hos
pitals,, has returned to her work after
a week's vacation which she spent
with her mother in the Maple Grovu
district, Mias Swope came out to
assist her mother while her father,
Elmer Swope was at a hospital In
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joplln have
returned from an automobile trip to
The children of the Mount Hope
district have obtained porcupine
quills as a momento of a visit that
was shot out of an apple tree on Mr.
Low's place. It is said that a por
cupine was seen In this vicinity about
three years ago, however this was
the fired seen by some of the children.
Cecil Robert's, whose home is In
Southern Oregon, Is teaching the
Mount Hope school this year. The
children seem to like him ve-y much
as he takes an active Interest in then
method of spending the noon hour
as well as in their studies.
"Airy Knell" the ranch of Mr. and
Mrs. K. S. Herman was visited by
nearly a hundred and fifty people
Saturday. Thoaes who earnestly
wanted better roads gathered from
Liberal on one side and Elk Prairlb
up on the South, as well as delegates
from the eastern and western portions
of this road district
The people gathered around bon
fires until Ned Palfrey called the
meeting to order, in Mr. Hermans
alrge barn where both benches and a
heater had been provided for the oc
Mr. Palfrey, who is road supervlsoj
of this, district stated that the meet
ing had been called according to law.
to determine whether a special road
tax should be voted and if so how
much It should be and also to deter
mine how it should be expended
Mr. Palfrey was chosen to continue
as chairman of the meeting. S. A.
Cordlll of Molalla was next chosen, by
Mr. Pairrey, as Secretary of the meet
Mr. Stipp of Liberal, moved that a
committee of five be chosen to repre
sent the various sections of the disr
trlct, which was regularly seconded
and sustained by the house.
Mr. Palfrey, chairman, accordingly
chose 8. A. Cordlll to represent the
portion west of Molalla, D. Engle rep
resented the portion east of Molalla,
Longstreet Vaughn represented all
tho portion North ot Molilla, while
Prank Sawteli represented tho terri
tory from the end of the rock wad to
and Including Elk Prairie, also two
branch roads, one of which, leads to
the Molalla River, and the other to
tho Mastugo place on tho road to
Scott s Mills. A. M. Greshtngr repre
sented a very large section In the
Pver Luke District, up Butte Creek,
toward Maruuam and some other bad
The meeting was given an half hoar
recess while the committee took up
the matter before them earnestly.
However It was an hour and a nwlf
Inter when the meeting was actually
called to order and the report of the
Commit toe's decision iwas read by
Secretary S..A. Cordlll.
I Vaugh, for the north portion, was
allowed twenty per cent; D. Emtio
for the eastern portion, fifteen per
cent; Frank Sawteli for tho southern
port ton twenty per cent, A. M. Ores
hong for quite a large area thirty pet
cent. S. A. Cordlll. for the western
portion fifteen per cent.
It was moved and seconded to ac
cept the committee's report. However
before It passed a vote of the house,
various points were discussed. Mr.
Cordlll reread the report, making It
clearer to soma Just what roads were
represented lu the various sections.
Mr. Cordlll also stated that the com
mltee had boen Riven a task to per
form In a very short time, which he
felt that they might well spent o
month's time up on, going over the
various roadsj and'. studying the. con
ditions. However he stated that he
felt that the committee had dlvldeft
the money very fairly, when the
amount ot road to b developed In
each was taken Into consideration.
Richard Wright of Liberal, moveo
that the committee's report bo accept
ed and the matter voted up on. After
being properly seconded and accept
ed by the house, the legal vote wiu
taken as to whether a ten mill should
oe voted, xaere were rirty seven
votes for the tax and twenty five
against it. However when the result
of the election was announcd, every
one seemed ploasrd ovur tho results.
Macksburg Locals
MACKSBl'RG, ivc. 1. Thanksgiv
ing Day was observed with the usuut
devotion at the Lutheran church and
at the Bethel chapel The annual good
cheer lu the several runeta houses
was not allowed to fall behind that
of other years. Rooms beautifully
decorated with tho brightly colored
foliage of the wood, Interspersed
with the vividly scarlet seed-vessels
of the wild rose, tables beaut If if led by
the few hardy flowers that have with
stood the frost, and surrounded by the
faces of many who are absent through
out most ot the year, were a featuro
In many homes. Chrysanthemums
being about the only flower possess
ing sufficient vitality to survive the
mighty cold,
All the adornment however, sinks
to insignificance when compared
with the Thanksgiving feast.
At the Bethel chapel, the congrega
tion were requested to think if pos
sible, ofi any home in the vicinity
where the good things for Thanks
giving were likly to be wanting but
not one such homes could be called
to mind.
'The Red Cross Drive Is going on
although past the allotted time. In
clemency of weather and some cases
of sickness lu the neighborhood hav
hindered the work but the solicitors
are hoping to make up all delinquenc
iea In the present week. The usual de
gree of willingness to give and nlso
oftts; opposite are met by the canvas
Many people, worthy In most in
spects, seem made of adalnant when
the distress of beings between whom
and themselves an ocean rolls in
brought to their view.
To find the mystic word that shall
act as a key to unlock the door of
such natures is an act we must mauler
if we are to succeed in charitable
The Mother's Club is to meet in the
present week at the home of Mrs
Frltonne. Work for foreign relief Is
to be brought before the assembled
Mrs. Henry Walsh who, with her
little son has been, for several months
In Oregon City, has returned to ber
Edmund Gibson who has, for the
past two years, has been working in
Eastern Oregon has come home for a
short visit.
,Mrs. Mary Burgess has come home
from Eastern Oregon to take care of
her borther, Joe Gibson's, store while
he Is engaged in other work.
Califomian Wants
More Clarkes News
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Route 1 139.
Nov. 23, 1920.
Oregon City Enterprise,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Gentlemen: Enclosed find payment
for the Oregon City Enterprise (Week
ly) two years as per your special of
fer. We enjoy the Enterprise weekly
visits but feel a little blue when no
Clarks Items appear. Kindly Jog that
correspondent up a hit The more the
Union Mills News
UNION MILIS, Dc. 1 Miss Henri
etta Lipman spent Thanksgiving va
cation at her home in Portland.
A larga crowd turned out f.tr the
community dinner at the pchoolhouae
Thanksgiving day. Everybody reports
a great time.
A numbtir of youn'g folks from
Union Mills attended! the ishow at
Molalla Wednesday night.
IMartln and Harold Johnson spent
the weekend at home, they were ac
companied by their cousin, Lewis
Lydefl, of Willamina, who la also at
tending the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege. Dow Houghton of Mulino was seen
In this nelghbrhood Monday.
A large crowd attended the dance
Saturday) evening. Everybody re
ports a good time. j
CAUYKU. Dec. 1 - The new bank
building U: being put up rapidly, It Is
much larger than tho present one and
Is made of cement.
O. 10. Cruder, buttormaker of tho
Clear Creek creamery, has ben III for
th past week with toustlltl. Ills place
was taken by A. R. Smith.
Mrs. Wilfred Brown and small son
arrived Saturday from Canada, They
Intend to make, their homo with Mr.
and Msr. T. K. Brown during the win
ter. ClumUjh H.yvey k-ot timed to his
homo last Saturday from Woodburn,
after an abaetice of sovorul weeks.
Tho. E. Anderson and family mo
tored to St. Johns to spend Thanks
giving day with relatives. ,
The Carver Dramatic Club Is to
give a play tho llth of December at
tho Industrial Hall. This Is the flint
time the ney hall Is to be uod ami
t ho club members are anxious to have
th affair a success. Members of the
Pleasant Hour Club are to have
chargo of the free lunch which la to
re served after the play. Proceeds ur
for the benefit of the hall.
J. Kenneth Brown waa down tor in
Seattle, Wash., to spend ThunksKivliig
day with the home folk. The young
man Is attending tha Washington Unl
verstty at Seattle.
Work has begun on tho cannery
again this week. Although oporatln
tor some time, the building was never
Tho dunce given In Geo. Bobbin
son's hall for membra of the Commer
cial Club was a great success. The
music wa good and all hud a fine
Kvelyn V-irr, young)' daughter ot
Mr, and Mrs. J. It. Carr, was agree
ably surprsled at her noma hero, on
her thirteenth birthday, when many
of her friends came In to spend tin
evening. Game and refwuhmetit
made the evening worn all to sohrt.
G. IL Hobbs and A. R. Smith are
'working on the new bank building
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nolund had a
their guests for Thanksglvlug dinner,
Mr. Noland's mother, of Portland.
The old bunker, located by Baker's
bridge at the rock crusher was taken
down last week.
Gladstone News
GLADSTONE, Or., Nov. 29. Dr.
and Mrs. J. G. Nash leave this even
ing fur Us Angeles, Calif., where Dr.
Nash will officiate on the Wale den
tal board- -N
Mrs. Harry Wheeler entertained at
dinner Saturday tho tatter's mother,
Mrs. L. H. Strickland, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Wj Strickland, Mrs. Clurcnce
Frost and Frank Wheeler.
Mrs. Anna H. Ranktn is 111 with a
cold. ,
Rev. and Mrs. Cluy entertained
Saturday for the pleasure of Rev
S wander and wife, of Portland, Hov.
Burroff, of llillsboro, and Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Oault.
The meetings being held for the
past two weeks at the Christian
church will close Thursday evening.
Ten new members have been added
and the meetings much enjoyed.
Thomas Oault Is confined to his
home suffering with a cold
Mr. and Mrs. Hornaday entertained
at dinner Monday Mrs. U II. Strlck
land, Mrs. Clay, and Rev. Hilton, of
Mrs. W. p. Schooley Is spending
the week with her sister In Com Ills
Mr. and Mrs. John Petty arc mov
Ing to Pnrkplace, having sold their
property here.
Mrs. E Riling will be the g,.iet of
Miss Alice Freytag Tuesday.
ILrry Sladep, son of Mrs. Nellie
Sladen, has accepted a" o.otnm with
Frank Co. for the coming
holiday season
The Euterplan club will meet with
Mrs. Victor Gault tn Portland Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. John Kent ipent tho
week-end with the former's sister,
Mrs, Tleegle, of Vancouver, Wash.
Mrs. If. H. Hughs l8 suffering with
Gladstone News'
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Edwards enter
tained at dinner Friday evening for
Miss Geneiva Parks of Oregon City
and her twin brother Gerald Parks,
who Is attending O. A. C. at Corval
lis and is spending the Thanksgiving
week-end with his mother, Mrs. An
na Parks, of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kent will leave
here early Sunday morning for Van
couver, Wash., where they will spend
the day with his sister1, Mr. and Mrs.
J. YV. Fleegle. ,
Budd Kent, who has been qmlte 111
with rheumatism In much Improved
and Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs
Fleegle this week.
Mrs. Uran and son, Ralph, enter
tained Thanksgiving dnv for her per
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pralor and
slste", Mrs. T. B. Edwards and neice,
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Mann.of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peckover Bor-
ved Thanksgiving dinner at their
home In Parkplace for the pleasure
of their children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Rauch and daughters. Beatrice
and Vivian, of Gladstone, Miss Amy
Peckover, Mr. and Mrs. W. Knight
of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peek-
over, of Oregon City, William Davis
of West Linn Inn and Chas. Peckover,
of Parkplace. The evening was de
voted to dancing and games.
Ms. A. C. Hughs Is quite ill with
Mrs. Harvey Crosq who has been
111 for some time Is much improved
MACROOM. County Cork, Ireland,
Dec. 1. Fifteen auxiliary ' pollco
cadets were killed and one cadet
wounded an the result of an ambush
by between 70 and 100 men near KU
mlchael, southwest of here, last night.
Another of the cadets was reported
Intcrestins News Items Taken From 3
The Pioneer
J. V. Hiirless was in Oregon City
In Hi Monday on biiHtnoHS.
Horn, to th wile of Halplt llolman,
In the Good Siuitiirltitii hoxpltul, I'ort
liind, on November 17, a son.
Arlylo lwls who tins bfeti In the
navy for sotno lime vtHtted (his week
with friends In Molnlla,
Miss Nora llanlck. of.Nesdjr, 1
helping Mrs. Hiuittnts at tint MoIitlU
Hotel for fvw days.
Miss Haiol Uuklns Is clerking at
Dickon & (Himpftiiv, having. Hartod
Miss Bmtrkt Yoran left Wwl non
day for Eugone where she will soeud
Thanksgiving with her parents.
Mrs. C, ti. Combs of Canity, visited
lust Monday with M. Florence
Mr. ami Mrs. H. Ryan arrived In
Molnlla Wednesday for a vlstl with
their children, C. D. Hyan and Mrs.
C. V. McNeil.
Mcadowbrook News
Twilight News -
MKADOW'BROOK. lHc. fi.Gworo
HofHiotiior who underwent an oper
ation at tho Good Samaritan hospital
W'odncsduy was getting uIoiik ulculy
at las I repor-t,
Mr. Avery 1 layman known In
Mt'udowbrook ns "Judgo Hudson"
spent a few hours Saturday yIhUIiik
(rleuds, before rvturnlug to her home
at Crnbtroe, where site U touching.
t;vif.-yuiiv Iu was going lu stay,
Knthryn Cobb returned to nor hom
In Potrlitnd Sunday, after ieiidlitg
several days with Huth Chiiidgivn,
Amanda and Elma Embrotnoii, ot
Alaska, ate visiting their aunt, Mrs.
P. Duurud and family.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Sc.hleww spent
Thanksgiving In Salt m with Mr.
Sclowu's ulti'.er, Ethel Gumming and
their grandparents,
Mr. Charles Oglwtby and two chit
drou have boon on th sick list tho
punt week.
Katie and Clara Hofstotter -returned
homo Friday aftor spending th work
Milting at Rlilgfleld, WadttliiRtott.
Button ('hindjTron,(who I attending
school at O. A. C. spout ThimfcTglvIng
Vacation at his home.
O, F. Johnson and family of I'liUm
Mills visited at A. L. La,rkltia Sundiiy
Klnora Matstin with her eouln,
Oliver Suiirl. of Portland spent sev
eral days at the MaJson home lust
lieu Chlndgrcn and Glenn Lnrklns
KM'iit Thursday lit Portland and ul
tondod the toot ball game botwi-eu
(). A, C. and Mutnomah.
War ta mum be palj n nil ent"r
talnmcnt given by posts of the
American legion where a.iiiiledon I
charged even if tho money is to b
i.M-d for the benefit of dltiMod men,
tliu erection of war memorials and
other fraternal purposes.
On every dollar collected. t"ii cents
wllj be claimed by tho government
because the lclon la neither a re
ligious, educational or charitable In
stitution, society or organization, ac
cording to a recent ruling of tho De
partment of Internal Revenue.
That paragraph of tho , Revenue
Act of 191S, which provides exenip
thins from the payment of tax on ad
mission to entertainments of all
J kinds Is not broad enough. It Is said.
to Include the American Ieglon or
entertainments for the disabled and
war memorials.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
ho Is Hen (or partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In
the City of Toledo, County and State
aforesuld, and that said firm will pay
tho sum of ONE HUNDRED IKM,
LARS for each and every cas0 of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the use
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my p-esence, this 6th day of Dn
cember, A. D., 1S8G.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall'tt Catarrh Medicine Is taken
Internally and act through the Blood
on thfi Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
tern. Send for testimonials, free.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, ().
Sold by all druggists, 7.rn.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation
"Just Between You and Me"
says the Good Judge
W-B CUT is a long fine
Mr. and Mrs. U-hi, Hl.itchford re
turned Monday from Staytori wheie
I hey have, been visiting relative (he
past work.
Mis Ague Clifford, teacher of ihtt
Lllmral school nttomlod tho county
teucher's mooting at Mllwuukle, Inst
Mm. K A. Shaver ntttt InCnti'i dau
ghter vtnltod several days lnt week
with Mrs. Shaver's parent In Port
laud. lister Eton, ho had his thleh
fractured by a truck oniNhlng him In
to another truck, last week, was taken
to Oregon Cl'y httttpltnl lust Monday.
Ernest Palfrey, Marlon Tollvor,
Alfred Shuver nnd Harold Tubtm
went to Corvulll Inst .Friday, HlttyliiK
fur tho foot ball gamo Sl unlay.
Mrs. Polio nst a mnd hr frlond
Mrs. McKlmioy, of Portland, mjtont
the weekend with Mr. Muster's
brother. II. A. Illblmrd.
Meldnim Notes
Andrew Tunibutl and family who
have boon stopping with thn older
Turubtill on Mtildfum uvniiue the
past several month, have moved to
their now home at Wichita.
W. A. Henderson, who ha boon
quit liiillsposed Is ftbl" to be out
ti gain.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roger enter
tained Mr. and Mr E. E. Hammond
at ThatiKnlvliig dlnttor,
Mr, and Mr J. I MoCulloujjh
wore hotiti'HHo to Portland frlond
Friday evening.
Mr. Ray lUbberd I rwovorlng from
a fractured bone lu , his rUht arm,
received hllo employed In the pupor
Miss Jutlettn Kigol!t, of Port
land wit a TliankKlvlng kuhhI o( (I.
M. Caldwoll and faintly,
IJttle Wlnnlfred Gardner I uf
fcrlng from m attack of (H-arlutliiiv.
Mr. Board, of Soasldo, w a ri
ciit guest of bor parent, Mr. and
Mr. John Kopp,
Mr. and Mm. William Gardner were
dinner guot of their daughter, Mrs.
lilake Bolsn, of Gladstone.
Mr. and Mrs Edward IVarson en
tertained Portland friend at Tbank
giving- dinner.
Harold Deathman nnd Gertrude
Kennedy eme-tulnoil a number of
their young friend at a parly on
Saturday evening at tho lleuthimm
Mr nnd Mrs. Frank Tucker, of
Portland, formerly of this plnce In
vited to Sunday dinner W. J, Blln
stouts and family. Mrs. Lucy Allen,
Mrs. End and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Woodhnm. Mr. and Mr. Wil
liam Hush. The occasion being Mr.
Tucker' birthday and Riven ss re
union of Jennings Uidge miile quar
tette, of which the above men were
members for several years, with Mrs.
End ns plnnlHt.
Mrs. William Kaasln and children,
of Corvallls, arrived recently tn spend
the winter with her brother and
family, Mr. William Rush. Mary
Kstutln attend Oregon City high
The teachers of Clarknmas county
will hold a banquet at tho Masonic
teinplo here on Dec. 11, when plnns
will bo perfected to arrange for a
closer ro-operiitlon among tha edu
cator of tho county for the pti-poso
of becoming mro efficient In school
work. At the Institute hold at Mll
wauklo Nov, 2oth, tho banquet was
voted but arrangements at that tlm
wore not made. Professor Aranr,
principal of the Oregon City high
school, will have chargo of tho com
ing affair.
Mm. Ortdke, 45, and Miss L&vlna
Morris. 46, secured a marriage
license In Vuncouver yesterday after
noon. Both live In Oregon City.
A nniiniw i)irorr ! MtK City
?.??. n(I lm mai
i"ihl?U:' erlll,
Jthlpplnir FIUO n.r. 4'Im.C
h4 lT',T, ecb Bu
Here's genuine chewing
satisfaction for you, hook
ed up with real economy.
A small chew of this class,
of tobacco lasts much long
er than a big chew of the
ordinary kind that's be
cause the full, rich, real
tobacco taste lasts so long.
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put ufi in two styles
- cut tobacco
CUT is a short-cut tobacco